Sun in opposition to retrograde Pluto. Transiting Pluto in aspect to the Sun

Such a child may be attracted to a superhero - an ordinary person who turns into a powerful being. He will strive to be like such a person, showing impudence and self-confidence. The child must understand that there are right and wrong ways to use personal power. Otherwise, he may display the use of his power in fights and quarrels.
Family problems, such as separation from or loss of a parent, can increase the feeling of being robbed of one's strength and will. Parents and teachers should allow such children to recognize their own worth, but not allow anything unceremonious or cruel towards themselves or others.
A child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent or, conversely, unceremonious and ruthless (these qualities arise in the child’s imagination through observations of life situations).

Connection: an aspect of secret and deliberately hidden power, which provides great opportunities for deft manipulation of others, like the “Deus ex machina” in the ancient theater. Strong will, tendency to assert oneself, not to be anyone's debtor, to live by one's own wits. The ability to change everything, to question everything. Psychologically, the importance of the father's model is great, but this model is unsuccessfully implemented or becomes unacceptable.
K. Obier

Their power potential is manifested by the ability to revive and transform themselves and their environment. They have incredibly high energy and know how to get to the heart of things. Pluto is the master of the ability to penetrate dimensions and discover sources of fundamental energy. This primordial energy manifests as sexual potency, which can manifest itself in spiritual or physical form. Access to higher areas of consciousness is possible; these people can become an instrument of the divine will. If they fail to combine their own and divine will, they risk becoming dictators due to their power complex, which leads to their destruction. They need to learn tolerance.
F. Sakoyan

Opposition Sun - Pluto

K. Obier

The danger of overflowing will. The tendency to forcefully cause circumstances, to force others, prescribing standards of behavior for them. They are very impulsive when they want to reason with the world. They enter into a heated argument with those who disagree. The need for self-renewal for the sake of success. Directness and forcefulness of self-expression is intimidating or annoying, and people become uncooperative and unsupportive of it. Too aggressive in love. They cannot participate in wars, political and social revolutions, this is dangerous for them.
F. Sakoyan

The good side is that the struggle for popularity can be an incentive for self-improvement; these aspects can give the ability to achieve goals, the ability to win.
S.V. Shestopalov

Square Sun – Pluto

Opposition, square: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with abandoning the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself either in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheep's clothing, or in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As always with Pluto aspects, all this can be largely repressed into the unconscious.
K. Obier

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. They are powerful, commanding, frantic, they usually show people their good attitude towards them, but it would be better if they did not do this. It seems to them that the strong are always right, which causes protest from others. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.
F. Sakoyan

These are aspects of self-affirmation, the struggle for popularity, power, success; this is dictatorship, the desire to command, authoritarianism, conflicts with others, quarrelsomeness, carelessness, rashness, impatience; prone to accidents, danger of surgical operations, inflammatory diseases.
S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (trine), sextile Sun – Pluto

Your child has a strong ability to concentrate and a strong will. His ingenuity and prudence attract other children to him. He knows how to react correctly to defeats and losses. It is extremely important for him to learn to set goals that are within his reach.
A child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent (these qualities arise in the child’s imagination through observations of life situations).
Various sources for a child's horoscope

Trine, sextile: the meanings are the same, but the ability to regenerate is especially emphasized. A person has significant internal resources that always allow him to change course - sometimes to the exact opposite - depending on his interests.
K. Obier

Super concentration, will, the ability to renew all aspects of life, improve and transform. With high spiritual development - leaders who see through and know where it is best to direct energy and funds. Interest in yoga, meditation and other forms of spiritual development. Often clairvoyance and intuition. They have supernatural powers and a fiery nature.
F. Sakoyan

This is success and the ability to win the attention of those around you, subjugate them to yourself, popularity, fame, enthusiasm, enterprise, desire for something new, the ability to light up and ignite.
The negative side is that easy success gives you self-confidence and satiety, the temptation to use your position for profit.
S.V. Shestopalov

The aspect provides powerful energy for controlling people. If Mars-Pluto is the aspect of the warrior, then the Sun-Pluto is the aspect of the autocrat. Pluto gives a person strength, and the Sun gives a crown. The aspects themselves will tell you how the crown will be worn.

Sun-Pluto is often found among people in leadership positions: if Pluto is in Scorpio, then these may be law enforcement agencies (see directions in the chart). However, it may indicate a person’s connection with crime. Here you need to look at what is stronger in the chart - the Sun or Pluto. If Pluto - then power will subjugate a person (+ other instructions). This aspect gives a person the desire to command, command, and manage. Therefore, with other indicating aspects, one can make an assumption about violence. This aspect of violence alone will not produce.

In a woman's chart, the desire for power can be expressed in participation in beauty contests, for example. On stage, under the spotlight, the girl feels power over people for the first time - she is a star, everyone is looking at her, she rules the roost. Later, and the job is chosen by the “commander”. Even if this is a secretary, then the secretary of the first person of the organization. The meaning of the aspect is management. Therefore, if the aspect does not find a way out in other areas, then a woman can control a man - both literally and figuratively (testing a man for “strength” - whether he is strong enough in body/spirit/mind - depending on the signs). In the female chart, the aspect of the Sun and Pluto (especially in water signs) gives the desire to “tickle the nerves” of the partner and oneself. Therefore, in everyday life, this is expressed through a violent desire to prove “I’m in charge here.”

In the male chart, the aspect imparts willpower and incredible magnetic attraction. It is easier for them to become a leader - usually from the first years of work they already receive a leadership position - people consciously/unconsciously obey him. The sign will show in which area a person will show tyranny/propensity for power. The Sun in the chart reflects the father, so the Sun-Pluto aspect shows what the father is like for the native: usually he is a powerful, decisive person who subjugates others. In the male chart, the son either follows in his father's footsteps or rebels against his father's dominance (see chart for directions).

Since Pluto is the symbolic ruler of the 8th house, the presence of an aspect in the chart is one of the indications of the death of the father*. In the absence of indications of early death in the chart, it may indicate an overbearing, dominant* father. Often the father dominates not only at work, but also at home. Examples of how an aspect is reflected in a map:
Sun 0 Pluto in Scorpio - the father is domineering, there was no physical violence towards the child, but he seems to be a stranger to the child.

Sun in Cancer 90 Pluto in Libra – tyrant father (physical violence).
Sun* in Aries 180 Pluto in Scorpio – tyrant husband (physical violence).
Sun 0 Pluto in Cancer – early death of father.
Sun in Taurus 180 Pluto in Scorpio – early death of father.
Sun in Pisces 120 Pluto in Scorpio – early death of father.**

*The sun should also be considered as an indicator of father or husband. This aspect can speak about both the father/husband and the person himself. The conclusion must be drawn based on the native’s chart.
**a few guidelines needed.

Sun 0 Pluto – Power from the cradle.
A person was born with the feeling that he is different from everyone else, special. He feels how, involuntarily or voluntarily, people obey him - his orders, and when working through - his requests.

Sun 90 Pluto – Bloody King.
Power comes through force. A person goes over his head, for example, in a quarry. Motto: “to achieve the goal, any means are good.”

Sun 180 Pluto – Crown of Thorns.
Gives an irreconcilable character. At the beginning of life, Pluto takes away something, then the person lives with the idea that power/force is bad. He can fight with it (the authorities), but in the end he will come to it anyway. This is how the oppositionist becomes a leader. There will always be a struggle in the soul of the native - I = power / I = against power.

The work will go through:
- obtaining a piece of power: the head of some direction, the head of a workshop;
— implementation in the field of protecting people from extreme situations: fireman, policeman, military man, etc.;
- use of magical abilities: if there are instructions in the map, a person may have extrasensory abilities;
- work with a lot of people, artistry: participation in competitions, quizzes, acting on the theater stage/in cinema. It is especially good to play dramatic roles - this aspect will help convey the full drama of the character’s life.

King Robert Baratheon - Sun 90 Pluto.
A strong, powerful man. power and energy. The throne was gained through battle - he marched with an army against Targaryen and won: “Near the Trident they came together, the battle raged around. Robert, with his war hammer and a huge horned helmet, attacked the Targaryen prince dressed in black armor. On his chest plate was embossed the sign of the house - a three-headed dragon, showered with rubies that sparkled like flames. The crimson waters of the Trident washed the hooves of their war horses, they came together again and again, and finally the last crushing blow of Robert’s hammer broke both the dragon and the chest beneath it.” This is the moment of glory for the owner of this aspect - to win. And then it gets boring. “I swear to you, sitting on the throne is a thousand times more difficult than winning it. Laws are a boring business, counting coppers is even worse, but besides that, there are still people... and there is no end to them. I sit on this damn chair, listen to complaints until my mind goes numb and my ass hurts. Everyone needs something: money, land or justice<…>There are nights when I regret that we won at the Trident. Well, not exactly, of course, but...” The aspect also gave Baratheon sexual power: "Robert Baratheon always had an insatiable appetite and knew how to take all the pleasures from life."

Daenerys Misa Stormborn - Sun 180 Pluto.
Even before she was born, she had already lost everything: her father, her home, the opportunity to live as a princess.
This aspect also gives good vitality, the ability to regenerate - she came out of the fire unharmed. Here the aspect is played out as purification by fire (= phoenix aspect). Once married, she becomes the wife of the Khal. This awakens in her a desire to command on the one hand, but she does not step over her husband. The death of the husband is the other side of this aspect. And then you can observe the confrontation between the Sun and Pluto in opposition - she wants to rule, but free people, she is gathering an army to free people from slavery. This is the essence of the inconsistency of the aspect: denial of power on the one hand, thirst for power on the other. “Why do you call me that? Viserys is dead, I am his heir, the last of the blood of House Targaryen. Everything that belonged to him now belongs to me<…>You will be my khalasar,” she said. “I see the faces of the slaves.” I free you! Remove the collars; whoever wants can leave; don't be afraid, no one will harm you. Well, those who remain will be brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.” She tried to tame this aspect: the power over free people. Dragons are also reflected in this aspect: the Sun is a hot, fiery planet, so whoever owns the deadly flame owns the world.

Let's analyze what meanings the Sun can have in opposition to Pluto. I believe that when the Sun is in opposition to Pluto, these people often become successful because they can handle competition from other people and have something to prove.

What does the Sun's opposition to Pluto mean?

The Sun/Pluto square forces people to fight and push through, while the Sun/Pluto conjunction simply gives them greater, concentrated, action-motivating power. Quadratures predetermine a very high degree of activity. Usually people react to this energy due to outside influences.

The push actually comes from within, but it becomes possible due to some outside influence. As an example, let's imagine that one of your client's guests moves out of the apartment without paying rent. With a square aspect, your client will probably have to renovate the apartment because the tenant, among other things, ruined it.

The Sun is in opposition to Pluto. With opposition, some agreements are possible. Clients who do not have squares on their charts usually live calmly up to a certain point, but when a square is formed due to transit or progression, they have a particularly difficult time because they have had no previous experience of reacting to such an influence.

Interference and obstacles are new to them. Their squares are much more intense, much more difficult, and the results are more ambitious. People with a lack of squares often feel that the world is in their debt and intend to fairly achieve what they want.

They are looking for someone who will take care of them, someone who will work for them, or someone to hide behind. Meanwhile, clients who have no oppositions on their cards have to go through difficult periods, learning from their own mistakes.

This also applies to the case of a Moon in free transition (a Moon that does not form aspects before leaving a sign). Without oppositions, a person is likely to have problems in relationships with people (of course, at an early age). Such people repeat their mistakes again and again. Because the opposition reflects everything back, the client can learn from his own mistakes.

The negative side is that the client may attribute his own shortcomings to others. If the client has no oppositions, he must learn to understand others. A transiting planet against the Sun or a progression forming an opposition will complete these lessons and help the client grasp the principles so that he can solve his problem this time.

Het Monster:
Excess of will. The tendency to force circumstances, the desire to prescribe norms of behavior to others. They want to bring some sense to the world. They enter into a heated argument with those who disagree. This is scary or annoying, and people refuse to help them. Too aggressive in love.

Catherine Aubier:
Opposition Sun - Pluto
Opposition, square: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with abandoning the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself either in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheep's clothing, or in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As always with Pluto aspects, all this can be largely repressed into the unconscious.

A. Underwater:
Opposition Sun - Pluto
Sun Opposition: Before you fulfill your intention, you should understand to what extent it is really yours.
The opposition with the Sun actualizes for the Planet the problem of its relationship with the will of man and various imperative circumstances that arise on his path. The very presence of a major aspect between the Sun and the Planet means that its principle will never manifest itself regardless of the will of a person or the circumstances determining his behavior, while the opposition additionally indicates a certain opposition between these principles, which is often accompanied by the exteriorization of one of them. At a low level, this provokes a conflict when either a person willfully fights against one or another external manifestation of the Planetary principle, or, conversely, external conditions suppress the internal manifestations of the Planetary principle, with which he himself is identified.
For example, when the Sun is in opposition to Mars, a person will have various conflicts and battles with the outside world (at a higher level - with himself), but if you look closely, you will notice that they are of two types: in the first case, the person emphasizes and internalizes the principle of the Sun and opposes his will and composure to external aggression (which he actually often provokes himself, on his own initiative), in the second, on the contrary, he takes an aggressive Martian position for himself and actively fights the imperative hostile will, actually submitting to its initiative, i.e. i.e. not having your own. At the same time, one type of conflict can easily turn into another, which is easy to notice by the change in the emphasis of the houses in which the Sun and Mars stand.
With the opposition of the Sun and the Moon, a person constantly fights with himself, and the people with whom he enters into battle from time to time are actually figureheads in whom his will and ego are embodied, which in this aspect so need to learn to cooperate and understand each other, because by emphasizing the Moon, i.e., taking the position of the ego, a person immediately feels how clouds are gathering on the outer horizon, threatening to destroy his home, depriving him of family and food (at least, so it seems to him), and taking the position of the Sun, i.e. That is, including his will and initiative, a person begins to act in such a way that (really) painfully infringes on his vital interests (he cannot explain why this happens). Working through this aspect gives extraordinary stability in life - for example, a woman who is able to cure her husband of alcoholism or mental illness and then raise wonderful children with him.
Pluto Opposition: Good I fight evil gets dirty.
In general, the major aspect of Pluto karmically sets the Planet up for a program of cleansing, often painful, but, most importantly, irreversible losses. Low-level opposition contrasts the principle of the Planet with the cleansing actions of Pluto; a person perceives the latter as destructive aggression directed at himself (in the spheres of action of the Planet), and tries to resist it. In this case, he clearly emphasizes the Planet, and Pluto for him appears in the form of external fate, inflicting (of course) destructive blows on an innocent person, and besides, always in the same place (the principle of the Planet or the house where it costs). A person can grumble (quietly), protest (loudly) or fight (desperately), but it is better for him to reconcile himself and, most importantly, understand that Pluto does not mean the destruction of the Planetary principle as such (with the opposition Pluto - Moon, it sometimes seems to a person that fate wants to simply destroy him along with his family, and for some reason not immediately, but in the most painful way), but only his lowest octave, with which it is subconsciously most difficult for a person to part with. From time to time (a person usually does not notice this), the map changes places of emphasis in the opposition and shifts the main emphasis to Pluto, so that a person becomes a conductor of the cleansing will of the Absolute (fate) and does approximately the same thing with the Planetary principle in the external world, which is wrong For a long time, fate did to him. Often the manifestation of the outer Planet occurs through certain people who fall under the fatal influence of a person who, of course, may not even suspect it (over the years, such suspicions still arise). Strong black teachers with the opposition of Pluto can maintain an emphasis on Pluto for a long time, roughly suppressing and destroying the Planetary principle in their students, but usually the return blow of Pluto still overtakes them.
Here, the elaboration proceeds, first of all, along the path of developing humility and eradicating in oneself the primitive thirst for complete power over the manifestations of the Planetary principle in the world around us and the desire to remake it in other people, completely destroying everything disgusting and worthless (for example, Pluto’s opposition to Venus gives the desire to complete power over people and especially over the object of love, opposition to Mercury - to power over the minds and movements of people, but not the power that comes along the highest octave of the 9th house, but so that they do not dare to say or even think that I am not supposed to! ). A person needs to understand that his Planetary principle can be used constructively in external life only after he has undergone a thorough plutonic cleansing within him, for which he will have to make many external and internal sacrifices. At a high level, a person receives the opportunity for higher development of the principle of the Planet and participation in major karmic programs.

Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system, therefore in astrology Pluto symbolizes the least accessible part of our psyche, the energy potential hidden in the depths. This is the collective unconscious, the energy of collective resources.

Sun conjunct Pluto.

On a psychological level Pluto's conjunction with the Sun indicates a secret and hidden force that exists within you and opens up great energetic possibilities for you.

This connection gives you super concentration, strong will, endurance, and enormous penetrating power. You have large reserves of strength and are able to be reborn and recover quickly.

The planet Pluto also symbolizes magic. What is magic? This is an impact using energy. And since you have super powerful energy, you can use it to have a strong impact on people. Those. you are able to manage people, influence people and large teams.

Pluto also gives your consciousness strong analyticalness, the ability to dissect the question of interest to the core, thereby getting into the very depths of a given issue or situation.

In the worst case, this connection can manifest as energy overload. Therefore, this is exactly the situation where you become overheated with your energy and it begins to suppress you. It is important to find the correct outlet for this energy with the help of the sign and the House in which this connection is located.

In my personal life this aspect will mean the following: Your father could have a very strong and overwhelming character. Therefore, you might have a feeling of resentment towards your father and a feeling that you are deprived of love. On the other hand, in your perception the father is very strong, energy-intensive, able to survive in critical, psychologically difficult situations.

In the professional field

On a medical level – the ability to quickly recover from physical injuries, rapid tissue regeneration.

Square and opposition of the Sun with Pluto.

The sun is your bright, sunny, expressive beginning. And Pluto (Hades) is an underground, secretive, magical principle. This planet is also called the cleanser planet.

A tense aspect between these planets indicates a struggle between them. And when Pluto wins, then with its hidden power it can destroy your solar principle completely, to the ground. It was like a bulldozer had driven by. In such moments you are renewed and reborn. But it is precisely at such moments that you are susceptible to deep depression.

When the Sun wins, you show strong will, fearlessness, endurance, and super concentration in achieving your goal.

In my personal life this aspect may mean the following: Your father may have had a very strong and overpowering character. Therefore, you might have a feeling of resentment towards your father and the feeling that you are not wanted, and that your parents are your opponents.

In the professional field this connection will mean a subconscious desire for power and the ability to manipulate people and work with large teams.

On a medical level – danger from accidents at nuclear reactors.

Trigon and sextile of the Sun and Pluto.

A harmonious aspect between your spirit and consciousness (Sun) with the highest planet Pluto, which symbolizes super-powerful force, energy, magic.

In your character, Pluto harmoniously transmits its energy through your consciousness and your spirit and gives you strong will, endurance, enormous penetrating power and super concentration. The ability to restore strength, renew and transform all areas of life, quickly get back on your feet after failures, drawing energy from powerful internal sources of Pluto. Comfort in new, transformative life circumstances.

On the karmic level the influence of the highest energy point on the Sun in a person’s horoscope is a karmic indicator. In your case, the influence of Pluto may mean that in one of your past incarnations you were in power and led a large number of people.

On a professional level such a connection shows that you can work with a large number of people, with teams. You can influence masses of people with your energy.

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