What is hydrochloric acid used for? Hydrochloric acid

1.2679; G crit 51.4°C, p crit 8.258 MPa, d crit 0.42 g/cm 3 ; -92.31 kJ/, DH pl 1.9924 kJ/ (-114.22°C), DH isp 16.1421 kJ/ (-8.05°C); 186.79 J/(mol K); (Pa): 133.32 10 -6 (-200.7 °C), 2.775 10 3 (-130.15 °C), 10.0 10 4 (-85.1 °C), 74, 0 10 4 (-40°C), 24.95 10 5 (O °C), 76.9 10 5 (50 °C); level of temperature dependence logp(kPa) = -905.53/T+ 1.75lgT- -500.77·10 -5 T+3.78229 (160-260 K); coefficient 0.00787; g 23 mN/cm (-155°C); r 0.29 10 7 Ohm m (-85°C), 0.59 10 7 (-114.22°C). See also table. 1.

R-value of HC1 at 25 °C and 0.1 MPa (mol %): in pentane - 0.47, hexane - 1.12, heptane - 1.47, octane - 1.63. The P-rhythm of HC1 in alkyl and aryl halides is low, for example. 0.07 / for C 4 H 9 C1. The pH value in the range from -20 to 60° C decreases in the series dichloroethane-tri-chloroethane-tetrachloroethane-trichlorethylene. The pH value at 10°C in a series is approximately 1/, in carbon ethers it is 0.6/, in carbonic compounds it is 0.2/. Stable R 2 O · HCl are formed. The P-rhythm of HC1 in obeys and is for KCl 2.51·10 -4 (800°С), 1.75·10 -4 / (900°С), for NaCl 1.90·10 -4 / (900° WITH).

Salt room. HCl in water is highly exothermic. process, for endless dilution. aqueous solution D H 0 HCl -69.9 kJ/, Cl -- 167.080 kJ/; HC1 is completely ionized. The pH value of HC1 depends on the temperature (Table 2) and the partial HC1 in the gas mixture. Density of salt decomposition. and h at 20 °C are presented in table. 3 and 4. With increasing temperature, h hydrochloric acid decreases, for example: for 23.05% hydrochloric acid at 25 ° C h 1364 mPa s, at 35 ° C 1.170 mPa s hydrochloric acid containing h per 1 HC1, is [kJ/(kg K)]: 3.136 (n = 10), 3.580 (n = 20), 3.902 (n = 50), 4.036 (n = 100), 4.061 (n = 200).

HCl forms c (Table 5). In the HCl-water system there are three eutectics. points: - 74.7 °C (23.0% by weight HCl); -73.0°C (26.5% HCl); -87.5°C (24.8% HC1, metastable phase). Known HCl nH 2 O, where n = 8. 6 (mp. -40 ° C), 4. 3 (mp. -24.4 ° C), 2 (mp. -17.7 °C) and 1 (mp -15.35°C). crystallizes from 10% hydrochloric acid at -20, from 15% at -30, from 20% at -60 and from 24% at -80°C. The P-value of halides decreases with increasing HCl in hydrochloric acid, which is used for their.

Chemical properties. Pure dry HCl begins to dissociate above 1500°C and is chemically passive. Mn. , C, S, P do not interact. even with liquid HCl. C, reacts above 650 °C, with Si, Ge and B-c present. AlCl 3, with transition metals - at 300 °C and above. It is oxidized by O 2 and HNO 3 to Cl 2, with SO 3 it gives C1SO 3 H. About the solutions with org. connections see .

WITH herb is chemically very active. Dissolves with the release of H 2 everything that has a negative. ,with many and forms, releases free. who are you from such people as, etc.

Receipt. In the HCl industry, the following is obtained. methods - sulfate, synthetic. and from exhaust gases (by-products) of a number of processes. The first two methods lose their meaning. Thus, in the USA in 1965 the share of waste hydrochloric acid was 77.6% of the total production volume, and in 1982 - 94%.

The production of hydrochloric acid (reactive, obtained by the sulfate method, synthetic, exhaust gas) is to obtain HCl from the last. his . Depending on the method of heat removal (reaches 72.8 kJ/), processes are divided into isothermal, adiabatic. and combined.

The sulfate method is based on interaction. NaCl with conc. H 2 SO 4 at 500-550 ° C. Reaction contain from 50-65% HCl (muffle) to 5% HCl (reactor with). It is proposed to replace H 2 SO 4 with a mixture of SO 2 and O 2 (process temperature approx. 540 °C, cat. Fe 2 O 3).

The direct synthesis of HCl is based on the chain reaction: H 2 + Cl 2 2HCl + 184.7 kJ K p is calculated by the equation: logK p = 9554/T- 0.5331g T+ 2.42.

The reaction is initiated by light, moisture, solid porous (, porous Pt) and certain minerals. in-you ( , ). Synthesis is carried out with an excess of H 2 (5-10%) in combustion chambers made of steel and refractory bricks. Naib. modern material that prevents HCl contamination - graphite, impregnated phenol-formal. resins. To prevent explosiveness, mix directly in the burner flame. To the top. the combustion chamber area is installed to cool the reaction. up to 150-160°C. Power modern graphite reaches 65 tons/day (in terms of 35% salt). In case of H2 deficiency, dil. is used. process modifications; for example, pass a mixture of Cl 2 and water through a layer of porous hot water:

2Cl 2 + 2H 2 O + C: 4HCl + CO 2 + 288.9 kJ

The temperature of the process (1000-1600 °C) depends on the type and presence of impurities in it, which are (for example, Fe 2 O 3). It is promising to use a mixture of CO with:

CO + H 2 O + Cl 2: 2HCl + CO 2

More than 90% of hydrochloric acid in developed countries is obtained from waste HCl, formed during the dehydrochlorination of org. compounds, chlororg. waste, obtaining non-chlorinated potash. etc. Abgases contain various. quantity of HC1, inert impurities (N 2, H 2, CH 4), poorly soluble in org. substances (,), water-soluble substances (acetic acid), acidic impurities (Cl 2, HF, O 2) and. Application of isothermal advisable when the content of HC1 in exhaust gases is low (but when the content of inert impurities is less than 40%). Naib. Film ones are promising, making it possible to extract from 65 to 85% HCl from the initial exhaust gas.

Naib. Adiabatic schemes are widely used. . Abgases are introduced into the lower part, and (or diluted salt) - countercurrent to the upper one. The salt water is heated to temperature due to the heat of HCl. The change in temperature and HCl is shown in Fig. 1. The temperature is determined by the temperature corresponding to the temperature (max. boiling point of the azeotropic mixture - approx. 110°C).

In Fig. 2 shows a typical adiabatic circuit. HCl from waste gases formed during (eg, production). HCl is absorbed in 1, and the residues are poorly soluble in org. the substances are separated from the after in apparatus 2, further purified in the tail column 4 and separators 3, 5 and commercial salt is obtained.

Rice. 1. T-p distribution diagram (curve 1) and

Like acids. The education program requires students to memorize the names and formulas of six representatives of this group. And, looking through the table provided by the textbook, you notice in the list of acids the one that comes first and interested you in the first place - hydrochloric acid. Alas, neither properties nor any other information about it is studied in school classes. Therefore, those who are eager to gain knowledge outside the school curriculum are looking for additional information in all sorts of sources. But often many people do not find the information they need. And therefore, the topic of today’s article is devoted to this particular acid.


Hydrochloric acid is a strong monobasic acid. In some sources it may be called hydrochloric and hydrochloric acid, as well as hydrogen chloride.

Physical properties

It is a colorless, caustic liquid that fumes in air (photo on the right). However, industrial acid, due to the presence of iron, chlorine and other additives in it, has a yellowish color. Its highest concentration at a temperature of 20 o C is 38%. The density of hydrochloric acid with these parameters is 1.19 g/cm 3 . But this compound has completely different data in different degrees of saturation. As the concentration decreases, the numerical value of molarity, viscosity, and melting point decreases, but the specific heat capacity and boiling point increase. Solidification of hydrochloric acid of any concentration gives various crystalline hydrates.

Chemical properties

All metals that come before hydrogen in the electrochemical series of their voltage can react with this compound, forming salts and releasing hydrogen gas. If they are replaced with metal oxides, the reaction products will be soluble salt and water. The same effect will occur when hydrochloric acid reacts with hydroxides. If you add any metal salt (for example, sodium carbonate), the remainder of which was taken from a weaker acid (carbonic acid), then the chloride of this metal (sodium), water and a gas corresponding to the acidic residue (in this case, carbon dioxide) are formed. .


The compound now discussed is formed when hydrogen chloride gas, which can be produced by burning hydrogen in chlorine, is dissolved in water. Hydrochloric acid obtained using this method is called synthetic. Exhaust gases can also serve as a source for the extraction of this substance. And such hydrochloric acid will be called abgasic. Recently, the level of production of hydrochloric acid using this method is much higher than its production by the synthetic method, although the latter produces the compound in a purer form. These are all the ways of its production in industry. However, in laboratories, hydrochloric acid is produced in three ways (the first two differ only in temperature and reaction products) using various types of interaction of chemical substances, such as:

  1. The effect of saturated sulfuric acid on sodium chloride at a temperature of 150 o C.
  2. Interaction of the above substances under conditions with a temperature of 550 o C and above.
  3. Hydrolysis of aluminum or magnesium chlorides.


Hydrometallurgy and electroplating cannot do without the use of hydrochloric acid, where it is needed to clean the surface of metals during tinning and soldering and to obtain chlorides of manganese, iron, zinc and other metals. In the food industry, this compound is known as food additive E507 - there it is an acidity regulator necessary to make seltzer (soda) water. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is also found in the gastric juice of any person and helps digest food. During this process, its degree of saturation decreases, because this composition is diluted with food. However, with prolonged fasting, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach gradually increases. And since this compound is very caustic, it can lead to stomach ulcers.


Hydrochloric acid can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. Contact with the skin results in severe chemical burns, and the vapors of this compound irritate the respiratory tract and eyes. But if you handle this substance carefully, it can come in handy more than once.

Structural formula

True, empirical, or gross formula: HCl

Chemical composition of hydrochloric acid

Molecular weight: 36.461

Hydrochloric acid(also hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride) - a solution of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in water, a strong monobasic acid. Colorless, transparent, caustic liquid, “smoking” in air (technical hydrochloric acid is yellowish in color due to impurities of iron, chlorine, etc.). It is present in a concentration of about 0.5% in the human stomach. The maximum concentration at 20 °C is 38% by weight, the density of such a solution is 1.19 g/cm³. Molar mass 36.46 g/mol. Salts of hydrochloric acid are called chlorides.

Physical properties

The physical properties of hydrochloric acid strongly depend on the concentration of dissolved hydrogen chloride. When solidified, it gives crystal hydrates of the compositions HCl H 2 O, HCl 2H 2 O, HCl 3H 2 O, HCl 6H 2 O.

Chemical properties

  • Interaction with metals in the series of electrochemical potentials up to hydrogen, with the formation of salt and the release of hydrogen gas.
  • Interaction with metal oxides to form soluble salt and water.
  • Interaction with metal hydroxides to form soluble salt and water (neutralization reaction).
  • Interaction with metal salts formed by weaker acids, such as carbonic acid.
  • Interaction with strong oxidizing agents (potassium permanganate, manganese dioxide) with the release of chlorine gas.
  • Reaction with ammonia to form thick white smoke consisting of tiny crystals of ammonium chloride.
  • A qualitative reaction to hydrochloric acid and its salts is its interaction with silver nitrate, which forms a cheesy precipitate of silver chloride, insoluble in nitric acid.


Hydrochloric acid is prepared by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water. Hydrogen chloride is produced by burning hydrogen in chlorine; the acid obtained in this way is called synthetic. Hydrochloric acid is also obtained from waste gases - by-product gases formed during various processes, for example, during the chlorination of hydrocarbons. The hydrogen chloride contained in these gases is called free gas, and the acid thus obtained is called free gas. In recent decades, the share of gas-free hydrochloric acid in production volume has gradually increased, displacing acid produced by burning hydrogen in chlorine. But hydrochloric acid obtained by burning hydrogen in chlorine contains fewer impurities and is used when high purity is required. In laboratory conditions, a method developed by alchemists is used, which consists of the action of concentrated sulfuric acid on table salt. At temperatures above 550 °C and excess table salt, interaction is possible. It is possible to obtain by hydrolysis of magnesium and aluminum chlorides (hydrated salt is heated). These reactions may not proceed to completion with the formation of basic chlorides (oxychlorides) of variable composition, for example. Hydrogen chloride is highly soluble in water. Thus, at 0 °C, 1 volume of water can absorb 507 volumes of HCl, which corresponds to an acid concentration of 45%. However, at room temperature the solubility of HCl is lower, so in practice 36% hydrochloric acid is usually used.



  • It is used in hydrometallurgy and electroplating (pickling, pickling), for cleaning the surface of metals during soldering and tinning, for producing chlorides of zinc, manganese, iron and other metals. In a mixture with surfactants, it is used to clean ceramic and metal products (inhibited acid is required here) from contamination and disinfection.
  • It is registered in the food industry as an acidity regulator (food additive E507). Used to make seltzer (soda) water.


  • A natural constituent of human gastric juice. In a concentration of 0.3-0.5%, usually mixed with the enzyme pepsin, it is administered orally in case of insufficient acidity.

Features of treatment

Highly concentrated hydrochloric acid is a caustic substance that causes severe chemical burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Contact with eyes is especially dangerous. To neutralize burns, use a weak alkali solution, usually baking soda. When opening vessels with concentrated hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride vapors, attracting air moisture, form a fog that irritates the eyes and respiratory tract of humans. Reacting with strong oxidizing agents (bleach, manganese dioxide, potassium permanganate) forms toxic chlorine gas. In the Russian Federation, the circulation of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 15% or more is limited.

It is what helps digest food. Normally, acid in the stomach is 0.3%.

This is enough to destroy a razor blade. It only takes about a week. The experiments, of course, were carried out outside the human body.

A dangerous object would damage the esophagus and would not stay in the stomach for 7 days.

We will tell you further what other experiments the scientists performed and how they added to the list of properties of hydrochloric acid.

Properties of hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid formula is a mixture of water and hydrogen chloride. Accordingly, the liquid is caustic, which allows it to destroy most substances.

The reagent is colorless in appearance. Its smell gives it away. It is sour, suffocating. The aroma is pungent and, rather, is characterized as a stench.

If hydrochloric acid solution technical, it contains impurities of diatomic and. They give the liquid a yellowish tint.

Unlike, for example, mass of hydrochloric acid in solution cannot exceed 38%.

This is the critical point at which the substance simply evaporates. Both hydrogen chloride and water evaporate.

Naturally, the solution smokes. The maximum concentration is indicated for 20-degree air temperature. The higher the degrees, the faster the evaporation occurs.

The density of 38 percent acid is slightly more than 1 gram per cubic centimeter.

That is, even a concentrated substance is very watery. If you drink this liquid, you will get burns.

But you can drink a weak 0.4 percent solution. Naturally, in small quantities. Dilute acid has almost no smell, and its taste is tart and sour.

Reaction of hydrochloric acid with other substances, is largely justified by the monobasic composition of the reagent.

This means that the acid formula contains only one hydrogen atom. This means that the reagent dissociates in water, that is, it dissolves completely.

The remaining substances, as a rule, dissolve in the acid itself. Thus, all metals that stand in front of hydrogen in the periodic table disintegrate in it.

When dissolved in acid, they bind with chlorine. As a result, chlorides are obtained, that is, .

Reaction with hydrochloric acid occurs in most metal oxides and hydroxides, as well as in their .

The main thing is that the latter are obtained from weaker acids. Solyannaya is considered one of the strongest, ranked on a par with chamois.

From gases hydrochloric acid Reacts violently with ammonia. In this case, ammonium chloride is formed. It crystallizes.

The particles are so small and the reaction is so active that the chloride rushes upward. Outwardly it is smoke.

The reaction product with nitrate is also white. This interaction is one of the qualitatively determining salt interactions.

The result of the reaction is a cheesy sediment. This is chloride. Unlike ammonium chloride, it rushes down, not up.

The reaction with nitrate is considered qualitative because it is specific, not characteristic of other one-component acids.

They ignore noble metals, which include argentum. As you remember, it is in the chemical series after hydrogen and, in theory, should not interact with hydrogen chloride dissolved in water.

Hydrochloric acid production

Hydrochloric acid is released not only in laboratory conditions, but also in nature. The human body is part of it.

But, hydrochloric acid in the stomach has already been discussed. However, this is not the only natural source, and in the literal sense.

The reagent is found in some geysers and other water outlets of volcanic origin.

As for hydrogen chloride separately, it is part of bischofite, sylvite, and halite. All these are minerals.

The word “halite” means ordinary salt that is used in food, that is, sodium chloride.

Silvin is a chloride and is shaped like dice. Bishofite is a chloride, present in abundance in the Volga region.

All of the listed minerals are suitable for industrial production of the reagent.

But, most often they use chloride sodium Hydrochloric acid is obtained when table salt is exposed to concentrated sulfuric acid.

The essence of the method is to dissolve hydrogen chloride gas in water. Two other approaches are based on this.

The first one is synthetic. Hydrogen is burned in chlorine. The second is off-gas, that is, associated.

Hydrogen chloride is used, which is incidentally obtained when working with organic compounds, that is, hydrocarbons.

Absent hydrogen chloride is formed during dehydrochlorination and chlorination of organic matter.

The substance is also synthesized during the pyrolysis of organochlorine waste. Chemists call pyrolysis the decomposition of hydrocarbons under conditions of oxygen deficiency.

Hydrochloric acid can also be used as a by-product when working with inorganic substances, for example, metal chlorides.

The same sylvite, for example, is used to produce potassium fertilizers. Plants also need magnesium.

Therefore, bischofite does not remain idle. As a result, they produce not only fertilizing, but also hydrochloric acid.

The gas-absorbing method displaces other methods of producing hydrochloric acid. The “by-product” industry accounts for 90% of the reagent produced. Let's find out why it is made and where it is used.

Application of hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid is used by metallurgists. The reagent is needed for pickling metals.

This is the name for the process of removing scale, rust, oxides and just dirt. Accordingly, private craftsmen also use acid when working, for example, with vintage items that contain metal parts.

The reagent will dissolve their surface. There will be no trace left of the problem layer. But, let's return to metallurgy.

In this industry, acid is beginning to be used to extract rare metals from ores.

Old methods are based on the use of their oxides. But, not all of them are easy to process.

Therefore, the oxides began to be converted into chlorides, and then reduced. Now, this is how they get, for example, and.

Since hydrochloric acid is contained in gastric juice, and a low concentration solution can be drunk, it means that the reagent can be used in the food industry.

Did you see the E507 additive on the product packaging? Know that this is hydrochloric acid. It gives that very sourness and tartness to some cakes and sausages.

But most often food emulsifiers are added to fructose, gelatin and citric acid.

E507 is needed not only for taste, but also as an acidity regulator, that is, the Ph of the product.

Hydrochloric acid can be used in medicine. A weak solution of hydrochloric acid is prescribed to patients with low stomach acidity.

It is no less dangerous than increased. In particular, the likelihood of stomach cancer increases.

The body does not receive enough useful elements, even if a person takes vitamins and eats right.

The fact is that for adequate, complete absorption of nutrients, standard acidity is needed.

The last use of the reagent is obvious. Chlorine is obtained from acid. It is enough to evaporate the solution.

Chlorine is used to purify drinking water, bleach fabrics, disinfect, produce plastic compounds, etc.

It turns out that hydrochloric acid, being active and aggressive, is necessary for humanity. There is demand, there is supply. Let's find out the price of the issue.

Hydrochloric acid price

Price product depends on the type. Technical acid is cheaper, purified acid is more expensive. For a liter of the first they ask for 20-40 rubles.

Cost depends on concentration. For a liter of purified reagent they cost about 20 rubles more.

The price tag also depends on the container, packaging, and form of sale. Purchasing acid in plastic canisters of 25-40 liters is more profitable.

In the medical field, in retail, the substance is offered in glass.

For 50 milliliters you will pay 100-160 rubles. This is the most expensive hydrochloric acid.

Buy Hydrogen chloride solution in a liter container is also not cheap. The packaging is designed for private consumers, therefore, they ask for about 400-500 rubles per bottle.

Technical acid is less common in retail and costs about 100 rubles less. The main one is wholesale.

Large enterprises are being purchased. It is for them that the prices indicated at the beginning of the chapter are relevant. The giants do not sell retail.

Accordingly, the cost of the substance in small stores is a reflection of the “appetites” of the store owners.

By the way, about appetite. If the acidity in the stomach is increased, food is digested faster, and you want to eat more often.

This leads to thinness, gastritis and ulcers. People with low acidity are prone to slagging, because food “ferments” in the stomach for a long time and is poorly digested.

This is reflected on the skin, usually in the form of acne and spots. Is there such a problem?

Think not about expensive cosmetics, but about checking your gastrointestinal tract.

Hydrochloric acid is a clear, colorless or yellowish liquid without suspended or emulsified particles.

Hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride gas HCl in water. The latter is a hygroscopic colorless gas with a pungent odor. Typically used concentrated hydrochloric acid contains 36–38% hydrogen chloride and has a density of 1.19 g/cm3. Such an acid smokes in air as gaseous HCl is released from it; When combined with air moisture, tiny droplets of hydrochloric acid are formed. It is a strong acid and reacts vigorously with most metals. However, metals such as gold, platinum, silver, tungsten and lead are practically not etched by hydrochloric acid. Many base metals, when dissolved in acid, form chlorides, for example zinc:

Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl 2 + H 2

Pure acid is colorless, but technical acid has a yellowish tint caused by traces of compounds of iron, chlorine and other elements (FeCl3). Dilute acid containing 10% or less hydrogen chloride is often used. Dilute solutions do not emit HCl gas and do not smoke in either dry or humid air.

Application of hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid is widely used in industry for extracting metals from ores, pickling metals, etc. It is also used in the manufacture of soldering fluid, in the deposition of silver, and as a component of aqua regia.

The scale of use of hydrochloric acid in industry is less than that of nitric acid. This is due to the fact that hydrochloric acid causes corrosion of steel equipment. In addition, its volatile vapors are quite harmful and also cause corrosion of metal products. This must be taken into account when storing hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is stored and transported in rubberized tanks and barrels, i.e. in vessels whose inner surface is coated with acid-resistant rubber, as well as in glass bottles and polyethylene containers.

Hydrochloric acid is used to produce chlorides of zinc, manganese, iron and other metals, as well as ammonium chloride. Hydrochloric acid is used to clean the surfaces of metals, vessels, and wells from carbonates, oxides and other sediments and contaminants. In this case, special additives are used - inhibitors, which protect the metal from dissolution and corrosion, but do not delay the dissolution of oxides, carbonates and other similar compounds.

HCl is used in the industrial production of synthetic resins and rubbers. It is used as a raw material in the production of methyl chloride from methyl alcohol, ethyl chloride from ethylene, vinyl chloride from acetylene.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning

HCl is poisonous. Poisoning usually occurs through fog formed when gas interacts with water vapor in the air. HCl is also absorbed on the mucous membranes with the formation of acid, causing severe irritation. When working for a long time in an HCl atmosphere, catarrh of the respiratory tract, tooth decay, ulceration of the nasal mucosa, and gastrointestinal disorders are observed. The permissible content of HCl in the air of working premises is no more than 0.005 mg/l. For protection, use a gas mask, safety glasses, rubber gloves, shoes, and an apron.

At the same time, our digestion is impossible without hydrochloric acid; its concentration in gastric juice is quite high. If the acidity in the body is low, then digestion is impaired, and doctors prescribe such patients to take hydrochloric acid before eating.

Household use of hydrochloric acid

Concentrated “hodgepodge” is mixed with water in any proportion for household needs. A strong solution of this inorganic acid can easily clean earthenware plumbing fixtures from limescale and rust, while a weaker solution can remove stains of rust, ink, and berry juice from fabrics.

If you look closely, the “Toilet Duck” toilet bowl cleaner says that it contains hydrochloric acid, so you need to work with it in rubber gloves and protect your eyes from splashes.

In addition, the life of no one is unthinkable without this acid - it is contained in the stomach and it is thanks to it that food that enters the stomach dissolves (digests).

In addition, this acid serves as the first barrier against pathogenic bacteria that enter the stomach - they die in an acidic environment.

Well, people suffering from gastritis with high acidity are also very familiar with this acid. They even reduce its effect so that it does not destroy the walls of the stomach, using special drugs that interact with it and reduce its concentration.

The most popular are preparations containing magnesium and aluminum oxides, for example, Maalox. However, there are also extreme sports enthusiasts who drink baking soda, although it has already been proven that this only leads to temporary relief.

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