Making proposals based on the actions being demonstrated, on the picture, on subject pictures that are related to each other in meaning. III

The child encounters a sentence already in the early stages of learning, when he begins to read and write. However, it takes quite a long time to master the concept of “supply”. In oral speech, the child uses a phrase without dividing it into component sentences. A sentence is a unit of written speech.

What are the common mistakes children make?

1. A capital letter and a punctuation mark at the end (period, question or exclamation mark) are not always relevant for a child.

2. In written work, some children forget to mark the end of a sentence with the necessary sign.

3. The first word of a sentence is often written with a small letter.

4. In oral speech, there are difficulties in composing sentences on a given topic from the proposed words.

5. Particular difficulties arise when trying to read a text expressively. Intonation in oral speech always corresponds to the situation in which the child is. As for the text for reading, the child often finds it difficult to convey the implied intonation, since he does not sufficiently analyze the meaning of a single sentence.

6. Breaking a sentence in a dictation and combining different sentences into one are caused by difficulties in recognizing the boundaries of a sentence and insufficient speech memory.

Of course, “he who never learns makes no mistakes.” In the early stages of learning, such mistakes are acceptable. However, in some cases they persist for a long time. They are especially common in presentations and essays, sometimes in dictations.

Of course, if errors of this kind are observed, it is advisable to consult a specialist. But parents themselves can provide the necessary help.

How can you help your child understand that a sentence expresses a complete thought?

This can be done through a series of exercises.

Eliminating extra words

Exercise: Eliminate the extra word to make a sentence.

  1. Nadya and elephants Dima's dads are divers.
  2. At the bottom zoo ocean star.
  3. Helpful Denis firewood on the fence.
  4. Along the rivers water ships are sailing.
  5. Tima's dad river works at a factory.
  6. We were in galloped park.
  7. The squirrel took the bagels from aspen us out of our hands.
  8. White sheep beat bison drums.
  9. Linden and pine trees grow in the park, compote, aspen.
  10. The guys imprisoned hammered currants, plums and apple trees.

Completing the missing word

Exercise: Add words to make sentences.

  1. It's shining in the sky...
  2. The children drew...
  3. Tima has skillful...
  4. After lunch, Lida washes herself...
  5. Denis blushed like...
  6. On Saturday we were...
  7. Beavers have razor sharp...
  8. Beavers in a swamp of aspen trunks...
  9. Cat Barsik ball...
  10. Jumped from branch to branch...

Making sentences from given words that do not require changes

Exercise: Make a sentence from these words.

  1. And, Slava, he will grow up to be a captain.
  2. The cat dipped the paint into the paw.
  3. Lettuce, Polina, onions, grown, dill.
  4. Victor will become a tractor driver and grow up.
  5. Klava got up early this morning.
  6. S, Klava, I washed my hands with soap.
  7. We will visit the zoo soon.
  8. Various, in, animals, zoo.
  9. Ivanovna told us new fairy tales, Nina.
  10. Saturday, in, we were, in, the circus.

Making sentences from words, some of which need to be changed

Exercise: Make sentences from words. Change words if necessary.

  1. Sister, poured milk, brother.
  2. Zoo, we saw a zebra.
  3. Squirrel, children, in, park, seen.
  4. We collected mushrooms in the forest.
  5. On, rivers, fishermen, shore, sat.
  6. On, beavers, dam, built, river.
  7. In, were, we, Saturday, library.
  8. Euonymus, outskirts, forest, on, grew.
  9. Behind, river, waterfall, turn.
  10. Volga, in, sailing, Moscow, on, ships.

Correction of coordination and management errors

Exercise: Correct mistakes.

  1. Masha went out to the edge and saw cuckoo
  2. Children at the edge of the forest blinded snow woman
  3. In the morning walked snow, Misha and Zhenya rode by ski.
  4. Girls of our class is engaged sports.
  5. She pinched Bug's nose and ran away in its place.
  6. Installers performs important work.
  7. Sun came out because of the clouds.
  8. There are textbooks and notebooks on the shelf.
  9. Masha brought fish for our aquarium.
  10. On forest clearing blushed strawberries

Finding sentence boundaries in text

Exercise: Find the boundaries of sentences. Label them.

A bus arrived at the school entrance, we entered the city, the train stopped at a siding, a puppy shrank from the cold, an elephant was attacked by an angry tiger, goats were eating leaves from bushes and flowers, the guys went on an excursion, the climb up the mountain was steep, they announced boarding

Children usually enjoy doing these types of tasks. Difficulties are gradually disappearing. The main thing is to be patient.

Tatiana Andronova
A system for working on proposals with children of senior preschool age

Target: tell teachers a system for working on proposals with children of senior preschool age.

Working on a proposal in preschool contributes not only to preparation for learning to read and write, but also to the general speech and mental development of children. Without her a preschooler’s idea of ​​a word is vague, and the ability to analyze verbal composition develops very slowly.

Features of selection preschoolers words from sentences in conditions of spontaneous formation of concepts about linguistic phenomena and in conditions of special training were studied by S. N. Karpova. With spontaneous formation, this process proceeds extremely slowly, the child’s orientation to the word is limited and unstable. He often singles out not one word, but a complex of words, repeats what he hears offer, without realizing the essential features of the word.

Every child should be able to divide before entering school offer into words and name the number of words in it, any word in order, come up with offers for a given number of words, compose a deformed offer, write down sentences graphically.

The teacher uses terms « offer» , "word", develops in children proposal idea.

Stage I. Isolation sentences from the stream of speech.

Working on a proposal should start with isolating proposals from the text and counting their number. To do this, use a short (at three or four offers) a story that is specially compiled by the teacher and a picture is shown. While reading, the teacher intonationally emphasizes the end offers and pauses between proposals“The children are playing ball. A boy throws a ball to a girl. Girl catches the ball". The teacher asks children: “Who was the story about?”, sets specific questions: what did I say about children? What did I say about the boy? What did I say about the girl?

Then the teacher says that in this story there were 3 offers: the first is about children, the second is about a girl, the third is about a boy. Children's attention is drawn to the lowering of the voice at the end. offers. After listening to how many times the voice was lowered, the children determine the number of proposals. The story is memorized so that children can tell it and name the first offer, second and third.

Next for children offered compose a story yourself based on a picture, with several episodes. The story can be a collective one, each child makes up offer. The teacher repeats them, making short pauses and lowering his voice at the end offers. Children count offers, bending his fingers.

“The children are on duty in the dining room. Katya is laying out the plates. Kolya puts down the cups. Olya carries spoons.”

The teacher asks: How many suggestions in our story? What's the first offer(second) Then the story repeats itself, each the sentence is reproduced by children in a chain.

Questions that the teacher asks (about whom, what is said in the first proposal, What is said characterizes the semantic, semantic side offers, as units of speech. The teacher emphasizes that in sentence subject not just called, but something is communicated about it that is unknown to the listener.

Then the children make up their own toy offers, pictures. And every time the teacher helps them establish who or what it is written about. offer, what it says, i.e., isolate the semantic side offers.

In order to emphasize that in the sentence has a certain meaning, the teacher keeps asking who it’s about offer. What does it say about the girl?

Next, it is advisable to graphically depict offer, show children how it is possible "write" him - a long line; Start proposals are marked with a corner, and put a period at the end. You can also use strips of paper. Subsequently, children are trained in determining the number of sentences in the finished text. The text is pronounced with pauses, and children indicate proposals on diagrams. Then the correctness of the task is checked. To secure ideas about the proposal the following techniques are used: How:

1. Inventing sentences with a given word;

2. Inventing offers, which would start with certain word; compilation suggestions for two pictures;

3. Inventing "cheerful" offers;

4. Compilation proposals for"live scenes".

All these techniques are accompanied by the release proposals, their counting, analysis of semantic content. At this stage, children are led to the idea that our speech consists of their proposals what about everyone the subject can be said to be a sentence. But, first of all, these tasks are aimed at ensuring that children begin to understand and use the word « offer» .

Stage II. Familiarization with vocabulary proposals.

At this stage, children understand that a sentence consists of words.

Learning begins with the analysis of simple sentences without prepositions and conjunctions consisting of 2 - 3 words (The doll is sitting. The doll is holding a ball). For analysis proposals visually effective methods are used and techniques:

Looking at toys

Demonstration of actions with toys,

Looking at paintings

Spatial modeling.

At the same time proposal writing work. The basis of learning is the spatial modeling of words using abstract symbols (lines, stripes). The latter helps the child understand linearity (subsequence) and discreteness (articulate) speech. In the first lessons, in the process of working with toys, children are shown that different things can be said about any toy. offers(The doll is sitting. The doll is lying. The doll is having breakfast). Sentences repeated by children. Then they make up their own suggestions about toys. One of proposals pronounced by the teacher with pauses after each word. Children at this time count how many words, which is the first word, which is the second. Similar Job carried out with others sentences of 2 - 3 words. As a result, children develop ideas about what about everyone subject can be said sentences, What sentences are made up of words. This is how the primary orientation in the analysis develops offers. It makes sense to use diagrams from the very beginning. The teacher draws lines on the board according to the number of words in the analyzed sentence and says: “One line represents one word. There are three features here, which means three words in a sentence. The first word is indicated not by a simple line, but by a line with a corner at the end sentences put an end to" It is advisable to have sets of cards with diagrams of different proposals. Children use these sets when analyzing and compiling proposals. Model diagrams provide subject support in the formation of speech analysis skills, are a means of forming generalized ideas about sentence structure.

Vocabulary modeling has become widespread in-game offers"Living Words". The words in this living model are represented by children. During the game, the teacher calls out as many children as there are words in proposal, and tells everyone what word it will be. Then "living words" offered stand sequentially, from left to right, according to the verbal composition offers. When naming words in order, children can "read" intended or spoken offer. Thus, in this "alive" model, speech reality is highlighted as an object of observation and study. In different versions of the game, children learn to observe language, see, what happens when word order changes, distribution offers by adding one or two words, replacing one word, composing sentences from a set of words. In different versions of this game, analysis and synthesis exercises are used as components proposals(“What's the first word? What word comes next?).

In the future, children learn to compose and analyze offers from a different number of words, name the words sequentially and separately, relate them to the diagram. Offers children can take from fairy tales familiar to them, compose substantive and plot pictures, series of pictures.

In another version of the game - "Confusion"- the sequence of words in proposal, and the children restore order. Thus, children are led to the idea that proposal All words are interconnected in meaning and follow each other.

Gradually, children develop the ability to analyze the composition offers without relying on visual material. The mental action of analysis begins to take place on the internal plane.

Throughout the entire training period the following are used: techniques:

1. clearly pronounce words with a pause; highlighting words with a voice, their quantitative and ordinal counting (how many words, what is the first word, what comes next,

2. pronouncing words while clapping (teacher, individual children, the whole group); sequential naming of words in proposal;

3. jumping rope,

4. tapping on a drum or tambourine as many times as

5. word count offer on fingers, using counting sticks; in loud speech, to oneself;

6. different game options "Living Words";

7. pronouncing words separately;

8. pronouncing words in rows;

9. whisper analysis offers;

To strengthen the skills of analysis and synthesis offers at this stage the following are used tasks:

1. Determining the number of words in a sentence. How many words in proposal?

1. Definition sequences of words. Say the first word, the second, the third.

2. Definition the place of a word in relation to other words. Between what words does the word come... After what word does the word come... Before what word does the word come. Name your neighbors...

3. The name of the first and last word in proposal.

4. Which word...

5. Name the third word.

6. Naming words in breakdown: name the second, first, third word.

7. "Confusion". Compilation proposals according to the deformed phrase.

8. "Correct my mistake" Intentional error in graphic designation is allowed offers. Did I write it down correctly? offer? Do you agree with me?

9. Selection proposals for a given scheme. Which diagram is correct?

10. What word is missing? Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one strip.

11. Find the missing word. Cat...mouse. Hare...carrot.

12. Inventing sentences with a certain number of words.

13. Inventing sentences with the suggested word.

14. Invent offer two or three words.

15. Distribution proposals, by increasing the number of words using symbol strips.

16. Advise between which words to insert the word delicious. Sonya drinks juice.

Thus, proposed system for working on a proposal is an integral part of preparation preschoolers to literacy training. It helps not only to overcome the difficulties that children experience when isolating words from a composition proposals, but increase the level of free speech and promote conscious operation of language and its elements.

Lyudmila Kostina
Drawing up proposals based on the “living model”. Polysemy of words. Literacy training in the senior group

Drawing up proposals based on a “living model”.

Polysemy of words.

(senior group)


Consolidating knowledge about sentences, exercising the ability to find short sentences in a familiar text.

Formation of the ability to compose sentences using a “living model”.

Forming an understanding of the polysemy of words.

Education of speech attention.

Development of creative imagination.

Materials and equipment: table theater “Rocky Hen”, bear (soft toy, cards (blanks) according to the number of children, colored pencils.

Direct educational activities

Hello guys, I think you all love fairy tales, and especially when they show them to you. I invite you to watch and listen carefully to the tabletop theater “The Ryaba Hen”.

Now, everyone, sit down at the tables, let’s together find short sentences in the text that consist of 2 and 3 words, and graphically write these sentences in a notebook, and I will write them on the board.

Well done everyone, they did everything right, and now let’s make proposals based on the “living model”, look at this bear, please tell me what it is like (clubfooted, plush). And now I will choose which of you will be the “bear” and which one will be the “clubfooted one”. And you will model sentences:

Clubfoot bear.

The bear is clubfooted.

Now we will add the actions “sitting” or “lying down”.

The clubfoot bear is sitting.

The clumsy bear is sitting.

A clumsy bear is sitting.

I think you're tired, let's rest a little!

Physical education session “Pinocchio”

Pinocchio stretched,

Once I bent down,

Two bent over,

Three bent down.

He spread his arms to the sides -

Apparently I didn’t find the key,

To get us the key,

We need to stand on our toes.

So we have rested and now we will talk and play with renewed vigor. Let's now talk about words and their meanings.

Look how many different objects there are around us, and each one is given a name and expressed in a specific word (table, chair, closet, toy). But there are words that name several objects. Listen to the poem

D. Lukich "Key".

There are many different keys:

The key is a spring among the stones,

Treble clef, curled,

And a regular door key.

Tell me, what are the keys? (children answer). Right. One word “key” means many different objects and has many meanings. This word has many meanings.

Now get your fingers ready for me, we’ll play with them a little too.

Finger gymnastics.

One two three four five.

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger is the strongest

the thickest and largest.

This finger is for

To show it off.

This finger is the longest

And it stands in the middle.

This ring finger -

He's the most spoiled one.

And the little finger, although small,

Very dexterous and daring!

Now our fingers are rested and can get to work. We will play “Magic Cards”, I will now give you cards, each card depicts a detail, you will need to complete the picture and color it (square, triangle, rectangle, flag).

Guys, tell me what we did today, what do you remember most (children’s answers). You did a good job today, I really liked how you listened attentively. Thank you very much for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Carrying out morning exercises during the day of the kindergarten takes 5 - 15 minutes, depending on the age of the children. It has a significant impact.

Differentiation of sounds [h] - [t’].” Didactic game "Shop". Making sentences with the verb “want” Progress of the lesson. 1. Organizational moment: the one who names the first sound in the word will sit down (seagull, Cheburashka, miracle, shadow, mud.) 2. What sounds have you just named?

Abstract of an open educational activity for speech development, middle “B” group Topic “Compilation of descriptive stories based on a toy” Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Solnyshko" of a combined type SYNOPSIS OF AN OPEN DEVELOPMENT CLASS.

Objectives: To cultivate the desire to compose a story based on the picture. Teach children to compose a story based on a picture, including the most accurate words in it.

Summary of a lesson in mathematics “Rhythm (searching for and drawing up patterns)” (middle group, children five years old) Topic: Rhythm (search and compilation of patterns) Purpose: To form an idea of ​​rhythm (patterns, skill in the simplest cases.

Summary of a lesson on speech development “Writing a story from personal experience” mixed age group from 4 to 6 years Program content. Develop the ability to select the most interesting and significant things from personal experience for a story; include in the story.

What does the weaver do?

What does a pastry chef do?

What does a seamstress do?

What does a turner do?

What does a steelworker do?

What does a shoemaker do? Etc.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

A n i t e 42 (70) Teaching storytelling


Goals: teach children to compose stories about professions according to plan; teach children to use words in speech that answer the question: How?

Equipment: story pictures.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The one who says the name of the plant or factory will sit down.

II. Reinforcing the material covered.

What professions do people work in factories?

What are they doing?

What do they need to work?

III. Introduction to the topic. Compiling a story according to plan.

Who is this?

Where he works?

What is he doing?

What does he need to work?

What should it be like?

How does he work?

IV. Writing stories for children.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 43 (72) Teaching storytelling


Goals: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter; clarify children's knowledge about the signs of winter; learn to select related (same-root) words; teach children to retell the text.

Equipment: subject picture “Winter”.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The one who answers will sit down, about which we can say:

Hit... (frost), crunches... (snow), raging... (snowstorm), frozen... (rivers), creaks... (snow), sweeping... (blizzard) etc.

P. Introduction to the topic. Conversation.

What time of year do you think we will talk about?

What time of year is it now?

How did you notice the onset of winter?

Name the signs of winter.

Tell us about the habits of animals and birds in winter.

What do children do in winter?

Name the winter months.

III. Game “Say the Word.”

In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's go
Let's play with this word.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word “snow”.

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (snow).

All the fluffs are sliding from the sky -

Silver... (snowflakes).

To the villages, to the meadow

Everything is going down... (snowball).

Here's some fun for the guys -

More and more... (snowfall).

Everyone is running in a race

Everyone wants to play... (snowballs).

Like wearing a white down jacket

Dressed up... (snowman).

Nearby there is a snow figure -

This girl... (Snow Maiden).

Look at it in the snow? -

With a red breast... (bullfinches).

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

Decorated the whole earth... (snow).

What words did you add?

What word do they all resemble?

Choose similar words to the words:

Winter - winter, winter, winter, winter hut, wintering and etc.; freezing - frosty, freeze, freeze, ice cream, freezer, freezing, etc.; ice- ice floe, ice, icebreaker, glacier, ice and etc.

IV. Reading a story.

Winter came. There is white snow all around. The trees are bare. In winter, although the sun shines, it provides little warmth. It doesn't stay in the sky for long. Winter days are much shorter than summer days, and the nights are longer. Rivers and lakes freeze so much that you can walk and drive on the ice. The ground is covered with a thick layer of snow.

Retelling the story by children.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

A n i t e 44 (73) Formation of the grammatical structure of speech


Goals: teach children to use prepositions in speech before; develop attention.

Equipment: story pictures, various toys, objects.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The one who correctly follows the instructions and says the “little word” (preposition) will sit down.

Kolya, pick up the pencil from the floor.

Kolya, what did you do? - I picked up a pencil from the floor.

What is the “little word” in your sentence?

Sasha, jump over the block.

Sasha, what did you do? What is the “little word” in your sentence?

Nadya, sit on the chair.

Olya, leave the group.

Dima, put the ball under the chair.

Alyosha, stand between the cubes.

I. Introduction V topic.

Making proposals for what is being demonstrated


Vanya, stand in front of the chair.

Vanya, where are you standing?

Children, where is Vanya?

Sonya, place the doll in front of the cube.

Sonya, where did you put the doll?

Children, where is the doll sitting? Etc.

III. Game "Where are you standing?"

Children line up one after another. The teacher asks the first child:

Sasha, where are you standing?

- I I’m standing in front of Olya. Etc.

IV. Making proposals based on plot pictures.

V. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 45 (75) Teaching storytelling


Goals: teach children retelling; consolidate the category of the prepositional case with a preposition on the; develop attention and memory.

Progress of the lesson I. Organizational moment.

The one who will tell you where this happens will sit down.

Where is the snowflake?

Where did the ice freeze?

Where do children ride?

Where was the snowman made?

Where are the sleds?

Where does the toy hang? Etc.

This article will talk about how to correctly create a proposal outline. Who needs it? Everyone without exception. If short posts or comments on social networks and instant messengers can be written without knowledge of the Russian language (which is what many people do), then when writing articles for your own blogs you must be guided by these rules. After all, it is much more pleasant and understandable for users visiting your websites and blogs to read competent speech that attracts attention and keeps them on the page. And, of course, correct preparation of proposals is very important for people holding senior public or commercial positions - literacy increases trust on the part of visitors, partners and clients. And in order for sentences to sound correct and beautiful, they must be composed according to certain patterns. This material will also help schoolchildren and students prepare for exams or complete homework assignments.

Action Plan for Proposal Outlining

In order to correctly compose a sentence diagram, you must follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • Carefully consider the written proposal;
  • Determine what type it belongs to by the intonation and purpose of the statement;
  • Find the basis, the main idea of ​​the sentence, which carries important information (subject and predicate);

Simple and complex sentences
  • By the number of stems, determine whether the sentence is simple (with one stem) or complex (with two or more stems);

How to determine the number of parts in a complex sentence
  • Use perpendicular lines to separate the boundaries of simple sentences (you can also highlight participial/adverbial phrases and other complications);
  • Underline the parts of the sentence with appropriate lines;

Symbols of sentence members
  • Determine the presence and nature of a conjunction between fragments of a complex sentence (subordinating or coordinating) - if determined correctly, you will understand what type of sentence you are dealing with;
  • Place simple sentences in rectangular brackets, since they are equivalent fragments of compound or non-conjunctive compounds;

Rectangular brackets to indicate simple and complex sentences
  • Place subordinate clauses included in the complex structure in parentheses;

Parentheses to indicate subordinate clauses
  • Carefully study the complex sentence and put a question from the word in the main fragment (over which draw a cross) to the subordinate clause; Draw an arrow from this word to the subordinate clause and write a question above it.

Parsing a simple sentence

All the information collected during the study process makes it possible to correctly draw up a proposal outline. After completing all of the above steps, the moment comes when you can start drawing the diagram itself. Write down from your sentence in order all the signs that were used to distinguish simple sentences, highlight phrases (adverbial and participial), grammatical basics, questions and arrows to the subordinate clause from the main one, and other complications. Collect all this data in a line graph. When it is necessary to parse a complex sentence that has several subordinate clauses, then to correctly display the subordination, a vertical graphic diagram is also necessary (it will be discussed below). The numbers indicate the degrees of subordinate clauses - by them you can determine their place in the composition of sentences, while the main thing does not have any designations.

If you are a schoolchild or student, you may encounter a situation where teachers require you to mark the secondary clauses along with the main clauses on the diagram. It is also possible that a new proposal must be drawn up according to the proposed scheme. If you approach the matter carefully, these actions will not hinder you.

Making a plan for a simple proposal

We need to put together a simple sentence diagram. We won’t go far, let’s take an example from primary school:

Simple sentence diagram

This sentence is two-part - it has two main members. There are also one-part sentences in which the main member is only one of the two. If a sentence does not have minor members, then it is not widespread (“Poems were born”), but if it does, then it is widespread (as presented above). Also, sentences have an incomplete or complete form (depending on whether the necessary members are present in the configuration - abbreviated or complete). Avoid mistakes with predicates when drawing up a graphical diagram of a sentence:

  • compound nominal predicates – Danielwill be an athlete;
  • simple – Danielswam;
  • compound verbs – Danielwanted to swim.

Simple sentence with homogeneous members

Homogeneous members are displayed in a graphical diagram using circles. These circles indicate their role in the syntax of a sentence: definitions, predicates, etc.

The circles reflect the roles of homogeneous members of the sentence

With introductory words or appeal

Introductory words are indicated by the letters “ВВ”, separated from the rest of the parts in the diagram by two vertical lines and necessarily by the punctuation marks that surround them in the sentence.

Introductory words in a sentence

The same rules apply to addresses as to introductory words, only “O” are used instead of the letters “BB”.

Appeal in a proposal

With adverbial or participial phrases

To highlight phrases that include gerunds (DO) or participles (PO), the diagram uses the same punctuation marks as to delimit them in a sentence.

Participial phrase in the diagram

How to create a sentence diagram with direct speech

In the diagram, direct speech is highlighted as follows:

  • the boundaries of the proposal are highlighted;
  • the letter “A” is used to designate author’s words, and “P” is used for direct speech;
  • punctuation marks are added.

Direct speech in a sentence

How to outline a complex sentence

Fragments of a complex non-conjunctive and complex sentence are in an equal position, therefore rectangular brackets are used to designate them.

Complex sentence on the diagram
Non-union complex sentence on a graphic diagram

Rectangular brackets are used to indicate the main part in a complex sentence, and round brackets are used to indicate a subordinate clause. Moreover, the subordinate clause can appear anywhere: at the back, at the beginning, and even in the middle of the main clause.

Rectangular brackets are for main clauses, round brackets are for subordinate clauses

Before drawing up a proposal plan, the source material must be carefully studied so that there are no difficulties with various types of communication. It happens that such sentences contain an important idea that is easy to lose when trying to simplify the text and rearrange parts.

How to create a complex sentence diagram with multiple clauses

In order to correctly display sentences that have several subordinate clauses, a vertical diagram is used:

“We learned that a hurricane was coming that could destroy everything on the coast.” (sequential submission):



(What …)

↓which one?

(which …).

“When we were already approaching the city, Daniil squinted to get a better look at the surroundings.” (parallel submission):


↓when? ↓why?

(when...), (to...).

“We are very glad that you came, that you are with us today, that you like it here.” (homogeneous submission):


↓what? ↓what? ↓what?

(what...), (what...), (what...).

The main purpose of this article is to help you remember school rules for the Russian language and remind you of the main points, observing which you can easily construct a diagram of any sentence.

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