Tips on how to study better. How to do well at school

If you are a school student or a student at an institute or other educational institution, then you know from your own experience that studying is a difficult task, and that forcing yourself to study is very difficult. It is doubly difficult to sit down with textbooks and notebooks if the weather outside is wonderful, friends are inviting you to join them in their games, and in general, there are a lot of things to do that are much more fun and interesting. Meanwhile, there are ways in which you can motivate even the most careless students to study well.

How to start studying well? There are several answers to this question. One of the methods of motivation is motivation with money. Invite your parents to introduce a reward system for you. To do this, you can propose the following scheme: in the first and second weeks you do not receive any money from them. If during this period all your assessments turn out to be positive, you will begin to be paid the previously agreed upon amount for pocket expenses. If your performance does not drop over the next two weeks, your pocket money will increase. Two more successful weeks means another promotion, but if you get at least one “C”, everything starts from scratch.

Another An option on how to start studying well is to argue with your classmates. Choose a partner who has approximately the same level of knowledge and also wants to improve his situation. Argue about which of you can improve your performance the most. According to the terms of the bet, the one whose average score for the specified period is lower will have to respond to some offensive nickname invented by the winner for a certain time.

Very good results in your studies can be achieved when you learn to find pleasant moments in this process. It’s quite simple to turn a routine sitting at textbooks into an exciting process, the main thing is to be able to use your imagination and ingenuity for this.

A powerful argument in favor of good study can be the desire to become a specialist in any profession. As a rule, everyone wants to become a lawyer, manager or financier after graduating from school and college, but in order to master these professions, you must have a certain amount of knowledge. Knowing clearly what you want to become in the future, it will be easier for you to prioritize and pay more attention to those sciences that are more important to achieving your goal.

Try to develop a daily routine for yourself and learn to strictly follow it.

The schedule should be designed in such a way that it takes into account your classes at school, a short rest after them, doing homework and preparing for lessons, visiting clubs and sections, as well as time for walks. By strictly following the points of your routine, you will begin to manage everything, and all your activities will not seem so difficult to you. Once you get used to living at this pace, you will begin to learn better, putting in much less effort.

The following statement may seem contradictory, but, nevertheless, in order to study well, you need to get more rest. Each person has his own limit of endurance and perception. A person in a state of fatigue is practically unable to perceive new information, which means he needs to rest, and the best form of rest is healthy sleep. If sleep does not help you cope with overwork, then find time to take walks in the fresh air or do some distracting and relaxing activities.

A very good way to improve your academic performance is to try to imitate someone. Find someone you would really like to be like. Study all the available information about him, especially about how he studied at school, and try to study as well as or even better than your idol. It is important that the candidate for the title of your idol is correct and positive, otherwise you may turn into an antisocial person, and your grades will become even worse.

Another recommendation to anyone who is thinking about how to start studying better, is to never put off doing homework. This will not only allow you to start studying well, but will also give you more free time for all your other activities.

Armed with our tips and starting to implement at least some of them, you will be able to see from your own experience that studying can be interesting, the main thing is to find the right approach to it.

Quite a lot of schoolchildren are concerned about how to do well at school. Some are pressured by their parents, some by their teachers, others think about it themselves, realizing that they will soon need to enroll. It's never too late to start learning, start improving your performance right now.

  • Find purpose and meaning in studying well. First, you need to decide why you need to study better. This is especially true for those who are forced to study by adults. You need a goal that will be important specifically for you: to go where you want, but where there is a lot of competition; become the best in class, attract someone's attention; receive praise and approval from parents; make your teachers respect you, etc. Awareness of this goal should already suggest how to force yourself to study.
  • Write down specific tasks - what needs to be done to study better. Divide this global goal into small ones: “do 4 homework in mathematics, write a literature test for 5, learn to calculate integral equations” and so on. The smaller and more specific the task, the easier it is to complete it and the easier it is for you to understand how best to study at school and what to do for it.
  • Go to all classes - at school they treat truancy very strictly. But even if you miss classes for a good reason, ask your classmates what happened in class; Ask your teacher what you can read on this topic and go through the missed material yourself.
  • Don’t be distracted during lessons - when you are distracted, you miss important material and comments on it. You can be distracted by a friend who sits next to you and always strives to quickly tell you the latest joke; on a phone with games, SMS, ICQ, or free Internet access; player; console and much more. Knowing what things distract you, it is better not to take them with you to school, not to bother them in class, and to sit away from your friend, if possible explaining what you are doing and why. If there is nothing interesting around you, nothing that can distract you, perhaps the lesson itself will become interesting to you.
  • Another way to study well at school is to listen carefully to the teacher - listen not only to the rules and tasks, but also to what he says about them. Often students' attention is focused only at the words "test", "homework" or "grade for the quarter", but the teacher usually has a good understanding of his material, he may mention a way in which the problem can be solved more easily or talk about small details of the author's life. Such little things may go unnoticed, or they may be remembered and useful to you in the exam.
  • Ask questions - not all teachers like questions; some may react sharply to a request to repeat or explain again. If something is not clear to you, try to soften the question, make it clarifying, ask about something specific. If something is unclear, not only the teacher can help you, you can ask your classmates for help; a classmate who understands the topic can sometimes tell it to you better than the teacher, because he will explain it in your language, and not in terms from a textbook.
  • Complete the tasks - do not copy them from others or from solution books, solve them yourself. Homework is given for a reason, their task is to consolidate your knowledge, so it is best if you complete the task on the very day when it is assigned. Firstly, it will be easier, because you have just covered the material, and you remember it well, and know how to solve things. Secondly, you will actually be able to consolidate new material in your memory, and not painfully remember and learn to do everything again later. Thirdly, by repeating, you develop skills, “get your hands on”, the more problems of a certain type you solve, the easier it will be to solve such problems after some time.
  • Structure your time - if during the day after school you need to go to the sports section, language courses, do homework and meet with friends, do homework first. The number of things that still remain to be done will spur you on, and you will work faster. Knowing how much you have to do, you won’t be so lazy anymore.

These tips will help you do better in school only if you want it yourself. Good luck!

You can study perfectly well and not constantly sit behind textbooks, forgetting about everything else. There is always room to grow, there is always something that can be improved. Studying hard will make you happy and content. If you get good grades, you will probably be able to get into a prestigious higher education institution, after which you will be able to find a good job. Great, isn't it? All you have to do is learn how to get good grades! Keep reading and you will learn how to succeed in school.

    Don't limit yourself to general information. There is no need to learn bare facts. This doesn’t make people smarter, and they don’t learn to analyze. Therefore, if you really want to start studying with only A's, you need to constantly ask the question “why”. Why the process goes this way and not otherwise, why this or that condition is necessary - understanding this will help you apply your knowledge in practice, including in situations that have not yet been discussed in class.

    Use other people's knowledge. Not in the “write it off” sense, no! Ask for advice and tips from friends, adults, teachers, study how others solved this or that problem. Broaden your horizons, and studying will be much easier for you.

    Do your best. It is important not only to memorize the material, but also to periodically return to what you have learned. This is necessary to refresh the knowledge in your head, otherwise some of the material will simply be forgotten. This way you can easily pass any test and pass any exam. If during an exam or test you come across a difficult question that you don't remember the answer to, don't worry. Write the question down on a separate sheet of paper and concentrate. After some time, you will definitely remember the answer to the question.

    Work hard in class

    1. Be careful . You'll be surprised how many new things you can remember if you just listen carefully. Be smarter: try to understand the subject, and not just mechanically write down the teacher’s words, and studying will be much easier.

      • If you are often distracted or have difficulty maintaining concentration, take vitamins, eat right and, if necessary, take medications. And most importantly, come to lessons with a thirst for knowledge!
    2. Ask questions. More precisely, ask the teacher relevant questions. Analyze what exactly you do not understand in the material, think about what exactly you need to clarify for yourself, and ask the appropriate question. But first, analyze everything you've learned before thinking that you didn't understand something. In order not to forget, write down the question on a piece of paper, go to the teacher and ask when he can help you figure out what you don’t understand.

      • Feel free to ask questions! No one can know everything in the world, and there is nothing wrong with not understanding something. We all have to learn something. Your teacher, for example, knows this very well and will be happy to help.
    3. Review the course outline. In Russian realities, all you have to do is look through a textbook. By the way, this will be useful just like that, as part of general development.

      • This is especially clearly noticeable in the example of history textbooks, where, after analyzing one era and/or event, there is an analysis of the next era, which is associated with the period studied. Analyze this connection and learn to work better with information.
    4. Take notes. There is no need to mindlessly write down everything under the dictation of the teacher. Take notes, write down the most important things schematically, and then supplement the diagram with details and examples. At the end, you can briefly summarize everything you learned in the lesson - this will be useful to you in the future.

      • If you are working ahead of the school curriculum, then write down what you do not understand and then ask the teacher the appropriate question.
    5. Don't miss classes. If you were sick, ask your teacher or classmates what went on without you and study the topic.

      Discuss your grades with your teachers. Ask what the teacher thinks about the quality of your work and why he gave you a particular grade. Work on topics that need improvement, and be prepared to take on extra assignments if they can improve your grade in a subject.

    Work hard at home

      Do your homework. This is a mandatory and important point. Sometimes teachers don't check your homework, but even then you should motivate yourself to complete it. The deeper you dive into the subject, the better. Homework is designed to help you consolidate what you have learned. If you haven’t been assigned anything at home, then read the textbook.

      • Homework grades have the same impact on academic performance as class work.
    1. Exercise a little every day. This way, the material you have covered will be better remembered, and no unexpected test or test will take you by surprise.

      Read the textbook, looking ahead (except in those rare cases when the teacher specifically asks not to do this). This will help you figure out in advance which topics may be difficult.

      Don't put it off until later. Don't put off your homework until the night: Of course, if you have an assignment due urgently, you should work on it until late, but let this be an extreme case and not the usual state of affairs. Typically, try to do the following. If the assignment is due in two weeks, make a plan and write down the main points in the first week. Over the weekend, compile your notes into a coherent whole to get a finished draft, and in the second week just refine it if necessary, edit it and print it out. Don't forget to submit your work on time; if you are given time before some date, turn it in a day early to show your effort and give the teacher more time to check.

      • Starting a project or other large assignment early will give you time to ask your teacher questions, clarification, or advice. If you follow the teacher's advice in those moments that caused you difficulties or doubts, your grade will probably be higher.
    2. Try explaining the material to someone. Find a quiet, peaceful place (this could very well be your room) and imagine that you are a teacher explaining a subject to a student. This is a good way to determine how well you understand the material, and also to better retain what you understand. If a classmate asks you to help him understand a topic, or it is generally accepted that strong students “pull up” those who are lagging behind, take advantage of this.

      Do your homework in a designated area. You need a desk, minimal distractions, and an understanding that studying is a habit. Accordingly, it is quite possible to train your brain to give it its all right here and at this particular time. All this will help you succeed in your studies.

      If you have time, read the additional material. It doesn't matter whether it's on the Internet or in the library - read books about what you're learning. The more you learn, the better your grades will be.

      Consider hiring a tutor. If it's possible, why not? Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for help and it can have a positive impact on your grades.

Everyone knows that learning is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Every day a student has to get ready for school, sit in class, memorize a lot of new information, write it down, answer in front of the whole class and write tests. But this is not the most difficult thing, since besides this they have to return home, where they again continue their education - read paragraphs, do exercises received at home, learn poems and solve complex problems. Therefore, no matter what you say, education is a titanic work, especially for a child. It is not surprising that under such a harsh regime, not all children can withstand it; some of them begin to skip classes, not do homework, etc. However, forcing a child to study is not the surest way out of the situation. You need to approach the educational process carefully, and most importantly, correctly!

In general, the question “How to force yourself to study” is most often asked by students, since there is more control at the school desk: and...

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How to become an excellent student in 6th grade?

The sixth grade of a comprehensive secondary school, it is at this stage that new subjects appear in the program that have not previously been studied. This is what contributes to the fact that the level of academic performance of many schoolgirls drops somewhat. This ambiguous situation is also aggravated by the fact that during this period of time girls begin puberty, the consequence of which is the restructuring of not only the internal organs of the body, but also the child’s psyche.

First things first...

How to become an excellent student in 6th grade, regardless of temporary difficulties? First of all, as they say, there would be a desire... You just have to want it, put in a little effort and everything will work out. You need to start with a positive attitude. Very often, schoolgirls are prevented from getting good grades by the categorical conviction that they simply cannot do any subject. An equally decisive factor is that the child may have fear of a teacher who...

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First of all, it is necessary to change the attitude towards lessons. A lesson is not 45 minutes wasted. At least half of each lesson is concentrated useful knowledge. If you take in the information in class, you won’t have to spend as much time on homework.

Yes, grades do not always reflect the level of your knowledge, but “A” grades make life quite simple both when entering college and in communicating with your family. The first rule of getting good grades is to wait for a good question in class. There are always topics that are closer to you or simply better remembered, and this happens in the study of any subject. In class, when you hear a question on a similar topic, feel free to raise your hand. "Five" is guaranteed.

Always agree to complete a paper or presentation. Searching for information on the Internet or books is a good way to once again analyze the material and clarify points that are not fully understood, and it is also much more interesting than reading several rather boring ones...

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Quite a lot of schoolchildren are concerned about how to do well at school. Some are pressured by their parents, some by their teachers, others think about it themselves, realizing that they will soon need to enroll. It's never too late to start learning, start improving your performance right now.

Find purpose and meaning in studying well. First, you need to decide why you need to study better. This is especially true for those who are forced to study by adults. You need a goal that will be important specifically for you: to go where you want, but where there is a lot of competition; become the best in class, attract someone's attention; receive praise and approval from parents; make your teachers respect you, etc. Awareness of this goal should already suggest how to force yourself to study. Write down specific tasks - what needs to be done to study better. Divide this global goal into small ones: “do 4 math homeworks, write test 5 on...

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The first category includes children who are lucky; their studies are easy for them. These students most often do not put in much effort in order to gain the maximum amount of knowledge. As a result, children belonging to the first category are often lazy and unfocused. Everything comes too easily to them, so they believe that there is no need to prepare for classes. As a rule, schoolchildren included in this category achieve “good” and “excellent” grades.

The second category includes children who achieve good results when systematically learning material. These children understand that without work they are unlikely to achieve anything in life. They have to make every effort to study well. As a rule, children from this category experience every defeat very painfully. Most of the schoolchildren included in this category study with “A” grades; occasionally “B’s” may appear in their diary.

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Becoming an excellent student at school - what does it mean? Many teachers will set you up as an example in front of their classmates. And not only. If you study with excellent marks, other students look up to you, respect you and, of course, want to make friends with you.

Are you thinking about how to become an excellent student? In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Although not entirely simple. You will need time, patience, willpower, self-confidence and a reserve of optimism. Ready? Then let's begin!

How to become an excellent student at school: 10 steps to success

Step 1. Like all diligent students, you must pay attention in class!

When the teacher explains the material, take notes. And if you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask a question. The more questions you ask, the smarter you will become, believe it or not. If you don't take notes and chat with friends during class, you won't learn anything. Therefore, if you want to become an excellent student, listen, be...

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Explanation for the third part Chapter One Awaken your academic talent Alarm clock for academic talent Chapter Two Start your studies with A's The secret that excellent students know Chapter Three Closer to knowledge Chapter Four Form for an excellent student Chapter Five First - lessons How to learn to study 1. Time to prepare homework 2. How to organize classes at home 3. A positive emotional attitude when preparing lessons at home 4. Help in preparing lessons 5. If studying is not a joy for parents and children Golden twenty-four hours of a high school student The “Golden Day” method Chapter six Use a magic wand Chapter seven Make friends with excellent students! If you want to soar with eagles, don’t waste your time on chickens Love with excellence Chapter Eight Be always in sight Chapter Nine Take the best from life Strong class The best school Choosing a school School quality criteria: what to look for Get into the best university Chapter Ten Read books ! Why do we need books...

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School years are considered the most wonderful and almost carefree. Few will argue with this statement. Parents only require good grades from students as confirmation of their knowledge. However, not all students study well. Many children skip classes and receive unsatisfactory grades. Almost all schoolgirls have a question about what to do to become an excellent student. There is a lot of practical advice on this matter. Let's try to deal with each separately.

The first tip on how to become an excellent student: change your thoughts and mood

First of all, you need to tune yourself to the right wave. You can only get A's and study well if you have your own desire. No teacher, tutor or strict parent will force you to study well.

Imagine that you are already a good student and constantly receive praise from teachers and parents. Classmates and friends in the yard are jealous of your...

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The most annoying thing is when you seem to study well, but not well enough, and you are often just a little short of an A. How to step over this “just a little bit” and start getting straight A’s? Let's try to figure out how to become an excellent student at school.

First you need to decide: why did you even need to become an excellent student? In fact, grades are not always an indicator of intelligence. Of course, no one is saying that you need to stop paying attention to grades altogether, but you shouldn’t chase too much for A’s either: this is fraught with health problems.

If you are determined to become an excellent student at school, it is important to remember that nothing will happen on its own: you will need to try, devote more time to lessons and study on your own, because teachers physically cannot pay enough attention to each student in a 45-minute lesson.

You need to start with a positive attitude. What often prevents you from getting good grades is a firm conviction that you...

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How to do well at school? Facebook VKontakte Odnoklassniki

The question of how to do well at school is relevant for many schoolchildren. After all, successful education often determines a higher status among peers and is important when choosing a future path in life. Some students, who were rather indifferent to the learning process, come to their senses by the end of school: how to start studying well?

What to do to study well? First, you need to decide on your priorities. Why is it important for you to study well: maybe for admission to a higher educational institution, where there is a lot of competition; or to increase your authority among your classmates, or maybe it’s important for you to get the approval of your parents and teachers? Next, you need to decide on specific tasks. It’s easier when you fail in only one or two academic subjects; it’s more difficult if there is a lag in knowledge in several subjects. For example, you set the task of writing a “4” essay on literature, or learning...

Well, they slid down
one managed to more or less recover - if it weren’t for laziness and Minecraft, then he would have been completely an excellent student, but here he often cuts off in the last days, relaxes towards the end, but it turns out that not all the tests are over yet
and not only that, but from the threes you can get to the front rows
if you get a little help from your parents - both with your studies and technically with unscheduled events, then it’s quite possible to build a good reputation
and if a good student is allowed to float freely at this moment, but you can end up with a disaster, which, alas, we also see with a friend

but I don't see...

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The desire to reach new heights requires a person to acquire useful skills. What is required to assimilate new information? on one's own? How to optimize knowledge acquisition? How to develop the ability to self-organize? All this will be discussed.

Are we taught to learn?

Not a single educational institution, from kindergarten to universities, explains to a person how to plan his day and develop self-organization skills. Often, teachers simply work through their program, familiarizing themselves with the base of subjects. The only thing that can be learned in such classes is the ability to systematize knowledge in the form of correct formatting of notes. To achieve success in adulthood, you need to figure out how to learn on your own as a child.

Why learn self-study skills?

Time does not stand still. With the development of society, the conditions of human existence change. Skills that helped a person in the past may no longer help a person achieve the desired results after several decades. Many experts in one of the fields notice that their knowledge is gradually turning to dust. Such people sometimes have to relearn things on the fly.

Comprehending self-organization skills makes it possible to save time, your own energy and operate with deep knowledge. The result is readiness for a wide variety of life situations, the opportunity to choose new professions, expand your social circle, and acquire interesting hobbies.

Setting goals

Why is it difficult to study on your own? Significant difficulties arise primarily among people who do not have a specific goal. It’s not always about career growth, but also about social life, creativity, and hobbies. A goal is required to know where to go next.

Sometimes a person has to force himself to perform certain actions. If achieving a result promises real benefits and advantages over others, things go much faster. You just need to get involved in the learning process and move step by step towards a specific goal.

How to learn to study independently? The choice of a suitable profession plays an important role here. Some people suffer for years, learning something they don't like. As a result, nothing fruitful comes of it and time is wasted. If a person manages to find a profession that is truly interesting, gaining knowledge in the given field will truly bring not only benefit, but also pleasure.


Chaotic movement towards achieving specific goals slows down the learning process. Without drawing up a concrete plan, a person often finds himself in prostration. How to develop the ability to learn independently? A specific curriculum is required to create a plan. It is important to make a list of sources of information from which knowledge will be drawn. It is necessary that working according to the plan becomes a habit. This is the only way to set yourself up for fruitful activity.

Taking notes

Is it possible to study on your own? Taking notes will help with this. If learning occurs through lectures, it is important to write down only those concepts that may be useful in the future. When reading literature, it is worth noting quotes, definitions, statements that look useful.

It is not necessary to take notes by hand. If desired, you can use electronic devices. The convenience of one or another option depends on each individual. Regardless, there are several ways to organize your data that are worth trying. Ultimately, this will allow you to come to the most convenient solution.


Moving towards achieving your learning goal will be ineffective if things are done out of order. In such cases, quite often there is a desire to first deal with what the heart lies more in, rather than deal with the really important matter. To understand how to learn to study independently, it is recommended to determine the current tasks. If some low-priority learning tasks remain undone at the end of the day, such shortcomings will not be so important.

High-quality completion of work to the end

To gain useful skills when learning, you must try to make every effort to complete an important task the first time. As a result, you won’t have to put the matter off until later and return to it later when some important points are forgotten. This will reduce the number of errors during learning and will not force you to waste your free time on redoing what you started.

Control over your own condition

It is quite difficult to force yourself to study if you feel tired, hungry, or your body is exhausted from illness. Therefore, you need to prepare for the process of comprehending useful information. A person should not experience physical or mental discomfort. It is necessary to keep your thoughts focused solely on learning. Before starting the process, it is recommended to complete important daily tasks. This will allow you to get rid of obsessive worries from your head. Before training, you should once again take a bath or shower, eat, and dress up in comfortable clothes.

Fighting procrastination

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy? In psychology, a person’s tendency to regularly put off important things until later, which causes a whole lot of trouble, is called procrastination. Many people prefer to go through possible actions in their own heads rather than immediately start implementing specific tasks. Distractions are often used as excuses for procrastination.

To avoid procrastination, you should protect yourself from stimuli that lead to distraction. You need to realize that the need to implement important, rather complex things often causes a desire for a temporary deviation from the goal. Achieving good results in self-study will allow you to choose prepositions that will set you up for fruitful work.

Afraid to ask questions

How to learn English on your own or master any other field of knowledge? For some people, an obstacle to achieving the desired results is discomfort when it comes to communicating with a teacher. Failure to understand certain points in the presented material disrupts the logical chain of understanding the information. A student who is afraid to ask questions is practically doomed to failure. Such a person is limited compared to others. In some situations, it is much better to demonstrate your lack of understanding of the material than to let everything take its course.

Encouraging yourself

During classes, you should not drive yourself into a blind corner. In addition to studying, you need to see other things that allow you to relax. Any work must have a decent reward. For this reason, it is worth sometimes dedicating time to things that bring you pleasure. There should always be activities that make it possible to balance your own emotional state.

Compliance with the regime

How to teach a child to learn independently? Skills for organizing affairs should be developed in a person from an early age. The child must learn that after returning from school he will have leisure time for several hours. However, after this you definitely need to start doing your homework. If a child attends a sports club, goes to a drawing class or goes to a music school, you can sit down for lessons later. Be that as it may, you shouldn’t put off learning useful material at home until just before you go to bed.

Adaptation of the baby to such a regime may take a year or more. During this time, parents should maintain appropriate control and try not to let things take their course.

Already in elementary school, it is important for a child to understand how to use his time rationally. However, parents are advised to respond to requests for help at the right moments. But this should be done only in situations where the child is truly unable to cope with educational tasks on his own.

Memory development

Some people have difficulty learning on their own because they have a poor ability to retain information. Such individuals should work on themselves in terms of controlling their level of concentration. Having concentrated your attention on the task, you should try to fully understand the meaning of the information received. It is worth abandoning mechanical memorization, since this approach absolutely does not contribute to the development of memory.

However, it is not recommended to overload yourself with information. It is better to write down meaningful data and try to connect it with what is already stored in long-term memory. This combined method of memory development will allow you to develop the correct associations.

There are other ways to better remember useful data. It consists in dividing knowledge into certain blocks. The smaller the volume of pieces of information received, the better it is assimilated.

Eradication of laziness

Often, simple laziness prevents us from studying on our own. Lack of motivation can be resolved in the following way. It is enough to divide a complex matter into small stages. This will allow you to complete some of the learning tasks within a certain time period. This way you can gradually get closer to the final goal. Each subsequent stage of the task may no longer seem so daunting.

In order to eradicate laziness, before studying, you should arrange your workplace comfortably, listen to your favorite music, and resort to other solutions that will allow you to tune in to a positive mood.

Thinking about pleasant bonuses also gives you the opportunity to force yourself. We are talking about a reward that you can come up with for yourself for successfully completing a task. This could be a break for a cup of coffee, watching your favorite TV show, etc.

Independent study of a foreign language

Separately, I would like to consider how to learn English on your own. First, it is important to understand the basic verbs, which include concepts such as “to be”, “to have”, “to desire”, “to give”, “to take”, “to go”. Having mastered the combination of these and other similar words with common pronouns, you can form a kind of base. This approach will allow you to build simple, conscious phrases.

Typically, a person who resorts to independent learning of a foreign language experiences the greatest difficulty in overcoming the speech barrier. To really speak English, you need to find a good interlocutor. When looking for the latter, it is better to give preference to a professional tutor who will point out mistakes and force you to practice.

So, we tried to figure out how to force ourselves to study if we’re all lazy. Finally, I would like to provide a few more practical recommendations on this matter:

  1. You need to set only realistic goals for yourself and rejoice in every, even the smallest victory.
  2. It is important to save time, which can be spent on benefiting from training, visiting social networks less, avoiding frequent phone calls and SMS correspondence.
  3. When studying, there is often a feeling of routine. To overcome such an unpleasant feeling, it is worth introducing variety into the material. It will be useful to comprehend information not only in written form, but also to watch useful videos, listen to audio, and communicate with like-minded people.
  4. During the learning process, you should pay attention to inconsistencies in the material, shortcomings, errors, and inaccuracies. This can be discussed with the teacher. Even if you fail to prove that you are right, this approach will make the process of comprehending new information more fun. Over time, thinking will become more flexible and critical.
  5. It is useful to understand that studying and achieving high goals is not the whole of life. It is necessary to spend time on quality rest, communication with family members and friends.


So we found out what is required in order to learn to independently acquire useful skills. The presence of desire is of decisive importance here. It is also important to find for yourself the right balance between productive work and the desire to fall into inactivity. Ultimately, any learning must be supported by practice. Otherwise, the effort spent will have no meaning.

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