Modern family estates. Ecovillage or family estate - revival of traditions

It has been legally possible to obtain free land for a family estate in Russia since 2015. In this case, it should be based on the very concept of an estate, which includes a detailed description of the allotment, starting from the purposes of using the land and ending with the list of buildings that should be erected on the territory. The procedure, as well as all sorts of nuances, will help to carry out the process and receive land for use free of charge.

The legal definition of a family estate explains that it is considered a plot of land that is not subject to division, transferred into the ownership of a family or an individual adult citizen of the Russian Federation for the purpose of running a household plot and building a house with subsequent residence in it.

In this case, the emphasis should be placed precisely on providing a plot of land for the use of a family, on the terms of future generations living in a building erected on the exploited territory. If a foreign person wants to receive land, he will first need to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation and only then submit an application for acquisition of an allotment.

The status of a family estate clearly excludes sale, exchange, donation, registration for lease use to another person and other options for legal transactions regarding the territory used. The transfer of an allotment can be carried out only by right of inheritance or on the basis of a voluntary assignment to one of the close family members.

You can only receive a plot of land to create a family estate free of charge once. In this case, the allotment is awarded for lifelong ownership with the possibility of transferring the land area by inheritance.

A mandatory characteristic of a plot used as a family estate is its area of ​​at least 1 hectare. This size is optimal for the construction of a house and buildings necessary for conducting business activities, as well as the development of such areas as crop production and livestock farming. The latter can act as additional or main income for the family living on the site. In addition, other options for developing the territory are acceptable, including the construction of artificial reservoirs, planting forests, etc.

The standard size of a plot for a family estate may vary depending on its regional location - in certain areas there may be deviations up or down. There are no other restrictions in terms of the size of the territory for the estate, in other words, a competent justification will allow you to obtain 10, 20, 30 or more hectares of land for use.

Where can I get it?

A plot for a family estate can be obtained in any part of the country, since the state has designated vast territories for the creation of such. The only condition here is the corresponding category of intended purpose of the land where the plot of interest is located.

A list of territories allocated for the creation of an estate with the construction of a house and other buildings is available in each regional cadastre office under the local administration. The list is compiled by authorized persons in regional centers, and then approved and certified by the federal cadastre body.

It is important to clarify that the interested person cannot independently select a plot to create an estate, since the list of potential plots for these purposes was previously determined and approved by the municipality and federal authorities. The only option may be to select from already approved areas recorded as territories for family estates.

The procedure for obtaining an allotment for a family estate

To obtain land territory, you will need to contact the administration authorities of the region where you would like to live and write an application in the established form. After consent from the authorities, the plot is awarded to a specific family or citizen free of charge and with the right to lifelong use.

If 3 or more families are interested in creating an estate, each of them must submit an application. In this case, the territory is assigned the status of a village, and the municipality undertakes the obligation to lay utility networks in the specified area.

One way or another, to legalize ownership of the plot, you will need to take the following actions:

  1. Selection of a site from the list of territories approved for the creation of family estates. Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the absence of an owner of the area and confirmation that it is in the possession of the state.
  2. Clarification of information through a visit to the land committee regarding the presence of encumbrances on the selected site, for example, arrests, prohibitions. If there are no restrictions, you should obtain a document confirming this fact.
  3. Submitting an application for the provision of land for a family estate to local authorities.

Along with the application form, you will need to provide a plan for the development of the site, as well as a document on land surveying and registration of its boundaries. Additionally, a permit from the cadastre for the use of land must be attached.

It is worth clarifying here that there is no clearly regulated procedure for obtaining an allotment for an estate. In any case, you will need to contact the cadastre authorities to obtain an approved list of territories, and then visit the administration to clarify the progress of the procedure and submit an application.

Features of the use of the territory

Family estates are not taxed, since the land is allocated for the family to live and provide it with everything necessary for life, through growing vegetables and fruits on the land, as well as raising livestock. According to this, the estate is not considered a commercial entity whose activities are aimed at making a profit, but citizens have the right to sell surplus products received.

An important point is the possibility of farming on the territory of the estate only if the use of the allotment is officially registered. In another situation, the exploitation of the site is equivalent to the unauthorized seizure of the territory, which implies a fine and other sanctions from the state.

In order to further register ownership, the following conditions will need to be met:

  • erect a permanent residential building within 1 year from the date of receipt of the land;
  • carry out the procedure for registering all family members in the constructed house.

It is mandatory to conduct any kind of economic activity on the estate, for example, plant a garden.

Requirements for creating an estate

The status of a family estate assigned to a plot must be confirmed based on the fulfillment of a number of requirements for it.

The list of mandatory actions performed on the allotment territory includes:

  • construction of a residential building within 3 years from the date of transfer of the site for the creation of an estate;
  • construction of a permanent fence, a fence separating the territory of the land used for the estate from the lands located nearby;
  • The plot should be surrounded on all sides by paths and paths, and the size of the latter should be 2-3 times smaller than the width of the roads.

As a fence, regulations recommend the construction of a hedge. Vegetation will not only ensure silence, but will also significantly improve the air quality near the estate, hiding it from dust, polluted air and protecting it from wind erosion.

The fence parameters must meet the following requirements:

  • the width should be between 3 and 10 meters;
  • the permissible height varies from 15 to 20 meters.

It is also necessary to maintain the natural fence in proper form by trimming it in a timely manner, shaping it and providing the plants with proper care.

Additionally, all estate owners, without exception, are required to carry out the following activities:

  1. preserving the condition of the land and its fertility through measures aimed at its restoration;
  2. development of land and its intended use, aimed at protecting land from overgrowing with weeds and other vegetation in a chaotic manner;
  3. carry out measures to protect and protect water bodies, lands, forests and other resources, using various methods, the main of which is compliance with fire safety.

And, of course, when living in a natural area, you should take care of its cleanliness, avoiding the creation of landfills, excluding contamination of the soil and surrounding space with various harmful wastes.

A family or a Russian citizen who has reached the age of majority can receive a plot of land for the creation of a family estate. You will need to carefully study all the nuances of the process and prepare the necessary documents. The procedure can be carried out only once by submitting an appropriate application to the territorial self-government body.

Is there an alternative to city life? Why is the quality of life in eco-villages considered better than in cities? What might a family estate look like, what are its main features? What is the difference between an ecovillage and a family estate? Read about this in our article.

More and more people are coming to the conclusion that city life worsens a person’s physical and emotional health. Living in harmony with the world around us is the answer to many simple but serious questions that a person begins to ask himself at different periods of life. These answers were found for themselves by those who decided to leave the city and live in nature.

What is an ecovillage

Ecovillage is a conventional general designation of a populated area with people permanently staying there. They are also called communities. As a rule, these are families who live there permanently, with the exception of trips when necessary - to medical and government institutions, shops. They lead a collective lifestyle, cultivating the land and using the crops. Animal husbandry, beekeeping, etc. are the source of nutrition and exchange resource for the settlement.

Distinctive features of organizing an ecovillage:

  1. Non-commercial use of land. Harvest and other products are sold to purchase basic necessities - fuel, batteries, communications equipment, or directly exchanged for them. The surplus is often distributed to the needy at open fairs.
  2. Respect for nature. In eco-villages, pesticides, chemicals and industrial fertilizers are not used under any pretext. The same applies to animals - growth catalysts and other drugs that affect metabolism are not added to the feed.
  3. Lack of desire for accumulation and enrichment. Settlers do not create excess production. The volume of the planned harvest is limited by the needs of the community.
  4. Lack of a strict management system. The settlements are small - from 30 to 250 people, so the “government bodies” are conditional - these are trusted people, elders, whom the community can replace at any time. In another version, this is the Community Council, which includes heads of families and elders. They do not cooperate with representatives of the state or any other authorities, but, if necessary, represent the interests of the settlers.
  5. Autonomy. Each community strives to provide itself with everything it needs, helping others whenever possible.
  6. Freedom of conscience. The principle of the internal structure, the distribution of roles in the household and the way of life - everything is determined by the members of the community. Many settlements have a religious basis - often pagan - and practice the customs of their ancestors from the pre-Christian period.

What is the difference between a community and an ordinary village?

In ecovillages there is no concept of division into “us” and “alien”. Fences, or rather hedges, protect gardens and yards from forest animals, but not from neighbors. Due to the lack of desire for enrichment and superiority over others, the following phenomena do not exist:

  1. Theft. There is no point - all things are created by collective labor and there are no “extra” things that are not used.
  2. Hired labor. There is no commodity-money turnover within the community. The ecovillage spends money only through external contacts. Spending is strictly discussed and carefully planned.
  3. Property as such. The community develops its own rules, but in the vast majority of cases, the land and property of an eco-village cannot belong to individual individuals. Land is purchased or rented from the state by several like-minded families using their own funds. The heads of families make up the Community Council.
  4. Drinking, smoking, lust, swearing. In all eco-villages, these character defects are prohibited. The difference from society’s traditional approach to these personal problems is that the team helps a person get rid of them, rather than isolating him.

Tribal communities have absorbed the best traditions of villages and villages. One of them is the transfer of knowledge and experience from old masters to young ones. Achieving perfection in his work - be it blacksmithing or carpentry, farming - a person teaches this to his children, and this is how labor (professional) dynasties are born. The union of people of different professions makes a remote settlement viable - it has its own agronomists, biologists, teachers, doctors, technicians and specialists in many other professions.

What is a family estate

A family estate is a community consisting of members of one family, which is replenished by establishing kinship ties with representatives of other families, clans and communities. Several family estates can unite into a family community. This is usually done at the “project development” stage, when like-minded people meet in ordinary life and discuss common plans for the future. If two, three or more families come to the conclusion that living together in nature will benefit them, they purchase plots of land nearby.

As a rule, the territory of a community is chosen in such a way that there is a river or a large lake nearby (or along the border) and necessarily a forest. Community members are actively planting new trees, while carrying out preventive maintenance of the existing forest - they take away old and fallen trunks for firewood. By deeply studying the ecosystem of the region, they enrich natural resources by breeding fish and feeding forest animals.

How is a family estate organized?

There are no specific schemes for such settlements - everything is determined by the terrain and landscape. However, there are elements by which one can distinguish a family estate (RA) from an ordinary village:

  1. Arbitrary layout of buildings. In terms of the location of its parts, the RP resembles a remote farm. There are no streets in them, and houses with outbuildings are not located where there is space, but where it is convenient for the owners. The remoteness from civilization provides a certain amount of space that allows one to manage the land in such a way.
  2. Living hedge. Refusal of any type of fence, or rather, replacing it with rows of living plants and shrubs. The explanation is simple - the service life of a wooden fence and a growing tree are not comparable (in favor of the tree).
  3. A body of water, sometimes an irrigation system. If there is no reservoir nearby, the settlers arrange it themselves. Sometimes you can see man-made canals and water towers.
  4. Forest area. If there is no forest, it is planted on the north and north-west sides. This is done to create a barrier to cold winds.
  5. Vegetable garden and garden. Without this, autonomous existence is unthinkable. The sizes of these plots are based on the number of family members. The vegetable garden occupies 10-15 acres, and the garden 15-20 acres of land. If there is a need to grow and prepare animal feed in large quantities (on collective farms), common fields are allocated for this.
  6. Wind turbines or mini-hydroelectric power plants. Eco-villages also need energy, just like cities, but stretching a cable over 200 km is unrealistic and unnecessary. Using the forces of nature, residents provide themselves with electricity.
  7. Orientation of the house according to the sun. A house in the Republic of Poland is located not for the best view from the window, but for reasons of insolation - it should be optimal.

A few words about the house itself. One of the ideas of settlements is to maintain the flow of life with its changes and transformations. In other words, they recognize that things are changing. Therefore, large capital houses are rarely found there. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, the walls of the house (even if they are made of natural material) separate man from nature. The settlers view the house itself more as a night and winter shelter. Secondly, children who grew up on the estate will still want to arrange the house in their own way, and it will be easier for them to carry out reconstruction.

How to painlessly break away from civilization

Remote settlements are not as wild as they might seem. Modern technologies make it possible to have any type of communication even in the remote taiga. 30-40% of settlers continue to work via the Internet, engaging in increasingly popular freelancing, analytics or journalism. Since life in the lap of nature does not require constant expenses and the availability of money, the funds earned go to the development of the community (purchase of necessary devices and materials) and charity.

Ecovillages are happy to welcome guests - those who want to learn more about their life or join later. Foreign ecotourists have the opportunity to look with their own eyes at that part of Russian culture that cannot be conveyed from the pages of a book or theater stage. Such settlements are rarely located closer than 200 km to large cities, but this does not stop (wealthy) city dwellers from striving to purchase natural products - honey, propolis, oil and much more. There is also a developed industry with elements of folk art - the recreation of ancient looms, forges, and architecture. This is not demonstrative in nature, but contributes to the creative realization of the individual.

How to make your dreams come true

The project “Family Estates of Russia” is gaining momentum. Thousands of residents of large and small cities every year consciously choose a harmonious life in nature and leave cramped apartments. What’s interesting is that they are being replaced by “new city dwellers” who came from the periphery and villages in an attempt to improve their standard of living. In this way, mutual interest is observed and a “rotation” of the population occurs in the cities, which receive fresh forces. This is an absolute plus for decongesting megacities and deconcentrating the population in a country with such a vast territory.

The long-awaited Law “On Family Estates” has already been adopted in the Belgorod and Vladimir regions and a federal bill is currently being considered. According to the idea of ​​the project, every citizen of Russia will have the right to a land plot of 1-1.5 hectares for living and cultivating the land in order to obtain a crop. Land is the basis of the family estate; this term has already been introduced into document circulation. In addition, the bill provides for the organization of settlements on united areas of estates (family settlements) with fully responsible self-organization. This means that the right of settlements to choose their leaders is confirmed by the Law.

The largest and most successful eco-villages in Russia

The very concept of “successful” here lies only in the fact that people do not leave the place they once occupied, but, on the contrary, are increasingly arriving and settling there. Therefore, “successful” means “growing and developing.”

Ancestral eco-settlements always increase in width - the arrival of new settlers does not lead to densification of buildings or living space. Each family immediately builds its own farmstead and house. All family settlements and individual estates always have a sonorous name, which speaks of the attitude of the founders, who are usually called the creators of the estate.

Settlement of family estates Raiskoe

Founded in 2006. Place - Tyumen region, village. Metelevo (2 km). Area - 260 hectares.

Nature - mixed forest, hills, ponds and the Tura and Olkhovka rivers, suitable for swimming. More than 100 types of medicinal herbs.

Population: a total of 180 families (780 people), of which 70 families (180 people) spend the winter.

Image of the settlement. Residents of Raisky are members of the voluntary non-profit partnership (VNP) “Ringing Cedars of Tyumen”. This form of organization allows:

  • legally own land and use it to produce crops;
  • put buildings into operation and assign them addresses for registration;
  • elect an existing collegial governing body with a seal and the right to sign;
  • regulate the rights of family inheritance of estates in accordance with the laws of the country;
  • build roads, establish communications.

This is a completely modern settlement that has all the advantages of civilization - gas, running water, constant voltage, cellular communications, wired Internet. The main continent of settlers are urban entrepreneurs, like-minded people. Paradise rather resembles an elite suburban village, but in reality it is a family eco-village with a high level of communication.

The cost of 1 hectare is 7.5 million rubles.

Settlement Tribal

Founded in 2008. Place - Tula region, Leninsky and Dubensky district, Aleshinsky rural district, village. Borshchevka and Baboshino. The 1st, 3-7 fields are located in the Leninsky district, the 2nd field - in the Dubensky district.The total area is about 600 hectares.

Nature - in the areas there is 5-7 year old forest, in the area there is coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest. Reservoirs suitable for swimming.

Population: 150 families (380 people), including 49 wintering families (140 people).


  • private kindergarten;
  • school and shop in the village (6 km);
  • There is cellular communication;
  • Some people have electricity;
  • There is no gas and there are no plans.

Image of the settlement. There are no charter or internal rules. The settlement is actively developing, land has been allocated for the construction of its own school and general needs. New fields are being explored.

The cost of 1 hectare is from 100 to 160 thousand rubles.

Commonwealth of Family Estates Denevo

Founded in 2004. Place - Pskov region, Loknyansky district.The area is 220 hectares, another 40 hectares are being developed.

Nature - many different areas with forests, copses, open fields, coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. The Lovat and Loknya rivers are suitable for swimming.

Population: 120 families (470 people), of which 47 families (130 people) spend the winter.

Infrastructure: there is cellular communication, public springs, shops and a school in the nearest settlements. The settlement is developing, a school is being built.

Image of the settlement. The internal order is oral laws that are based on universal morality, tolerance and mutual respect. For an applicant for a place for his own family estate in Denevo, much depends on communication with the families already living there. The main idea (besides the harmonization of life) is the development of relations between like-minded people from other countries.

The settlement has developed eco- and agrotourism. Denevo families try to decentralize and minimize the element of managing their own society - each family decides for itself what and how to do on its own plot. The cost of 1 hectare is from 8,500 to 15,000 rubles.

As can be seen from a quick review, ecovillages can be different - from high-tech and expensive to as close as possible to natural living conditions. But the main factor in the success of a settlement will always be unanimity. Today, in Russia alone there are about 120 eco-villages, 90 of which spend the winter. There are about 100 more settlements under construction. And, finally, about 50 settlements are in the planning stage, that is, a team of like-minded people is selecting or is already looking for a suitable site. Ukraine, Belarus and other countries with fertile lands are also actively developing in this direction.

Autonomy and minimization of resources for life become a decisive factor in the conditions of complex relations between participants in the global economy. Ecovillages and family estates can become a way out and even salvation for hundreds of thousands of people.

The law on Family Estates has not been adopted, but estates are created on the basis of the Land Code. Create your own estate, estate and solve your housing problem without a mortgage.

An estate is a private property on hectares of land

The concept of an estate means ownership of hectares of land, where life is developed in full: a house is built, land is developed, income is set up.

The Land Code states that the land must first be developed and then used for its intended purpose. What can be the intended use if there is no law on the estate, and there is no law on the estate? How to create your own estate?

First, let's figure out which lands are suitable for creating an estate. All lands have their own category, there are lands of rural settlements, agricultural lands, forest lands, reserve lands and others. I have identified only those that can be used to create an estate; the rest are not interesting to us.

The Land Code states that any citizen can own agricultural lands and lands of rural settlements. Forest lands can only be rented.

If forest lands can only be rented from the state, then they can be annexed to private estates. And let them be rented if you own land nearby. Do you agree?

According to the Land Code, you can buy land and immediately receive property. Land can be purchased from another individual, from a legal entity, or from municipal authorities.

Land can be leased from municipal authorities and then purchased.

A plot of land can be obtained for free in many regions of Russia, not only in the Far East. There are 16 regions left where they give .

If a plot of land is needed to create an estate, then it must become your property in order to create private holdings on hectares of land.

I would like to note that land could always be registered as property. If you have your own land, then you can create an estate on it, and it can become a family estate.

What lands are suitable for creating an Estate?

1.agricultural purposes

2. lands of rural settlements

3. forest lands reserve.

Purpose of the land: for personal subsidiary plots, peasant (farm) farming, agricultural use or agricultural production

Optimal for creating country estates of 5-20 hectares. You can do more, you can do less, you can start developing on any land, generating income, building a house and other buildings.

Requirements that land owners and tenants are burdened with

I propose to look into the Land Code in Articles 13 and 42 and find out what requirements land owners and tenants are burdened with.

Read carefully, now I’ll dispel all the myths.

The law states that everyone who uses land under lease, ownership or other rights is required to carry out the following activities:

1. to preserve soils and their fertility - this is the restoration of soil fertility;

2. to protect land from water and wind erosion and other negative impacts that result in land degradation - this is a hedge;

3. to protect agricultural land from overgrowing with weeds and trees and shrubs, maintaining the achieved level of reclamation - this is land development and intended use;

4. carry out measures to protect lands, forests, water bodies and other natural resources, including fire safety measuresthis is a fire pond, also known as a pond on the estate;

5. comply with the requirements of town planning regulations, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other rules and regulations when using land plots - this means that you can build where it is permitted by law, the land cannot be polluted with waste, and you need to protect nature.

6. use land plots in accordance with their intended purpose - this means that the land cannot be used for activities that do not correspond to the type of permitted use.

Create your own income estate

Create an Estate, make it profitable and provide your family with everything they need. The estate is possible

Considering the very concept of a family estate from a legal point of view, it should be noted that it is a plot of land that is not subject to division and has an area of ​​at least one hectare. These territories are transferred by the state to certain families or citizens of the Russian Federation under an inalienable and inheritable right of ownership, that is, without the right to sell such real estate and without the ability to rent it out.

An important condition is the obligations imposed on the owners, namely that within three years from the date of transfer of the territory, a person must build a house on it suitable for permanent residence. The very essence and purpose of a family estate is the permanent residence of the family and the opportunity to develop a garden, vegetable garden, pond, and so on on the site.

Along the entire perimeter of the ancestral lands there should be a vegetative fence of forest crops (coniferous, cedar, deciduous, shrubs). Such real estate is multifunctional. It provides comfortable conditions for the family, as well as a large area for living and conducting non-profit activities. Everything a person needs for the best organization of life is at his fingertips.

What are estates

When wondering how to get land for a family estate, you should determine for yourself why this is necessary and why you should undertake a very difficult and lengthy process of registration. The owners of family estates have everything they need nearby. They don’t need to go somewhere to the country or plan vacation trips outside the city. All this is always close to them. In addition, the environmental situation in such areas is always significantly better than in urban areas.

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There is also a related concept - kin settlements, which are a group of kin estates located nearby, the owners of which have organized a partnership. As a result of this partnership, the owners join forces to develop the settlement, creating a separate infrastructure, which also includes administrative, cultural, educational, medical and sports facilities of public importance.

The most financially expensive are cottage-type settlements, which represent an entire life support system (power poles, water supply, trenches, etc.). Such settlements are independent and completely autonomous, which is achieved by installing solar panels, miniature wind and hydraulic generators, as well as other energy-generating systems.

Requirements for a separate territory

An integral attribute of family estates is the presence of a strong fence that protects the property from neighboring territories. Planned paths and roads on all four sides are also required. In addition, the size of the paths should be two or three times smaller than the size of the roads. Since the estate is a separate territory, there can be no disputes about land surveying here.

Despite the fact that initially there will be some hassle with creating a hedge, since it needs to be maintained in a natural and neat state, in the near future these troubles will fade into the background. The permissible width of a natural hedge is from three to ten meters, the height is fifteen to twenty meters. By providing the estate with such a fence, the family will be isolated from noise and other inconveniences that the presence of neighbors may cause. Moreover, such a fence protects from the effects of winds, eliminates dust formations and prevents the penetration of foreign odors. In addition, it has an aesthetic appearance that promotes peace and tranquility.

The importance of family wealth

Obtaining land for a family estate is also beneficial because building a residential building here is significantly cheaper than constructing a similar facility within the city. The owner gets the opportunity to settle not only cheaper, but also, referring to his financial condition, to build up the territory in the volumes he needs and within the time frame set by him. This allows even low-income families to build housing on the land of their family estate, which will be environmentally friendly, convenient and have a large territorial reserve.

Such projects operate in accordance with state interests in the field of population dispersal throughout the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Russian legislation, no more than one and a half percent of the total state land area is allocated for settlement in Russia, be it a village or a city. However, it is possible to create an estate even on the basis of a gardening partnership, where abandoned country houses have been located for many years. Lands in abandoned villages and areas in suburban areas with agricultural purposes are also allocated for family estates.

How to get land

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to obtain a plot of land on which their family estate will be located in almost any part of the country. These must be properties suitable for such use. Lists of such plots are compiled by cadastral centers in all administrations (municipal bodies). Such lists are approved and certified by the federal cadastral center.

To obtain a plot of land for a family estate, you must submit a corresponding application to the local government body (administration). Territories for such purposes are allocated separately, but they can also be allocated in a group if we are talking about a family settlement. When a family estate is transferred to the status of a settlement, it receives the official status of a village. At the same time, local authorities must establish all the necessary infrastructure for citizens to live in the village.

What is important, the lands and the products that are produced on them are not subject to taxation, since the family estates and settlements themselves are not formed for commercial activities, but for living, food and development of the agricultural sector.

Formal training

It should also be taken into account that the use of land without proper registration of property rights is called unauthorized seizure, which leads to many problems and risks. That is why documentary issues must be resolved as soon as possible. There is no single sequence for registration here; however, to fully legitimize real estate, it is necessary to go through two stages - prepare documents and submit them to the administration.

The first stage includes:

The next stage includes direct registration, which requires the preparation of certain papers.

Documents for obtaining land:

  • Written application to the administration;
  • A receipt confirming payment of a fine for unauthorized use of land, if such a fact occurred;
  • Territory development plan;
  • Documents confirming the time of use of the territory, if any;
  • Land survey plan;
  • Decisions of the Commission of the Cadastral Chamber.

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Addresses of Sites of Estates and Settlements in Russia

  1. “Blagodatnoye” is an ecovillage. Kaluga region, Kirovsky district, stronghold settlement - village. Durino. Distance from Moscow – 300 km, from Kirov – 10 km (to the north)...
  2. “Grace” – The Commonwealth of Ancestral Lands “Grace” is located near the village of Andreevskoye, Pereslavl district, Yaroslavl region. We are a union of like-minded people. We were united by the bright dream of our own Family Estate, proposed by Anastasia through the books of Vladimir Megre...
  3. “Bogatoye” is an eco-village in the Oryol region, 30 km from the city of Oryol...
  4. – Vedruss, information support for the creators of Family Estates...
  5. “Vedrussa” - this site is somehow connected with the eco-village in the Oryol region. Ageevka village. There is no text (words are limited), there are only photo albums...
  6. “Vedrusskoye Ring” is the Krasnodar regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Ringing Cedars of Russia”. Union of Entrepreneurs “Pure Thoughts”...
  7. “Velikoye” – this site is dedicated to the development and life of the eco-village “Velikoye”...
  8. “Harmony” - the issue of creating and constructing the first eco-village in the Ryazan region is moving to a new, more active stage...
  9. “Harmony” - in Omsk on March 18, 2001, an initiative group was formed to create an eco-village in the region. For the month of October, more than 90 families have been registered wishing to take land in the eco-village...
  10. “Harmony” - these pages discuss the issue of creating an eco-village and allocating land to create a family estate for each individual who was affected by the words spoken in the books of the same name; who believed in this and strives to return our current world, in a deplorable state, to a normal bright and happy future..
  11. “Grishino” is an eco-village. In the North-East of the Leningrad region, near the border with Karelia, in the picturesque village of Grishino, at the confluence of two rivers - Vazhinka and Muzhaly, for more than ten years we have been living and building an ecological settlement...
  12. “Dobrosvet” – ecovillage and reading club “Dobrosvet”...
  13. “Dushevnoe” – field – 120 hectares, located on a hill and surrounded on 3 sides by dense forest. The land had not been cultivated for about 10 years and was overgrown with meadow grasses. There are many springs on the field. Very quiet place!..
  14. “Zhivograd” – Zhivograd is a living city, a city of awakening gods, a Family Settlement, the place is still being discussed. Dolmens – 14 years of experience in visiting and organizing trips and much more, the site is still young...
  15. “Zapolyanya” – welcome to the Zapolyanya website! The settlement is located 2.5 km from the main road leading along the Don. A small river Panika flows near the settlement, which originates near the village of Raevshchina, and then flows into the Don...
  16. “Ringing Cedars of Kuban” - the main thing in our plans is to create our own RP. For this purpose, the club has organized a library. Anyone can read or purchase information related to the creation of RP...
  17. “Ringing Cedars” in the Primorsky Territory - On April 28, 2002, a group of like-minded people founded the regional public movement “Ringing Cedars” in the Primorsky Territory...
  18. “Ringing Cedars” is an eco-village in Yaroslavl. An initiative group gathered to create an ecological settlement in the Yaroslavl region based on the principles set out in the books of V. Megre...
  19. “Istok” – eco-villages in the south of Russia. An ecological settlement is necessary to create a “zone of dialogue” between man and nature, as well as to introduce a new generation to nature, without a painful separation from civilization.
  20. “Istok” is a Samara regional public organization. The main goal of our organization is to create family estates and eco-villages from them...
  21. "Kedr - NN" - dear friends! We invite you to take part in the creation of an ecological settlement in the Nizhny Novgorod region - a union of family estates!..
  22. “Kedr” - the “Kedr” partnership was created by residents of Mezhdurechensk (Altai) in 2001, by those who were not indifferent to the ideas expressed by Vladimir Megre in his books...
  23. Cedar Region - in August 2001, a group of like-minded people was formed, united by the idea of ​​​​creating the image of an ecological settlement. As a result of joint work, the project of the ecological settlement "Lukomorye" and its legal entity - the non-profit partnership "Cedar Region" appeared...
  24. Cedars of the Kama region - in the fall of 2000 in Izhevsk, after the release of Vladimir Megre's fifth book, an initiative group gathered, which set as its main goal the creation of eco-villages on the territory of the Udmurt Republic...
  25. Kitezh – Kitezh – an ecovillage of the 21st century! The symbiosis of the orphanage and the eco-village is dictated by the need to heal the souls of the children who come to us...
  26. The Ark is a non-profit partnership. An active ecovillage. Our goal is to create an eco-village, develop family estates now, on the basis of a modern legislative framework...
  27. Koshkino is an information and business portal for the city of Koshkino under construction. All news of construction, design and arrangement...
  28. Ladnoye – we are creating our Ancestral Settlement “Ladnoye” in the village of Zelenchukskaya, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in the mountain valley of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River. We will welcome everyone, but especially those who are now ready to start registering the land, settle down and start living in the settlement...
  29. "Ladoga" NP - an ecological settlement in Angarsk - a non-profit public organization of landowners. Our goal is to organize and build an ecological settlement consisting of family estates with an area of ​​1-2 hectares, according to the principles described by Vladimir Megre...
  30. “Swan Lakes” – creating a new settlement. Location – 50-60 km from Moscow towards St. Petersburg. The nearest cities are Zelenograd and Solnechnogorsk. The place is very good, beautiful...
  31. Lyubimoe – ecological settlement “Lubimoe” in the Birsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Non-profit Partnership "Good Earth". The goal of our settlement is to create a Space of Love in our Family Estates...
  32. “Lyubinka” is an eco-village. Moscow region, Ozersky district. The site of the future eco-village is located 8 kilometers from the city of Ozyory, on the banks of the Lyubinka River. The support base of the initiative group is located in the village of Budkovo...
  33. “Honey Key” - we are looking for like-minded people to create an eco-village in the Kimry district of the Tver region, behind the village of Goluzino, near the M. Puditsa river. We have already done a lot to register land ownership...
  34. “Mirodolye” – Ancestral Settlement. We dream of life on our own land, in our family estate, of life in harmony with nature, with the people around us and with ourselves...
  35. “My Notes” - here you will read the story of how a team of like-minded people was formed who wanted to jointly create a Family Estate, learn about our experience, how we found each other, what issues we solve and what we do to create our Family Estates...
  36. Nevo-Ekovil is a center of environmental initiatives. There are already 30 of us. Age from 2 to 70 years. We have specialists in various areas of human activity. Among us there are: architects, forest engineers, geographers, teachers, technicians. engineers, gardeners, etc...
  37. “Pismir” is an eco-village. Sorry for the lack of design and detailed information on the settlement. We'll fix it soon...
  38. "Planet of Life" - the Irkutsk Regional Public Fund of Land Users, has as its main goal the creation of tribal settlements in the East Siberian region...
  39. “Sunflower” is a self-developing Life-Activity Complex (SLC), Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk...
  40. “Space of Life” is an information site on transformation. Author: Dmitry Mylnikov. Extremely useful materials, publications, a very interesting forum...
  41. Raskity - the first eco-village is being created in the village of Raskity, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region. Raskity is an abandoned farm abandoned in the 70s of the 20th century...
  42. "Rodina" is a Moscow regional public organization. Our site is dedicated to the creation of Kin settlements or eco-villages, which will consist of Kin estates of each family...
  43. “Native Earth” – non-profit partnership, Cherepovets. Vytegorsky and Kaduysky districts are starting work to obtain land for Kin settlements...
  44. “Rodniki” is an ecovillage, non-profit partnership (NP). We are a group of friends from the city of Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory, who have joined forces in searching for land for Family Estates and further searching for like-minded people to create eco-villages...
  45. “Springs of Belogorye” - Family Estates in the Belgorod region. We want to give everyone the opportunity to develop their own plot of land, create their own space of love and life, in accordance with their dreams, in harmony with the world around them...
  46. “Rodnoe” is an information page of the Ecovillage RODNOE. Dear neighbors in the city, across the country, in future settlements! Let's build our family estates together and transform our current habitats...
  47. “Ancestral Earth” – our Public Organization “Ancestral Earth” turned 1 year old in March 2005. The purpose of the creation is to bring into reality Anastasia’s dream of Family Estates, where people can live in harmony with nature, regardless of “civilization”...
  48. “Ancestral Land of Yaroslavia” - we are looking for land for developing a settlement, we are looking, but we are not taking it yet. We fully support the council of the Vladimir Foundation, in terms of writing a program for the development of the country, we are developing our own “Socio-economic program for the development of the Yaroslavl region, through the creation of tribal settlements,” while attracting all the sensible forces of our society...
  49. “Rosinka” - we, citizens of our mother Russia, have united with the goal of jointly creating the Settlement of our Dreams - a community of free and happy families living in Peace, Love and Harmony. We do not have a “Power Center”; all issues are resolved together, with respect for each other.
  50. "Rostok" - Taganrog public organization "Rostok" was created in April 2001 to organize an ecological settlement, according to the concept set out in Vladimir Megre's books about Anastasia...
  51. Sad - another settlement appeared in the spring of 2003 in the Rodionovo-Nesvetaysky district, on the banks of the Krepkaya River, between the villages of Agrafenovka, Zolotarevka and Plateau-Ivanovka...
  52. Salozerye - residents of the future settlement "Salozerye" invite the organizers of a new civilization and a new Russia to get acquainted with us and that part of the planet where we decided to bring the image of family estates into reality...
  53. Svarozhye - hello, like-minded people! Peace to your bright thoughts! We address these lines to those who can no longer imagine their life in the city. To those who see themselves as the bearer of Anastasia’s ideas. Those who care about the fate of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the fate of Russia. For those who are ready to realize the dream of their Family Estate...
  54. Slavnoe – welcome to the page dedicated to the creation of the ecovillage SLAVNOE! The place for creating an eco-village is located in the Yasnogorsk district of the Tula region, on the border with the Moscow region. Distance from Moscow – 110 km...
  55. “Sunny Glade” - we invite you to take part in the creation of an eco-village on the lands of the Zorkaltsevsky district of the Tomsk region. This wonderful place will be called “Sunny Glade”. It is located 15 km south-southwest of Tomsk along the Shegarskoe highway...
  56. Nightingale Rus' - a community of family estates Nightingale Rus' was created in 2001 by the Kursk city public organization "Ringing Cedars of Kursk"...
  57. “Create your future” is a Krasnodar regional public organization. Our goals: To embody our Image of the Future. Create a Family Settlement and live in it (until the end of 2005). Find like-minded people (done). Create an image of a settlement (by the end of 2004)...
  58. Your Estate - this site is for everyone creating their own Family Estates, for beginners and for advanced people and, of course, for summer residents. It is just beginning, but I hope that with your help I will be able to fill it with useful links and materials...
  59. “Charbai” – there are five of us. We are all experts in our field. We have many friends - in Novosibirsk, Ryazan, Krasnoyarsk and other cities of Russia. Since 1995, we have been building an eco-village in Altai, in the town of Charbay...
  60. Ecovillages of the Moscow region and neighboring regions - the site provides information about existing and emerging ecovillages in the Moscow and surrounding regions, as well as land plots...
  61. EcoRus - The site contains 18 sections: main; guide; ecovillages; ecodesign; ecotourism; human ecology; ecohealth; bulletin board; exobooks; folk art; eco-joys; environmental protection; eco-materials; eco products; shop; acquaintance; links; news...

Addresses of RP Sites in the “near” abroad

  1. Dzherel Valley - Ancestral Settlement, is located in Ukraine, in the Kyiv region, near the village of Motyzhin, Makarovsky district. The total area of ​​the settlement is 85 hectares, the number of Family Estates is 54.
  2. Estate - this site was created by residents of Berislav, Kherson region. We are building our Family Estates. This project was written in order to make us known and to please those who are not indifferent to the topic of building estates...
  3. Kedrovka – ecovillage Kedrovka. We received the land in the fall of 2003 and a piece in the fall of 2004. We own about 54 hectares. A field with an ancient pear tree in the middle, surrounded on all sides by forest, along the Kyiv-Pryluky highway, approximately 60 km from the checkpoint...
  4. "Lyubosvet" - the city of Kyiv. Lubosvet is a portal to maternal reality - it is dedicated to various practices of self-development in harmony with Mother Earth, Rod, under the blessed rays of the Sun-Ra...
  5. “Our settlement” - lush gardens will soon bloom in this place. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will be born here... They will live here in harmony with themselves and nature. And so it will be. That's how we want it. We are Vedrussy!..
  6. “Primary Sources” is an association of like-minded people from Kyrgyzstan who want to build their lives in harmony with the surrounding nature...
  7. “Rassvet” is a website of Donetsk landowners. The road home is a cleansing, a revelation. This is the time when the creator in you awakens, when you belong to yourself...
  8. Native Land - Almaty club. At the beginning of April 2003, at a distance of 10-40 km from Almaty, a plot of land measuring 500 hectares was allocated for the creation of an ecological village consisting of family estates...
  9. Native Land (Kyiv) - the main goal of the organization is to help Man understand his Destiny and Purpose in Life, to help free him from imposed ideas and lies, to reveal the creative potential inherent in him by Nature. The shortest and fastest way lies through the construction of your small Motherland - the Family Estate, which will become, for future generations, an environment that forms a new consciousness and attitude towards the World...
  10. Rodove Dzherelo – building a network of Family eco-villages in Ukraine. The all-Ukrainian movement of creators of ancestral settlements “Rodove Dzherelo” was created in 2002 at the II Conference of Readers of V. Megre’s Books, which was held in Dnepropetrovsk...
  11. Bright Sky - a site of practical information on the implementation of Family Estates and Family Settlement...
  12. Neighbors – on this site I wanted to talk about my Neighbors on Family Estates. But, when I began to formulate the material (the dual nature of man!), I immediately realized that I needed to talk not about personalities, but about the Deeds created by my Neighbors...
  13. Creation – Group “Creation” (Kyiv). If you have a desire to create, to create, to create a Family Estate, welcome to our group! We will be happy to share our knowledge with you, exchange experiences, jointly realize everyone’s dream and everyone’s dream and, of course, be your neighbors!..
  14. Teremki – We are already 90 families! We want to live in an ecologically clean place 14 km from Ryazan, near the village of Dedyukhino, on our family estates... At the moment, the registration of the first field of 180 hectares is being completed. We are starting to design two more fields of 80 and 60 hectares...
  15. Trypillya - our settlement is located in a beautiful historical place - near the village. Tripolye, Obukhovsky district. Two separate plots of land have a total size of about 100 hectares and are located separately from the village, behind the dachas, forest and no houses are visible there...
  16. Kharkov Neighbors - an Internet resource, opened in September 2003 to give friends and like-minded people an idea about the creators of family estates in the Kharkov region, their affairs, their news...
  17. Kherson Vedruss - a site created for everyone who lives in the Kherson region and who is close to the ideas of Anastasia from the books by V. Megre “The Ringing Cedars of Russia”...
  18. Khodorov – Ancestral Settlement near Khodorov (Kiev region). Complete information about the emerging settlement. Location, team of participants, news and chronology of events, other materials about settlements in Ukraine...
  19. “Ekomysl” is a group of environmental thinking. Greetings, awakening Vedrussians! If you consider yourself ready to take action to make your dream come true, then please check out our project for organizing an eco-village near Kyiv...

Addresses of RP Sites in “far” abroad

  1. "Canon Frome Court Community" - an ecological village in the UK (Ledbury, Herefordshire), is a working farm for growing organic products, where 45 people live, including children. It is owned and managed by Windflower Housing Association.
  2. “Creative Ideas: The Community of Light” is a site of like-minded people from the United States who want to create an eco-village in the countryside, grow a significant portion of their own food, create a profitable enterprise for building cottages and work for themselves. The site contains a large number of links to similar resources.
  3. “Damanhur” – the “Damanhur” association, founded in the 70s of the last century in Italy, is an eco-community (eco-village). In 1998, this association joined GEN (Global Eco-villages Network).
  4. Earthsong Eco-Neighborhood is New Zealand's first eco-village project in Waitakere City, Auckland, New Zealand. This non-profit project combines beautiful nature, environmentally friendly technologies, non-toxic materials and caring neighbors.
  5. “EcoSalvia” is an eco-village in the Spanish Pyrenees, there are four permanent members. There are 45 hectares of land, a forest, a garden, a vegetable garden, various buildings and a great love for the Earth, for the Motherland. They work with desire and love, do not strain, and are creative. From March to October they host various training courses.
  6. - ecovillage in Mexico. Created in 1982, it is home to 20 people of various nationalities, including children. Their lifestyle is based on ecology, art, true democracy and the practical methods of holistic medicine.
  7. "Methernitha" is an eco-village in the village of Linden in Switzerland (Switzerland). It is conceived as a circle of friends, they do not have a Guru, but they have several copies of working “Perpetual Motion Machines” that provide the settlement with electricity.
  8. “Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas” (RIE) – Iberian network of ecovillages (Spain, Portugal). There is information about ecovillages (ecovillages), their goals, ways to solve various problems, exchange of experience, etc.
  9. “Selba” is the site of the Spanish “Non-Profit Partnership” Selba, created with the aim of creating conditions for a long and healthy life, mainly in rural areas. To achieve this, Selva members constantly promote environmental knowledge, teach how to apply it in practical life, and advise on the creation of rural development projects.

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