The spiral is a symbol of great creative power. The Great Spiral of Life

Many people today agree that in addition to the physical body, a person also has a certain subtle structure.

Back in 1999 in Moscow at the international conference “Consciousness and Physical Reality. The science of consciousness and the brain at the turn of 2000” Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S.I. Repyev made a report on the topic “Biology - a change in the scientific paradigm.”

The research results showed, the scientist said, that every organism, every natural object has a physical and energy field structure. The energy field structure contains an information program for the development of the organism, which, according to the principle of holography, is contained in the chromosomal apparatus at the field level.

In 2003, at the All-Russian conference “Demographic crisis as a complex problem”, held in Magnitogorsk, Doctor of Medical Sciences N. Gundarov put an end to this issue: from the official rostrum he publicly declared that science recognizes the presence in a person of a certain substance called “soul” "

He admits this, but he still doesn’t know how to use new knowledge to treat a person to the fullest extent.

Certain areas of energy-informational medicine are already being mastered by some representatives of Western medical science (vibrational medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture and bioenergetic effects, iris diagnostics), but great successes in the treatment of “incurable” diseases have not yet been heard. And there is no particular success in diagnostics either.

One of the authors of the article has his own sad experience. Not realizing that I had pain in my chest, I underwent an iris diagnosis at the center on Nevsky (corner of Sadovaya). Nothing terrible was discovered; so, some little things. And 23 days later, during another attack with a temperature of about forty, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and operated on. It turned out: gallbladder gangrene! As the surgeon said: “I was born in a shirt. I was afraid it would burst while I was pulling it out of my stomach.”

I have not lost confidence in iris diagnosis, but I have lost confidence in Russian doctors who took up Chinese medicine without understanding its essence the way the Chinese understand it.

The fact is that the energy and information structure of a person is very complex: there are thousands of energy channels and numerous energy centers. It is on working with these channels and centers that Chinese and Tibetan medicine builds its practice.

But Eastern healers have been learning the intricacies of this complex knowledge for decades. They literally live by them, and many “see” these energy channels and centers.

So in China it is believed that a person has three energy centers or dantians, corresponding to three levels of energy that differ from each other in density or level of vibration. In Tibet, there is an idea that a person has seven energy centers called chakras. The chakras are connected by an energy channel running inside the spine, which is called the sushumna.

The energy channels are called “nadis”. And although there are a huge number of them in the human body, in yogic practice there are mainly fourteen main nadis, the most important of which are considered to be triida, pingala and sushumna. The main channel of the three is Sushumna; all others are subordinate to her.

We will not describe energy channels and chakras. There is a lot of information about them on the Internet.

But for a person who has never practiced yoga or oriental medicine before, all this information seems complex and confusing. Numerous incomprehensible terms make it especially difficult to get acquainted with this knowledge. We, like many, once simply read about them, looked at the pictures and took note. And having come face to face with the phenomena of healing associated with the energetic structure of a person, we find ourselves in a rather difficult situation precisely because it is very difficult for us to understand and imagine what we do not see.

We are simply lucky that a person has appeared in our environment who sees all these channels and centers no worse than the ancient initiates. And he not only sees them, but also uses them to heal people, including diseases that are “incurable” from a scientific point of view. Moreover, it heals not with enchanted water, herbs or tablets, but with completely unusual methods associated with the mental “twisting” (increasing the frequency of rotation) of the spirals and vortexes located in our subtle body.

We know that the entire Universe consists of spirals and vortices, and purely abstractly we can talk about spirals in man. But when they tell you about your personal spirals, which are “right there,” and tell you what you need to do mentally with this or that spiral or a huge spiral in order to quickly get rid of pain, and when it really helps you, let’s face it, it’s impressive!

And this is something new, which Chinese and Tibetan knowledge does not talk about. May God forgive us, but perhaps Eastern healers are simply keeping a little silent, keeping a few secrets to themselves. Or they think that everyone knows these subtleties as a matter of course. And European doctors who study Eastern healing methods from books, and even in practice in China or Tibet, cannot comprehend these subtleties on their own. What is needed is a teacher, a European, who, having a vision no worse than the Tibetan lamas and understanding the Western mentality, could reveal to them all the secrets, leaving nothing “in reserve.”

We are talking about Yuri Vasilyevich Kretov...
Here's what he says about one of the examinations at the Brain Institute.

Natalia Petrovna asked to depersonalize. I asked: “Losing consciousness?” She: “So be it.”

And I began to fall somewhere into the space inside my body. It spread, but to say that I left the body did not happen. I went there, deep down, and flew away somewhere. There was a feeling of weightlessness. I hung there and felt good. But then suddenly it became scary. It scared me and I said, “I’m going back.” And he said it out loud, and he even heard what he said. And when I returned, I was very inhibited for a long time. I spoke as if I were floating, stretched, and I wanted to stay in that state. And they tell me: “You didn’t come back, you didn’t come back...”. How come he didn’t come back if I’m talking to them? It turns out that their instruments were not showing something. I must say that the journalist Frantseva was always present during the research procedure, collecting material about me. She told me that for a long time after my return I looked “kind of distracted.”

And then another woman doctor came who had a tic, she twitched like that, I told her: “I know why you have a tic,” - “Why?” - “I can show you on a model of the brain.” They brought a rubber model of the brain. I say: “Your signal goes from here to here” (showing the area of ​​the brain and the area just below the lip). She says: “It’s strange, I get herpes here all the time, it usually happens on my lip, but mine is lower.”

And then Bekhtereva invited me to her office one-on-one, and the first thing she said: “There is a commission on pseudoscience in Moscow. I go there often. I can always explain there what, why and why. And if they ask you, what will you say?”

- But there was a witness here.
- What can I say? Thank you very much for the experiment, because I realized something about myself. At least I know what I'm dealing with.

Can you tell me anything interesting?
- I know why your dead husband came to you.
She immediately changed completely, but she didn’t want to find out about it.

So, we are talking about Yuri Vasilyevich Kretov, a person with the ability of vision and healing, who, by the way, purposefully, in order not to succumb to zombies, does not become acquainted with Chinese and Tibetan knowledge about the energy structure of man. And does not recognize such terms as soul, aura, chakras, nadis, etc. Although in the process of conversations with us he was forced to use the concept of chakras and soul a couple of times.

From several conversations with him, we received interesting information about his vision of the energy-informational structure of a person and about his methods of healing people from a variety of diseases. He gave some very useful tips for maintaining human health.

Since childhood, I have seen not only organs in the human body, but also numerous spirals of various diameters and configurations. What kind of spirals these are, I don’t know. Some of them are like funnels, others with a constant diameter, both large and very small. And they are directed in very different directions. These spirals themselves are motionless, but it seems that something is moving along them, and they seem to shimmer with light.

For a long time they bothered me greatly. It seemed as if you were looking at a person as if through some kind of mesh or lattice. I tried to avoid it for a long time, but it was confusing, until I finally accepted it. When I accepted this, the outer world began to disappear and the inner world became more interesting to me than the real one.

About energy channels and centers. Spirals and vortices.

Along the spine, right in the center, there is a narrow, very dense and very tense channel, like a finely, finely twisted, literally turn to turn, and tightly stretched rope. It goes from the tailbone almost to the back of the head, where it divides into two parts. There they overlap: they first diverge, and then converge again at the crown. There is a funnel in the crown and around it like a cloud.

“Everything is returning to normal”

The spiral is a very complex symbol that has been used since Paleolithic times. It has been found in pre-dynastic Egypt, Crete, Mycenae, Mesopotamia, India, China, Japan, pre-Columbian America, Europe, Scandinavia and Britain.

And everywhere the spiral is a symbol of great creative power.
- Cosmic energy increases around the Atoms, becoming spheroidal. “Wheels” are a prototype of atoms, each of which exhibits a desire for rotational motion. The “God” becomes a “vortex”; the “vortex” gives rise to a spiral movement. From time immemorial, the Universe was symbolically expressed by a spiral, that is, a vortex movement.
The law of spiral motion is the most ancient idea of ​​the Universe.
- The spiral is a symbol of time, cyclical rhythms, the change of seasons, birth and death, the phases of “aging” and “growth” of the Moon.

It symbolizes air and water currents, thunder and lightning. The spiral and the tornado have the same symbolism, and act as symbols of energy in nature. - Metaphysically, it symbolizes the realities of existence, various modalities of existence, the wanderings of the soul and its final return to the center.

The spiral is a typical bidirectional symbol


- A compressed spiral spring is a symbol of hidden power, as is a snake-like ball of kundalini energy. - Spiral shape of snakes on
caduceus , like other double spirals, symbolizes the balance of opposites.

The same meaning is contained in the Taoist yin-yang sign, which is a type of double spiral.
The ascending spiral is a male, phallic sign, the descending spiral is female, which makes the double spiral also a symbol of fertility and childbirth.

The spiral shape is found everywhere in life - we live in a galaxy with spiral arms. The organ of hearing - the ears, the pattern on human fingers, and the DNA molecule contained in every cell of living organisms - are shaped like a spiral...

“The wind returns to normal,” and not only the wind, but also the waves of space go in a circle, which in time become a spiral and bring reverse waves of similar phenomena. This determines the return of certain impulses and influences that sometimes arise in consciousness, live for some time and again go somewhere. The ability to beautifully meet these waves is developed by the skill and desire to refract them through the prism of Beauty. Beauty can atone for the influence of waves that from the depths of consciousness evoke that which has not yet been overcome, but is subject to rapid eradication.

Man's presence on the planet is devoid of ultimate meaning.
- It’s not surprising, because there is no end. Isn’t it strange to think that nothing that exists in nature has an end, just as it does not have a beginning? Any phenomenon is only a continuation of what preceded it earlier, what was the cause that caused it to manifest itself . Behind every consequence is the cause that gave rise to it, behind every completion there is a chain of new consequences or phenomena arising from it. They say the death of a person is the end. But this is not the end, but only the beginning of his new life.

The death of worlds occurs, but their matter goes to the formation of new ones, and the spirit-monads of the forms manifested on them return to new planets, continuing their endless evolution.

Just as space has no end, so also time has no beginning or end, for everything is contained in the torus of infinity, and infinity is only a form of expression for everything that exists. Everything that exists in space evolves in the toroidal-spiral pulsation of life.

The atom pulsates, the heart pulsates, the sun pulsates in rhythms of increase and decrease, in the phenomena of evolution and involution. The entire Cosmos, the lives of individuals, and entire nations are subordinated to the great law of rhythm. Everything is done within the framework of the law, which is the form of expression of life. To enter the rhythm of the Cosmos means to comprehend the secret of life and to affirm one’s place in infinity on the ladder of the Hierarchy. Awareness of Her will be the confirmed immortality of the spirit, achieved in life on Earth and in Other Worlds.

When moments of “Pralaya” come in the consciousness, one should not think that this is the end that the Lord has left.
You just need to calmly wait out this period. It can be long or short depending on the rise that preceded it. The alternation of waves is inevitable and requires understanding. The alternation of waves or rhythm is a total phenomenon. Consciousness would not be able to withstand the tension if it were constantly on the rise.

The rhythm of consciousness is spiral, and the ascent signifies that the spiral from flat has become elongated upward. The last point of the rise of the spiral’s turn also determines a new point on its turn, but on a higher plane, even though it seemed at the moment of decline in consciousness that everything had gone somewhere and the future was covered with a veil. This is also a form of Maya.

The path is endless, and many pictures, conditions, and faces will flash along different sections of it, painted in different tones. You will have to go both night and day, in bad weather and storm, but these are only milestones, only what flashes around, to go irrevocably into the past. The traveler on the path of the infinite is himself infinite and eternal, and whatever the given segment, it is temporary and short in comparison with what has already been passed and with what remains to be passed. One might add that every step along the way teaches something, no matter how boring, difficult or hectic it may seem.

The conscious desire to learn a useful lesson from any situation and conditions accelerates progress, because every delay and slowdown is caused by the fact that time is wasted without benefit and the lesson outlined by karma remains unlearned, this necessitates its repetition. Therefore, it would be useful to ask: what life wants to teach me by putting me in these conditions, but not others. Cooperation with the flow of karma is very fruitful, while opposition to it can cause undesirable and even serious consequences. If you rebel against karma, it can overturn on the rebel, that is, fall on him with all its weight. Calmness, accepting the inevitable and drawing the necessary lesson from it will help you get through the difficult period of life faster.
The revolutions of the spiral of consciousness are directed in time from the past to the future. Each subsequent turn is different from the previous one, although similar to it: similar, but not identical, and each segment of the turn is not similar to each other. All qualities of the spirit are subject to spiral development. A spiral is not a plane, because it is elongated in time: the distance between the turns depends on the degree, strength and tension of the aspiration of the spirit.

Rising tensions

The more purposeful, the more elongated the spiral is, and it depends on the strength of the rod so that the movement of consciousness along it is rhythmic and intense. The doctrine of tension also provides for this condition, linking tension with fieryness: the more intense, the more fiery and luminous. Tension - fiery - Light. This is how consciousness grows in a spiral, refining and intensifying the awakening centers of the fiery body - and thereby shaping it.

All the great diversity of the world and its manifestations is limited by a relatively small number of Laws, or Fundamentals, within the framework of which these manifestations are possible. The atom pulsates, the heart pulsates, the Sun pulsates, for the heart is in everything. In the same way, the principle of unity, individualization of a phenomenon must be observed for it to take place, otherwise it will merge with the surrounding world and will not be revealed. Also characteristic is the phenomenon of rhythm, to which everything is subordinated. The number four is interesting precisely because of its universality, since the principle of fourness is followed by all forms and all things of the world in which a person lives.

Each problem can be solved precisely from the numerical side, taking four as the base. If we divide life into segments (death-birth, youth, maturity, old age), then we can see how the spiral of human existence consists of turns of a clearly defined order. These periods must be taken into account when analyzing the paths of the ascent of the spirit. The steeper the ascent spiral, the faster the ascent.

A flat spiral means stagnation and ceases to be upward. From each point of the spiral you can stretch a straight line upward to a similar point on the next turn. This means that the phenomenon will be repeated by analogy with the previous one, but on a higher plane, that is, that transmutation of this phenomenon is possible in the direction of the aspiration inherent in it. But it is necessary that there be aspiration, that is, that there be something that should be transmuted .If there is nothing, then there is nothing to regenerate. From hatred you can create love, that is, hatred can be transmuted into a higher feeling, but nothing is created from nothing. Therefore, it is said: “since you were neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth,” that is, lukewarm nonentities, neither cold nor hot, are thrown out of the stream of evolution, like cosmic rubbish.

The teacher is not embarrassed by the fact that the most ardent negative qualities and properties suddenly begin to bulge out of the student. This is precisely good for transmutation, because everything is forgiven to the winner, and nonentities are not accepted as disciples. Disadvantages are not an obstacle to acceptance as a student. Rather, it is their absence that hinders, because when there is nothing to transmute, then there is also nowhere to go.
This should be taken into account when someone knocks. There is no access for the dark, but the robbers and the harlot were close. The most striking flaws can give shining qualities. But what will virtuous moderation and mediocrity give? About ruddy virtue It was said: “The well-intentioned “Nikodim” do not have the fiery qualities of the spirit in themselves.” And they are not the ones who drive evolution. Our standards are different. Sometimes we value people by their shortcomings. We do not accept standards.

“The wind returns to its circles” - only these circles are never the same, but in the spiral of time they are always located above the previous ones. So, going through the previous cycle is never the same. And this cycle is no longer the same, but new. The rotation of the spiral of the annual cycle is similar to the previous one, but it is constantly new with opportunities for growth and development of those provisions that were revealed in the past year. The growth of cases continues - both bad and good. But how can we stop the bad ones and give the good ones the opportunity to develop? Will a good owner really sow rotten seeds or weeds? It certainly won't. So it is on a planetary scale: the bad seeds and phenomena of last year may not be given a place in the arable land of the coming year, but the good ones can be given.

Life planning is essentially a Cosmic principle. Animals lack this ability, with very few exceptions, but humans do. Peoples who plan their future will be ahead, will inevitably be ahead of those who live by gravity of the established life . Creative will is invested in the plan, the plan excludes the spontaneous flow of life, the plan introduces the crystallized thought of the collective into the framework and is carried out immutably to one degree or another. Much depends on the level of consciousness implementing the plan, but the plan itself is like channels through which the energy of water rushes in the desired direction.

The time will come, and the collective consciousness will consciously concentrate the power of the concentrated thought of peoples on the necessary phenomena of a planetary scale for their implementation on Earth. In this way, the earth's elements will be consciously brought into balance, the climate will be consciously regulated, and much more. Humanity realizes the power of the collective, united, friendly,
harmonized thinking as a powerful weapon to curb natural phenomena.
But it is necessary for people to understand what possibilities are at their disposal, what powers are given to them by nature, for only what is possible can be realized.

The limit of human capabilities is limited by consciousness, that is, by the height and breadth and capacity of understanding from a given moment. Deniers will not understand anything and will not master anything, but those who do not deny and embrace will truly inherit the Earth and all its treasures and all the treasures of the Cosmos with all the limitless possibilities for the development of the spirit and the assertion of its power over matter with all its open and hidden properties. Accepting the possibility into consciousness brings one closer to mastering it. People would never have flown if they had not admitted that this was possible. Those who break through the channels of possibilities for future achievements in space can rightfully be called pioneers of thought, leading navigators.

Spiral Repetition - Mother of Teaching

If you are accused of repetition or that the notes say the same thing, do not be surprised or upset. They, who say this, do not understand the spiral construction of records, they do not understand that the spiral, ascending, repeats turn after turn, but at a higher level; they have not realized any spiraling progression. After all, today is similar to yesterday, and many past days: the same morning, and evening, and noon. But no one will deny the spiral of time of days and nights, for no two days are alike, just as no two human faces are completely alike. Each new turn of the spiral carries new elements that complement and compose the previous one. Consciousness grows slowly. By following the rhythm of the spiral, everyone can enrich their own consciousness with it . We will leave the criticism of the spiral construction of history to the ignorant, for they themselves are not able to construct their own spiral.

The reality of existence, refracted through human consciousness, becomes Maya. And although Maya is not reality, she is the engine of the evolution of the spirit. That’s why you have to take her into account. It is also useful because in the kaleidoscope of its transient phenomena one can see elements of the enduring, The foundations on which reality is based, and on them to build a new understanding of the world. Recorder, Silently Looking at the world of transient phenomena, not from them, but from Eternity. Eternal life and immortality of the spirit are not an illusion, but a real reality. Thus, in the midst of the rushing stream of the great river of life, one can learn to distinguish the eternal from the temporary and find both their true place in the general scheme of things.

When the internal fires burn, everything that hinders the affirmation of the Light in oneself is easily overcome . But what to do when the lights go out? The rhythm of the manifestation of lights is a property of developed consciousness. It does not remain without rhythm. Consequently, the alternation of waves, rises and falls are a consequence of movement, but not stopping or attenuation. You can face these alternating waves calmly and in silence, knowing that they are inevitable.

The change of seasons is spiral in time, because in nature nothing is repeated, but everything rushes into the future. And it is very important not to go down in this movement. Using examples of the degeneration of races, peoples, clans and families, one can judge the results of a downward or involutionary movement. The spirit can also involute. The spiral of several lives can be used to judge whether the spiral will be upward or downward. With a very careful analysis of one’s own life, everyone can discern the nature of its movement and know unmistakably whether it is ascending or descending. “Corrupted souls” are among those descending. No matter what turn of the downward spiral the spirit is on, it can always change the direction upward and make the spiral upward. You don't have to look far for examples. Their history gives a lot. But shocks are needed for the spirit of strength to find this change.

The Universe is Spiral

The phenomena of the Higher World vibrate in the spirals of Light. The structure of the Universe is spiral. The Earth rushes in a spiral through space towards a distant star. Do we think that if the movement of the entire solar system, and in particular the Earth, were not spiral, then the Earth’s orbit would each time pass along the same path, causing repetition of phenomena. The principle of evolution is also built spirally. As long as consciousness moves in a circle and the movement is closed by it, progress is impossible. The result is stagnation. But as soon as the movement of consciousness becomes spiral, the circle is opened, and each turn of the spiral gives new accumulations and marks an ascent.

Thanks to the principle of the spiral, nothing in nature is repeated, although there are many externally similar phenomena. We must also understand the spiral nature of the tests of ascending consciousness. It may seem that they are still the same, but their character changes with each revolution of the spiral. Note the words “ascending consciousness,” for there is another spiral along which one can descend.

The opposite of the evolution of consciousness is involution. There are consciousnesses going downward in a downward spiral. You know the degenerate tribes, the remnants of once great nations that were drawn into the spiral of involution. Let us note that even these records are subject to the law of the spiral, in this case ascending. If the movement of consciousness took place in a vicious circle. The appearance of records would be impossible, because there would simply be nothing to write about. But from experience you already know that in each record, despite their abundance, there is something new that is not contained in the previous ones. This is the principle of a spiral of expanding and ascending consciousness.

The Book of Life records many examples of the shining path of ascending spirits. We also know examples of other spirits descending and descending over the centuries. But we will talk about spirals of Light. The qualities of the spirit also develop spirally, from time to time vigorously asserting themselves in manifestation. Knowing the spiral of construction, you can plant the seeds of future discoveries in your consciousness, because with each new turn the seed will grow until it sprouts, also growing spirally. It is the spiral of consciousness that determines the growth of accumulations.

In the Great Spiral of the future, one can glimpse the great purpose of humanity and the limitless possibilities of its achievements. The awareness of the Law of the Spiral contains a force that gives a powerful impetus to the ascent of the spirit. Every achievement, even the smallest one, serves as a guarantee of great achievements. There are no limits to the growth of the power of the spirit. There is not a single grain of Light that in the spiral of time could not grow into shining masses.

In the spiral of time, at its opposite points of rotation, each phenomenon becomes its opposite, for example, spring and autumn, blossoming and fading, the colors of life and the colors of death, beginning and end. This is the law of evolution. No matter how good and evolutionary a phenomenon may be, but, subject to the action of the law, it outlives its electrons in order to be replaced by its opposite. This is the dialectic of life. The wind returns to normal, but already on the next, highest, revolution of the spiral. The phenomenon is not identical, but similar. Knowing the law, you can judge the future. By this phenomenon one can judge its opposite, by the consequences of the Great Battle - by the field of the Bright City, by the disorder in the world - by the coming Epoch of the Mother of the World.

The foundations rest on Infinity, for they relate to the Spheres of fiery reality. Touching the Fundamentals, we touch Infinity itself. Therefore, the area covered by the Fundamentals cannot be exhausted. The law of the spiral also applies to the Fundamentals.

The evolution of existence is also spiral. The coming New Age already existed once in the distant past and, just as now, elevated humanity to a new step on the Ladder of Evolution. But this stage was different, and the people were different, and the living conditions, and the planet itself were not the same. This was repeated over time.

The cycles repeat themselves in an upward spiral. This law is universal and covers and subordinates all aspects of life. Polarity, or duality of the manifested world, is also universal. The spiral of evolution is also bipolar. Just as you can go up one way, you can go down another. You know not only the rise, and flourishing, and advancement of entire nations, but also the degeneration and decline of those who did not succeed. You know the ascent of the spirits of the Bearers of Light and you know those going down into the abyss, descending lower and lower with each new incarnation. The spiral of descent or fall of spirit is in action. In the spiral of time, every phenomenon goes through either integration or disintegration.

Matrix of Consciousness

It is very important to have a goal towards which your consciousness is directed. Compare a person wandering aimlessly with someone walking firmly and knowing where he is going and why. The difference is striking. He who goes towards the goal will reach it. But where will the wanderer come? Therefore, all human actions are expedient, that is, they are in accordance with his strategic intention. The path is in a hurry. There are no thoughtless actions. One of the aspects of commensurability will be the ability to apply the events of the current day to the Great Plan. This Plan has its place in Infinity and is commensurate with it. And if the phenomena of the day are applied to the Matrix of Infinity, and their meaning is measured by it, then everything will fall into place - and the midge in front of the eye will not obscure the sun.

The kingdom not of this world is Infinity, in which everything exists, and into which everything that was, and is, and what will be is carried away, and in the scrolls of which everything is imprinted. So, there you can read a scroll or film of the life of each spirit, the pattern of the life of the spirit, recorded in space. There is a pattern of life for each planet, from the beginning of its existence to the end. These spatial records are possible because all planets are in constant motion. The Earth rotates in orbit and around its axis, all the time changing its spatial location. Next year, the orbital movement continues, but not in a closed circle, but in a spiral, for the orbit is spiral, since the entire solar system is rushing towards the Distant Star. Therefore, not a single location of the planet is repeated or occurs in the same place. Spiral motion eliminates this condition. Therefore, in nature nothing is repeated exactly, but everything goes in a spiral. Spring, summer, and all the seasons are repeated annually, but in the spiral of time and space they are always new.

It is impossible to move in jumps and gusts: the expenditure of energy is monstrous and the results are insignificant . You can learn from nature: in the spiral movement of evolution, day rhythmically changes into night, spring into summer, autumn into winter, to begin moving again, but on a new turn of the spiral. The ascent of the spirit is also spiral, and the growing consciousness has its own rhythm.

The Earth, with all its imperfections, still rushes forward in space - this means that nothing can stop its flight into the future. And in time, the planet also moves into the future, never returning back. The movement is directed spirally. Therefore nothing is repeated. A new turn of the spiral, lying above the previous one, is similar to it, but not identical. Each new spring is also similar to the previous one, but not identical with it. Attempts to bring back the past are contrary to evolution . Both Yugas, and cycles, and Manvantaras go into the future in a spiral, never repeating each other in their ascent, although they return, but always in a new expression.

Everything is repeated in the time spiral, obeying the laws of cosmobiorhythmics. Winter, spring, summer and autumn. The same cycle of the year, repeated for millions of years, but each turn of the spiral is new, similar, but not identical to the previous and subsequent ones. In this constant, unchanging repetition of the same thing, but eternally new and different from what has already happened, lies the secret of the similarity of related opposites of repeating phenomena. No two blades of grass are alike, and no two moments in time are the same, although sometimes it seems that they are completely similar. Yes! Similar, as the fingers of the right and left hands are similar, so similar and dissimilar to each other, as morning and evening are similar in the waxing and waning of light, as a man and a woman are similar in that they are both human. They are born, live and die for millions of years, and not a single life is repeated exactly. Each follows its own path, always differing from one another. Nature, while always repeating itself, does not repeat anything exactly. Unity in multiplicity, repetition in non-repetition, life with constant death, that is, change of forms - this is how the Law manifests itself, expressing the properties of the opposites of a single thing.

Movement in a spiral means the novelty of the influences received by a person. Nothing is repeated, because passing along the turns of the spiral, located one above the other, means analogy with the previous turn, but not identity. Each life, or incarnation, is new in this sense. And a person is new every moment, that is, he is no longer the same as he was before. Worse or better depends on whether it is moving in an upward or downward spiral. There are spirits that rise, and there are spirits that sink lower and lower. Both the good and the dark principles in a person tend to develop. Nothing stands still. Where are you going? ? ?

A man is a linear mind, a rule, a hierarchy, a sequence; a woman is a non-linear mind, a circle, equality, chaos. In the linear mind, all things are arranged sequentially, so a man is cause and effect.

Cause and effect relationships are what rule the world. Cognition of a man occurs, among other things, through the law of cause and effect. This is a wonderful way to see masculinity as an environment that organizes and directs development.

How is the law of cause and effect studied? You first learn to see the immediate effect and its cause, then the temporary distance between them increases more and more. This is how the vision comes that there is nothing accidental in this world.

A woman is a circle, a sphere, therefore time and things in the feminine principle are also located in a circle, spherically. Time in the feminine is cyclical. Cycles are what rules the world. You can get to know a woman and the feminine principle through cycles. They allow you to see and feel the feminine principle as an environment that fills the world, gives birth to and directs the development of things.

How to study the law of cycles? You will not find a description of human life cycles anywhere except in my fourth book, “Life without Borders. Structure and Laws of the Dual Universe". There I began to describe them and continued in my next books.

A man is a line, cause and effect; a woman is a circle, cycles. If a person denies the masculine principle - activity, movement forward - only the feminine begins to rule him. Then he finds himself in a vicious circle, where the events that happen to him are constantly repeated.

If a person denies the feminine principle - acceptance, living and being where he is at the moment - then he moves forward without learning the knowledge and lessons that life gives him. Therefore, he constantly creates the same situations in his life - he is fixated. At the end of his life, such a person will return to where he started, as in the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish.

If a person accepts both the masculine and feminine principles in himself, then his life develops in a spiral. He moves forward and at the same time, through the three, returns to what he has lived, in order to live again, assimilate and let go of the past - forward, back, forward. Let me remind you that through the seven he, like a snake, changes his skin, and through the nine he rises or falls. Nine is made when three turns around itself three times.

Article: Life is like a spiral.
And it can be adjusted!

It has long been known that many processes proceed in a spiral.

Karl Marx and Fyodor Engels wrote about this, however, they had in mind primarily social processes.

Then scientists discovered the spiral shape of DNA, and after that they noticed that the shape of the spiral accurately describes many things. Including our lives.

A popular expression of this is the saying that “ life, like a zebra, consists of black and white stripes».

And in fact, it is quite possible that you paid attention to the fact that almost all life events can be described using something like this phraseological unit - “lucky - unlucky - lucky again - bad luck again - oh, fucked up!”

And there is also a Hermetic principle that says: “ What is in the past is in the present and in the future».

Simply put, human life is subject to cycles. "Black" and "white" stripes. All events in our lives are grouped into classes, and within the class of events, synchronicities clearly appear.

Troubles are repeated in one form or another, however, good events are also repeated. In this case, events are not repeated “one to one”; rather, we can talk about trends.

For example, financial troubles happen from time to time. Or from time to time “suddenly” some successes come.

It is no coincidence that I put the word “suddenly” in quotation marks.

Nothing happens “suddenly” or “by chance” in this World.

There are patterns in everything. And the events discussed above do not happen just like that, but according to certain temporary laws. It is quite possible to talk about trends. Hooray, positive! And, alas, negative ones...

Only these trends and patterns do not lie on the surface and are not described by simple formulas like “once every five years a lottery win comes, and once every ten years my company goes bankrupt.”

But these patterns can be identified, and the identification technique is precisely what is proposed in this audio training.

But the process of this restructuring is not so simple; the option of reversing the negative trend will not work. It cannot be canceled. But you can turn a negative into a positive. Or, at a minimum, just minimize the negativity as much as possible. Maximum, that is, practically without damage to yourself.

...I myself became acquainted with this technique several years ago. Immediately, when I came to my room after the seminar, I went through all the procedures and... In general, the impressions were unforgettable, not to mention interesting.
Then I searched the Internet for at least some mention of her - nothing. And I felt the effectiveness.

I calculated my tendencies. And by any measure of trends, the second half of 2006 and the first half of 2007 should have brought some trouble, to put it mildly. It didn't happen. I won’t say that this period was marked by fantastic successes, it just passed calmly, without losses, and even with some advantages.
No doubt, one could say that it should have been so, that it happened in 2001, but now it doesn’t, and it’s just an accident, but I know that nothing happens by chance, everything is natural.
I just noticed the trends in time, that’s all...

Slowly I began to teach these techniques at seminars and collected statistics on the success of their use. And after I myself matured first of all, after many students identified trends and received real help, I decided on this audio training.
But the most important thing is that you will receive information about yourself, your loved one, so interesting that... However, let it be a certain intrigue.
Materials with trends, fortunately they fit on one sheet of paper, I carry with me all the time and look at them periodically. A fun and useful activity!

At one seminar I was asked:
- You are talking about trends, about the fact that a person gets what he deserves, what he himself desires. So, did those who traveled on the Nevsky Express want this?

At the level of consciousness, of course not. But at the level of the subconscious, in its very depths, the picture is much more complex. And here we should rather talk not only about trends, but also about some generic manifestations, where the strongest synchronisms are also observed.

But they are also calculated, and the effect of negative generic tendencies and synchronicities can be stopped. However, this is already a topic another audio training “Voice of the Ancestors”, which should take place soon.

We can say in this way that the materials of these webinars-audio seminars are not just psychotechnics or techniques.

This is the knowledge of deep and powerful Laws and the acquisition of a method of action taking into account the acquired knowledge.

This is a new level. Go see it too!
And audio training will help you with this “ How to avoid recurring negative trends in life»

Good luck to everyone and everything!

All the best to you!!!

Best regards, Victor Kirichenko
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Energy-informational multifunctional spiral of life Gulin – Gorshkov (EMSZH - M5 777 in 1)

RF Patent No. 2041601 dated 08/20/95. International certificate-license MAI (International Academy of Informatization) for opening No. 000374 dated 11/17/1998. Letter of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology No. 430-6/166 dated 03/16/2000. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene - Report on the study of the impact of EMF on functional indicators and life expectancy of white mice. Report on the effect of EMSF on the lifespan of bull sperm from 13. O1. 2002
The Spiral of Life is an energy-information resonance device designed to restore the natural information-spatial structures of biological objects. These structures are the same component of the material world as matter and field.
The Spiral of Life increases the QUALITY OF LIFE!
Recently, science has proven that changes in information-spatial structures affect the physical and chemical properties of a substance. Each material object, including a person, has its own ideal (divine) information-spatial structure. In the real world, such structures can be distorted under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors (technogenic and sociopathogenic pollution, geopathogenic zones, pulsations of space, information pollution). Distortions of information-spatial structures appear in the form of disturbances in material objects. A person experiences a malfunction in their life support systems (immune, humoral, hormonal and other systems). The consequence of such disorders can be various functional disorders and diseases.

The “Spiral of Life” contains an information structure that, interacting with the information structures of material objects (water, humans, etc.), corrects and cleanses them. As a result, the normal functional characteristics of objects are restored.
A distinctive feature of EMSG-M 777 in 1 from EMSG 240 in 1 is that a completely new KNOW-HOW has been introduced into the design of the SG, which actively enhances its effect, and its energy information structure includes information from 777 natural medicinal herbs and plants, all groups of vitamins, natural ingredients, the holy spring of St. Seraphim of Sarovsky, low-molecular peptides that have a unique multifaceted effect on humoral and cellular immunity, hematopoiesis and other body systems. For example; spirulina, pink, white, gray, dark and black clay from various healing sources in Russia and neighboring countries, cedar, sea buckthorn and ginseng oils, activated iodine, immune, targeted herbal mixtures, salt from the Kulunda lakes, sea buckthorn seeds, which have been gaining strength for 40 years in taiga, an energy collection for cleansing and restoring blood circulation from 12 components, mumiyo, stone oil, various herbal preparations, taiga salt, shungite, many unique minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, etc. The body itself will resonantly take what it lacks.

A distinctive feature of the EMSF M5 777 in 1 from earlier models M, M2, M3 is:

The uniqueness and salt of EMSF-M5 777v1 is that it activates all the above-mentioned components of the drugs in information resonance 100 or more times and the human body responds. And if the above substances are physically introduced into the body, the resonance component will be maximum, and the effect will be enormous.
NONI juice and TF complement each other.
Information: NIP EIP "Electron" DOES NOT PRODUCE: since February 2001, the model EMSZH 240 in 1 and since November 2003 - the EMSZH 777 in 1. The rights to their production have not been transferred to anyone. Beware of scammers and thieves.

The Spiral of Life is used for:

  • Harmonization of human habitat.
  • Purification of water and food products from harmful impurities and harmful bacteria, heavy metals.
  • Increasing the shelf life of food products.
  • Energization and structuring of water in order to stimulate and increase the adaptability of the body's life support systems to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and information pollution of the internal and external environment.
  • Improves humoral and cellular immunity, hematopoiesis and blood circulation.
  • Reducing the level of catabolism. (Less consumption - greater energy output - increased quality of higher nervous activity.)
  • Increasing muscle strength and increasing motor activity.
  • Memory improvements.
  • Increased life expectancy by 1.5 times. (Tested on animals and bovine sperm).
  • Increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the body: living beings spend more economically their potential resistance to the action of external factors. (poisonous substances.)
  • Protecting a person from external influences of psi energies of negative people and electronic means of influence.
  • Protects the human body from harmful concentrations of fuel combustion products such as CO, CH and others by 4 times. Especially on the roads, in a car, in cities.
  1. Water purification:

The spiral of life affects almost all parameters characterizing drinking water (color, odor, hardness, dry residues, SO 4 content, petroleum product content, NH 4 content, O 2 oxygen content, NO 2 nitrite content, BOD - biological oxygen demand, Fe content , change in pH acidity, NH 3 nitrate content, integral indicators of oxidability), reduction of heavy metals by 2 or more times.

A. To activate water and nourish cells, the SF is installed under a container of water (for example, a three-liter jar or a 200-liter barrel) on the side of the EMSF where the +’ sign is located. After 15 minutes, the water is almost ready for use.

Almost complete saturation of the water occurs within 30 minutes after installing the liquid lubricant.

You can drink this water in unlimited quantities, cook with it, take baths, wash clothes, boil it, and water the garden. Water has an energetically positive effect on the entire body. When charged ‘+’, the body’s biocell is nourished. This water is best used by developing, clean organisms, and organisms with poor nutrition (depleted).

B. SG for water purification and deslagging of cells is installed under a jar of water on the back side of SG (that is, with a “-” charge where the label is glued). You can and should also drink it in unlimited quantities and use it for medicinal purposes, both for internal and external use.

When water is charged ‘-‘, the bioorganism is cleansed (de-slagged). We especially recommend using this water for people over 30 years of age to stop and prevent the formation of inflammatory processes, tumors, cleansing and rejuvenation of the aging body.

Water contamination by microorganisms (total microbial number, content of coliform bacteria) after exposure to EMF is reduced by 100 times. Water transparency increases 100 times.

II. Information transfer.

Information transfer allows you to introduce information about medicines into water or a diseased organ. If a napkin with dissolved medicine or a tablet is placed between the fluid (“-“) and a glass of water, then information about the medicinal properties of the medicine will be transferred to the water or the diseased organ. By drinking this water, you can transfer information about the medicine into the body. In this case, individual intolerance to the drug can be overcome. We must remember that the harder the medicine, the more time is needed for energy-informational transfer.

III. Energy information phoresis.

In the same way, you can transfer information to a diseased organ. The medicine dissolved in the energy guide and applied to a gauze pad is located between the SG and the diseased organ.

IV. Taking a bath of youth.

Fill the bathtub with water (pre-charged water on the spiral of life with a charge “-” upward – add 200 g to the bathtub. The spiral of life can be placed on the bottom of the bathtub with the “-” mark upwards, but then the label may be broken, or put it under the bathtub, add sea water or table salt, 1 tablet of hydroperite, 1 ampoule of interferon, NONI juice 1-2 ml, Transfer factor 1/8 tablet, 5-7 drops of gum turpentine, your own urine, 1/2 teaspoon of white or pink clay (herbal extracts, phyto-oil) , or any recommended additives. When taking baths with a life spiral, any additives should be several times less than prescribed in the instructions for using these additives. For example, clay or sea salt should be added not 5-6 tablespoons, but 1 teaspoon of sea salt. ? teaspoon of clay, herbal oil - 5-6 drops... The water should be hot. Bath time is 5-8 minutes (before sweat appears on the forehead) for 30 minutes, if the energy information session “Home Healer 12v” is available. , then listen to it. If there are contraindications to hot water, then make it moderate for yourself.

V. Activation of drugs.

Using the life spiral, you can increase the activity and shelf life of medications and dietary supplements if you charge them for at least 30-60 minutes on the spiral with a “-” charge.

  1. EMSF is also used to accelerate the healing of wounds, purulent wounds, fractures, bruises, sprains, burns, inflammation, contusions, poisoning by 3-6 times without any medications (!).Directly in combat and field conditions.
  2. EMSF changes spatiotemporal characteristics, i.e. sharply reduces the time of subconscious reaction to negative events in a person’s life (emergency situations, combat operations, sports).The soldiers who used SG during combat operations all returned home.

Practical use of EMSF:

  1. For burns bandage the burned area of ​​skin and water the bandage with energy water prepared in advance with a charge (-) for 4 – 7 days, not allowing the bandage to dry until there is no pain when the bandage is dry. Add 5–10 grams of your own urine to the water. The pain stops after 30–50 minutes, depending on the degree of the burn. After 5-7 days, remove the bandage, lubricate the damaged area with sea buckthorn oil, and place the cotton wool that was used to lubricate the affected area on the SG (-). Bandage it. 100% performance is maintained. There is no increase in body temperature. No pain. If large areas of the body are affected, take a bath with SG (-) add NONI and TF if available. Take NONI and TF if available. Next, after the pain stops, bandage the affected areas and moisten the bandage with water prepared in SJ (-).
  2. For sprains tightly bandage the injured area and wet the bandage with an energy charge (-) and keep the bandage wet until recovery.
  3. For wounds, purulent wounds, bruises, local inflammations Apply the spiral with a charge (-) to the sore spot, you can put it on top of the bandage and secure the spiral with a plaster or bandage and keep it on the wound until complete healing.
  4. For fractures apply splints, bandage and apply a spiral with a charge (-) on top of the fracture for 1 day, then turn the spiral 180 degrees. those. charge (+).
  5. For contusions and headaches attach the spiral with a plaster to the lower part of the back of the head with a charge (-) to the head.
  6. In case of poisoning drink energy water with salt (4 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of water). Drink Energovoda-vodka with salt in a strong concentration. Wear the SG on the navel.
  7. For fatigue, heart failure, arrhythmia – place the spiral in the left breast pocket with the charge (+) towards the heart. If you have NONI, take 30 ml, if you have TF cardio, take 1 tablet.
  8. For gastritis, ulcers, ulcers drink water with a charge (-) on an empty stomach and during the day, for diseases of the colon and rectum, do enemas - 1 liter of energy water with a charge (-), + ? hydroperite tablets dissolved in it, + 50 grams of your own urine. Do 3 days, then 1 day break and another 3 days.
  9. For venous ulcers smear the limb with honey, add NONI and TF, bandage it, stick the SJ(-) bandage to the sore spot, wet the bandage with vodka, insulate it, keep it for 3 days, moistening it with vodka 2 times a day.
  10. With reduced immunity - carry the spiral with a charge (-) to the thymus gland. Take NONI and TF.
  11. For organ diseases - place the spiral with a charge (-) towards the diseased organ. Use energyphoresis.
  12. For skin diseases - take a bath of youth, if you can’t, then do water lotions, charge SJ on charge (-) creams or ointments and apply to the skin (exposure time for cream ointment is 30 minutes).
  13. For influenza and other viruses in the respiratory tract do inhalation using the Frolov apparatus at least 3 times a day. Add 10 g to water. alcohol, 1 tab. hydroperite, NONI, TF and other drugs. Under the glass of the apparatus, place the coolant (-) towards the top. SG wear (-) to the thymus gland
  14. For alcohol poisoning, drug withdrawal, hepatitis install the SG on the liver (sew to clothing) (—) to the body. Drink water charged (-) on SJ. Take a warm bath of youth with the addition of NONI and TF.
  15. For oncological diseases use the effect of energy phoresis to introduce oxygen into the tumor. Place a gauze pad between the tumor and the SG(-) and constantly moisten it with hydroperite dissolved in the energy water (1 tablet per 1 glass of water). You can add other medications prescribed by the doctor, as well as NONI juice and 1/8 tablet. TF. Take NONI and TF orally.
  16. For toothaches apply a charge (-) to the sore spot.
  17. For pain, burning in the eyes (bunnies) place a wet used tea bag on the eye, and apply SJ (-) on top to the eye.
  18. For diabetes to lower blood sugar, place a round magnet (from the speaker) on its north pole (determined by a compass) with the (-) pole up, and on the magnet (-) place a glass (jar) of water, charge for 30 minutes or more and drink . Blood sugar decreases.
  19. Under the influence of psi and electronic energies wear the SG at heart level (-) to the heart.
  20. During combat, sports competitions and other emotional, mental and wear the SG at heart level (-) to the heart. The concentration of lactic and acetic acids in the muscles decreases. The subconscious is activated.
  21. When traveling in a car, while in the city, wear CO (-) to the chest to reduce the toxic effects of such toxic substances as CO, CH, No x. SO x.


If you want to enhance the effect of water, then give the water a setting before drinking.

Say the prayer “Our Father...” Ask God to give you strength to treat the disease.

When reading the prayer, a glass of water is placed in the palm of your hand. Cross yourself.

If you want to get rid of the programmatic effect of the satanic number 666 written in the barcodes that are placed on all food products, then destroy the barcode, put the product on the EMSF (-) for 15 minutes or more, cross yourself, reading the prayer “Our Father...”.

Remember that neither medicines nor herbs nor juices nor dietary supplements nor TF nor SJ and any other energy and non-energy devices do not cleanse the white robe (clothing) of your SOUL from sinful substances (does not remove your sins). ONLY the Christian Church does this at your confession, repentance, and communion! Anyone who goes to confession and communion always reads the procedure for holy communion, and in 9 hymns of canon 3 paragraph it says: “Like fire let us be, and like light your body, and the blood, my Savior, most honorable, scorching the sinful substance, burning thorns of passion, and enlightening all of me, worship your deity.”

Try to give up your favorite negative habits, words, thoughts that the evil one and his followers impose on you. Try washing your Soul clothes.

Remember your deceased relatives and friends in Christ’s church, especially at the liturgy.

By this you solve the problem of the ancestral cup of sin accumulated by seven tribes on the paternal and maternal lines. With this you will change your destiny, the destiny of your children. By doing this you will free the dead from the torments of hell. You will pray them away. After all, they are alive.

Become spiritually cleaner and better. Remember that your heart is the organ of communication between a person and God, the organ of higher knowledge, the organ of feelings.

This is the only way to harmonize soul and body. Without harmony of soul and body there is no recovery!

ATTENTION! A fake will not work!

Purchase EMSF only through authorized LLC NIPEIP "ELECTRON".

Patent holders: Gulin A. N. and Gorshkov M. I.

Contact phone number in Moscow: +79264602998

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