Country in Central America. Central America

For many, Central America is the edge of geography and a remote province of the world. No one goes there for gold, and there is no wealth there. These countries are among the poorest countries in the world. The region was rocked by endless civil wars and military coups. Even now, during a period of peaceful calm, tourists rarely visit the countries of Central America. Dangerous, dirty, uninteresting - we hear from our compatriots. Is this true? Yes and no. Danger can also await you in Barcelona, ​​and everyone’s concept of cleanliness is subjective.

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But if you want to see the ruins of Mayan cities lost in the jungle; active volcanoes and white sandy beaches of the Caribbean coast; architectural gems of the colonial architecture of Guatemala and Nicaragua; rivers and lakes, seas and forests - then you should come here, as it is incredibly interesting.

I invite you to travel with our family to Central America, where we spent 4 months. Let's make some kind of comparative rating and give a general idea of ​​these regions.

Central America is a region located between North and South America. On this small piece of land there are as many as seven countries: Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. Six of them are Latin American, with the exception of Belize, a former British colony. The region's population is made up of indigenous people: Indians (descendants of the Mayan civilization), as well as the Spaniards who settled Central America during colonization, and Africans who remained here since slavery. The main language of the region is Spanish. But let's talk about everything in order.

We have compiled our list of countries in descending order, from best to worst. This is the subjective opinion of our family, which saw Central America this way.

Costa Rica

One of the smallest states in Central America, but a clear favorite. Located in the narrowest part of the Isthmus of Panama. can be considered one of the most beautiful countries in the region: mountain ranges, emerald volcanic lakes, “cloudy” rainforests, waterfalls, silver sand beaches, national parks and reserves occupying a quarter of the country’s territory.

The state of Costa Rica, unlike neighboring Central American countries, is a prosperous and peaceful state. The country does not have a paramilitary army; it was disbanded in 1949, and the security of the country is ensured by a civil guard of about 10 thousand people. This has a positive effect on the fact that the country is step by step becoming one of the most promising countries in the entire Western Hemisphere in terms of international tourism. This place is especially attractive to American retirees. Well, this is understandable, because Costa Rica is in the international TOP of happiness. And there is nothing surprising here. Costa Ricans are considered some of the happiest people on Earth. The International Happiness Index uses many criteria to determine happiness, including life expectancy, well-being and the environment, thereby determining the overall level of happiness. The people here are friendly, the pace of life is leisurely, the air is clean, and the sky is blue. In Costa Rica, people often greet each other and say goodbye by saying “Pura Vida.” But the expression Pura Vida, which translates to “pure life,” is more than just a figure of speech for Costa Ricans—it’s a state of mind. I would say that this is the whole philosophy of this country.

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And of course, don’t believe people who say that Costa Rica is too polished and artificial, thanks to injections of American investors. It miraculously combines pristineness and comfort, for which you certainly have to pay. Costa Rica is the most expensive country in all of Central America. But such a beauty deserves it. Well, you understand: here we left a piece of ourselves and fell head over heels in love with this country, people and culture.


Panama gives its name to the isthmus connecting the continents of North and South America. The Republic also includes more than one and a half thousand islands. Panama captivates tourists with its versatility: relatively small in area, it contains 11 national parks, 5 Indian reservations, 2 mountain ranges and endless beaches of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. After all, no matter where you stay, the ocean coast is always nearby!

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Panama impressed us with its contrast: incredible virgin nature (especially its island part) and skyscrapers with slums. We visited the “paradise islands” called Bocas del Toro. The islands provide excellent conditions for surfing, deep-sea diving, diving, and boat excursions. After what I saw, I’m not afraid to say that Bocas del Toro is a unique treasure of Panama, a pristine archipelago that includes 9 relatively large islands, 52 small islands and more than 200 tiny islets, almost reefs. There are probably few places left on earth as unique as this.

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Everything here is quite civilized, but I’ll note the downsides: high prices and some indifference among the local population. The prices are a little lower than in Costa Rica, but this doesn’t help the situation. As for the people, we made wonderful acquaintances here, but we were often haunted by a feeling of some kind of indifference of the locals to everything.


The largest country in Central America. This place is chosen by connoisseurs of ecotourism: climbs to active and extinct volcanoes, travel through the jungle and to picturesque lagoons. Here is one of the natural wonders of the planet - Lake Nicaragua, above which the island of Ometepe literally rises, formed by two volcanoes of an ideal conical shape: Concepcion and Maderas.

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In fact, based on what we have seen, Nicaragua is a pearl that is polished, modified and becomes more and more attractive and popular among tourist travelers. Here are the colonial cities: Leon and Granada. Once here, you begin to feel the atmosphere, where the houses are painted in blue, pink and green colors. Lines of horse-drawn carriages ride along the polished paving stones. In the city center, houses look as majestic as they did during the Spanish conquests: enfilades of columns, patios.

If you want to visit the Pacific Ocean, then Popoyo is definitely the place for surfing and yoga. There is a special atmosphere here: carefree and free youth with no plans for tomorrow, just HERE and NOW. Yes, the ocean is not always an element for relaxing with a child, but here you go: sand, a huge beach, an atmosphere of peace and goodness. And what sunsets!

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Keep in mind that there are more and more people wanting to see this pristine beauty. So hurry up, as there is definitely something to do in Nicaragua with and without children. In a word, this place deserves your attention.


The most colorful country in all of Central America, where they carefully preserve their customs and traditions. The bulk of the local population are Indians and they are dressed in national costumes. The main value in life here is family and relatives, and everything else takes much less attention, emotions and energy.

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Local residents treat foreign tourists very reservedly and with a degree of curiosity. We have also encountered aggression, but this is more an exception to the rule. Guatemala is a powerful center of agricultural production (prices for fruits and vegetables here are the lowest in all of Central America). Here is a gastronomic paradise: fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts and much more, the names of which we do not know. There are also no problems with snacking: there is an abundance of food from fast food to full-fledged chicken with rice and salad. In general, it even somewhat resembles Asia.

Here everyone can find something of their own: see the Atlantic and Pacific coasts; appreciate the fantastic volcanic landscapes (Guatemala has 33 volcanoes, of which 4 are active) and Lake Atitlan, surrounded by three volcanoes, one of the deepest and most beautiful in the world at an altitude of 1500m above sea level; Connoisseurs of antiquity will find archaeological treasures of the Mayan civilization with colonial architecture here.

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The city of Antigua is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A sort of “white ghetto” and “gringoland” (Americans, Canadians, some French, Germans, Swedes, Swiss and even groups of Japanese with a guide). Here we met such a huge crowd of white tourists for the first time during our trip to Central America. There is a spirit of freedom in the air here, and baroque monuments dilapidated by an earthquake turn the city into a museum of colonial Spanish architecture.

The city of Quetzaltenango is a piece of Europe, located at an altitude of 2333 meters above sea level and attracts travelers with its beautiful architecture, textile factories and the opportunity to climb a volcano.

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Subjective: Guatemala is incredibly colorful! What are the costs of traveling by bus: the pulse and heartbeat accelerate, which is not always comfortable and cozy. But in any case, it is an entertaining and interesting experience.


The most populous country in Central America: by 21 thousand square meters. km has a population of about 6 million. The size is no larger than the Lviv region. Unlike its neighbors, the tourism industry in El Salvador is poorly developed: after a bloody civil war at the end of the 20th century and a major earthquake in the early 2000s, the country's economy and infrastructure are reviving very slowly. El Salvador is often called the country of lakes and volcanoes - its main part is a volcanic highland among two chains of volcanoes, one of which is active.

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We remember El Salvador as a sincere, colorful and safe country. Here we met amazing people, walked around the city of Santa Ana, looking at examples of colonial architecture and walking in local parks. I especially remember the signs at the entrance to the park stating that entry with bladed weapons is prohibited.


According to scientists, here is the most striking evidence of the existence of the Mayan civilization - the ancient city of Copan. If you want to go back many centuries, wander through the jungle and be impressed by the cave paintings, coming up with theories about how it was all created without special equipment, then you must see this. He is such a dug - it amazes the imagination and makes you remember it for a long time. Believe me, you didn’t dream about Honduras (and who dreams about it?) for only one simple reason - you didn’t know about the existence of the city of Copan. The ruins of the ancient Mayan city were discovered only in the mid-19th century, after which researchers and archaeologists began to flock to these places. As a result, an ancient city was discovered with pyramids, statues, temples, platforms and a stadium.


Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America, which until 1973 was called British Honduras. Historically, it so happened that with the arrival of the conquistadors, and these are English settlers, the bulk of the “residents” were pirates and colonists from the island of Jamaica, who brought with them black slaves to work on logging and plantations. That’s why there are an insane number of Africans who speak Creole-English (it’s like English, but you only catch the meaning), the streets are so teeming with homeless people that you want to run to the other side. The women here are fat and languid. There are a large number of glassy-eyed beggars who are trying to talk about their miserable lives, while others, more enterprising, are trying to sell a wooden stick, spoon or some other “value” of dubious quality. And it “smells” like sewage here, but it’s all brightened up by the kind people (although you can find different things), music in the style of Bob Marley and the ubiquitous aroma of marijuana.

To briefly describe our feelings about Belize, they are definitely trashy: a poor country with insane prices. So, accommodation in a guesthouse costs $40. Here you have a shower above the push and a hole in the field. They don't want to bargain and are surprised if you do. The country does not produce anything (they grow bananas, oranges, sugar cane), and survives on tourism. But the level of tourism is very dubious and suspicious. In the country itself, and especially with a child, there is really nothing to do. Nature – yes, it’s nice, but just passing by and through the bus window.

We haven’t checked, but we’ll tell you: Belize is famous for its barrier reef and islands, where people come for diving and snorkeling. And also the famous “blue hole” (English: Great Blue Hole) - a large blue hole with a diameter of 305 meters, going to a depth of 120 meters. This place became famous thanks to the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in the list of the 10 best places in the world for diving. This concludes my story about Belize.

At the end of my story, I want to say one thing: Central America is amazing, interesting, full of adventures and discoveries. But it’s better to come here for yourself and see for yourself!

Central America is a region from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to Panama, geographically located on the territory of the North American continent.

Traditionally, this region includes countries such as Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Barbados, the Bahamas, Saint Kents and Nevis, Montserrat, Belize, Saint Lucia, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago , Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cayman Islands, El Salvador, Grenadines, Panama, Costa Rica, Saint Vincent and a number of other island countries.

Population The region is made up of the region's indigenous inhabitants (Indians), the Spaniards who settled Central America during colonization, and the Africans who remained here since slavery. The main language of the region is Spanish

How to get there

Flights from Russia to Central American countries are carried out by airlines with connections in Europe and/or the USA. When traveling to smaller countries (such as Belize), you may need to make an additional connection to one of the nearby American countries (such as Mexico or Cuba).


Most of Central America is occupied by medium-high mountains that are part of the Cordillera system (Sierra Madre Southern, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, etc.). Severely fragmented mountain ranges predominate, cut by deep river gorges, sometimes with areas of smoothed plateaus, alternating with tectonic depressions. From the border of Mexico, where the highest peak of Central America rises - the Tajumulco volcano (height 4217 m), to western Panama on the Pacific side, they are joined by the Volcanic Ridge with many active volcanoes, including those that arose in historical times (Santa Maria, Atitlan, Santa Ana, Cosiguina, Poas, Irazu, etc.). Large lowlands are found only in the north - the accumulative Tabasco and Mosquito Coast (Mosquitia) and the Yucatan Peninsula, composed primarily of limestone with a wide development of karst processes and forms.

Climate of Central America

Central America belongs to the tropical and subequatorial climatic zones, the annual temperature range is from +22 to +28 °C, at altitudes of 1000 m the temperature is 5-8 degrees lower. This has a beneficial effect on the tourist attractiveness of the region all year round.

Soils and vegetation

The soil and vegetation cover of Central America is very diverse. The lowlands and northeastern windward slopes up to an altitude of 800 m (Tierra Caliente belt) are dominated by tropical evergreen forests on red-yellow lateritic, predominantly ferrallite soils; they contain many palm trees, trees with valuable colored wood, vines, and epiphytes. Significant areas, especially in the Tabasco lowlands, are swampy; the shores are lined with mangroves. Near the coasts there are plantations of bananas, cocoa, pineapples and other tropical crops; in the arid north-west. of the Yucatan Peninsula, where xerophilic forests and shrubs grow, there are agave (henequen) plantations. Altitudinal zones are clearly defined in the mountains. Up to an altitude of 1700 m there is a belt of Tierra Templada, where heat-loving species disappear and tree ferns predominate; from an altitude of 1700 m (Tierra Fria belt) - mixed forests of evergreen deciduous (oaks, magnolias, etc.) and conifers; above 3200 m alpine meadows occur in fragments; in the south there are high-mountain equatorial paramos meadows. On the highlands, on mountain red and brown-red laterized soils, coniferous-hard-leaved, and in some places pure pine forests are common; Pasture cattle breeding is developed here, corn, potatoes, and legumes are grown. On the Pacific slopes there are predominantly deciduous (during drought) tropical forests (ceiba, coccoloba, etc.) on mountain red ferrallitic soils, giving way below, in the driest areas and in the interior basins, to spiny woodlands, shrubs, thickets of cacti and secondary savannas on brown-red soils; coffee plantations (at an altitude of 600-900 m), tobacco, sugar cane and cotton. The floristic composition is characterized by a predominance of North American species to the north of the Republic of Nicaragua basin and South American species to the south of it.

Animal world

Faunistically, Central America is included in the Neotropical zoogeographic region. There are broad-nosed monkeys, peccaries, tapirs, armadillos, jaguar, blood-sucking bats, many birds, reptiles and insects.

The northern part is also characterized by representatives of North America - lynxes, raccoons, many rodents (gophers, hares, squirrels, shrews, sac rats, etc.). There are endemic species among tapirs, rodents, bats and birds.

History of the region

The identification of this geographical zone as an independent part of the world follows from history: after the collapse of the First Mexican Empire in 1823, for 17 years there existed a separate federal state - the United Provinces of Central America or the Federation of Central America. The Federation included such countries (provinces) as Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Los Altos (now the territories of Guatemala and the Mexican state of Chiapas).

The collapse of the Federation was facilitated by the civil war of 1838-40, after which, one after another, all its members left the union state. Attempts to restore the union were made more than once until the 1920s, after which the independence of the states was finally established.

The countries of Central America have all the conditions for an unforgettable holiday. Exotic nature, vibrant coastal and inland landscapes, the priceless cultural and historical heritage of vanished Indian empires, vibrant Latin American culture in modern cities - all this attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

The state of Central America is BELIZE.

The capital is the city of BELMOPAN.

Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America, but Spanish is also widely spoken here.

Belize is a small country in Central America, located between Mexico and Guatemala. In the northern part of Belize, the land is covered with a thin layer of salt because the sea used to be there. The soils of the central regions consist of sand and salt; beautiful savannas lie here. The coastal area of ​​Belize has many lakes and lagoons. There are stunning coral reefs off the coast. In the southern part of the state is the Mayan mountain range with the highest point in the country - Victoria Peak. These areas of Belize are cut by numerous small rivers, which, by enriching the local soils, create surprisingly favorable conditions.

Belize is amazing with its beauty. This is a truly unique country, where in a tiny territory you can find world-famous attractions. It is home to the longest barrier reef (298 km) in the Western Hemisphere and the second longest in the world after Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Here, about 100 km from Belize City, is the world famous Blue Hollow, 123 meters deep and 305 meters wide, a real Paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts.

40% of Belize's territory is occupied by national parks and nature reserves, famous not only for the riot of colors of tropical rainforests and the diversity of wild animals, but also for the ruins of the Mayan civilization, lost in their wilds. Belize is especially popular among divers and fishing enthusiasts from all over the world: about 400 species of fish and 70 species of coral live in the coastal waters of the state.


The climate is tropical, trade wind. The average annual temperature is +25-27° C. Average annual temperatures are slightly lower on the Belize coast due to winds blowing from the Caribbean Sea. The rainy season lasts from May to November, the dry season from February to May. The most favorable time to travel to Belize is from late December to April. However, according to local residents, August, which is called the second spring here, is especially favorable. Autumn travel to Belize is not advisable due to possible hurricanes.

The capital of the country Belize, the city of Belize at the mouth of the Belize River on the Caribbean Sea was constantly destroyed by hurricanes and floods, and in order to protect itself from natural disasters, the capital was moved inland - now it is the city of Belmopan, the seat of government.

Sights of Belize

The main attractions of Belize are National Parks, a few ruins remaining in memory of the Mayan civilization, and coral reefs off the coast. The most famous parks in the country: Laughing Bird Caye (an island where seagulls live), Mountain Pine Ridge forest reserve, Rio Bravo and many others.

The country's marine reserves are no less popular: Glover's Reef Marine Reserve and others. The barrier reef is one of the country's natural attractions. Between the reef and the mainland there are numerous islands inhabited by tropical birds, animals and coral reefs - a paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts, including for beginners.

Among the archaeological attractions, it is worth visiting Altun Ha - an archaeological center where burials were found and Xuantunich - a Mayan ceremonial center, which is located near the border with Guatemala. The largest jade head was found here - a traditional Mayan inlaid piece symbolizing the sun god.

Belize is one of the five countries of Central America, on whose territory in ancient times the legendary Mayan kingdom extended. Archaeologists testify that during the heyday of this civilization, more than 1 million of its representatives lived in Belize. Countless temples, statues, caves and other buildings of the Mayan Indians have been preserved here, often being unique creations.

Resorts in Belize

Belize resorts for every taste - from noisy, full of entertainment venues, complexes, restaurants, bars to a quiet family holiday. Mayan monuments, sunny beaches, jaguar reserve, cayes, waterfalls, villages with fruit plantations, lush jungles, karst caves and grottoes, mountain ranges, springs.

The most popular resorts in the country are the islands of Ambergris, Caulker and Chapelle in the northern part of the sea, the groups of Glovers, Turniff and Lighthouse islands in the central part, as well as the resort towns on the southern coast of the mainland - Dangriga and Placencia.

The most popular beach in Dangriga is Pelican Beach, 25 km from here in the sea lies Columbus Reef with the Tobacco Cay resort.

The seaside resort of Placencia is located 75 km south of Dangriga on a small peninsula. The resort is famous for its picturesque lagoon, along which 5 km of sandy beaches stretch. The Placencia embankment was once listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the narrowest embankment in the world.

Hotel complexes in Belize are varied - modern buildings for complete relaxation and enjoyment of silence, sounds of nature, water sports, and cozy huts, villas right on the seashore in a colonial style.

The hotels combine the luxury and amenities of a first-class resort, with superbly trained staff, excellent service and outstanding cuisine with an international menu.

State of Central America - GUATEMALA.

The capital is the city of GUATEMALA.

GUATEMALA, Republic of Guatemala, the northernmost of the Central American Republics, covers an area of ​​108,899 square kilometers. km. It borders on the north and west with Mexico, on the east with Belize, on the south and southeast on El Salvador and Honduras. In the east, Guatemala has a narrow access to the Caribbean Sea, where one of the main ports of the Caribbean coast in Central America is located - Puerto Barrios; The southern coast of the country is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean for 240 km.


Guatemala is divided into three physical-geographical regions: the lowlands of the Pacific coast, the highlands of the southern and central parts of the country, and the Petén Plain in the north.

The Pacific coast is adjacent to a lowland reaching a width of approx. 50 km near the border with Mexico and gradually narrowing to the southeast, towards the border with El Salvador.

The highlands occupy more than half of the country's territory and continue to the northwest, into Mexico, and to the southeast, into the territory of El Salvador and Honduras. The surface elevation above sea level is for the most part from 1000 to 2400 m, with individual volcanic peaks over 3700 m high. Geologically, this area corresponds to outcrops of ancient crystalline rocks, forming latitudinal ridges with sharp ridges and steep slopes; they are dissected by deeply incised river valleys opening east towards the Caribbean Sea. In the southwest of the highlands, separating it from the coastal lowland, rises the Sierra Madre ridge, on the ancient base of which numerous cones of young volcanoes are superimposed, including the highest mountain in Central America, the Tajumulco volcano (4217 m). The crystalline rocks here are covered by a thick cover of lavas and volcanic ash.

Among the volcanoes there are irregularly shaped depressions, one of which contains a lake. Atitlan. From the southwest-facing slope of the highland, short, stormy rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean, but most of the mountainous region is drained by rivers belonging to the Caribbean Sea: Sarstun and Motagua, as well as tributaries of the Polochik River, which flows into Lake. Izabal, connected by a wide navigable channel to the Amatic Bay of the Caribbean Sea. In the middle and lower reaches, the valleys of these rivers have a wide and flat, well-moistened bottom, limited by long and narrow spurs of the mountains.

The north of Guatemala is occupied by the Petén Plain (absolute heights 150–210 m), composed of limestone. Its surface is dotted with typical karst forms - rounded funnels and sinkholes. Many rivers are lost in these funnels, continuing their path to the sea in underground cavities and caves. The entire Peten plain is covered with dense tropical forest.

Climate and flora.

The climate of Guatemala is tropical, with its characteristics depending on the altitude of the area and its accessibility to the humid trade winds blowing inland from the Caribbean Sea. The coastal lowlands have the hottest and most humid climate, with average daily temperatures of approx. 27° C. The heaviest precipitation falls on the Caribbean coast and the mountain slopes facing it, as well as on the Petén plain (1500–2500 mm per year). The lowlands and lower parts of the slopes are covered with tall tropical rain forest, with closed crowns and almost no undergrowth; in some places it is interrupted by areas of savanna, and on the exceptionally porous carbonate soils of the plain, xerophytic woodlands are developed in places. Palm trees grow in abundance along the Caribbean coast.

Precipitation on the low-lying Pacific coast is brought mainly by the summer southwest monsoons. Short but heavy rainfall occurs from May to October, and winters here are dry. This precipitation regime determines the predominance of grass savannas with ribbon forests along river beds. Dense semi-deciduous forests grow in the foothills. Temperatures in the mountains are lower than in the lowlands, and seasonal variations are insignificant. For example, in Guatemala the average July temperature is 19°C, and the average December temperature is 16°C.

Seasonal differences are determined not so much by temperature fluctuations as by the precipitation regime, the bulk of which falls from May to October. For example, in the capital, where the annual amount is 1320 mm, 1240 mm falls in the summer. Oak forests grow in the middle mountain zone; above 2100 m they give way to pine trees, and from 3000 m, where low temperatures prevent tree growth, alpine meadows begin. The forests of Guatemala contain many valuable tree species, including zedrel, dalbergia (rosewood), cypress, acaju (mahogany) and logwood, which produces a valuable dye. There is an abundance of lianas, epiphytes, orchids and other plants with bright decorative flowers, including trees and shrubs.

Animal world.

In the sparsely populated lowlands there are deer, wild pig, iguanas and snakes, including poisonous ones. In the mountains, most large animals were exterminated for meat; a few squirrels and other rodents, kinkajous, foxes and coyotes survived. The avifauna is rich and diverse. Approx. are described here. 2000 species of birds, of which approx. 200 migratory species originating from North America. Many tropical birds with colorful plumage, including various species of parrots. Guatemalans are especially fond of the quetzal, a rare bird with bright green feathers and a long tail. The quetzal became a national symbol; he is depicted on the national emblem and flag of the country, and the monetary unit of Guatemala is named after him.


The country has 11 national parks and reserves with diverse flora and fauna. Here is also the deepest lake in Central America - Atitlan, its depth is 340 meters. At the foot of the volcanoes in the vicinity of the lake, descendants of the Mayan tribe live. All lakes in the country are clean and picturesque.

Guatemala City looks very unusual from an architectural point of view: modern skyscrapers made of glass and concrete are mixed on city streets with ancient mansions built during colonization, and new wide avenues are accompanied by ancient temple buildings. Mayan treasures are on display in large quantities at the National Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.

The small town of Antigua has become a famous tourist destination due to its location on three volcanoes, its turbulent past, and the ruins of ancient monasteries. Another city beloved by tourists is Tikal with its palaces, temples and pyramids.

Quetzaltenango in southwestern Guatemala is often simply called Shaila. The most interesting thing in the city is the central square, the surrounding architectural ensemble and Minerva Park. From Quetzaltenango it is convenient to travel to nearby villages famous for their hot springs and handmade household items.

The best place to get acquainted with the culture of pre-Columbian America is in the town of Santa Lucia Cozumalguapa on the Pacific coast. There are many interesting ruins and archaeological sites around the city. And in the city of Livingston in the northeast of the country, features of Guatemalan and Caribbean cultures are intricately intertwined. Boat excursions along the Rio Quechuche and Rio Cocoli also start from here.

Ceibal is an impressive archaeological site southwest of Flores, surrounded by a dense forest of powerful ceiba trees. The two main squares are connected by carved stone steles. In Flores itself, tourists first rush to the zoo 3 km east of the city and only then to the Actun-Can caves, to the ruins of the classical Mayan period in Motul (4 km south of Flores) and, at the end, to admire the views of Lake Lago de Petén Itza.

For lovers of an active lifestyle, this is a real haven. Hiking along picturesque trails, mountaineering on volcanoes and high mountains, diving and surfing, rafting and other joys await tireless travelers in Guatemala.


El Salvador is a country in Central America. Located on a narrow isthmus between the northern and southern parts of the continent, the state borders Honduras and Guatemala, and its western outskirts are washed by the Pacific Ocean.


Tropical trade wind on the coast; moderate in mountainous areas. Average monthly temperatures on the coast stay around +21-22 C all year round. Daytime temperatures vary slightly, reaching +30 C in November and +34 C in March-April. In mountainous areas it is somewhat cooler at any time of the year; at night the temperature can drop to +14-16 C even in summer.

Flora world.

The country often has dry savannas with single dwarf trees (chaparro, mimosa, etc.); oak and pine forests have been preserved on the Pacific coast, and bamboo thickets in the coastal strip. Several tens of thousands of unique balsam trees grow in El Salvador. Other valuable species also include Spanish cedar, yellowwood, sapodilla, and mahogany.

Animal world.

The country's fauna is quite diverse. There are Central American tapirs, anteaters, armadillos, badgers, sloths, arboreal porcupines, monkeys, and predators include jaguar, puma, ocelot, and reptiles include boa constrictors and several species of poisonous snakes. Savannahs are home to iguana lizards, Mexican deer, coyotes, peccaries and various small rodents. There are caimans in the rivers. There are several hundred species of birds (parrots, toucans, herons, wild geese, hummingbirds, etc.).


It is better not to look for the sights of El Salvador in the capital of the country - this is a rather boring city, in which, perhaps, only the Cathedral Metropolitan Cathedral and the memorial plaques to the fallen heroes next to it are interesting.

The real monuments to the past of El Salvador, the powerful Indian tribes that inhabited it, are the ruins of ancient cities and temples. An example is Hoya de Seren, a UNESCO-protected archaeological site that has been compared to Europe's Pompeii - the city was also buried under the lava of an erupting volcano. However, scientists come to the conclusion that the local population escaped, leaving little things in their homes that wonderfully illustrate the life of ordinary members of the Mayan tribe. Today, more than 70 ancient buildings have been excavated on the territory of Hoya de Seren.

Among the historical attractions of El Salvador there is an equally interesting monument - Tazumal - “Place of Burning of Victims”. Tazumal is one of the best preserved sites created in the early 1st millennium by the Mayans. Here today you can see a canal system, ritual objects, graves, palaces, and a ball stadium. The territory of the monument is 10 sq. km, but most of it is hidden under buildings of a much later date.


The capital is Tegucigalpa.

The state of Honduras occupies the northern part of the Central American isthmus. It borders on Nicaragua in the south and southeast, El Salvador in the southwest, and Guatemala in the west.

In the north and northeast, a wide strip reaches the coast of the Gulf of Honduras in the Caribbean Sea (coast length 644 km), and in the south - to the Gulf of Fonseca on the Pacific Ocean (124 km). The country also includes numerous islands in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Fonseca, including the remote Swan Islands in the northeast, halfway between the American coast and Grand Cayman.


Tropical trade wind with rather sharp differences in weather conditions between regions of the country. Seasonal temperature changes are small, but the Caribbean coast and other eastern regions up to an altitude of 800 m are noticeably warmer than the central regions and belong to the hot “Tierra Caliente” zone, while the main part of the country lies in the moderately hot “Tierra Templada” zone, possessing all the characteristics of a mountain climate.

The average monthly air temperature on the Caribbean coast ranges from +24 C in winter to +27 C in summer. Precipitation falls up to 2700 mm per year (the wettest period is from September-October to January-February, although in other months it rains almost every day). The northern part of the coast is somewhat drier - there are two relatively dry periods (from December to April and from August to September), and the heat is moderated by sea breezes. On the islands of Islas de la Bahia, the climate is close to subtropical maritime, and the heat is moderated by constant trade winds from the sea. Destructive tropical hurricanes are common.

Vegetation and fauna.

The hot and humid lowlands of the Caribbean coast and adjacent mountain slopes were once covered with dense tropical evergreen rain forests, which are now partially destroyed. Higher in the mountains, where temperatures are lower, forests of oak and pine grow. In the drier inland areas, including the Tegucigalpa region and areas to the south and east, the once forested area is now occupied by grassy savanna and low-growing woodlands.

As in other Central American countries, a number of valuable tree species are found in the forests of Honduras. There are especially many of them growing on the vast, almost impassable lowland of the Mosquito Coast and on the slopes of nearby mountains. In the past, this territory, like the Islas de la Bahia archipelago off the northern coast of Honduras, was under the control of the British, who intensively cut down the forest. In general, Honduras has an extraordinary richness of plant species, including extremely rare and beautiful species of epiphytes that live on trees.

Throughout Honduras, there are many wild animals that have survived due to the relatively sparse population of this mountainous region, whose tropical climate is not very comfortable for humans. Here you can find both common species for Central America and rare ones: bears, various types of deer, monkeys, wild pigs and peccaries, tapirs, badgers, coyotes, wolves, foxes, jaguars, pumas, lynxes, ocelots, a rare black panther and many others , smaller cats, alligators, crocodiles, iguanas and snakes, including poisonous ones (the latter include the deadly caiscaca and cascavela), as well as anteaters, coatis, sloths, armadillos and kinkajous. The rich avifauna includes wild turkey, pheasant, parrots including macaws, heron, toucan and many other species.


Among the interesting places, this is primarily the Mayan city of Copan, diving and snorkeling on the islands of Utila or Roatan, visiting a cigar factory in the city of Santa Rosa de Copan, where you will become familiar with the complete process of producing cigars by hand, as well as visiting fortresses and beach holidays in cities throughout the Caribbean coast. Among the cities with colonial architecture, we can highlight the same Santa Rosa de Copan and the old capital - Comayagua. In the capital itself - Tegucigalpa, you can see a couple of interesting churches and a place of pilgrims not far from the capital - the church in Sayapa. The main hub through which almost all routes pass is the city of San Pedro Sula.


Nicaragua is the most central and largest country in Central America, bordering Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south.

A state in Central America, bordered on the north by Honduras, on the south by Costa Rica, the eastern coast of the country is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the western by the Pacific Ocean. The country owns a number of small islands in the Caribbean Sea. Nicaragua is the largest country in the region by territory.


Tropical trade wind. The average temperature from March to May is +24-32 C, in winter - 16-20 C. The mountainous terrain of the country directly affects the weather conditions of a particular area - in the mountains, at altitudes above 1500 m, the average summer temperature is about + 20 C, in winter it often does not exceed +16 C. Temperature differences between night and day are quite large at any time of the year.

Central America- a region of the planet located between North and South America and, from a purely geographical point of view, belonging specifically to North America. However, historically (if we consider first of all the origin of the peoples inhabiting Central America and the commonality of their cultures), this part of the planet can be considered an ethnically homogeneous and completely independent territory. Having little in common, although gravitating towards its northern neighbor.

If we consider Central America from the perspective of a geographer, then it consists of only seven countries:

  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Salvador

Our project, however, found it possible to unite the countries of Central America proper and the countries (islands) of the West Indies, located in the Caribbean Sea and historically inextricably linked with the mainland.

We emphasize: from a scientific point of view, the West Indies (or the Caribbean) is a separate region that is not included in the concept of Central America.

, (Netherlands), (UK), Virgin Islands (UK), Virgin Islands (US), Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Grenada, Dominica, (Dominican Republic), Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba , Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Turks and Caicos, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica.

Mountains, lakes, rivers of Central America

Most of the region's territory is occupied by mountains; there are many active volcanoes. Plain areas are concentrated mainly near the coasts. The following mountain ranges are distinguished: the Guatemalan volcanic highlands (altitudes from 1000 to 3000 m), the highlands of Honduras and Nicaragua, two mountain ranges (San Blas and Sierra Nià de Baudo) in Panama.

  • The highest volcanoes (4,217 m) and Tacana (4,117 m) in Guatemala

The highest mountains in the West Indies are on the island of Haiti (Mount Duarte, 3175 m). You can also highlight mountain systems in Cuba (Sierra Maestra, up to 1956 m) and Jamaica (Blue Mountains, up to 2256 m).

  • The largest lake in Central America: Nicaragua (8,264 km2), located in the country of the same name. The lake is the second largest in Latin America (Mexico, Central and South America) after the lake and the 20th largest in the world. The depth of this huge freshwater reservoir reaches 70 meters.

It is in Central America that the world's second largest coral reef is located. The Mesoamerican reef stretches along the coasts of Belize and Guatemala: almost 1,000 kilometers of “Divers' Happiness”.

The deepest lake in Central America is located in Guatemala. Its depth reaches 340 meters.

  • The largest river in Central America, the Coco or Segovia (Río Coco, Río Segovia) is a border river between Honduras and Nicaragua, its length is 750 km


The climate in both Central America and the West Indies is tropical, characterized by high average air temperatures and high humidity. This weather is good for relaxation and not suitable for hard work.

As a rule, there are two main seasons: winter (the driest and most temperature-equal time of the year: November-April) and summer (humid and hot time, a lot of precipitation, severe tropical hurricanes are not uncommon: May-October).

Spring and autumn, although present in the usual calendar, are rather vague concepts, mainly due to year-round high temperatures.

The climate varies quite widely along the coasts: the Pacific coast is characterized by lower temperature and humidity, while the Caribbean coast is characterized by tropical downpours and heat.

The islands of the West Indies, in terms of rain, can be said to be a little deprived: for comparison, the average rainfall, for example, in Cuba is about 1,400 mm, in Nicaragua it reaches 5,000 mm. It is worth considering that approximately ¾ of all precipitation falls in the summer.

Average annual daytime air temperatures are + 23-28 ° C in the plains and coastal areas, in mountainous areas dropping to average levels of + 10-22 ° C (depending on the area: for example, the Guatemalan plateau is characterized by relatively moderate values: + 15-20 degrees, The highlands of Honduras are characterized by sharper jumps: +10-22 degrees).

There are practically no differences in the temperatures of winter and summer: for example, in Costa Rica the average temperature in January is +23°C, and in July +25°C.

Due to heavy rainfall and the mountainous nature of the topography, the annual runoff in Central America usually exceeds 600 mm, reaching 1500 mm or more on the Caribbean slopes of Costa Rica and Panama, only on the southern slopes of the Sierra Madre Sur and in the north-west of the Yucatan Peninsula is the runoff layer less than 100 mm. The river network is dense, with the exception of the Yucatan Peninsula, which is almost devoid of surface watercourses. Short, stormy, rapids rivers predominate; the largest are Motagua, Patuca and Coco. The rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin are full of water throughout the year; Rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean are characterized by sharp fluctuations in flow and severe summer floods. There are many lakes in tectonic basins, including the largest ones - Nicaragua, Managua, Izabal, Atitlan.

Lake Izabal


The Pacific coast with a narrow intermittent strip of coastal lowland in the northern part is rectilinear, in the southern part it is strongly dissected by bays (Fonseca, Nicoya, Chiriqui, Montijo, Panama, etc.), forms a number of peninsulas (Nicoya, Osa, Azuero, etc.) and is accompanied by mainland islands (Coiba, Sebaco, Rey, etc.). The shores of the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of Campeche) and the Caribbean Sea are predominantly low, lagoonal (lagoons of Caratasca, Chiriqui, etc.), only in the southeastern part of the base of the Yucatan Peninsula does the Gulf of Honduras extend deeply; The shores are fringed with small, mainly coral islands.

Osa Peninsula

The region's climate is hot and humid, with temperatures rarely falling below 24°C. The climate is hotter on the coast, while in the mountains and plateaus it is cooler. From June to September, some areas receive more than 300 mm of rainfall per month.

Central America lies in the tropical (up to the depression of the Republic of Nicaragua) and subequatorial climate zones. Due to its position in low latitudes (7-22° N), it receives a lot of solar heat (radiation balance, over 80 kcal/cm² per year, 1 kcal = 4.19 kJ) and has high temperatures throughout the year (the average temperature of the coldest month in the lowlands is from 22-24 °C in the north to 26 °C in the south, the warmest is 26-28 °C; in the mountains at an altitude of 1000-2000 m it is 5-8 °C lower). On the northeastern, windward (relative to the trade winds from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea) slopes there is a constantly humid climate, precipitation falls from 1500-2000 mm per year in the north to 3000 mm (in some places up to 7000 mm) in the south. On the leeward Pacific slopes, precipitation is associated with summer cyclones in the north and equatorial monsoons in the south; winter is usually dry, with 1000-1800 mm of precipitation per year. The interior basins and the low-lying northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula parallel to the trade winds receive less than 500 mm of precipitation per year. In the south of Central America, exposure differences are erased and on the Pacific slope the winter dry season is weakly expressed.

At the end of the 15th century, a new, previously unknown continent opened to the world, which later received the name America. Its area is more than 40 million square meters. km. The discoverers called this continent the New World.

A few words about the continent

The official date of the discovery of the continent is October 12, 1492. It was on this day that the sailors of Christopher Columbus noticed the land, which turned out to be America. Although the history of this part of the world began long before the discovery. There is a version that the continent received its name from the name of the navigator Amerigo Vespucci (navigator in the expedition of Admiral Alonso de Ojeda).

In its modern meaning, America is a part of the world that includes two continents (southern and northern) and their surrounding islands. Previously they belonged to different continents. is more than 950 million people, according to the 2015 census. Residents of Asia began to populate its territory for the first time. It is because of the numerous migration of the Eskimos that they are now considered the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland.

Regional division of territory

The following regions are distinguished:

  • North America - includes the states: Canada, Mexico, as well as islands located on the east coast.
  • unites independent countries located on the mainland.
  • Central America is a region that includes states located on the northern continent south of Mexico.
  • The Caribbean (another name for the West Indies) - consists of the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

Division by language

The territory of America is also classified by division according to linguistic and historical characteristics:

  • Latin America (Spanish, Portuguese, French speaking countries);
  • Anglo-America (English-speaking countries).

In total, America includes 36 independent countries and 17 dependent territories.

North America

The third largest continent on the planet is located in the Northern Hemisphere. This is North America. The area of ​​the continent is more than 20 million square meters. km. With adjacent islands - more than 24 million square meters. km. The largest islands of North America are Greenland, Aleutian, West Indies and Canadian. This region includes the following countries: USA, Canada, Mexico, as well as Greenland, the Bahamas and Bermuda. The total population of the region is more than 560 million people. The continent is washed by the waters of three oceans: the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific. In the south it is connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama.

Quite varied. In the west stretches one of the largest mountain systems on the planet - the Cordillera Mountains, while in the east plains and low hills predominate. The highest point of the mainland is Denali (formerly McKinley) - 6,193 m.

The climate of the region varies, from arctic in the north to subequatorial in the south. This diversity can easily be explained by the large area. Air masses come to the mainland from the west, and only in the south of the region do warm trade winds prevail. The region is rich in precipitation. In the northwest they can reach 6,000 mm/year. In North America there is the largest river system on the planet - the river. Mississippi and Missouri, as well as the largest accumulation of fresh water in the Canadian Great Lakes.

South America

The area of ​​the mainland is 17.8 million square meters. km ranks 4th among other continents. It is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In the south it is disconnected from Antarctica, but in the north a narrow isthmus separates the mainland from North America. The coastline of the continent is smooth and has few bays. The border of South America (namely the coastline) stretches for more than 30,000 km. The relief of the region is asymmetrical: in the west, half of the continent is occupied by a high mountain range - the Andes; in the east, plains and lowlands predominate. The highest point is Aconcagua (6,960 m). South America crosses the equator.

The population of this region is 387 million people. It is distributed unevenly across the continent. The most populated regions are the Atlantic coast, where the largest cities of the continent are also located.

On the political map of this continent there are 12 independent states and one colony - the overseas department of France - Guiana. According to the level of development, states belong to the agrarian-industrial type. That is, these are countries that are developing. The most industrialized countries are Brazil, Argentina and Chile. In other countries, agriculture and mining dominate.

Central America (description)

The central part is a region of America, conventionally located between the Southern and Northern continents. But geographically it belongs to the northern continent. The region includes 7 small states. Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama and Honduras are what Central America is made up of. The land area reaches about 2.7 million square meters. km. The majority of the region's population is Hispanic. The total population is 36 million people. Most of them are engaged in agriculture. Another popular name for the region is “banana republics”. It took root due to the fact that more than 90% of all banana imports come from these countries.

West Indies

The Caribbean (West Indies) is an island region of America. Includes the islands: Caribbean, Bahamas and Antilles. The region's population is 42 million people. Consists of 5 states: Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Almost all large islands have rugged shores and convenient bays. In addition, the region has a fairly even, warm tropical climate. This makes the West Indies a very popular tourist destination.

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