Secrets of dark matter. Production in terrestrial conditions

Time flows differently in the world: in a powerful gravitational field it moves slower, away from large objects, faster. It can change not only the speed of its movement, but also its direction.

Let's imagine a black hole (collapsar) only with the reverse flow of time. Let's call it a white hole. Perhaps she is the exact opposite of black. Let's try to give some facts:

  • black holes, with their powerful gravity, collect all the matter around them in space, while white holes should theoretically push it away from themselves.
  • if it is impossible to exit the collapsar event horizon, then it is also impossible to enter the white event horizon.
  • the collapsar absorbs matter and thereby releases energy, while the former hole releases matter and absorbs energy, etc.

In the universe, the existence of collapsars is no longer a discovery. But the formation of the universe of white holes remains a hypothetical.

However, a group of Israeli scientists claim that they were able to capture a white hole in the form of a flash in the photo. The characteristics of the hypothetical white hole flare differ from the various stellar flares previously known. Scientists believe that the instantaneous disintegration of a white hole is similar to the Big Bang, but many times smaller. This explosion was given the name Small Explosion. It is characterized by the fact that when it happens, a lot of energy and matter appears out of nowhere. It’s as if he throws out everything that has been accumulated inside.

By studying these features, we can state that the mysteries of the existence of white holes can only exist until some specific objects are discovered by astronauts. It is also worth noting that a white hole can only be a reality if there are no particles of matter within its framework. Because if at least one alpha particle hits it, the white hole will instantly collapse.

Of course, as in any hypothetical theory, there are also people here who are 100% sure of the existence of white holes. At the Aix-Marseille University in France, there is a group of scientists who are persistently trying to explain to humanity that the theory of black and white regions of space-time has long been based on physics, in which there is a theory of quantum gravity loops.

The connection between black and white holes

There is a theory that white and black holes are connected by a certain tunnel.

Matter that falls beyond the event horizon of the collapsar emerges from the event horizon of the white hole. Between the entrance and exit there may be not only huge distances of billions of light years, which you will cover in an instant, but also a large amount of time. This makes it possible to travel in it! However, not every collapsar will be associated with a white hole.

There is another similar theory, which involves not only travel between individual parts of the Universe, but also travel between the universes themselves.

It is even theoretically impossible to get from one universe to another by ordinary routes, because... they are in different spaces. The only way to get from one universe to another is a space-time tunnel consisting of white and black holes.

If a person manages to harness and recreate the nature of space-time tunnels, or, simply put, wormholes, then it will be possible to move vast distances and travel through time.

Another option for scientists is the theory of glued holes. That is, white holes can be glued to black ones. In this case, the theory is called a wormhole. It is under this name that it is often remembered in science fiction stories. But, like other theories, there is an inconsistency. If matter falls into this wormhole, the result will be its collapse, since the passage between the regions of space-time will be closed.

Another part of scientists argue that since collapsars can be not only black, but also white, then the possibility arises that if we fall into a black hole, we will lose our singularity and end up in another Universe. In turn, this black hole is white, but in some other universe. All these Universes are completely different in nature. From this we can conclude that if one body falls into a black hole, it will never return to the previous Universe.

Having raised all these theories and thoughts, an obvious logical question may arise: why did people start talking about such phenomena not so long ago, although the facts confirming the existence of various holes were known thousands of years ago? This could arise because modern scientists use complex mathematics in their calculations that are much more complex than the conventional topology used before.

Research into the existence of white holes

There is also information that scientists from the United States, using the VLA radio telescope, discovered a huge void, in the middle of which there is no substance or matter known to astronomers. It is also known that this region of space-time is much larger than those previously found and known in outer space.

In addition, a spot was discovered near the constellation Eridanus, in which there is 45% less energy than it should be. It was also revealed that after the Big Bang, the temperature there became much lower than the average by millionths of a degree. These phenomena cannot leave scientists alone, since there was no clear explanation for them, and without clear evidence they remain something inexplicable.

While it has long been proven that there is a gravitational field around collapsars, with the help of which they are detected, this does not happen with white holes. There are suggestions about the existence of a galactic cluster that was able to pump out the gravitational field from them.

Since white holes are called flares, some scientists divide them into long, long and short. Long ones are those that last more than two seconds, but short ones are those whose duration was less than two seconds. There are also flashes that, according to their parameters, may not fall into any of the categories, and it is these that receive much more attention. After all, studying everything non-standard always makes the discovery more significant.

Experts believe that long-lasting gamma-ray bursts often arise as a consequence of the collapse of huge stars, which then turn into black holes. While short gamma-ray bursts are a consequence of the connection of neutron stars, which leads to the creation of a new collapsar.

It is worth mentioning here the Schwarzschild solution, which deals with white and black holes. The global scientific community believes that white Schwarzschild holes do not exist. But Kerr’s solution states that a white hole is a formation that resulted from the combination of two collapsars.

Remembering the theory of quantum gravity - black holes can turn into white holes over time.

Today, we mainly talked about adherents of the theory of the existence of white holes, but we should not forget about skeptics, because as practice shows, it is thanks to them that most theories are proven.

Thus, many believe that there is no connection at all between black and white holes in the Universe. Scientists think so, because if any matter that got into the collapsar then came out somewhere else, the collapsar would instantly disappear, since the matter would have flown out of the white hole (given the opposite direction of time in them).

In any case, from a mathematical point of view, white holes are still something unusual, and therefore not fully studied. But as history shows us, everything unusual in the mathematical field is quite rarely embodied in real life.

Many mysteries have still not been solved even by scientists who are constantly engaged in research in this area.

In conclusion, I can say one thing: each person decides for himself what to believe in and what not. Therefore, read, study, research, believe, analyze and destroy the stereotypes created by reality.

The hierarch of the “Andromeda Nebula” galaxy, Chamakhi, got in touch with Lyubov Kolosyuk and Valeria Koltsova. He answered a number of important questions.

The information we have obtained will help astrophysicists both in studying the structure of the Universe and in correctly setting research problems. Scientists all over the world, as well as everyone interested in the structure of the universe, will become familiar with these materials that are important for science. Chamahi kindly answered a number of our additional questions, for which we express our sincere gratitude to him and our wishes for further cooperation. Despite the previous publications on this issue ("Rainbow" No. 30, 44 and 45 for 2006), we decided to summarize them.

It should be immediately noted that our astrophysicists correctly assumed that dark matter was formed in the early stages of the existence of the Universe. They also correctly assumed that dark masses of matter do not consist of ordinary atoms, since they do not transmit or emit light and are therefore invisible. At the same time, they exert a gravitational influence on the galaxies of our Universe, as if keeping them “on a leash.” This speaks of a single initial material part for both dark matter and our matter of galaxies.

About our and other Universes

Our Universe is of the spiral type and is relatively young on an infinity scale. Its age is counted in manvantaras (periods of the collapse and unfolding of the Universe). Collapsing and unfolding with the Big Bang is unique to spiral universes like ours.

Our Universe itself is shaped like an egg. At its center there is a singularity point, which is a supergiant black hole. In a black hole there is a dematerialized vacuum, condensed to atomic masses of matter 6666 (in the gradation of the Periodic Table). This is a single superatom, which is a point of singularity. At this point there is no time, it is equal to zero. And all matter, passing through this state, takes the form of a Mobius loop.

In essence, our Universe is a multidimensional Mobius loop with a folding point at the singularity point. At the point of singularity, matter moves all the time. It is absorbed by the superheavy mass. It is as if the Mobius loop is being turned inside out. The mass of a single superatom is growing. When it reaches a mass of 9998, it means that one part of the Mobius loop has turned out and coincided with the second part of the loop. All the matter in this part of the loop was absorbed by the black hole at the singularity point. But this point continues to draw in the vacuum. The superatom reaches a mass of 9999. A Big Bang of matter occurs. But to a different dimension.

It expands until it all appears. Then the collapse and accumulation of mass at the singularity point begins again. And again its ejection into the dimension of space from which it was taken. The Universe pulsates, stretching through the singularity point in one direction or the other. In one case it is the Big Bang, and in the other it is the Big Crunch. These two processes occur simultaneously. If for an observer in one part of the Mobius loop what is happening will seem like a collapse, then for an observer in another part the Mobius loop (on the other side of the singularity point) will seem like a Big Bang and expansion of the Universe.

In that part of the Mobius loop where the collapse occurs, in the region near the singularity point, a colossal condensation of matter and energies occurs. Low-frequency heavy energy from negative thoughts of various dark entities and beings also gets there.

In large volumes of this condensed energy consciousness arises, or more precisely, anti-consciousness. It doesn't want to be processed at the point of singularity (the black hole) and then be turned into the light of the Big Bang. It is doing everything possible to throw all matter, spirits, entities and consciousness into the hole of the singularity in its place. Dark consciousness is interested in life in the Universe starting over every time. It turns out that our Universe is constantly collapsing and expanding; this is not a normal process. It is caused by the slag of negative energies in the area of ​​the singularity point of the worlds. Our Universe must evolve further, outgrow its current spiral state and become a spherical or spherical pulsating Universe.

Chamakhi made some clarifications in terminology. The definition of "vacuum particle" is incorrect. Vacuum is unmanifested matter. And the particle indicates manifestation. A vacuum cannot be rarefied.

Only absolute zero of space-time is called vacuum. All other stages of vacuum known to earthling science are absolute vacuum, seasoned with varying amounts of manifested particles.

The Universe is a bubble, on the film of which all visible physical objects, all manifested matter, are located. And inside the film there is an absolute vacuum. It’s also on the outside of the film. There are countless such universes. All of them are bubbles, dangling and rotating in the absolute vacuum of interuniversal space. And there are no boundaries of the Universe. But when the films of different Universes come into contact, the matter of one bubble can transfer to the film of another. At the point of their contact, a singularity region should arise, which is a black hole for one universe, and a white hole for the other.

The presence of dark matter is very dangerous for the existence of the Universe. It should be utilized by black holes and the main singularity point of the Universe. It can also be split from the heaviest atoms to the state of light atomic masses. Then the Universe would move from a spiral cycle of development to a spherical one. This is the natural way of the process of evolution of universes.

But our Universe is infected with an evil virus (negative consciousness). And this virus provokes the production of negative energies by various cosmic entities and beings. Including people living on Earth. And all negative energies and thought forms in concentrated form are identical to dark matter. The dark matter of our Universe is replenished. And light matter decreases quantitatively.

Dark matter stops the movement of photons, freezing them into atomic structures. It stops any movement, decomposes any matter, later turning it into superheavy elements. If there is a lot of Dark Matter, then it brings the death of the Universe. And in our Universe its quantity is still increasing.

Multidimensionality of space and teleportation

Outer space is multidimensional. Space resembles a nesting doll, in which one space enters another. Spaces differ from each other in vibration frequency, which means different speeds of events occurring there. Time in each space is different and exists only relative to the coordinates of its space.

When moving within a specific space, time is spent. And when moving between spaces, no time is wasted. He's not there. The movement occurs almost instantly. You can quickly move within the same space. You just need to exit it and enter again in another desired place. This is teleportation. To leave your space, you need to change the frequency of your vibrations so that they do not coincide with the frequency range of the space where the traveler is. And you will find yourself in the space to which your new vibration frequency corresponds. There you need to informationally set the coordinates of your space into which you are going to get. And resume the old vibrations. This will take you to the new point you set.

In this case, not only the parameters of spatial location, but also temporal ones are ordered informationally. We may also find ourselves at the point where teleportation begins, and in time before or after it. This is an amazing fact. And on this we received additional clarification, which is set out below. Here we also note that frequencies in Space are different, from the lowest to the highest.

The higher the vibration frequency, the finer the matter. Very subtle matter is called spiritual substance. And the lower the vibration frequency, the coarser and heavier the matter. If the vibrations are very low, then the physical gross matter becomes super-heavy.

Super-heavy, like super-light, disappears from the visible and tangible world of biological beings, which includes man on Earth. We feel only a certain spectrum of energies (a certain range of their possible vibrations). The subtle worlds of high-dimensional spaces and low worlds, called anti-worlds, are beyond the thresholds of human perception with ordinary vision. However, those who have the Third Eye can observe these amazing worlds. Matter that is too heavy and dense passes into the infraspectrum of radiation and disappears from the field of view for ordinary eyes. Collapse phenomena are also invisible to ordinary eyes; these are black holes.

New work by Joseph Silkey and his colleagues at Oxford substantiates the assumption that the Universe has six spatial dimensions. Moreover, three additional dimensions were derived from dark matter manifesting itself under the gravitational influence. In smaller objects (small galaxies), dark matter attracts ordinary matter. Our physicists are on the right track. Only there are much more dimensions in our Universe. According to Chamakha, there are about a thousand of them. In the space of a thousandth dimension there is the Demiurge of the Universe.

Mechanism of radioactive destruction

It is known that heavy atoms have a wide infraspectrum of radiation. Scientists understand this as radiation (alpha, beta, gamma radiation, etc.). The powerful emissivity of low-frequency energies leads to the destruction of surrounding matter. Molecules of ordinary matter, colliding with a radioactive substance, slow down their movements and vibrations, turning into a substance similar to radioactive in its low mobility. The frequency of their vibrations sharply decreases. Molecules of living cells are also drawn into atoms of radioactive radiation.

During the process of radiation, energy and matter are absorbed into fragments of radioactive particles. These particles acquire such activity after the decay of a heavy atom. Cells, proteins, DNA - everything is drawn into these fragments. Molecules and cells are destroyed. The body is destroyed not only at the cellular level, but also at the atomic level. Radiation causes the decay of not only living matter, but also non-living matter, when particles are washed out of its crystal lattice. As a result, the crystal lattice and the substance itself are destroyed.

The mechanism of radioactive destruction is also dangerous because one microhole in the form of a fragment of a heavy decayed atom gives birth to several microholes, which also begin to collapse. A chain reaction results in the destruction of living and nonliving tissue. To stop the cancerous process of destruction of living tissue, it is necessary to find an antidote to the chain reaction of the formation of black microholes in the form of radioactive particles.

Big Bang Mechanism

What is the mechanism of the Big Bang? There is only one answer. This is a nuclear explosion. But it is not Uranium or Plutonium that is used, but the superelement 9999. Around this element, space and time are one and equal to zero. There is an absolute vacuum around him. Therefore, the Big Bang can be considered a super-powerful atomic bomb.

At this time, matter is released from the parallel world (another part of the Mobius loop, invisible in this world - space-time). More precisely, knocking out matter from vacuum structures). Knockout occurs in an increasing, geometric progression. But according to information matrices-programs given in a vacuum. They form heterogeneous matter, various elements, molecules, and elementary particles. They will be born almost simultaneously. They start pushing each other. A shock wave appears.

Vacuum is space-time. During the manifestation of physical matter, physical masses of bodies arise, time ceases to be zero and begins its course. This process creates a wave in the vacuum - a shock wave from the Big Bang. After the Big Bang, fragments of dark matter remain. They are made up of the heaviest elements with a super-radioactive nature. Basically, this is an element (so far unknown to Earth science) with an atomic mass of 6666. This element is present in the cores of black holes. In a free, uncollapsed state, the half-life of this element occurs. The result is less heavy elements from the six thousand series. All of them are part of dark matter and have an atomic mass from 1000 to 6666. When an element heavier than 6666 appears, the process of collapse of the Universe begins.

Black holes

What happens in cosmic black holes? They produce elements with atomic masses of 1000, 2000, 5000 and even 6000. The heaviest element, if it were on the periodic table, would have an atomic mass of 6666. Such an element is found in superheavy black holes. And, basically, it is located at the singularity point of the Universe.

The process of collapse (folding of the Universe) begins with an even greater increase in the mass of this superheavy element. The Night of Brahma comes when this element becomes equal in mass to 9998. When it reaches a mass of 9999, another nuclear explosion occurs, which we call the Big Bang.

The explosion process releases a lot of energy. It is enough to “knock out” matter from vacuum structures, manifest it and begin its colossal expansion. The Big Bang lasts throughout the so-called day of Brahma. That is, in fact, it is still ongoing. We see matter flying away from the shock wave created by the Big Bang. Around the black hole there is a radioactive cloud in the form of its shell, located around a superatom with a mass of 9999. During the Big Bang, shreds of this halo scatter to the sides, just like the mass of the superatom.

Recently, instruments installed on a satellite of the European Space Agency discovered streams of gamma rays that can be explained by the processes of collision and annihilation of heavy superparticles and anti-superparticles in the center of our Galaxy. Scientists are close to the truth. But radiation flows can also be formed in the process of splitting large atomic structures into parts.

Dark matter and energy

What is mysterious dark matter? These are fragments of radiation from a black superhole formed during the Big Bang. They are still hanging around in the expanding Universe as clouds of dark matter.

So, dark matter is immobilized elementary particles, as if frozen in a vacuum. If ordinary particles vibrate, then dark matter particles do not have any movement. Like “dead” matter. It does not radiate any energy into our world. But this is not entirely “dead” matter. It strives to be filled with energies that come into contact with it, and absorbs the energy and matter of the surrounding worlds.

How big is the supply of dark matter? He is very big. And it will be enough to stop the vibrations of all the manifested matter of our Universe. When dark matter comes into contact with the matter of our world, our matter sharply slows down its vibrations, as if partially “darkening”. Naturally, its usual structures are destroyed.

People know low temperatures and their limit is absolute zero. So, according to this gradation (Kelvin scale), dark energy has a lower temperature than this zero. In this case, electrons and atomic nuclei freeze into the vacuum crystal lattice.

Dark matter has a colossal magnetic field due to the absorption effect. When such a black galaxy was near the Milky Way, it distorted its disk. When the Milky Way rotated around its axis, like any other galaxy, the edge of its disk clung to the black galaxy and slowed down.

Our solar system is located at the edge of the galactic disk, this is confirmed by the latest research by astrophysicists. Every 12,500 years in Earth time, thanks to the rotation of the Milky Way, the solar system was swallowed up by masses of dark matter from this black galaxy.

The periods of darkness on Earth were called Kali Yuga. At this time, the dominance of dark forces began - the inhabitants of the black galaxy. Therefore, the Milky Way and several neighboring galaxies were teleported to another point in the Universe, distant from the black galaxy. The struggle to cleanse the Milky Way of dark matter is actively continuing today.

Dark matter after the Big Bang was torn apart and distributed in the form of a network, since the vacuum has a network or cellular structure. It envelops an overwhelming number of galaxies with its dark halo. Such galaxies can be greatly influenced by dark forces. They are helped in this by black holes inside galaxies, where there is also consciousness or anti-consciousness.

According to their cosmic purpose, black holes should be neutral and play the role only of utilizers and recyclers of slag. But due to the large amount of relic matter sucked into black holes, they are overheavy and have become a source of super-radiation and a container for low-frequency entities. Now there is a process of cleansing black holes and fighting these entities.

Dark energy threatens our Universe. Therefore, the Demiurges of our and other neighboring Universes decided to quickly cleanse our Universe of dark matter, which is still growing and gaining strength. It can destroy our Universe, and then others. That's why she's preparing for a fight.

Here, unexpectedly, Chamakha’s message sounded an optimistic note. If there is cooperation between neighboring Universes, it means that there is space communication between them (interuniversal flights). Universes made of dark matter alone do not exist, but such galaxies do exist. There are also clusters of dark galaxies. But our Milky Way and a number of its neighboring galaxies were teleported away from them to a distant zone.

For a number of our scientific articles, there was no clear explanation of the differences in the concepts of black energy and black matter. Chamahi gave an explanation. Dark matter and dark energy are the same thing. They differ only in the concentration fraction. The more concentrated one is called dark matter. And the more rarefied one is dark energy.

Dark matter and dark energy can flow from one Universe into another. Apparently, this can happen when different Universes come into contact with each other. We gave a description of the process of collisions of universes earlier.

Swiss physicists have determined that not all galaxies have a halo of dark matter. They found three galaxies around which it is not present. They suggested that perhaps some process strips galaxies of dark matter at some stage of their development. Now we clearly know that this work is performed by highly developed civilizations, which can even teleport a group of galaxies.

According to the Albrecht-Spordis theory, dark energy flows into our Universe from other dimensions. This could happen when universes come into contact. And so, why should it overflow from somewhere when it fills our entire Universe evenly today, as we have already described above? There are other theories dedicated to dark energy, but we will not dwell on them because of their obvious inconsistency (based on the results of Chamakha’s reports).

Mechanism of gravity and anti-gravity

Earth astrophysicists discovered the law of anti-gravity (repulsion of everything from everything). And they believe that the main thing in the dynamics of the Universe belongs to dark matter and dark energy. It is believed that the source of anti-gravity is a certain physical object called “dark energy”. According to Earth astrophysicists, it accounts for approximately 70% of the total density of the modern Universe. And as a result of this, the antigravitational forces are higher than the gravitational forces, which leads to the recession of galaxies (the expansion of the Universe). It is also believed that dark energy in the form of a continuous medium fills the entire Universe.

Here our scientists were partially mistaken. Dark matter and dark energy, like our material environment, obey the laws of gravity. And the expansion of the Universe is the result of the shock wave from the Big Bang. But this expansion should not be accelerating. The expansion of the Universe must end, and then the process of its collapse will begin with the transition to a black hole. The conclusion of our scientists about the accelerating process of the recession of galaxies is apparently based on the incorrect determination of the speeds of the retreating objects from the change in light photons from these objects.

But what is the concept of antigravity? Chamahi gave an answer to this question as well. This is the repulsion of particles from each other. It occurs at different vibration frequencies of particles. Such particles are, as it were, in different worlds. We do not see worlds parallel to us, although we freely pass through them. The effect of particle repulsion, i.e., anti-gravity, operates here. With a small difference in vibrations, you can create the effect of antigravity or levitation. One crude way to achieve this effect is to use an electromagnetic field. With the same mass of particles and when they are at the same vibrational level, gravity and antigravity can be absolutely equal.

How does gravity arise? It arises when a mass of manifested matter appears. When a particle emerges from vacuum structures, it immediately begins to have mass. And it bends vacuum structures around itself, deforms them. At this time, gravity occurs or the rolling of lighter particles towards heavier ones along curved vacuum structures.

Spaceship and dark matter

Unfortunately, there is no protection from dark matter, as it is understood on Earth. The radiation of element 6666 freezes any physically existing material bodies into vacuum structures, decomposing them to elementary particles. To protect against the effects of huge masses of dark matter in Space, highly developed civilizations use teleportation. A spaceship, having encountered a huge mass of dark matter on its way, is controlledly dematerialized and transferred in information form outside the dark matter region. And there it materializes again.

You can overcome the masses of dark matter by changing the frequency of your vibrations, i.e., by moving to a parallel plane of existence, and then returning back to an area where there is no dark matter. This is teleportation. This raises an interesting question. If it is possible to return even to the point of teleportation before it occurs in time, then won’t all new events be a repetition of old ones? Chamahi replied that there may be, but there may not be. It depends on which range of event variations you fall into.

Every event has a trillion trillion variations written into vacuum structures. Many of them can manifest themselves simultaneously in different parallel planes of existence. The type of manifestation of the event depends on which plane you find yourself in and how.

Why does the Sun have a bright corona?

It was not clear to our astrophysicists why stars like our Sun have a very bright corona. It turns out that in stars like the Sun there is a large release of photons from vacuum structures. Stars act like small white holes. Curved space-time inverts through the stars into our space in the form of photons. These processes on the Sun are also accompanied by various thermonuclear reactions. Photons are revealed not in the thermonuclear reactions themselves and not in the core of the star, but at the boundary of curved space-time. And it is located right where the crown is. That's why she's so bright.

What are the conditions for the existence of intelligent life?

Intelligent beings can exist in energetic, biological, mineral and other forms. Energy beings are not limited by an acceptable temperature range. Biological creatures can develop in the temperature range from plus 200-300 degrees Celsius to minus 100. This refers to some alien unterrestrial organisms.

What is in the Earth's core?

Our Earth has a metallic core of solid hydrogen in its center. Its constantly ongoing formation is apparently associated with the influx of microparticles of the vacuum environment, serving as building material for hydrogen atoms.

Will the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies collide in the future?

It is known that our Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are approaching each other. They should not collide, because... The Higher Powers will not allow this. Otherwise, many worlds of both galaxies will perish. If we fail to teleport them to the sides, then our galaxy will seem to fly through the more extended disk of the Andromeda Nebula. Cases of galaxy collisions are known to astronomers. There remains empty space at the collision site, because Material bodies burn or explode upon collision. Cases of “cannibalism” of galaxies are also widely known, when large galaxies devour smaller ones as they approach each other.

Could large hydrogen bomb explosions destroy life on Earth?

When a 50-megaton bomb (hydrogen) exploded over Novaya Zemlya, the process of radioactive reactions during the explosion dragged on for a long 20 minutes. Chamahi confirmed our opinion on this issue. During this explosion, radioactive radiation multiplied with the participation of atoms and air molecules.

Chamakhi warns earthlings against attempting to detonate a 100-megaton bomb. Such an explosion would create a giant ozone hole. And this would lead to the death of many species on land, sea and air, including humans. The shock wave from such an explosion could move tectonic plates from their places. Strong volcanic processes would begin. And this could lead to the death of intelligent civilization on Earth due to changes in climate conditions.

What are quasars?

The quasars we see at the edge of the Universe appear to us as they were billions of years ago. It takes so long for the light from them to reach us. Indeed, quasars were then the nuclei of nascent galaxies. Now we see the past filmed. And in the place of quasars there are now galaxies that have evolved from them. There are probably highly developed civilizations there. And perhaps their spaceships have already been to our solar system.

In conclusion, we must thank the Hierarch of the Andromeda Galaxy Chamakha, as well as our contactees Lyubov Kolosyuk and Valeria Koltsova for providing valuable scientific information to earthlings. All scientists on Earth, as well as politicians and everyone interested in the structure of the Universe, should learn about them. As for 100-megaton hydrogen bombs, their use should be banned.

Evgeny EMELYANOV, Samara.



Sooner or later our world will cease to exist. Just as it once emerged from a single particle smaller than an atom. Scientists have long had no doubt about this. However, if previously the dominant theory was that the death of the Universe would occur as a result of its rapidly accelerating expansion and, as a consequence, inevitable “thermal death”, then with the discovery of dark matter this opinion has changed.


Experts say that the entire vast cosmos may perish as a result of its collapse, being sucked into some giant black hole, which is part of the mysterious “dark matter”.

In the cold depths of space, two irreconcilable forces have been at war since the creation of the world - dark energy and dark matter. If the first ensures the expansion of the Universe, then the second, on the contrary, strives to pull it inside itself, to compress it into oblivion. This confrontation is going on with varying degrees of success. The victory of one of the forces over the other, the disruption of cosmic balance, is equally disastrous for all things.

Einstein also suggested that there is much more matter in space than we can see. In the history of science, there have been situations when the movement of celestial bodies did not obey the laws of celestial mechanics. As a rule, this mysterious deviation from the trajectory was explained in the existence of an unknown material body (or several bodies). This is how the planet Neptune and the star Sirius B were discovered.


In 1922, astronomers James Jime and Jacobus Kapteyn studied the motion of stars in our Galaxy and concluded that most of the matter in the Galaxy is invisible; In these works, the term “dark matter” first appeared, but it does not quite correspond to the current meaning of this concept.

Astronomers have long been aware of the phenomenon of the accelerating expansion of the Universe. By observing the distance of galaxies from each other, they found that this speed was increasing. The energy that pushes space in all directions, like air in a balloon, has been called “dark.” This energy pushes galaxies away from each other, it acts against the force of gravity.

But, as it turned out, her powers are not limitless. There is also a kind of cosmic “glue” that keeps galaxies from spreading apart. And the mass of this “glue” significantly exceeds the mass of the visible Universe. This enormous force of unknown origin was called dark matter. Despite the threatening name, the latter is not an absolute evil. It's all about the fragile balance of cosmic forces on which the existence of our seemingly unshakable world rests.

The conclusion about the existence of mysterious matter, which is not visible, is not recorded by any of the instruments, but whose existence can be considered proven, was made on the basis of a violation of the gravitational laws of the Universe. At least as we know them. It was noticed that stars in spiral galaxies like ours have a fairly high speed of rotation and, according to all laws, with such fast movement they should simply fly out into intergalactic space under the influence of centrifugal force, but they do not do this. They are held by some very strong gravitational force, which is not registered or captured by any methods known to modern science. This got scientists thinking.


If these elusive dark “braces”, but superior in gravitational force to all visible cosmic objects, did not exist, then after some long time the rate of expansion of the Universe under the influence of dark energy would approach the limit at which a rupture of the space-time continuum would occur. Space will annihilate and the Universe will cease to exist. However, this is not happening yet.

Astrophysicists have found that about 7 billion years ago, gravity (dominated by dark matter) and dark energy were in balance. But the Universe expanded, density decreased, and the strength of dark energy increased. Since then it has dominated our Universe. Now scientists are trying to understand whether this process will ever end.

Today it is already known that the Universe consists of only 4.9% of ordinary matter - baryonic matter, which makes up our world. Most (74%) of the entire universe is made up of mysterious dark energy, and 26.8% of the mass in the universe is made up of physics-defying, hard-to-detect particles called dark matter.

So far, in the irreconcilable eternal struggle between dark matter and dark energy, the latter is winning. They look like two wrestlers in different weight classes. But this does not mean that the fight is a foregone conclusion. Galaxies will continue to disperse. But how long will this process take? According to the latest hypothesis, dark matter is just one manifestation of the physics of black holes.


Black holes are the most massive and powerful objects in the known Universe. They bend space-time so strongly that even light cannot escape their boundaries. Therefore, just like dark matter, we cannot see them. Black holes are a kind of centers of gravity for vast expanses of space. It can be assumed that this is structured dark matter. A prime example of this is the supermassive black holes that live at the center of galaxies. Looking at the center of our Galaxy, for example, we see how the stars around it accelerate.

Anne Martin of Cornell University notes that the only thing that would explain this acceleration is a supermassive black hole. We can judge the existence of dark matter, as well as black holes, only on the basis of their interaction with surrounding objects. Therefore, we observe its effects in the movement of galaxies and stars, but we do not see it directly; it neither emits nor absorbs light. It is logical to assume that black holes are just clumps of dark matter.

Could one of the giant black holes, which will eventually swallow not only the surrounding space, but also its less powerful “holey” relatives, swallow the entire Universe? The question about this remains open. According to scientists, if this happens, it will not be earlier than in 22 billion years. So that's enough for our lifetime. In the meantime, the world around us continues its navigation between the Scylla of dark energy and the Charybdis of dark matter. The fate of the Universe will depend on the outcome of the struggle between these two dominant forces in space.


There is, however, an alternative view of the dark matter problem. Certain parallels can be found between the mysterious substance and Nikola Tesla’s theory of the universal ether. According to Einstein, the ether is not a real category, but exists as a result of erroneous scientific views. For Tesla, the ether is reality.

Several years ago, at a street sale in New York, an antiques lover bought himself a fireman's helmet, worn out by time. Inside it, under the lining, lay an old notebook. The notebook was thin, with a burnt cover, and it smelled of mold. The sheets, yellowed with time, were covered with ink that had faded with time. As it turned out, the manuscript belonged to the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, who lived and worked in the USA. The recording explains the theory of the ether, in which one can find undoubted indications of the discovery of the elusive dark matter decades after his death.

“What is ether, and why is it so difficult to detect? - the inventor writes in the manuscript. - I thought about this question for a long time and came to the following conclusions. It is known that the denser the substance, the higher the speed of propagation of waves in it. Comparing the speed of sound in air with the speed of light, I came to the conclusion that the density of the ether is several thousand times greater than the density of air. But the ether is electrically neutral and therefore it interacts very weakly with our material world, moreover, the density of the substance of the material world is negligible compared to the density of the ether.”

According to the scientist, it is not the ether that is ethereal - it is our material world that is ethereal for the ether. Thus, he offers a much more positive view of dark matter, seeing in it some kind of primordial substance, the cradle of the Universe. But not only that. According to Tesla, with a skillful approach, it is possible to obtain inexhaustible sources of energy from the dark matter of the ether, penetrate parallel worlds, and even establish contacts with intelligent inhabitants of other galaxies. “I think that the stars, planets and our entire world arose from the ether when, for some reason, part of it became less dense. Compressing our world from all sides, the ether tries to return to its original state, and the internal electric charge in the substance of the material world prevents this. Over time, having lost its internal electrical charge, our world will be compressed by the ether and turn into ether. The ether has left the ether and will leave,” Tesla asserted.


Sooner or later our world will cease to exist. Just as it once emerged from a single particle smaller than an atom. Scientists have long had no doubt about this.

However, if previously the dominant theory was that the death of the Universe would occur as a result of its rapidly accelerating expansion and, as a consequence, inevitable “thermal death”, then with the discovery of dark matter this opinion has changed.

Dark forces of the Universe

Experts say that the entire vast cosmos may perish as a result of its collapse, being sucked into some giant black hole, which is part of the mysterious “dark matter”.

In the cold depths of space, two irreconcilable forces have been at war since the creation of the world - dark energy and dark matter. If the first ensures the expansion of the Universe, then the second, on the contrary, strives to pull it inside itself, to compress it into oblivion.

This confrontation is going on with varying degrees of success. The victory of one of the forces over the other, the disruption of cosmic balance, is equally disastrous for all things.

Einstein also suggested that there is much more matter in space than we can see. In the history of science, there have been situations when the movement of celestial bodies did not obey the laws of celestial mechanics.

As a rule, this mysterious deviation from the trajectory was explained in the existence of an unknown material body (or several bodies). This is how the planet Neptune and the star Sirius B were discovered.

Space braces

In 1922, astronomers James Jime and Jacobus Kapteyn studied the motion of stars in our Galaxy and concluded that most of the matter in the Galaxy is invisible; In these works, the term “dark matter” first appeared, but it does not quite correspond to the current meaning of this concept.

Astronomers have long been aware of the phenomenon of the accelerating expansion of the Universe. By observing the distance of galaxies from each other, they found that this speed was increasing.

The energy that pushes space in all directions, like air in a balloon, has been called “dark.” This energy pushes galaxies away from each other, it acts against the force of gravity.

But, as it turned out, her powers are not limitless. There is also a kind of cosmic “glue” that keeps galaxies from spreading apart. And the mass of this “glue” significantly exceeds the mass of the visible Universe. This enormous force of unknown origin was called dark matter.

Despite the threatening name, the latter is not an absolute evil. It's all about the fragile balance of cosmic forces on which the existence of our seemingly unshakable world rests.

The conclusion about the existence of mysterious matter, which is not visible, is not recorded by any of the instruments, but whose existence can be considered proven, was made on the basis of a violation of the gravitational laws of the Universe. At least as we know them.

It was noticed that stars in spiral galaxies like ours have a fairly high speed of rotation and, according to all laws, with such fast movement they should simply fly out into intergalactic space under the influence of centrifugal force, but they do not do this.

They are held by some very strong gravitational force, which is not registered or captured by any methods known to modern science. This got scientists thinking.

Eternal struggle

If these elusive dark “braces”, but superior in gravitational force to all visible cosmic objects, did not exist, then after some long time the rate of expansion of the Universe under the influence of dark energy would approach the limit at which a rupture of the space-time continuum would occur. Space will annihilate and the Universe will cease to exist. However, this is not happening yet.

Astrophysicists have found that about 7 billion years ago, gravity (dominated by dark matter) and dark energy were in balance. But the Universe expanded, density decreased, and the strength of dark energy increased. Since then it has dominated our Universe. Now scientists are trying to understand whether this process will ever end.

Today it is already known that the Universe consists of only 4.9% of ordinary matter - baryonic matter, which makes up our world. Most (74%) of the entire universe is made up of mysterious dark energy, and 26.8% of the mass in the universe is made up of physics-defying, hard-to-detect particles called dark matter.

So far, in the irreconcilable eternal struggle between dark matter and dark energy, the latter is winning. They look like two wrestlers in different weight classes. But this does not mean that the fight is a foregone conclusion. Galaxies will continue to disperse. But how long will this process take? According to the latest hypothesis, dark matter is just one manifestation of the physics of black holes.

Are black holes clumps of dark matter?

Black holes are the most massive and powerful objects in the known Universe. They bend space-time so strongly that even light cannot escape their boundaries. Therefore, just like dark matter, we cannot see them. Black holes are a kind of centers of gravity for vast expanses of space.

It can be assumed that this is structured dark matter. A prime example of this is the supermassive black holes that live at the center of galaxies. Looking at the center of our Galaxy, for example, we see how the stars around it accelerate.

Anne Martin of Cornell University notes that the only thing that would explain this acceleration is a supermassive black hole. We can judge the existence of dark matter, as well as black holes, only on the basis of their interaction with surrounding objects.

Therefore, we observe its effects in the movement of galaxies and stars, but we do not see it directly; it neither emits nor absorbs light. It is logical to assume that black holes are just clumps of dark matter.

Could one of the giant black holes, which will eventually swallow not only the surrounding space, but also its less powerful “holey” relatives, swallow the entire Universe? The question about this remains open. According to scientists, if this happens, it will not be earlier than in 22 billion years. So that's enough for our lifetime.

In the meantime, the world around us continues its navigation between the Scylla of dark energy and the Charybdis of dark matter. The fate of the Universe will depend on the outcome of the struggle between these two dominant forces in space.

Tesla's prophecy

There is, however, an alternative view of the dark matter problem. Certain parallels can be found between the mysterious substance and the theory of the universal ether. According to Einstein, the ether is not a real category, but exists as a result of erroneous scientific views. For Tesla, the ether is reality.

Several years ago, at a street sale in New York, an antiques lover bought himself a fireman's helmet, worn out by time. Inside it, under the lining, lay an old notebook. The notebook was thin, with a burnt cover, and it smelled of mold. The sheets, yellowed with time, were covered with ink that had faded with time.

As it turned out, the manuscript belonged to the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, who lived and worked in the USA. The recording explains the theory of the ether, in which one can find undoubted indications of the discovery of the elusive dark matter decades after his death.

“What is ether, and why is it so difficult to detect? - the inventor writes in the manuscript. - I thought about this question for a long time and came to the following conclusions. It is known that the denser the substance, the higher the speed of propagation of waves in it.

Comparing the speed of sound in air with the speed of light, I came to the conclusion that the density of the ether is several thousand times greater than the density of air. But the ether is electrically neutral and therefore it interacts very weakly with our material world, moreover, the density of the substance of the material world is negligible compared to the density of the ether.”

According to the scientist, it is not the ether that is ethereal - it is our material world that is ethereal for the ether. Thus, he offers a much more positive view of dark matter, seeing in it some kind of primordial substance, the cradle of the Universe. But not only that.

According to Tesla, with a skillful approach, it is possible to obtain inexhaustible sources of energy from the dark matter of the ether, penetrate parallel worlds, and even establish contacts with intelligent inhabitants of other galaxies.

“I think that the stars, planets and our entire world arose from the ether when, for some reason, part of it became less dense. Compressing our world from all sides, the ether tries to return to its original state, and the internal electric charge in the substance of the material world prevents this. Over time, having lost its internal electrical charge, our world will be compressed by the ether and turn into ether. The ether has left the ether and will leave,” Tesla asserted.

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The Standard Model, which describes the fundamental interactions (electromagnetic, weak and strong) of the elementary particles we know (leptons, quarks and bosons), is a well-tested theory. However, it describes only about 5% of the existing substance, while the remaining 95% are of a completely unknown nature. All we know is that this 95%, called hidden mass or “dark matter,” participates in gravitational interactions with ordinary matter.

But are we not following the lead of the name itself? Maybe there is no dark matter, but the theory of gravity simply does not work on such scales? And if it exists, in what particles is it hidden? And how to look for “that, I don’t know what”? To do this, modern science uses the principle formulated by Sherlock Holmes: “Discard all the impossible, and what remains will be the answer, no matter how incredible it turns out to be.” The phenomenon of the hidden mass can be explained by a huge number of probable and incredible hypotheses that fit into modern theory and that contradict it. However, the judges who weed out all the impossible options are observation and experimentation.

Candidate dark matter particles. Currently, many dark matter hypotheses (faint massive objects, modified gravity) are rejected by observations, and weakly interacting particles are the main candidates.

The mystery of the “hidden mass”

In 1933, American astronomer Fritz Zwicky explored the Coma galaxy cluster. Zwicky made an estimate of its mass by calculating the approximate number of galaxies in the cluster and the number of stars in the galaxy, and arrived at a value of approximately 10 13 solar masses. He also decided to test this estimate in another way, by measuring the speeds of the galaxies: the higher the speed, the greater the gravitational force acting on the galaxy, and the greater the total mass of the cluster. The mass calculated by Zwicky using this method turned out to be equal to 5x10 14 solar masses, that is, 50 times more. Such a discrepancy was not taken too seriously at that time, since astronomers had very little information about interstellar dust, gas, and dwarf stars. Then it was believed that this additional mass could be hidden in them.

Hypothesis 1: interstellar dust and gas. In 1970, Vera Rubin and Kent Ford studied the dependence of the speed of stars on their distance from the center of the Andromeda galaxy (the so-called rotation curve). Since the bulk of the stars are concentrated near the center of the galaxy, it is logical to assume that the further the star is from the center, the less should be the gravitational force acting on it, and the less should be its speed. However, it turned out that for stars on the periphery this law does not hold and the curve reaches a plateau.

The search for WIMPs is based on the fact that they, although very weakly, still interact with ordinary matter. When colliding with nuclei of the working fluid, photons (scintillation) can be emitted in the detector, which can be recorded using photomultipliers. In addition, WIMPs can ionize atoms of the working fluid, which can also be detected. These two methods are usually combined to filter out noise - interactions with other particles, cosmic rays, etc. - and isolate only events that resemble collisions with dark matter particles. Liquid xenon is usually used as a working fluid. An attempt to detect weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the LUX experiment using a pool filled with 400 kg of liquid xenon was unsuccessful, but preparations are now underway for a new DARWIN experiment. It will use 25 tons of xenon to detect WIMP.

This meant that the bulk of the mass that influences the rotation of stars is not only hidden, but also distributed all the way to the periphery or even further. Later, similar curves were drawn for various galaxies with absolutely the same result. For many elliptical galaxies, these curves not only did not decrease, but also increased. It turns out that most of the mass (on average more than 90%) is not contained in stars, and this hidden mass is distributed far beyond the region of the galactic disk in the form of a spherical halo.

Interstellar dust and gas clouds could no longer explain the presence of hidden mass: dust particles or gas molecules, due to interaction with each other, friction and radiation, would lose energy and gradually flow from the periphery to the center. Therefore, the hypothesis of a gas and dust nature had to be rejected.

Hypothesis 2: weakly emitting astrophysical objects. The next simple and obvious hypothesis suggested that the hidden mass could be contained in some astrophysical objects (MACHO - MAssive Compact Halo Object), such as white, red or brown dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes or even massive planets like Jupiter. Due to their small size and low luminosity, these objects are not visible through a telescope, and it is quite possible that there are so many of them that they provide the presence of this hidden mass.

But if they are not visible through a telescope, how can they be detected? When a faintly luminous massive object (MACHO) comes between an observer on Earth and a bright visible object, it acts as a gravitational lens and the observed object becomes brighter. This phenomenon is called gravitational microlensing. The presence of MACHO would lead to a huge number of microlensing events. However, observations from the Hubble telescope showed that there are very few such events and if such objects exist, then their mass is less than 20% of the mass of galaxies, but not 95%.

Moreover, observations of the cosmic relict background make it possible to fairly accurately estimate the number of baryons (protons and neutrons) that could have been born in the early Universe during the period of nucleosynthesis. The estimates obtained allow us to assert that the baryonic matter we see (stars, gas, dust clouds) is the majority of all baryonic matter in our Universe. Therefore, the hidden mass cannot consist of baryons.

Hypothesis 3: Modified gravity. What if there is no hidden mass at all? This is quite possible if, for example, the theory of gravity that we apply is incorrect at such scales.

The greater the gravitational force acting on an object (in this case, a galaxy or an individual star), the greater its acceleration (Newton’s second law, known to everyone since school) and, accordingly, the speed, since centripetal acceleration is proportional to the square of the speed. What if we correct Newton's law? In 1983, Israeli physicist Mordechai Milgrom proposed the MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) hypothesis, in which Newton's law was slightly adjusted for the case when the accelerations are quite small (10 -8 cm/s 2). This approach explained well the rotation curves obtained by Rubin and Ford and the increasing rotation curves for elliptical galaxies. However, in clusters where the acceleration of galaxies is much greater than the acceleration of individual stars, MOND did not make any corrections for dark matter, and the question remained open.

A galaxy's rotation curve is a graph of the orbital speed of stars and gas in a galaxy as a function of the distance to its center. Observations show that as you move away from the center, the graph reaches a plateau.

There were other attempts to modify the theory of gravity. There is now a broad class of such theories called parameterized post-Newtonian formalism. Each individual theory is described by its own set of ten standard parameters that determine the deviation from “ordinary” gravity. Some of these theories actually explain the problem of hidden mass, but other problems arise - for example, massive photons or chromaticity of a gravitational lens (the dependence of the angle of deflection of light on frequency), which is not observed. In any case, none of these theories have yet been confirmed by observations.

Thus, of the numerous hypotheses that do not contradict experiment, only one remains possible, albeit exotic: dark matter is some kind of particles of a non-baryonic nature. In theory, there are a lot of such candidates, but they are divided into two main groups - cold and hot dark matter.

Hypothesis 4: Hot dark matter. Hot dark matter is light particles moving at speeds close to the speed of light. The most obvious candidate for this role is the most ordinary neutrino. These particles have very small masses (previously it was believed that the mass was zero), are born in the interiors of stars and star formation regions during various thermonuclear processes and almost do not interact with baryonic matter. However, with the number of neutrinos that we have in the Universe, to explain dark matter with their help, it is necessary that their mass be about 10 eV. But experimental data show that the neutrino mass does not exceed fractions of one electron volt, which is hundreds of times less, so this option apparently disappears. Another likely candidate for dark matter is the so-called sterile neutrino, a hypothetical massive fourth variant of the neutrino that does not participate in the weak interaction. However, such particles have not yet been detected in experiments, and the fact of their existence is still in question.

Cosmological observations in recent years indicate that hot dark matter (if it exists) may account for no more than 10% of all dark matter. The fact is that different types of dark matter suggest different scenarios for the formation of galaxies. In the hot dark matter scenario (top-down), as a result of evolution, large regions filled with matter are first formed, which then collapse into individual small clusters and eventually turn into galaxies. In the cold dark matter scenario (bottom-up), small dwarf galaxies and clusters form first, which then form larger structures. Observations and computer simulations show that this is exactly the scenario that is happening in our Universe, indicating a clear dominance of cold dark matter.

The famous film “The Sorcerers” describes the recipe for passing through a wall: “See the goal, believe in yourself and not notice obstacles.” Using a similar scheme, it is planned to search for an axion, a light uncharged particle predicted within the framework of quantum chromodynamics. The axion interacts weakly with baryonic matter, so scientists place their main hopes on its behavior in very strong magnetic fields. If you direct laser radiation at an opaque wall, in the area of ​​which a very powerful magnetic field (tens of Tesla) is created using superconducting magnets, a photon in this field can turn into an axion, which will pass through this wall literally “without noticing it,” and behind it again will turn into a photon. It is clear that such events will occur rarely, but with the help of sensitive detectors they can be detected. In 2007, the German accelerator laboratory DESY began a three-year experiment, Any Light Particle Search, ALPS-I, and three years ago the ALPS-IIa experiment was launched, the continuation of which (ALPS-IIc) is planned for the coming years. The ADMX (Axion Dark Matter eXperiment) experiment and its current continuation ADMX-HF (High Frequency) at the Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA) at Washington State University also use the strong magnetic field of a superconducting magnet in which axions must be converted into photons.

Hypothesis 5: Cold dark matter. The cold dark matter hypothesis is currently considered the most probable. Hypothetical cold dark matter particles are slow (nonrelativistic), they interact very weakly with each other and with ordinary matter, and do not emit photons. They are divided into weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) and weakly interacting light particles (WISP).

WIMPs are basically supersymmetry particles (supersymmetric partners of ordinary Standard Model particles) with masses greater than a few kiloelectronvolts, such as photino (superpartner of the photon), gravitino (superpartner of the hypothetical graviton), etc. The best candidate for being a dark matter particle Among WIMPs, scientists now consider neutralinos to be a quantum “mixture” of superpartners Z-boson, photon and Higgs boson.

The main candidate from the WISP group is the axion, which arises in the theory of the strong interaction and has a very small mass. This very light (millionths of an electronvolt), stable and electrically neutral particle is capable of turning into a photon-photon pair in very strong magnetic fields, which gives a hint as to how one might try to detect it experimentally.

However, despite numerous attempts, it has not yet been possible to detect WIMPs, axions or sterile neutrinos. However, a negative result in science is also an important result, since it allows one to filter out certain parameters of particles, for example, limit the range of possible masses. From year to year, more and more new observations and experiments in accelerators provide new, more stringent restrictions on the mass and other parameters of dark matter particles. Thus, having rejected all impossible options and narrowed the scope of searches, we are becoming closer to understanding what 95% of the matter in our Universe consists of.

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