Thematic week spring in 1st junior group. Thematic week “Spring is coming”

Smirnova Tatyana Mikhailovna MDOU No. 50 "Ogonyok" Educator of the village. Iksha, Moscow region.

Goal: to form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature, people’s clothing, in the kindergarten area; to introduce some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the spring.

Final lesson: Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Conversation "Spring has come" Goal: to form basic ideas about spring.

Didactic game "Collect a flower" Goal: fixing the primary colors.

Learning finger gymnastics "With this brother" Goal: to develop spoken language in children.

We continue to teach K-G skills how to use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Life Safety Conversation "Fire hazardous items" Goal: To help children remember well the main group of fire equipment that cannot be used independently both in the city and in rural areas. Games in game centers. Submit an album "Spring" Looking at illustrations.

GCD Drawing

Subject: "All the icicles are crying" (Comprehensive lessons p. 198)

Goal: To learn to apply strokes rhythmically, placing them on a sheet of paper in accordance with the direction of the icicles, to develop brushwork skills, and to cultivate an emotional perception of natural phenomena.


Watching the sky

Goals: to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; teach to distinguish the states of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Outdoor game “Who will reach the flag faster?” Purpose: to teach how to overcome obstacles when running.

Labor activity

Clearing a path covered with snow. Goal: to teach how to use a spatula correctly, to finish what you start. Remote material: Blades, crowns.

Gradual rise. Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking on massage mats. Hardening procedures. Reading literature "Fox with a rolling pin" Goal: to develop interest in Russian folklore, the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale.

Story-driven role-playing game "Housewives in the Kitchen"

Goal: develop the ability to play together. Give children an idea of ​​a new indoor plant.

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons and their characteristic features; develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

Work in a corner of nature. Observing a violet Purpose: To talk about the structure of a flower (stem, leaves, bud). Strengthen your knowledge of how to care for a plant (watering, loosening, dust removal). Cultivate a caring attitude towards indoor plants.

Construction games with wooden building material.

Attributes for a role-playing game (dishes, vegetables, fruits)

Second walk

Observation of icicles Objectives: to introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water states in the environment.

Outdoor game "We Stomp Our Feet" Purpose: The game trains memory, attention, develops speed of movements, spatial orientation. Independent games at the request of children with outdoor toys Goal: to develop independence in choosing a theme for the game. Removable materials: spatulas, molds, scoops.

Interaction with parents

Safety briefing “What is the danger of a thaw outside?” Goal: To familiarize parents with the rules of behavior on the street during icy conditions.

Elena Tsygantseva
Thematic week in the junior group “Spring is Red”

Subject: « Spring is red»

Final event: entertainment "In the spring forest"

Target: expanding ideas about spring and spring forest.

Morning Looking at paintings from the series "Blooming spring» Target: teach children to see the beauty of spring nature; improve and expand knowledge about spring signs.

Di: "Say a word"

Target: develop speech, the ability to select words according to meaning and in rhyme. "Winter has passed"

Target: strengthening the muscular system of the body.

(Sasha, Darina) Color the flower.

Target: improve the ability to color accurately without going beyond the outline.

Lesson 1. Familiarization with the surrounding world

Subject: Who lives next to us?

Target: introduce the characteristic features of appearance, behavior, lifestyle.

Materials: pictures of pets with babies, granny doll, bucket.

2. Physical education in the air

(according to the teacher’s plan)

Walk 1

Observation of icicles. Target: show the variety of water states in the environment.



Remote material: spatulas, molds, buckets. Development of movements

Target: improve walking and running technique.

(Matvey, Abdullo) "Ball in the Basket"

Target: development of accuracy, eye, throwing accuracy.

before bedtime conversation topic: "What is kindness". Target: to form ideas about kindness. Reading: A. Tolstoy "Hedgehog". Target: teach children to listen carefully, follow the development of the plot, empathize with the characters, express their attitude to what they read.

2nd half of the day Gradual rise of children, walking barefoot on massage mats. Target: prevention of colds, flat feet. D/ at: “Help a friend fasten his sandals”

Target: develop friendly relationships, independence.

Target: develop observation skills.

Labor activity. Clearing paths of snow. Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Outdoor games: "Traps" Target: development of motor activity in children. “You give me – I give you”. Target: improve coordination of movements.

Remote material: spatulas, molds, buckets.

Evening: "Shop": plot "Vegetable shop".

Target: encourage children to create a game plot based on their experience, to combine various game actions. Develop interest in games with peers.

Game exercise "Don't run into circles".

Target: introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them how to perform game actions correctly, and coordinate them with game tactics.

(Alice, Danil P.) N/a/games based on children's interests.

Target: the ability to independently organize a game according to the rules.

Morning "Hide the toy". Target: strengthen children’s ability to understand prepositional-case constructions (prepositions "V", "on", "for", "under", "between", act in accordance with the instructions.

D/u: "Changes in Nature"

Target: to form ideas about spring, her signs; what changes are taking place in nature. "Martin". Target: teach children to stand on one leg, keep their arms at their sides.

(Zakhar, Christina K.) Small mosaic.

Target: development of fine motor skills, ability to assemble according to a pattern.

Lesson 1. Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Subject: Russian folk tale "Teremok"

Target: exercise the ability to compare two objects by size, indicate the results of comparison in words "big", "small".

Materials: table theater, animal figurines, illustrations for a fairy tale.

2. Indoor physical education

(according to the teacher’s plan)

Walk 1

Observation of mountain ash.

Target: expand knowledge about living nature.

Labor activity. Cleaning up trash on site.

Target: teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

Outdoor games: "Aircraft". Target "Find where it's hidden". Target

Remote material: balls, cars, buckets, hoops “Who is taller?”

Target: teach to jump easily, play strictly follow the rules. Drawing in the snow.

Target: development of creative abilities; ability to use substitute objects.

before bed Game situation "Masha the Confused". Target: teach children to keep things in order, keep them in their places, discuss why it is necessary to maintain order; develop a caring attitude towards things.

Round dance game « Stonefly» Target: improve the ability to match words with movements.

2nd half of the day Gymnastics in cribs. Target: quick and easy awakening. Hardening procedures. Target: prevention of colds. D/ And: “Name what trees you know” Target: development of dialogical speech, the ability to listen to a friend; consolidation of knowledge about trees.

Lesson 3. Constructive - modeling activity

Subject: Path for kolobok.

Target: consolidate knowledge about the signs subject: width, length, color.

Materials: toy - bun, small and large construction set.

Walk 2 Continued observation of the mountain ash. Target: develop observation skills. Labor activity. Cleaning up trash on site.

Target: teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area. Movable games: "Snow Cubs". Target: practice running, acting at the teacher’s signal. "Find by description". Target: learn to navigate in space; cultivate attention.

Remote material: balls, cars, buckets, hoops.

Evening: "Building a Bus". Target: teach to carry out construction, commensurate it with the size of the driver toy, stimulate the desire to use your skills, build independently.

M/p/i: « Spring is red»

Target: develop attention; consolidate knowledge about spring signs. "Step Over the Stream". Target: develop coordination of movements, dexterity, enrich motor experience.

(Danil A., Artem) Domino "Spring Flowers"

Target: consolidation of knowledge and names of spring flowers.

Morning D/i "Guess what's missing". Target: to develop in children the ability to act according to simple instructions, to develop visual memory and attention.

M/p/i: "The King Walks Through the Forest"

Target: develop the ability to coordinate movements with words. "Run for the Hoop"

Target: teach children to regulate the speed of movement, improve children’s performance of basic movements when running. (Klim, Alisa) D/ And: "Make a picture" Target: teach children to collect simple pictures, select parts according to shape and image; develop attention and observation.

Lesson 1. Music

(according to the teacher’s plan)

2. Speech development

Subject: Reading stories by L. N. Tolstoy “The truth is more valuable than anything else”, "Varya and Chizh".

Target: teach the correct pronunciation of sounds (in sound combinations, words, phrases); learn to conduct a dialogue in a role-playing game, sing a song, clearly pronouncing sounds; cultivate interest in creative play activities.

Materials: illustrations for stories.

Walk 1

Signs of early spring. Target: study the signs of early spring.

Labor activity. Clearing paths from snow on the site, removing snow on the veranda. Target

Outdoor games: "Hares" Target "Jump - turn around". Target

Remote material: spatulas, molds, buckets. "Jumpers near the sleigh"

Target: learn to jump forward.

(Daria, Sasha) "Take a friend for a ride on a sled"

Target: development of companionship, endurance.

Before bed Reading a Russian folk nursery rhyme "Rainbow Rainbow". Target: expand children’s ideas about the spring sky, teach to identify its features, update knowledge about the signs spring; learn to characterize the spring sky, expand your vocabulary. Conversation with children topic: “Can we fight?” Target: continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior in kindergarten, away and at home; development of friendly relationships.

2nd half of the day Gradual rise of children. Walking barefoot on massage mats. Target: prevention of flat feet.

Di: "Nimble Hare" Target: improve the ability to pronounce words quickly and clearly, achieve correct pronunciation.

Walk 2 Continued observation of signs of early spring. Target: develop observation skills. Labor activity. Clearing paths from snow on the site, removing snow on the veranda. Target: learn to shovel snow using shovels to a certain place.

Outdoor games: "Fox in the Chicken Coop" Target: strengthen push-off skills when jumping on two legs. "Salochki". Target: learn to quickly perform actions on a signal from the teacher.

Remote material: spatulas, molds, buckets.

Evening: Creative workshop: drawing "First leaves".

Target: strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, pick up paint on a brush, draw leaves on a branch using the dipping method.

"Toy Cleaning".

Target: teach children to carry out individual work assignments, put play equipment into storage.

(Abdullo, Daria) "Bunny and Apple".

Target: develop coordination of movements, improve the functions of the vestibular apparatus.

Morning D/i: "Wonderful bag"

Target: development of tactile sensations, the ability to determine by touch what object is in the bag.

Guessing riddles "Signs of Spring"

Target: development of logical thinking; consolidation of knowledge about signs spring. "Insects over the meadow"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

(Danil P., Alisa) D/ And: "Place the animals in their homes"

Target: consolidation of knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs.

Lesson 1. Indoor physical education

(according to the teacher’s plan)

2. Drawing

Subject: Our little feet are walking along a narrow path.

Target: learn to rhythmically apply brush strokes horizontally on a sheet of paper; place images with the content of the action.

Materials: album sheet, paints, brushes, sippy cups, napkins.

Walk 1

Sky observation. Target: teach to distinguish the states of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Labor activity. Shoveling snow, clearing the play area.


Outdoor games: "Catch the plane".


Remote material: shovels, scoops, buckets. Development of movements.

Target: practice stepping over objects without knocking them over; maintain balance.

(Zakhar, Christina K.) "Obstacle Course".

Target: ability to perform a variety of movements (walking on a bench, crawling under an arc, jumping into hoops) By verbal instructions.

before bed Reading S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse". Target: consolidate knowledge about animals; promote the development of interest in reading; learn to imitate animal voices.

Di: "Day-Night" Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the time of day, the actions of people at night, during the day; develop mindfulness.

2nd half day Tempering breath "Let's play with the nose". Target: hardening of the breathing apparatus, prevention of ARVI.

Hardening activities: walking on ribbed mats. Target: prevention of flat feet.

D/u: “What has changed?”

Target: To develop children’s ability to notice changes in landscapes; develop visual memory, attention; cultivate perseverance.

Walk 2 Continue observing the sky. Target: develop observation skills. Labor activity. Shoveling snow, clearing the play area.

Target: learn to work together, achieve goals through joint efforts.

Outdoor games: "Who's faster".

Target: teach to run quickly at the teacher’s signal, without looking back.

Remote material: shovels, scoops, toys.

Evening: “Let’s collect some water”

Target: teach children to use a sponge to collect water. Each child is given a different colored sponge. The teacher consolidates children's knowledge about color on sponges, then shows how they can collect water from the table into a basin using a sponge.

Experiment: "Icicles"

Target: learn

establish causally -

investigative connections between


(Sasha, Matvey)

Toys in places.

Target: to develop the ability to maintain order in group.

Morning D/i: "Seasons"

Target: to form children’s understanding of the alternation of seasons and some of their characteristics; learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.

M/p/i: "Cap"

Target: development of skills to compare movements with a friend. Caring for indoor plants in a corner of nature. Target: teach how to properly care for plants - watering, wiping large leaves.

(Sonya, Stepoy) D/u: "Hide and Seek"

Target: practice understanding and using spatial prepositions: in, on, behind, under, about.

Lesson 1. Modeling/applique

Subject: Tumbler for Dunno.

Target: practice depicting objects consisting of round parts of different sizes.

Materials: doll - Dunno, picture of a tumbler, plasticine, modeling board, napkins.

(according to the teacher’s plan)

Walk 1

Icicle watching

Target: show the variety of water states in the environment. Labor activity. Clearing paths of snow.

Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Target: improve coordination of movements.

Remote material: spatulas, molds, toys. Exercise "Walking on a gymnastic bench." Target: practice maintaining balance.

(Klim, Daria) Experimenting with the wind "Spinner"

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the power of wind; creating a joyful mood.

Before bed Reading L. Tolstoy "I came spring…» Target: to teach children to listen carefully to a work of art and the ability to answer questions after reading.

Di: "Correct the mistake"

Target: teach to see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects shown in the picture and name them.

2nd half of the day Gradual rise of children to music. Hardening procedures. Target: promoting children's health.

Fizminutka "Give us the sun's warmth..." Target: development of gross and fine motor skills of both hands, development of memory and attention.

Walk 2 Continued observation of icicles. Target: develop observation skills.

Labor activity. Clearing paths of snow. Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Outdoor games: "Little Bunnies", "Fox in the Chicken Coop".

Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction, improve coordination of movements.

Remote material: spatulas, molds, toys.

Evening: S/r/ And: "Chauffeurs"

Target: invite children to play out various situations, promote the development of behavior patterns in various situations; help enrich the familiar game with new solutions.

Final event: entertainment "In the spring forest"

Target: expanding ideas about spring and spring forest. D. and. "Slam - stomp"

Target: learn to reproduce a given number of sounds according to a model.

(Danil A., Alisa)

Let's wash the doll.

Target: to consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items for washing and washing, the sequence of actions, to promote the formation of the habit of neatness.

Evgenia Kosenkova
Calendar and thematic planning in junior group 1 (spring)

Formation of elementary ideas about spring changes in nature: warmer, snow is melting; puddles, grass, insects appeared; the buds are swollen. Holiday « Spring is red»

March Mom _first word

Organization of all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother.

Mom's holiday

March Folk toy. Folklore.

Getting acquainted with folk art using the example of folk toys - horse and duck. The use of folklore in organizing all types of children's activities.

Festival of folk toys.

March 24-28 Insects and migratory birds. Bird watching (rooks) in the kindergarten area. Look at pictures of insects with your children. Draw children's attention to the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

Exhibition of children's creativity together with parents “Birds”

I will grow up healthy

Show me a puppet show

Continue to introduce children to oral folk art. Continue to instill an aesthetic taste for oral folk art.

Folklore holiday.

April We are children of the Earth.

Introduce children to the properties of sand (dry, wet, water (warm, cold).

Introduce a natural phenomenon - wind. Show that spring rain can be different. Exhibition of drawings "It's Raining".

April Vitamins and health

Form the habit of doing exercises daily and taking care of the cleanliness of your body. Introduce the profession of a doctor. Develop cultural, hygienic and self-care skills. Give concepts about vitamins, they are good for our health. Tell children that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins (blueberries and carrots - for eyes). Excursion to the doctor's office.

4-5 week

4 elements planet earth

Continue to introduce children to the properties of sand (dry sand crumbles, wet sand can be used to make Easter cakes, after rain the sand is wet, water (water heats up in the sun and becomes warm, plants are watered with water).

Photo exhibition "I'm experimenting".

Formation of ideas about spring changes in nature: It’s warmer, the sun is shining brightly, butterflies are flying, plants are blooming. Making an album on topic: « Spring»

Formation of elementary ideas about seasonal changes in nature, clothing in winter (fur coat, mittens, tights, in summer (socks, t-shirts) people. At the children's site garden: in winter (it's snowing, it's cold); in summer (the sun is shining, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming). Photo album We play in winter and summer.

To form primary ideas about the work of adults and children and their role in protecting nature. Observe the work of a janitor.

4-5 week

Formation of elementary ideas about summer: bright sun, hot, butterflies fly, plants bloom. People's clothes have become lighter (socks, dresses, hats). Holiday "Leta"

Project for the second junior group "Spring-red"

Project type: educational - research
Participants: children of the 2nd junior group, teachers, parents
Duration: Long-term (02/01/2016 - 05/31/2016)
Author-developer: Smirnova Anna Nikolaevna

Target: formation of ideas about spring natural phenomena through different types of activities.
1. Expand your understanding of the characteristic features of spring nature.
2. Learn to establish the simplest connections between the conditions of the coming spring season and the behavior of animals and the state of vegetation.
3. Form research and educational interest during
4. Form ideas about safe behavior in the spring.
5. Learn to reflect the impressions received in various directly educational and independent activities of children.
6. Develop cognitive activity, attention, thinking, imagination,
communication skills.
7. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
8. Foster an environmental culture, hard work, and curiosity.
Expected results:- knowledge about spring as a season,
- development of cognitive interest in studying nature,
- development of interest and desire for experimental activities,
- development of coherent speech, enrichment of vocabulary,
- fostering a caring attitude towards nature and wildlife.

Explanatory note
Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children’s speech, its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations, which are considered to be any deviations from the generally accepted norms of a given language.
The project “Spring is Red” is aimed at:
Development of correct coherent speech, competent expression of one’s thoughts, in the process of didactic, role-playing games, reading and memorizing poems, etc.
Psychological support for children of early preschool age by liberating shy children during theatrical activities.
Expanding the understanding of the characteristic features of spring nature.
Development of cognitive activity, attention, thinking, imagination, communication skills.
Fostering respect for nature.
Fostering an environmental culture, hard work and curiosity.

Project stages:

I. Preparatory (01.02. -15.02.)
- definition of the problem, goal, objectives of the project
- study of methodological literature
II. Basic(16.02.-28.02.)
Replenishment of the developmental environment (illustrations, pictures, fiction, albums, educational games)

Creating card files: on the theme "Spring"
design of the book “Spring Tales”
production of the panel “Seasons”
Selection of fiction.
Selection of benefits for working with children.
Choosing forms of work with parents.
Selection of main activities.
Determining the scope and content of work for project implementation.
Drawing up a long-term plan for working with children and cooperation with parents.
Stage III – practical(01.03.-31.05.2016)
Conversations about the signs of spring.
Observations (of spring natural phenomena)
Experimentation (with water, wind)
Spring themed presentation
Listening to classical music
Artistic and creative activities on a spring theme (drawing, modeling, appliqué)
Reading fiction, fairy tales, memorizing poems, proverbs, proverbs, nursery rhymes.
Preparation of consultations, memos, recommendations.
Creative tasks for parents; joint activities with parents and children.
Game activity.
Final event.

Long-term plan for the “Spring-Red” project
(OOD with children)

Social communicative development
Communication Conversations: about spring; based on the pictures “Spring has come to us”, “It’s good in the forest”; “Let’s feed the birds”, “What are birdhouses for”.
Gaming Role-playing game “The family is preparing for spring”, “Family”, “Getting ready for a walk”
Safety Conversations: “We will take care and protect nature,” “Rules of behavior in the forest.”
Labor in nature Conversation: “Let's feed the birds”, “What are birdhouses for”, “About the work of a janitor”, “About spring work in gardens and vegetable gardens”
Organize work on the site (feeding birds, collecting dry branches, putting things in order on the veranda, etc.), familiarize children with the work of adults in the spring in the garden, cultivate in children a love of work and a desire to provide adults with all possible help. To instill in children respect and caring attitude towards the work of a janitor.
Cognitive development
Cognitive - research Observations of trees, bushes, young grass. Sowing seeds and then planting seedlings in the garden.
Experimentation:“Ships”, “Let’s collect some water”, “Shadow”, “Sunny bunnies”
a holistic picture of the world
broadening one's horizons Presentation: “Spring, “Beasts in Spring.”
“Awakening after hibernation” (bear, hedgehog).
Speech development Reading fiction Reading poems about spring.
Learning poems:
“Swallow” B. Zakhoder,
Guessing riddles.
Songs, nursery rhymes “Like our cat”, “We lived with grandma”, “Ant’s grass”, “Zarya the lightning”, “Shadow shadow dawn”, “Come spring, come red”.
L. Tolstoy “Spring has come...”
G. Ladonshchikov. Bear.
L. Agracheva “Haunted cheerfully”
Fairy tales: “The Fox and the Hare”, “Fear has Big Eyes”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”,
I. Review “Children's Tale of Spring”.
Reading Literature: “Well done brave man” translation from Bulgarian. Gribova, “Pykh” Belarusian. Arr. N. Myalika.
Speech development Compiling a story based on plot pictures: “Hen with chicks”, “The birds have flown”.
Didactic games for speech development: “Signs of Spring”, “Spring Glade”, “Seasons” “When does this happen?” “Cut pictures”, “Flower - seven flowers”, “Loto”, “Wonderful bag”, “Choose an action”, “Place the animals in their homes”
Artistic and aesthetic development
Productive Lesson in the “Creative Workshop”: Modeling: “Bird”, “Flowers”.
Applications: “Spring Bouquet”, “Birdhouse”.
Drawing “Mimosa sprig”, “Tree in spring”.
Working with parents: exhibition of drawings: “Spring is Red”, creation of the panel “Seasons”
Creation of the book “Spring Tales”
Improvisation of the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Final event: “Spring Tale”.
Musical and artistic Listening: Vivaldi “Spring”, “Spring Dance”, “Red Spring”, Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, “Butterfly” music by E. Grieg, “Lark” music. M. Glinka
"Sparrow" music. A. Rubbach, “Game of Horses” music. P. Tchaikovsky
Singing: “Bird” music. M. Rauchwerger, “Spring Song”.
Physical development
Motor Physical education minutes: “Snowdrops are waking up”, “Spring has come”, “On the road”, “Spring” “The sun is shining on the path”

Gaming Carrying out outdoor games during a walk: “Birds in nests”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Bees”, “By a bear in the forest”, “Across the stream”, “Cat and chickens”, “Birdhouses”, “Sun and rain”, “ Catch a mosquito", "Bear"
Finger games:
“Spring”, “Snowdrop”, “Sprout”, “Boat”, “Insects over the meadow”, “Swallow”, “Caring Sun”

1. Conversation about spring. Conversation based on pictures “Spring has come to us”, “We will take care and protect nature”, “Let’s feed the birds”, “What are birdhouses for”.
2. Physical education minutes:
"Snowdrops are waking up."
Children squat down and close their eyes.
Now the snowdrops have woken up,
They smiled and stretched.
Once they washed themselves with dew.
The two circled gracefully.
Three - bent down and sat down.
And they looked at the sun.
(Perform movements according to the text)

"Spring has come"
The sun, the sun is high
(We pull our hands up on tiptoes)
The sun makes us feel warm
(Lightly stroking your face with your hands).
The snow melts from the rays, (Squatting)
The stream ran loudly,
(Running in a circle).
You are running after a stream,
Step over all the puddles,
(Walking in a circle).

3. Carrying out outdoor games while walking:
"Sunny bunnies"

Contents of the game. The teacher lets out sunbeams using a mirror and at the same time recites the text of A. Brodsky’s poem:
The runners are jumping -
Sunny bunnies,
We call them - they don’t come.
They were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump around the corners,
They were there - and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
We didn't find them anywhere.
In accordance with the words of the text, children attract bunnies, spread their arms to the sides, and jump after the sunbeams. An adult directs the bunnies to different sides of the room.

Tasks. Increase motor activity, develop dexterity; evoke positive emotions from the actions performed.
Children count and choose who will be the bear. Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site: behind one line is the bear’s den, behind the other is the children’s house. The middle of the site is the edge of the forest. Children leave their house and go to the edge of the forest to pick berries with the words:
By the bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is growling at us.
At the word “roars,” the bear runs out of its den and catches the children. The children run away to their house. The game repeats itself. When the bear catches 2-3 children, the bear is replaced.

"Birds in their nests
Tasks. Learn to jump from a small height, run in all directions; develop attention.
Progress of the game: Bird children stand on small elevations (cubes, bars 5-10 cm high) located on one side of the room or playground.
The adult says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds are flying out of their nests, looking for grains.” Children-birds jump or descend from heights, fly, flap their wings, squat, and peck grains. At the adult’s signal, “It’s raining!” the birds fly away to their nests.
When the children master the game, the adult, instead of saying “It’s raining!” opens an umbrella, and the bird children hide and nest at this signal.

4. Didactic games: “Pick a picture”, “Cut pictures”
“When does this happen?”
Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and animal life in different seasons of the year.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of any season. Small cards with models of signs of different seasons.

Progress of the game:
The game is played like a lotto. The presenter has small cards with the image turned down. The presenter shows a card with a model, the players say what it is and when it happens. The child explains why this card is needed specifically for him. The one who closes his card first wins. But the game continues until all participants close their cards.

"Signs of Spring"
Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about the signs of spring, to activate vocabulary on the topic.
Equipment: story pictures depicting different seasons.
Procedure: The teacher offers children pictures depicting various seasonal phenomena (it is snowing, the sun is shining, a spring forest, snowdrops in the forest, melting snow, the arrival of birds, etc.). The child chooses pictures that depict only spring phenomena and names them.

5.Finger games:

The woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder,
The titmice began to sing.
We fold our fingers together with a pinch. Let's download them.
The sun rises early
To warm our earth.
The palms are closed in a “bucket”, we raise
hands up, open palms, side
parts remain pressed, fingers
spread out.
Streams run downhill,
All the snow has melted,
We perform wave-like movements with our hands
And from under the old grass, the palms are closed like a “bucket”.
The flower is already looking...
The bell opened
Palms open, sides
hands join, fingers open,
half-bent (flower calyx)
In the shade where the pine tree is, Hands stand on the table, resting on their elbows.
Fingers clenched into a fist.
Ding-ding, rings quietly,
Ding-ding, spring has come.

saying "ding-ding".
Ding-ding, rings quietly,
Ding-ding, spring has come.
We swing our hands in different directions,
saying "ding-ding".

They are visible and invisible,
Show all fingers on both hands
You won't count.
Who could invent such things?
Beautiful flowers?
Bend all your fingers one by one
Must have been torn off
A piece of the sky
Stroke the fingers of the right hand, then the left hand
We did a little magic -
And they made a flower!
Join your hands to represent a flower

6. Role-playing game
"The family is preparing for spring"
Goal: To develop the ability to show interest in the gaming activities of peers. Create an appropriate environment for children to successfully engage in independent activities. Help children come together to play in groups. Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Preparing for the game. Observations of the work of a nanny and teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with their children. Reading
fiction and examination of illustrations: E. Blaginina “Alyonushka”, Alexandrova “My Bear”. Construction of furniture.
Game roles. Mom, dad.

Games with two dolls in themselves oblige several children to work together. At this time, the proximity of the teacher, and often his inclusion in the game, is necessary. Later, when the children have already played this game several times, the teacher may only need to remind them of the possible roles for the game to begin: “Children, who wants to be Oksana’s mother? And Katya’s mother? Who wants to be a teacher? Each of the children begins to fulfill their responsibilities.

7. Work on the site (feeding birds, collecting dry branches, putting things in order on the veranda, etc.).
8. Observations of trees, bushes, young grass.
9. Presentation: “Spring

10. Guessing riddles.
The streams rang,
The rooks have arrived.
Bee in the hive
I brought honey.
Who's to say
Who knows
When does this happen?

Old snow melts in the sun,
The breeze plays in the branches,
Louder than bird voices -
So she came to us...

She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her
She will cry and die.

You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you... (sun).

I am always friendly with the light,
If the sun is in the window,
I'm from the mirror, from the puddle
I run along the wall.

I'm running like up a flight of stairs,
Ringing over the pebbles,
From afar by song
You will recognize me.

I'll shake the birch tree
I'll push you
I'll fly, I'll whistle,
I'll even steal my hat.
But you can’t see me, who am I?
Can you guess?

Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere.
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes.

They often call me
And I will come - from me
They take cover.

On a sunny summer day
A golden flower blossomed.
On a high thin leg
He kept dozing by the path,
And I woke up
- How fluffy I am!
Ah, I'm afraid
That I'll get better.
Hush, meadow wind!

On the slope, in the meadow,
Barefoot in the snow
The first flowers -
Yellow eyes.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
He took off and flew away.

There is a palace on the pole,
There is a singer in the palace.

11. Reading fiction
Songs, nursery rhymes “Like our cat”, “We lived with grandma”, “Ant’s grass”
L. Agracheva “Haunted cheerfully”
Haunted cheerfully
Spring from the forest
The bear responded to her
Purring from sleep.
The bunnies galloped towards her,
A rook flew to her;
The hedgehog rolled after
Like a prickly ball.
The squirrel was alarmed,
Looking from the hollow, -
Fluffy waited
Light and warmth!
Poised himself proudly
Lightened boron;
On brown branches
A chorus of birds sounded.

I. Review “Children's Tale of Spring”.
Something incomprehensible was happening in nature. Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox, accustomed to white snow, began to notice that it began to turn black. The first thawed patches appeared. The ice melted on the forest path, and in the swamp, in the thickets of the forest, the first grayish-dark spots of melt water appeared.
The sun is still pouring its spring golden rays onto the earth. The long-nosed rook, having flown from warm countries, diligently builds a nest from dry branches and lines the bottom with dry grass. He uses various waste in construction.
Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox, who were unsuccessfully trying to find the Winter Mistress, decided to ask their mothers and fathers about what was happening around them. “This is Spring,” the parents explained, “a wonderful time of year, when nature awakens, bright days become longer. Soon, the young grass will gain strength, and the first sticky leaves will appear on the trees and bushes.” The animals have never seen Spring before. They felt that something joyful and warm was coming.
One day on a sunny day, Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox heard unusual sounds “kurlyk, kurlyk”. Who's cooing? Cranes. Having stopped for a rest not far from the water, the birds staged a real spring dance: they jumped merrily, rhythmically flapped their wings, and walked with a prancing gait. It was a fascinating sight.
Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox clapped their hands and didn’t notice how someone quietly approached from behind. Looking around, they saw a real beauty - Vesna-Vesnitsa, the Red Maiden. “Are you glad to see me, dear inhabitants of the forest?” - she asked.
The little hare, who managed to stand up so that one ear was hot in the sun, and the other was freezing in the shade, joyfully greeted the Spring Beauty for everyone. And although he was a little sorry that he could no longer ride down the icy mountain or jump into snowdrifts, he was completely tired of the cold. He so wanted it to be light and warm and to be able to feast on the young shoots of trees and bushes at any moment. He was glad that Spring had come.
And Spring Beauty taught the animals to make boats from light bark and sail them along the cheerful, murmuring, silvery stream. Far, far away. That was such a joy!

12. Lesson in the “Creative Workshop”:
Modeling: “Bird”
Drawing: “Tree in spring”
Applications: “Birdhouse”.
13. Musical and artistic
Listening: Vivaldi "Spring"
Singing: “Bird” music. M. Rauchwerger
A bird sat on the window!
Stay with us for a while!
Wait! Don't fly away!
Flew away! Ay!
Sowing seeds
exhibition of drawings: “Spring is red.”

1. Working with parents: creating the “Seasons” panel
2. Conversation: “Let’s feed the birds,” “What are birdhouses for,” “Rules of behavior in the forest.”
Conversations about the signs of spring.

3. Didactic games: “Logic”, “Loto”,
"Pick an action"
Goal: Continue to activate verbs in children's vocabulary.
Progress: What do birds do in the spring? (arrive, prepare for nesting, etc.) Trees in the spring. Animals in the spring... What do leaves do in the spring? …. Snow in spring...

"Spring Glade"
Purpose: To train children in agreeing nouns with adjectives.
Progress: The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in a spring meadow, where everything is spring.
Q: I will throw a ball to you and name a word, and you catch the ball and repeat the same word, but put the desired form of the word “spring” in front of it.
N – r: day-spring day.
(sun, weather, forest, grass, sky, flowers, months, thunderstorm)

"Place the animals in their homes"
Goal: To develop and consolidate children’s knowledge about the places where animals live and the names of their homes. Develop speech.
Material: Flannelgraph, different natural zones of the earth (illustrations). Small cards with a variety of animals, birds, etc.
Progress of the game:
Different natural zones of the earth are located on the flannelgraph. Children have small cards with various animals, birds, etc. The children's task is to name their animal, where it lives, and place it on a flannelgraph near the desired natural area.

4. Planting seedlings in the garden.
Experimentation "Boats"
Introduce children to the properties of floating objects. The teacher makes paper boats for the children, and then launches them into puddles. If this happens in a group, then floating and metal toys are placed in a basin of water, then they observe what happens to them
"Sunny bunnies"
Teach children to play with a sun bunny. On a sunny day, take a mirror out into the area and teach the children how to let in a sunbeam. Organize games with a sun bunny

5. Presentation: “Awakening after hibernation” (bear, hedgehog).

6.Learning poems:
Swallow (Boris Zakhoder)
The Swallow flew away
Far away...
Come back, Swallow!
It's April.
Come back, Swallow!
Not alone:
May it be with you, Swallow,
Spring is coming!

7.Reading thin. Literature: Reading: K. Ldov “Swallow”, L. Agracheva “Haunted Cheerfully”, M. Borisova “Drip Song”
Fairy tales: "The Fox and the Hare"

"Well done brave man"
One day a fox went to the village for prey. He sees a rooster sitting on a tree, crowing. The fox got close to the tree, but couldn’t reach the rooster: the rooster had climbed high.
- Cockerel, cockerel, what are you doing up there? - asks the fox.
“I sing songs and make everyone happy,” the rooster answers, and at the sight of the fox his heart froze with fear.
- Eh, stop singing! - says the fox. - Fly to me! Hurry up! We must ask the sun, we must pray for the sun to go down quickly. Otherwise it burns, it burns... Everything in the field will burn!
“Oh, godfather Fox,” the rooster answers, “I’ll sing the dike one more time, I’ll call my little chickens and hens.” Let's all ask for the sun. And lo and behold, the dogs will come running with them.
- How are the dogs? Why dogs? - the fox was alarmed.
- What about without dogs? The sun loves it when dogs ask for it. The dogs, godfather Fox, will certainly come. Yes, I see: they are already rushing here as fast as they can. Then the rooster craned his neck and crowed as loud as he could. And the fox darted into the bushes.
- Start without me! - shouts. - I'll come later. You know, I’m used to washing my face first before turning to the sun. And today I was in such a hurry that I forgot about it in my haste. No matter how angry the sun is with me!
And disappeared into the thicket.
And the rooster crowed even more joyfully: what a brave fellow he is! With his wits, he defeated the cunning godfather Fox!
8. Role-playing games:
"Let's go for a walk"
Goal: to develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name items of clothing, to consolidate the general concepts of “clothing” and “shoes”, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards others.
Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair.
Progress of the game:
A new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and invite the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can’t get dressed, and then the guys offer her their help. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now depending on the weather. With the help of the teacher, they dress the doll in the correct sequence. Then the children dress themselves and go out for a walk with the doll. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the required sequence, commenting on their actions.
"A trip to the spring forest."
Goal: Improve the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles (mother, father, etc.), expand children’s independence in developing and implementing a plan, using attributes, develop social relationships by understanding the professional activities of adults, learn to display their observations from the game surrounding reality.

9. Compiling a story based on plot pictures: “The birds have flown.”

10. Lesson in the “Creative Workshop”:
Applications: “Spring bouquet”
Drawing “Mimosa sprig”

11.Musical and artistic activities
Listening: Vivaldi “Spring Dance”, “Red Spring”, Tchaikovsky “Seasons”.
Singing: “Spring Song.”

12. Physical education minutes: “Snowdrops are waking up”, “Spring”

"The sun is shining on the path"
Goal: Development of fine motor skills, imitation
The sun shines on the path
We will clap our hands
We all clap, clap,
Our legs are top - top,
We staggered and looked
And they sat down quietly.

13. Carrying out outdoor games during a walk: “Stream”,

"Cat and Chicks"
Goals. Improve running, climbing and dismounting from objects; develop attention and orientation in space; maintain interest in interacting with peers; encourage imitation of animals, develop imagination.
Contents of the game. A crested hen (adult) comes out into the clearing, with yellow chicks (children). In the far corner of the group room, an adult cat is dozing on a bench. The chickens scatter across the clearing, flap their wings, peck grains, climb onto perches (cubes 10 cm high) - they act at their own discretion.
The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko, don’t go far.” At these words, the chickens become wary and look around. And the chicken slowly continues:
On the bench by the window
The cat has settled down and is dozing.
The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens catch up.
At the last words, the chickens run away from the cat, and she tries to catch up with them.
When children have mastered the game well, the role of the crested hen and cat can be assigned to the most active of them.

Tasks. Improve running in a certain direction; learn to navigate in space, imitate bees.
Contents of the game. Children pretend to be bees, they run around the room, flapping their wings, buzzing: “Zh-zh-zh.” A bear (teacher's assistant) appears. Teacher Bee says:
Teddy bear is coming
It will take away the honey from the bees,
Bees, go home!
The bees fly to a certain corner of the room - the hive. The bear, waddling from one foot to the other, goes in the same direction. The bees and the adult say:
This hive is our house,
Get away from us, bear,
They flap their wings and buzz, driving away the bear. The bear leaves, and the bees fly out into the clearing again. They can treat the bear with honey at the end of the game.

"Sun and Rain"
Goal: to learn to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, to find one’s place on
site; practice walking and running. Develop dexterity and attention.
Progress of the game: children sit on chairs along the room, this is their “home”. Educator
looks out the window and says “What good weather, go for a walk!” The children get up and
go in any direction. “It’s raining, run home!” - says the teacher.
Children run to the chairs and take their places. The teacher says “Drip - drip”
- drop! Gradually the rain subsides and the teacher says, “Go for a walk. Rain
stopped!” The game is repeated several times.

"Catch a mosquito"
Purpose: to train children in jumping (bouncing in place). Develop skill
coordinate movements with the visual signal.
Progress of the game: players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing
center. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a rod long -
1-1.2 meters with a cardboard mosquito tied to a cord. Cord length – 50 cm.
The teacher circles the rod and “circles the mosquito”, a little higher than the heads of the players.
When a mosquito flies overhead, the child jumps, trying to catch it. That,
whoever catches a mosquito says “I caught it!” Then the teacher circles the rod again
14. Finger games

A boat is sailing along the river,
(palms cupped)
He swims from afar.
(perform wave-like movements with your arms)
There are four on the boat
A very brave sailor.
(show 4 fingers on each hand at the same time)
They have ears on top of their heads
(put both palms towards the top of your head)
They have long tails.
(fold your fingers into a pinch and spread them apart)
And only cats are scary to them,
Only cats and cats.
(make scratching movements with the spread fingers of both hands)

"Insects over the meadow"
Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, - the bee buzzes:
- I'm flying from afar.
(children raise their arms to the sides and wave them rhythmically, like “wings”)
“Zu-zu-zu,” the mosquito squeaks.
(index fingers rhythmically “throw” forward)
- Phew - ph - ph - like a steam locomotive
The bumblebee puffs, bringing pollen.
(they tap their feet rhythmically)
The beetle hums: “Gu-zhu, gu-zhu,
I'll wake anyone up"
(clap hands rhythmically)

1. Conversation “It’s good in the forest.”
Conversations about the signs of spring.

2. Didactic games:
D/i “Wonderful bag”
The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrots, etc. Educator
gets food for the animals, the children guess who it is for, who eats what. Suitable for
toys and treat them.
Guys, let's give the hedgehog our good mood and smiles. Grasp
hands, smile at each other and the hedgehog.

Goal: to form children’s understanding of the alternation of seasons and some of their characteristics. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena (season-vegetation-human labor). Expand your horizons.
Develop and activate your vocabulary.
Material: four cards depicting the seasons, cards depicting the characteristic features of each season.
Progress of the game.
The game can be played by 4-8 people. The presenter shows one card depicting the characteristic features of each season. The player whose card this characteristic relates to describes and justifies this choice and places the card on the colored field.

“Let’s collect some water”
Teach children to use a sponge to collect water. Each child is given a multi-colored sponge. The teacher consolidates children's knowledge about color on sponges, then shows how they can collect water from the table into a basin using a sponge.

Introduce children to the properties of sunlight. Tell the children how a shadow appears, observe the movement of the shadow

4. Presentation: “Animals in the spring.”

5. Reading fiction
Reading poems about spring.
Reading nursery rhymes: “Zarya the lightning,” “Shadow, shadow, dawn,” “Come spring, come red.”
“Pykh” Belarusian folk tale in N. Myalik lane
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Alyonka. And they had a vegetable garden. Cabbage, beets, carrots and yellow turnips grew in the garden. One day my grandfather wanted to eat turnips. He went out into the garden. He walks and walks, and the garden is hot and quiet, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing. Grandfather passed a bed with cabbage, passed a bed with beets, passed a bed with carrots... And here the turnip is growing.
He just bent down to pull out a turnip, but suddenly someone from the garden hissed at him:
Isn't that you, grandpa? Didn't you come for a turnip?
The grandfather got scared and ran away. He runs past the carrots, runs past the beets, his heels are already sparkling. I barely made it to the hut alive. He sat down on the bench and couldn’t catch his breath.
- Well, grandfather, did you bring the turnip?
- Oh, grandma, someone scary is sitting there. I could barely escape!
- That's enough, grandfather! I’ll go myself, I’ll probably bring a turnip...
And the grandmother went to the garden. The grandmother walked and walked past a bed of cabbage, past a bed of beets, past a bed of carrots. The grandmother is coming, in a hurry... And here is the turnip. The grandmother bent down to pull out the turnip, and from the furrow someone hissed at her:
- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh! Isn't that you, grandma? Didn't you come on cue?
The grandmother got scared and ran away. She ran and ran past the carrots, past the beets, ran past the cabbage. I barely made it to the hut. She sat down on the bench, breathing heavily, couldn’t catch her breath.
- Oh, grandpa, you’re right! Someone scary is sitting there and puffing. I barely lost my legs!
Granddaughter Alyonka looked at her grandparents, felt sorry for them and said:
- I'll bring a turnip!
Alyonka went to the garden. He walks and walks, and the garden is hot and quiet, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing. Alyonka walked through a bed with cabbage, walked through a bed with beets, walked through a bed with carrots...
And here the turnip is growing. She just bent down to pull the turnip out, and someone hissed from the garden bed:
- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh! Isn't this Alyonka? Didn't you come on cue?
Alyonka laughed and shouted in a ringing voice:
- Yes, yes, yes! It's me, Alyonka! Grandma and Grandpa came for a turnip.
And in the garden someone starts puffing again:
- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!
Alyonka bent over the garden bed to see who was so scary sitting there, and suddenly she saw: some kind of prickly ball lying on the garden bed, its beady eyes sparkling and puffing:
- Pssh-pp-y-hh!
The girl laughed:
- Oh, you hedgehog, you prickly hedgehog! Did you scare your grandparents? Did you drive them home?
And the hedgehog extended his sharp muzzle upward and again:
- Pssh-pp-y-hh! Pssh-pp-y-hh!
Alyonushka pulled the turnip once, pulled another and a third, and pulled out the turnip. Yes, so big! Round and yellow. Sweet, sweet. Alyonka took the turnip, put the hedgehog in her apron, and went home. I ran past the carrots, ran past the beets, ran past the cabbage. She ran fast and fast! And she instantly ran to her hut. And her grandfather and grandmother came out to meet her. And they ask:
- Where is the turnip?
- And here’s a turnip for you!
The grandfather and grandmother were happy here:
- Well, we have a granddaughter! Well, Alyonushka! Well done girl!
- But what about this beast, the terrible Pykh? Aren't you scared of him?
Here Alyonka opened her apron:
- And here’s Pykh!
It was such a laugh!

Reading L. Tolstoy “Spring has come...”
Spring has come, water has flowed. The children took the planks, made a boat, launched the boat
by water. The boat floated, and the children ran after it, shouting, and saw nothing in front of them.
They saw it and fell into a puddle.

G. Ladonshchikov. Bear.
“Without need and without worry
The bear was sleeping in his den.
I slept all winter until spring,
And, probably, he saw dreams.
Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,
He hears: drip! -
What a disaster!
I groped in the darkness with my paw
And jumped up -
Water all around!
The bear hurried outside:
Floods - no time for sleep!
He got out and saw:
The snow is melting...
Spring has come."

“Fear has big eyes”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, G. Ladonshchikov

6. Compiling a story based on plot pictures: “Hen with chicks”

7. Lesson in the “Creative Workshop”:
Modeling: "Flowers".

8. Musical and artistic activities
Listening: “Sparrow” music. A. Rubbach, “Game of Horses” music. P. Tchaikovsky

9. Physical education minutes:
"On the Road"
We walk into the spring forest (They walk at a marching pace).
We raise our legs higher.
They stomp their feet (Walk with a stomping step).
On a straight path.
Along the narrow path (They walk on their toes).
The legs will walk quietly.
They ran after each other. (Run on tiptoes).
They ran into the spring forest.

"Spring "
Spring, spring! Spring has come!
(Clap your hands.)
She brought warmth on her wings.
(Short flapping of arms and wings)
And here in the very sunshine
With your proud head raised
(Walking. Raise your chin higher).
The blue snowdrop blossomed.
(Arms to the sides).
He's all fluffy and silver
The little one stands in the sun.
He is a reliable messenger of spring,
(Bends the body).
He is not afraid of cold weather.
Other flowers will come for him,
(Turns left and right).
He is the firstborn among flowers.

10. Finger games: “Sprout”, “Boat”
"Caring Sun"

The sun sends from the sky
Ray, ray, ray.
(children rhythmically cross their arms above their heads)
And he boldly accelerates them
Clouds, clouds, clouds.
(smoothly shake hands above)
Gently warms in summer
Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks.
(rhythmically rub their cheeks)
And in the spring he puts it on his nose
Dots - dots - dots.
Children's freckles turn golden.
They really like it!
(rhythmically taps finger on nose)

Goals: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Swallow, swallow,
Dear killer whale,
Where have you been?
What did you come with?
- Been overseas
I got the spring.
I carry it, I carry it
Spring is red.
(for each line, the thumb “hello” twice with one finger, starting with the index finger, first on the right, then on the left hand)

11. Carrying out outdoor games while walking:
Goal: to teach to run in all directions without bumping into each other; navigate in
space; follow the rules of the game. Develop attention and dexterity.
Progress of the game: circles are drawn on the court: one less than the number of players. This -
All children are starlings. They “fly” scattered around the site. On the signal: “Go home”
- everyone runs to the birdhouses. Some of the children are left without a birdhouse. Game
repeated several times.
Finishing the game, the teacher (while the children are running) draws another circle. When children
They return and each one has a birdhouse.
"By the Bear in the Forest"
Goal: To develop the ability to act according to the words of the text.
Material: large soft toy (bear).
Progress of the game
The teacher plants the bear under a bush and tells the children that in the fall they can go to the forest and pick mushrooms and berries; asks which of the children went mushroom picking with their parents. “Did you bring a lot of mushrooms? Have you ever found raspberries in the forest? Who loves raspberries? Of course, a bear! He comes to feast on sweet berries, but when he sees someone, he immediately growls, drives everyone away, and wants to pick the berries alone. Look what a bear with a sweet tooth! Let’s go into the forest too!”
The teacher slowly reads the poem:
By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
And the bear is looking
And he growls at us:
While listening to the text, the children slowly approach the bear (soft toy). As soon as the bear “roars,” everyone runs away in different directions.
Then the teacher asks: “Who wants to be a bear? Are you, Misha? Will you growl? Then sit next to me. We will have two bears."
At the request of the children, the game is repeated 3-4 times, the “bears” can change.

"Through the Stream"
Purpose: to teach children to jump from one place to another, to act on a signal
teacher, navigate in space. Develop dexterity, attention,
coordination of movements.
Progress of the game: two lines are drawn on the court at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from one another
- this is a stream.
The players stand at the line, they must cross the stream on the pebbles (clearly
drawn circles) without getting your feet wet.
Those who stumbled - got their feet wet, go to dry them in the sun - sit on
a bench. Then they get back into the game.

12. Role-playing game
Target. Encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in play.
Game material. Dolls, furniture, dishes, bathtub, building material, animal toys.
Preparing for the game. Observations of the work of a nanny and teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with their children. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations: E. Blaginina “Alyonushka”, 3. Alexandrova “My Bear”. Construction of furniture.
Game roles. Mom, dad.
Progress of the game. The game begins with the teacher bringing a large beautiful doll into the group. Addressing the children, he says: “Children, the doll’s name is Oksana. She will live in our group. Let's build her a room together where she can sleep and play." The children, together with the teacher, build a room for the doll.
After this, the teacher reminds them how to play with the doll: carry it in their arms, roll it in a stroller, in a car, feed it, change clothes. At the same time, she emphasizes that the doll should be treated with care, talk to it affectionately, and take care of it, as real mothers do.
Then the children play with the doll on their own.
When the children have played on their own for a sufficient amount of time, the teacher organizes a joint game. When organizing the game, he must take into account the relationship between boys and girls. So, while the girls feed the dolls and wash the dishes, the boys, together with the teacher, build a car out of chairs and invite the girls to go for a ride with the dolls.
After this, the teacher can bring in another Doll - Oksana's friend, the Katya doll. The teacher introduces the children to the new doll, tells how to play with it, and where both dolls will live.
Games with two dolls in themselves oblige several children to work together. At this time, the proximity of the teacher, and often his inclusion in the game, is necessary. Later, when the children have played this game several times, the teacher may
It is enough just to remind about possible roles for the game to begin: “Children, who wants to be Oksana’s mother? And Katya’s mother? Who wants to be a teacher? Each of the children begins to fulfill their responsibilities.
13. Improvisation of the fairy tale “Three Bears”.
14.Final event: “Spring Tale”.


Games with your favorite toys.Goal: To support the desire to play independently; teach children to choose games on their own; cultivate friendliness.

Di “Find an object of the same shape.” The goal is to develop the ability to distinguish objects and toys by color and shape.

Individual robot: ball games. The goal is to practice throwing the ball to each other.

Speech game “Loud-quiet” (telling nursery rhymes, poems. The goal is to develop the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak loudly and quietly

Solving the riddlesabout onions. Performing musically rhythmic movements: melody - “Rattle, dance.”

Ind work on sculpting.. The goal is to practice sculpting sticks using the rolling technique.

Walk 1


The breeze ran along the path -

The grass nodded its head.

The breeze ran along the river -

The river became pockmarked.




I/u . Stepping over the line with Vladik and Yura.


S/r game "Lunch for a doll." Goal: to teach to treat the doll as a living creature, to involve in role-playing interaction. “Let’s restore order in the group.” The goal is to teach children to clean up toys after themselves.

Continue to work with each child on the skills of putting on tights, teach children how to put on shoes correctly.

S/r game "Treat." The goal is to develop children’s ability to implement game plans.

Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the play environment with missing items and toys.

Work. activity - continue to teach order in the group; - learn to put napkins on the table; continue to enrich the understanding of operations for caring for indoor plants, maintain cognitive interest.

Di "Big and small cubes." The goal is to learn to alternate objects by size (large, small)

Reading fairy tales. The goal is to instill a love of fairy tales

Situational conversation about caring for books.

Music game“Where are our pens?” The goal is to create a joyful mood.

Listening and singing familiar children's songs. Goal - To consolidate the ability to sing along with repeated phrases in a song, recognize familiar songs; develop speech; cultivate a love of music.

Indus work for drawing “Spring flowers”. The goal is to teach children to apply strokes to a sheet; evoke an emotional response to bright colors; develop imagination, cultivate accuracy, interest in drawing.

Walk 2

Observation . Draw the children's attention to what kind of wind is blowing: strong cold or warm. The trees sway from the strong wind. A warm wind is blowing and it is warm outside.

The breeze ran along the path -

The grass nodded its head.

The breeze ran along the river -

The river became pockmarked.

Work . Collect the branches and place them in a group in a vase.

Di . “Breeze” - development of speech breathing.

P/n . “Catch me” - development of coordination of movements, ability to navigate in space.

I/u . Stepping over the line with Alisa, Dasha, Bogdan..

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