Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders in children.

Starting school is one of the most important moments in a child's life. This period is associated with a large number of different kinds of stress, which primarily include socio-psychological changes in the child’s life - new relationships, new contacts, new responsibilities, a new social role of the “student”, with its pros and cons. The position of a student requires the child to be aware of his own role, the position of the teacher, the established distance in relationships, and the rules by which these relationships are built. For a painless and successful entry into educational activities, the child must be healthy and fully prepared.

A special role in the successful educational activities of first-graders is played by intellectual development, which occurs significantly during the learning process. It is at primary school age that educational activity becomes leading. From the moment a child enters school, it begins to mediate the entire system of his relationships. In the process of learning activities, the child masters the knowledge and skills developed by humanity. But he doesn't change them. It turns out that the subject of change in educational activity is himself.

Educational activity largely determines the intellectual development of children from seven to ten, eleven years old. In general, when a child enters school, his development begins to be determined by various types of activity, but it is within the educational activity of a child of primary school age that the main psychological new formations characteristic of him arise.

According to the concept of Elkonin D.B. and Davydov V.V., educational activity is a combination of the following components: motivational, operational-technical, control and evaluation.

The ultimate goal of educational activity is the conscious educational activity of the student throughout primary education. Educational activity, initially organized by an adult, must turn into an independent activity of the student, in which he formulates an educational task, carries out educational actions and control actions, carries out assessment, i.e. educational activity through the child’s reflection on it turns into self-learning.

Of great importance for the intellectual development of younger schoolchildren is the expansion of the scope and content of their communication with people around them, especially adults who act as teachers, serve as role models and the main source of diverse knowledge. Collective forms of work that stimulate communication are nowhere as useful for general development and mandatory for children as in primary school age.

When a child enters school, under the influence of learning, the basic human characteristics of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech) are consolidated and developed. From “natural”, according to L.S. Vygotsky, these processes should become “cultural” by the end of primary school age, that is, turn into higher mental functions associated with speech, voluntary and mediated. This is due to the fact that children are involved in new types of activities and systems of interpersonal relationships that require them to have new psychological qualities. The general characteristics of all cognitive processes of a child should be voluntariness, productivity and stability.

Attention in preschool age is involuntary. According to Ermolaev O.Yu., during primary school age, significant changes occur in the development of attention: the volume of attention increases sharply, its stability increases, and switching and distribution skills develop.

Age-related patterns are also observed in the process of memory development. By the age of 6-7 years, the structure of memory undergoes significant changes associated with the development of voluntary forms of memorization and recall. Involuntary memory, not associated with an active attitude to the current activity, turns out to be less productive, although in general this form of memory retains a leading position. Speech plays a significant role in the development of memory in younger schoolchildren, therefore the process of improving a child’s memory goes in parallel with the development of speech. In the formation of internal means of memorization, speech plays a central role. Mastering various forms of speech - oral, written, external, internal, a child by the end of primary school age gradually learns to subordinate memory to his will, intelligently control the progress of memorization, and manage the process of storing and reproducing information. At the age of 6-7 years, perception loses its original affective character: perceptual and emotional processes are differentiated. In preschoolers, perception and thinking are closely interconnected, which indicates visual-figurative thinking, which is most characteristic of this age.

By the senior preschool age, the accumulation of extensive experience in practical actions, a sufficient level of development of perception, memory, and thinking, increases the child’s sense of self-confidence. This is expressed in the setting of increasingly diverse and complex goals, the achievement of which is facilitated by the development of volitional regulation of behavior.

Thus, primary school age is the most critical stage of school childhood. The main achievements of this age are due to the leading nature of educational activities and are largely decisive for subsequent years of schooling. Therefore, it seems important to us to consider the features of the process of supporting the development of the intellectual potential of first-graders in the process of educational activities.

Having analyzed various points of view on the problem of psychological and pedagogical support in the education system, we can summarize that psychological and pedagogical support is understood as a continuous and holistic process of studying the student’s personality and its formation, as well as creating conditions for self-realization in all spheres of activity and adaptation in society at all age stages of schooling, which is carried out by all subjects of the educational process in various situations of interaction.

For more effective development of the intellect of a first-grader, psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the intellectual potential of first-graders in the process of educational activities should be used and applied in pedagogical practice.

An analysis of the literature has shown that not all existing psychological and pedagogical support programs are not effective enough, and, therefore, there is a need to create an effective psychological and pedagogical support program using the basis of existing ones.

Thus, the purpose of our study is to study psychological and pedagogical support for the development of intelligence in first-graders.

In the empirical part of the study, we used an experimental method consisting of three stages: a statement stage, a formative experiment, and a control stage of the experiment. The base for the study was the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 61 of the city of Bryansk. 56 1st grade students took part in the study.

At the first stage, we identified the level distribution of intelligence development among first-grade students. For this purpose, we implemented the ascertaining stage of the psychological and pedagogical experiment using the “Analogies” test (Melnikova N.N., Poleva D.M., Elagina O.B.) to assess the level of intelligence. The results are presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Results of studying the level of intelligence of first-graders

As can be seen from the table, a low level of intelligence is noted in 48.2%. The results obtained give us reason to talk about the insufficient development of the system of mental operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction) in almost half of the first-graders in our sample. Also, as can be seen from Figure 1, 25% of students have a high level, and 26.7% have an average level. This may mean that they have higher intelligence and also had intensive preschool training.

At the formative stage of experimental activity, taking into account the data of the ascertaining experiment (distribution of participants into the control and experimental sample population), as well as on the basis of the theoretical analysis, we used the one developed by V.N. Konyakhina. psychological and pedagogical support program for first-graders. In this program, a significant block is devoted to the development of intellectual potential.

At the third stage (control experiment), we implemented a set of methods to assess the effectiveness of the program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of intelligence of first-graders. Analyzing the obtained results of the development of intelligence, it should be noted that the level of intelligence in the control and experimental groups has almost the same indicators, among which a low level of intelligence predominates ("EG" - 43%, "CG" - 53%). However, after the formative experiment, changes are noted. The results are presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Results of studying the level of intelligence of first-graders before and after the formative experiment

As can be seen from Figure 2, in the experimental group the number of subjects with a low level of intelligence decreases and the number of first-graders with high scores increases. At the same time, in the control group, the number of first-graders with a low level also decreases and increases with a high and average level, but in insignificant rates, which are clearly visible in Figure 2.

To determine the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical program to support the adaptation of first-graders, we used the method of mathematical and statistical data processing, comparing average values ​​using the parametric Student's t-test. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the SPSS program.

Statistical indicators of the shift in values ​​on the scales and indices of the methods and tests used at the stage of the control experiment are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Statistical indicators of the shift in values ​​in the control and experimental groups
according to the “Analogies” test by Melnikova N.N., Poleva D.M., Elagina O.B.

Experimental group

Control group

Average values

Student's t

p-level of significance

Average values

Student's t

p-level of significance



Test results

As can be seen from Table 1, there are statistically significant differences in the level of intelligence in both the experimental group (t = -5.22 at p =.000) and in the control group (t = -4.788 at p =.000). Despite the presence of significant differences in the two groups, the level of intelligence in the experimental group changed more qualitatively (before 6.18; after 8.21). These results indicate that the formative experiment influenced the intellectual development of first-graders in our sample. From the data obtained, we can conclude that the program of psychological and pedagogical support for first-graders is effective for developing the intelligence of first-graders, since after its implementation the results in the experimental group changed, acquiring a positive trend.

Thus, we investigated the features of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of intelligence of first-graders in educational activities. A positive trend was found to increase intelligence among first-graders taking part in the program of psychological and pedagogical support for first-graders. The discovered trend requires a more in-depth analysis, which will be one of the main questions of our further research.

Lysenko Nina
Features of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children

The problem is currently acute psychological and pedagogical support all participants in the educational process. This provision entails free development and becomes an integral part of the activity preschool institutions. The main component for the implementation of the educational process is to create security developing environment and professional competence of teachers.

Getting acquainted with numerous studies by Sh. A. Amonashvili, O. S. Gazman, A. V. Mudrik and others, one can trace the problem of organization in their works psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children. Escort seen as special a type of professional activity of an adult who tries to solve certain problems of the child’s personality and his own tasks. The child acts in the pedagogical process as an object and subject of self-education and self-development. The object is understood not as the child himself, but as his qualities, modes of action, his living conditions.

In the Russian language dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov there is the following definition: “ Escort- to follow along with someone, being nearby, leading somewhere or following someone.”

M. R. Bityanova is considered « accompaniment» like moving with the child and next to, or in front of, to answer questions that arise. The teacher tries to listen to his interlocutor and tries to help with advice, but does not control him.

L. G. Subbotina combines psychological and pedagogical components. Under « psychological and pedagogical support for students» Subbotina L.G. understands the holistic and continuous process of studying the student’s personality, its formation, creating conditions for self-realization in all areas of activity, adaptation in society for all age stages of schooling, carried out by all subjects of the educational process in situations of interaction.” Getting acquainted with the work experience of L. G. Subbotina, we can see that the interaction of subjects of the educational process that implement student-centered learning is characterized by the following peculiarities;

1 equality psychological positions of subjects of interaction, regardless of social status;

2 equal recognition of each other’s active communicative role;

3 psychological supporting each other.

The main direction for forming the foundations psychological and pedagogical support The teacher’s professional activity has become a person-oriented approach, which makes it possible to choose methods for a high level of professional development. Target psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschoolers- help realize yours capabilities, knowledge, skills and abilities for successful achievement in various activities.

For creatures of social psychological conditions for successful education and child development at his age periodization is necessary to psychological and pedagogical support acted as a system of professional activity. Escort is understood as a system of professional activities of different specialists to create conditions for making optimal decisions in various situations of life choice.

Accompanying a child during preschool training involves the implementation of the following principles:

Following the natural child development at a given age stage of his life's journey.

Accompaniment relies on mental, personal achievements that the child actually has and constitute the unique baggage of his personality. Psychological the environment does not carry influence and pressure. Priority of goals, values, needs development the inner world of the child himself.

The focus of activities is on creating conditions that allow the child to independently build a system of relationships with the world, people around him and himself, and make personally significant positive life choices.

Escort required so that the teacher can master the technique of communicating with the child, moving with him, being close, sometimes a little ahead. Observing our children, we, teachers, notice their successes, help with examples and advice to solve problems that they encounter on their life path.

Psychological and pedagogical support educational process can change preschooler, but only an individual approach should be used.

Intensive development of theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support associated with an expanded idea of ​​the goals of education, which includes goals development, education, provision of physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health children. With this approach psychological and pedagogical support acts as the main element of the education system in solving the problems of training, education and development of a new generation.


1. Ozhegov S.I. Russian Dictionary language: OK. 57,000 words / Ed. L. Skvortsov. "Onyx-LIT", "Peace and Education" 2012

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 N 2151 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program preschool education"

3. Subbotina L. G. Model of interaction of subjects of the educational process in psychological and pedagogical support students // Siberian psychological journal. 2007. № 25.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “Model of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional growth of teaching staff” In the context of modernization in the Russian preschool education system, the development of human resources is the most important area of ​​activity.

Diagnostics as a form of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process One of the important components of the basic component of the activity of a kindergarten teacher-psychologist is conducting screening diagnostics.

Individual route of psychological and pedagogical support for an artistically gifted child Individual route of Psychological and pedagogical support for an artistically gifted child ___ Senior group.


Individual route of psychological and pedagogical support for a pupil with developmental difficulties INDIVIDUAL ROUTE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR A STUDENT WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFICULTIES IN THE 2nd JUNIOR GROUP “RADUGA”.

The success of raising, training, and social adaptation of a child with developmental disorders depends on a correct assessment of his capabilities and developmental characteristics. This problem is solved by comprehensive psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders. It is the first and very important stage in the system of measures that provide special training, correctional pedagogical and psychological assistance. It is the psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders that makes it possible to identify children with developmental disabilities in the population, determine the optimal pedagogical route, and provide individual psychological and pedagogical support for the child, corresponding to his psychophysical characteristics.

According to the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, today 85% of children are born with developmental disabilities and poor health, of which at least 30% require comprehensive rehabilitation. The number of children who require correctional pedagogical assistance reaches 25% in preschool age, and according to some data - 30 - 45%; at school age, 20 - 30% of children need special psychological and pedagogical assistance, and over 60% of children are at risk.

The number of children with borderline and combined developmental disorders, which cannot be unambiguously attributed to any of the traditionally identified types of mental dysontogenesis, is increasing.

Special preschool and school educational institutions are open in our country for children with developmental disabilities. They create educational conditions that should ensure optimal mental and physical development of these children. Such conditions primarily include an individualized approach, taking into account the characteristics of each child. This approach involves the use of special educational programs, methods, necessary technical teaching aids, the work of specially trained teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists, etc., a combination of training with the necessary medical preventive and therapeutic measures, certain social services, the creation of a material and technical base of special educational institutions and their scientific and methodological support.

Currently, there is a wide variety of special educational institutions. Along with specialized children's educational institutions (preschool educational institutions) and special (correctional) schools of types I - VIII, to which children are admitted as a result of careful selection and in which special educational programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are implemented, non-governmental institutions, rehabilitation centers, development centers, mixed groups, etc., in which there are children with different disabilities, often of different ages, due to which the implementation of a unified educational program becomes impossible and the role of individual psychological and pedagogical support for the child increases.

At the same time, in mass kindergartens and secondary schools there are a large number of children with poor psychophysical development. The severity of these deviations may vary. A significant group consists of children with mildly expressed, and therefore difficult to detect, deviations in the development of the motor, sensory or intellectual sphere: with hearing, vision, optical-spatial, musculoskeletal, phonemic perception impairments, with emotional disorders, with disabilities speech development, with behavioral disorders, with mental retardation, somatically weakened children. If by older preschool age pronounced disorders of mental and/or physical development are, as a rule, identified, then minimal disorders remain without due attention for a long time. However, children with similar problems experience difficulties in mastering all or some sections of the preschool program, as they find themselves spontaneously integrated into the environment of normally developing peers without specially organized correctional and pedagogical assistance. Despite the fact that many of these children do not require special educational conditions, the lack of timely correctional and developmental assistance can lead to their maladjustment. Therefore, it is very important to promptly identify not only children with severe developmental disorders, but also children with minimal deviations from normative development.

The described trends in the education of children with developmental disabilities show that today the role of psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders is very great: timely identification of children with developmental disorders in the population is required; determining their optimal pedagogical route; providing them with individual support in a special or general educational institution; development of individual education plans and individual correction programs for problem children in public schools, for children with complex developmental disorders and severe mental development disorders, for whom there are no standard educational programs. All this work can be carried out only on the basis of a deep psychodiagnostic study of the child.

Diagnosis of developmental disabilities should include three stages. The first stage is called screening (from the English screen - sift, sort). At this stage, the presence of deviations in the psychophysical development of the child is revealed without accurately qualifying their nature and depth.

The second stage is differential diagnosis of developmental disorders. The purpose of this stage is to determine the type (type, category) of a developmental disorder. Based on its results, the direction of the child’s education, the type and program of the educational institution are determined, i.e. the optimal pedagogical route corresponding to the characteristics and capabilities of the child. The leading role in differential diagnosis belongs to the activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC).

The third stage is phenomenological. Its goal is to identify the individual characteristics of the child, i.e. those characteristics of cognitive activity, emotional-volitional sphere, performance, personality that are characteristic only of a given child and should be taken into account when organizing individual correctional and developmental work with him. During this stage, based on diagnostics, programs of individual correctional work with the child are developed. The activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical councils (PMPc) of educational institutions play a major role here.

For the successful implementation of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of impaired development, it is necessary to dwell on the consideration of the concept of “disturbed development”.

Leading methodologist of the department of social and pedagogical support of the education department of the Omsk administration Natalya Anatolyevna Mozzherova.

Based on the topic of psychological and pedagogical readings, the main issues that we will consider today are the features of the psychological development of preschool children at different age stages, as well as the system of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process.

The work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is impossible without knowledge of the theoretical foundations and patterns of development of a preschool child.

At preschool age, the foundations for the development of children are laid, and their future fate largely depends on how we (educational psychologists, educators, parents) develop children.

Knowledge of the age characteristics of children is especially important for building psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process.

You, of course, know that periodization is based on theoretical justifications of different authors, (let us briefly recall some of them) for example, L.S. Vygotsky defined age characteristics as the most typical for children of one age or another, indicating general directions of development at one stage of life or another .

The formation of a child’s personality occurs in his active activities. The author of this theory is A.N. Leontyev. The basis of this theory is the idea that at each age stage the leading one is certain activity(communication, play, learning, work), which determines the basic personality changes .

According to theoretical principles, A.A. Bodaleva, A.A. Lomova, A.M. Matyushkin’s organs, systems and mental functions of the child develop at different rates and not in parallel. There are periods during which the body becomes especially sensitive to certain influences of the surrounding reality. Such periods are called sensitive .

Taking into account the above theoretical justifications is the main criterion for age periodization in Russian psychology.

Infancy (0 – 1 year);

Early childhood (1 – 3 years);

Preschool age (3 – 7 years).

(As we see on the slide)

According to periodization, preschool childhood The period is considered to be from 3 to 7 years. Precedes it infancy(from 0 to 1 year) and early age(from 1 year to 3 years). We will not touch upon the period of infancy (from 0 to 1 year), I think the reason for this is clear, this is due to the fact that children of this age do not attend kindergarten.

Due to the fact that the preschool education system often includes nursery groups, which are attended by young children from 1.5 to 2.5 years old, we will touch upon the features of their development. Let's consider the age characteristics of young children.

From 1 year to 3 years

The most important mental neoplasm of early age is the emergence speeches And visually effective thinking. During this period, the child’s active speech is formed and the adult’s speech is understood in the process of joint activity.

There is one famous psychological tale about a boy who spoke at the age of 5. His parents went crazy, taking him to doctors and psychics, but all their efforts remained in vain. And then one day, when the whole family sat down to dinner, the child clearly said: “I have nothing to eat!” There is commotion in the house, mom is fainting, dad cannot remember himself from happiness. When the euphoria passed, the child was asked why he had been silent all this time. The kid quite reasonably answered: “Why did I have to talk? You already spoke for me.”...

For the successful development of a child’s speech, it is necessary to stimulate the child’s statements and encourage him to talk about his desires. With development hearings And understanding messages, speech is used as a means of understanding reality, as a way of regulating behavior on the part of an adult.

Attention, perception and memory in young children are involuntary. Development perception occurs on the basis of externally oriented action (in shape, size, color), with direct correlation and comparison of objects. A child can learn and remember only what he liked or was interested in.

Basic way of knowing a child's understanding of the world around him at a given age is a trial and error method.

Evidence of the transition from infancy to early childhood is the development new attitude to the subject. Which begins to be perceived as thing, having a certain appointment And method of use . Play activity is subject-manipulative in nature.

By the age of three, primary self-esteem appears, awareness of not only one’s own “I”, but also that “I am good”, “I am very good”, “I am good and nothing else”, awareness of this and the emergence of personal actions moves the child to a new level development. The crisis of three years begins - the border between early and preschool childhood. This is destruction, a revision of the old system social relations. According to D.B. Elkonin, the crisis of identifying one’s “I”.

L.S. Vygotsky described 7 characteristics of the 3-year crisis: negativism, stubbornness, obstinacy, protest-rebellion, despotism, jealousy, self-will.

The formation of a child’s personality during the 3-year-old crisis occurs in interaction with adults and peers. The crisis of 3 years resembles a small revolution. If we recall the signs of revolution, we can note that some do not want to live in the old way, while others cannot accept the changes taking place. An adult plays a very important role in this period, since the success of the child’s development largely depends on him. It is the adult who determines the nature of the interaction, guides the act of communication, and stimulates understanding of each other. And the formation of the child’s self-awareness depends on how he reacts to the formation of “self.”

There are two types of reactions to “I myself”:

first– when an adult encourages a child’s independence and, as a result, smoothing out difficulties in relationships .

In the second If an adult, despite qualitative changes in the child’s personality, continues to maintain the same type of relationship, then an aggravation of relationships occurs and a manifestation of negativism occurs.

The next period we will focus on is preschool childhood. Preschool childhood is a large period in a child’s life: it lasts from 3 to 7 years. At this age, the child develops his own position in relation to others. The activity and tirelessness of children is manifested in constant readiness for activity.

Let's consider the developmental features of children 3-4 years old.

At this age, the child perceives an object without attempting to examine it. Based on visual and effective thinking, by the age of 4, children develop visual-figurative thinking. Gradually, the child’s actions become separated from a specific object. Speech becomes coherent, the vocabulary is enriched with adjectives. Prevails recreating imagination. Memory are involuntary and characterized by imagery . Recognition rather than memorization predominates. What is remembered well is what is interesting and emotionally charged. However, everything that is remembered lasts for a long time.

The child is not able to maintain his attention on any one subject for a long time; he quickly switches from one type of activity to another.

Way of knowing– experimentation, design.

At 3-4 years old, children begin to learn rules of relationships in a peer group.

The mental development of children 4-5 years old is characterized by the use of speech as a means of communication and stimulation, expansion of the child’s horizons, and discovery of new facets of the world around them. The child begins to be interested not just in any phenomenon in itself, but in the causes and consequences of its occurrence.

Therefore, the main question for a child of this age is "Why?". The need for new knowledge is actively developing. Thinking is visual and figurative. A big step forward is the development of the ability to form inferences, which is evidence of a separation of thinking from the immediate situation. During this age period, the formation of active speech in children ends.

Attention and memory continue to be involuntary. The dependence of attention on emotional saturation and interest remains. Fantasy is actively developing. By way of knowing the surrounding world are adult stories, experimentation. Play activity is collective in nature. Peers become interesting as partners according to the story game, gender preferences develop. Gaming associations are becoming more stable.

At the age of five or six, the child’s interest is directed to the sphere relationships between people. The adult's assessments are subject to critical analysis and comparison with one's own. By this period, the child has accumulated quite a large store of knowledge, which continues to be intensively replenished. There is further development of the cognitive sphere of the preschool child. Begins to form figurative-schematic thinking , planning function of speech, development is taking place purposeful memorization. Basic way of learning – communication with peers , independent activity and experimentation. Further deepening occurs interest in a playing partner, the idea in gaming activity becomes more complicated. There is a development of volitional qualities that allow the child to organize his attention in advance on the upcoming activity.

Slide 13. Let's consider the age characteristics of children 6-7 years old

So, by the end of preschool age, the child knows what “good” is and what “bad” is, and can also evaluate not only other people’s behavior, but also his own behavior. An extremely important mechanism is being formed subordination of motives. The strongest motive for a preschooler is encouragement and receiving a reward. The weaker is punishment, the even weaker is his own promise. Another important line of personality development is the formation of self-awareness. By the age of 7, a child develops self-control and voluntary behavior, self-esteem becomes more adequate .

Based on visual-figurative thinking children develop elements of logical thinking. Happening development of inner speech . Way of knowing– independent activity, cognitive communication with adults and peers. Peer is perceived as an interlocutor, a partner in activity. By the end of preschool age, boys and girls do not play all games together; they develop specific games - only for boys and only for girls. The most important result of the preschool period is the readiness of children to study at school.

Based on a generalization of theoretical approaches to solving problems of school readiness, a number of its characteristics can be identified.

1. A strong desire to study and attend school (maturation of the educational motive).

2. A fairly wide range of knowledge about the world around us.

3. The ability to perform basic mental operations.

4. Achieving a certain level of mental and physical endurance.

5. Development of intellectual, moral and aesthetic feelings.

6. A certain level of speech and communication development.

Thus, psychological readiness for schooling is formed in a child throughout preschool childhood, i.e. from 3 to 7 years and is a complex structural education, including intellectual, personal, socio-psychological and emotional-volitional readiness.

Thus, the basis of psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children is the psychological characteristics of children at each age stage of development, periods of crisis, as well as psychological neoplasms. The problem of implementing developmental education can be solved through a clear awareness of the patterns of development of the child’s personality, its sources and movement.

In methodological recommendations for psychological and pedagogical support of students in the educational process in the context of modernization of education (letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2003 No. 28-51-513\16) it says that:

The object of psychological and pedagogical support is educational process (teaching and educational process);

The subject of the activity is the situation child development as a system of child relationships:

With peace;

With others (adults, peers);

With yourself.

Purpose psychological and pedagogical support for child development in educational process is to ensure the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of development at the appropriate age).

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support.

Prevention of child development problems;

Help (assist) the child in solving current problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

Psychological support of educational programs ;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers.

Let me remind you of the main directions of psychological and pedagogical work.

Areas of work in psychological and pedagogical support

- Prevention– this is one of the main activities that allows you to prevent the occurrence of certain problems. The peculiarity of prevention in preschool age is the indirect impact on the child through parents and educators.

- Diagnostics(individual, group (screening)). Taking into account age characteristics, as well as the goals and objectives of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool institution, we can identify the main directions that need to be accompanied in a preschool institution, and therefore diagnose them: firstly, since we monitor the child’s development rate, and We know crisis periods and neoplasms of different age stages, we can identify problem areas, such as adaptation period to a preschool educational institution (from 1.5 years and older), because Children come to kindergarten at different ages. Escort crisis 3 years. We have already talked about it in detail. Tracking age-related neoplasms according to the main criteria for each age period, which have already been listed. And also accompany readiness to study at school. I would like to note that you have teaching assistants who also monitor the effectiveness of teaching activities.

An analysis of the reports of educational psychologists shows that in fact, only 9% of specialists monitor the development and adaptation of children of the younger and middle groups, 68% of educational psychologists monitor the norm of development of children of the older group, and 100% of specialists diagnose readiness for learning at school .

- Consulting(individual, group), is usually carried out based on stated problems with both teachers and parents.

- Developmental work

- Corrective work(individual, group).

If in correctional and developmental work a support system specialist has a certain standard of mental development to which he strives to bring the child closer, then in developmental work he is guided by average age development norms in order to create conditions in which the child can rise to the optimal level. for him state of the art. The latter may be either higher or lower than the statistical average. Corrective work has the meaning of “correcting” deviations, and developmental work has the meaning of revealing the child’s potential. At the same time, developmental work is not just training of a certain ability, but is focused on working with other factors that determine progress in educational work.

- Psychological awareness and education: formation of psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of children, administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

The approval of the paradigm of developmental, personality-oriented education (and you all have written developmental programs), the tasks of increasing the professionalism of teaching staff require a transition from the traditional model of psychological education to a model of psychological development teachers' competence. (in our opinion, we are talking about the methodological function of a teacher-psychologist) It is necessary to move away from the model when a teacher-psychologist acts alone, the efforts of the entire teaching staff should be combined, and for this it is important to equip teachers with anthropo- and psychotechnics that allow them to solve current problems of development and raising a child, his education. The next direction of work is

- Expertise(educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists from educational institutions).

Today, in the system of psychological and pedagogical support, along with traditional types of activities, such a complex direction as participation in the development (design) of development programs for educational institutions, as well as their psychological and pedagogical support, is being implemented. In our city, in all preschool educational institutions, development programs have been developed and protected, in which educational psychologists play not the last, but the leading role.

Firstly, they describe the block of psychological and pedagogical support of the development program.

Secondly, perform content examination other blocks of the program from a psychological point of view.

Program - this is a normative model joint activities people who determine the sequence of actions to achieve a goal. Therefore, to implement it, you need a team of like-minded people, experts in their field. In a preschool educational institution, these are: senior teacher, educational psychologist, teachers working with groups of children, medical specialists. workers (speech therapists, speech pathologists, if any). "There is safety in numbers".

Early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders;

Ensuring school readiness

At the institution level The task of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is the joint activity of all specialists ( optimally combined into a service, consultation, etc.) to identify developmental problems children and providing primary assistance in overcoming difficulties in acquiring knowledge, interacting with teachers, parents, and peers. At this level, preventive programs are also implemented, covering large groups of students, and expert, advisory, and educational work is carried out with the administration and teachers.

The system of psychological and pedagogical support is based on:

· firstly, the age characteristics of children at different periods of development;

· secondly, psychological and pedagogical areas of activity.

Psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as complex technology , a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization.

This assumes that a specialist in psychological and pedagogical support not only knows the methods of diagnosis, counseling, correction, but also has the ability to systematically analyze problem situations, program and plan activities aimed at resolving them, co-organizing for these purposes participants in the educational process (child, peers, parents, teachers, administration) (essentially being a manager).

Building an effective support system will make it possible to solve the problems of development and learning of children within the educational environment of the institution, and to avoid the unreasonable redirection of the child’s problem to external services.

Thus, it should be concluded that the intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support in recent years is associated with expanding ideas about the goals of education, which include the goals of development, education, ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children. With this approach, psychological and pedagogical support can no longer be considered as a “service sector”, “service department”, but acts as an integral element of the education system, an equal partner of structures and specialists of other profiles in solving the problems of training, education and development of the new generation.

Today, at psychological and pedagogical readings devoted to the problem of building a system of activities taking into account age characteristics, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of working on psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children, taking into account age characteristics.

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