Amazing man. People who surprised us this week

A resident of the village of Petrovskoye, Liskisky district, 34-year-old Tatyana Golovneva won the second season creative competition“The Man Who Surprised Us” by the Voronezh Courier newspaper (part of the RIA Voronezh holding). The editor of the publication, Boris Podgainy, presented the multicooker and souvenirs to the winner on Friday, March 23.

Tatyana Golovneva enjoys beadwork, crocheting, sewing and wickerwork. The woman already took part in the first season of the competition, but did not make it to the finals.

“Now luck has smiled on me. Photos of my paintings embroidered with beads received 783 votes on social networks. By education I am a geography teacher. But I liked creativity more,” said Tatyana.

Now Tatyana Golovneva works in the branch of the Liskinsky Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth. Tatyana is a regular participant and winner of the regional festivals “Cossack Cradle”, “Vivat, Ikorets!”, “On Ivan Kupala” and the regional fair “Gifts of the Voronezh Land”.


The competition “The Man Who Surprised Us” was held for the second time. 12 residents of the region took part in it. Voting took place on social networks on the page of the Voronezh Courier newspaper from February 20 to March 13. In the first season of the competition, the Liskian also won. Serviceman Nikolai Marchenko is passionate about flanking a Cossack saber.

When Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him and asked Him: Lord! my servant lies at home in relaxation and suffers cruelly. Jesus says to him: I will come and heal him.

The centurion, answering, said: Lord! I am not worthy for You to come under my roof, but just say the word, and my servant will recover; for I am a subordinate man, but, having soldiers under my command, I say to one: go, and he goes; and to another: come, and he comes; and to my servant: Do this, and he does. When Jesus heard this, he was surprised and said to those following Him, “Truly I say to you, even in Israel I have not found such faith.”
Matthew 8:5-10

An ordinary feat

On one of my trips - I flew from Simferopol to Moscow - I witnessed a miracle. A woman gave birth to a child in front of me, right on the plane. The most amazing thing, of course, is not this fact itself, but how those who were nearby at that moment reacted. There were no doctors on board, and when the laboring woman started having contractions, 23-year-old unemployed Muscovite Sofya, by profession a masseur, and one of the flight attendants came to her aid. I saw with my own eyes how Sophia, kneeling next to a bleeding woman lying on the floor of the salon, took a baby into her arms - having never given birth before! - then she resuscitated a newborn girl. The child was born at the 29th week, weighed a little more than a kilogram and, upon being born, was no longer breathing... Sophia sucked the mucus from the dying child’s mouth and nose with her mouth, then gave him artificial respiration. And a miracle happened: the baby moved, began to breathe and cried quietly! And at that moment our plane, the hundred-ton colossus Airbus 320, touched the landing strip like a feather - we were making an emergency landing in Kharkov... The commander of the ship knew that a woman was giving birth in the cabin, he held the helm as if there was someone standing behind him angel.
Fire trucks rushed to the plane, ambulance. The ambulance doctors have already cut the girl’s umbilical cord (the mother named her daughter Varvara). It turned out that this was the young woman’s third child, her third girl! Passengers began collecting money for the baby, for diapers - in a few minutes they collected about 50-60 thousand rubles! Some passengers were crying...
The mother and newborn daughter were carefully unloaded through the emergency exit, the plane was refueled, and we flew to Moscow. That night, after everything I had seen, I did not sleep for a single minute. This picture is still before my eyes...
Vladimir Zakhvatov

Dangerous Santa Claus

About ten years ago, on a train, I got into a conversation with a nice old man. He began to remember how in his youth, in Soviet era, worked as a teacher in orphanage. Here is one of his stories, which I, frivolous, then perceived as a funny anecdote.
It was under New Year. Our hero really wanted to arrange a real winter holiday for his charges - cheerful and joyful, like in the family. But it was impossible to get any shiny tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, or other attributes. Nevertheless, it turned out to be a holiday - and what a celebration! Happy Santa Claus! The “base” for it was found in the attic: it became... a bust of Ilyich. Together with two older children, he was carefully disguised as the desired character and caused indescribable delight among the children.
“Can you imagine what would happen to me if the authorities found out?” - Having finished the story, the interlocutor asked me. I nodded politely, although in reality I had little idea. And now I can already imagine... And also - now I know the price of true mercy, which does not retreat even in the face of fear.
Olga, Dzerzhinsk

365 surprises

I have one friend who manages to surprise all 365 (or 366) days a year. I keep thinking: how did one person do so much in just a few decades that would be enough for ten people to last a lifetime? She raised (alone, without a husband) five adopted children, and took from orphanage the most difficult ones, usually adolescence. Now they are all grown up, and my friend is a young grandmother to countless grandchildren!
And here I would like to put a triumphant point, but no! After the children, homeless people, tramps and homeless people began, to whom she brought food, clothes and even... washed and bandaged their wounds. At the same time, I went to psychoneurological boarding schools, to grandparents from nursing homes forgotten by the whole world, to countless volunteer camps and, finally, to “hot spots”.
In general, she can safely be called a human battery. She begins every new and already mastered business with such inspiration and optimism that she is immediately drawn to join. You look: one, having “recharged”, is already going with her to the homeless, others have decided to take the child from the orphanage (“Since she was able to raise five, we can even handle one!”), others are going to orphan grandmothers at the end of the world...
Julia, Moscow

White Crow

I don't know about others bus routes and in other cities, but on the route that I have to travel to work every day, the conductors are excellent. In short, no invigorating morning bickering or irritated summing up. working day(publicly and with unflattering reviews about the passengers - the culprits of its ruin) not a single trip is complete.
But one gloomy morning, passengers crowding at the exit heard parting words spoken unexpectedly warmly for a transport worker - and completely sincere! - in a tone: “I wish you all health, a good day and good mood" And they involuntarily looked around in bewilderment...
Olga Skhirtladze

Become a wonderful person

“I no longer believe in almost anything, I don’t hope for anything,” the girl writes on the Internet after talking about her serious illness, “but it’s a miracle that my husband still loves me.” For this girl, a wonderful person is her husband. An artist friend has two children, both with cerebral palsy. When I meet her, I am always surprised by her appearance - she looks as if life has prepared a wonderful gift for her. And her paintings are beautiful, bright.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine...” a teenage girl with a severe genetic disease consoles me.
All these wonderful people, it seems to me, once said to themselves in the words of the wonderful poetess Anna Logvinova:
I’m going on an excursion a little out of control
and there - that’s the joy - golden children
what a holiday - I think - wow
golden children, golden trays
gold trays, silver goats
met in life an absent-minded Muscovite
but I don’t want to, I don’t want to be under anesthesia,
but I want it out of love, out of love.
You can become a wonderful person - you just really really love not your pain, not your heroism, not your patience, but another person...
Anya Studenaya

My friend Sasha Stronin

When people ask about amazing people, I remember a friend we buried three years ago. Sasha Stronina.
...After another chemotherapy, Sasha had a temperature of about forty - and he spent about a quarter of the year with high temperature. Such people rarely do anything active work. But Sasha couldn’t do it any other way. I stopped by to see him, I saw him smiling and telling me a story with extraordinary enthusiasm. IN Bryansk region A pregnant girl was given a terrible diagnosis. Soon the boy, the father of the child, abandoned her. Doctors tried to force her to have an abortion. But she decided to give birth, and the disease caused complications - so the girl lost her leg. The baby was born ahead of schedule. What next is unclear. And so Sasha Stronin with two of his friends, also cancer patients, gets into the car and goes to Bryansk to baptize this child, communicate with the girl, and decide what’s next. And just after returning, he tells me this story. And everyone glows with joy... There were dozens of such stories! He pulled people out of depression, helped them overcome the terrible feeling of being abandoned by God.
The life of Sasha Stronin for me was a life-sermon. Moreover, Sasha never preached anything directly. He simply lived and fought to do, act, help others: he organized a society to help people suffering from cancer. People in a state of stress called him, sobbing into the phone: “Everything is gone, there is no need to live further...”. And he somehow talked to such a person in a special way, told how, soon after the birth of the child, he learned about his diagnosis - sarcoma, endured about forty chemotherapy treatments and has been living for nine years now (instead of the three months promised by doctors). trusting in God.
A kind of line that divided everything into “before” and “after” was the moment when Sasha stopped walking. But then I was struck by the fact that this condition and this question that arose “how to live further?” - all this led not to despondency or despair, but to some kind of special - also new - prayer to God, a desire to trust His holy will. Since then, Sasha moved only in a wheelchair and outwardly he was a frail invalid, but I perfectly understood that this was only outwardly. Internally, spiritually he is healthy, and we are disabled...
Sasha Stronin's faith has always seemed childish to me - in the sense that it is alive, sincere, and light. The closeness of God was something natural to him. He never tried to teach anyone anything. Sometimes he just talked about something of his own: how prayer helped, how understanding of this or that came, etc. And yet the very sight of someone smiling, joyful person, confined to a wheelchair - this was a kind of unconscious missionary.
We spoke with Sasha a few hours before his death. It was already very difficult for him, he was already having difficulty breathing, fluid was accumulating in his lungs... Nevertheless, he was completely complacent. For me this is God's presence. The Lord was reflected in his weakness.
Light was given by his smile, which even death could not erase...
After his death, his body was in the church at the Fifth City Hospital. There was no sorrow or despondency in us - those who gathered there. There was a feeling of trust in God and, most amazingly, the feeling that Sasha now supports us even more. Of course, we cried next to the coffin - these were normal human tears. But it was neither hard nor bad for us. Not only Sasha’s life, but also his death became a confirmation of the presence of God next to us - in all situations, small and large...
Sergey Rudov

Amazing man as a personality quality - the ability to be excellent, amazing, extraordinary in terms of the demonstrated personality qualities, in some of its external characteristics, extraordinary in strength and degree of its manifestation.

Amazing humility: One person was told: “You are as greedy as a dog!” “Yes,” he agreed, “I’m as greedy as a dog.” Then they told him: “You are as obstinate as a horse!” - “Yes, I’m as obstinate as a horse!” - he agreed. Seeing this behavior, people were surprised and asked this amazing man: “Well, they called you a dog and a horse, and you agreed. Are you an ass? “Yes, I’m an ass,” he agreed. Everyone shrugged their shoulders, and someone said thoughtfully: “You know, there’s something... very human about him.”

An amazing person can be amazing and exceptional to everyone and to one. Love, for example, always makes someone exceptional and surprising to itself.

I'm so tired of listening to you, mom,

Let off some steam at least

or pull the stopcock,

Don't slander, don't, visual deception,

And if you look really closely, he's a great kid,

He's all like that (oh-oh), I already know that!

In order for an amazing person to appear in your life, you need to love him. Honore de Balzac wrote: “Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers.”

I love a person - that means I am surprised by him to the depths of my soul. We all want to love and be loved, which means that in order for this desire to come true, you need to become an amazing person. Isn’t it a good goal to become an amazing person for someone, in the sense of authenticity? Be genuinely surprised and interested in other people, and you will become surprising and interesting to them. For holy personalities, all people are amazing precisely because they love all people.

The genius of Mozart is amazing for all people. Mozart masterfully played all the instruments of his time, although he was afraid of the trumpet since childhood: its loud sound terrified him. Already at the age of four, Wolfgang wrote his first plays. In total, during his 35-year life, Mozart gave the world more than 600 works.

Isn’t our Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov surprising? To create such serious, brilliant works before the age of 26. Many youngsters of his age have their minds practically switched off; their centers work, controlled from their trousers. And here is such a stunning triumph of genius, such a rise in the human spirit!

Those interested in the question of who are the most amazing people in the world throughout history need to know about the American child prodigy, born in 1898. William James Sidis is considered the most smart person ever lived on earth. At one and a half years old, William read newspapers on his own, until his eighth birthday. little genius managed to write 4 books. Sidis' intelligence level was estimated at 250-300 points, this record has not been broken to this day.

In the history of Harvard, William Sidis is listed as the youngest and most gifted student, who entered the university at the age of 11 (previously they refused to accept him because of his age). His fellow students were amazing people and outstanding personalities who made significant contributions to the development of physics, mathematics and other sciences. But young William stood out among them. He lectured, wrote treatises, and studied languages. But his abilities aroused envy and aggression from those around him: he was threatened with physical harm, prison and a mental hospital. Growing up, Sidis was forced to hide his genius and even quit his job every time he exposed himself. This one died man of genius at the age of 42 from a cerebral hemorrhage.

In a word, when we talk about an exceptional person, epithets come to mind: extraordinary, extraordinary, incredible, exceptional. “His health was amazing, unheard of.” I.S. Turgenev. “She had a slender figure of amazing strength and agility.” N.S. Leskov.

It’s a real luck in life to meet a person who is amazing in his nobility and decency. We are all amazing in some way. François de La Rochefoucauld wrote: “It is much easier to know a person in general than any person in particular.” Moliere echoes him: “No matter what they say, there is something extraordinary in a person - something that no scientists can explain.”

Do not stain your soul with vices, and you will become an amazing person. A person who lives by heart is always in in a good way amazing. An amazing person is a series of his amazing actions. There is nothing more amazing in the world than man.

Look for your amazing person, then the world will begin to surprise you with new colors. The poet Zelvin Horn writes in his poem “A Wonderful Man”:

Sometimes, like the first rain,
Sometimes, like the first snow,
Suddenly it comes when you don't expect it
Amazing man.

Sometimes like fireworks
Unexpected among the skies,
Amazing man
Appears suddenly in fate.

I wouldn't recognize him in the crowd
In a restaurant and on the highway -
Suddenly he comes up to you,
A man not like everyone else.

And not immediately, but after an hour
Suddenly you feel: he is different -
By the special smile of the eyes,
And your soul rushes towards him.

And not immediately, but after an hour
A thought will illuminate you like light,
What speaks to you now
Amazing man.

The one you didn't expect at all
But who came to you
Let it be for a month, not a year,
But it’s good for your soul.

Because I recognized you
Because he said “hello!”
And that I shook your hand
Amazing man.

Petr Kovalev 2015

Most people have regretted not having superpowers at least once in their lives. Pushing a cup of tea towards you from the other end of the table or seeing right through a person - for many this is just a dream.

Soaring Hume

The most famous person who possessed it may have been the Scottish medium Daniel Dunglass Hume, who lived in the 19th century. His London levitation sessions became a sensation. Witnesses have repeatedly described how a man lifted himself off the floor to a certain height and hovered near the ceiling “in horizontal position“, and in 1867, in front of three witnesses, Hume completely flew out of the bedroom window on the third floor and returned back through the living room window. Not only lords and countesses, but also “rulers of destinies” could appreciate Hume’s phenomenal capabilities. Among his admirers was Napoleon III, Russian Emperor Alexander II and German Kaiser Wilhelm I. Lots of impressions from the session in different times received Thackeray, Mark Twain and Arthur Conan Doyle. Hume's reputation was impeccable - he was never accused of quackery or fraud. He often invited independent experts, including eminent scientists, to his sessions to confirm his status as “the greatest medium of all time.”


48-year-old Daniel Kisch loves cycling. This, of course, is not surprising, if not for one “but”: the man is blind. At the age of one, he was given a terrible diagnosis - retinoblastoma (retinal cancer). Doctors performed a complex operation, during which both of the patient's eyes were removed. Trying to adapt to new conditions, the baby began to make special sounds, clicking his tongue - this made it easier to navigate in space. Training continues throughout your life. A year ago, in an interview with National Geographic magazine, Kish said that every click creates sound waves, which are “repelled” from the surface and return in the form of a weakened echo. “My brain converts echoes into dynamic images,” Daniel said. - It's like talking to environment" Since 2000, under the leadership of Daniel, a small non-profit organization “A World Accessible to the Blind” has been working. The founder himself and 500 volunteers from 25 countries teach blind children the art of echolocation, which is successfully used, for example, bats. Many of Daniel’s students have proven by personal example that superpowers can be obtained as a result of painstaking work on oneself. Blindness does not prevent them from moving without assistance; they go on long hikes and ride bicycles.

Malaysian "magnet"

There are many stories about people who, like a magnet, are able to attract metal objects to their bodies. A spectacular performance by one of these phenomena awaited all spectators. Discovery Channel, which aired the show “One Step Beyond” in 2005. At the end of his performance, 80-year-old Malaysian Liu Tou Lin easily magnetized... a car to himself. After the study, scientists confirmed that the body of a human magnet functions in exact accordance with the vital signs that are characteristic of an 80-year-old person. The reasons for the emergence of this amazing ability remained undisclosed. Lin himself is sure that his magnetic gift is inherited: his sons and grandsons have the same superpower.

The Kulagina phenomenon

The Kulagina phenomenon produced the effect of a bomb exploding in the 60s of the last century. As Larry Kettlecamp wrote, a woman could move static objects and change their trajectory. During numerous experiments, Ninel Kulagina (aka Nelly Mikhailova) demonstrated her amazing abilities many scientists, among whom were Nobel laureates. For example, she could easily separate the white from the yolk of a broken egg in water, or speed up and slow down the pulse of a frog, and then stop its heart altogether. During the experiments, the subject’s pulse increased to 240 beats per minute. Doctor Sergeev, who controlled the experiment with the frog, also noted that Kulagina sudden changes brain parameters and others unusual features. Most of the experiments were recorded on film, and these black-and-white films, shown to domestic and Western experts in 1968, became a real sensation. A little later, some researchers criticized the “purity of the experiment.” For example, academician Alexey Ivanitsky, who studied this phenomenon, argued that Kulagina used nylon threads, and to move the compass needle, a magnet attached to her finger under the bandage.

Igniting glance

In parapsychology, there is the term “pyrokinesis” - the ability to remotely increase the temperature of bodies and cause them to ignite. Fans of Stephen King are well aware of this superpower from the story “Ignite with a Glance.” A resident of Mongolia, Batmunkhiin Unurme, cannot control her abilities as well as King’s heroine, the girl Charlie, was able to do. Neither dark glasses nor pouring water on objects around you in advance helps. As a result, the parents asked their daughter to move in with relatives, considering that their apartment in a stone building was more fire-resistant than a yurt. However, tragedy could not be avoided. After the fire, neighbors started a rumor that the house was set on fire deliberately in order to receive compensation from the state in the form of more comfortable housing. The unfortunate woman was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown.

Gutta-percha record holder

Danielle Browning Smith is a five-time Guinness World Record holder. This amazingly flexible man discovered his superpower in early childhood. Already at the age of four, he could fold his body in such a way that it was absolutely contradictory physiological characteristics. At the age of 18, Smith ran away from his father's house with circus performers. To this day, he earns his living with his unforgettable shows. The gutta-percha artist from Los Angeles can not only put his legs behind his ears or compact his body into a small box, but also “leak” through a tennis racket or move his own heart into cavities chest. Experts claim that Smith was endowed with flexibility at birth, he just managed to develop the ability to such fantastic proportions.

X-ray woman

In mid-June 1987, the Izvestia newspaper reported amazing story Yulia Fedorovna Vorobyova. A 37-year-old resident of Donetsk received a serious work injury: while working on a truck crane, her body was pierced by a 380-volt electrical discharge. Doctors pronounced him dead. The woman’s body was sent to the morgue, where a couple of days later Yulia... woke up. This happened at the moment when one of the students made an incision on her finger. Julia did not immediately begin to “see through people.” According to her in my own words, for six months she practically could not sleep, and the headaches were so severe that her neighbors had to spend the night with friends and relatives because of her screams. And then the pain went away, and it was replaced by a phenomenal ability. When Yulia first saw the “movement in the intestines” of a woman standing at a bus stop, she decided that she had gone crazy. Yulia Fedorovna decided to use her “skills” to benefit people. Her successful work in a Donetsk hospital she saved the lives of more than one patient - the X-ray woman never made a mistake with the diagnosis. Yulia Fedorovna cannot explain her phenomenon: she sees people as if transparent, while a benign tumor is “pleasant to the eye” and has pink, and malignant - a pearlescent sheen. Yulia Fedorovna also has three children, three grandchildren and 17 cats living on the roof that “need to be fed.”

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