Outdated vocabulary in historical prose by D. Balashov

There are many special categories of words in the Russian language. They help people describe certain things and phenomena in more detail. One of these special categories of words is historicisms. In this article we will talk about this group, as well as the difference between historicisms and archaisms. Moreover, let's look at examples of historicism words and their meanings.

What is historicism?

The Russian language, like any other language, is a constantly changing living organism that often takes on new forms. The modern Russian language is very different from the one used by the first princes. He went through several stages in his development. There are three stages of historical development:

  1. Old Russian language.
  2. Old Russian language.
  3. National language period.

It sounded differently in different historical eras. Due to constant development, the lexical composition has changed greatly. As an example, let's take the documents of Ancient Rus'. The average person is unlikely to be able to understand what is written in the text. There are too many unknown words, and familiar words have a completely different meaning. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, a large number of new concepts have appeared in the vocabulary that enrich the vocabulary of the language. You can also increase your active vocabulary by borrowing foreign words to add variety to your vocabulary. This rule works vice versa. Some words cease to be used, because many objects have disappeared from everyday life. So the words that described these objects are disappearing from everyday life. These words are called historicisms. The picture below is an example of historicisms.

What is archaism?

Archaism means something slightly different. They have one thing in common with historicisms, which is why they are often confused. Historicisms and archaisms are often used in old works. But there is a fairly big difference between them: if historicisms describe objects that have disappeared from our lives, then archaisms are an outdated form of naming an object that exists. As an example, let's take a word that we know from children's books - gold. This is archaic, because this word has a modern form - gold.

What is the difference between them?

The difference is quite big. One small detail will help determine what is in front of you, historicism or archaism. The second has commonly used synonyms. Of course, these two concepts are quite arbitrary. Words fall out of use for various reasons. In some cases, they return to active vocabulary after a long period of time. Here is an example of historicism words that returned to circulation after some time: lieutenant, minister, officer, etc. Linguistic scientists create special dictionaries in which such words are entered.

Another important difference between archaisms and historicisms is that archaisms have 3 degrees of obsolescence. They are specially identified by linguists to track the age of the vocabulary of a language.

What can be concluded? Many words fall out of frequent use and become passive or disappear. For words that have passed into a passive state, there are two options: if they were replaced by others, the word became an archaism; if the object itself has disappeared - then by historicism. They differ in meaning, this should not be forgotten. Below in the picture you can see an example of historicism and archaism. This way you can more clearly understand the difference between them.

Examples of historicisms and archaisms in the Russian language and their meanings

Historicisms can be divided into several categories, depending on which historical period the vocabulary belongs to. Examples of historicisms in Russian:

  1. Tiun - princely steward.
  2. Smerd is a peasant who is directly dependent on the prince.
  3. Bratina is a composition for serving alcoholic beverages.
  4. Nepman - entrepreneur in the USSR during the NEP period.
  5. Boyar is the highest stratum of society in Ancient Rus'.
  6. Educational program - program to eliminate illiteracy.
  7. Tax in kind is a food tax levied on farms, introduced to replace food appropriation.
  8. Altyn is a coin equal to three kopecks.
  9. A landowner is a landowner who belongs to the privileged class.
  10. Prince is the title of a person close to the throne.
  11. Count is the title of a major nobleman.
  12. Onuchi - wrappings for feet under boots.
  13. Clerk - a scribe and clerk in the clerk's office.
  14. A short fur coat is a short sheepskin coat.

Let's look at examples of archaic words:

  1. Eyes - eyes.
  2. Eight - eight.
  3. Finger - finger.
  4. An adversary is a villain, an enemy, a scoundrel.
  5. The belly is life.
  6. Lanita - cheeks.
  7. Mouth - lips, mouth.
  8. Shelom - helmet.
  9. Night - night.
  10. To speak - to speak.
  11. The right hand is the right hand.
  12. Voice - voice.
  13. Just now - a long time ago.
  14. Evening - last night.

Here are also examples of words that became historicisms, but then returned to active vocabulary:

  1. Hryvnia. Initially - a neck decoration in the form of a hoop, later - a monetary unit of Ukraine
  2. An officer. After the revolution, officer ranks were removed from the army, but were returned in 1943.
  3. Shoulder straps. Also after the revolution they were removed from military uniforms, but were returned in 1943.
  4. Ministry. They were liquidated after the revolution, and in the 1950s they were created anew instead of the People's Commissariats.

Again, the difference between these categories of words is clearly visible. Historicism can only be expressed by a term, archaism by a synonym. There is another rather interesting feature. Historicisms are more often found in history textbooks and are used there as scientific terms. Archaisms are closer to language, just one word has been replaced by another. So we have seen examples and meanings of historicisms, so now the reader will have a clearer understanding of this topic.

The role of historicisms and archaisms in literary works

Special vocabulary helps to recreate the historical flavor in works so that the reader can completely immerse himself in the atmosphere of the time being described. Also, poets do not disdain special vocabulary. It helps create a solemn atmosphere in the poem. Typically, poets use archaisms to give speech a higher poetic sound. Another important detail that special vocabulary helps to emphasize is the display of comic and satirical moments. Saltykov-Shchedrin especially often used this property to create ironic situations and ridicule human vices.

What cultural role does outdated vocabulary play?

The use of such vocabulary by writers expands the reader’s understanding of the historical period and Russian culture. Thanks to this, a person gains additional knowledge. This knowledge will help to form a full-fledged personality who knows how to get acquainted with the world through languages. A person learns to think broadly, to be spiritually and morally strong, aesthetically educated, to love and respect the history of our country.


Special vocabulary plays a big role in the Russian language. With its help, we can recreate the atmosphere of the past, which writers often use in their works. Her role is difficult to overestimate. After all, these words describe historical objects that we will never see. That is why it is considered “passive vocabulary”, because it is quite difficult to hear historicisms and archaisms. They can be considered the historical heritage of our language, so they need to be protected. Even though this vocabulary has fallen out of active use, most people know it and, when they encounter it in literary works, understand it. And without the use of archaisms and historicisms in literature, works lose their solemnity and originality. In this article we looked at examples of historicisms and archaisms that helped us understand what they are and what the difference is between them.

    HISTORICISM - this means the words were known only to our ancestors and fell out of use. For example, the names of ancient types of weapons: halberd, axe, arquebus. But if a thing or concepts remain, but their names leave the language and are replaced by others, these are ARCHAISMS. For example: this-this; very green; teenage boy. Archaisms may not differ entirely from modern words, but in some sounds: piit-poet. Poets often used outdated words to give poetry a solemn tone. For example:

  • Historicisms

    These are outdated words that have ceased to be used due to the fact that the objects and phenomena that they denoted have disappeared, for example, constable, boyar, shishak.


    In general, these are also outdated and outdated words. But there are different types of archaisms:

    • lexical, these are outdated words for which in modern language there is a synonym: neck (neck), in vain (in vain, in vain), that is to say (that is);
    • semantic, these are words used in modern language in an outdated meaning: existing (meaning existing), belly (meaning life);
    • lexical-phonetic, words with the same meaning, but pronounced differently: mirror (mirror), glad (hunger), piit (poet);
    • lexical-word-formative, words with the same meaning, but formed from other words: shepherd (shepherd), answer (answer).
  • Archaisms(from Greek ancient) these are words that have fallen out of use due to the emergence of new words, however, in modern Russian there are their synonyms.

    Historicisms- words or phrases that are the names of disappeared objects or phenomena. For example, boyar, smerd, educational program

    The difference between archaism and historicism

    • archaism is a word that has fallen out of use, but the object that was called by this word remained, receiving a different name.
    • Historicism is a word that has fallen out of use along with the object that denoted it.
  • I'll try to explain in my own words:

    Archaisms are words that are practically no longer used, because a modern replacement has already been invented for them: cheeks were previously called cheeks, lips were lips, eyes were eyes.

    But historicisms are words that have left our speech due to the fact that the objects that denote them have sunk into oblivion. Here are examples: halberd (this type of weapon is gone, and the word is gone from the lexicon), master and serf - they are no longer there, the names are also irrelevant.

    I hope I was able to explain clearly.

    The difference between historicisms and archaisms is that historicisms are outdated words denoting objects, phenomena, concepts, etc. that have long disappeared from our everyday life, which no one uses now, and accordingly they have no synonyms. And archaisms are also outdated words, but objects, concepts, etc., called by such words exist in our time, that is, archaisms have synonyms. Examples of historicisms are plow, gladiator, boyar, arshin. Examples of archaisms are perst (finger), swara (quarrel), dlan (hand).

    Archaisms have synonyms in modern Russian.

    But historicisms do not have (or have, only partially coinciding in meaning). But objects or words that denote historicisms are simply absent in the modern world.

    Historicisms and archaisms belong to the vocabulary of a limited sphere of use. It will not be difficult to distinguish them if you understand the essence.

    Archaisms(from the Greek archaikys ancient, ancient) - these are ancient words that have been replaced by others in the modern language. For example: eyes - eyes.

    Historicisms they were not replaced by anything, but simply went out of active use, since the words that they denoted went out of use, and, accordingly, out of active use. For example: bast shoes (nowadays no one wears bast shoes, and therefore the word is not actively used).

  • Archaisms.

    Archaisms- these are words that have fallen out of use in colloquial speech in modern times. To be more precise, these are outdated words that in modern language have been replaced by new words similar in meaning to archaisms - synonyms.

    Examples of archaisms:

    • finger - finger,
    • right hand - right hand,
    • shuytsa - left hand,
    • neck - neck,
    • lop - flat extension, leaf.


    Historicisms- these are outdated words that are no longer used in modern speech, because the objects or concepts they denote have disappeared from life.

    Historicisms are the only names for objects or phenomena that have disappeared from life. Therefore, historicisms, unlike archaisms, do not have synonyms.

    All historicism words can be combined into groups:

    1. names of ancient clothing - caftan, kokoshnik,
    2. names of monetary units - arshin, penny,
    3. names of titles - boyar, prince,
    4. names of officials - policeman, clerk,
    5. administrative names - volost, district.
  • Historicisms And archaisms constitute the passive composition of Russian vocabulary, in contrast to the active vocabulary that we use hourly and daily.

    Historicisms, as their name implies, denote objects and concepts that have disappeared over time. And the words calling them remained as a monument of antiquity, for example: noblewoman, smerd, serf, tsar, kulak, rabfakovets, horse-drawn horse, gendarme, arshin, berkovets, dozen.

    Archaisms are outdated words that name concepts and objects that exist now. As a rule, there are modern analogue words, that is, synonyms of archaisms. Historicisms do not have this.

    Archaisms are often incomprehensible to modern people. To understand the meaning of archaism, you should choose a modern identical word, for example:

    Percy - chest, cheeks - cheeks, eyelids - eyelids, ramen - shoulders, interpreter - translator, operator - surgeon, barber - hairdresser.

    Both archaisms and historicisms are called upon to create the flavor of the era in fiction, cinema and theater. And in some cases, an inappropriately used outdated word creates a comic effect in speech.

    It is actually quite easy to distinguish these words, if only you know the meaning of these words.

    Historicisms these are those outdated words that have become outdated due to the fact that those things, concepts that existed before have already disappeared, remained only in history. For example, the words penny and half are historicisms. Why? Yes, because now we do not have such monetary units, they have gone into oblivion, or, more simply put, they have disappeared.

    Archaisms they call those words that name those things, concepts that exist to this day, but they just have new names. For example, these are well-known words: eye - eye, palm - hand, as well as maiden - teenager, piit - poet and many others.

In the Russian language there are active and passive vocabulary. The first consists of words that each of us uses almost every day; the second group includes words rarely used in speech. This includes archaisms, historicisms, neologisms. They are studied in the section “Vocabulary and Lexicology”.

Active and passive vocabulary

The vocabulary of the Russian language has millions of words. Linguists divide all words of the Russian language into two large groups - active vocabulary and passive.

Passive vocabulary includes words that are familiar or recognizable to a person, but are rarely used. Here archaisms, historicisms, and neologisms are distinguished.

Active vocabulary includes words that we use quite often. These include conjunctions and pronouns, words with which we designate the world around us. This includes the name of furniture, clothing, products, words to denote family ties, professions, names of emotions and many others.

The active and passive vocabulary of each person is individual and depends on age, place of residence, and professional activity. Throughout our lives, its volume changes in one direction or another, depending on a number of factors.

Passive vocabulary

Passive vocabulary includes obsolete and new words.

Among obsolete words, two main groups are distinguished: archaisms and historicisms. We will talk about them first, consider the definition, the function that archaisms perform and the most common words.

New words make up a much smaller part of the passive stock of the language and are called neologisms. Next, we will analyze their concept and reasons for their occurrence in speech.


First, let's look at outdated words - archaisms and historicisms. Archaisms are outdated words that are currently out of use. These are old names of modern objects or names. Often archaisms are replaced by other words that name the same concepts and objects as the outdated word. Each of them has a modern analogue, in other words, a synonymous word.

Depending on the method of formation, archaisms are:

  1. Lexical ones that have been replaced by words that have other roots. These words are difficult to understand without knowing their translation or original meaning. This includes words such as mouth - lips, finger - finger, interpreter - translator.
  2. Lexico-word formation. In this situation, archaism and its modern version have the same root, but differ in word-forming morphemes. Eg, acquaintance - acquaintance, fisherman - fisherman.
  3. Lexico-phonetic - differ from the modern version in phonetic design. Eg, piit - poet, historiya - history, number - number.
  4. Lexico-semantic. This includes archaisms that still function in the language, but have a different meaning. For example, the word a shame previously meant spectacle, today - shame or dishonor.

At the end of the article, we will consider the role of archaisms in the Russian language, especially literature. Archaisms are recorded in explanatory dictionaries with the mark “outdated”.


Historicisms are words that are used to designate words and objects that existed previously, but have already disappeared from our lives. Historicisms, examples of which we find most often in literature, are policeman, stationmaster, pud And so on. These concepts function today in historical works and chronicles, old books and newspapers.

Historicisms include words that denote the social way of life, the names of institutions, persons and positions, military ranks, items and weapons, currency, and household items. For example: tavern, caftan, mace, altyn, serf, mayor, gunner.

It is important to note that historicisms do not have synonyms. This is very important to remember, since it is one of the distinguishing features of historicism.

Historic words are also included in explanatory dictionaries with the mark “outdated”, or less often “ist”. Various dictionaries of historicisms are also published, where you can look up not only the meaning of a word, but also get acquainted with the image of an object that denotes a concept.

Historicisms and archaisms: the difference in concepts

Quite often, pupils and students, and simply people not associated with philology, have a question: how do archaisms differ from historicisms? The main difference is that archaism is an outdated designation for an object or concept that is still present in our lives. Historicism denotes concepts and objects that have long gone out of use.

As already noted, another distinctive feature is that archaisms have synonyms, while historicisms do not. Based on these two distinctive features, you can easily figure out which category a particular obsolete word belongs to.


Neologisms are words that appear as a result of the emergence of new phenomena or concepts. For some time the word is considered a neologism, later it becomes commonly used and enters the active vocabulary of the language.

Neologisms can either arise due to the development of technology or come from the pen of the authors. Thus, F. M. Dostoevsky became the author of the word “to be obscured”, and N. M. Karamzin introduced the word “industry” into the vocabulary. Based on this, original and general linguistic neologisms are distinguished.

In different periods, neologisms were words such as car, rocket, laptop, email and many others. When the use of neologisms reaches its peak and their meaning becomes clear to everyone, these words automatically become commonly used.

If historicisms and archaisms are recorded in dictionaries with special notes, then neologisms end up in dictionaries only after they are included in the active stock of the language system. True, in recent years special dictionaries of neologisms have begun to be published.


We have looked at archaisms, historicisms, and neologisms. Now a few words about the reasons for their occurrence.

The reasons for the transition of words from active to passive vocabulary have not yet been studied in detail. And if with historicisms everything is more or less clear, since after the disappearance of a concept the word denoting it goes into passive storage, then with archaisms everything is much more complicated.

The most often cited reasons for the emergence of archaisms are: various social changes, cultural factors, various linguistic reasons - the influence of other languages, stylistic connections, language reforms.

The main reasons for the appearance of neologisms include:

Various changes in the social life of society;

Technical progress, that is, the emergence of new objects, concepts and phenomena.

Today, most neologisms are associated with the development of information science and computer technology.

Stylistic meaning

A few words about the stylistic role of words included in the passive vocabulary of the Russian language. These groups of words are most often used in fiction.

Thus, the use of archaisms helps the writer more accurately recreate the era being described and characterize the character using his speech. Surely you have noticed that in the speech of some characters one vocabulary predominates, for example, more modern, while in the speech of others - another, outdated or dialectic. In this way, the writer draws a psychological and social portrait of the character.

They are also used in poetic speech to give a more solemn, sublime coloring to the work. In satire, archaisms serve to create a comic or satirical effect and add irony.

Studying at school

Archaisms, historicisms, and neologisms are partially studied at school, in Russian language and literature lessons. Typically, acquaintance with this class of words occurs in the fifth and tenth grades when studying the “Lexicology” section. Students are taught to distinguish words and find them in texts of various types. In addition, by studying the works of classics, we come across words unfamiliar to us that have long gone out of use, and we become familiar with their meaning and origin.

Studying at University

A more detailed acquaintance with the active and passive vocabulary of the Russian language begins at universities when studying the “Lexicology” section. This often happens in the second year, at the Faculty of Philology. Students are taught how archaisms differ from historicisms, how and where exactly one can find the meaning of these words, how to classify them depending on their origin, and determine the function in certain texts.

Students can compile their own dictionaries, learn to find passive vocabulary in texts and replace it, analyze the origin of neologisms, the reasons for the disappearance of words from the active use of speakers of literary Russian.


The passive vocabulary of the Russian language includes the following groups of lexemes: archaisms - outdated names of words and concepts, historicisms - names of objects and phenomena that have disappeared from our everyday life, neologisms - words that are used to denote new concepts.

Obsolete words are used in fiction when writing historical texts to recreate the atmosphere of the time described in the work.

June 9, 2014

Every person who wants to learn and develop always strives to learn something new and useful for themselves. Vocabulary is considered especially important, which has not only long ago become an indicator of erudition, but can also help in the most unexpected life situations. In this article you can learn about what archaisms and historicisms are. Examples of words and context may also be useful for those who are especially curious to familiarize themselves with.


Archaisms and historicisms are a specific category of vocabulary. It includes long-outdated words. Examples: historicisms - ax; archaisms - very, this. Historicisms include the names of objects that were used by our ancestors, and today are found only in museums. For example, the word “pishchal”, which denotes an ancient type of weapon used in Rus' several centuries ago. The word “axe,” which denoted one of the types of military equipment, also belongs to historicism. It was something similar to a modern ax, but with two blades.

How did historicisms appear?

The main reason that historicisms appeared in the language over time was the change in the habitual life of our ancestors, customs, and the development of science and culture. For example, the disappeared types of clothing - armyak, caftan, camisole - were no longer used, and this led to the disappearance of their names from the language. Now such concepts can only be found in historical descriptions. There are many words that have fallen out of use and are now categorized as “historicisms.” An example of this is the concepts that in one way or another related to serfdom in Russia. Among them are quitrent, corvee, and taxes.

Video on the topic


This category includes words that denote things and concepts that still exist, but with changed names. For example, our ancestors said “this” instead of the modern “this”, and “very” sounded like “zelo”. Historicisms and archaisms, examples of which are found in many literary works, are not always completely replaced by other words; they can only be partially changed. For example, phonetically or morphologically.

How did archaisms appear?

This type of obsolete words appeared due to the fact that over time, any vocabulary undergoes changes, evolves and assimilates with other languages. Thus, some words are replaced by others, but with the same meaning. This is that part of the vocabulary that has outlived its usefulness, but does not completely disappear from the language. These words are preserved in literature, documents, and so on. To create historical novels, they are absolutely necessary so that you can recreate the flavor of the era being described.

Phonetic archaisms

This type includes modern words and concepts that differ from outdated ones by just a few sounds, sometimes just one. For example, phonetic archaisms include a word such as “piit”, which over time evolved into “poet”, and “fire” turned into “fire”.

Morphological archaisms

This category includes words that are outdated in their structure. These include the noun "fierce" which evolved into "fierceness", the adjective "nervous" which evolved into "nervous", the verb "collapse" which now sounds like "collapse", and many others.

Semantic archaisms

Archaisms and historicisms, examples of words found everywhere, often lose their true meaning over time. For example, the modern "disgrace" used to mean nothing more than "spectacle", and the ancient "common" meant something that was done in one day (for example, "the ordinary way"), and not at all "ordinary".

Modern usage

Sometimes these words, which have fallen out of use, change so much that they begin to be used in a new meaning. This can be said about both archaisms and historicisms. An example of this is the word "dynasty". They stopped using it some time ago, but now it is back in use. If previously it could only be combined with words such as “royal” and “monarchical,” now the scope of its use has expanded significantly. Nowadays you can also hear about a dynasty of lumberjacks or miners, which imply that this profession is inherited from father to son. Sometimes outdated words can be found in an ironic context.

Set expressions

Obsolete words continue to fully function in the language as part of set expressions. Thus, some historicisms have been preserved. Example: the word “baklushi” is still used in the language as part of the phrase “beat baklushi,” which means “to mess around.” The same can be said about the stable expression “to sharpen your lasses,” that is, “to chat incessantly.”

Degeneration VS Renaissance

It also happens that words that linguists had already boldly classified as historicisms began to be used again due to the fact that the concepts that they denoted began to be used again. This can also happen if something new has been created that is in some way similar to or related to an outdated concept. Now such words hardly resemble historicisms. Example: charity evening, midshipman.


It should be noted that although all the above-mentioned obsolete words are rather a passive layer of vocabulary, they do not cease to play an important role in it. When reading the works of such eminent writers as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky or Mayakovsky, you can very often come across historicisms and archaisms, and in order to accurately understand the idea that the author wanted to convey, you must be aware of their meaning. Therefore, if you come across an unfamiliar word, it is best to consult a reputable dictionary.

Russian language

Archaisms and historicisms - what is the difference between them?


Cultural, economic, and social changes occur in the life of society: science develops, technology appears, life improves, and political transformations occur.

This leads to the fact that words cease to be used, become obsolete, and are replaced by new words. Let's look at some illustrative examples of what historicisms and archaisms are. Two layers of vocabulary coexist.

The first is words that native speakers know and use (active vocabulary).

The other layer is words that do not sound in speech, the majority of language users do not know them, require additional explanations, or understandable names that have ceased to function in speech - passive vocabulary.

The passive dictionary includes obsolete words. They differ in the level of obsolescence and the reasons why they became so.

The difference between historicisms and archaisms

Historicisms are not used in speech; the objects and concepts that they named do not exist. Archaisms denote objects and phenomena that still exist today, but have been replaced by other phrases. The difference between the two groups is that archaisms have synonyms, this is important.

Examples: ramena (shoulders), tuga (sadness), destruction (death)

Historicisms have been in use for a very long time. Words that were once popular under Soviet rule have already become forgotten - pioneer, communist, Soviet power, Politburo. Sometimes words become common vocabulary: lyceum, gymnasium, police, governor, department.

It also happens that outdated words return to speech in a new understanding. For example, the word squad in Ancient Rus' it meant “princely army.” In vocabulary, its meaning is “a voluntary community of people formed for a specific purpose” - people's squad.

Historicisms - how did they appear?

Society is developing at a rapid pace, and therefore cultural values ​​are changing, some things are becoming obsolete, and new ones are appearing. Fashion moves forward and the previously popular kaftan is now just an outdated word. Such clothes are not worn, and many outdated names can be found in ancient books or historical films.

For modern people, historicisms are part of history, they can be studied for development, but there is no need to use them in speech, others will not be able to understand their meaning. Misunderstandings will arise.
To understand historicisms, consider examples and interpretation of words.

Historicisms, examples Interpretation of the word
barnkeeper private barn owner who buys grain or rents out barns
disgusting food, dishes
business card men's clothing, a type of jacket with rounded flaps that diverge in front; originally intended for visits
hryvnia silver or gold neck decoration in the form of a hoop
hound bear a bear specially trained for palace “funny games”
clerk official in the order
stoker court official in the Moscow state
unworthy money money for unserved time, which the soldier was obliged to return to the community in case of early termination of service
order governing body of individual industries
cold shoemaker in Russia until 1917 - a shoemaker who did not have a workplace, but repaired shoes right on the street near a client who had taken his shoes off his feet

Among the reasons for the formation of historicisms: the improvement of tools, the complication of production processes, the development of culture, and political transformations.

The abolition of the dependence of the peasant on the landowner in Russia left the words: master, quitrent, corvee, tax, serf in the past. The main thing is that historicisms remain in the history of mankind and do not return to speech, therefore they do not matter. No one will wear a caftan now or there will be no corvée and serfdom.

Historicisms disappear from speech forever

Historicisms can be divided into groups to understand the meaning of words:

  • old clothes and shoes – salop, armyak, camisole, hose, shoe, bast shoes;
  • names of social life phenomena – duel, Comintern member, farm laborer, collective farmer, kulak, self-destructive;
  • craft and professions of people: squire, buffoon, journeyman, water-carrier, cooper;
  • monetary units – half, imperial, five-altyn;
  • measures of weight and length - verst, vershok, span, pound, fathom, pud;
  • titles and positions - excellency, traveler, highness, mayor, hussar, orderly;
  • military household items - mace, chain mail, axe, flail, aventail, squeal;
  • names of administrative units – district, parish, province;
  • letters of the ancient alphabet - beeches, yat, lead.

Outdated phrases can be found in a scientific style to denote phenomena in an epoch-making period, to give expressiveness to heroes and images in an artistic style.
In modern language one cannot find a synonym for historicism. What is remarkable is the fact that historicisms can date back several centuries.

Archaisms - what are they?

These are outdated names of objects and concepts that have been replaced with other words familiar to modern society. The world is changing, people are changing along with it, and the language is expanding with new concepts, and new words are being invented for the old ones.

Archaisms have taken on a new look, therefore they can be classified as synonyms of modern words, but still their use in the Russian language will be strange rather than a common occurrence. For understanding ancient objects, for an in-depth study of the culture of ancient people, archaisms and their meaning can play a role.

To figure it out, let's look at the table where the interpretations of old words are written. It is not necessary to know them, but it will be a godsend for a historian.

Archaisms are divided into groups. Sometimes it is not the whole word that becomes obsolete, but only part of it. Let's take meanings that are completely outdated: verses (verses). Some words have outdated morphemes - prejudice.
The process of formation of archaisms is uneven. Thematic groups of archaisms are different:

  • person's character - word sower(chatterbox, idle talker), lover of words(scientist, expert), wordsmith(flatterer), fusser(idle talker);
  • profession - jump rope(gymnast), cattle feeder(cattle breeder), warehouseman(writer), skoroposolnik(messenger, messenger);
  • social relations - coverb(companion), comrade(friend, companion), suvrazhnik(enemy);
  • family relations - sister(sister), kindred, kindred(relative);
  • objects of surrounding reality - Selina(a. dwelling, building; b. crevice), sennitsa(tent, tent);
  • natural phenomena - arrow(lightning), students(cold, cold);
  • things - saddle(chair, armchair), Servet(napkin), scramble(peel, skin, shell), screenshot(chest, casket), standing(stand);
  • abstract concepts - literature(eloquence), cleverness(inference), laughing(mockery), commonwealth(acquaintance, friendship).

Archaisms are rarely used in literature. If the writer is literate enough and speaks not only modern, but also ancient language, then such words will add a special “zest” to the speech. The reader will ponder and delve deeper into the reading, trying to understand and unravel what the author meant. It will always be interesting and informative.

Archaisms perform this function in rhetoric, judicial debates, and fiction.

A word may lose one of its meanings

Types of archaisms

Archaisms in literature and social activities of people are usually divided into types. For a deeper understanding of the language and its historical development. No novel based on historical events can do without mentioning outdated words.

1. Semantic archaisms

Words that previously had a different meaning, but in modern language they have a new meaning. We understand the word “housing” as a kind of real estate where a person lives. But earlier the word had a different meaning: he feels so bad as if he was walking to the fifth building; (housing - floor).

2. Phonetic archaisms

They differ from modern ones in one or two letters, even the spelling may be similar, as if one letter was removed or added. It may even seem like a mistake, but it's just an outdated expression.
For example: poet - drink, fire - fire, dishonest - dishonored.

3. Derivatives

Obsolescence occurs only in part of a word and usually in a suffix. It is easy to guess the meaning for understanding, but it is more common to recognize archaisms if you already know which letters have been replaced, removed or added.

  • The rubber ball bounces off the floor (rubber - rubber).
  • What a wonderful pencil drawing (pencil - pencil).
  • The entire audience, competing with each other, shouted out different phrases (competing - competing).
  • This nervous person is simply terrible (nervous - nervous).

4. Phraseological

When we talk about this type of archaism, we understand entire sayings, flying expressions, a special ancient combination of words that was previously in use.
Examples of stable expressions include: I’ll buy myself a farm; wifey makes a nice profit from coke and juice; stuck it to whoever it should be.

5. Grammar

Such words remain in modern speech, but their gender has changed. Examples include tulle and coffee. Our coffee is masculine, but they want to make it mean. The word tulle is masculine, but sometimes it is confused and people want to make it feminine.
Examples of words: swan - was previously feminine, now has a masculine gender. Previously, poets wrote that a lonely swan floats.

The importance of obsolete words

Outdated vocabulary is valuable material for forming knowledge about the history of a people, introducing it to national origins. These are tangible threads that connect us to history. Its study makes it possible to restore information about the historical, social, and economic activities of ancestors, and to gain knowledge about the way of life of the people.

Outdated words are a means that allows you to diversify speech, add emotionality to it, and express the author’s attitude to reality.

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