VII conference “Situation centers: focus of cross-sectoral interests. Strategic task – working with youth

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

C) an error in the construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) error in constructing a complex sentence

1) The speaker focused on an issue that is often raised at such meetings.

2) Reading Paustovsky’s story, I plunged into the world of romance.

3) Among the scientific works of F.I. Buslaev, first of all, his book “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language” should be mentioned.

4) Among the houses built on this street there were several multi-story ones.

5) On Moskovskaya Street in Kursk there is a two-story building, on the facade of which there will be a sign “Confectionery N.P. Levashkevich."

6) Boris Shergin is a “writer of the soul and heart” who revealed the ideas of brotherhood, beauty, and mutual assistance.

7) Thanks to his studies at the medical institute, Ustimenko began working as a rural doctor.

8) While performing this piece, there was a feeling of joy that overwhelmed the performer.

9) The grandson of the famous confectioner O.V. took part in the opening of the exhibition. Levitsky, who became an architect.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Explanation (see also Rule below).

A) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase in sentence 4. This error is caused by the fact that the participle of the wrong voice was used. Houses must be built by someone, so we need the present passive participle of “built.”

Let's give the correct spelling: Among the houses built on this street, there were several multi-story ones.

Rule 7.1.3



A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. For example, in the sentence Graduates who successfully pass the exam become applicants

word Graduates- the main word,

those who passed - participle,

those who passed (how?) successfully and passed (what?) the exam are participle-dependent words.

Thus, the participle phrase in this sentence is successfully passed the exam. If you change the order of words and write the same sentence differently, placing the turn before main word ( Successfully passed the exam Graduates become applicants), only the punctuation will change, but the phrase remains unchanged.

Very important: before starting work with task 7 to find errors in a sentence with a participle, we advise you to solve and study task 16, which tests the ability to put commas with correctly constructed participial and participial phrases.

The goal of the task is to find one such sentence in which grammatical norms are violated when using a participial phrase. Of course, the search must begin with finding the sacrament. Remember that the participle you are looking for must be in its full form: the short form never forms a participial phrase, but is a predicate.

To successfully complete this task you need to know:

  • rules for agreeing the participle and the main (or qualified) word;
  • rules for the location of the participial phrase in relation to the main word;
  • time and type of participles (present, past; perfect, imperfect);
  • participle voice (active or passive)

Please note that that in a sentence with a participial phrase, not one, but two or even three errors can be made.

Note for teachers: keep in mind that the authors of various manuals have different points of view on classification, as well as on the types of errors that can be classified as a certain type. The classification adopted at RESHU is based on the classification of I.P. Tsybulko.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using participial phrases.

7.1.1 Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined

The rule according to which single participles (as well as those included in the participle phrase) are consistent with the main (= defined) word, requires the participle to be placed in the same gender, number and case as the main word:

About children (which ones?) returning from a trip; for an exhibition (WHAT?) being prepared at the museum.

Therefore, we simply find a sentence in which there is a full participle, and its ending does not correspond to (or) gender, (or) case, (or) number of the main word.

Type 1, the lightest

I had the opportunity to communicate with guests, those present at the opening of the exhibition.

What is the reason for the error? The participle is not consistent with the word to which it must obey, that is, the ending must be different. We pose a question from a noun and change the ending of the participle, that is, we agree on the words.

I had a chance to chat with guests(what MIMI?), present at the opening of the exhibition.

In these examples, the noun and its participle are next to each other, the error is easy to see. But this doesn't always happen.

Type 2, more difficult

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

I want to find the words to the song heard recently.

These sentences contain two nouns: author, book; lyrics. Which of them has a participle phrase attached to it? We think about the meaning. What was published, the author or his book? What do you want to find, words or a song?

Here is the corrected version:

I want to find the words of the song (Which one?), HEARD recently.

Type 3, even more difficult

The endings of participles sometimes fulfill a very important meaning-distinguishing mission.. Let's think about the meaning!

Let's compare two sentences:

The sound of the sea (what kind?), which woke me up, was very strong. What woke you up? It turns out that the sea. The sea cannot wake you up.

The noise (what?) of the sea that woke me up was very strong. What woke you up? It turns out that noise. And the noise can wake you up. This is the right option.

I heard the heavy steps (what?) of a bear, chasing me. Footsteps cannot pursue.

I heard the heavy steps of a bear (WHAT?), chasing me. The bear may chase. This is the right option.

Children of employees (which ones?), having any diseases, receive discounted vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “employees.” It turns out that employees will be sick, and the children of sick employees will receive vouchers. This is the wrong option.

Children (what?) of employees, having any diseases, receive discounted vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “children,” and we understand that it is the children who have illnesses and they need vouchers.

Type 4, variant

Often there are sentences in which there are phrases of two words, the first of which is part of the whole indicated by the second, for example: each of their participants, one of all, any of those named, some of them, some of the gifts.. A participial phrase can be attached to each of the nouns, depending on the meaning: in such phrases, the participle (participial phrase) can be agreed with any word. It would be an error if the participle “freezes” and has no connection with any of the words.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Each participant who received the maximum number of points was given the right to perform one more number.

The participle can be agreed with both the word “to each” and the word “participants”.

Each (which one?) of the participants, who received the maximum number of points, was given the right to perform one more number

Each of the participants (which ones?), who received the maximum number of points, was given the right to perform one more number.

Please note that an error would be a discrepancy between NEITHER the first word and NOR the second:

Incorrect: Each of the participants who received... or Each of the participants who received... This cannot be done.

In explanations of RESHU, the variant of agreement with the ending IM is more often used.

Similarly true: Part of the books (which ones?), received as a gift, will go as a gift.

Or Part (what) of books, received as a gift, will go as a gift.

Incorrect: Some of the books received as a gift will be given as a gift.

NOTE: This type of error when checking essays is considered a coordination error.

7.1.2 Participial phrase and place of the main word

In correctly constructed sentences with participial phrases the main (or qualifying word) cannot stand inside a participial phrase. His place is either before or after him. Remember that this depends on the placement of punctuation marks!!!

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

It is necessary to carefully check the sent documentation for examination.

We walked along the strewn alley fallen leaves.

Presenter Street the city was free.

Created novel by a young author caused lively debate.

note: With this construction of the sentence, it is completely unclear whether to put a comma.

Here is the corrected version:

Needs to be checked carefully documentation, sent for examination. Or: Need to check carefully sent for examination documentation.

We walked along alley, strewn with fallen leaves. Or: We walked along strewn with fallen leaves alley.

Street, leading to the city, was free. Or: Leading into the city Street was free.

7.1.3. Participle phrases including irregular forms of participles

In accordance with the norms for the formation of participles, the modern Russian literary language does not use forms of participles in –shchy, formed from perfective verbs with the meaning of the future tense: there are no words pleasing, helping, reading, able. According to the editors of I DECIDE, such erroneous forms should be presented in task 6, but since in the manuals of I.P. Tsybulko there are similar examples, we consider it important to note this type too.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Until I found person, who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits participant, who finds the answer to this question.

These sentences need to be corrected because future participles are not formed from perfect verbs. There is no future tense for participles..

Here is the corrected version:

We replace the non-existent participle with a verb in the conditional mood.

Until I found a person who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits the person who finds the answer to this question.

7.1.4. Participle phrases including irregular forms of voice of participles

This type of error was present in the Unified State Exam assignments of previous years (before 2015). In the books of I.P. Tsybulko 2015-2017 there are no such tasks. This type is the most difficult to recognize, and the error is due to the fact that the participle is used in the wrong voice, in other words, the active is used instead of the passive.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Documentation, heading for examination,

Contest, organized by the organizers

Foam, pouring into the bath, has a pleasant aroma.

Here is the corrected version:

Documentation, sent for examination, needs to be checked carefully.

Contest, conducted by the organizers, the participants really liked it.

The foam that we pour into the bath has a pleasant aroma.

B) the incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition in sentence 7 is that after the preposition “thanks to” nouns are used only in the dative case form WHAT? and in no other.

Let's give the correct spelling: Thanks to his studies at the medical institute, Ustimenko began working as a rural doctor.

Rule 7.7.1


This type includes incorrectly constructed sentences with derived prepositions and the non-derivative preposition “po”.

7.7.1 Using the correct case form of a noun with derivative prepositions “thanks to”, “according to”, “contrary to”, “like”, “contrary”, “contrary”

After the prepositions “thanks to”, “according to”, “contrary to”, “like” and other nouns are used only in the dative case (to whom? to what?) and in no other.

Let's look at the sentences with errors:

Example 1. Real success can only be achieved through (what?) perseverance, determination and (what?) deep knowledge of a person. If the words “persistence, purposefulness” are in the dative case (which is true!), then the phrase “deep knowledge” is used in the genitive case, it needs to be corrected by writing “deep knowledge”.

Example 2. According to (what?) traditions established in the navy, crossing the equator was considered a significant event. We replace the case: according to (what?) “established traditions.”

Example 3. It was decided to carry out work on the strait, contrary to (what?) established rules, not in summer, but in winter. We replace: “contrary to established rules.”

Note 1. The preposition “thanks to” is used only when talking about the reasons that caused a positive result. Therefore, phrases with this preposition in combination with something negative should be considered unsuccessful: Thanks to my mother's death, I grew up early. In this sentence you need to use the simple preposition “because of”.

Note 2. The preposition “thanks to” is called derivative because it was formed from the gerund “thanks to.” And these are completely different parts of speech. To the participle we pose the question “what are we doing?” and separated by commas either as a single word or as part of an adverbial phrase.

Compare: He successfully defended his thesis and, (doing what?) thanks to (who?) the project manager and (who else?) comrades for their help and support, he left the classroom. The participle “thanks to” is an additive action to the predicate “went out.”

He successfully defended his thesis thanks to (what?) the help of the project manager and his comrades. There is no way to ask the question “doing what”, this is not an additional action, this is a pretext. And there are no commas. A comma in sentences with the word “thanks to” can serve as a hint: it does not exist with a preposition.

7.7.2 With a noun there is a preposition “by”

The non-derivative preposition “by” in the meaning “after something” is used with a noun only in the form of the prepositional case, and not the dative case

Therefore, the sentences below are constructed wrong:

Upon arrival Yu When he arrived in Moscow he felt unwell.

Upon arrival at In Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

Upon completion Yu construction workers left the site in perfect order.

Upon completion Yu English language courses I received a certificate.

In these sentences, the preposition “by” means “after something,” so the word after it had to be used in the prepositional form, not the dative case:

upon arrival in Moscow (= after arriving in Moscow), upon arrival in Venice (= after arriving in Venice), upon completion of construction (= after completion of construction), upon completion of courses (= after completion).

The following construction of these sentences would be correct:

Upon arrival in Moscow, he felt unwell.

Upon arrival in Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

Upon completion of construction, the workers left the site in perfect order.

Upon completion of the English language courses, I received a certificate.


upon arrival (= after arrival),

upon arrival (= after arrival),

upon completion (= after completion),

upon completion (= after finishing).

7.7.3 With a noun there is a derived preposition “due to”, “due to”, “in case”, “provided”, “with help” and others

These prepositions also arose as a result of the transition from independent parts of speech and require genitive case from the nouns behind them.

Due to (who? what?) bad weather;

Due to (who? what?) frosts;

In case of (who? what?) success

C) the error in the construction of the sentence with the participial phrase in sentence 8 is due to the fact that the gerund participle “performing” refers to the predicate “was”. It turns out that “there was joy in fulfilling.” But that doesn't happen.

The sentence can be rearranged as follows: While performing this play, the performer experienced a feeling of joy that overwhelmed her.

Rule 7.8.1 TYPE 1



A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words.

A gerund always denotes an additional action that occurs in parallel with the main one, for example: the man walked (main action), waving his arms(additional, what while doing); the cat fell asleep (main action), tucking its paws (additional action, what did you do?)

Participles answer the question: What are you doing? (imperfect form) and what did you do? (perfect view). Along with this question, you can also ask questions How? how? for what purpose? and the like. A gerund always denotes a sign of an action, that is, it describes how the main action occurs.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using participles.

7.8.1 Participial phrase in a sentence with a subject

The general rule for using participial phrases is as follows: The gerund and the predicate must denote the actions of the same person, that is, the subject. This person performs two actions: one main, the second additional. The gerund should be easily replaced by the second verb: sat down, laid out the textbooks - sat down and laid them out; looked, smiling - looked and smiled.

TYPE 1. Participle and verbal predicate, expressed by a verb without a postfix -sya

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Slipping on the ice, the guy who happened to be nearby picked me up.

Passing under the house, an icicle almost fell on me.

In each of the sentences there were two characters: in the first, someone slipped and someone caught him; in the second: someone was passing and someone almost fell. But due to an error in the construction, it turns out that the guy caught it after slipping; The icicle almost fell off as it passed.

With this construction, the participle is mistakenly attributed to one character, and the predicate to another, which violates the basic rule. To avoid mistakes, you need to ensure that the gerund and predicate refer to the same person.

When I slipped on the ice, the guy next to me caught me.

When I walked under the house, an icicle almost fell on me.

TYPE 2. The gerund refers to the predicate in the form of a short passive participle

Having written the poem “Death of a Poet”, Lermontov's fate was determined.

Analyzing the poetic text, I was absolutely correct in determining its size.

As in type 1, the gerund and predicate refer to different persons. Due to an error in construction, it turns out that fate was determined by writing; size is determined having analyzed. The predicate is a short passive participle.

If the predicate is expressed by a short participle, it means that the subject itself does not perform the action, something is done to it. With this form of the predicate gerund there cannot be.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

When Lermontov wrote the poem “The Death of a Poet,” his fate was determined.

When I analyzed poetic text, I determined its size absolutely correctly.

TYPE 3. The participial phrase is attached to the predicate-reflexive verb in the passive meaning, which has a postfix Xia

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors.

Usually, creating your own work, it expresses Xia the author's attitude to life and people.

Having received an education, students guide Xia senior master for practice.

As in type 2, the subject in such a sentence does not actually perform the action itself: attitude expresses Xia(by someone); displays Xia(by someone); guide Xia(by someone). But ah if there is no action, then there cannot be an additional, additional, expressed by a gerund. We replace the participial phrase with a subordinate clause.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

Usually, when a work is created, it expresses the author’s attitude towards life and people. Or: Creating a work, the author always expresses his attitude towards life and people.

When students complete their education, they are sent to practice by a senior master.

7.8.2. Participial phrase in a sentence without a subject

It often happens that the subject performing both actions may not be formally expressed, that is, there is no subject in the sentence. In this case we are talking about one-part sentences. It is these types that cause the greatest difficulty in finding errors.

TYPE 4. Participial phrase in an impersonal sentence (except type 7)

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Sending a rather important telegram, I didn't have enough money.

He was sad.

There is no subject, the actor is expressed by a pronoun to me(this is the dative case). The use of participles in impersonal sentences is unacceptable. You can: either make a subordinate clause from an adverbial clause, or make an ordinary one from an impersonal one, with a subject.

The exception is sentences with an infinitive verb, see type 7.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

When I sent a rather important telegram, I did not have enough money.

Refusing to conduct an experiment, he felt sad.

TYPE 5. Participial turnover in an indefinite-personal sentence

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors.

Having received a good education, Griboyedov was sent as secretary of the diplomatic mission to Persia.

Without finishing the report, the head of the department was asked to go on a business trip.

There cannot be an adverbial phrase with a subject if it is not defined. This situation occurs in vaguely personal sentences with a verb in the past tense plural form.

Who directed? who received it? who suggested? who didn't finish the report? Unclear. We replace the phrase with a subordinate clause or rearrange it so that it is clear who received the education and who completed the report.

Here are the options for the corrected proposals:

When Griboyedov received a good education, he was sent as secretary of the diplomatic mission to Persia.

Without finishing the report, the head of the department received an offer to go on a business trip.

7.8.3. Participial phrase in a sentence without a subject. Permitted techniques.

Due to the fact that the tasks may also contain correct sentences with participles, we consider it important to place a table with such examples and rules that are not found in the erroneous ones. Everything in this table is allowed.

TYPE 6. The participial phrase refers to the verb in the imperative mood

When crossing the street, pay close attention to traffic.

Having received a task for an adverbial phrase, check whether it contains a request, order or advice.

There is no subject in sentences. But It is allowed to use participial phrases in sentences where a verb is used in the imperative mood: follow, go, write, search, and so on. It turns out that both the phrase and the predicate refer to the same person, to whom we advise to do something. It's easy to substitute a pronoun You: you follow, moving; you check after receiving.

TYPE 7. Participial phrase refers to the infinitive

Consider proposals without errors.

Walking through the autumn forest, it’s pleasant to inhale the intoxicating aroma of fallen leaves.

When submitting your work, you should check it carefully.

Despite the fact that there is no subject (impersonal sentence) It is permissible to use an adverbial phrase if it refers to the infinitive: while walking, inhale; reading, sitting; dreaming, dozing; dozing, dreaming.

Not all manuals allow this rule: in some of them, the infinitive is necessarily required, it is possible, it is necessary, it follows, and others (the so-called modal words). In any case, sentences like: when rewriting, you should mark; having started, one must finish; having received, it is necessary to do, will be ERROR FREE.

TYPE 8. Participial turnover in a definite-personal or generalized-personal sentence

Let's look at the sentences without errors.

Gathering at the family table in my parents' house, we always remember grandma’s pies and tea with viburnum and mint.

Planning your upcoming vacation, carefully calculate the family budget.

There is no subject, but a sentence definitely personal, easy to substitute a pronoun We. You can turn it around! It refers to the implied person: we remember as we gather; we calculate by planning.

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application in sentence 3. The title of the book, a proper name, is put in the nominative case if it is an application, that is, the second title. The first title is a book.

Here is the correct spelling: Among the scientific works of F.I. Buslaev, first of all, his book “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language” should be mentioned.

Rule 7.2.1

7.2. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.


An application is a definition expressed by a noun that is in the same case (i.e. CONCORDING) as the word being defined. When characterizing an object, the application gives it a different name and states that it has some additional characteristic. Applications can refer to any member of a sentence expressed by a noun, personal pronoun, substantivized participle and adjectives, as well as numerals. For example: This is how Mikhail Vlasov lived, locksmith, hairy, gloomy, with small eyes (M. G.); It was her Peterhof stranger(Paust.); The first, the eldest of all, Fedya, you would give about fourteen years (T.); Mother and father were traveling from Siverskaya station, and we, children, drove out to meet them (Eb.).

Note: Proper names - names used in a figurative sense (in writing, enclosed in quotation marks) are also applications; they are called UNCONSISTENT in contrast to CONSOLIDATED.

Also very often, proper names written without quotation marks are appended.

The components of some types of complex words are not applications (although they resemble them in the form of connection): a) complex words that are terms (sofa-bed, crane-beam, novel-newspaper, museum-apartment, hut-reading room), b) complex words, part of which are evaluative words (firebird, good boy, boy-woman, would-be leader, miracle fish).

UNCONSISTENT APPLICATIONS, expressed by a conventional name.

7.2.1. Proper names are names used in a figurative sense (in writing, enclosed in quotation marks), are always applications if they refer to the word being defined, and are in the nominative case form, regardless of the case form of the word being defined. For example: Among the seven hundred sailors who disembarked from the battleship "Potemkin" to the Romanian coast, there was Rodion Zhukov (Cat.); During tanker testing "Leningrad" shipbuilders launched another similar vessel - "Klaipeda". This type of application is present in the Unified State Examination tasks.. Please note: as soon as the DEFINITED word “leaves” from the sentence (i.e. book, magazine, picture, play, article, car, steamship and so on), the PROPER NAME ceases to be an application, compare: the history of the novel “Eugene Onegin” - the history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin”; Malevich made several copies of “Black Square” - Kazimir Malevich’s painting “Black Square” was created in 1915.

7.2.2 If we are talking about the APPENDIX - a proper name, but written without quotes, then there is a very long series of rules governing their writing. Some groups of proper names agree with the word being defined, others do not. Fortunately, there were no such tasks on the Unified State Exam (at least until 2016).

Following these rules, you should write, for example,

On the planet Mars (not Mars);

On Lake Baikal (not Baikal);

Behind Mount Elbrus (not Elbrus).

On the Ganges River (not the Ganges), but on the Moscow River (not the Moscow River).

Full information about writing such applications can be obtained by reading any of Dietmar Rosenthal's manuals on stylistics and literary editing.

D) the error in constructing a complex sentence in sentence 1 is that the conjunction “what” is used inappropriately. Instead, we need the conjunction “which”

The proposal can be rearranged as follows: The speaker focused on an issue that is often raised at such meetings.

Rule 7.4.9



As you know, there are three types of complex sentences: compound, complex and non-union. Each of these types has its own semantic and grammatical features associated with the presence or absence of a conjunction, the meaning of the conjunction, the order of the parts and intonation. Compound and non-union sentences are the simplest and most understandable in structure. Complex sentences have rich possibilities for a detailed presentation of thoughts; means of subordinating communication are capable of expressing shades of relationships between grammatical parts. At the same time, the more complex structure of such sentences becomes one of the reasons for violation of syntactic norms when using them. To avoid grammatical errors in complex sentences, you must remember the following rules.

7.4.1. In sequential submission, the same words should not be repeated. It was this violation that helped

S. Ya. Marshak to achieve a comic effect in a famous poem:

Here's a dog without a tail

Who pulls the cat by the collar,

Which scares and catches the tit,

Which cleverly steals wheat,

Which is stored in a dark closet

In the house that Jack built.

Use different conjunctions, different types of subordinate clauses, replace them with participial phrases to avoid such annoying repetitions. For example: I had to go to the city where my parents had previously lived, who arrived in 95, which was a real test for them. This is a very bad proposal. Correcting: I had to go to the city where my parents had previously lived, who arrived in 1995: this year was a real test for them.

7.4.2 You cannot use subordinating and coordinating conjunctions at the same time for the connection between the main and subordinate clause: As soon as lightning flashed, but suddenly hail began to fall. To correct this sentence, you must leave one of the conjunctions: Lightning just flashed, but suddenly hail began to fall or As soon as the lightning flashed, hail suddenly fell.. In the first sentence the conjunction “how” was removed, in the second the conjunction “but”.

7.4.3 Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions that are close in meaning cannot be repeated: Parents say it's like we don't help around the house at all.. To express syntactic relations, one conjunction is sufficient: My parents say that we don't help at all around the house. The conjunction “as if” was removed from the second sentence. Possibly another way: My parents are angry that we don't help at all around the house. The choice of conjunction always depends on the meaning that we want to add to our statement.

In the book "Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing for Print Workers" D.E. Rosenthal writes about it this way:

"there is a pleonastic use of conjunctions (setting a series of unambiguous conjunctions), for example: “The conditions for a further rise in livestock farming on a number of collective farms were present, but nevertheless, a turning point has not yet occurred.”, noting that this is an error.

7.4.4. Do not omit necessary demonstrative words in the main clause. Mom always went to stores where food was cheaper. This sentence will receive grammatical and semantic completeness if the necessary indicative word is added to the main part: Mom always went to THOSE (SAME) stores where products were cheaper.

7.4.5.Use of the conjunction that in the subordinate clause in the presence of a particle whether is a blunder: We did not hear whether he came to the appointed place.. Correct option: We did not hear whether he arrived at the appointed place.

7.4.6. The incorrect form of demonstrative words in subordinate clauses or they are not needed at all is also a mistake.

The article raises the problem that... That's right: the problem of WHAT? WHAT? mercy, mutual assistance...

This error is associated not so much with the structure of a complex sentence, but with control norms. It is absolutely necessary to know which verb or noun controls which forms of nouns and pronouns. For example:

We were worried (about/about) that the weather would not get worse. True “ABOUT THAT”

The heroine of the story is worried (about/that) that she does not find support. Correct: "THEM"

Here is a list of frequently used phrases in which errors are made. The correct questions are given. This list is far from complete.

Believing in something

Confidence in what

Worthy of what

Filled with what

Can't get enough of anyone

Summarize what

What is the need?

Contempt for anyone or anything

Filled with something

To shun what

Characteristic for whom, what

Convinced of what

Typical for whom, what

Full of something

Marvel at what

Admire someone or what

7.4.7. Incorrect word order in a sentence, in which the subordinate clause can be attributed to different words, leads to misunderstanding and is an error.

Let's look at an example: Students, completing test tasks for ninth graders, which were previously considered difficult, began to make fewer mistakes. According to the meaning of the sentence, it turns out that previously ninth-graders were difficult. The attributive clause must be placed after the word work; these tasks were previously considered difficult. Despite the fact that this error is easily detected upon careful reading, it occurs very often in written works. Here's how it should be: Students began to make fewer mistakes on tests that were previously considered difficult for ninth-graders.

Answers in order according to letters:

4 7 8 3 1

Answer: 47831

Working in pairs, read the sentences expressively. Determine what intonation and semantic signs indicate the need for a dash in these sentences. Verbally transform non-conjunct complex sentences into complex sentences using conjunctions And, ah, but. Write it off

Offers. Above the dash write the appropriate meaning

And, ah, but.

1) The sun set - it immediately began to get dark (V. Krapivin). 2) the boats pull up to the pier - they begin to scream heart-rendingly (V. Krapivin). 3) You will part the wet bush - you will be showered with the warm smell of the night (I. Turgenev). 4) The wind blew - everything shook (M. Gorky). 5) Under-salting on the table - over-salting on the back (Proverb). 6) I’ve been serving for sixteen years - this has never happened to me (L. Tolstoy). 7) Day and night - a day away (Proverb). Teach a child - you give the world a person (V. Hugo). 9) If you want to test a person, give him power. 10) Weather permitting, a boat will come for us (B. Zhitkov).

3. stylistic training

Describe errors in complex sentences. Enter

Stylistic edits.

Last Saturday, a conference was held for parents with preschool children at the House of Culture. The speaker focused on an issue that is often raised at such meetings. The speaker who reported this data and turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport made an interesting comparison. the author rashly remarked to the reviewer that how can you not notice what is new in the book. The main thing you should pay attention to is violation of discipline. Those who need additional classes must be provided with them. The collection includes ditties composed not only in the Kharkov region, but also in other areas that exist in the Kharkov province.

4. work with textbook exercises (teacher's choice)

VI. Reflection. Summing upResultsLesson

1. Conversation

Do you think syntactic synonymy is often used? (Yes, because synonymy gives the speaker and writer the freedom to choose linguistic means.)

2. teacher's word

It should be remembered, however, that synonyms are close in meaning, but not identical. We observed this when we analyzed the text from “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin. The synonymous possibilities of the syntax are quite large. They are based on an identical situation, similarity of grammatical structures, similarity of lexical composition. We have already become acquainted with one type of syntactic synonymy when we compared two texts. Which one? (Replacing simple sentences with complex ones).


1. Learn theoretical material on the topic of the lesson.

2. Complete (in writing) the teacher’s choice.

On September 20−21, 2017, the VII conference “Situation Centers: Focus of Cross-Industry Interests” was held in Moscow, at the MTUCI Congress Center. Researchers from the Federal Research Center Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences took an active part in the conference.

The organizer of the event, aimed at consolidating intersectoral efforts in order to disseminate methods and tools of situational management, was the CONNECT Publishing House with scientific and methodological support from the Federal Research Center “Informatics and Management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The partners of the conference were CompTek, Polymedia, Jet Infosystems, Foresight, Concern Avtomatika, the INFORUS consortium, and information partners were JSON.TV, Global CIO and RUBEZH magazine. More than 220 specialists took part in the plenary and thematic sessions, interested in exchanging experience in the design, creation and operation of situational and dispatch centers, and finding effective methods, approaches and solutions for such objects. A delegation of specialists from Kazakhstan and representatives of Belarus came to the conference.

The conference was opened by the moderator of the plenary session, Deputy Director of the Federal Research Center Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Zatsarinny, who outlined the particular importance of creating a system of distributed situational centers in the context of the transition to a digital economy. In his report on the topic “The system of distributed situational centers in the context of new challenges of the digital economy,” A. Zatsarinny noted that the development of the digital economy has already led to the practical implementation of digital transformation of all aspects of human activity.

The report presented the initiative proposals of the Federal Research Center Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences for conducting research taking into account the Digital Economy Program, the main approaches to creating a digital platform “Science and Education, scientific support for the creation of SRSC within the framework of a comprehensive plan for scientific research (CPPR), set by the FANO of Russia on the initiative of the FSO of Russia , as well as innovative technical solutions of the Federal Research Center Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences in terms of situational centers and decision support systems. The problematic questions posed in the report set a constructive discussion tone for subsequent presentations.

A report at the section meeting was made by leading researcher, Federal Research Center Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Suchkov, who presented the situational management system as a multi-service technology in the cloud environment in the interests of information and analytical support for the SC. The relevance of creating a multi-service cloud technology that implements a situational management system is determined by the needs of the IT market.

The prerequisites for the creation of such technology are the existence of scientific, technical and practical groundwork (methodologies for creating SCs, existing information and analytical technologies). High feasibility of projects is ensured by the presence of a well-developed and practice-tested methodology. The high investment attractiveness of the technology is dictated by the presence of a government request, potentially widespread demand at the federal and regional levels, and the rapid payback of projects due to the relatively low cost of implementing a unified technology.

“The use of artificial intelligence technologies in ensuring information security of the situation center system” was the topic of the speech at the conference by Viktor Gavrilov, chief information security specialist of the Federal Research Center of the Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The integrity, availability and confidentiality of information at the proper level can be ensured with the availability of intelligent analysis tools. The speaker focused on the concept of functional safety, which is discussed when it comes to managing potentially hazardous technological processes, transport, etc.

When applied to situational centers, this term, according to the expert, is also applicable. The main goal of creating a SC is to perform functional tasks with high efficiency and reliability. Data mining technologies could also help solve specific functional safety problems.

V. Gavrilov also made a report as part of the work of section 4 “Situation centers in new and promising areas of activity.” Gavrilov spoke about the role of a modern situational center in ensuring stability in the region, the capabilities of tools and techniques of situational management in healthcare organizations using the example of the Karaganda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Particular attention was paid to the potential of existing and created SCs, directions for the development of dispatch control in the interests of various services and departments.

When summing up the results of the conference, the moderators noted the updated agenda and balanced program of the event, and expressed the opinion that the conference had reached a new qualitative level. Thanks to this, its participants were able to analyze what they managed to do during the implementation of situational management tools in our country, to focus on the problems that specialists face when operating and modernizing the SC, introducing analytical techniques and data consolidation. The reports on projects implemented at the federal, regional and municipal levels, in areas new to situational management, were interesting. Clarifying questions that the speakers received from the audience and from the section moderators gave the audience the opportunity to expand their understanding of the scope of the SC.

The most impressive, memorable and original were the presentations in which the speakers, not without a sense of humor, with elements of critical analysis of the projects they were implementing, were able to talk about the difficulties and problems that arise in the course of their work. No less interesting were the reports in which the speakers shared lessons learned and conclusions drawn from the implementation of non-standard projects.

In Chelyabinsk, in the building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, a regional plenum of councils of veterans of city and district departments of internal affairs was held. Advisor-assistant to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, chairman of the regional Council of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate and Internal Troops, retired Colonel E. I. Solomatin made a report to the audience. In addition to the report on the work of veteran organizations, the speaker focused on the fact that

. Year of the teacher

Strategic task - working with youth

In Chelyabinsk, in the building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, a regional plenum of councils of veterans of city and district departments of internal affairs was held. Advisor-assistant to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, chairman of the regional Council of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate and Internal Troops, retired Colonel E. I. Solomatin made a report to the audience. In addition to the report on the work of veterans’ organizations, the speaker drew attention to the fact that government bodies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were once again tasked with continuing and consolidating effective methods of working with the younger generation and young employees. The main emphasis in the work must be on the spiritual and moral development and civic education of young people.

Other areas of work include: suppression of extremism, education of patriotism in the best sense of the word. And in this, a large role is given to veteran organizations of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops, their participation in carrying out preventive joint activities with various departments and public structures. As the main result of the work of the plenum, its participants accepted this as a strategic task on which the development of society and the strengthening of the state as a whole depends.

Based on this, I would like to emphasize that, as a veteran of the internal affairs department, these goals are close to me. I have a direct relationship with them, participating in various youth events. For example, there has already been a long-standing tradition when, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a festive military-patriotic event is held at PU-88 (director N.F. Egorov). Veterans of war and labor are always invited here. Isn't this a lesson in courage for cadets and students, passing on to them the experience of the older generation?

Since 2006, the All-Russian charity event “Participation” has been held. Within its framework, employees of the police department (chief V.N. Putko) take patronage over the children of the Orphanage. Otherwise, creative activity can be created by crime.

I will especially note the role of the regional museum (director M.I. Koloshina). Its importance in educating the younger generation can hardly be overestimated. Each stand stores the heroic past and present in the history of their native land. The exhibitions taking place here and meetings with interesting people stimulate the desire to develop the best character traits in oneself. Such as love for the Fatherland, civic responsibility, hard work, and the desire to perform noble deeds.

We, veterans, are pleased that schoolchildren achieve victories in sports, art, competitions and olympiads, and persistently master the curriculum, including modern technologies. At the same time, they are “friends” with libraries and participate in amateur performances. All this puts our conscious youth an order of magnitude higher. This will allow them to take their rightful place in various spheres of professional life.

The task set before us at the plenum is not easy, but it is feasible. In close cooperation between school institutions, parents, the Committee for Culture and Art, the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, the Department of Youth Affairs, law enforcement agencies, the district council of veterans, the newspaper "Sovetskoe Selo" and others who are not indifferent to the future of our region and in Russia as a whole, we will be able to fulfill the assigned tasks and train a worthy replacement.

Increased attention to the problems of youth policy and those who are directly involved in education and training on the part of the state is manifested in the fact that 2009 was declared the Year of Youth. This year is dedicated to the Year of the Teacher, the 65th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. And this, you see, obliges us to a lot.

§ 63. Test tasks

1. In what case is a complex sentence presented with different types of connections?
a) The sun seemed to be late that morning and, when it peeked from behind the houses and churches, it found everyone in terrible turmoil.
b) No matter how great Bazarov’s strength is, it only testifies to the greatness of the force that gave birth to and nourishes him.
c) The huge figure sitting at the table with his back to him turned, and his brother’s stern eyes looked at Pavka from behind thick black eyebrows.
d) In the Shumins’ house, the service that the grandmother had ordered had just ended, and now Nadya could see how the table was being set in the hall.

2. In what case is a complex sentence presented with different types of connections?
a) To handle the language somehow means to think somehow: imprecisely, approximately, incorrectly.
b) When you see before you the remains of the majestic beauty that was concentrated in such abundance in the Acropolis, you see with your own eyes how art and devastating wars opposed each other.
c) Andersen collected seeds of poetry from peasant fields, warmed them near his heart, sowed them in low huts, and from these seeds unprecedented and magnificent flowers of poetry grew and blossomed, delighting the hearts of the poor.
d) Life is constant work, and only those who understand it in a completely human way are those who look at it from this point of view.

3. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?
Everything was already ready for our departure: equipment, food, tools, personal belongings were packed, but the icy airfield on the river where Vasily Nikolaevich and I were supposed to be dropped off was flooded with ice, and now it was impossible to land the plane there.

4. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?
Her presence gave me pleasure that I had not experienced for a long time, and I was afraid to look at her, lest my gaze somehow betray my hidden feelings.
a) SP with composition and submission
b) joint venture with composition and non-union connection
c) joint venture with subordination and non-union connection
d) joint venture with composition, subordination and non-union connection

5. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?
Everywhere everything is white and motionless; then suddenly a white high wall grows up on the right, then suddenly it disappears and grows in front, only to run away and disappear again.
a) SP with composition and submission
b) joint venture with composition and non-union connection
c) joint venture with subordination and non-union connection
d) joint venture with composition, subordination and non-union connection

6. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?
One circumstance always surprises me: we walk through life and do not know at all and cannot even imagine how many greatest tragedies, wonderful human deeds, how much grief, heroism, meanness and despair have happened and are happening on any piece of earth where we live.
a) SP with composition and submission
b) joint venture with composition and non-union connection
c) joint venture with subordination and non-union connection
d) joint venture with composition, subordination and non-union connection


§ 64. Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection

In order to correctly place punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connections, it is necessary to select simple sentences, determine the type of connection between them and select the appropriate punctuation mark. As a rule, a comma is placed between simple sentences in complex sentences with different types of connections. Sometimes two, three, or more simple sentences are most closely related to each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence by a semicolon. Most often, a semicolon occurs in place of a non-union connection. In place of a non-union connection between simple sentences within a complex sentence, a comma, a dash and a colon are also possible, which are placed according to the rules for placing punctuation marks in the BSP. It should be borne in mind that simple sentences within a complex sentence with different types of connections are usually combined into semantic blocks. Correct selection of semantic blocks greatly simplifies the task of arranging punctuation marks.
Particular difficulties are caused by placing punctuation marks at the junction of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (or coordinating conjunction and allied word). In such cases, a comma is placed between conjunctions if the second part of the double conjunction does not follow. then, yes, but(in this case the subordinate clause may be omitted). In other cases, a comma is not placed between two conjunctions. Compare: Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, living in the forest became difficult. - Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, it became difficult to live in the forest.

Exercise 74. Read the sentences. Explain punctuation marks.

1. I understood that only an accident could help us out: either the water would suddenly stop rising, or we would stumble upon an abandoned boat on this shore (Paustovsky). 2. A very strange thing happened to me: it seemed to me that I had just closed my eyes; when I opened them, long bright rays of the sun were already stretching through the cracks of the shutters, in which countless golden specks of dust were swirling (Kuprin). 3. The whole sky was dotted with blinking stars, and the Milky Way stood out so clearly, as if it had been washed and covered with snow before the holiday (Chekhov). 4. When the rowan tree blooms, spring will end, and when the rowan tree turns red, summer will end. And then in the fall we will open the hunt and until winter we will hunt with red rowan berries (Prishvin).

Ex. 75. Write down the sentences and add punctuation marks.

1. When the rumble of wheels on the stone pavement died down, Kiprensky heard the fresh sound of water in the city fountains, the water gurgled and sang, filling the night with a soporific splash (Paustovsky). 2. The whole garden was tenderly green with the first beauty of spring blossoming; the summer strong buzz of insects had not yet been heard; young leaves were babbling and finches were singing here and there, and two turtle doves were cooing, all on the same tree, and the cuckoo was crowing, moving every time and from afar from behind the mill the pond brought a friendly roar of rooks, similar to the creaking of many cart wheels (Turgenev). 3. The wind drove waves of fire straight towards the Kremlin, as if it wanted the fire to destroy the foreigners who had climbed into the Russian shrine. Napoleon tried to go out onto the balcony, but the cast-iron railings could not be touched, so they became hot, despite the fact that the fire was quite far from the palace (Rakovsky). 4. And you will look at the pale green sky strewn with stars on which there is not a cloud or a spot and you will understand why the warm air is motionless, why nature is on guard and is afraid to move; it is terribly and a pity to lose at least one moment of life (Chekhov). 5. If he did not want the trees to be trimmed, the trees would remain untouched, if he asked to forgive or reward someone, the interested party knew that this would be the case, he could ride any horse, take any dog ​​into the castle, rummage in the library, run barefoot and eat whatever he wanted ( Green).

§ 65. Test tasks

1. In which sentence should a comma be placed at the junction of conjunctions?
a) I was sent by the editorial office of Russkie Vedomosti to give a report on the anniversary, and when appeared, then everyone was already sitting at the table.
b) He did not stay long in Marseilles; but when he talked about life in Marseilles, these were not the impressions of a tourist.
c) When the tents were distributed, our officers settled down together, and so How The officers' tents were spacious, so the captain decided to accommodate me with him.
d) The hospital was built for eighty people, but since Since she alone served in several surrounding provinces, she could accommodate up to three hundred.

2. Which sentence needs a comma before the conjunction? And?
a) This filled him with joy, and looking at others - with pride: of course, she was the best And no one had such a lady.
b) And the more he narrated, the more clearly the longest chain of Likhodeev’s rudeness and disgrace unfolded before the findirector And every subsequent link in this chain was worse than the previous one.
c) He [Herzen] was convinced that the final liberation is not the work of any one people, but of all peoples together, of all humanity And that the people can finally free themselves only by renouncing their national isolation and entering the circle of universal human life.
d) With every step forward, the mountain panorama seemed to spread wider and wider And the sky became deeper.

3. Which sentence does not need a comma before the conjunction? And?
a) She believed in his genius unconditionally, and in addition, she was convinced that this genius could not be tested only by playing chess And that when the tournament fever passes, some still unknown forces will begin to play within him.
b) Besides, Faina, although she kept silent, somehow managed to not let Leva feel awkward from his excessive talkativeness And Because she was so sensitive and tactful, Leva became all the more grateful to her and fell in love more deeply.
c) The mother is alive, the children are healthy, the wives are unhappy, but also healthy And they have everything...
d) When he was angry, his anger was like a sudden frost And I remember these sudden silences at the table well.

Parsing a complex sentence

Theoretical information and language analysis

§ 66. The order of syntactic parsing of a complex sentence

Parsing order

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative).
2. Determine the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory, non-exclamatory).
3. Find the grammatical bases in the sentence and prove that it is complex.
4. Determine the means of connecting simple sentences within complex ones (conjunctions, allied words, intonation) and establish the type of this complex sentence (compound, complex, non-conjunctive, sentence with different types of connection).
5. If the offer compound, then characterize the semantic relationships between its constituent simple ones; indicate means of communication between simple sentences.
If the offer complex, then name the main and subordinate clauses; indicate the means of communication between simple sentences and the type of subordinate clause.
If the offer non-union, then determine the semantic relationships between its constituent simple ones.
If the offer with different types of communication, then highlight the semantic parts. Parse each part as a corresponding simple or complex sentence.
6. Draw up a sentence diagram and explain punctuation marks.

Parsing samples

1) The boat swayed on the waves, playfully splashing against its sides, barely moved along the dark sea, and it played more and more frolicly(Bitter).
The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, compound, consists of two simple ones connected by intonation and a coordinating adversative conjunction A.
First simple sentence the boat swayed on the waves playfully splashing against its sides, barely moving along the dark sea; second - it played faster and faster. The grammatical basis of the first sentence is the boat swayed and moved, the grammatical basis of the second sentence is it played. Between simple sentences as part of a complex opposition relation.

[ , ], a [ ]

Between simple sentences before a conjunction A A comma is placed at the end of a narrative sentence - a period.
2) But then one day, on a thawed March day, when the airfield suddenly darkened in one morning, and the porous snow settled so that the planes left deep furrows on it, Alexey took off in his fighter(Field).
The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, complex, consists of four simple sentences connected by intonation, a conjunctive word When and subordinating conjunction What. The sentence contains one main clause and three subordinate clauses: the first and second subordinate clauses (refer to the word day in the main clause and answer the question which?), are connected by an adversative conjunction A; third subordinate clause of manner of action, measure and degree (refers to the combination of a predicate verb with a demonstrative word So in the main sentence and answers the questions how? to what extent?).
This is a complex sentence with uniform and consistent subordination of subordinate clauses.

Subordinate clauses within a complex clause are separated by commas, and a period is placed at the end of the sentence.

Ex. 76. Rewrite, following the rules of spelling and punctuation. Parse the sentences.

1. I probably won’t be able to convey vividly and convincingly enough how great my amazement was when I felt that almost every book seemed to open a window for me into a new (un)known world, telling me about the people of Chu. thoughts and relationships which I (didn’t) know (didn’t) see..l (Gorky). 2. I rejoice and admire that a contemporary of L. Tolstoy was such an artist as Repin who conveyed his nature, life, look, thought in a way that it seems to me that no one else was able to convey (Stasov). 3. Strictly speaking, language never establishes...finally it (in)ceasingly lives and moves, developing and improving... (Belinsky). 4. Andersen often suffered, suffered cruelly, and one can only bow.. to the courage of this man (not) who in his life's path lost ... goodwill towards people, no.. thirst for justice, no.. ability to see poetry (everywhere) where it is (Paustovsky). 5. Just as beautiful and sublime thoughts do not lose their attractiveness and power, so trifles will remain trifles forever and ever (Nemirovich-Danchenko).

§ 67. Test tasks

1. Which of the sentences corresponds to the following scheme: (), , and?
a) When the whites arrived, the carnival ended and the coffee shop was empty.
b) When all the features of the poet’s work are revealed, individual stages are revealed and penetration into a separate word occurs.
c) While there are still people who encourage you to overcome the instinct of self-preservation, hope is not lost and life goes on.
d) To solve a problem correctly, you need to know the formula, and then this task will become a mere trifle.

2. In what case is the incorrect description of the proposal given?
A) Off to the side, in the middle of the meadow, there was a soft light, as if a fire was smoldering on the threshing floor, and people were wandering through the dark fields towards a separate barn, slowly, humming in a festive manner. And. The 1st part is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause, the 2nd part is a simple sentence.)
b) He talked about how tenderly and how cheerfully one should treat things, and a strange dreamy smile tickled his mustache, wrinkled and straightened the folds of his lips again.(A complex sentence with different types of connections, in it two semantic parts can be distinguished, connected by a coordinating conjunction And. The 1st part is a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses associated with the main homogeneous subordination, the 2nd part is a simple sentence.)
V) In Rozanov’s defense, only one thing can be said: this man did not have even the shadow of a cult of strength, and paganism did not seduce him.(A complex sentence with different types of connections; two semantic parts can be distinguished in it, connected intonationally. The 1st part is a simple sentence, the 2nd part is a complex sentence.)
G) Any injustice has a corrupting effect on both sides: both the one who suffers the injustice and the one who commits the injustice are corrupted.(A complex sentence with different types of connections, in it two semantic parts can be distinguished, connected intonationally. The 1st part is a simple sentence, the 2nd part is a complex sentence with two subordinate modifiers, which are associated with the main sequential subordination.)


§ 68. Features of the composition and structure of complex sentences

A complex sentence allows you to describe several events and express the relationships between them. The use of certain means of communication (conjunctions and allied words) between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence makes it possible to accurately determine the semantic relationships (causal, temporal, target, etc.) that are established between the individual parts of a detailed statement. Complex sentences are widely used in book writing.
However, often the construction of such sentences causes great difficulties, and incorrect construction of a complex sentence leads to a violation of the syntactic norms of the modern Russian language and causes gross speech errors. The most common mistakes made when constructing a complex sentence include the following.
1. Incorrect or inaccurate use of conjunctions and allied words.
Incorrect option:New methods of organizing production will become widespread only if the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high.
Corrected version:New methods of organizing production will become widespread only when the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high. Or: New methods of organizing production will become widespread only if the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high.
2. Using identical conjunctions and allied words between parts of one complex sentence, stringing together parts of a complex sentence.
Incorrect option:The discussion has taken such a turn that we can safely say that its participants will not be able to reach a compromise.
Corrected version:The ongoing discussion suggests that its participants will not be able to reach a compromise.
3. Setting a series of unambiguous conjunctions.
Incorrect option:The teacher made comments to the students several times, but his words had no effect.
Corrected version:The teacher made comments to the students several times, but his words had no effect. Or: The teacher made comments to the students several times, but his words had no effect.
4. Incorrect word order in a sentence with a subordinate clause.
REMEMBER: between the conjunction word which and the noun to which it refers must not be another noun of the same number.
Incorrect option:Yesterday, the journalist interviewed a representative of the delegation, who specially came to the meeting.
Corrected version:Yesterday, the journalist interviewed a representative of the delegation who had specially come to the meeting.
5. Mixing direct speech and indirect.
Incorrect option:The student said that I had not yet prepared the answer.
Corrected version:The student said that he had not yet prepared for the answer.
6. Variation in the parts of a complex sentence.
Incorrect option:
Corrected version:The following issues were discussed at the parent meeting: a) assistance to the school in repairing classroom furniture; b) organizing an evening meeting for school graduates. Or: The following issues were discussed at the parent meeting: a) how to help the school repair classroom furniture; b) how to organize a school reunion evening.

Ex. 77. Describe errors in complex sentences. Make stylistic edits.

1. Last Saturday, a conference was held for parents with preschool children at the House of Culture. 2. The speaker focused on an issue that is often raised at such meetings. 3. The speaker who reported this data and who turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport made an interesting comparison. 4. The author rashly remarked to the reviewer that how can you not notice what is new in the book. 5. The main thing you should pay attention to is violation of discipline. 6. Those who need additional classes must be provided with them. 7. The collection includes ditties composed not only in the Smolensk region, but also in other areas that exist in the Smolensk province.

§ 69. Test tasks

1. Determine the nature of the error made in a complex sentence.
His characters, who are so interestingly described in the work, whom you get used to and begin to like, suddenly die at the end.
a) word order is broken

2. Determine the nature of the error made in the complex sentence.
School is where children study.
a) omission of the word to which the subordinate clause refers
b) conjunctions or allied words are used incorrectly
c) direct speech is incorrectly converted into indirect speech
d) stringing of subordinate clauses is allowed

3. In what case is there an error in the construction of a complex sentence?
a) The jets of the fountain, which sparkled in the sun and seemed to hit the very sky, refreshed the air.
b) Every person is a world that is born with him and dies with him.
c) He did not say whether he would come today, and we were not sure whether he would return at all.
d) During the day, life goes on as usual in the house where I live.

4. In what case is there an error in the construction of a complex sentence?
a) He promised that he would return before sunset.
b) The news that guests would arrive today took the hostess by surprise.
c) There are days when everything goes well, when life is beautiful and simple.
d) The road that led to the forest, which was famous for its abundance of mushrooms and berries, was heavily washed out by the autumn rains.

5. In what case is there an error in the construction of a complex sentence?
a) When you read the novel “War and Peace,” you are always amazed at the depth of the author’s philosophical thought.
b) In the carriage, since many were returning home, there were many young people riding, so it was noisy and fun.
c) After the exams, we waited until the inspector announced our grades, and, delighted that no one had failed, we noisily rushed out into the street.
d) I want to know how this is done and why it is done.


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