Wolf messing predictions on. Wolf Grigorievich Messing - biography of a psychic

Wolf Messing is a famous clairvoyant and mentalist who was born in Poland and received his magical abilities while still in school. One day Wolf (still small) went to the store and saw giant dark figures who told him that soon he would begin to predict his future. After his studies ended, he moved to Berlin and began to develop his psychological abilities, which was the reason that he quickly learned to read minds, and after that he became extremely popular. Which ones exist for 2016 for Russia?

It seems strange to many that modern people are interested in the predictions of a magician who has already passed away from this life, but this great man proved that his abilities are indeed not fiction. There is a well-known story that when Wolf was little, he ran away from home to Berlin, on the streets of which he later lost consciousness. After this, he was sent to the hospital and the doctor, without finding the pulse of the unknown child, immediately sent the body to the morgue. However, by luck, the body was not dismembered, but was sent to students at the University for training, where one student discovered that the child had a weak pulse. The professor who led the group took the child to his home for treatment and observation, and found out that the boy simply fell into a lethargic sleep. From that moment he started his own business.

Wolf Messing about Russia

The predictor spoke very often about the fate of the USSR, and although it is extremely difficult to find an accurate forecast for 2016 from Wolf Messing anywhere, many of his predictions did come true. For example, he knew for sure that there would be a second war, and Germany would attack Russia, and also indicated the end date of this war - May 8 (although he could not see the year). In addition, he predicted the death of Joseph Stalin, which occurred during the celebration of a great Jewish celebration, and everything happened as he predicted. It is also worth saying that although no one mentioned this during the life of the psychic, Stalin trusted him unquestioningly due to the fact that the fortuneteller was able, on his instructions, to take 100 thousand rubles out of the bank (quite legally, by presenting a blank sheet of paper to the cashier), and also go through the leader's numerous guards and get to his office. After such information, it becomes clear why the leader of the USSR trusted him so much.

Predictions for 2016

It is difficult to say something about Wolf Messing’s predictions for 2016 for Russia, because he died back in 1974, but he predicted that one day Russia will become a superpower and will earn the respect of all neighboring countries. He also said that the Russian people would face a lot of difficulties, but nothing is known about how true this information is, because no evidence was found. Moreover, Wolf Messing’s prophecies for 2016 about Russia or Ukraine, as many psychics believe, in principle cannot exist, because he did not believe that the USSR would exist for a very long time.

There is information that this predictor finally said that Russia (or rather its eastern regions) will be attacked by China in 2015-2016, but no one knows how true this information is, so ordinary people just have to watch the further development of events and believe that everything will be fine.

Wolf Grigorievich Messing is a famous Soviet psychic, and many remember television programs with his participation, where he explained the secrets of psychology from a scientific point of view. Messing's biography is interesting, as are his paranormal abilities.

Wolf Grigorievich Messing - youth and childhood

Wolf Grigorievich Messing was born in Gura-Kalvaria. The town, populated predominantly by Jews, was located in the Warsaw province. His date of birth is September 10, 1899. The family was extremely religious, he had three brothers. As a child, the hypnotist constantly sleepwalked, and he was cured of this using a simple technique. Near the place of sleep, the relatives left a large vessel with cold water; the future hypnotist instantly woke up when he stood in it.

A still from the film “Wolf Messing” based on the work of Eduard Volodarsky

Wolf Messing's father was considered an embittered loser. He bore the nickname Gershka the tramp. The family lived by renting a garden. Wolf and his brothers were caring for fruit trees. Mother, Hana Messing, died of consumption at a young age.

At the age of six, his parents sent him to study at header- Jewish religious school at the synagogue. Most of the training consisted of memorizing the Talmud. The future hypnotist and psychic then demonstrated extraordinary skills in memorizing complex texts. He excelled in his studies, and his phenomenal memory seemed to his father a good inclination for his son to become a rabbi.

The atmosphere at home and at the elementary school made Wolf Messing a devout young man. His father convinced him to complete his studies at an institution for training spiritual ministers - Yeshiba. He dreamed that Wolf would become a rabbi and provide himself, and at the same time, his elderly father with a well-fed existence.

Wolf Messing

But the career of a confessor did not suit Wolf's taste. He did not want to devote his life to serving the Lord, argued with his father, and the latter had to pretend that he had given up. After the event when the future famous psychic saw a traveling circus performance, he rushed to a career as a magician. The parent did not take his son’s hobbies seriously and decided to resort to meanness - he asked a friend to pretend to be God and, under this guise, force the child to study to become a rabbi. Wolf did not recognize his father's friend, got scared and lost consciousness.

The next morning, Wolf resigned himself to fate and went to class at the Jewish school. He would have become a confessor, but the young man saw a father he knew who helped convince his son to study to become a rabbi under the guise of Yahweh. Wolf Messing recognized this man and understood his father's deception.

At that time the student was only 11 years old. He ran away from his father's home. Funds for food had to be stolen from the synagogue's charitable collections. There were 9 kopecks in the donation mug, but the boy decided that such an amount was better than nothing. He jumped on the first train that arrived at the station and left his hometown.

Wolf Messing - life after escaping from home

A short time after the boy left his father’s house, the first problem befell him. There was no money for a ticket, and Wolf Messing rode as a hare. When he saw the inspector approaching, he hid under a bench in horror so that he would not send him back to his deceiving father.

The controller noticed the “hare” and demanded a ticket. Wolf Messing grabbed the dirty piece of paper from the floor and, wishing with all his heart to get out of the situation, handed it to the controller. He was surprised and asked: “Why are you driving under the bench? Look, there are empty seats around.” This is how Wolf Messing first used hypnosis on a person. This happened unconsciously, but the boy realized that he had a supernatural ability.

This fact from the biography of Wolf Messing has become legendary, like many others. It was discussed that he allegedly forced the conductor to jump out of the train, which led to the latter's death. This is fiction.

By chance, the train took the tramp to Berlin. He earned money as best he could - he cleaned shoes, helped loaders, worked as a courier and a dishwasher. There was not enough money, and the boy was starving. One day he fainted on the street while delivering a package. He was almost mistaken for a dead man, but one of the trainee doctors heard a faint heartbeat.

After a three-day coma, Wolf Messing came to his senses. He was dealt with by Dr. Abel, a psychiatrist and neuropathologist. He realized that the patient knew how to control the body, could practically stop the heartbeat. The doctor became interested in the boy's abilities, and he began to study them. Wolf did not resist because he could end up in an orphanage. He recalled that after meeting Dr. Abel, life began to smile at him. The reports compiled by the doctor were burned during the hostilities.

Messing's circus career

Dr. Abel introduced the patient to the impresario Zellmeister and convinced the latter that the boy could perform circus acts. The goalmaster tested Wolf's abilities and got him into the circus. The main number was immersing the body in a cataleptic state for three days. The artist lay in a crystal coffin installed on the arena, and looked like a corpse, as after a hungry faint.

Messing's arsenal included tricks - searching for things hidden by spectators, piercing the neck with a needle. They paid him 5 marks a day, at that time they seemed to him a sufficient amount to live on. He spent about six months in the circus. The future world-famous psychic spent his free time talking with Abel about psychology, reading, and developing his abilities.

At the age of fifteen, in 1914, Wolf Messing got a job at the Busch Circus. But already in 1915 he put an end to it and began touring independently. On his first tour, Messing went to Vienna. The tour lasted three months. During this time, Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud became interested in the young man. They invited him to experiment after watching the performance. Wolf met the scientists' expectations by successfully carrying out mental orders.

In 1917, Wolf Messing went on tour for four years. He visited Japan, Argentina, Brazil. In 1921, the psychic and illusionist returned to his homeland, Gura Kalwaria. At this time it is part of Poland, not the Russian Empire. After returning home, the guy of military age joined the army. He did not know how to shoot or march, and did not have sufficient physical training, so he was assigned to the kitchen.

The soldier was taken straight from the army kitchen to Marshal Pilsudski, who was interested in rumors about him. Wolf did not hide his abilities and periodically showed tricks to his colleagues. The marshal checked them and turned to him for advice regarding his relationship with Evgenia Levitskaya. Messing turned out to be right, they were dangerous for her and drove the girl to suicide.

After serving in the army, the psychic continued to tour the countries of Europe, Asia, America, and Australia. In India, Messing met with Mahatma Gandhi and learned the secrets of yoga. His reputation grew and influenced not only the psychic and hypnotist himself. So, for the value he found for Count Czartoryski, he asked to repeal the law that discriminated against Jews.

There were also incidents. Wolf Messing told the woman who was waiting for her son with his earnings that he was dead. I determined this from a sheet of paper from his letter. But the “dead” returned, which almost ruined the psychic’s reputation. It turned out that he asked a literate friend to write a letter from dictation, and this man died, and not the son of the woman who turned to Messing.

Wolf Messing during World War II

In the early autumn of 1939, German troops entered Poland. The first actions of the invaders were to carry out genocide against local Jews. People were kept in ghettos, from where they were transferred to death camps. This fate did not spare the hypnotist’s hometown. The brothers and father of the psychic died in Majdanek, he miraculously survived thanks to his fans, they hid him in the basement of a Warsaw butcher shop.

A couple of years before the World War, Messing prophesied the imminent death of Hitler if he sent military forces to the eastern countries. Therefore, the hypnotist was declared an enemy of Germany and a reward of 20,000 marks was put up for his capture. The psychic knew that in Poland he would not escape death in a concentration camp. He planned to flee to the USSR, but the psychic was caught. It happened on the street, one of the German officers recognized him from a newspaper photo.

Wolf was thrown into a punishment cell, but the abuse did not end there. The hypnotist's legs were maimed and his teeth were knocked out. The gift did not let the psychic down; he gathered the military personnel in the building into the chamber using hypnosis, left it and locked the door. And he fled to Russia. Adaptation was difficult - Messing had no acquaintances in the country, and did not know the language. Then fortunetellers and psychics were frowned upon.

However, later a person was found who could help the famous hypnotist. Thanks to the care of the head of the local arts department, Messing was included in the brigade of circus performers in the Brest region. He performed in major cities of the state. The psychic had a chance to communicate with Stalin. The leader forgave him a lot. There is a legend that. Whether this is true or not, it is a fact - they met with the purpose of testing Messing’s abilities.

After these meetings, Wolf Messing predicted the victory of the USSR in the Patriotic War. In 1943, when answering a question from the audience, the psychic said that this would happen on May 8. Later, Stalin sent a telegram where he wrote that the hypnotist made a mistake one day. The Soviet psychic called his performances psychological experiments, and he received a handsome salary. At your own expense

built two aircraft for the army.

After the war, Wolf Messing did not lose popularity. He performed in front of audiences in the hall and on television. However, he showed those abilities that could be explained from a scientific point of view. This is the only reason why a psychic on state television was tolerated by a government that did not approve of supernatural phenomena.

Wolf Messing's last performance took place in October 1974. A few days later he died from complications after injuring his legs in German captivity. He underwent surgery on the blood vessels of his legs, but in the evening he died and his kidneys failed. The years of Wolf Messing's life were 1899–1974, he lived for 75 years.

Messing met Aida through his career as a psychic. This happened in Novosibirsk during the war. She knocked on his dressing room and offered to rewrite the opening speech for the performance. A relationship began and it led to marriage.

Among the psychic’s inner circle they said that Aida Mikhailovna Messing-Rapoport was imposing her opinion on him. She decides for her husband who to accept and who to refuse. There were rumors that Aida Mikhailovna cuts the meat on his plate during trips to the restaurant. Many believed that she had married a creative person who was helpless in everyday life and had a good income.

Aida Mikhailovna Messing Rapoport

After the wedding, Stalin ordered the newlyweds to be given a one-room apartment in the center of Moscow. They moved into it with Aida Mikhailovna’s sister, who was disabled. Wolf said which clinic would treat her, and Iraida Mikhailovna stood up. There were no children in the family; the couple kept two dogs.

Aida Mikhailovna became her husband's assistant. She went on tours and performances with him, helped in organizing receptions and other events. And after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Aida Mikhailovna accompanied her husband. She built her tour schedule in such a way as to be able to help her husband with performances and attend therapy sessions.

Aida Mikhailovna did not agree to the operation. She received therapeutic treatment. Wolf Messing predicted the date of death, but was wrong by exactly a month. The wife died on August 2, 1960. Iraida Mikhailovna’s support helped Wolf Messing continue his performances. He received a spacious apartment, but continued to live in the one in which his wife spent her last minutes.

Messing's grave at Vostryakovsky cemetery

Messing's grave is located at the Vostryakovsky cemetery. He is buried in the same plot with his wife, whom he outlived by 14 years. Their graves remained unmarked. The government in force until the 90s banned the installation of a tombstone, so as not to provoke fans of the psychic to make a pilgrimage to the burial site.

In 1990, a friend of the Messing family, who lived in America, installed tombstones for the famous couple at her own expense. They are tall and hard to miss. The tombstone of Wolf Messing - with a photo, Aida Mikhailovna - in the form of a bust.

Messing's grave is located in the 38th section of the Vostryakovsky cemetery. Now it is a place of power where people come to perform rituals. Many believe that you can ask the clairvoyant spirit for wealth, health and happiness. According to the cemetery guards, there are strange personalities.

Books about Messing

Books about Messing contain legends and fictional facts from his life. The book written by the psychic himself, “About Myself,” is considered reliable. In the annotation to the book, author Tatyana Lungina indicates that Messing used her book to write a biography. The book is called "Man of Mystery". It is dedicated to seeing the biography of a psychic through the eyes of a person from his close circle.

There are many books about Messing. Some talk about facts from the life of an artist and a hypnotist. The legends that surround famous personalities are presented as true events. There are books about exposing the charlatan Messing, as well as containing attempts to explain his abilities.

There are many films about Messing. Filmed at the beginning of the 21st century, after the death of the psychic. Films about Messing are based on autobiography and books published by other authors.

Wolf Messing's personality has been extraordinary since childhood, but he sought to use his gift for good and was involved in charity work. He became one of the psychics and predictors in history who agreed to collaborate with scientists, and he himself sought contact with scientists for a thorough study of supernatural phenomena.

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The greatest telepath and soothsayer of his time, Wolf Messing, left many predictions for the coming 2020. Due to the aggravated situation in the financial market and the world arena, such information is of interest not only to politicians and businessmen who care about financial well-being and careers, but also to ordinary people who dream of stability and prosperity for their country.

Messing's clairvoyance - a gift or quackery

Wolf Messing's amazing abilities first appeared in early childhood. He could memorize large texts from the Talmud without much effort. His father dreamed of his son becoming a rabbi, but the boy did not like this idea, and he secretly fled to Berlin. The future famous telepath traveled to Germany by train, where he hypnotized a person for the first time. It turned out to be an inspector checking tickets. Wolf handed him a simple piece of paper, which he took for a travel ticket.

In the German capital, a teenager was starving and once even fell into a lethargic sleep. The German professor Abel became interested in this phenomenon. He helps the young man develop a special gift: becoming immune to pain, hypnotizing people, sending them mental commands, reading minds.

In Berlin, the young clairvoyant met Freud and Einstein, who subsequently always helped and supported him. For some time he worked in the circus, successfully proving his psychic abilities. The telepath was noticed at the state level when he predicted the death of the Fuhrer in 1937. He was thrown into a punishment cell, from where he escaped without any problems with the help of his gift. A bounty was placed on the fortuneteller's head in the Third Reich, and he had to flee to the Soviet Union. Not only Stalin and government officials, but also ordinary residents of the USSR were interested in the prophecies of Wolf Grigorievich. He spent a lot of time traveling around the country, giving lectures and helping servicemen at the front.

What awaits Russia in 2020

The visions of the great predictor and telepath did not bypass the country that became his homeland. Wolf Messing's predictions for 2020 for Russia indicate that the country will face many changes and challenges. These are not only economic reforms, but also natural disasters, such as fires and river floods. By the end of the year the situation should stabilize. Messing argued that the standard of living of Russians would gradually improve. This applies to the fields of education, the armed forces, medicine, and culture.

As for military conflicts, the soothsayer saw that Russia would become a peacekeeping country. This is what we see in the example of Syria. It is already actively fighting international terrorism and occupies a leading position in the international arena. The clairvoyant made many statements about the Russians’ penchant for coups d’etat and expansion of territorial borders. We can already say for sure that this is what is happening, since the borders of the Russian Federation have expanded all the way to Crimea and the Black Sea. Wolf Messing's prophecies for 2020 literally say that a new leader will appear in Russia, who will further lead the country in the right direction.

At the beginning of the coming year, the economic situation in the country will not be easy. It will require new reforms and the right decisions at the government level. The Prophet believed that Russia would be able to cope with the situation without much loss. Great prospects await those who invest in innovative technologies and modernization of production, while those who are guided by old approaches and principles will face failure. Messing saw that Russia has “fierce power” - rich natural resources, but warned that one cannot rely on this fact alone. To prevent a crisis, it is necessary to develop our own agricultural complex and industry, following the example of the developed leading countries of Europe.

In his predictions, Wolf Messing mentioned that one should be wary of the United States and China. The first country will openly conflict with Russia, the second - covertly. China in the future will grow to the level of a powerful superpower, will try to become a leader among other countries, and pursue a policy with some aggressive overtones. According to the seer, the United States will gradually begin to lose ground, although the Americans’ dislike for the Russian Federation and everything Russian will never fade away.

More than once Messing was asked about the Third World War. This topic worries many, since there are many hot spots on the world map. Economic crises, political conflicts, as well as growing nationalism in the former USSR countries, especially the Baltic region and Ukraine, sometimes push people to fearful thoughts and panic. In the predictions of the hypnotist Wolf Messing for 2020 for Russia and the world, there is nothing about large-scale military conflicts. He predicted that in order to create universal harmony and maintain peace on earth, it is necessary for all nations to hear each other and unite, to resolve issues not by force of arms, but by the force of diplomacy.

Prophet's predictions for the whole world

The great seer Wolf Messing not only pointed to certain individual events in the future, but also left global prophecies for all of humanity. He claimed that the world would face two falls and a dawn. The world order established in the 20th century will not be undermined by a third world war, but revolutionary movements are expected in many countries. Dictators and “fat” politicians will be overthrown. They will be replaced by reformers of a new kind.

The mystic also pointed out that the 21st century is the century of several local military conflicts. They will arise like outbreaks here and there due to national strife and the division of the natural resources of our planet. After a series of conflicts, 100 years of peace and order will finally come. It will once again be replaced by international political unrest caused by people's dissatisfaction with the ruling elite. As a result, true patriotic leaders will be elected in many countries.

What has already come true

Telepath, healer and hypnotist... this is how contemporaries spoke of Wolf Messing. He was not afraid of death, loneliness, or power. Many of his prophecies have already come true:

  1. Beginning of World War II. No one could have foreseen such a turn of events at that time, since the well-known Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact was concluded between Germany and the USSR.
  2. End of World War II. Messing saw this event and even predicted the date - May 8. He claimed that Russian tanks would enter the German capital and take it, although he was wrong by 1 day. The Generalissimo of the USSR himself notified him of this mistake by sending a telegram.
  3. Death of Stalin. According to Messing's prophecy, the leader of all nations will die on a Jewish holiday if he does not stop persecuting representatives of this nation. And so it happened. Joseph Vissarionovich died on March 5. And a few days later, all the Jews of the world celebrate, a holiday symbolizing the nation’s struggle for survival.

The great predictor also saw the date of his own death - November 8, 1974, as well as the date of death of his wife Aida Mikhailovna. The doctors tried to save her, but Messing already knew that the doctors would not succeed. During the Great Patriotic War, crowds of people came to meetings with Messing, wanting to know about the fate of their husbands and sons, but he refused such inhumane prophecies.


Wolf Messing, known as one of the most unusual people of his time, left several rather vague statements about the future awaiting the whole world and Russia in particular.

In general, Messing did not like to predict people's future. He believed that the desire to acquire knowledge about future events (often tragic) was a road to nowhere. They will not bring good to a person. Messing was convinced of this by his own example, when he predicted the death of his beloved wife and assistant to the hour. He could not change her fate, so the anticipation of future difficult events only poisoned his last days of communication with her.

Nevertheless, Messing left some information that came to him, perhaps from visions from above, to curious posterity. They mostly concerned the Second World War, but some messages can be attributed to 2016 (although the seer preferred not to give exact dates). Thus, he mentioned three powerful powers, by which he most likely meant the USA, China and Russia. America faces a difficult period starting in 2016.

Messing believed that America would be removed from the “throne” it occupied before this time. The period when she could dictate her terms to the whole world will end. China is emerging onto the world political stage. It is China that is destined to play one of the main roles in the play called “The Most Important Events on a Planetary Scale.” The dollar will lose its value, and the Chinese currency will take a strong position in world markets.

The rise of China will not be a very peaceful and calm process. This state will conquer additional territories in the east. It is possible that it will appropriate part of the new lands for itself at Russia’s expense. Messing's picture of the future for Japan and Taiwan is not very rosy. These countries should suffer some kind of terrible blow in 2016. What was the seer talking about, hinting at this blow? Perhaps the use of nuclear weapons. In any case, these states will suffer great losses both in the economy and in human resources.

The soothsayer said almost nothing about the fate of Russia in 2016. He only warned that our country would face considerable difficulties, but all of them would be overcome over time. As a result, Russia will become stronger and will also occupy one of the first places in the international arena. No separate prophecies have been preserved about Ukraine; it is only known that Messing considered it a very interesting state with a special destiny.

Perhaps Messing left some written predictions that would shed light on the events taking place today and their results. But he lived in Russia during Stalin’s times, which practically excluded the free keeping and especially the publication of any records containing information of national importance. This unusual man wrote notes for himself and kept them in his house.

After his death, this archive was classified and, they say, has not been disclosed to this day. The soothsayer confidently predicted only what concerned the immediate future of the Soviet Union: the date of the start of the war, the date of its end (he was wrong by one day) and also the date of Stalin’s death. The leader respected Messing, listened to his words and did not take any punitive measures against him.

From the meager information about Messing’s prophecies for 2016, it is clear that we will not have to expect any particularly tragic events in the near future; rather, on the contrary, Russia will begin a very slow but sure path to revival.

At all times, people have strived to learn as much as possible about their future, about what events await them. It is worth noting that such information is very interesting and useful, and is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, because there will always be a couple of inquisitive people who want to know about everything. It is for this reason that predictions are in great demand and popularity today.

Wolf messing predictions 2016 is an excellent opportunity to find out what events await us, the country, in this new year, as well as a chance to compare the current year with the outgoing one and draw a conclusion and analyze some situations.

Wolf Messing is an outstanding person who was famous throughout the world for his ability to read people's thoughts and predict events that came true with a 100% success rate. As a rule, Messing could tell about the fate of a person by touching only his hand, and his whole life rose and opened before his eyes, everything that was about to happen and happen. As a rule, the most important predictions and prophecies came quite suddenly. One of these is the accurate prediction of the date of the beginning and end of the war, although at that time no one attached much importance to this. The same applies to information regarding the death of the people's leader Stalin. After all, only Messing was able to name the exact date of his death.

What awaits the world in 2016 as predicted by Wolf Messing?

At the very beginning, I would like to say that all predictions mainly affect the fate of the three leading powers, the result of whose actions will be the result of the 21st century. It is worth noting that if in this conflict situation everyone acts and follows a reasonable path, trying to achieve peace and harmony, then this will become another striking example of the fact that from any situation, even the most hopeless, you can find an optimal way out that will suit all parties , and everyone will be satisfied. What countries are we talking about in the predictions? Of course, about Russia, America and China. It is these countries and states that stand at a crossroads, and the entire fate depends on how correct the path is chosen. Wolf Messing suggested that these countries would become direct participants in a single conflict, the result of which would be a good lesson for the future for everyone, and would also help change the course of all events in a peaceful direction.

It is worth noting that Wolf Messing’s predictions are not written down or documented anywhere, so perhaps we should not take them so seriously and responsibly. Although, who knows where the truth is and where it is just a possible assumption. But everyone will hope for the best, and wish that all conflicts and difficulties encountered along the way are resolved only peacefully, without bringing any disaster to each other.

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