The capabilities of the human body are known automotive. Where is the limit? Unique human capabilities

Ecology of life. Life: Surely you have often thought about the question of what a person’s real capabilities actually are. What kind of creature is this man anyway, an ordinary animal that has evolved quite a bit from the monkey in terms of intelligence according to Darwin’s theory, but overall remained at approximately the same animal level?

Surely you have often thought about the question of what a person’s real capabilities actually are. What kind of creature is this man anyway, an ordinary animal that has evolved quite a bit from the monkey in terms of intelligence according to Darwin’s theory, but overall remained at approximately the same animal level?

Or is man a perfect and ideal creation of the Universe? A direct likeness of the Almighty Creator, who has yet to discover all the boundlessness of his potential abilities and capabilities that he actually already possesses, but for some reason they are still hidden for him...

What is really available to a person: conscious control of all functions of the body, as some yogis claim, or only what is now open to us by modern doctors and scientists?

Well, is it possible that even the legends are true that MAN can do everything in the world, from flying, healing and walking on water, or turning into animals as the Slavs and Indians claim. Perhaps this is vision through walls and even time, like with psychics, or even the real materialization of objects from thin air by Sufi sages.

Well, or only those who say that the maximum of a person’s real capabilities is simply lying on the couch and watching football with a can of cold beer are truly right. And today we will try to answer all these questions with the help of modern science, because science today is the main criterion for the credibility of any knowledge and achievements.

Let's try to discard all speculation and superstition, and plunge into the world of real scientific knowledge. Although, in truth, even omnipotent science has recently discredited itself a little in the field of studying human capabilities. More often than not, all the advanced scientific knowledge about the capabilities of man in the very recent past, in its impenetrable stupidity, simply reached the point of comedy or absurdity.

After all, just a couple of decades ago, half of the doctors and academicians in the field of medicine could have easily sent you to a psychiatric hospital for injections if you had said that a person could go without food for more than a week and not die. Yes, and almost all official encyclopedias of the last century cited similar figures. Even according to the famous Encyclopedia Britannica, a person should have died from starvation in a maximum of 10-14 days.

And mind you, this is at the same time that many experimenters with fasting, almost a hundred days, have long been experimenting near them. And this doesn’t even take into account the fact that Christ and Buddha fasted for quite a long time. Do these medical professors really not read any books or look around? And fasting has nothing to do with it if you think that scientists are afraid to study it.

By the way, another fact is that it is still believed that a person can live 5-7 days without water. Although all over the world they conduct therapeutic fasting tours without drinking even water under supervision for 7-8 days with trips to nature. And some people are happy to pay decent money for this, and are happy with the result, although according to science they should all die. But, as I already said, and fasting has nothing to do with it, no modern science will explain to you other potential human capabilities.

A person's abilities in the cold, for example, a competition among Tumo followers to dry wet sheets on a naked body in the cold. In which the winners dry up to several dozen sheets while sitting in the snow in shorts, naturally without suffering from any flu. And this is in the mountains, where even breathing is not easy.

And this while other people are dying from a cold, simply forgetting a warm scarf at home today. But where did their potential human capabilities and abilities go? But a person is capable of much besides this, for example, in some countries, operations without anesthesia have been officially performed in hospitals more than once. And just ordinary people themselves, and under the supervision of psychologists, learned in just a couple of days how to stop feeling pain during surgery.

And this is without the use of any drugs, anesthesia or even hypnosis. But under hypnosis, people easily lie with their backs on two points of support, which even experienced athletes cannot do, and bodies under hypnosis, due to relaxation, can withstand almost any load and not break.

Or even under the usual influence of NLP specialists, people can become intoxicated in seconds, without even trying alcohol. More than once, scientists have conducted sleep studies, various kinds of studies of real human abilities, records, and even real torture with insomnia. Which showed that on average the human body can withstand no more than 10 days without sleep. And after this, irreversible consequences for the human psyche, or even death, occur.

Secrets of the brain. Incredible Abilities!!!

But none of the scientists will scientifically explain how people can now exist who never sleep, and have been for decades, and feel very good about it. Such abilities most often arise as a result of accidents, but there are also those people who claim that they consciously acquired the ability not to need sleep.

It is also impossible to find explanations from scientists why sometimes some people during hypnosis speak languages ​​previously unknown to them. And others, after clinical death, generally know almost a hundred languages, although before this event they knew only a few.

Indeed, now so much information has actually already accumulated from enthusiasts in the field of various unknown human capabilities, regarding various documented cases during clinical death. From reliable descriptions of the environment and the actions of doctors while the person was under general anesthesia or unconscious.

Magic hands - real human capabilities

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There are quite a few such amazing cases, or rather many thousands. But they will never be recognized by scientists of a long-ossified science in any matters concerning the real abilities of a person. And this is no longer even strange, but simply a scientific fact. I wonder why no one studies these people, or are they carefully hidden from scientists who are always hungry for knowledge and do not give interviews to the entire Internet? Well, or scientists themselves are not particularly interested in this, considering such deviations to be random and useless for other people. published

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Yes, someday people will find ways to bring to the surface and fully utilize the priceless riches hidden in the deep depths of the hemispheres of their brain. But even now nature constantly spills out from the volcanic depths of man real reminders of our capabilities: so that we do not forget what we are, so that we do not belittle ourselves, so that we focus on the worldview of Man, and not a blind worm.

Sometimes these opportunities spill out in extreme, unusual conditions: for example, there is a known case when a small, fragile woman-mother jerked a bus over to free her child from under its wheels. Another case - another woman-mother, tying her sick child behind her back, ran during the night more than seventy kilometers through the jungle to a village where she knew there was a doctor, and at the same time managed to drive a fleet-footed forest animal to bring him as payment. to the doctor.

However, we are still talking about the possibilities of human physical endurance, but for now I want to say that nature sometimes shows us what we are in our perspective, showing the world people who have realized more than one, two, three percent of their brain resources, how this usually happens when people approach the very maximum of human capabilities.

There are such examples.

Not long ago, two large notebooks of notes made by Leonardo da Vinci over a period of fifteen years were discovered in the National Library of Madrid. The notebooks contain 700 pages, they are filled with anatomical drawings, drawings of machines, discussions about the nature of light, ballistics formulas, judgments about the nature and characteristics of musical instruments... These 700 pages, far ahead of their time, are only a small part of the general heritage of the great Italian, scientist, and - don’t forget, - among other things, the greatest artist not only of the Renaissance, but also of the foreseeable history of mankind in general.

I think this person has really approached the level of human capabilities, that efficiency of the human personality, which someday, in the future, will become the norm, but for now, for now, it is the guideline that should always shine for us when there are doubts, or fatigue, or petty motives will begin to dominate us.

The great universalist Goethe, the great universalist Lomonosov - these are the people whose brains developed harmoniously, exactly as they should, exactly as the brain of every Person will one day develop.

And how many outstanding minds who managed to penetrate into the very essence of things are presented to us by the history of science, art, and social struggle! And how many great masters of their craft - builders, artisans, carvers, sailors - the history of material culture shows us!

There is a lot here that is amazing. Let me just say, so as not to lose the thread of thought, that approaches to increasing our efficiency, in particular memory efficiency, are already being mastered by specialists.

For example, Bulgarian professor Georgiy Lodanov decided to make fuller use of memory resources when teaching foreign languages. He developed a technique by which the most ordinary person is able to memorize several dozen or even several hundred foreign words in a lesson, and within two to three weeks master an active conversational vocabulary. This experiment shows how great our real capabilities are. And such possibilities are hidden not only in the depths of our memory, but also in all aspects of our psyche, in all our senses, in all our abilities. Isn't it known that deaf people can dance to music that is playing two or three floors below, they are guided by a vibration that hearing people simply do not feel? Isn’t it known that blind people are able to determine the type of trees even by the rustle of leaves?

Our reserves are colossal, limitless! The whole world recently went around with a message about three young people, students of the defectologist Meshcheryakov, who unfortunately died. These guys - deaf-blind - managed to graduate not only from high school, but also from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. They defended their diplomas with flying colors! Instead of missing sense organs, these guys developed their sense of smell, touch, and tactile sensitivity to the maximum.

Yes, we as a whole are still working at a tiny fraction of our capacity, and we need to remember this in order to focus on a true standard worthy of a person.

When, having decided to write this book, I began to collect materials about the immeasurable capabilities of man, I even fell into confusion for a while: such a flurry of documentary evidence about the amazing things we are capable of fell upon me.

Pavel Kondratievich Oshchepkov, for example, did not know how to read and write until he was twelve - the whirlwinds of the civil war threw the homeless orphan through life. But already twenty-three years old, he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute ahead of schedule, and at twenty-four - for the first time in the world - he put forward and put into practice the idea of ​​​​radar! Before the British, before the Americans...

This great invention alone would have been enough for anyone to last a lifetime, but Oshchepkov decisively moved on: he became the founder of the new science of introscopy, the essence of which is the teaching that any medium becomes transparent if the appropriate type and spectral composition of the penetrating radiation is chosen correctly. Is it not enough to see with your own eyes the layer-by-layer deep tissues in the human body? Is it bad to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the state of the metal in the depths of a monolithic structure? This is truly mastery of magical vision!

But Oshchepkov goes further, sharply advancing the magical vision of the human mind: revising the seemingly fundamental laws of science, he is looking for ways to obtain and transform the gigantic energy of the natural cycle in nature for the benefit of society with incredible efficiency. Isn't this insolence? But the ability to see in an opaque environment once seemed daring... The implementation of the ideas of this one person has already introduced new qualities into the life of all humanity, and can lead to a great revolution, to a new starting point in its development.

That's what a person can do!

Back in 1974, Komsomolskaya Pravda published the article “Chronicle of a Record.” It was about the Hungarian chess player Janos Slash, who managed to play blind in a simultaneous chess game on how many tables do you think? Don't guess, you won't guess: fifty-two at the same time! That is, without looking at the board, Janos played simultaneously with fifty-two partners. Opposing him were four candidate masters, twelve first-class chess players, and the rest were second- and third-class chess players. He played forty games with white, twelve with black. The session lasted thirteen and a half hours with only three five-minute breaks. Janos won thirty-one games, drew eighteen, and lost only three matches!

There are more than enough records of various kinds being set in the world. Why did I draw and draw your attention to this particular record? What struck my attention was the motivation for the decision that prompted Janos to undertake this super-overload. He believed that he was sentenced to death (doctors diagnosed him with lung cancer) and decided to leave behind a bright memory - to prove that the human brain is capable of withstanding a colossal load and that we humans use only a small, insignificant part of its inexhaustible reserves. It is curious that even six months later Janos Slash was able to remember all the games that he played then. But the most important thing: after this session, the x-ray showed that his lungs were clean!.. Some doctors explain the reason for this amazing recovery as the body’s reaction to enormous true stress. These are the possibilities that are hidden in each of us without any exception.

I will return once again to where I started this book. The land is small and its natural resources are limited. Cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov wrote: “Why do all the cosmonauts say: The Earth is small, the Earth is small. Is the earth small? Because it is truly surprisingly small. Simply amazing! Moreover, I remember when Gagarin said this for the first time, it was a colossal revelation for everyone, although everyone knew the linear and other dimensions of the Earth. Then, on subsequent flights, we learned that the Earth is small not only in its linear dimensions, but also in the way man managed it!”

What follows from this? I will emphasize again and again: it follows from this that we, people, must pay more attention to the development of our truly inexhaustible internal human resources.

And in connection with this topic - our internal resources - I want to tell you about one of our astronauts.

The correspondent asks him:

If the goal of life is happiness, then what do you consider happiness?

A correctly chosen target,” answered the astronaut. - Life is a luxurious gift from nature, it must be justified. Every person is faced with an alternative: to simply ensure their existence or to consider that you are created for something more. The natural way out is to take the path of creativity, to take a position of self-affirmation. One writes his name on the wall, the other writes novels.

This is the answer of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor of Technical Sciences, designer of new spacecraft systems. A person has found himself and realizes himself in his mature years as fully as he can. But I cite his example, his fate in order to speak not only about. This is, rather, about the beginning of his life, about those years when he was about the same age as current high school students.

While still very young, he became interested in the book “Interplanetary Travel” by Yakov Perelman. He decided to engage in “extra-atmospheric flight,” while others dream of becoming firefighters or scouts. Shortly before the war, he counted the years: how many were needed to study, how many to build a rocket, and it turned out that he would have to fly to the Moon in 1964. And he, indeed, flew in 1964, but not to the Moon, but to an artificial orbit satellite of the Earth. But there was still a war between his distant dreams and their fulfillment. Kostya Feoktistov became a scout. Disguised as a homeless boy, he went behind enemy lines five times. And the sixth time he was caught by the Nazis. Here’s how Y. Golovanov writes: “Kostya saw two silver “SS” snakes on the German’s buttonholes - so many years have passed, but he will never forget these snakes - and he realized that they don’t just put him on the edge of a pit, what’s wrong with this He can’t handle a healthy fascist, and all he can do is, perhaps, just jump on him, knock out the gun and run. And the Nazi probably also understood all this, read it in Kostya’s eyes and, without aiming, shot him in the face.

If Kostya was unconscious, it was only for a moment, because while still falling into the hole, he realized that he had to fall face down, and so he fell.

The fascist stood for a moment, then walked away. Kostya stood up, his shirt was wet and sticky with blood. The bullet went through the jaw and exited in the neck. He heard excited voices and realized that the Nazis were returning. Then he remembered how he was lying, remembered his position and again buried his face in the ground... One in his heart kicked a stone, and it thuddedly hit the ground next to Kostya’s head... One night he crawled to the river, the day he lay in the bushes, dying of thirst, and on the second night he swam across the river and came to his people. He reported and was sent to the medical battalion, and then to the hospital. From the hospital Kostya fled to his own people, to the reconnaissance platoon. But then he was quickly taken back to the medical battalion.”

In the paper that the unit command gave him, it was written: “In August 1942, he fell into the hands of the enemy and was shot by the Gestapo. Comrade Feoktistov was presented by the garrison command for a government award.”

The award looked for him for a long time, but many years later he finally found it - the Order of the Patriotic War and the medal “For Victory over Germany.” This is what this doctor of technical sciences experienced in his teenage years. And I once again want to draw your attention to the mobilization of all the strength and will of this guy, when, in order to deceive the enemy, he decided to take the pose in which the Gestapo man last saw him.

Do you remember Vadim Boyko’s autobiographical book “The Word after the Execution”? A book about the amazing willpower of a young man. It told how a sixteen-year-old boy, having been kidnapped by the Germans to Germany, escaped from concentration camps six times, was shot twice by the Nazis, and how, as a particularly dangerous criminal, he was placed in a special block of the Auschwitz extermination camp. The book tells how, in order to save this boy, whose name became a legend and a symbol of the struggle for millions of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, an international committee was created under the motto “Life of the Eaglet.” The chairman of this committee was Józef Cyrankiewicz. Thanks to the solidarity of dozens of people, older friends of various nationalities, the boy was saved by exchanging his tag for the tag of a corpse, and taken in a truck to another concentration camp. This book, this fate of the only person in the world, apparently, who found the strength to escape from the gas chamber itself, shocked and interested me so much that I decided to meet its author and in 1976 I went to Kyiv. We met and talked for several days in a row. I learned a lot more new, extraordinary things about Vadim. When he finally received his freedom in 1945, a man of nineteen years old, he weighed only thirty-eight kilograms!.. Returning home after the war, he decided to harden and strengthen his body as powerfully as his spirit was hardened. He entered the Ukrainian Institute of Physical Education and after some time became a master of sports in acrobatics and the champion of Ukraine in this sport. But the past did not allow him to live in peace, the memory of his fallen comrades burned his heart, and, leaving his sports teaching activity, in which he was very successful, he devoted himself entirely to another work: he began to write memoirs...

He spoke with his memoirs several times, and they had a huge public response. Soon the book by V. Boyko was published. What do you think he spent the money on? At the age of 44, he realized his childhood dream - he bought a piano! He wanted to learn to play. You know very well what it means to learn to play the piano. This takes more than one year. And Vadim Boyko learned to play within three months!..

Such and such is the Man, and such and such are the possibilities of Man!

Among the many people worthy of this high title, there is a man whose work and life I have been following for many years not only with undiminished, but constantly increasing admiration. Judge for yourself: when he was young, he studied at two institutes at the same time: in industrial and in... medical. He graduated from Industrial with honors and defended the design of a supercontinental aircraft as his graduation project. He also graduated from medical school more than successfully and, what is especially surprising, ahead of schedule, because he completed two courses in one year. He was left for graduate school in medicine, but he was fascinated by the practical work of a surgeon, and he left graduate school and became a practicing physician. During his twenty-five years as a surgeon, he restored health to many thousands of people and published more than forty scientific papers. His work in the field of pulmonary surgery was awarded the Lenin Prize. At the same time, the person I’m talking about came close to solving the most complex problems associated with surgical interventions in the heart. His contribution to the treatment of congenital and acquired heart defects is at the level of world achievements.

At the same time, this person begins to pay more and more attention to the study of problems of cybernetics in general and biological cybernetics in particular. He heads the department of biological cybernetics at the Academic Institute of Cybernetics.

Just as in his youth, when he studied at two institutes, so now he is fighting on two fronts: while remaining a leading surgeon, he is gaining fame as a cyberneticist. Moreover, around the same time he began to engage in literary activities - his books appeared, arousing the interest of a wide variety of readers.

And as diverse (and at the same time united) he is in his scientific and practical activities, he is just as diverse - while fully preserving his individuality - in literature. Among his artistic works there are also those that can be considered popular science, although their content is primarily the psychology of people. His books also include science fiction.

But that’s not all: in those same years he also acted as an educator of extraordinary proportions. His articles, brochures, speeches, conversations and interviews are regularly published to explain the fundamentals of human health. He appears on All-Union television. Moreover, this popularization does not come at the expense of simplifying the material, but through a clear presentation of its foundations, its philosophical depths.

I would like to draw your attention to such a personality trait of this person as the desire to check all his recommendations first of all on himself. He keeps himself in excellent sports shape, one can only envy his state of health, although, however, it is better not to envy him, but to follow his recommendations.

Everything that speaks about a person’s capabilities, he strives to realize on himself and on his loved ones. He believes that when raising children, you need to teach them to be happy. And in order for them to truly be happy, it is necessary to develop higher interests in them, it is necessary to awaken in them curiosity, a desire for creativity, for work, and perseverance in achieving goals. It teaches children the art of communicating with people, the skill of taking from smart, knowledgeable people what they can give, and teaches them not to be greedy for things.

This is how academician, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, outstanding surgeon, remarkable popularizer, and brilliant fiction writer Nikolai Amosov lives and works.

Of course, to become such a person and live the way he lives, you need the makings. But, having familiarized yourself with his biography, in which he very frankly talks about how, strictly speaking, in his youth he was no different from others in anything special, you see that this man to a great extent made himself what he is now, made - I’m not afraid to say the forerunners of those people who in the future will replace the man of today.

I want to instill in you the idea of ​​the incredible, fantastic possibilities of almost every person.

Here are more examples that show what a person is capable of. The Germans shot at Sergeant Major Pyotr Antipov at point-blank range, he burned in the tank three times, and was blown up by a grenade. His arms and legs were amputated. But he found the strength to continue living and in 1948, a graduate of the Tikhvin Forestry College, he was awarded a diploma with honors. He became a forester...

Decades have passed since then. In addition to the technician's diploma, an engineer's diploma was also added. Pyotr Antipov became a Hero of Socialist Labor, an Honored Forester of the RSFSR, and a rare specialist. Pravda correspondent L. Nikitin concluded his story about the fate of Antipov with the words of the writer Mikhail Prishvin: “You can’t do anything, you’ll be lost if you don’t put your boat on the wave of the great movement.” Of course, these words directly refer to the extraordinary man Antipov, but doesn’t the idea that your boat should move at the core of great laws apply only to this one person, doesn’t it contain the deepest philosophical and at the same time practical meaning?

At one time, the attention of the general public was attracted by G. Bocharov’s essay “The Undefeated,” which told about the extraordinary trials that befell the pilot who was involved in an accident. The reaction of readers to this essay was very interesting. Its peculiarity was that people saw in the phenomenal capabilities of the human body, first of all, the enormous, innumerable possibilities of the human spirit. I remember the letter published by the editors, signed by the female name Inga. Inga wrote: “It becomes light in your soul when you find out that among your contemporaries there are such fearless, strong, strong-willed men. But when you see how animatedly, literally every evening, young men stomp around the wine departments, men whose eyes light up only at the sight of a half-liter, you become lonely and sad.”

Yes, son, some write their name on the wall, others write a novel. Both of them are self-realizing.

So, a person should strive to realize himself to the maximum potential that is inherent in us.

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I’ve been thinking for a long time about what to write about today, probably something motivating! So, meet the material about what the human body is capable of!

To begin with, the question: “Do you know that you yourself are underestimating your capabilities?” In fact, if you convince yourself that it is impossible to achieve any goal, you are 100% likely to lose! The same goal will be achieved by a person no different from you, or even with more modest capabilities, and all thanks to the fact that he “forgot” such a word as “impossible”! And so let’s get down to the enchanting New Year’s article:

What do you think is the greatest distance a person can run continuously? So, the record in this area belongs to representatives of the Tarahumara Indian tribe. Now get ready, one nineteen-year-old representative of this tribe covered 120 kilometers in 70 hours, and he also carried a parcel weighing 45 kilograms! But this is not the most surprising thing; his fellow tribesman covered 600 km. in 5 days, carrying a very important letter. Please note, if anyone is not reading very carefully - 5 days CONTINUOUS RUNNING! They are ordinary people, they have exactly the same number of legs as you, reading this article on the other side of the screen (meaning people who are not limited in their capabilities). Just imagine, a well-trained messenger is able to cover at least 100 kilometers in 12 hours, and run at this pace for four, or even six days!

It’s worth remembering the American Stan Cotrel, who ran an incredible 276 kilometers 600 meters in 24 hours without rest!

And the Finnish athlete Atti Nevala managed to set a record for non-stop skiing for 48 hours, covering 305.9 km. (This was in 1966).

Do you think our possibilities end when we run? But no, a trained person can swim for as long as he can run! Here we need to talk about the 43-year-old Argentinean Antonio Albertino, who at his age swam the English Channel (attention) in both directions without stopping! And this is not for you to swim in a pool, Antonio had to overcome strong currents, he swam about 150 kilometers, being in the water for 43 hours and 4 minutes!

But this is not the limit, 67-year-old US resident Walter Poenisch was able to swim the distance from Havana to Florida, which was 167 kilometers. And his compatriot conquered as much as 221 km. well and absolute record for swimming distance in the ocean belongs to American resident Stella Taylor, who swam 321 kilometers.

And now, especially for those who like to say that “I’m not the same age anymore,” the story of 102-year-old American Larry Lewis, who at 102 years old ran 10 kilometers every morning. This grandfather ran a distance of 91 meters (100 yards) in 17.3 seconds, and that's half a second faster than he was 101 years old!

Everything here is more or less simple, if a person engages in cold hardening on a regular basis, then his body’s resistance to cold increases significantly.

Canadian physiologists conducted a study on the problem of a person in cold water; for an ordinary person, fatal cooling should occur no earlier than after 60-90 minutes. The cause of death will be a kind of shock caused by cold, which begins to develop immediately after immersion in water, as well as respiratory dysfunction, which is caused by excessive irritation of cold receptors, or even cardiac arrest.

Eat historical fact, when a Soviet sergeant during the Great Patriotic War swam 20 km in icy water in 9 hours, successfully completing a combat mission.

Also, one fisherman from England demonstrated his amazing ability to survive in icy water in 1985. After the shipwreck, all his comrades died within 10 minutes from hypothermia. But he managed to survive for more than 5 hours while in icy water. But that’s not all; he swam to land and walked barefoot along the frozen shore for about another 3 hours.

Science knows of cases where people with a body temperature of only 28°C were able to talk and even walk. It has been scientifically documented that a person retains consciousness at a body temperature of 26°C, and meaningful speech up to 24°C.

In addition to the unpleasant sensations that cold is quite capable of causing, it also successfully promotes longevity. So, it is no coincidence that the third place in terms of the percentage of centenarians belongs to Yakutia, where frosts sometimes reach an incredible 70°C. (The first two places in terms of the percentage of centenarians belong to Abkhazia and Dagestan).

In the Hunza Valley (Pakistan), residents bathe in icy water in winter, even at -15°C. They are really resistant to cold; they heat their stoves only for cooking.

Against the background of a balanced diet, cold can have a rejuvenating effect, which primarily affects women. There, at the age of 40, women are considered still young, like our girls, they will retain the grace and slimness of their figure at the age of 50-60, and at the age of 65 they may well give birth to children!

Foreign scientists conducted special experiments to determine the highest temperature that the human body can withstand in dry air. Let's take a look at the results:

The average person can withstand a temperature of + 71°C for 1 hour.

104°C – only 26 minutes.

There is a described case of a man being in an oven in which the temperature reached an incredible 170°C for 14 minutes! (1828).

And in Belgium in 1958, an absolutely incredible case was recorded when a person was in a thermal chamber for 5 minutes at a staggering temperature of 200°C.

In the USA, studies were carried out in a thermal chamber, during which it was found that a person’s body temperature can rise to 40.3 ° C, and 10% dehydration of the body occurs.

But despite this, with infectious diseases that are accompanied by fever, some representatives of the human race are able to tolerate even higher body temperatures. There is a known case when student Sophie Sapola, suffering from brucellosis, had a body temperature exceeding 43°C.

It is worth mentioning that if the human body is in hot water, the possibility of heat transfer through the evaporation of sweat is excluded, therefore, the tolerance of high temperatures is much lower in an aquatic environment than in dry air. The record in this area belongs to one Turk, who, like Ivan Tsarevich, plunged headlong into a cauldron filled with water, the temperature of which was +70°C. (I think it’s already clear here that you shouldn’t try to repeat his feat, even at home).

American doctors in Los Angeles recorded fasting for 119 days. They watched Elaine Jones, who weighed 143 kilograms and was clearly obese. Every day during her fasting marathon, she drank 3 liters of water. (Not that much, this girl drinks a lot more). Also, twice a week, the woman was given a vitamin injection. Incredibly, in 17 weeks her weight dropped to 81 kg, while she felt great.

But this is not the end; in 1973, a case bordering on fantasy was described when two women, having registered at a medical institution in Glasgow, began fasting. At the time of the start, they both weighed more than 100 kilograms, and to normalize the weight, the first of the women had to fast for 236 days, and the second (get ready!) for as long as 249 days! (This is an absolute world record).

American physiologist Adolph E.F. conducted studies that showed that the maximum duration of an ordinary person’s stay without water depends largely on the mode of physical activity, as well as the ambient temperature.

For example, being in the shade and at rest, at an air temperature of 16-23°C, a person can do without drinking for 10 days. But at an air temperature of about 26°C, this period is already reduced to 9 days, at 29 – to 7 days, 33°C – to five days, 36 – to 3 days. And finally, at an air temperature of 39°C, a person at rest can do without drinking for no more than two days.

In 1947, in the city of Frunze, a 53-year-old man was discovered who, after receiving a head injury, was without food and water for 20 days in an abandoned, completely unheated room. At the time the man was discovered, he had no palpable pulse and was not breathing. The only sign of life was a change in color of the nail bed when pressing on it. Surprisingly, the very next day, the victim could already talk.

A steward of an English steamship had to face a similar problem back in 1945. When his ship sank in the middle of the Atlantic, the sailor managed to escape on a boat, and he spent 4.5 months on the high seas!

I think you tried to hold your breath while inhaling or exhaling, and most likely you were convinced that, at best, you can do without air for two or three minutes, but that’s it. human capabilities don't end.

American physiologist E.S. Schneider I was lucky enough to observe two pilots in 1930, one of whom, after breathing pure oxygen, was able to hold his breath while inhaling for an incredible 14 minutes and 2 seconds! And the other for 15 minutes 13 seconds. The pilots tolerated the first 5-6 minutes of the period of holding their breath quite easily, but in the following minutes their heart rate increased and their blood pressure increased significantly. (If anyone is interested in the numbers: before the delay, the first had a pressure of 124/88 mm Hg, after - 180/110, and for the second in general - 130/90 before, and after - 194/140 mm).

The last category of our New Year's article about human capabilities Let's start with the famous Russian wrestler, athlete and one of the first Russian pilots Zaikin Ivan Mikhailovich (1880-1949). Who toured Paris in 1908. This incredible man tore chains on stage and bent iron beams on his shoulders. He carried a 25-pound anchor on his shoulders, lifted a long barbell onto his shoulders, after which a dozen people sat on it and Ivan began to rotate it.

Also, for several decades in different countries, the name of the great Russian athlete Zass Alexander Ivanovich, who performed under the stage name Sampson, did not leave the circus posters. Weighing no more than 80 kilograms, Zass carried a horse weighing up to 400 kg on his shoulders. With his teeth he lifted a beam whose weight was 135 kg, moreover, 2 assistants sat at its ends, the total weight was 265 kg. Moreover, Samson caught a 90-kilogram cannonball, which was fired from a circus cannon, from a distance of 8 meters, and also lying with his naked back on a board studded with nails, he held a stone weighing half a ton on his chest. Breaking horseshoes and breaking chains was a piece of cake for him; he could even lift a taxi for fun and drive the car like a wheelbarrow.

The Englishman Evgeniy Sandov set a world record, with his weight up to 80 kg, he managed to squeeze 101.5 kg with one hand. (With one hand!). Also, within 4 minutes I could do 200 push-ups on my hands.

American scientists furiously tried to establish the possibilities of potential increasing human strength. And they lifted the curtain, it turns out that it is quite possible to increase the strength of the biceps muscle of the right arm when bending, the first way was to use a moderate dose of alcohol, while the strength increases by an average of 1.8 kilograms, after introducing adrenaline into the blood, the strength increases by 2.3 kg , and after introducing the stimulating drug amphetamine into the blood - by as much as 4.7 kg, but the most incredible results were obtained under hypnosis, when the flexion strength of the biceps muscle increased by 9.1 kilograms, this is worth thinking about! No stimulant drugs were introduced, but the rate under hypnosis is the highest, accordingly our brain does not allow us to give our all, and if we learn to turn off this limiter, then we can do much more. Think about it...

Personally, at the time of writing, the article greatly motivated me to test my own capabilities (no, I’m not going to jump into a cauldron of hot water), but how many times I could do push-ups within 4 minutes became interesting. How much can you do?

Human capabilities
The most shocking facts about what the human body is capable of.

Human capabilities

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“Your possibilities are limitless...” It seems that this phrase has set the teeth on edge of modern man. Behind these words people stop noticing the truth. A modern person considers these words to be just another slogan of a new (or not so new) PR campaign, the advertising behind which costs nothing. However, do not rush to draw conclusions.

A person who is ready to be deceived will always be deceived.

A person who does not look into the essence will always see only the shell.

A person who does not believe in himself, as a rule, never meets with luck.

The possibilities are endless

And yet, you have to believe in your limitless possibilities right now. And that's why.

Think for a second, take a deep breath in and out, close your eyes and ask yourself, “Do I have limitless possibilities or abilities within me?” You will receive an answer that may shock you.

You are a person with limitless abilities.

Millions of people endlessly love life, their parents, children, and pets.

Millions of people are endowed with the limitless divine gift of forgiveness.

Millions of us are endlessly persistent, hardworking and tolerant.

And all this is embedded within us.

For years people have been looking for answers on how to manifest what is hidden in us, the abilities and capabilities that we possess.

The ThetaHealing technique gives us the keys to self-knowledge, and most importantly to the self-realization of limitless talent, goals, feelings, health and everything you dream about.

Researchers in various fields of science believe that the human abilities inherent in our DNA code are only 10% revealed.

The history of mankind contains many recorded cases of spontaneous manifestation of the limitless capabilities of the human brain.

The book by psychiatrist Ch. Lombrose, “What After Death,” describes a unique case of sensory organ displacement in a 14-year-old girl who lost her sight. As a result of experiments, it was found that a completely blind girl sees... with her earlobe and nose. And the organ of smell - the nose - gave its functions to the chin. When a switched-on lamp was brought to the girl’s earlobe, she began to blink, and a finger brought to her nose made her afraid that she would be blinded. She only caught the pungent smell of ammonia when the solution was brought to her chin.

A case was recorded in which in one Russian village, an elderly woman with poor vision and practically unable to walk, fleeing a fire in her own house, climbed over a high fence, taking with her a chest, which several strong men were then able to lift with difficulty.

One fisherman from England demonstrated the amazing ability of a person to survive in icy water. Our contemporary got into a shipwreck, lost all his comrades after only 10 minutes of being in water captivity, and was the only one who swam a distance of 5 km in icy water, and then took another 3 hours to reach people along the frozen shore.

A group of neurophysiologists from Glazko discovered a predictive property of our intelligence (the presence of a creative function), thanks to which our brain can recreate the complete picture in the absence of individual pieces of information. And each of us uses this limitless talent every day. We move easily without touching objects, we maneuver between familiar objects with our eyes closed.

Allow yourself to be limitless! Accept your infinity, and the infinity of the Universe has already opened its arms to meet you!

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