All the vocabulary wealth of the language. Synonyms

Teacher: Shchukina E.TO.

g.o. Zhigulevsk

Outline of an open lesson in the Russian language in grade 5


Subject: Vocabulary wealth of the Russian language

Lesson type: lesson - summarizing the material covered

Lesson form: lesson - competition, game


technology: game-based learning technology, collaboration technology


– computer, screen, presentation “Vocabular wealth of the Russian language”

– handouts: card 1 (crossword puzzle), card 2 (reinforcing the topic, independent work), card 3 (homework)

– “exhibition” of dictionaries

Lesson objectives:

educational: consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge, improving the skills of correct scientific speech, the ability to clearly formulate your answer.

educational: developing the ability to work in a team; listen to each other’s opinions, be able to analyze the speaker’s speech.

developing: improving the ability to think creatively and respond quickly;

formation and maintenance of interest in the art of words.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

Teacher's introduction:"Hello guys. Today we will talk about the lexical richness of the Russian language. This is the topic of our lesson."

“Profound” pronunciation of the epigraph for the lesson

“You can do wonders with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words. The sound of music, the shine of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.”

These wonderful words belong to Konstantin Paustovsky.

The Russian word is multifaceted, beautiful, impressive, and can express shades of feelings.

II. Speaking out the lesson objectives

Today we will remember the basic concepts of vocabulary, talk about the unusualness of words in the language, and show our creative abilities.

III. Updating basic concepts: the word is the main unit of vocabulary

Teacher: To define a concept that is important for you and me, I will ask a riddle: “It’s not honey, but they stick to everything,” and you will try to guess it.

Children come to the conclusion that the word “WORD” was guessed. And the science that studies the word and its interpretation is called vocabulary.

Teacher: Indeed, the word is always with us. It serves us, it also commands us, forces us to do things. You and I exist thanks to the fact that we are named by a word.

In a word we yearn and rejoice,

With them we destroy the unbelief of darkness,

In a word, I scream, I urge, I fight,

I hurt, I fly... I remain in my word!

IV. Working with dictionaries. "Exhibition" of dictionaries

Teacher: The names of everything that is in the world, that is captured in words, are contained in dictionaries.

Guys, what dictionaries do you know?

The teacher turns to the “exhibition of dictionaries” and demonstrates them.


Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary. What is the purpose of this dictionary when the need arises to refer to it?

(Children's answers: if we do not understand the meaning of a word, if we want what a new word that is interesting to us means, we will look into an explanatory dictionary, which is called that because the words in it are “interpreted”)

Let's remember how the dictionary explains the meaning of the word:

Children say that the lexical meaning of a word is given through a listing of the characteristics of what is being described, or through the selection of synonyms.

V. Competitions. Language games

1. A word that is superfluous in meaning

Teacher: Now let's play! In each line, indicate the word that is superfluous in meaning, explain your choice

Tulip, bean, chamomile, lily

River, bridge, lake, sea

Old, decrepit, youth, elderly

Table, chair, carpet, stool

2. Crossword

Teacher: Well done! The next task is solving crossword puzzles.

Take card number 1. By writing the answers in the lines of the crossword puzzle, you will be able to read the keyword. Work in pairs. Forward. You have 2-3 minutes.

3. Phraseologisms - find the matches!

Teacher:We will find the word unusual in phraseological units. And what is it?

(Children's answers: phraseological units are indivisible, stable figures of speech, the meaning of which is equal to one word.)

In order to understand the meaning of a phraseological combination, you need to be very careful and smart. So, in front of you are two columns - one of them contains phraseological units, the other contains their interpretations. For each phraseological unit, select a word - an explanation of its meaning:

· stay with your nose

· nod off

· out of the blue

· fall out of hand

take with bare hands

· doze, fall asleep while walking

· get nothing, be left with nothing

· it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t go well

· suddenly

· easy, effortless

4.Is the word native or foreign?

Teacher: It turns out that native Russian words and words that came from other languages ​​coexist in our language. Let's talk about borrowings in the Russian language. What are their signs?

(Children’s answers: immutability, presence of elements “grapho”, “logos”, “bio”, “aqua”, related to terminology)

That's right. Let's try to apply this knowledge in practice. Here are the words:

Biography - ? highway - ? rally - ? philology - ? football - ? aquarium - ? pince-nez -?

Prove that these words belong to borrowings by indicating their characteristics. Find Russian synonyms for them.

Children's answers.

Teacher: Brotherly words are asked on the threshold;

They write us the same way, they hear us the same way,

But not only appearance is important, you get to the meaning!

Like a filling, the meaning is hidden in the middle!

What kind of words are these - they are identical in spelling and pronunciation, but completely different in lexical meaning?

Children's answers.

And now let’s “play” with homonyms - pay attention to the screen: “Here are the words, to solve them, find two meanings”

Hair is braided

And the grass is collected.

Gorky - eaten at the table

They shoot an arrow from it

The first one rushes to the river,
The second clicked in the lock.

6. Choose a synonym. Who is bigger?!

Teacher: And here are the synonyms. What are these language units?

(Children's answers: synonyms are words that are different in sound and spelling, but close in meaning)

Synonyms are very valuable for a language; in the speech of a literate person they are simply necessary. Using them in speech allows us, without repeating ourselves, to express our thoughts, each time in a new way, more and more accurately.

Let's practice our ability to select synonyms.

The teacher offers words, for each of which it is necessary to select as many synonyms as possible.

Teacher: Synonyms are friends with antonyms. Antonyms are...?

(Children's answers: antonyms - words with opposite meanings)

The task is this: arrange the following synonymous words in sequence to enhance the action. And then select an antonym for any verb or adjective in the line.

1) Roar, cry, whine;

2) Laugh, laugh, cackle;

3) Amazing, good, wonderful.

VI. Updating knowledge about outdated words. Physical education minute

Teacher:Do you know that objects and phenomena of the surrounding world become obsolete over time, and then turn out to be completely unnecessary? Something similar happens with the words that name them. What are the names of words that gradually disappear from active use in speech?

(Children's answers: outdated)

Look carefully at the interesting picture - it depicts an ancient Russian man who introduces us to obsolete words - these are archaisms: we call them objects that still exist in our reality, but having different, modern names.

For example, the neck is the neck, the eye is the eye, the brow is the forehead, the lanita is the cheek, the finger is the finger, the mouth is the lips, the mouth, shuytsa is the left hand, the right hand is the right hand.

Remember these archaisms and their corresponding units in modern language.

Teacher: You and I have been sitting too long. I need to do exercises. Carefully follow my instructional words and complete the exercises.

Oh, we're tired of sitting - we need to turn our necks! Forward - back - left - right!

We knead the lower back - shuitsu to the side and right hand to the side. And bend over a little! Forward - back - left - right!

We train our eyes - they really need rest - close your eyes! opened your eyes!

Well done! Let’s not forget the main thing – smile with our lips!

And now I will invite you to choose an archaic word from the poetic lines, making sure to choose a modern version for it

I just had time to say // The door creaked quietly (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”)

Tsar Saltan seats the guests // At his table and asks questions (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”)

Looks into the field, and sometimes his eyes hurt // Looking at him... ("The Tale of the Dead Princess...")

Bending his graying brow over the howling stream... (“Osgar”)

VII. Neologisms are new lexical units. Acquaintance with the methods of new formation in language. Children's word creation.

Teacher: How wonderful it is that over time, something new and interesting appears in the world - objects, processes, phenomena, and with them new words that call them.

Let's turn to neologisms, or words new to the language. Before you is N. Konchalovskaya’s poem “Vegetable Garden”; unusual vegetables grow in this vegetable garden. Find their names and try to explain why they are named that way.

Showed by the gardener

We have such a garden, where in the beds,

Densely populated

Cucumbers grew, tomatoes grew,

Radishes, chives and turnips.

(Children's answers)

Poets and writers are very creative people, they come up with new, original words to diversify our language, to make it not boring, “fantasy”, and interesting.

Examples of children's word creation will seem even more interesting to you. It turns out that kids play wonderfully with words and create very talented neologisms.

Exercise: Find neologisms in the following children's statements and try to explain their meaning.

Mother. Water the cone so that it grows into little cones!

Oh, I closed my hand!

And I already tickled my caramel...

Dad, don’t frown, I don’t want you to be angry...

Look what a bug is crawling

Tasty. I got dirty.

(Children's answers)

VIII. Summarizing. Reflection

Our lesson ends, let's summarize:

What kind of science studies the word and its meaning?

What words are called synonyms, antonyms, homonyms?

What do you call the new words that you met today, for example, “shishenyata”, “namacaronis”?

Perhaps you would like to ask me questions about our topic today?

(Children's answers)

IX. Independent work

Teacher: Our lesson ends with a little independent work on all the material related to the topic “Vocabulary” that you so successfully covered in the lesson.

XI. Assessing student work. Homework explanation

Teacher: Guys, you did a wonderful job today, you surprised me with your quick, correct answers, activity, and concentration. I rate you only “good” and “excellent”. You are very talented and creative.

At home, I will ask you to write a mini-essay based on a picture that depicts a fantastic creature, the task is written in detail and explained on card No. 3.

1 option. Richness of speech

The richness of speech is the variety of linguistic means used:

Large volume of active vocabulary,

Variety of morphological forms used,

Syntactic constructions.

The evaluative words “rich” and “poor” are used in relation to speech by philologists, writers, literary critics, and teachers. They proceed from speech experience that the artistic speech of, for example, Russian writers L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, A. Chekhov is rich, and in comparison with it the speech of a newspaper is, of course, poor.

Speech is considered rich if it is varied in its linguistic structure. A person must have a large vocabulary from which he can choose the right word and apply it in his speech.

The lexical richness of the Russian language is reflected in various linguistic dictionaries. For example, “Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian Language,” published in 1847, contains about 115 thousand words, “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl includes more than 200 thousand words, D.N. Ushakov included about 90 thousand words in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.

The richness of the Russian language lies not only in the large number of words, but also in the diversity of their meanings. New semantic shades give the language flexibility, liveliness and expressiveness. There are many different homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, and paronyms in our language, which make our speech colorful, varied, help avoid repetition of the same words, and allow us to express thoughts figuratively. There are many words in the Russian language that convey the speaker’s positive or negative attitude towards the subject of thought, that is, they have expression. For example, the words bliss, luxurious, magnificent, fearless, charm contain positive expression, and the words chatterbox, klutz, stupidity, daub are characterized by negative expression.

Here is an example of expressive, emotional speech:

“Although Nilovna is only forty years old, she considers herself an old woman. She felt old, having not truly experienced either childhood or youth, without experiencing the joy of “recognizing” the world. Gorky paints her portrait of Nilovna in such a way that it is dominated by sad, gray tone: “She was tall, slightly stooped, her body, broken by long work and beatings from her husband, moved silently and somehow sideways... There was a deep scar above her right eyebrow... She was all soft, sad and submissive.” and fear - that’s what this woman’s face constantly expressed. The sad image of her mother cannot leave us indifferent..."

But we take a collection of articles about best practices in agriculture from the bookshelf and read:

“The introduction of legumes into the crop rotation, with which the activity of nodule bacteria is associated, as well as the creation of the necessary conditions for the better development of these plants are important measures for the accumulation of nitrogen and the provision of it to subsequent crops. Thus, the application of phosphate and potassium fertilizers for peas increases its yield and, therefore, promotes greater nitrogen accumulation."

This speech is devoid of liveliness, emotionality, devoid of living colors, such speech is boring and standard, built from cumbersome statements.

Option 2

Vocabulary is a collection of words of a particular language. The vocabulary of the Russian language (its lexical wealth) numbers tens of thousands of words. Vocabularies embody the processes and results of human cognitive activity and reflect the development of the culture of the people.

A person is not able to know all the words of his native language, but the richer and more varied his vocabulary, the easier it is for him to use the language, the more accurately and clearly he can express his thoughts. The lexical system of the Russian language is changeable, mobile, and dynamic. Some words go away along with the reality that they denoted, or are replaced by others (the word neck replaced “neck”, hand - “right hand”). New objects appear in our lives, new concepts arise, and this entails the need to name them. This is how new words are born.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is enriched in different ways, the most important of which is word formation, i.e., the emergence of new words by constructing them from morphemes existing in the language according to known models.

A widespread way for new words to appear by developing a new meaning for existing ones (semantic derivation): the word shell began to mean a garage, ram - a hand drill, shoes are also tires, the word shuttle refers to a person in a certain occupation, etc. A certain part words appear as a result of borrowings from other languages. This process has intensified in recent years due to numerous foreign contacts. Examples: voucher, leasing, broker, clearing, barter, dealer, investment, etc.

Development of a Russian language lesson, grade 5

Zagorodskikh Larisa Vitalievna

teacher of Russian language and literature

1 qualification category

MAOU secondary school No. 4 Perm region, Tchaikovsky

Lesson topic: Vocabulary. Vocabulary wealth of the Russian language.

Lesson objectives:

    Give an idea of ​​lexicology as a branch of linguistics that studies the vocabulary of a language (vocabulary).

    Help students see and feel the inexhaustible possibilities of words;

    Teach children to master artistic expression and create their own original miniatures.

Formed during the UUD lesson:


The ability to determine and formulate the purpose of activities in the lesson;

The ability to compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct your mistakes with the help of a teacher;

The ability to evaluate one’s activities in class together with the teacher and classmates.


Ability to extract information presented in different forms: text, illustration;

The ability to perceive the text as a semantic whole;

Ability to find answers to questions in the text;

Ability to draw conclusions.


Ability to communicate and interact in a group and class during joint activities and exchange of information;

Ability to express one’s thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

Self-regulation of emotional state;


Ability to define rules for working in groups;

The ability to establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity, its motive and result;


Motivational stage

    Organizing time.

Good afternoon guys! Glad to see you! In order to tune in to

our business, let's give each other and our guests smiles. Each of you, smiling, evoked good feelings in yourself, transferred a piece of good energy to those around you, and thereby made this world a little kinder. And indeed, the main thing is a good start. Now let's sit down quietly.

    Discuss the topic of the lesson together with the students.

Here are two texts. Read them and determine what is common in these texts? (Students read the texts. Conclude that both texts are about birch)

Well done, now tell me how they differ? (The same tree is spoken about in different ways. In the first text, the author talks about the birch as a symbol of Russia, about the properties of this tree. In the second text, the author does not give an exact description of the tree, he is, first of all, guided by feelings, he glorifies the beauty this tree...)

Indeed, when reading the first text, we acquire only scientific information, accurate data about birch and its properties, without experiencing any feelings. The second text, a poem by Sergei Yesenin, helps us to figuratively imagine the beauty of a birch tree, to experience, together with the lyrical hero, the feelings that he experienced when he saw it.

You are right, thanks to many beautiful, expressive words.

What do you think we will talk about today? (Children's answers)

Well done, indeed, the topic of our lesson is “The vocabulary wealth of the Russian language.”

    Using the “Believe it or not believe it” technique to test primary knowledge.

The Word accompanies you everywhere, and today you probably already know a lot about it. But something may still remain unknown. To clarify your knowledge, we will conduct a small test.

You have some sheets of paper with a table on your desks, I’ll offer you a few

statements on the topic of our lesson, and you will choose a “true” or “false” statement, relying on what you know, marking your option in the first column of the table. (The statement is read out. Students mark the first column with a “+” sign if they agree with the statement, a “-” sign if they disagree)

    Do you believe that the word is the basic unit of language?

    Do you believe that lexicology is the science of the vocabulary of a language?

    Do you believe that the words of a language form its vocabulary, or vocabulary?

    Do you believe that a schoolchild's vocabulary is approximately 3,600 words?

    Do you believe that the word “Dal” can mean more than just a distant place visible to the eye?

    Joint goal setting.

Guys, I just looked at your answers, they are different for everyone. How are you

do you think why? (Lack of knowledge on the topic)

What words have you not come across before? (Lexicology, vocabulary)

So, what goal will we set for today's lesson? (Get familiar with the basic concepts)

Why is this needed? Indicate with a gesture the topic of the lesson (To enrich your vocabulary)

Enriching vocabulary is the main goal of our lesson.

Put the leaves aside, we will come back to them later.

Main stage

    Reception "Wise Owls" For obtaining new information on the topic of the lesson and understanding it.

And now let’s get the knowledge that we today, as we are convinced, lack.

Let's turn to the text, the content of which you will work on in pairs. It is on your desks.

So, first: read the text and answer questions about the text using a pencil. (Children read the text, answer questions)

Words as significant units of language serve to name

objects (table, thunderstorm, oak, etc.), their signs (wooden, night, mighty, etc.), their actions (break, burst, swing, etc.), quantity (five, seventeen, hundred, etc.).

The words of a language form its vocabulary, or vocabulary.

Vocabulary is studied in a special section of the science of language -


The vocabulary of a language is constantly changing: some words

disappear because what these words meant ceases to exist; some words appear to designate (name) new objects, their actions, signs, etc.

The richness of the Russian language is manifested primarily in vocabulary. Difficult

It is known that the vocabulary (stock of words) of a schoolchild is approximately

3600 words, and for an adult - 12000 words.

In order to understand each other in a normal conversation,

4-5 thousand words are enough, although this is not enough for expressive speech. Even the “School Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by M.S. Lapatukhin and others includes about 7 thousand words.

The more words a person knows, the richer his speech, the more accurately he can express his thoughts.

    Find and underline the main concepts in the text. (vocabulary, lexicology, lexicon)

    Select new information from the text that is unexpected for you.

    Think about what conclusion you can draw for yourself from the text? (you need to strive to replenish and enrich your vocabulary)

(Children work in pairs, answering questions, after which they check:

Working with Concepts

children name concepts, the teacher places them on the board; then the teacher shows a card with the meaning of one of the concepts: “Which concept can this meaning be attributed to?” The guys correlate the meanings with the concepts, then the teacher asks the question: “Which of the three concepts will you use when talking about yourself?”


To summarize what has been said, the teacher asks: “That is, what exactly will you enrich?” - lexicon)

    Organization of work on creating an explanatory dictionary.

In the 19th century there lived one wonderful man who collected... words. His name was Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. He was a military surgeon, traveled a lot around our land and collected words everywhere, wrote them down and gave them an interpretation, i.e. explanation. This is how the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” was born. These are four thick volumes in which 200,000 Russian words are collected and explained.

Today we will also collect words to create our own “Explanatory Dictionary”. In one such dictionary we will collect words that are somehow related to nature.

We don’t have much time, so to get as many words as possible, we’ll divide into groups.

Each group will receive a sheet that will become part of the “Explanatory Dictionary”.

The sheet will indicate the topic for which you will select words. There should be 3 words in each group. In the right column you will write down the words themselves, and in the left column you will give an interpretation of these words.

1 group (4 people) will collect “forest” words.

Group 2 - “field and meadow” words.

Group 3 – “river”

Group 4 will select words denoting natural phenomena.

Group 5 will remember the names and give their explanation of the ritual holidays.

Let's get started, you have 3 minutes to complete. (children select words, give an explanation, the teacher in groups says that speakers should be appointed, helps to build a complete answer: “Our group selected words on the topic...”)

Let's check what you got, naming only words for now. (Students read the words, give an explanation only of what the teacher asks)

Well done, good job, now look at the words on the slide.

    CEREAL –


    KOVIL –

    DOJJ –

    LAGUNA –

There are 5 of them, as is the number of groups. Using Dahl's explanatory dictionary, determine which word should be written in your group's dictionary. Find it and tell everyone what it means.(Students work with an explanatory dictionary, find and write down their word and give its interpretation)

The teacher places sheets with words in the “Explanatory Dictionary” on the board and concludes:

Well done guys, look how many words you have written, and this is still far from a complete dictionary. For the future: if you come across an unfamiliar word that is new to you, where will you turn? (In the Explanatory Dictionary)

Of course, remember: dictionaries are your helpers!

The teacher removes the meanings of concepts from the board

"Vocabulary, lexicology, lexicon"

Reflective-analytical stage

    Using the “I believe - I don’t believe” technique to determine the level of assimilation of acquired knowledge.

Let's go back to the "Believe - Don't Believe" table, where you either agreed or disagreed with the statements on the topic of the lesson. Let's try this again and see if you have gained new knowledge on the topic of the lesson.

(Students work with the table in the second column, compare and check the answers)

Have your answers changed? Why have there been changes in some points? (Yes. Because we gained new knowledge)

Now let's compare the answers.

(Teacher shows statements on slide. Students check their answers)

    Assessing the effectiveness of the lesson.

Raise your hand if you have the same option. (In case of incorrect answers, the teacher says that this is only the first lesson on the topic. There is still something to think about)

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language is very rich. The Russian language has a huge number of names for objects, phenomena, signs of reality, which make it possible to convey the finest shades of thought with utmost expressiveness and clarity.

Most of the vocabulary of a language is made up of commonly used vocabulary - words that denote phenomena that are vitally important for all people who are native speakers of a given language. Commonly used vocabulary includes the names of the most important objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality (city, river, forest, mountain), seasons (spring, winter, summer, autumn), the most common professions (teacher, doctor, builder, engineer), actions (work, talk, look), signs (tall, hot, white), etc.

Common words are stylistically neutral and are used primarily in their literal meaning. For example, in the following excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s story “Yellow Light,” most of the words belong to commonly used words.

I woke up to a gray morning. The room was filled with an even yellow light, as if from a kerosene lamp. The light came from below, from the window, and illuminated the log ceiling most brightly.

The strange light - dim and motionless - was unlike the sun. It was the autumn leaves shining. During the windy and long night, the garden shed its dry leaves; they lay in noisy heaps on the ground and spread a dim glow. From this radiance, people’s faces seemed tanned, and the pages of the books on the table seemed to be covered with a layer of wax.

This is how autumn began. For me it came immediately this morning. Until then, I hardly noticed it: there was still no smell of rotten leaves in the garden, the water in the lakes did not turn green, and the burning frost did not yet lie on the plank roof in the morning.

Autumn came suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most unnoticeable things - from a distant steamship whistle on the Oka or from a random smile. Autumn came by surprise and took possession of the earth - gardens and rivers, forests and air, fields and birds. Everything immediately became autumn.

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "wealth", which does not obey spelling rules, with questionable letters:


It should be remembered that the dictionary word "bo gatstvo" is written with the letters " O" And " tst".

Image words to remember:

luxury - wealth
gold lotto - god wealth
good - god

In image words, the letter that is questionable in the dictionary word “wealth” is stressed. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word “wealth,” you need to remember the image word “luxury” and other similar image words.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

Peat is the wealth of the swamp.
To get riches, you need to overcome obstacles.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words that have the same letter in question allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with vocabulary words:

Libraries are treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit. (Aphorism,

Book treasures, in general, represent a literary mirror of life. (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word “wealth” help you remember the spelling of a vocabulary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with vocabulary words to memorize:

Fate wanted to show its gifts in him,
In a happy darling, connecting by mistake
Wealth, noble family with an exalted mind
And simplicity with a sarcastic smile.

Poem by A. Pushkin.

There is no greater wealth
Than friendship is nature.
Taste the joy of brotherhood,
Freedom triumph!

Poem by I. Goethe.

Reading poems using a vocabulary word that doesn't follow rules is a fun way to memorize the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

Wealth - how to spell the word, stress placement
spelling or how to write a word correctly, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, different forms of the word “Wealth”

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Wealth - what the word means, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Wealth, -a, neuter 1. see rich. 2. Obili...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "state".

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