People have a pronounced ability for abstract thinking. Exercises for adults

The main forms of abstract thinking are concepts, judgments and inferences.

Concept - a form of thinking that reflects the essential features of a single-element class or a class of homogeneous objects 1. Concepts in language are expressed in individual words (“briefcase”, “trapezoid”) or a group of words, i.e. phrases (“medical student”, “producer of material goods”, “Nile River”, “hurricane wind”, etc.) .

Judgment - a form of thinking in which something is affirmed or denied about objects, their properties or relationships. A judgment is expressed in the form of a declarative sentence. Judgments can be simple or complex. For example:

“Locusts are devastating the fields” is a simple proposition, but the proposition “Spring has come, the rooks have arrived” is a complex one, consisting of two simple ones.

Conclusion - a form of thinking through which from one or more judgments, called premises, we obtain a conclusion according to certain rules of inference. There are many types of inferences; they are studied by logic. Here are two examples:

    All metals are substances

Lithium metal.


Lithium is a substance.


“Homogeneous - in the sense of being included in the same class according to a fixed class-forming characteristic.

The first two judgments written above the line are called premises, the third judgment is called the conclusion.

    Plants are divided into either annual or perennial.

This plant is an annual.


This plant is not perennial.

In the process of cognition, we strive to achieve true knowledge. True is an adequate reflection in human consciousness of the phenomena and processes of nature, society and thinking." The truth of knowledge is the correspondence of its reality. The laws of science represent truth. Forms of sensory knowledge - sensations and perceptions - can also give us truth. The understanding of truth as the correspondence of knowledge to things goes back to thinkers of antiquity, in particular to Aristotle.

How to distinguish truth from error? The criterion of truth is practice. Under practice understand all social and production activities of people in certain historical conditions, i.e. this is the material, production activity of people in the field of industry and agriculture, as well as political activity, the struggle for peace, social revolutions and reforms, scientific experiment, etc.

“...The practice of man and humanity is a test, a criterion of objective knowledge” 2. So, before putting a car into mass production, it is tested in practice, in action, airplanes are tested by test pilots, the effect of medical drugs is first tested on animals, then, after making sure of their suitability, they are used to treat people. Before sending a man into space, Soviet scientists conducted a series of tests with animals.

Features of abstract thinking

With the help of rational (from lat. ratio - mind) thinking people discover the laws of the world, discover trends in the development of events, analyze the general and special in any subject, build


“This type of truth is called “correspondent”, i.e. it is truth as correspondence, but there are other truths - “by definition”, by agreement - “coherent”.

2 Lenin V.I. Poly. collection Op. T. 29. P. 193.

plans for the future, etc. The following features of abstract thinking are distinguished:

1. Thinking reflects reality in generalized forms. In contrast to sensory cognition, abstract thinking, abstracting from the individual, identifies in similar objects only the general, essential, and repeating (for example, by highlighting the common features inherent in all inert gases, we form the concept of “inert gas”). With the help of abstract thinking, scientific concepts are created (this is how the following concepts were created: “matter”, “consciousness”, “movement”, “state”, “heredity”, “gene”, etc.).

2. Abstract thinking is a form of indirect reflection of the world. A person can obtain new information without the direct help of the senses, only on the basis of his existing knowledge (for example, based on evidence, lawyers judge a crime that has occurred, build their own conclusions and put forward various versions about the alleged criminal or criminals).

3. Abstract thinking is the process of actively reflecting reality. A person, by defining the goal, methods and setting deadlines for the implementation of his activities, actively transforms the world. The activity of thinking is manifested in a person’s creative activity, his ability to imagine, in scientific, artistic and other fantasies.

4. Abstract thinking is inextricably linked with language. Language is a way of expressing thoughts, a means of consolidating and transmitting thoughts to other people. Cognition is aimed at obtaining true knowledge, which leads to both sensory cognition and abstract thinking. Thinking is a reflection of objective reality.

More details about the connection between thinking and language will be said in § 3.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog! What distinguishes us from animals is not only the ability to recognize our needs and set goals, but also the presence of such a thing as abstract logical thinking. And it not only distinguishes, but also makes a person unique, since no living creature has this ability. Today we will look at methods by which it is possible to develop it.


First, let's figure out what types exist and what the difference is between them:

  • Specific action , or it is also called practical. It appears in our lives when there is a need to solve specific problems. Can be domestic or industrial. Simply put, this is what we do based on our experience, as well as our ability to understand drawings, designs and other technical details.
  • Concretely figurative , or artistic. A distinctive feature is the connection to the present time, from which inspiration is drawn and ideas appear. There is also an emphasis on feelings and emotions; thanks to various experiences, a person becomes able to create.
  • Verbal-logical , abstract. Thanks to him, we see the picture of the world as a whole, abstracting from details and concentrating on broad concepts. It is necessary to develop this type, first of all, because it helps us make non-standard decisions, going beyond the boundaries of everyday life and modeling the relationships between real objects and images.


In our daily lives, sometimes unconsciously, we use three forms of abstract logical thinking:

  1. Concept – the ability to characterize an object according to its main features, which must be justified, using one word or phrase. For example, “night”, “cat”, “warm tea”...
  2. Judgment describes processes in the world, their connections with each other, and methods of interaction. It can deny something, and vice versa, confirm it. It has two types, simple and complex. The difference is that the complex takes on a more narrative character. For example: “Snow has fallen,” and “The water in the pan has boiled, which means you can pour in the porridge.”
  3. Inference – a very interesting form, really a foundation, because, based on one or several judgments, a process of summarization occurs, as a result of which a new judgment is born. It contains premises and conclusions. Example: “Winter has come, snow has fallen and it begins to get dark early.”


There are signs by which one can determine that this type of thinking predominates:

  • The need to build cause-and-effect relationships;
  • Clear systematization of the information received;
  • In communication, the use of formulas, calculations, and any conclusions predominates; hypotheses are put forward, and skillful manipulation of words is also noted.
  • High ability to summarize and analyze
  • The ability to argue your opinion, justifying it logically

If the above signs are not your strong point, do not despair, because it is easy to fix, you just need to be patient, because this is a long process, but very necessary. Because with the help of abstractions and logic, we can find our truth by questioning certain information. Quickly build a chain of certain conclusions and possible solutions to problems. A person becomes able to quickly make a decision and rely on his experience without devaluing or ignoring it. And who doesn’t want to calculate options for events in advance, anticipating them?

If you want to increase your level of development, you need to find time for classes lasting an hour and a half at least several times a week. Even with a heavy workload, this is quite possible, the main thing is desire and perseverance. And within a month you will be able to notice how easier it has become to make plans, solve tasks that were not so easy to cope with before, and generally think.

This type of thinking is inherently an acquired skill, an ability. It develops only through mental work, when the brain is busy solving problems, and is not simply an innate ability, the level of which is inherited. So it’s up to you how effectively you can use the gift given by nature.

There are two most basic ways to develop it: theoretical and practical. Theory is mainly taught in higher educational institutions, where they talk about categories, laws and, accordingly, the rules of logic. If you missed these points, it wouldn’t hurt to look for the information yourself. But practice is aimed at translating the resulting theory into reality, consolidating and applying it in order to gain experience. It is ideal when a person uses these two methods in a comprehensive manner. So, directly the most relevant practical methods of development:


Yes, having fun playing games helps keep your brain sharp.

  • The most popular are considered chess, checkers and backgammon . Because you have to calculate your steps in advance, anticipating events and possible moves of the enemy. If you don't know how to play, there are many mobile applications that will help you not only learn, but also practice without wasting time in a long line or on the road.
  • "Words", "Cities" ... Who doesn’t know the game where you need to make up others from the letters of a very long word? Or use a single letter to name objects that will fit in a bottle? Educate your children, because they could use not only mental development, but also information, for example, about existing cities.
  • Puzzles . A very painstaking process, especially when choosing a complex picture, for example, a landscape. In fact, this method not only helps to develop logic, but also perseverance, patience, and self-control. Fine motor skills in action, attention is focused as much as possible on finding the necessary parts, while the brain “completes” possible options for those already found. If you gather him as a family, this will also be able to bring you closer, because there is no better way to improve relationships than spending time together, especially with pleasure.
  • Rubik's Cube , even if you cannot assemble it by color, with daily practice you can develop possible combinations.
  • Poker . Just not for money, but for pleasure, making sure that gambling addiction does not appear. It helps to develop not only logic and calculate possible combinations, but also memory, attentiveness, and also such a useful skill as recognizing emotions through gestures and facial expressions. For those who have read the article, poker will be an excellent method for practicing and gaining experience.

2.Learning a foreign language

The sounds of new foreign words force our brain to work, because it is necessary to discover connections and make associations between our native speech and the one we decided to study. With this method, you, as they say, will “kill two birds with one stone” - you will improve your abstract-logical type of thinking and at the same time learn a new language.

  • The best option, of course, is to attend courses, but if for some reason this is not possible, do not despair, download online applications to your phone. Learn at least 10 new words every day, and the effect will not be long in coming. I recommend reading the article because I included in it a ready-made plan for learning English on your own; all you have to do is make adjustments if necessary.
  • Be sure to practice to consolidate the acquired knowledge and learn correct pronunciation. If you don’t know native speakers of the language you are studying, find communities of people on the Internet who are united by a common goal - sharing knowledge and practice.


We have already talked about its benefits in the article here.

  • One caveat - you need to read it, analyzing every page, line and phrase. The task is not to read at speed, but to store the necessary knowledge in memory.
  • Set up a game for yourself, thinking through different outcomes of events. Allow yourself to fantasize, play Sherlock Holmes.
  • Focus on fiction, classics, and scientific literature, from which, among other things, you can also gain knowledge that will certainly be useful in everyday life.


Modern psychology is constantly coming up with a lot of ways so that you can not only study yourself, but also advance. Take some tests more often that will motivate you to think, and at least a banal test to determine your level of intelligence. I wrote about him

  • Look for some mathematical and logical problems, and take the time to solve them in your spare time. The material can be school textbooks, yours and your children's.
  • Solve crosswords, puzzles, sudoku...whatever you like best and enjoy.
  • An excellent way is to use online services with games to develop memory and thinking. For example this one, here is the link.


That's all, dear readers! As you remember, you should never stop there, and then success will definitely await you. Take cues from people who have achieved worldwide recognition because they were able to predict and anticipate events by working hard every day. For example, you can even use the principles of such a giant. You don’t have to be born a genius, it’s up to you how you organize your life and what kind of person you become. If you found the article interesting, you can add it to your social media. networks, the buttons are at the bottom. It will be useful to you, and I will be pleased that I was useful to you. Bye bye.

Nothing is clear in the world. If you are guided by accurate knowledge, you may not notice much. The world does not live exactly according to the instructions that were written by man. Much has not yet been explored.

When a person doesn’t know something, he turns on abstract thinking, which helps him make guesses, make judgments, reason. To understand what it is, you need to familiarize yourself with examples, forms and methods of its development.

What is abstract thinking

It is the ability to think in general that helps in finding a solution to a deadlock situation and the emergence of a different view of the world. There is precise and generalized thinking.

Precise thinking is activated when a person has knowledge, information and a clear understanding of what is happening. Generalized thinking is activated when a person does not know exact data and does not have specific information. He can guess, assume, and draw general conclusions. Generalized thinking is abstract thinking in simple words. In scientific language, abstract thinking is a type of cognitive activity when a person moves away from specific details and begins to reason in general.

The picture is considered as a whole, without affecting details, specifics, or accuracy. This helps to move away from rules and dogmas and consider the situation from different angles. When a certain event is considered in general, then various ways of solving it are found. Usually a person starts from specific knowledge. For example, a man is lying on the couch and watching TV. The thought arises: “He’s a slacker.”

In this situation, the beholder proceeds from his own ideas about what is happening. What could really be happening? The man lay down for 5 minutes to rest. He had already done everything around the house, so he allowed himself to watch TV. He's sick, that's why he's lying on the sofa. There could be many possibilities for what's going on here.

If you abstract from the specifics and look at the situation from different angles, then you can find out a lot of new and interesting things. With abstract thinking, a person thinks approximately. There are no specifics or details here. Generalized words are used: “life”, “world”, “in general”, “by and large”. Abstract thinking is useful in situations where a person cannot find a way out (intellectual dead end).

Due to the lack of information or knowledge, he is forced to reason and guess. If you abstract from the situation with its specific details, then you can consider something in it that was not noticed before. go to top Abstract-logical thinking Abstract-logical thinking uses abstractions - units of certain patterns that have been isolated from the “abstract”, “imaginary” qualities of an object or phenomenon.

In other words, a person operates with phenomena that he cannot “touch with his hands,” “see with his eyes,” or “smell.” A very striking example of such thinking is mathematics, which explains phenomena that do not exist in physical nature. For example, there is no such thing as the number "2". A person understands that we are talking about two identical units. However, this figure was invented by people in order to simplify certain phenomena.


In order to understand the essence of thinking, it is worth understanding what forms it has. Forms of thought processes:

  1. Concept.
  2. Judgment.
  3. Conclusion.

A concept is the ability to characterize an object or phenomenon in one or several words according to its most important characteristics. Example: gray cat, branchy tree, dark-haired girl, small child.

Judgment is a special form of thinking that describes objects and processes in the surrounding world, their interrelation and interaction. It may approve or deny any information. Judgment, in turn, is divided into simple and complex.

An example of a simple proposition: “the grass is growing.” A complex proposition: “The sun is shining outside the window, therefore the weather is good,” it has a narrative character.

Inference is a form of thinking through which, based on several judgments, a person makes a conclusion, which, in fact, will be a generalized judgment. An inference consists of premises and a conclusion. Example: spring has come, it has become warmer outside, and the grass has begun to grow.

Abstract thinking allows you not only to freely operate with these three concepts, but also to apply them in life. Often in everyday activities we use all three forms of abstract thinking without noticing it.


The tasks assigned to a person can be standard or non-standard, depending on this, as well as on operational procedures, the following types of thinking are distinguished.

  1. Algorithmic. Based on pre-established rules, a generally accepted sequence of actions that are required to solve typical problems.
  2. Heuristic. Productive, aimed at solving non-standard problems.
  3. Discursive. Based on a set of interrelated conclusions.
  4. Creative. Helps a person make discoveries and achieve fundamentally new results.
  5. Productive. Leads to new cognitive results.
  6. Reproductive. With the help of this type, a person reproduces previously obtained results. In this case, thinking and memory are inseparable.

Do people have the same level of abstraction?

The answer is clear - no. Each of us is endowed with abilities, and they are all different, which is why humanity is so diverse in its views, interests, and aspirations. For example, someone writes poetry, while another composes prose, some cannot imagine themselves without music, while others prefer to draw in silence. Such diversity allows society to develop and make discoveries in all spheres of life. Would it be interesting to live in a world where everyone thinks alike? However, abstract thinking can and should be developed.

In patients with oligophrenia, mental retardation and some other behavioral deviations, psychiatrists note poorly developed abstract thinking or its complete absence.

Development of abstract thinking

In adults, thinking is usually already formed. With age, it becomes more and more difficult to perceive new knowledge and new material - thinking loses its flexibility. The following exercises are designed to help you cope with this process. Develop your creativity and open-mindedness.

  1. Imagine the emotions in your mind: distrust, joy, fear, tenderness. How would interest, for example, look in your imagination without tying it to specific objects? What will pleasure look like?
  2. Imagine an image of some philosophical concept or idea. For example, how do you represent harmony? Will some kind of visual image, sensory sensation, association, symbol arise? Practice with images: order, religiosity, energy, freedom, infinity, challenge.
  3. Turn the book upside down and read from bottom to top. Then you will have to read in reverse order. Try to establish logical connections in the plot.
  4. Pictures with captions like “abracadabra” are now very popular on the Internet. For example: Try to make the same ones yourself.
  5. Close your eyes. Try to vividly imagine all the people you interacted with during the day: clothes, facial expressions, voice characteristics, gestures. We don't miss a single detail. How did you feel during the conversation?
  6. Finally, take up painting.

Video test

Abstract thinking disorders

There are quite a lot of pathologies of mental activity, since this process is multifaceted. There is a classification of disorders that unites all the properties and varieties of the mental process that reflects reality. Types of thinking disorders are as follows:

  1. Pathology of the dynamics of thinking.
  2. Violations of the motivational part of the thought process.
  3. Operational irregularities.

Very deep and multifaceted. At first glance, this term can be used to represent one or another mental process or activity associated with the analysis or synthesis of something. However, there are several types of thinking, and each of them has its own characteristics and features. Thus, the ability to transform information about real objects into signs, then perform certain manipulations with these symbols and ultimately put into practice a previously thought-out solution is nothing more than abstract thinking. In other words, it is the ability to separate the properties of an object from the object itself. For example, such a mental process is used when solving a problem using a drawing: a person reads the text, transfers the meaning to paper, thinks about the solution by looking at the data depicted, and answers the question posed.

Abstract thinking begins to develop in childhood; a sign of its formation is the child’s ability to see certain extraneous properties in an object. For example, the outline of puddles on the road resembles an animal, the shape of building elements - numbers, clouds - is incredible. The development of this type contributes to the formation of the child’s creative and intellectual abilities. So, almost all mathematicians, composers, scientists, writers or directors think in this way.

Like most human skills, abstract thinking can be developed. It is noteworthy that learning the speculative process most often occurs in a way that children certainly like. In particular, you can invite the child to play associations: name or show an object and ask them to tell what it looks like. Also an excellent way to develop this is shadow theater, since a shadow is a true abstraction that gives you the opportunity to imagine and think a lot.

People with well-developed speculative thinking are able to see a situation from different points of view, think through detailed and deep conclusions, and completely immerse themselves in the area under study.

However, for a high level of intelligence it is necessary to master other types of mental activity. From the above it follows that abstract thinking develops mental (inner) speech, which can be very deep. But more often than not, individual phrases or just words appear in your head that contain a fairly broad definition. And for formation (external) it is necessary to construct clear sentences that are logically and grammatically related to each other. So, it is the ability to transform thoughts into full-fledged speech that is called the term “verbal thinking.”

Without further explanation, it is quite clear that a large vocabulary, coherent speech and the ability to express thoughts in an interesting way are mandatory criteria for developed intelligence. In other words, the formation of verbal thinking is an integral stage in the development of modern man. It is necessary to improve external speech from childhood; for this it is recommended to invite the child to retell a story he has read or heard, to express his opinion about a certain situation, event, etc.

Another important mental process is mathematical thinking. It is formed in the process of studying the queen of sciences - mathematics, as the name itself indicates. The mathematical style of thinking contributes to the development of laconicism (the desire to find the shortest path leading to the goal), structure and clarity of actions and actions, scrupulousness, accuracy and punctuality.

Types of thinking.

Thinking. Imagination. Speech

Practical lesson No. 3

Thinking– a mental process that reflects the most significant properties of objects and phenomena of reality, as well as the most significant connections and relationships between them, which ultimately leads to the acquisition of new knowledge about the world.

Thinking, “thinking” exists only when something new for a person is performed, leading to the acquisition of new knowledge about the world. Another essential feature of thinking is its unity with speech.

The source of people's mental activity is real life, practice. Work, study, play - any type of activity requires solving mental problems.

Mental operations.

1. Analysis- mental division of a whole into parts or properties

2. Synthesis– mental unification of parts and properties of an object or phenomenon into a single whole.

3. Comparison– mental comparison of objects or phenomena and finding similarities and differences between them.

4. Generalization– mental association of objects and phenomena according to their common and essential characteristics.

5. Abstraction– mental selection of essential properties or features while simultaneously abstracting from non-essential properties or features of objects and phenomena. To think abstractly means to be able to extract some moment, side, feature or property of a cognizable object and consider them without connection with other features of the same object.

Subject-effective thinking- a type of thinking that is carried out only in the presence of objects and direct action with them.

Visual-figurative thinking– characterized by reliance on ideas (images of previously perceived objects and phenomena), and also operates with visual images of objects (drawing, diagram, plan)

Abstract logical thinking– relies on abstract concepts and logical actions with them.

1. Concept– a form of thinking that reflects the most general and essential features, properties of an object or phenomenon of the objective world, expressed in words.

2. Judgment– a form of thinking that reflects connections between concepts, expressed in the form of affirmation or negation.

3. Inferences– a form of thinking through which a new judgment (conclusion) is derived from one or more judgments (premises). We obtain inference, as new knowledge, by deducing it from existing knowledge. Inference is indirect, inferential knowledge.

The totality of a person’s cognitive processes determines his intelligence. “Intelligence is the global ability to act intelligently, think rationally and cope well with life circumstances” (Wexler), i.e. intelligence is seen as a person's ability to adapt to the environment.

Imagination – it is the mental process of creating something new in the form of an image, idea or idea.

A person can mentally imagine something that he did not perceive or do in the past; he may have images of objects and phenomena that he has not encountered before. Being closely connected with thinking, imagination is characterized by greater uncertainty of the problem situation than with thinking.

The process of imagination is characteristic only of man and is a necessary condition for his work activity..

Speech for a person it is the main means of communication, a means of thinking, a carrier of consciousness and memory, a carrier of information (written texts), a means of controlling the behavior of other people and regulating one’s own behavior. Speech, like all higher mental functions of a person, is a product of long cultural and historical development.

Speech is language in action. Language - a system of signs, including words with their meanings and syntax - a set of rules by which sentences are constructed. A word is a type of sign, since the latter are present in various kinds of formalized languages.

Speech has three functions: signification (designation), generalization, communication (transfer of knowledge, relationships, feelings).

Significative function distinguishes human speech from animal communication. A person has an idea of ​​an object or phenomenon associated with a word. Mutual understanding in the process of communication is thus based on the unity of designation of objects and phenomena by the perceiver and the speaker.

Generalization function is due to the fact that a word denotes not only a single, given object, but a whole group of similar objects and is always the bearer of their essential characteristics.

Third function of speech – communication function, i.e.. transfer of information. If the first two functions of speech can be considered as internal mental activity, then the communicative function acts as external speech behavior aimed at contacts with other people. The communicative function of speech is divided into three sides: informational, expressive and volitional.

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