January and July isotherms in Russia. Geographic distribution of temperature in the surface layer of the atmosphere

The figures relating to the average temperatures of parallels, although they reveal some general patterns, have the disadvantage that they are related to mathematical lines on the surface of the globe.

You can get rid of this shortcoming by resorting to studying isotherm maps. It will be enough for us to confine ourselves to the study of isotherms for January and July, i.e., the months that in most areas on land characterize the coldest and warmest times of the year. In this case, we will use isotherms that are not reduced to sea level.

If the surface of the globe were completely homogeneous (for example, covered with a continuous shell of water) and air transport on Earth would occur only along latitudinal circles, all isotherms would be parallel to the equator. The location of isotherms close to the hypothetical one can be observed only in the southern hemisphere with its vast oceanic expanses. In most cases, the course of isotherms is extremely whimsical, which indicates a violation of the hypothetical heating conditions.

What causes these disorders? Mainly by the nature of the distribution of land and sea, relief and the existence of constant or dominant cold and warm air and sea currents. As a result, some places turn out to be warmer than they should be based on their geographic latitude, while others are colder, i.e., positive and negative temperature anomalies are observed. The difference in the heating of land and sea is due to their small and large heat capacity, respectively, due to which the land heats up faster and more strongly than the sea, but cools faster and deeper.

Looking at the map of July isotherms, we see:

1. In the extratropical regions of both hemispheres, isotherms over the continents noticeably bend to the north (compared to their course at sea). For the northern hemisphere, this means that the land here is heated more than the sea, and for the southern hemisphere (where July is the winter month) - that it is colder than the sea. Over the oceans, the average temperature is below +26° everywhere, except for the areas adjacent to the Antilles (here it can be up to +28°), while over the continents there are significantly higher temperatures.

2. The highest July average temperatures are found not over the equator, but in the desert region of the northern hemisphere: the hottest places at this time include California, the Sahara, Arabia, Iran and inland Asia. The main reason is that in July the Sun is at its zenith in the northern hemisphere in the belt between the 23rd and 18th parallels: it is here, as well as in neighboring latitudes, that the heating is greatest. The absence of dense vegetation cover and low cloud cover in the listed desert areas are also important: with a clear sky, the bare soil heats up especially strongly.

Absolute temperatures on land are also high in July. In Algeria, the lower reaches of the Euphrates, Turkmenistan and some other places, in some years there are days in July when the thermometer shows more than 50° in the shade. In Death Valley (California), on July 10, 1913, the highest July temperature on the globe was recorded: 56°.7.

3. The map also shows the influence of sea currents. It is natural to expect that in winter the greatest bend in the isotherms will be due to warm currents, and in summer to cold currents, although both of them, since they are constant, affect the isotherms all year round. In the northern hemisphere, isotherms along the western coasts of California and Africa are convex to the south, a result of the influence of the California and Canary cold currents. Oppositely directed bends of isotherms in the southern hemisphere along the western coasts of South America and Africa are the result of the influence of the cold Peruvian and Bengal currents. All these currents carry their jets far towards the equator and greatly cool the air in the area of ​​the coasts they wash, creating negative temperature anomalies here.

Turning now to the map of January isotherms, we see:

1. The influence of the California cold current and partly the Canary current has weakened (since it is winter in the northern hemisphere), while the Peruvian and Benguela currents have a more dramatic effect (since it is summer in the southern hemisphere). On the other hand, in the northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, a strong bend of isotherms towards the pole reflects the increasing thermal role of warm currents - the Gulf Stream, Kuro-Sio and Aleutian.

2. In the extratropical regions of both hemispheres, isotherms over the continents are curved to the south. Consequently, in the northern hemisphere the land is colder than the sea, in the southern hemisphere it is the opposite. In January, Greenland and northeast Asia experience particularly strong cooling. The lowest air temperature ever observed on Earth was -68° (Verkhoyansk). In January, there are no such low temperatures over the ocean anywhere as over land.

3. The area of ​​greatest heating is under the Tropic of Capricorn in central Australia, southern Africa and South America. During January, the solar zenith travels from 23 to 18° south. w.

The territory of Russia is located in several climatic zones. Most of it is in temperate climate zone, in which several climatic regions are distinguished. Northern mainland areas and islands of the Arctic Ocean, with the exception of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya, the islands of Vaigach, Kolguev and others in the southern part of the Barents Sea, lie in the Arctic and subarctic zones. IN subtropical zone The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located. The climate of our country is characterized by the presence of four seasons.

The distribution of July temperatures in Russia is determined primarily by geographic latitude. Minimum temperatures (0˚ C) are observed in the north of the country, where the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is minimal, although the duration of illumination is significant (polar day). As the angle of incidence of the sun's rays increases, the average monthly air temperature increases. At the latitude of Moscow it reaches +16˚ C, and in the Caspian lowland +24-28˚ C. Thus, the July isotherms in most parts of our country have a latitudinal strike.

It is not geographic latitude that has a decisive influence on the distribution of January temperatures. and the movement of air masses. The Atlantic Ocean, which is relatively warm in winter, due to the westerly transport of air, extends its warming influence all the way to the Yenisei. The closer to the Atlantic, the warmer it is. January isotherms have a submeridional extension: in the west of the country 8˚ C, in Moscow 12˚ C, in Western Siberia 20˚ C, in the east below 30˚ C.

The lowest air temperatures are observed in the northeast of Siberia. This territory is considered the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere. At average January temperature 48˚ C the absolute minimum was 77.8˚ C. At such air temperatures, rubber cracks like glass, and even kerosene freezes.

The formation of such low air temperatures determined by a combination of many climate-forming factors low angle of incidence of rays, absence of the warming influence of the oceans, strong radiation cooling in anticyclonic weather conditions, accumulation and stagnation of cold air in intermountain basins.

Spatial distribution of precipitation in general, it resembles the distribution of temperatures in January: the closer to the Atlantic, the more precipitation falls. In the west of the country the annual amount of moisture is 600-800 mm, in Western Siberia 400-500 mm, and in Eastern 250-400 mm. The overall picture is disrupted due to the diversity of the relief. On the western windward slopes of the Ural, Caucasus, and Altai mountains, the amount of precipitation increases in comparison with their eastern slopes, as well as adjacent parts of the neighboring plains. Large amounts of precipitation (up to 1000 mm) fall on the Pacific coast. With a relatively uniform distribution of precipitation throughout the year (with the exception of the monsoon climate), the maximum precipitation in most parts of the country occurs in the summer. To the frontal precipitation that falls all year round, precipitation of convective origin is added in the summer.

In general, the climatic conditions of Russia can hardly be considered favorable. Due to the latitudinal position, the total heat reserves are small. Where there is enough heat, there is a moisture deficit. Most of our country's arable land is in the zone of risky farming, as droughts periodically occur. A significant part of the territory has extreme climatic conditions due to low winter temperatures.

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5th grade

Practical work No. 3.Orientation by compass.

  1. 1 . Consider the compass. Place it on a flat surface.
  2. Release the compass needle with the lever, let it settle, then align the main end of the needle with the letter C. The compass is now oriented.
  3. Determine where south is. Write down items or objects that are in the south.
  4. Determine where east and west are. Write down items or objects located in the east; in the West.
  5. Select an object and determine the direction towards it.

Practical work No. 4.Drawing up a simple site plan.

  1. Select scale:

a) determine the size of the plot in meters;

b) how much its size needs to be reduced so that it fits on a piece of paper - this is how you determined the scale of the plan;

c) determine what the length and width of the school site will be on a piece of paper.

  1. Draw the outline of the area on a piece of paper.

a) Determine how the main sides of the horizon are located. Mark the north-south direction on the plan with an arrow;

b) depict on the plan the school building, school garden, sports ground using symbols. Observe the scale of your plan and the position of these objects relative to the sides of the horizon. Decipher the symbols in your notebook.

6th grade

Practical work No. 1.

Determination of geographic coordinates of points from maps

and designation on the contour map of the location of your

settlement by geographic coordinates.

Goals of work:

  1. Test and evaluate your ability to determine geographic coordinates. Learn to find the location of your settlement on a geographic map using geographic coordinates and mark it on a contour map.

2.Learn to draw up a contour map correctly.

Determine the geographic coordinates of the points. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

Practical work No. 2.

Determination from a map of the geographical position, the height of mountains and plains, the height and geographical coordinates of individual peaks, plotting lithosphere objects on a contour map.

Practical work No. 3.

Determination of the geographical location of one of the oceans, its relative sizes, prevailing and maximum depths.

Goals of work:

  1. H learn to determine from maps the geographical position of the ocean, its relative sizes, prevailing and maximum depths, and predict the possibilities of its use by humans.
  2. The results of the work can be shown on a contour map.

Sequence of work execution.

  1. Using the map of the oceans in the atlas, write a description of the ocean indicated by the teacher according to the proposed plan.

Ocean characterization plan.

  1. The name of the ocean.
  2. Its relative sizes.
  3. In which hemispheres is it located?
  4. Which continents does it wash?
  5. Coastline: indicate seas, bays, straits, peninsulas.
  6. The largest islands are within its borders.
  7. Bottom topography: average and maximum depth, ridges, basins, whether there is a shelf - wide or narrow.
  8. Currents (indicate cold and warm).

2. On the contour map, write the name of the ocean, the continents washed by

For them, elements of the coastline (seas, bays, straits, peninsulas), the largest islands within its borders, indicate the maximum depth, sign the names of large ridges and basins. Use arrows to show the currents and label their names.

3. Conventional signs (make up your own map legend signs)

Show the types of economic activities in the ocean.

  1. In the symbols, do not forget to explain the meaning of the symbols.

7th grade

Practical work No. 1 “Determination from maps of the distance between points, coordinates of points.”

Goal of the work:

  1. Test and evaluate your ability to determine geographic coordinates and distances between points.

Sequence of work execution.

Using a physical map of the world, fill out the table:

Practical work No. 2

“Designation of large landforms and mineral deposits on a contour map”

Goals of work:

  1. To consolidate knowledge about the modern relief of Africa and the distribution of minerals.
  2. Learn to work correctly with a contour map.
  1. Mark on the contour map the major landforms of the continent:

mountains - Atlas, Cape, Drakensberg;

highlands - Ahaggar, Tibesti, Ethiopian;

plateau - East African;

Kilimanjaro volcano.

The color background of the contour map must match the color background of the atlas map.

Reception of designation on a contour map of lithosphere objects (mountains, plains, volcanoes, individual peaks)

  1. Having determined the geographic location of an object on a physical map, find this place on a contour map, focusing on the lines of the degree grid, coastline, and river network.
  2. Mark the object on the contour map with the same conventional sign as is done on the physical map, paying attention to the accuracy of drawing the object relative to the main landmarks.
  3. Write the name of the object as it was done on the physical map.
  4. In the symbols for the map, explain how the object is designated.

Practical work No. 3

Identification of major landforms and mineral deposits on a contour map.

  1. Mark on the contour map:

Mountains - Atlas, Cape, Drakensberg,

Highlands - Ahaggar, Tibesti, Ethiopian,

Plateau - East African

Volcanoes - Kilimonjaro, Cameroon, Kenya

Deserts - Sahara, Kalahari, Namib.

  1. Mark mineral deposits on the contour map. The symbols on the contour map must correspond to the symbols of the atlas map.

8th grade

Practical work No. 1.

"Determination of standard time"

Goals of work: during practical work using the textbook text.

  • Practice new concepts: local time, standard time, date line, maternity time, Moscow time, summer time.
  • Learn to determine standard time and take into account time differences throughout the country.

Sequence of work execution

  1. I . Theoretical part

Having studied the text of § 4 and Fig. 9 on p. 24:

  1. Determine how many degrees the Earth rotates around its axis in 1 hour, in 4 minutes.
  2. What time is local time?
  3. Determine how many time zones the Earth is divided into.
  4. What is the difference between time zones in longitude? By time?
  5. What time zone is considered zero?
  6. How many time zones are there in our country?
  7. What time zone is Stavropol in?
  8. What is standard time?
  9. How will standard time change east of any time zone? West?
  10. What is a date line? What changes will occur in time when crossing the International Date Line from west to east? From east to west?
  11. What time is called maternity time, summer time, Moscow time?
  1. II . Practical part of the work:solving problems to determine standard time
  1. Determine the standard time in Moscow if it is 8 pm in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
  2. Determine the standard time in Stavropol if it is 13:00 in Novosibirsk.
  3. It is 18:00 in Chita, determine the standard time in Moscow.
  4. Determine the standard time in Yakutsk if it is 10 a.m. in Moscow.

Practical work No. 2.

"Definition and explanation of the patterns of placement of igneous and sedimentary minerals on a tectonic map."

Goals of work:

  1. Using a tectonic map, determine the patterns of distribution of igneous and sedimentary minerals.
  2. Explain the identified patterns.

Sequence of work execution.

  1. Using the map of the atlas “Tectonics and Mineral Resources”, determine what minerals the territory of our country is rich in.
  1. How are the types of deposits indicated on the map: igneous and metamorphic? Sedimentary?
  1. Which of them are found on platforms? What minerals

(magmatic or sedimentary) confined to the sedimentary cover?

Which ones - to the protrusions of the crystalline foundation of ancient platforms onto the surface (shields and massifs)?

  1. What types of deposits (igneous or sedimentary) are confined to folded areas?
  1. Present the results of the analysis in the form of a table and draw a conclusion about the established relationship.




Conclusion about



Ancient platforms:

Sedimentary cover;

crystal protrusions

personal foundation

Sedimentary (oil, gas,



Young platforms (slabs)

Folded areas

Practical work No. 3.

“Identification of patterns of distribution of average temperatures in January and July, annual precipitation.”

Goals of work:

  1. Study the distribution of temperatures and precipitation throughout the territory of our country, learn to explain the reasons for this distribution.

2. Test your ability to work with various climate maps and draw generalizations and conclusions based on their analysis.

Sequence of work execution.

  1. Look at Fig. 39 on p. 89 of the textbook. How is the distribution of January temperatures across the territory of our country shown? How are the January isotherms in the European and Asian parts of Russia? Where are the areas with the highest temperatures in January? The lowest? Where is the pole of cold in our country?

Conclude which of the main climate-forming factors has the most significant impact on the distribution of January temperatures. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

  1. Look at Fig. 40 on p. 90 of the textbook. How is the distribution of air temperatures in July shown? Determine which areas of the country have the lowest July temperatures and which the highest. What are they equal to?

Conclude which of the main climate-forming factors has the most significant impact on the distribution of July temperatures. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

  1. Look at Fig. 41 on p. 91 of the textbook. How is the amount of precipitation shown? Where does the most rainfall occur? Where is the least?

Conclude which climate-forming factors have the most significant impact on the distribution of precipitation throughout the country. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

9th grade

Practical work No. 1.

Determination by cards

features of the economic and geographical position of Russia.


On the contour map of Russia:

  1. Indicate in red the state border of the Russian Federation;
  2. Write the names of the states that have land and sea borders with Russia;
  3. Write the names of the seas and oceans washing the shores of Russia;
  4. Use green to indicate the border between Europe and Asia;
  5. In blue indicate the Arctic Circle, and in orange - 50° north latitude;
  6. Shade in yellow the territory of the CIS member countries neighboring Russia;
  7. Shade in blue the territory of NATO member countries neighboring Russia;
  8. Use red circles to indicate “hot spots” in the CIS and write their names.

Project №2

“Identification from maps and static materials of patterns in population distribution”

Since a person is both a producer and a consumer of economic goods, the distribution of the population should be recognized as a very important indicator for the economic and geographical characteristics of any territory.

N.N. Baransky

Goals of work:

1.Gain knowledge about the characteristics of population distribution, about areas with the highest and lowest population density. Explain the reasons for the uneven distribution of the population.

2.Learn to work with maps and statistical materials: compare various forms of presented educational material (atlas maps, text maps, statistical materials), make generalizations and conclusions.

Sequence of work execution

  1. Determine the average population density of Russia.
  2. Having examined the map of the atlas “Population” and the text maps of the textbook, draw a conclusion: can the indicator of average population density characterize the distribution of the population throughout the country?
  3. On the contour mapdraw the borders of Russia, highlight settlement zones: the main zone of settlement and economic development and the zone of the North. Come up with a map legend yourself.
  4. Draw a conclusion about what reasons influence the distribution of the population throughout the country.

Project №3

“Identification of the main areas for the location of labor-intensive and metal-intensive mechanical engineering industries”

One of the main goals of studying economic geography should be the ability to read an economic map and, with its help and on it, find the necessary answers.

N.N. Baransky.

Goals of work:

  1. Determine the main areas for the location of labor-intensive and metal-intensive mechanical engineering.
  2. Strengthen the ability to analyze and compare maps, make generalizations and conclusions.

Sequence of work execution

  1. Remember which branches of mechanical engineering are labor-intensive and which are metal-intensive.
  2. Analyze the economic map of the atlas. In which areas of the country will labor-intensive and in which metal-intensive mechanical engineering prevail?
  3. Justify your conclusion.
  4. Present the results of your work in the form of a table.

Types of machine-









A political map of the World.

Sequence of work execution

Place on the contour map:

  1. giant countries.
  2. Microstates.
  3. 10 countries with the largest population.
  4. 3 states with a monarchical form of government.
  5. 3 states - federations.
  6. "Big Seven".
  7. NIS.

Indicate the capitals of all states shown on the outline map.

For each task, come up with your own symbol.

Practical work No. 2.

Drawing up a map of the location of the largest mineral deposits and areas of their advantageous territorial combinations.

Goals of work:

1. Identify world centers and areas where mineral resources are located.

2.Check and evaluate knowledge of the basic patterns of distribution of mineral resources.

  1. Learn to reflect the results of your work using cartographic means.

Sequence of work execution

  1. Using the map of the atlas “Mineral Resources” on the contour map, use symbols to indicate the main coal, oil and gas basins and ore belts, areas where chemical raw materials and diamonds are located.
  1. Identify areas of advantageous territorial combinations of mineral resources.

Practical work No. 3
Drawing up a map of areas of environmental pollution in the United States, identifying sources of pollution, proposing ways to solve environmental problems.

To complete the task use

1) textbook by V.P. Maksakovsky. Geography, grade 10

Topic “North America” (topic 9, paragraph 2)

2) Atlas, grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. (USA. Economic map, Environmental problems of the world.)

3) outline map. (USA)

Goals of work:

  1. Identify areas of environmental pollution in the United States and identify sources of pollution.

  2. Learn to find ways to solve environmental problems.

Sequence of work execution.

  1. Using your knowledge, the map of the atlas “Environmental Problems of the World,” plot the areas of environmental pollution in the United States on the map, indicating the sources of pollution. Invent the legend signs yourself or use the atlas map legend signs.

  2. Suggest ways to solve the identified environmental problems. (on a piece of paper attached to the map)

The geographic distribution of air temperature is shown using isotherms - lines connecting points on the map with the same temperatures. The distribution of air temperature is zonal; annual isotherms generally have a sublatitudinal strike and correspond to the annual distribution of the radiation balance.

On average for the year, the warmest parallel is 100 N latitude. with a temperature of 270 C is the thermal equator. In summer, the thermal equator shifts to 200 N latitude, in winter it approaches the equator by 50 N latitude.

The territory of Russia is located in several climatic zones. Most of it is in temperate climate zone, in which several climatic regions are distinguished. Northern mainland areas and islands of the Arctic Ocean, with the exception of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya, the islands of Vaigach, Kolguev and others in the southern part of the Barents Sea, lie in the Arctic and subarctic zones. IN subtropical zone The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located. The climate of our country is characterized by the presence of four seasons.

The distribution of July temperatures in Russia is determined primarily by geographic latitude. Minimum temperatures (0˚ C) are observed in the north of the country, where the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is minimal, although the duration of illumination is significant (polar day). As the angle of incidence of the sun's rays increases, the average monthly air temperature increases. At the latitude of Moscow it reaches +16˚ C, and in the Caspian lowland +24-28˚ C. Thus, the July isotherms in most parts of our country have a latitudinal strike.

It is not geographic latitude that has a decisive influence on the distribution of January temperatures. and the movement of air masses. The Atlantic Ocean, which is relatively warm in winter, due to the westerly transport of air, extends its warming influence all the way to the Yenisei. The closer to the Atlantic, the warmer it is. January isotherms have a submeridional extension: in the west of the country 8˚ C, in Moscow 12˚ C, in Western Siberia 20˚ C, in the east below 30˚ C.

The lowest air temperatures are observed in the northeast of Siberia. This territory is considered the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere. At average January temperature 48˚ C the absolute minimum was 77.8˚ C. At such air temperatures, rubber cracks like glass, and even kerosene freezes.

The formation of such low air temperatures determined by a combination of many climate-forming factors – low angle of incidence of rays, absence of the warming influence of the oceans, strong radiation cooling in anticyclonic weather conditions, accumulation and stagnation of cold air in intermountain basins.


Practical work No. 1

“Characteristics of the geographical location of Russia. Determining the coordinates of the extreme points of the territory of Russia"


Plan for characterizing the geographical location of the country:

1. On what continent is the country located, in what part of it?

2. What are the coordinates of the extreme points of the country’s territory, what is its length from north to south and from west to east?

3. In what light zones is the country located?

4. What are the land and sea borders of the country?

5. Which city is the capital?
What part of the country is it in?
What are the geographic coordinates?


Practical work No. 2 (educational)

“Solving problems to determine standard time”

Goal: Learn to solve problems in determining local and standard time.


To determine local time you need to:

1. Determine the meridian of the point whose time we know;

2. Determine the meridian of the point whose time needs to be found;

3. Determine the distance in degrees between two points;

4. Determine the time difference (in minutes) and, if necessary, convert to hours and minutes;

5. Determine the local time of the desired point: for this, if the point whose time needs to be determined is located to the east of the point whose time we know, then the time difference is added, and if it is to the west, it is subtracted.

For example:

We know that it is 12:00 in Samara. It is necessary to determine the local time in Magadan.

1. meridian of Samara - 51º east;

2. meridian of Magadan - 151º east;

3. distance in degrees: 151º - 51º = 100º

4. time difference: 100º ×4´ = 400´ = 6 hours 40 minutes;

5. local time in Magadan: 12 hours 00 minutes + 6 hours 40 minutes = 18 hours 40 minutes.

Option 1.

1) Determine the local time in the cities of St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Tula, Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad, if it is 12 hours 00 minutes in Moscow. Write down all calculations in your notebook.

Option 2.

1) Determine the local time in the cities of Kaliningrad, Uelen, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Irkutsk, if it is 18:00 in Omsk. Write down all calculations in your notebook.


Practical work No. 3 (educational)

“Identification of the interdependencies of the tectonic structure,

Relief forms, mineral resources on the territory of Russia"


Practical work No. 4 (educational)

"Identification of patterns of distribution of average temperatures in January and July, annual precipitation"

Goals of work:

1. Study the distribution of temperatures and precipitation throughout the territory of our country, learn to explain the reasons for such distribution.

2. Test the ability to work with various climate maps, draw generalizations and conclusions based on their analysis.

1) Look at the pictures in the textbook. How is the distribution of January temperatures across the territory of our country shown? How are the January isotherms in the European and Asian parts of Russia? Where are the areas with the highest temperatures in January? The lowest? Where is the pole of cold in our country?

Conclude which of the main climate-forming factors has the most significant impact on the distribution of January temperatures. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

2) Look at the pictures in the textbook. How is the distribution of air temperatures in July shown? Determine which areas of the country have the lowest July temperatures and which have the highest. What are they equal to?

Conclude which of the main climate-forming factors has the most significant impact on the distribution of July temperatures. Write a brief summary in your notebook.

3) Look at the pictures in the textbook. How is the amount of precipitation shown? Where does the most rainfall occur? Where is the least?

Conclude which climate-forming factors have the most significant impact on the distribution of precipitation throughout the country. Write a brief summary in your notebook.


Practical work No. 5

"Making Weather Forecasts"

Goals of work:

1. Learn to determine weather patterns for various points using a synoptic map. Learn to make basic weather forecasts.

2. Check and evaluate knowledge of the main factors influencing the state of the lower layer of the troposphere - weather.

Sequence of work execution

1) Analyze the synoptic map

2) Compare the weather conditions in cities according to the proposed plan. Draw a conclusion about the expected weather forecast for the near future at the indicated points.

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