A clear morning on a quiet pond. Analysis of Bunin's poem on the pond

Clear morning on a quiet pond
Swallows are flying around briskly,
They descend to the water itself,
The wing barely touches the moisture.

On the fly they sing loudly,
And the meadows are green all around,
And the pond stands like a mirror,
Reflecting its shores.

And, as in a mirror, between the reeds,
The forest overturned from its banks,
And the pattern of clouds goes away
Into the depths of the reflected skies.

The clouds there are softer and whiter,
The depth is endless, light...
And it comes steadily from the fields
Above the water there is a quiet ringing sound from the village.

"Artist Koshelev Vladislav Igorevich born in 1966. Born in the city of Zhigulevsk, Kuibyshev region (now Samara).
In the seventies we moved to the BSSR city of Grodno, where I still live.
I did not receive an art education, although I loved drawing since childhood.
He graduated from the Grodno State Polytechnic College, then the Grodno Polytechnic.
Then military service in Moscow.
I became seriously interested in painting in the 1990s, thanks to Perestroika, since then it has become my main occupation. I paint mainly landscapes, cityscapes, a lot of paintings with views of Moscow and Grodno, which has already become my hometown, I make copies of paintings, often by Shishkin.
The paintings are in different countries Europe, you can often see them in Moscow at the opening day."

Good morning! Have a nice day!

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

Clear morning on a quiet pond
Swallows are flying around briskly,
They descend to the water itself,
The wing barely touches the moisture.

On the fly they sing loudly,
And the meadows are green all around,
And the pond stands like a mirror,
Reflecting its shores.

And, as in a mirror, between the reeds,
The forest overturned from its banks,
And the pattern of clouds goes away
Into the depths of the reflected skies.

The clouds there are softer and whiter,
The depth is endless, light...
And it comes steadily from the fields
Above the water there is a quiet ringing sound from the village.

In the work, which appeared in 1887 and was subjected to several editions, the aspiring poet depicts a fine morning on a pond located near the village.

The poem begins with laconic definitions of the circumstances of the lyrical narrative: morning hour, calm pond, flocks of swallows. The last image gives rise to allusions to Fet’s lines. The details of the artistic space are also similar. In Fet’s version the lyrical hero also appears, “ idle spy» landscape paintings. There is also a pond - only not in the morning, but in the evening. In both poetic texts depicts the swift flight of a swallow over the very surface of the water, but there is a difference. To the lyrical hero Fet, the behavior of the bird seems delightful, but dangerous and daring. Bunin's interpretation sounds calmer, dispassionately capturing the picture seen by the hero-contemplator. The young author fills the space with ringing birdsong, while Fetov’s sketch remains silent, gradually turning into a philosophical generalization.

Sight lyrical hero Bunina moves, capturing the panorama of green meadows and forests surrounding the pond. In the second and third stanzas, the comparison of the surface of the water with a mirror is repeated twice: in the first case, the shores are visible in it, in the second - the forest and the sky. The phrase “the forest overturned,” meaning a reflection in the water, again refers the reader to Fet’s lyrics: the trope is a quote from the work “Over the lake, a swan pulled the reeds.” The rhyme “forest” - “heaven” is also borrowed a young poet at the master's. However, the ways of developing the lyrical narrative are different: then Fet switches to the image of a romantic couple, and his student goes deeper into the description of white clouds and the infinity of light “depth”.

In the final lines, Bunin's concentrated contemplator catches the “quiet ringing” that is heard from the village fields.

The poetic space of “On the Pond” is filled with borrowed images and techniques generated by the student’s, school’s desire to imitate the teacher. The size of the verse also brings it closer to Fetov’s traditions - a three-foot anapest, going back to the famous “At dawn, don’t wake her up...”. Nevertheless, the attempt at writing was a success: numerous allusions did not affect the independent intonation of the poem. The landscape sketch, detailed and bright in Bunin style, ends with promising motifs of depth and light, which will later receive serious philosophical understanding.

“On the Pond” Ivan Bunin

Clear morning on a quiet pond
Swallows are flying around briskly,
They descend to the water itself,
The wing barely touches the moisture.

On the fly they sing loudly,
And the meadows are green all around,
And the pond stands like a mirror,
Reflecting its shores.

And, as in a mirror, between the reeds,
The forest overturned from its banks,
And the pattern of clouds goes away
Into the depths of the reflected skies.

The clouds there are softer and whiter,
The depth is endless, light...
And it comes steadily from the fields
Above the water there is a quiet ringing sound from the village.

Analysis of Bunin's poem "On the Pond"

In the work, which appeared in 1887 and was subjected to several editions, the aspiring poet depicts a fine morning on a pond located near the village.

The poem begins with laconic definitions of the circumstances of the lyrical narrative: the morning hour, a calm pond, flocks of swallows. The last image gives rise to allusions to Fet’s lines. The details of the artistic space are also similar. In Fet’s version, a lyrical hero also appears, an “idle spy” of landscape paintings. There is also a pond - only not in the morning, but in the evening. Both poetic texts depict the swift flight of a swallow over the very surface of the water, but there is a difference. To the lyrical hero Fet, the behavior of the bird seems delightful, but dangerous and daring. Bunin's interpretation sounds calmer, dispassionately capturing the picture seen by the hero-contemplator. The young author fills the space with ringing birdsong, while Fetov’s sketch remains silent, gradually turning into a philosophical generalization.

The gaze of the lyrical hero Bunin moves, capturing the panorama of green meadows and forests surrounding the pond. In the second and third stanzas, the comparison of the surface of the water with a mirror is repeated twice: in the first case, the shores are visible in it, in the second - the forest and the sky. The phrase “the forest overturned,” meaning a reflection in the water, again refers the reader to Fet’s lyrics: the trope is a quote from the work “Over the lake, a swan pulled the reeds.” The rhyme “forest” - “heaven” was also borrowed by the young poet from the master. However, the ways of developing the lyrical narrative are different: then it switches to the image of a romantic couple, and his student goes deeper into the description of white clouds and the infinity of light “depth”.

In the final lines, Bunin's concentrated contemplator catches the “quiet ringing” that is heard from the village fields.

The poetic space of “On the Pond” is filled with borrowed images and techniques generated by the student’s, school’s desire to imitate the teacher. The size of the verse also brings it closer to Fetov’s traditions - a three-foot anapest, going back to the famous “At dawn, don’t wake her up...” Nevertheless, the attempt at writing was a success: numerous allusions did not affect the independent intonation of the poem. The landscape sketch, detailed and bright in Bunin style, ends with promising motifs of depth and light, which will later receive serious philosophical understanding.

The work was written in 1887, the poet was not very experienced at that time. The first lines of the poem talk about a clear morning, the sun has recently risen. What is well-being? When is a person happy? What factors of existence are filled with true joy? People have most likely asked themselves similar problems more than once. But sometimes it’s difficult to find the result. You can find any answer in a poem, you just need to understand the meaning.

The verse begins with brief factors poetic story: early time, quiet pond, flocks of swallows. Its first rays play in the sky and illuminate the earth. Birds awaken from their night's sleep and begin an early meal. Describes nature, the richness of forests and meadows. At this time, the birds begin to sing loudly. The introductory part of the element of the poem talks about the extent to which our landscape is beautiful and diverse, but this elegance is not revealed to every painter. Vocabulary repetition concentrates the reader’s interest in the idea of ​​creation: only to him does the essence grant “natural joy” and well-being.

In the finishing lines, Bunin's concentrated contemplator, who captures the “calm sound”, can be heard from the peasant fields. Bunin always loved nature very much, so his poems are aimed at studying it. He wants to show everyone how beautiful she is. Not everyone can see and find something amazing in the elements of Mother Earth. In his poems you can see not only joy, but also sadness. There is also deep hatred and despair. It is not visible to everyone at first glance, but when you read deeper into the lines, you feel everything for yourself.

Picture for the poem On the pond

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