Annual report on speech development. Practice report: Speech development in children of senior preschool age in an organized pedagogical process

speech verbal hearing vocabulary

Topic: Speech development in children of senior preschool age in an organized pedagogical process


1. Research the problem speech development child of senior preschool age

1.1 Speech. Characteristics of speech development in children of senior preschool age

1.2 Tasks of speech development in the senior group of kindergarten

1.3 Conditions for speech development in children of senior preschool age

2. Study of the level of vocabulary development in children of senior preschool age

2.1 Description of the process of studying speech development in children of senior preschool age

2.2 Analysis of the results of a study of speech development in children of senior preschool age



8. Lisina M.I. Stages of the genesis of speech as a means of communication//Semenyuk L.M. Reader on developmental psychology: a textbook for students / Ed. DI. Feldstein: 2nd edition, expanded. - Moscow: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1996. - 304 p.

9. Luria A.R. Speech and thinking. – M., 1985.

10. Maksakov A.I. Is your child speaking correctly? –M.: Education, 1988

11. Matyukhina M.V., Mikhalchik T.S., Prokina N.F. Developmental and educational psychology: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. in - comrade according to special No. 2121 “Pedagogy and methods of beginning. training"/M. V. Matyukhina, T. S. Mikhalchik, N. F. Prokina and others; Ed. M.V. Gamezo et al.-M.: Education, 1984.-256p.

12. Speech impairment in preschool children/Comp. R.A. Belova-David – M.: Enlightenment. 1972.

13. Nishcheva N.V. Educational fairy tales: A series of classes on developing the lexical composition of the language, improving the grammatical structure of speech, and developing coherent speech in preschool children - an educational and methodological manual-summary. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-press, 2002. – 47 c.

14. The main stages of normal speech development of a child // Fundamentals speech therapy work with children: A textbook for speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, students of pedagogical schools / Ed. ed. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. G.V. Chirkina. – 2nd ed., rev. – M.: ARKTI, 2003. – 240 pages.

15. Education and training program in kindergarten/ Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007 – P.130 – 132.

16. Speech development for preschool children: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden / Ed. F. Sokhina. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Education, 1979. - 223 p., ill., 4 l. ill.

17. Rubinstein S. L. Fundamentals general psychology- St. Petersburg: Peter Publishing House, 2000 - 712 pp.: ill. – (Series “Masters of Psychology”)

18. Tikheyeva E.I. Children's speech development: A manual for kindergarten teachers. Sada / Ed. F. Sokhina. – M.: Education, 1981.

19. Fedorenko L.P. and others. Methods of speech development for preschool children. A manual for preschool teachers. schools M., "Enlightenment", 1977.

20. Elkonin D. B. Child psychology. - M., 1960.


Diagnostic examination material

1. Methodology of F. G. Daskalova.

To test the concept of the meaning of a word, children are offered definition tasks - “What is...?” and “What does the word mean?” For diagnosis, a special dictionary test is used, consisting of four subtests for children three, four, five and six years old. It includes two types of nouns - concrete and abstract. The number of abstract words increases in tests designed for older children. Lists of words are compiled based on data on the 1000 words most frequently used in active speech children of preschool age, and 1000 nouns from the semantic atlas of Charles Osgood.

List of words included in the test dictionary

The correct answer to each question is conditionally assessed as 1 point. The maximum number of points for three-year-old children is 20, four-year-olds - 40, five-year-olds - 60, six-year-olds - 80. If necessary, you can calculate the evaluation coefficient through the ratio between the number of points and the number of all given words. If the estimated coefficient approaches 1, this indicates both the richness of the vocabulary and the success of mastering the conceptual meaning of words.

2. Diagnostics of lexical development.

Task No. 1. Classification of concepts

Material: 30 pictures depicting animals, clothes, fruits, vegetables, transport, toys. The teacher names a concept denoting a group of pictures, asks the subject to give a detailed definition of the concept, and then select the corresponding pictures, for example, depicting animals. In each task, the number of correct choices of pictures is counted, each right choice is worth one point. Highest score- 30 points.

Task No. 2. Selection of synonyms

It is carried out in the form of the game “Say it differently”. The child is asked to play with words and choose a word that is close in meaning to the named word. A total of 10 words are presented (gloomy, cheerful, old, big, cowardly; walk, run, talk, laugh, cry).

The highest score is 10 points.

1 point - if the selected word is a synonym of the named one;

0 points - if the selected word does not match semantic field given.

Task No. 3. Selection of definitions

It is carried out in the form of a word game. It is suggested that you come up with as many words as possible for the named word. more definitions. 5 words are presented: dress, birch, girl, apple, fox (“Dress. What is it? How can you say about it? What could it be??”).

The highest score is 10 points.

2 points - if more than 3 words are invented.

1 point - if less than 3 words are invented.

0 points – if the answer is missing or does not correspond to the semantic field of the presented word.

After completing all three tasks, the total score is calculated.

The highest score - 50 points - corresponds to a high level.

32-49 points – senior.

Less than 32 points - a low level of lexical development of children.

For ease of calculation, points are translated as follows:

1 point – low level vocabulary development;

2 points - intermediate level vocabulary development;

3 points – high level of vocabulary development.

3. Vocabulary test (word level)

Instructions to the subject: “We will now remember all kinds of items of clothing. Let's think about what we can wear. Think carefully. Name what men, women and children can wear - summer and winter - day and night - from the head to the feet.”

The first part of the instructions is pronounced normally, but starting with the words “name what they can wear...” the articulation becomes very clear. The experimenter speaks slowly, emphasizing the highlighted words in his voice (dashes correspond to short pauses). When spoken last words the adult makes a movement with his hand, pointing first to the head, then to the body and to the legs.

If the child does not begin to speak, then you can repeat the request: “Name something that they can wear...” When the subject, when listing items of clothing, takes a longer pause because he does not know more words, the experimenter helps him with the question: “What else do they wear? » The wording “what else” is especially good for motivating a child. You can also repeat the words: men, women and children, and after some time - in summer and winter, etc. If necessary, the task after 1.5-3 minutes can be repeated again.

The subject is given 3 minutes to list the words. The experimenter writes down everything the child says. All items of clothing named by the child are taken into account when assessing. Words repeated and not related to the topic “Clothing” (wardrobe, tablecloth, etc.) are not taken into account when calculating the total number of words named. But they indicate developmental features: frequent repetitions may indicate insufficient concentration; inadequate, unrelated words indicate that the child cannot concentrate in order to build an associative series (logic is violated).

If a child first says the word hat, and then hat with earflaps, then this is considered two in different words. How one word is assessed if a child says red hat, blue hat. In some cases, the child says outerwear and underwear and then remains silent. Then the experimenter asks: “What about outer and underwear?” Some children cannot name a single item of clothing, but begin to say, for example, the following: “Mom bought me boots, and then we went to eat ice cream” or: “I have short pants and long blue ones, and also brown ones.” In this case, the experimenter stops the child and turns to him in a friendly manner with the words: “Quickly tell me everything that can be worn.” Sometimes, while listing items of clothing, a child names completely inadequate items, such as a car. And in this case, the adult repeats to the child that he must name only items of clothing.

Vocabulary is assessed as follows. For children in the senior group of kindergarten, the result is considered unsatisfactory if 8 or less words. For first-graders, the result is unsatisfactory with 11 or fewer words.

When assessing, it is necessary to take into account the different ages of children within the same group. So, if in the senior group of kindergarten a child aged 5 years 4 months names 10 items of clothing, then this result is rated higher than the same result for a child of the same group, but at the age of 6 years 1 month.

For ease of calculation, points are translated as follows:

1 point – low level of vocabulary development;

2 points - average level of vocabulary development;

3 points – high level of vocabulary development.

Report on educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, I worked in senior group No. 2.
By the beginning of the school year, a developmental environment was prepared that plays special role to strengthen the child’s health, his comprehensive physical and mental development, as well as to realize potential mental and motor capabilities.
The development of a child in the preschool period is a complex and multifaceted process. Every day a child discovers new boundaries of the world around him. A huge thirst for knowledge makes a child interested in everything and take an active part in everything, passing through himself - to give his assessment of what he understands, to invent, to create, and most importantly to develop further, rising every day to a new stage of development.
And next to the child, of course, there is an adult who acts as an object of imitation for the child; an adult for the child is an assistant, a protector, a source of knowledge. Therefore, the joint activity of an adult and a child bears fruit. Namely, the child, receiving new knowledge, learns to analyze it, systematize it, plan his further actions, predict events, control yourself and manage your behavior, etc. The main condition for the development of a preschooler is his inclusion in a purposefully organized educational process. I was given the following tasks.
1. Educational area “Social and communicative development of children”:
- to form friendly attitudes towards people, respect for elders, development of good feelings, responsiveness, fostering a culture of behavior in public places;
- consolidate children’s knowledge about professions, the role of work in the life of every person;
- promote the development of children's creative abilities;
- ensure the development of independence and initiative in labor activity, self-service, design;
- to form children’s ideas about the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature and methods of safe behavior, about safety rules traffic as a pedestrian.
As a result of work throughout the school year, the majority of children coped with the assigned tasks: they are friendly to others, show interest in the words and actions of adults, willingly respond to requests to help, teach others, show caution when meeting strangers and animals, and are guided by well-known generally accepted principles. norms and rules of behavior. They are well acquainted with the professions of their parents and close relatives, and they know the value of other people’s labor. With some children it is carried out individual work on mastering the assigned tasks.

2. Educational area “Cognitive development of children”:
- to develop children’s interest in independent knowledge of objects in the surrounding world, analytical perception examine objects by properties and characteristics, the ability to reflect the results of cognition in speech;
-classify objects;
-enrich ideas about people, their moral qualities, gender differences, the rules of relationships between adults and children, about yourself, your body, your skills;
-form ideas about your hometown, country, civic and patriotic feelings.
Most of the children completed the assigned tasks. They are active in different forms cognitive activity: By own initiative observe, experiment, reason, pose problems, show guesswork and ingenuity in the process of solving them; mastered the ability to use numbers and figures within the first ten, mastered measuring length, width, height using measurements of different sizes, fixing the result with numbers and numbers; demonstrate the ability to establish simple dependencies between objects.
There is still more work to be done with some children.
In April, an open viewing of the OD “Paths to Knowledge” (RPM) was held.

3. Educational area “Speech development of children”:
-develop monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to observe communication ethics in conditions of collective interaction;
-enrich ideas about the rules of speech etiquette;
- independently retell familiar fairy tales, with a little help from an adult;
-make up descriptive stories, show interest in language;
-hear words with a given first sound;
- maintain interest in literature, enrich children’s experience through works of more complex genres of folklore, literary prose, and poetry;
- to cultivate literary and artistic taste, to promote understanding of the mood of the work, sonority and rhythm poetic texts; beauty, imagery and expressiveness of the language of fairy tales and stories.
As a result of work, many children have rich vocabulary, use generalizing words and concepts, master the means of sound analysis of words, determine the basic quality characteristics sounds in a word, place of sound in a word; independently retell short stories and fairy tales, show selective attitudes towards works, determine the genre of the work. But some children find it difficult to argue judgments and do not use evidence-based speech; make mistakes when sound analysis words and dividing words into syllables.
4. Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development of children”:
-reason for manifestation aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world;
-develop artistic and aesthetic perception of the beauty of the surrounding world in works of art and own works, ideas about various genres of art, the desire to learn about art and master visual activities;
-teach children to analyze the means of musical expression, develop singing skills, stimulate children’s independent activities in improvising dances and games;
-develop cooperation skills in collective musical activities.
As a result of the diagnostics, we noted that, in general, children independently determine the concept of future work, can specify it, use mastered techniques, create images, express themselves in various types of musical performing activities, and have ideas about genres of music. But some children need help with scissors; experience difficulties in creating complex decorative compositions. In October, an open viewing of the literary and musical entertainment “Autumn Kaleidoscope” (RMO) was held.
5. Educational area " Physical development children":
-develop the ability to consciously perform all types of exercises, the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions and the movements of one’s comrades, physical qualities: coordination, flexibility, endurance, speed of reaction, strength; children’s independence in performing physical exercises and vital healthy lifestyle habits;
-form ideas about sports, sports games and exercises;
- to cultivate the desire to independently organize and conduct outdoor games.
We are very pleased to observe that basically all children are able to practically solve some problems of healthy lifestyle and safe behavior in physical activity, show good endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, and are able to throw objects at a target. They are motivated to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of those around them, and have an understanding of some sports.
In November, sports entertainment was held together with parents:

During the school year, children, together with teachers and parents, took part in competitions: action: “White Flower”, city drawing competition: “Thank you, Mom!” (2nd place), regional competition: “Winter Bouquet” (2nd place), city drawing competition road safety: “Green Street”, exhibition of crafts “Autumn Fantasy”.
Throughout the entire school year, she closely interacted with the families of the students, as this is one of the most important conditions for the development of a child’s personality and his socialization in the conditions of public and home education.
All goals and objectives set for this year were fulfilled. To solve these problems, systematic, systematic work was carried out.
For the next academic year I plan to:
1. Direct all efforts to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group.
2. Establish partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a 6-7 year old child and the ability to apply it in communication.
4. Find and apply innovative methods and approaches in your own way priority direction, continue work on implementation healthy image life among children and parents.

Anna Maleva
Report on work on the development of speech of children in the 1st junior group

Starting work in the first junior group I set myself these tasks:


Purposefully enrich your vocabulary children;

-development of active speech;


Needs children in communication with adults and peers through speeches;

Understanding speeches those around you without visual accompaniment;

Ability to understand works of Russian poetic folklore and works fiction;

Support children cognitive attitude to the surrounding reality (support the child in what he examines and observes);

Encourage children to various actions with objects aimed at familiarizing with them;

Formation of the ability to name objects in the immediate environment in the natural environment and in pictures; recognize and name people of different genders and ages;

Accustom to understand the speech of others without visual accompaniment.

To implement these tasks in your at work we use:

Didactic games:

di: "Family", "Tell me about the toy", "Collect a picture", "Who's where?"

"Big - small", “Who lives with whom?”, “What’s missing?” etc.

Games for the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns. Exercise: Yellow…. (Sun) Fluffy (clouds) Car...what?

Learn to use nouns with prepositions. Exercise: Bunny (under the table, above the table, on the table) Crow (over the roof, on the roofs) Ball (under the table).

In games with didactic material children knowledge about the size, shape, color of objects is consolidated, developed memory, attention, tactile sensations, fine motor skills. Cognitive speech activity children develops on direct educational activities;

Button Games The purpose of these games is develop imagination, attention, sensory perception, perseverance, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills of the fingers.

2. game situations : "Mom Feeds the Doll", "Let's take the dog for a ride in the car", "Preparing lunch for Little Bear", "Bunny is sick", “Let’s tie a bow for the cat”, "Treat for the Dog" etc.

3. Outdoor games, musical games:

"Cat and Mice" or "The mice dance in circles", "Horses","Corydalis hen"

"Birds in Nests", "Shaggy Dog", "The little white bunny is sitting"

"Hares and fox" etc.

4. Theatrical activities

Table theater, finger theater.

Staging of Russian folk fairy tales:

Pageant fairy tales:

"Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken" etc.

5. Fiction

Reading and learning nursery rhymes: "Tili - bom", “The cat went to Torzhok”

"Pussy", V. Berestova "Kitty", “You, little dog, don’t bark”

Narrating a poem by A. Barto:

"Horse", "Bull", "Bear", "Bunny"

Reading p. n. fairy tales: "Zayushkina's hut", "Teremok","Turnip", "The Wolf and the Little Goats"

6. Much attention is paid development dialogical speech . Involvement children into conversation while looking at objects, illustrations; observations of living and inanimate nature; after watching cartoons and plays.

7. Sound culture speech tasks:Improve skill children pronounce vowel sounds clearly in words (a, y, i, o, e, s) through game situations "The doll is crying" "The Doll Sings"

8. Learn children describe the toy yourself. For this need to: put the toy, look, then ask questions: 1. What is this? or who is it? 2. What color? 3. What is this from the bunny? (show ears, tail, paws) What can you call a bunny?

9. We use articulation gymnastics, finger games, self-massage in poetic form. Through these forms work developing speech, attention, memory and reaction speed, and funny poems help relieve nervous tension.

10. Game with cereals. Cereals are a very useful and pleasant material for activities with a child; in addition, they contribute development of fine motor skills. Di "Cinderella", "Dry pool"

11. Great value for speech development A preschooler's vocabulary is enriched based on knowledge and ideas about the surrounding life and in the process of observations in nature. There is a lot going on during the walk. work on children's speech development through observation, conversations. .


As a result of targeted and systematic speech development work

We pay great attention to the organization of subject- development environment.

We create conditions for conducting didactic games

IN group issued spatial environment in such a way as to provide space for all types of activities children. Diversity, availability of all kinds of gaming and didactic material for touch development, fine motor skills, imagination, active speeches.

The location of gaming and didactic material in the child’s field of vision.

As a result of targeted and systematic speech development work achieved positive results V work on this topic, children easily understand speech, answer the teacher’s questions, and willingly enter into verbal contacts with teachers and loved ones. Children playing together develop small stories, are actively involved in the game and begin to finish the text of the game, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, some try to perform them on their own, the majority children I developed an interest in reading books.

In modern conditions, main task education is preparation for schooling. This project helps to effectively solve this problem, starting with children early age.

In conversation with them, we recall familiar episodes, interesting situations, and encourage them to speak out. I support children desire to talk, communicate with each other, encouraging words to express a request addressed to peers. I help children come to an agreement, using words that express a request, a promise, a desire to give in to each other. As a result, intense the semantic side of speech develops, comparison and generalization function, grammatical structure, articulation.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “How the monkey was surprised by winter” Abstract of educational activities in the educational field “Speech development”: speech development in the second junior group Topic. How the monkey was surprised in winter. Purpose:.

Abstract of educational activities in the second junior group "Development of children's speech based on Russian folk art" Objectives: To develop the ability to listen and understand asked question, answer it. Develop the ability to read by heart.

Speech development of children of the second younger group with the help of non-traditional finger games Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 19 in the city of Krymsk Municipality.

The age from 2 to 3 years is important in the development of a child’s psyche. During this period, the foundation is laid for the formation of new mental formations.

Parents' meeting in the first junior group "Children's Speech Development" Dear parents! 1) We are glad to see you. Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting. Considering that the family owns the presenter.

On initial stage In life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how a child develops and indicate his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon or pencil, cannot fasten buttons, or lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the construction set, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and appliqué, which other children love, and cannot keep up with the kids in class.

Thus, the possibilities for children to explore the world are impoverished. Children often feel incompetent in basic activities available to their peers. This affects the child’s emotional well-being and self-esteem. Over time, the level of development shapes school difficulties.

And, of course, in preschool age, work on developing fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech. Formation oral speech the child begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy, that is, the formation of speech is improved under the influence of impulses coming from the hands. It has been proven that a child’s thought and eye move at the same speed as the hand. This means that systematic exercises to train finger movements are a powerful means of increasing brain performance. “The hand is the human brain coming out.” How deftly a child learns to control his fingers depends on his further development. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

Therefore, I chose the topic of self-education “Developing the speech of preschoolers with the help of finger games,” since this topic is very relevant and important in the lives of my students. Children really enjoy learning finger games. Work on the development of fine motor skills involves close communication with children and parents. What has a beneficial effect on relationships and a friendly atmosphere in a children's team.

I defined the purpose of my work:

Raising your theoretical level, professional excellence and competence in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Increasing the effectiveness of the use of modern technologies for children's achievements targets in the educational field “Speech Development”. Creating conditions for successful development speech and enrichment of children's vocabulary with the help of finger games.

And to achieve this goal, I identified the following tasks:

Improve professional skills, expand knowledge about modern trends in the development of fine motor skills of the hands; Increase the level of speech competence of children; Increase parents' interest in speech development issues with the help of finger games; Formation of correct oral speech in preschool children through play activities; Increasing your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature on the topic of self-education.

I sorted out the action plan. To achieve the set goal and objectives great attention I devote my attention to the subject-development environment. Games with objects, such as mosaics, dominoes, large and small puzzles, finger theater, and bi-ba-bo theater, have a beneficial effect on speech development and on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

I work on developing the movements of the fingers of the hands during morning stimulating exercises, physical education sessions, free time in the morning and after sleep for 2-3 minutes. Thus, each child does finger gymnastics for 7-10 minutes a day. In my work I widely use games that are a synthesis poetic word and movement. The texts of the exercises are rhyming tips for given movements. They fall easily on the child’s ears and set them up for play without any special settings. With the help of poetic rhythm, pronunciation is improved, installation occurs correct breathing, a certain speech rate is practiced, and speech hearing develops.

Created a card index for finger exercises: “To speak clearly, you need to be friends with your hands.”

Written consultations were provided for the parents of their group:

What are finger games for? The role of finger games in the development of speech and fine motor skills of children. What is it for? finger gymnastics? Mind at your fingertips.

Individual interviews with parents were also conducted.

Made booklets for parents:

Advice for parents. “Finger gymnastics at home” Finger gymnastics for children.

I will continue to work in this direction: finger gymnastics allows you to establish close connection between speech function and the general motor system, which strengthens the child’s health - and this is one of the tasks of the kindergarten.

The purpose of my work:

formation of speech of preschool children with indirect and direct participation of the teacher.

To solve the problems, I outlined the methods and techniques that I used to enrich the content of role-playing games:

The teacher plays the main role;

Individual play between the teacher and the child, with the teacher playing the main role;

Introducing figurative toys;

Parallel game technique;

Reception of role-playing game with continuation;

Activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at awakening and independent use children new ways to solve game problem, to reflect new aspects of life in the game;

I started working in the following areas:

Literature study,

Working to create a developmental environment,

Activities with children

Interaction with parents.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the process of role-playing play, all aspects of the personality of a preschool child develop, including speech development. Thus, role-playing game is the basis for the correctional and developmental activities of a child at this age

Self-education report “The influence of role-playing games on the development of speech in preschool children”

MBOU "Sakhzavodskaya Secondary School"

Preschool groups

Self-education report

“The influence of plot-role-playing games

on the development of speech of preschool children"

Zhironkina Elena Vasilievna

Play is undoubtedly the leading activity of a preschooler. It is through role-playing play that the child learns about the world and prepares for adult life. In this game, the basic needs of a child – a preschooler – are expressed, and children’s speech is also developed.

Speech development is a unique, complex process that occurs differently in different children.

The plot-role-playing game has positive influence on speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaking both for himself and for it. Imitates the drone of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc.

Among the variety of children's games, the most important is the role-playing game. It differs in that its action takes place in a certain conventional space. The children's room suddenly turns into a hospital or a store. And children playing take on the corresponding roles (doctor, seller) and act on behalf of these roles. In a role-playing game, these are always paired or additional roles, since every role presupposes another participant: a child can be a doctor only if there is a sick person nearby, a buyer only if there is a seller, etc. Therefore, role-playing game is a collective activity: it necessarily involves other participants and, above all, peers.

Role-playing games help develop a sense of native language and the ability to pronounce words correctly, easily assimilate it grammatical rules. They conceal great opportunities, give children a certain amount of knowledge and teach them to master this knowledge; develop creative activity, independence of thinking; help solve mental problems in a playful way, while overcoming certain difficulties in speech development, such as coherent speech.

However, the ability to play role-playing games requires a fairly high level of speech development. It is known that children who have poor command of speech cannot play role-playing games: they do not know how to plan a plot, cannot take on a role, their games are primitive in nature (mainly manipulations with objects) and fall apart under the influence of any external influences. influences.

The plot-role-playing game has a specific effect on the development of speech. In its process, children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech and improve colloquial speech, enrichment of vocabulary, formation of grammatical structure of speech.

Working with children, I came to the conclusion that many children need speech correction. And since play is the leading activity of preschool children, the easiest way to do this is in the process of role-playing play.

The purpose of my work: the formation of speech of preschool children in play activity with the indirect and direct participation of the teacher.

Based on the goal, the tasks that were solved in the process of forming positive relationships are determined, taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children:

Development of coherent dialogical speech;

Development of communication and personal interaction of children with each other;

Expansion and activation of vocabulary;

To solve the problems, I outlined methods and techniques that I used to enrich the content of role-playing games.

The teacher plays the main role.

An individual game between a teacher and a child, with the teacher playing the main role.

Introducing figurative toys.

Reception of role-playing game with continuation

Phone game.

Using dolls to play out life scenes in kindergarten.

Acting out imaginary situations with children.

Participation of the teacher in the game (main role).

Introducing a puppet character, setting rules of behavior on his behalf.

Changing the gaming environment.

I encourage children to comment (accompany their actions with speech).

I carefully and tactfully watch the children play.

I create conditions for the implementation of various types of gaming activities.

I encourage the expression of children's word creativity.

I give children the right to choose means for improvisation and self-expression.

I create conditions for children’s independent activities.

First of all, I created emotionally - favorable atmosphere for children: establishing contacts with children, relieving emotional stress in play, developing partnerships. In the group, I created an appropriate subject-specific development environment, designed games that were appropriate age characteristics children.

It is advisable to organize games with children in which all children participate. Examples of such games could be: “Shop”, “Train”, “Travel”, “Kindergarten”, etc.

The main component of a role-playing game is the plot. The plot of the game is the area that is reproduced by children. The plots of the games are varied. They are conventionally divided into:

Household (family games, kindergarten);

Industrial and public reflecting the professional work of people (school, store, library, post office, hairdresser, hospital, transport, bus, train, police, firefighters, circus, etc.).

Heroic Games – patriotic themes, reflecting heroic deeds our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.)

Games with themes literary works, cinema, television and radio programs: (based on the content of cartoons, films, etc.). In these games, children reflect on entire episodes, imitating the actions of the heroes, adopting their behavior.

Role-playing games reflect the professional activities of adults. In these games, children master the process of creation, they learn to plan their work, their role, verbally agree on the plot, distribute roles, select attributes, enter into an argument, using their active and passive dictionary, consolidate the knowledge gained during observations and excursions.

The game becomes a component of becoming social organism, developing in activities, developing speech.

I started working in the following areas: studying literature, working on creating a developmental environment, educational activities with children, interaction with parents.

During the school year, I studied relevant literature on this topic:

1. Vinogradova N. A. Role-playing games for older preschoolers. Moscow, 2011.

2. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don, 2013.

3. Filicheva T. B., Soboleva A. V. Speech development of a preschooler. Ekaterinburg, 1996.

4. Shvaiko G.S. Games and gaming exercises for speech development. Moscow, 1983. (pp. 3-8).

During the year I prepared and carried out:

Conversations about professions.

Organization of independent role-playing games (Polyclinic, Zoo, Theater, Supermarket, Beauty Salon, Nail Studio, School, etc.).

Compilation creative stories, stories from personal experience by children using diagrams - tips (“What I saw at a construction site”, “My dad is a builder”, “Teacher”, “My mother (father) is a doctor”), etc.

Board and printed games (“Who needs what for work”, “Professions”).

Watching videos on the topic “Professions of adults.”

Consultations for parents (“Role-playing games in the life of a child”, “The role of games in the life of a preschooler”, “The role of role-playing games in the upbringing of preschool children”). Parents were invited to play board games at home (to reinforce their children’s ability to take a leading role).

In the process of role-playing play, all aspects of the personality of a preschool child develop, including speech development. Role-playing game has a specific effect on the development of speech. In its process, children constantly communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improving spoken language, enriching the vocabulary, and forming the grammatical structure of speech. Thus, role-playing games are the basis for the development of speech and the formation of communication skills, which are so necessary for every child in the future.

Self-education report “Role-playing games as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers”

In the 2013-2014 academic year, I worked on the topic of self-education “Role-playing games as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers.”

Working with children, I came to the conclusion that many children need speech correction. And since play is the leading activity of preschool children, the easiest way to do this is in the process of role-playing play. Role-playing play plays a leading role in the formation of positive relationships among children and the formation of positive moral qualities of preschool-aged individuals.

The purpose of my work: the formation of the speech of preschool children with the indirect and direct participation of the teacher.

Based on the goal, the tasks that were solved in the process of forming positive relationships are determined:

Fostering the desire and ability to play together;

Developing collective play skills (the ability to negotiate, distribute roles and toys, rejoice at a friend’s success);

Cultivating a friendly attitude towards people, a desire and willingness to do something useful and pleasant for them. At the same time, he teaches children to outline the theme of the game (what we will play, perform certain actions together, not interfere, but help each other, independently and fairly resolve conflicts that arise.

To solve the problems, I outlined methods and techniques that I used to enrich the content of role-playing games.

The teacher plays the main role;

Individual play between the teacher and the child, with the teacher playing the main role;

Introducing figurative toys;

Parallel game technique;

Reception of role-playing game with continuation;

Activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at awakening and independent application by children of new ways of solving a game problem, at reflecting new aspects of life in the game;

Telephone game;

Using dolls to play out scenes of life in kindergarten;

playing out imaginary situations with children.

In order to regulate gaming relationships, I used the following methods and techniques:

Participation of the teacher in the game (main role);

Use of a multi-character plot (2 doctors, 2 drivers);

Introducing a puppet character, setting rules of behavior on his behalf;

Updating play corners (introducing substitute items, removable panels);

Changing the gaming environment;


Creating an imaginary situation: an announcement on an imaginary radio or TV about the opening of new “hospitals” and “shops”.

First of all, I created an emotionally prosperous atmosphere for the children. In the concept of “emotionally prosperous atmosphere” I included: establishing contacts with children, relieving emotional stress in play, developing partnerships. In the group, I created an appropriate subject-specific development environment and designed games that corresponded to the age characteristics of the children.

In the process of my work, I pay great attention to the formation of friendly and warm relationships between children and each other, believing that a lot here depends on a sensitive teacher who should teach children positive communication techniques, teach them to analyze the causes of conflicts and develop the ability to independently regulate them.

Conversations with children, in which I use situations created in the game, form in children ideas about an honest, fair attitude towards each other. Collective, well-coordinated relationships between large groups of players are formed when there is a real need to help another, an opportunity to act in common interests. Thus, the game creates situations in which there is a real need for mutual assistance and dependence on each other. Systematically offering the child such tasks in the game that can benefit other children increases the child’s responsibility, creates a friendly atmosphere in the group, and prerequisites for overcoming negative behavioral traits.

Forming the right relationships includes the development of children's organizational skills, initiative, and the basic ability to lead and obey.

Studying the role of speech in the regulation of behavior, A. R. Luria noted that through words a “mental” path is created that the child must follow: on the basis of speech, an image of an action or situation can be constructed in advance. As V.S. Mukhina points out, in preschool age, in the process of role-playing games, practical mastery of language occurs, speech becomes meaningful. The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical improvement is carried out in communication with other people during the game, at the same time, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, a tool of thinking. Provided that the child is included in the role-playing game, the child begins not only to use speech, but also to understand its structure, which has important for subsequent literacy acquisition.

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler. It is through play that a child learns about the world and prepares for adult life. At the same time, the game is the basis creative development child, developing the ability to correlate creative skills and real life. The basic needs of a preschool child are expressed in play. First of all, a child is characterized by a desire for independence and active participation in the lives of adults. In play, the child takes on a role, trying to imitate those adults whose images have been preserved in his experience. While playing, the child acts independently, freely expressing his desires, ideas, and feelings.

Types of role-playing games:

Games with everyday themes: “house”, “seven”, “holidays”, “birthdays”. And in these games, games with dolls occupy a large place, through actions with which children convey what they know about their peers, adults, and their relationships.

Games on industrial and social topics that reflect people's work. For these games, themes are taken from the surrounding life (school, store, library, post office, hairdresser, hospital, transport (bus, train, plane, ship, police, firefighters, circus, theater, menagerie, plant, factory, mine, construction, collective farm , army).

Games on heroic-patriotic themes, reflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.).

Games on themes of literary works, cinema, television and radio programs: “sailors” and “pilots”, Hare and Wolf (based on cartoon content, four “tankers” and a dog (based on movie content), etc. In these games, children reflect entire episodes from literary works, imitating the actions of the heroes, adopting their behavior.

. “Director’s” games in which the child makes puppets speak and perform various actions. At the same time, he acts on two levels - both for the doll and for himself, directing its actions. Participants in the game think through a scenario in advance, which can be based on episodes from familiar fairy tales, short stories, or their own lives. Children “teach” the puppets of the puppet and finger theaters, and the toy theater to “act” in accordance with the role they take on, endowing them with literary or imaginary characteristics.

I started working in the following areas: studying literature, working on creating a developmental environment, classes with children, interaction with parents.

During the school year, I studied relevant literature on this topic.

Vinogradova N. A. Role-playing games for older preschoolers. Moscow, 2011.

Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don, 2013.

Glukhov V.P. Features of the formation of coherent speech of preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech. - M., Publishing house"Grail", 2001.

Filicheva T. B., Soboleva A. V. Speech development of a preschooler. - Ekaterinburg, 1996.

Shvaiko G. S. “Games and gaming exercises for speech development”, Moscow, 1983 (pp. 3-8)

During the year I prepared and carried out:

A series of activities with elements of a role-playing game (“My Family”, “Atelier”, “Profession – Sailor”, “Shop”.

Conversations (“Conversation about professions”, “Conversation about the work of a teacher”, “Conversation about the work of a traffic police inspector”, “Masters of their craft”).

Drawing classes (“Who will I be”, “Mom (Dad) at work”; drawing illustrations for favorite stories).

Organization of independent role-playing games (Clinic, Zoo, Theater, Supermarket, Beauty Salon, Nail Studio, School).

Compiling creative stories, stories from personal experience by children using diagrams - tips (“What I saw at a construction site”, “My dad is a builder”, “Teacher”, “Defender of the Fatherland”, “We want to become astronauts”, “I want to be a doctor” ", "My mom (dad) is a doctor").

Board and printed games (“Who needs what for work”, “Professions”)

Watching videos on the topic “Professions of adults”

Consultations for parents (“Role-playing games in the life of a child”, “The role of games in the life of a preschooler”, “The role of role-playing games in the upbringing of preschool children”). It was suggested that parents play board games at home (to strengthen the children’s ability to take a leading role).

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the process of role-playing play, all aspects of the personality of a preschool child develop, including speech development. Thus, role-playing play is the basis for the correctional and developmental activities of a child at this age.

Self-education report “Development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age using fairy tale telling”

Creative report on self-education

“The fairy tale poses and helps solve moral problems. In it, all the heroes have a clear moral orientation. They are either entirely good or entirely bad. This is very important for determining the child’s sympathies, for distinguishing between good and evil, for streamlining his ambivalent feelings. The child identifies himself with a positive hero.”

(L.F. Obukhova).

Full name of teacher: Parshikova Galina Vladimirovna

Self-education topic: “Development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age through telling fairy tales”

Goal: - increasing the theoretical level, professional skills and competence.

Objectives: - development of free communication with adults;

Improve and develop monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Learn to retell coherently, consistently and expressively small tales, stories, develop the ability to compose your own fairy tales.


Currently, in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the problem of speech development in preschool children is becoming particularly relevant. The development of a child’s coherent speech is the most important condition his full speech and general mental development, since language and speech perform mental function in the development of thinking and verbal communication, in planning and organizing the child’s activities, self-organization of behavior, in the formation of social connections. Language and speech are the main means of manifestation of the most important mental processes of memory, perception, thinking, as well as the development of other spheres: communicative and emotional-volitional. I have been working on this topic for two years now.

My work was focused on the formation of figurative speech of children of the older group in the process of becoming familiar with Russian folk tales. In this regard, we listened to and told fairy tales and staged dramatizations. With the help of Russian folk tales, it is possible to solve almost all problems of speech development methods, and this rich material can and should be used with the basic methods and techniques of speech development of older preschoolers. Russian folk tales in educational work with children were used in an integrated form, both in direct educational activities and in the process of independent activity (game, leisure, walk, individual routine moments). I based my work on the following basic principles:

On careful selection of material;

Integration of work with various areas of educational work and types of children’s activities;

Active inclusion of children in play activities;

Using the developmental potential of Russian folk tales in creating a speech environment.

The manual by the author L.V. Ryzhova “Methodology of working with a fairy tale” helped me master the art of using different forms of working with a fairy tale. Having studied this manual, I learned what place a fairy tale has in the pedagogical process, and by what means it is presented to children, and also helped me master the basic forms of working with fairy tales. The manual is based on generalized and systematized materials from research scientists Wenger, Tkachenko, Korotkova. It is very well shown that special attention in the methodological manual he turns to such a non-standard method as conducting experiments in the process of getting to know a fairy tale. The methodological guide “Development of creative thinking” in the process of working on a fairy tale by the author Olga Aleksandrovna Shiyan, presents a method for developing the creative thinking of a preschooler in the process of working on Russian folk and author's fairy tales. It was interesting for me to work with this manual, because it reveals: how you can develop creative thinking child, reading and telling him fairy tales.

Over the course of the year, I made and played educational games with the children: “Match a picture for a fairy tale,” “Tell a fairy tale,” “Cut-out pictures based on fairy tales,” “Guess the fairy tale.” We made up fairy tales about our family with the children, and together with our parents we came up with riddles.

I conducted consultations for parents during the year: “A fairy tale is a lie - but there is a hint in it”, “The use of riddles as a means of developing expressiveness of speech.” On "Day open doors“There was an open screening of the Russian folk tale “Turnip” for parents and teachers. Together with their children, parents took part in a master class on making puppets for the theater.

I spent a lot of time memorizing poems. For children and parents, she organized a “Chest with Poems”, where she replenished it throughout the year interesting poems that can be learned with children.

Thus, Russian folk tale, with its lively, expressive, colorful language, is an effective means of developing the figurative speech of older preschoolers. The main methods of working with a fairy tale are a conversation about what has been read, during which a wide variety of techniques are used, and dramatization, which promotes the conscious use of figurative words and expressions by children.

For 2015 – 2016 academic year has set specific goals and objectives for the development of coherent speech, which involve the use of model schemes: composing creative stories, composing fairy tales, for memorizing poems, retelling literary works. Using the principle from simple to complex.

Self-education report “Speech development in preschoolers through the development of fine motor skills”

teacher Melnikova I. E.

My topic for self-education is “Speech development in preschoolers through fine motor skills”

The outstanding teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.” The Italian humanist and teacher, author of the world-famous method, Maria Montessori, used manual skills in her work with children. Everyone has long known how important it is to develop children’s fine motor skills from an early age. Therefore, I consider my topic of self-education to be relevant and significant at all times.

There are many techniques for developing a child’s mind. These include a variety of finger games and exercises with various objects (pencils, pebbles, pine cones, counting sticks etc., and all kinds of games - lacing, massage and self-massage of the hands).

It is known that the level of speech development of children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. And if the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the child is delayed.

In keeping with the goal of self-education, I began work to study the impact of fine motor development on my group of young children. From the very beginning of the school year, I systematized the available games and exercises for routine moments to develop fine motor skills. General education program allows me, as a teacher, to expand and add students’ vocabulary in all educational areas. Participation of my students in almost all MADOU events,

as well as in planned group activities of the school year, directly contributed to the development of speech. For example, the Autumn holiday, Carols, a Christmas tale, Maslenitsa, April Fool's Day, kindergarten birthday, etc.

I continue to work on replenishing the subject-development environment of the group and for the development of fine motor skills, among other things. We purchased games with exercises for finger exercises, we purchased simple children's construction sets, we draw not only using the classical method, but also use the imprint method. Modeling and manual labor help children confidently hold a pencil and pen, braid their hair and lace their shoes on their own, and make gifts for their loved ones for the holiday.

I consider working with parents to develop speech through fine motor skills during the school year constructive, namely, parents purchased gaming items for extracurricular and educational activities. The parents of many pupils actively collaborated with me as a teacher, strictly fulfilling pedagogical recommendations and tasks. Parents were offered consultations, conversations, a round table, and a master class in non-traditional drawing (with cotton swabs).

For the second academic year of work on the topic of self-education, I plan to make mandatory use of the developmental nature of training, adhering to systematicity and consistency in the selection game exercises on the development of fine motor skills with the concomitant development of speech, keeping a mandatory account of the age and individual characteristics of my pupils already in the Middle group.

Melnikova I. E.

Analytical report on self-education “Activation of speech of children of primary preschool age”

Analytical report on self-education

“Activation of speech of children of primary preschool age”

Every year life presents more and more high demands not only to us, adults, but also to children: the amount of knowledge that needs to be passed on to them is steadily growing. To help children cope with what awaits them complex tasks, you need to take care of the timely and complete formation of their vocabulary. This is the main condition for a child’s successful education in the future. After all, through speech the development of abstract thinking occurs; with the help of words, the child expresses his thoughts.

What should be done to ensure that a child’s speech develops correctly?

Experts are looking for answers to these questions different areas knowledge - psychologists, linguists, physiologists, defectologists, etc. They have received a large amount important facts, proposed interesting hypotheses to explain the mechanisms of speech.

The richer the vocabulary of a younger preschooler, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of vocabulary in children, starting from an early age.

The comprehensive development of a child is carried out on the basis of assimilating the centuries-old experience of mankind only through the child’s communication with an adult. Adults are the guardians of the experience of humanity, its knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience cannot be conveyed except through language. Language is “the most important means of human communication.”

The tasks of enriching the vocabulary of younger preschoolers are as follows: 1. expand the preschooler’s range of knowledge; 2. give children accurate ideas and concepts behind each word; 3. it is necessary to organize and systematize the preschooler’s vocabulary, children must see the similarities and differences between words; 4. activate the vocabulary of preschoolers; 5. enrich children’s vocabulary with new, bright and expressive words, 6. it is necessary to help children use vocabulary more widely in writing; 7. reveal the meaning of new ones, unknown to the child words

One of the main tasks of vocabulary work with younger preschoolers is the enrichment, expansion and activation of vocabulary, the basis of which is an introduction to linguistic consciousness child thematic groups of words, synonymous series, antonymous pairs, polysemantic words.

Classes on vocabulary formation with younger preschoolers involve classes in which the following methods are used: observations, talking with children, assignments and tasks, conversations, storytelling, reading fiction, didactic games, lexical exercises, outdoor games, folklore, theatrical activities, etc. d.

There are two aspects to the development of the vocabulary of preschool children: the quantitative growth of vocabulary and its qualitative development, i.e. mastery of the meanings of words.

The development of social experience occurs throughout the child’s life. Therefore, vocabulary work is connected with the entire educational work of a preschool institution.

First of all, children learn

Household dictionary: names of body parts, faces; names of toys, dishes, furniture, clothing, toiletries, food, premises;

Natural history dictionary: names of phenomena inanimate nature, plants, animals;

Social science dictionary: words denoting phenomena of social life (people’s work, native country, national holidays, army, etc.);

Emotional-evaluative vocabulary: words denoting emotions, experiences, feelings (brave, honest, joyful, qualitative assessment objects (good, bad, beautiful, words, the emotional significance of which is created with the help of word-formation means (darling, voice, formation of synonyms (came - tangled, laughed - giggled); with the help phraseological combinations(run headlong) ; words, the actual lexical meaning of which contains an assessment of the phenomena it defines (old - very old) (See: Shmelev D.I. Essays on the semasiology of the Russian language. - M., 1964.) ;

Vocabulary denoting time, space, quantity.

Children's active dictionary should contain not only the names of objects, but also the names of actions, states, characteristics (color, shape, size, taste, properties and qualities; words expressing specific (names of individual objects, generic (fruits, dishes, toys, transport) etc.) and abstract generalized concepts (good, evil, beauty, etc.) The mastery of such words should be based on the formation of conceptual knowledge, reflecting essential features objects and phenomena. IN grammatically These are words - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Using a variety of different types activity forms the child’s need to master speech. One of these activities, as research psychologists point out, is play. Game is a special type of human activity that arises in response to the social need to prepare the younger generation for life. It is important that the tasks of mastering speech are solved in unity with the tasks of the comprehensive development of the child.

The game has great value for the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. First of all, the cognitive development of children is carried out in the game, since gaming activity helps to expand and deepen ideas about the surrounding reality, improve attention, memory, observation and thinking. The game also has a specific effect on the development of speech. It promotes children’s communication with each other, improvement of spoken language, enrichment of vocabulary, and formation of the grammatical structure of the language. In addition, in theatrical games (play-dramatization game-dramatization, emotional expressiveness of speech develops. In a specific subject or situation. Game - effective remedy vocabulary work.

Theatrical activities add variety to the life of a child in kindergarten. It gives him joy and is one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on a child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: learn by playing. In the process of theatrical games: 1. Children’s knowledge about the world around them expands and deepens. 2. Mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination. 3. The development of various analyzers occurs: visual, auditory, speech motor. 4. Vocabulary, speech structure, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, tempo, expressiveness of speech, and the melodic and intonation side of speech are activated and improved. 5. Motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability, and purposefulness of movements are improved. 6. The emotional-volitional sphere develops, children become familiar with the feelings and moods of the characters, and master ways of expressing them externally. 7. Behavior correction occurs. 8. A sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other develops, experience is formed moral behavior. 9. The development of creative, search activity, and independence is stimulated. 10. Participation in theatrical games brings joy to children, arouses active interest, and captivates them. Goals, objectives and content of work with children of primary preschool age Goals: development of sustainable interest in theatrical play activities; enriching children's vocabulary, activating it; improvement of dialogical speech, its grammatical structure; promoting the manifestation of independence and activity in playing with toy characters. The main directions of development of theatrical play consist in the child’s gradual transition: - from observing an adult’s theatrical performance to independent play activity; - from individual play and “side-by-side play” to play in a group of three to five peers playing roles; - from imitation of actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero.

Russian can play an invaluable role in solving these problems folklore. The language of folklore works is striking in its simplicity, accuracy and beauty.

When becoming familiar with nature, children learn natural history vocabulary: the names of inanimate natural phenomena, plants, animals. The specific volume of the dictionary is determined based on an analysis of the program for introducing children to surrounding life, environmental education.

Children of primary preschool age master the specific content of words they need for communication and denoting objects and natural phenomena, parts of objects, and actions with them.

With children younger age targeted walks are conducted as preparation for future excursions. The objects of observation are a park accessible to children, a vegetable garden on a kindergarten site, a forest, a field, a meadow. These observations are carried out repeatedly at different times of the year, in different weather. Children learn to name objects, inanimate and animate natural phenomena, accessible direct perception signs of objects, correctly use words denoting space and time. Children learn to answer the questions “what is this?” ", "who is this? ", "Which? ", "what does it do? ", "What can you do with it? "

The enrichment and activation of the vocabulary occurs in the process of communication between the child and adults throughout his stay in kindergarten, in joint activities with adults. The most favorable conditions for vocabulary work with all children are created at special classes, enriching the child’s sensory experience. This is explained by the small number of classes and the small proportion of each child’s own speech. The practice of teaching only in the classroom does not provide adequate language development children. Lessons with the same material can be repeated several times in the same form and with more complexity.

IN vocabulary work with kids great importance has visibility. She always activates children's speech, encourages speech statements. Therefore, direct observation of objects and phenomena is widely used, as well as visual clarity - toys and paintings.

A child can successfully master speech when he is taught not only in preschool institution, but also at home, in the family. Propagation of knowledge among parents on the issue of children's speech development was carried out through conversations and consultations. Consultations were held on the topics: “Activating the speech of children of primary preschool age”, “Does your child speak correctly? ", "Use of didactic games for the development of vocabulary in children of primary preschool age." Visual campaigning is also organized - material on issues of children’s speech development is placed in special folders.

Practice has shown that success in speech development can only be achieved by using different forms and methods.

It feels pleasant and smooth to the touch.

Lies on my palm

I can make a cat out of it,

Make a baby elephant or a bear,

A picture I saw in a book.

I look at him and wonder

I don’t know what to make out of it.

I crushed the lump a little,

I'll mold him arms and legs,

I'll mold his ears and eyes,

And together we will go to a fairy tale!

By developing fine motor skills of the fingers, we influence the internal organs of a person. It has been proven that one of the indicators of the normal physical and neuropsychic development of a child is the development of the hand, manual skills, or, as they say, fine motor skills. Based on modern research, experts draw conclusions about the development of the central nervous system and its brain based on the skill of children’s hands.

By training our fingers, we have a powerful impact on the performance of the cerebral cortex, which subsequently affects the preparation of the hand for writing. By developing fine motor skills in preschoolers, we also develop the language apparatus.

Fine motor skills of the hand can be developed through various activities both in kindergarten and at home.

I chose the section Artistic and Aesthetic Development.

The program for artistic and aesthetic development provides for: developing interest in various types of art; forming artistic and figurative ideas; developing creative abilities in drawing, sculpting, appliqué; learning the basics of creation; artistic images, formation of practical skills and abilities in different types artistic activity; development of sensory abilities familiarization with the best examples of domestic and world art

The purpose of my work: The influence of fine motor skills on creativity preschoolers using testoplasty.

Study of educational and scientific-methodological literature;

Raising the general cultural level among parents

Develop long-term plan working with children on testoplasty. - Development of creativity and imagination, imaginative thinking and curiosity, observation and imagination in children.

To solve the problems, we use Tamara Semenovna Komarova’s methodology, which does not include lessons in modeling from salt dough. You can sculpt from plasticine and clay, but it is also interesting to try something new, for example, salt dough.

In my work on developing fine motor skills with children, I preferred to use an unconventional technique of visual activity - testoplasty.

Advantages of salt dough over plasticine and clay:

You can prepare it at any time without spending extra money.

Easy to clean and leaves no marks.

Safe if ingested.

Doesn't stick to your hands when sculpting.

Can be air dried.

You can sculpt from colored dough and you can paint the finished product.

Modeling helps develop the sense of touch in both hands. By conveying the shape of an object, the child actively uses all fingers, and this contributes to the development of speech. Modeling is closely related to play, since three-dimensional figures stimulate children to play with them. Testoplasty work has a complex effect on the development of the child:

Increases sensory sensitivity;

Develops general manual skill and fine motor skills;

Synchronizes the work of both hands;

Forms the ability to plan work and make changes;

Develops the child's creativity.

Modeling is the most tangible form artistic creativity, while the product is created by the hands of a child, which means that the level of skill depends on possession with my own hands, and not with a pencil, scissors or brush. Modeling removes excess emotional stress, helps the child relax.

In the process of modeling dough, you can use various types of materials:

beads, fruit pits, seeds and dried flowers, garlic press, comb, wheels, bows, twigs, ears, shells, spaghetti of various lengths and thicknesses, buttons, toothpick, ballpoint pen cap, old ballpoint pen refill, cookie cutters, attachments for a culinary syringe, beautiful buttons, beads, chains, threads, create impressions of your palms, as well as various items. At the same time, children’s coordination and accuracy of movements improve, their hands develop, and their fingertips become more sensitive.

To paint crafts, you can use gouache and acrylic paints. You can add dye to the water when kneading the dough, as your imagination dictates based on the plan. This process is also creative; no two crafts or works are identical.

Kneading salt dough and adding color is almost an experimental activity. What mixes with what? What dissolves?

Why, if the salt is coarse, are its crystals visible? Developing cognitive interest, the desire to take an active part in this process.

The testoplasty training system I developed is intended for working with children of primary preschool age.

Event plan

10. Musical games.

11. Use of folklore works.

In my work, I used all the listed speech development techniques, but most of all I used the techniques of folklore works. Since this technique allowed me to develop children's speech in an accessible and interesting way.

The use of play songs and nursery rhymes brought great joy to the kids. Children learned to play with words, sounds, phrases, and to grasp the specifics of sound native speech, its expressiveness, imagery.

Children easily remembered nursery rhymes. They began to introduce nursery rhyme words into their games. The use of role-playing games developed the motor activity of children, which is closely related to the formation of speech activity.

Reading fiction and preparing these works and staging fairy tales provided an understanding of the content, restored verbal interaction with the child, and laid the foundation for the development of imaginative perception and visual imaginative thinking.

Expressive speech and emotional performance evoked pleasure and joy in the children.

Thanks to folklore, children easily adapted to kindergarten; speech begins to develop because the child tries to repeat all the works after the teacher, accompanying everything with finger play, and through the development of fine motor skills of the hands, speech also develops.

Thanks to the use of oral folk art The physical and mental development of the child, the development of speech inherent in this age, proceeds with extraordinary speed.

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