Natural phenomena in English with translation. Topic "Natural disasters"

KARST (German: Karst) (karst phenomena), phenomena associated with the dissolution of rocks by natural waters (gypsum (see GYPSUM), rock salt (see ROCK SALT)). Karst is characterized by a complex of underground (caves (see CAVES), cavities, passages,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

PHENOMENON- see art. Essence and phenomenon. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983. PHENOMENON... Philosophical Encyclopedia

phenomenon- I'm with. 1) outdated, book. Arrival, arrival of someone; advent. The phenomenon of genius. Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins’ house made a great impression on everyone (Pushkin). Synonyms: appearance Antonyms: disappearance... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Phenomenon (philosophy)- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

phenomenon- ▲ change, discontinuous phenomenon, qualitative change in state; change of states. phenomenon unusual phenomenon (# of nature). phantom is a bizarre phenomenon. effect (physical #). happening. cases of what (# theft). fact (# violations). ▼ event, action... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

phenomenon- phenomena, cf. 1. units only Action according to verb. appear in 1 value and show up at 2 digits. (book obsolete, church). The appearance of Christ to the disciples. The appearance of relics (discovery). 2. Part of an act or action, in which the composition of the characters does not change (lit., theater.) ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

“APPENANCE AND MEANING”- “APPENANCE AND MEANING. Phenomenology as a basic science and its problems” work by G. G. Shpet, published in Moscow in 1914 by the Hermes publishing house (reprint: Tomsk, 1996). It represents the first detailed consideration of phenomenology in Russia... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

PHENOMENON- PHENOMENON, I, cf. 1. see appear. 2. In philosophy: manifestation, expression of essence, that in which it is revealed. Self and essence. 3. In general, any detectable manifestation of anything. Physical self. Natural phenomena. Social phenomena. 4. Event, incident... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

"APPENANCE AND MEANING- Phenomenology as a basic science and its problems" - the work of G.G. Shpet, published in Moscow in 1914 by the Hermes publishing house (reprint: Tomsk, 1996). This is the first in Russia detailed consideration of Husserl’s phenomenology based on the material of 1... Philosophical Encyclopedia

phenomenon- APPEARANCE, APPEARANCE, I; Wed 1. to Appear. I am a popular genius. Ya to the scene of the main character. * Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins made a great impression on everyone (Pushkin). // Advent. I. Christ. 2. Part of an act, action (in a play), in which... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Phenomenon- 1) in common usage. In meaning, this word means an event perceived by a person. But sometimes by “I” we mean such processes that are accessible only to internal vision, such as, for example, see Dreams or see Visions (1 Samuel 3:5; Dan 8:1; Acts ... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia


  • , Yum D.. Fire- essential element human culture. He left a deep mark on the genetic memory of each of us and in many ways continues to determine the course of life not only of the community in... Buy for 557 RUR
  • The art of making fire. For those who prefer the beauty of nature to urban everyday life, Hume D. Fire is the most important element of human culture. He left a deep mark on the genetic memory of each of us and in many ways continues to determine the course of life not only of the community as a whole, but...

Mother Nature can act rather scary sometimes. Almost every day TV channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters striking different parts of the world. Scientists say that earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes are happening more frequently nowadays. Global warming, pollution and growing industrialization lead to imbalance in our echo-system.

A natural disaster can be defined as an uncontrollable extreme disruption which causes ecological and financial damage and victims of vulnerable population. Sometimes the events can be predicted by special meteorological warning systems and they often happen in the same geographical area because they are related to climate and physical characteristics of the region. For example, Florida is constantly suffering from tornadoes and hurricanes, and Japan – from earthquakes.

An earthquake happens when tectonic plates of the earth move and they make the area shake violently. According to the Richter scale the magnitude of earthquakes is measured from 1 to 10 points. The most powerful earthquake was recorded in 1960 in Chile, its magnitude was 9.5.

Volcanic eruptions occur when hot red magma erupts from the earth’s crust and flows from the top of the volcano. It also throws volcano ashes into the air which are harmful to inhale for human beings and animals.

A tsunami is a series of dangerous huge ocean waves, usually caused by underwater earthquakes. This natural disaster attacks the shore all of a sudden and often results in thousands of deaths. The height of the waves can reach 30 meters.

Flooding is another natural disaster. Floods happen when the water level in rivers and seas becomes too high. Sometimes flash floods can even wash away whole villages.

During extremely hot dry summers our world usually suffers from vast forest fires and severe droughts. Wildfires are especially dangerous in windy weather when they spread very easily. Droughts may result in famine because the land becomes dry and people can’t grow any plants and vegetables on it.

A tornado is an enormous column of twisting wind that moves very fast and destroys houses, raises in the air and throws people, animals and heavy things. Hurricanes and tornados are very common in America and the Atlantic Ocean.

Landslides happen when earth and rocks on slopes become loose or water-laden and they fall down the hills or mountains.

People face great problems after disasters: the water is usually infected, the communication lines (electricity, telephone) are often damaged, most of the buildings and property are destroyed, agricultural crops are also damaged. Natural disasters are great tragedies to many countries and nations. They take a lot of people’s lives. Thousands of people become homeless, unemployed. They need medical and psychological help.


Mother Nature can be quite terrifying at times. Almost every day, television channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters affecting various parts of the world. Scientists say earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes are occurring much more frequently today. Global warming, environmental pollution and developed industry are leading to an imbalance in our eco-system.

A natural disaster can be defined as an uncontrollable extreme destruction that results in environmental and financial damage and casualties of vulnerable populations. Sometimes events can be predicted using special weather warning systems, and often they occur in the same geographic area because they are related to the climatic and physical characteristics of the region. For example, Florida constantly suffers from tornadoes and hurricanes, and Japan from earthquakes.

An earthquake occurs when the earth's tectonic plates move and violently shake an area. According to the Richter scale, earthquake magnitudes range from 1 to 10. The most powerful earthquake was recorded in 1960 in Chile, its magnitude was 9.5.

Volcanic eruptions occur when hot red magma erupts from earth's crust and flows from the top of the volcano. She also throws into the air volcanic ash, harmful to the breathing of people and animals.

A tsunami is a series of dangerous, giant ocean waves, usually caused by underground earthquakes. This natural disaster strikes the coast unexpectedly and often results in thousands of deaths. The height of the waves can reach 30 meters.

Flooding is another natural disaster. Floods happen when water levels in rivers and seas become too high. Sometimes flash floods can wash away entire villages.

During abnormally hot, dry summers, our world is typically subject to widespread wildfires and severe droughts. Forest fires are especially dangerous in windy weather and spread very easily. Droughts can lead to famine as the land becomes dry and people cannot grow any plants or vegetables on it.

A tornado is a huge column of vortex wind that moves very quickly and destroys houses, lifting people, animals and heavy objects into the air and throwing them down. Hurricanes and tornadoes are common in America and the Atlantic Ocean.

Russian-English translation NATURE PHENOMENON

More meanings of the word and translation of NATURE PHENOMENA from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and translation of NATURE PHENOMENA from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for NATURE PHENOMENA in dictionaries.

  • NATURE PHENOMENON - natural phenomenon
  • NATURE PHENOMENON - natural phenomenon
  • PHENOMENON - n. appearance, occurrence, phenomenon, emergence; Gibbs phenomenon; capture phenomenon, hunting phenomenon
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  • PHENOMENON - 1. appearance; phenomenon (pl. -na); (event, case) occurrence natural phenomenon - natural phenomenon strange phenomenon - ...
  • PHENOMENON - p. 1. phenomenon (pl. -na); thing (event) occurrence; ~ nature natural phenomenon; gratifying ~ encouraging symptom/phenomenon; rare ~ unusual …
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  • PHENOMENON - phenomenon
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  • PHENOMENON - p. 1. appearance; phenomenon (pl. -na); (event, case) occurrence natural phenomenon - natural phenomenon strange phenomenon ...
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  • PHENOMENON - cf. 1) appearance; phenomenon; event, occurrence (event, case) ; apparition (appearance) of a phenomenon of social life - social ...
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  • PHENOMENON - phenomenon, effect, event
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  • PHENOMENON - p. 1. phenomenon (pl. -na); thing (event) occurrence; ~ nature natural phenomenon; gratifying ~ encouraging symptom/phenomenon; rare ~ unusual occurrence/phenomenon; strange ~ strange thing; 2. (appearance) ...
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  • PHENOMENON - . Liberation of chemical energy by combustion is an everyday occurrence (or event) of great importance in ... …
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  • PHENOMENON - cf. 1) appearance phenomenon event, occurrence (event, case) apparition (appearance) of a phenomenon of social life - social phenomenal phenomenon nature - natural...
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  • PHENOMENON - phenomenal phenomenon
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  • THE - (full form); (reduced form, used before vowels), (reduced form, used before consonants) 1. definite article 1) is used to indicate ...
  • SWAN - noun 1) swan Syn: cob 2) (Swan) astr. constellation Cygnus 3) bard, poet Syn: bard, poet (zoology) swan ...
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  • SCENE - noun 1) a) place of action (in a play, novel, etc.) Syn: site b) place of incident, event (in life, ...
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  • PHENOMENON - noun; 1) event, phenomenon, phenomenon Snow is a phenomenon of winter. ≈ Snow is a common occurrence in winter. 2) philosopher. object...
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  • OCCURRENCE - noun. 1) incident, happening, case, episode everyday, daily, regular, common occurrence ≈ a common occurrence strange, unusual occurrence ≈ a strange occurrence...
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  • NATURE STUDY - study of nature; observation of natural phenomena; natural history (subject at school) study of nature; observation of natural phenomena (school) natural history
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  • LAP - I noun. 1) hem; floor, coattail Syn: skirt, tail, flap 2) knees (upper legs of a sitting person) The ...
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  • FACT - noun 1) circumstance; fact; event; case, phenomenon to ascertain, establish a fact ≈ to find out the circumstances to check, confirm, verify a ...
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  • CONSERVATION - noun 1) protection, preservation; protection conservation of energy forest conservation soil conservation water conservation wild-life conservation conservation of natural resources …
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  • CONSERVANCY - noun. 1) nature conservation forest conservancy ≈ forest protection; environmental protection measures for forest conservation Syn: conservation 2) committee/commission on ...
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  • THE - the.ogg θi: (full form); ðı (reduced form before vowels); ðə,ð (reduced forms before consonants) definite member, article 1. 1> highlights ...
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  • PHENOMENON - phenomenon.ogg fıʹnɒmınən n (pl -mena) 1. 1> phenomenon, phenomenon (also philosophical) the phenomenon of nature - phenomenon ...
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  • NATURAL - natural.ogg 1. ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl n 1. cretin, idiot (from birth) she is not quite a natural - she is not ...
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  • EPIPHENOMENON - (n) secondary pathological phenomenon; secondary phenomenon; minor phenomenon; complication; accompanying phenomenon; epiphenomenon
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  • PHENOMENON - n (pl -mena) 1. 1) phenomenon, phenomenon (also philosophical) the ~ of nature - natural phenomenon common ...
  • NATURAL - 1. [ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl] n 1. cretin, idiot (from birth) she is not quite a ~ - she is not round ...
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  • PHENOMENON - n (pl -mena) 1. 1> phenomenon, phenomenon (also philosophical) the phenomenon of nature - a phenomenon of nature common ...
  • NATURAL - 1. ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl n 1. cretin, idiot (from birth) she is not quite a natural - she is not round ...
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On the topic of natural phenomena and disasters. The text can become the basis for school essay or presentations

Natural disasters like earthquakes, tornado, tsunami and floods happen more frequently nowadays. There are many reasons why they occur, but the main one is related to human activity on Earth which often has a negative impact on our environment.

All kinds of disasters are usually very damaging. Many dwellings, roads and even whole streets and cities are ruined. The number of victims usually terrifies as hundreds or even thousands of people get injured or die in disasters. However, each disaster has a different nature.

For example, an earthquake is the result of the tectonic plates’ movement which leads to the shaking of a certain area on land. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims because they get stuck or killed under the rubble.

Tornado is also a natural disaster which looks like an enormous column of the wind which lifts cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things. It is also called a twister and it can be very dangerous if touches the surface of the ground or water.

Flood in its turn happens when rivers burst their banks. Most extended floods damage cities and wash away whole populated places. Tsunami is another natural disaster which arises as a series of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes.

Thus, there are many natural disasters which are dangerous for all of us. We should be careful and treat our planet better in order not to die with it.


Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods are now becoming more common. There are many reasons why they occur, but the main reason is due to human activities, which often have a negative impact on our environment.

All types of natural disasters are usually devastating. Many buildings, roads and even entire streets and cities are destroyed. The death toll is usually horrifying, as hundreds and even thousands of people are injured or killed in disasters. However, each cataclysm has its own nature.

For example, an earthquake is the result of the movement of tectonic plates, which leads to the shaking of a certain area of ​​the earth. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims by becoming trapped or killed by the rubble.

Tornado - also refers to disasters natural character, which looks like a huge column of wind lifting cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things above the ground. A tornado is also called a whirlwind, and it can be quite dangerous if it touches the surface of land or water.

Floods, in turn, occur when rivers overflow their banks. Most widespread floods damage cities and wash away entire communities. A tsunami is another natural disaster that occurs in the form of several huge waves triggered by underwater earthquakes.

Thus, there are many natural disasters that are dangerous for all of us. We should be more careful and treat our planet better so as not to perish along with it.


Natural disaster - natural disaster

Earthquake - earthquake

Flood - flood

Environment - environment

Victim - victim

To ruin/to destroy – destroy

Under the rubble - sub-fragments

To burst the banks - to burst their banks

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    Comments to the article: 4



    Germany v Sweden - 2018 protest save Nature: The world's most destructive human intervention in nature: Stop oil production Sands. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. Earthquake world Climate change and Environmental disasters in the world related to mining oil, gas, coal, salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone, ore and so on. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster All of the causes of environmental disaster happens all over the world from. mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide Live Earth be in great danger. the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world, Nazar Pervobytnyi ask. all people in the world, let's live together according to the laws of Nature and save the Nature. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world.

    monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. The tragic events around the world Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and so on: let's save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization : It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone from international. environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production. of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save nature: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animal plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution). Exxon Valdez oil spill



    Help save the world from all mankind. I, Bandzhov Nazarali Holnazarovich live for the sake of Nature and the preservation of Nature and the world. I was convinced that the real defenders of Nature are very few in the whole world. The overwhelming majority of people pollute the Earth, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, forests, steps and so on, became scary for the future of the whole world. Protect world stop mining coal, oil, gas and so on: Mining companies and mining industry have turned the whole world into a huge quarry and an underground void, this is a real hell for the whole world. Environment problems in Europe, USA, Russia, Asia, Africa, Middle East and around the world situation catastrophic: Air, water and soil it around the world is poisoned. Pollution surrounding wednesdays from mankind, around the world all diseases from oil, gas, coal, iron ore, sewage, garbage, cities, industry and transport. Global climate change around the world: Drought, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, a tsunami – all this occurs around the world. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster. All of the causes of environmental catastrophe happens all over the world from mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide. Live Earth be in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world. monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. Tragic events around the world led to environmental disasters. World Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and so on: let's save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization : It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, were severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save nature: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animal plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) Exxon Valdez oil spill Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and ruin: Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray Environmental problems of the Earth! Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth



    Water, land and air pollution in Germany, Netherlands and Europe. Catastrophe in Germany, Netherlands and in neighboring countries. Many containers of hazardous chemicals have fallen into the North Sea from the cargo ship MSC Zoe. And the containers were thrown in waves to the shores of the Dutch and German islands. For this reason, the coast guard encourages local residents not to open the containers or touch their contents. Organic peroxides, chemicals that cause irritation on contact with skin and mucous membranes, are found in containers that have fallen into water. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, were severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and more. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save nature: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animal plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. 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