Assignments on the topic of cognate words. Related words (practical material) card index for speech therapy (grade 2) on the topic

Collection of exercises on the topic “Similar words”

    (On) the snowy fields there are red spots - thawed patches. These are...pretty...snushkas. (You won’t have time to blink an eye) when all these little sn...snushkas will merge into one big...snushka.

Assignment: write it down, break down the first sentence into sentence parts, write down the parts of speech. Highlight the roots in the words.

2. Match these words with cognates that denote an object:,, s...t, s....t, h...t.

3.Write by inserting the missing letters. Write test words in brackets.

For the g...rams, for the l...themselves,

Behind the wide seas,

Not in heaven - in earth

A st...rick lived in the same village.

4. Write down, correcting mistakes, and write a check word next to it.

The swallow made a nest under the roof. Mom took her daughter to the doctor. Don't write it off, guys. Hurry up the exercise cleanly and beautifully.

5. Write by inserting the missing letters.

To...row, with...tank,, m...dved, for...ts, with...l...vey, zhav...ronok, in...r...beat, in...ron, with...rock, m...chta.

6. Write out words with the same root in groups. Select the root and write the part of speech.

Peace, night, trouble, put up, businessman, spend the night, peaceful, become poor, business, divide, spend the night, poor, efficient.

"Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word."


Card No. 1

1 . Write the phrases according to the model, highlighting the unstressed vowel at the root of the word.

Sample: wax candle - wax candle

herbal tincture -

thunderclaps -

edge of the forest -

forest of pine trees -

cherry jam -

2 . Write these words in two columns. In the first column are words with untestable unstressed vowels in the root of the word, in the second column - words with verifiable unstressed vowels in the root of the word, write test words next to them and indicate the spelling.

Swamp, gardener, winter, December, left-handed, apartment, bunny, cook, nut. five, mushroom picker, dinner, straw.

Underline the extra word.

3 . Choose one or two test words from the words in brackets .

S...sleep - (pine, pine, pine)

wide... wide - (wider, wider, wider)

star...zda - (stargazer, asterisk, starry)

green - (turn green, green, green)

cold...cold - (cold, cold, )

head...head - (little head, heads, head)

line...line - linear, line, lined

Card No. 3

1 . For these words, select and write down a test word. Fill in the missing letters.

g...god - whi...hing-

in... airy - in... village -

d...leky - h...owler -

sh...eraser - red...clean -

2. Insert the desired letter and write down the test word next to it.

t...mushka - (o,a) - ...............................trees - ( e, i) - ...................................

treat... - (a, o) - ............................... st.. .give birth - (a,o) - .................................

sh...flatter - (e,i) - ....................................w. ..rye - (e,i) - ..................................

w...tight - (e,i) - ....................................m ...Russian - (oh, a) -

t...plo - (e,i) - f...muchina - (i, e) -

Card No. 4

1 . Write down these words by inserting the missing letters. Select the root in the words and write a verification word for each group.

P...satel, schedule, zap...sal, p...smetso;- ......................... ........

Str...lok, str...l, shot....shot, shot...l; - ....................................

Trade, trade, trade (city); - ........................................

Swallow, swallow, swallow, swallow, swallow;

2. Find, hurry and underline the extra word in each group. For words with the same root, highlight the root.

Speck, weed, plucked, littered;

Dove, dovecote, naked, pigeon;

Field, field, shelf, clearing.

3. Hurry up and underline the words in which the unstressed vowel cannot be checked.

Pillars, road, , flew, walked, hare, green, drawing, snowflake, frost, daughter.

Card No. 5

1 . Underline those words that can be used to check the spelling of these words. Fill in the missing letter. - (goats, goat, goat)

H...lmy - (hill, knoll, hilly)

S...sleep - (pines, pines, pine) - (mushroom, mushroom, fungus) - (herbs, grass, blade of grass)

2. Write the test words:

village - ..................................... firewood - ............ .......................

wall - .................................... country - ............ .......................

wolf cub - ........................... sea - ................... ...............

lazy - .............................. cheerful - ................. ...............

squeaky - ........................ tinker - ..................... ..........

amazing - ................... change - ............................... .......

sculpt - ..................................... clean up - ................... ............

Card No. 7

1. Fill in the missing letters in the given text. Write test words in brackets, underline the spellings .


In (.............) lives a red (...............). Fox House - n...ra (...................). N....ry (..............) have funny little l...s (........) playing. The fox (...................) teaches them fox habits.

2. Arrange the words in columns : 1 column of a word with an unstressed vowel -o, in the second column of a word with an unstressed vowel -a.

S...sleep,,, g...hungry, m...sterskaya, dining room, k...tea, n....chnoy, in .... little boy, k...

3. Arrange the words in columns: 1 column of a word with an unstressed vowel -e, in the second column of a word with an unstressed vowel -i.

S...doy, sk...pit,, sn...zhinka,, in...village, p...letter, d...revyanny, s...vovoe, green.

Card No. 8

1 . Write down the text. Insert the missing letters, write test words in brackets, where possible .

It's good...we're in...sleep! (......). (....) s...dy (.........) - b...lym- b...lo (....). The (.....) will drown in the white s...dah (.....), as if they don’t exist.

Some swallows dart over the villages (......). The songs are...booming. (........).

Card No. 9

1 . Fill in the missing letters in the poem .

B...sleep!, B...sleep! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Howl for your lazuria

He's drenching my eyes!

2 . 1. Write it down. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test words. Indicate the spelling .

V...lna, s...dovy, l...ghashy, st...rina, in...senniy, z...l...toy, l...sitsa, m... Dovy.

3. Write down and underline the test word in each row.

1. wolf cub, wolf, she-wolf.

2. Ice, ice, ice.

h. Marine, sailor, seaside

4, arrived, takeoff, migratory.

5" heavy, heaviness, heavy.

Card number 10

1 . Write down proverbs and sayings .

Insert the missing letters. Write test words next to it in brackets. Label the spellings.

1 They rolled up the steep hills.

2. An old horse won't spoil your health.

3. Under the l, stone in...yes no...even.

4. It's a long time to go... for a long time.

5. B...yes on the...le - if there is quinoa on the....le.

2. Fill in the missing letters in words that cannot be checked .

K...rtina, h...good, furniture, l....lovy, apartment, h...tverg, ...rekh,

Card number 12

1. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test word in parentheses. (..) the exercise is neat and beautiful. Don't sleep (.... .) while eating! The children washed (.....) a fluffy kitten. Mom floored....rock (.....) laundry. Sasha sang (.....) the song the loudest of all. The sick person started (....) medicine with water. Grandma has been... done for a long time (......). Grandfather sat .... (..) on the bench and left. Close....pi (....) the runners of the sleigh so that they do not hide (....).

2.Copy by inserting the missing letters .

K...rowa, g...zeta, skv....rets, b...let, d....december, n...rod, m....loko, fri...tsa , k....rabl, d....revnya, in...kzal, m...rose, k...empty, r...keta, m...dved, p... .to, k...erased, k...mandir, r...sunok, l...pata, m...lina, r...guys, v...gon, p... years, picture, ...bus, month, p...court.

Card number 13

1. Insert the missing letters. Write the test word next to it in brackets.

The squirrels (....) come.... melt (.....) early in.... sleep (......) in the.... end (.. ....) March. They return in a friendly flock and for several days they rush around the fields (....), examining familiar places (....). Then they calm down (...) and begin to sit down in pairs along the branches. The time is coming to build houses and have birds (.....).

2. Copy by inserting the missing letters.

M...skva, R....dina, potato, st...litsa, apple...ko, sv....boda, t....lefon, yag...yes , for....c, cla...., city....d, in....r....beat, s...soldat, k...r...ndash, sev ....r, teaches....l, f....milia, tr...mvay, ....zyk, h...tverg, t...por, s....lyut , p....midor, ...gurets, b....reza, d....daughter, b....wealth, room....that, in....rona.

Card number 14

1. Practice spelling words correctly.

B...yes, b...bigger, in...airy, gla....heat, gr....holy, d....light, longer...longer, d... waiting,, star....riny, key...key, red....howl, l....snoy, m....snoy, m....rskoy, n...heavenly, p...pnaya,, p...last, r....gaty, skr....puffy, st....lovaya, tr... .boring, so....muddy, so....yellow, cold....cold, colorful....thin, black....vomit.

2. Select test words for the data .

Bank, banks, furrow, beard, evening, hairs, they said, fasting, head, voices, comb, dear, wood, green, golden, spikelet. root, babble, young growth, thresher, strip, saved. guarded, watchman, side, flutter, tremble, , cold, laugh.

Card number 15

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. A – O 2. A – O 3. A – O

v.da vr.chi m.rya v.lna st.foreheads page on gr.chi d.wait

dv.ry z.nty sl.ny

4. A – O 5. A – O 6. A – O k.ty


s.dy hv.sty h.lmy zn.chok

p.stuh s.dovnik tr.vinka

7. A – O 8. E – I – Z 9. E – I – Z

v.rainier d.nki l.doc

k.tenok m.chi r.dy

s.dovnik str.zhi

k.rmushka l.schi

tr.vinka sl.dy b.da

h.zhi g.zdo zm.ya

bread, star, star

br.vno (animal) pl.ta (many trees)

l.tso r.ka

13. E – I – Z 14. E – I – Z

pl.cho b.gun l.stock

st.on l.snik


color current sn.zhinka

Card number 16

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. A – O 2. A – O 3. A – O

st.horn v.airy d.rainy

n.smell d.leky r.gaty

m.kushka k.luchy steel

big m.rskoy h.lodny

gla. heat st.lovaya br.saet

4. A - O 5. A - O 6. A - O v.zit

gets up g.steel d.rit

k.melt m.lchit k.rmil

g.wind n.strong hv.pour

p.set sp.sayet see third

7. E – I – Z 8. E – I – Z 9. E – I – Z

s.dyat bloody l.drains

sb.gayut l.neyka star

tr.schat pl.sal ts.kidney

r.bit gr.bnoy m.snoy

looks like a green l.sleep

10. E – I – Z 11. E – I – Z 12. E – I – Z

n.heavenly p.rnata t.nasty tr.boring colorful

dark plump yellow black ragged

bl.stit b.lives v.zat v.sat

13. E – I – Z 14. E – I – Z

do the main thing

take a look at the phone l.zhal

l.drank m.gayut color.tet

Card number 17

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. turn 2. z.x 3. full

b.r.zhok b.r.zda b.r.da

m.l.dayak m.l.tilka

forget about it, forget about it, forget about it

Pod.rok izd.leka pozh.leli

4. 5. select 6. output v.l.senki g.v.rili

st.b.lek st.r.zha

b.gun c.milking time

sign of the sign of the moose

7. output 8. output 9. output no


x.l.yes x..x..they kick out

the main thing is to put in the feller

pok.tit u.lot m.l.dayak 11.out.out 12 out.sti

gr.b.shock d.r.goy

zas.dit st.tyat kill.sting

v.ditel evening.rom v.lennie

ignore the attack of the control system

13.ts.bud 14.der.vtse

z.l.toy k.l.juice reserves

uv.zit b.lnitsa treats

set d.bro rec.force

illumination of the camshaft

16. amazing




Card number 18

1. Fill in the missing letters:

1. O – A 2. A – O 3. A – O

past.gat x.rowy correct.

spr.sil hr.brec

pouring fascination subsided

hard sheet glass, cotton, smoldering

praised security guards

4. O – A 5. O – A 6. O – A

fills with keys zh.liny

p.huchie showed up

the square of the lobes was closed

sign.chok under.rit g.lodny

seized slip.diff.strength

7. O – A 8. E – I – Z 9. E – I – Z

other chubby ch.thread p.tak

happy l.thirsty body region

die holy decay reverberate

cover sew light spot stained

tr.withered river pure starrynets

10. E – I – Z 11. E – I – Z 12. E – I – Z

please take a look at the reader

lit up blooms melts trembling

come to life, gather words of research

closed sawed st.kolschik

appeared to come closer to the p.satel

13. E – I – Z 14. E – I – Z

splitting roller

maturing p.schat

n.zina vyd.rzhka

met one night

get your bearings so fucking boring

The article outlines and substantiates the importance of targeted work on related words with preschoolers with speech impairments, an attempt is made to systematize the author’s many years of practical work, as well as to collect and concentrate sufficient vocabulary material for lexical exercises with related words.

Danilishina A.V., teacher-speech therapist, MDOU d/s combined type No. 8 "Teremok" Moscow region, city of Podolsk


The importance of targeted work on related words with preschoolers with speech impairments is outlined and justified; an attempt is made to systematize the authors’ long-term practical work, as well as to collect and concentrate sufficient vocabulary material for lexical exercises with related words.

Key words: preschool age, dysgraphia, speech disorders, related words.

The relevance of the article is due to the increase in the number of children with speech disorders and the need to carry out targeted work to prevent dysgraphia in preschoolers.

Children of older preschool age with general speech underdevelopment have a poor vocabulary. During the examination, it turns out that they do not understand, do not know the meaning of many words, and often do not know how to use words correctly, i.e. their vocabulary differs quantitatively and qualitatively from the norm of speech development. Typically, preschoolers aged 5-6 years perform word formation tasks well; children with special needs cannot cope with these exercises on their own, without prior training.

One of the directions in the correction and formation of the lexical side of speech in children with ODD is the enrichment of vocabulary by teaching them word formation skills and selecting related words.

Exercises with related words play a huge role in the development of the child’s logical thinking and memory, in comprehending the semantic connections between words, in enriching the vocabulary actively used by the child, in preparing for the sensation and then awareness of the composition of the word. The main goal of the work on selecting related words is to teach the child to select related words with the same root within the limits available for his age. This most important type of work will prepare him for the selection of test words, without good knowledge of which in the future it will be impossible to learn to apply grammatical rules in practice.

Work on related words should be carried out in individual, subgroup and frontal classes, and the material covered should be reinforced at home with parents.

We have developed and effectively use in practice the following sequence for introducing children to related words:

  • entertaining poems, rhyming texts, riddles that help reveal the topic in a form accessible to children
  • observations that lead children to recognize related words in the text
  • exercises in identifying related words in the text
  • exercises for grouping related words and selecting them independently

Exercises aimed at children using related words in their own speech (for example, composing sentences with given words, retelling texts, composing stories).

Children are led to understand that many words can have "relatives" . Words that are relatives not only have a similar part, but must also be related in meaning.

Introducing children to the concept "related words" you can start by reading the poem:

Somehow, many years ago,

They planted a strange garden.

It wasn't an orchard

He was only a word.

This word, the root word,

It soon began to grow,

And it brought us fruits -

There are many new words.

Words, like native ones, are a little similar,

And if you put them in a row,

Listen a little and think about the essence -

They are talking about one thing.

We offer sample games and tasks

1. D/i “Choose “words - relatives” (subject "Winter" ) .

There is a picture on the board "Winter" . A conversation is held based on the picture.

Pick up “words are relatives” by the way "winter" . What word can you affectionately call winter? (Winter.) What can you call a day in winter? (Winter.) What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (Wintering.) What wintering birds do you know? How else can I say it? "stay for the winter" ? (They spend the winter.) So, what words do you remember that are related to the word "winter" ? (Zimushka, winter, winter, wintering.) What can I say about "winter" (forest, garden, day); "winter" (road, weather, time, cold); "winter" (sky, sun, morning).

2. D/i "Say a word"

Look at the picture. In winter, it lies on the roofs, on the ground, in the trees... (snow). We will select "words-relatives" by the way "snow" . And the game will help us with this "Say a word"

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (snow)

Feathers keep sliding from the sky -

Silver… (snowflakes)

Spinning over your head

Carousel... (snow)

To the clearings, to the meadow

Everything is going down... (snowball)

The land is white, clean, tender

Made the bed... (snowy)

Here's some fun for the guys

Increasingly stronger... (snowfall)

Everyone's running in a race

Everyone wants to play... (snowballs)

Snowball - on snowball,

Everything was decorated... (snowball)

Like wearing a white down jacket

Dressed up... (snowman)

Nearby there is a snow figure -

This is a girl... (Snow Maiden)

In the snow, look -

With a red breast... (bullfinches)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

Decorated the whole earth (snow).

Similar work is carried out when selecting related words to the word "house" (subject "The House and Its Parts" )

Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome

He built in the forest... (house)

A smaller gnome lived nearby

He made the floor a bush... (house)

The smallest gnome

I put it under the mushroom... (little house)

Old, wise gnome-gnome

Built a big... (house)

He was old and he was gray

And it was big... (homebody)

And behind the stove behind the pipe

Lived with a gnome... (brownie)

Very strict, businesslike

Careful… (housey)

Moss, viburnum, St. John's wort -

He brought everything from the forest... (home)

He loved yesterday's soup,

He only drank kvass... (home)

Every day gnome neighbors

Visited grandfather... (Houses)

The gnome greeted everyone cordially

Everyone loved this... (house).

Similar work is carried out in the future with the following related words:

Forest, woods, forest, forester;

mushroom, fungus, mushroom picker, mushroom;

water, aquatic, water, diver, flood;

sugar, sugar, sugar bowl;

carry, tray, porter;

mountain, hill, mountainous, mountainous, hillock;

leaf, leaflet, leaflet, foliage, larch, deciduous;

oak, oak, oak;

hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehogs, hedgehog;

spring, spring, stonefly, freckle.

3. D/i “Find the “extra” word"

Grief, mountain, mountain;

Pain, big, hospital;

Led, water, aquatic;

Forest, forester, ladder;

Sea, wrinkles, marine;

Conversation, gazebo, neighbor.

4. D/i “Name the common part of the “relative words”

Winter, winter, winter;

Animal, living, alive;

Grazing, shepherd, shepherdess;

Stove, stove maker, bake;

Yard, janitor, yard;

Litter, litter, litter;

Ring, ring, ring.

5. D/i "Explainers"

Explain why it's called that

Fisherman (catches fish)

Leaf fall (leaves are falling)

Beekeeper (breeds bees)

Ice drift (the ice is moving, moving)

Digger (digs the ground)

Scooter (rides himself)

A pedestrian (walks)

All-terrain vehicle (walks everywhere)

Icebreaker (breaks the ice)

Dump truck (he dumps himself)

Lumberjack (the forest is being cut down)

Locomotive (carries with steam)

Chimney sweep (cleans pipes)

Airplane (flies himself) etc.

6. D/i "Say it in one word"

Come up with one word instead of two

The snow is clearing - (snow blower)

Digs ditches - (trencher)

Lays pipes - (pipelayer)

He walks by himself - (self-propelled)

Digs the earth - (shrew)

Dust sucks - (vacuum cleaner)

It's snowing - (snowfall)

Leaves are falling - (leaf fall)

He cooks himself - (samovar)

He flies by himself - (airplane)

The forest is being cut down - (lumberjack) etc.

7. D/i “Find related words in the poem”

Pines and pine trees - in a pine forest,

And there were fir trees in the spruce forest.

Oak trees and oak trees grow in oak trees,

And you won’t find juniper in it.

The oak has a strong bark,

A beautiful oak leaf.

It's time to put on a sheepskin coat,

Getting ready for a new winter.

Willows, willows grow by the river,

Leaning low over the water.

Old people weave from willow twigs

Baskets during the long winter.

Aspens growing in an aspen forest

And they reach for the blue sky.

Under the aspens there are boletuses,

These mushrooms are beautiful.

In wooded areas there are little forests and forests,

Here the foresters are working around,

So that the forest wondrous beauty

For some reason I didn't get hurt

We butter the porridge,

We store it in a butter dish.

If I got my clothes oily -

Keep her aside.

In the seas there are sea ships,

There are always sailors in the seas,

And I want to be a sailor

But not now - later.

There are houses, houses and houses,

We run the household

And I’m learning home economics myself.

We will find our family at home.

Winter has come, winter is winter,

I got all the winter clothes myself.

It looks like we'll have to spend the winter for a very long time.

And remember the red summer with sadness.

Leaves are falling from deciduous trees,

Autumn brought all the yellow leaves.

There is a lot of leaf fall in the fall.

Leaves will reappear in early spring.

We all live in our homeland,

In your native land.

I love my parents

And I love my homeland.

In the process of working with texts, you should try in every possible way to emphasize the semantic relationship of the words highlighted in them, so that the child can feel it. In the future you need to take any other "close" words to the child and exercise him in selecting related words for them, making extensive use of leading questions. For example:

Let us find related words for the word FROST.

  • If the frost is small, light, what can you call it?.. (frost)
  • In late autumn small… (frost)
  • What does frost do?.. (freezes)
  • In the cold you can hurt your ears and nose... (freeze off)
  • Rivers and lakes in winter... (freeze)
  • Sometimes there is water through them... (freezes)
  • What is the weather like during frost... (frosty)
  • What is it like on the street at this time?.. (frosty)
  • What kind of food freezing chamber is there in the refrigerator?.. (freezer)
  • Frozen food then... (defrost)
  • What delicious things are made from frozen cream?.. (ice cream)

After several similar exercises, the child is asked to independently select related words to a given or chosen word. In this case, leading questions should be asked only after he has completely completed the selection "available" words to him. There is no doubt that as a result of such exercises, the child will quickly understand the very principle of selecting related words and master this skill at a level accessible to his age.

A strict system of tasks and exercises built on this principle makes it possible to achieve the necessary corrective effect when introducing older preschoolers to related words. Work on related words helps to clarify the meanings of words, normalize word formation processes, identify morphemes in a word and correlate them with meaning, and morphological analysis of the word. The child’s speech becomes richer and more expressive.

Thus, correctional tasks are solved: clarification and expansion of passive and active vocabulary through the development of practical skills in word formation of related words, children’s thinking abilities develop, as the habit of thinking about the meaning of a word is developed, and the foundation for spelling-literate writing is laid.


  1. Kislova T.R. On the way to ABC. Methodological recommendations for educators, teachers and parents for parts 1 and 2. – M.: "Balass" , 1999. – 144 p.
  2. Konovalenko V.V. Related words. Lexico - grammar exercises and dictionary for children 6 - 8 years old. Issue 1. Manual for teachers. – M.: Publishing House GNOMi D, 2004. – 24 p.
  3. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. – St. Petersburg: "Union" , 2001. – 224 p.
  4. Tkachenko T.A. In the first grade - without speech defects: Methodological manual. – SPb.: CHILDHOOD – PRESS, 112 p.

Tasks that allow the formation of control and evaluation activities of junior schoolchildren in the Russian language lesson in 2nd grade Theme “Similar words. Root of the word".

Lesson stage: Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. Independent workwith self-test against standard

Task No. 1

Goal: ability to find the root of a word

Determine the correct sequence of your actions when finding the roots of words. Arrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

In order not to make a mistake in finding the root of a word, you need :

Highlight the root of the word with a sign.

Compare related words and highlight their common part (root).

Find related (same-root) words to the word.



hThe numbers are arranged as follows: 3,4,2,1 (2 points)

1 mistake made(1 point)

Lesson stage: Application of new knowledge Independent workwith self-test.

Task No. 2

Goal: ability to find words with the same root

Cross out the “extra” word from each row.

    Rowan, mountain ash, pockmarked, rowan.

    Squirrel, little white, whitewash, whitewash.

    Wings, winged, give wings, covered.

    Elk, flap, elk, elk calf.

    Mountain, hill, town, mountain.


Crossed outthe following words:pockmarked, squirrel, indoor, flap, town (2 points)

1-2 mistakes were made(1 point)

3 or more mistakes were made (0 points)

Tasks that allow the formation of control and evaluation activities of junior schoolchildren in the lesson of the surrounding world in 2nd grade Theme “Red Book”.

Lesson stage: Application of new knowledge . Diagnostics of achieving planned results. Independent workwith self-test against the standard (answers at the end of the notebook).

Tasks No. 81-84 of the textbook by A. Pleshakova, N.N. Gara “The world around us. Tests 2nd grade"

Goal: the ability to recognize plants and animals listed in the Red Book by their description and appearance.

For each task, choose the correct answer and mark it (fill in the circle).

81. Which of these plants is included in the Red Book of Russia?

82. What plant is being told about?

This is the most valuable medicinal plant. Interestingly, its root is shaped like a human figure.

A Lotus B Ginseng C Lady's slipper

83. Recognize the animal by its description.

This is a large, heavily built animal. The length of its body reaches three meters, and its height is two meters.

A Relict woodcutter B Siberian crane C Bison

84. Which of these animals is included in the Red Book of Russia?

About Russia?

Right answers:

81 – B

82 – B

83 – B

84 – A


All answers are correct(2 points)

1 mistake made(1 point)

2 or more mistakes were made (0 points)




With the help of programmed tasks, when studying the topic “Related and cognate words”, children learn:

    select related words;

    find the root and the unstressed vowel in it;

    find the stress point in a word;

    highlight words with stress in a certain position.

    Solve the puzzles. Write the words. Label the root.

    Solve the riddle. Insert the guess word into the oval and read the resulting words.

Dresses up in spring

In autumn he undresses (...)

Nick -ok -noy - point -nobody

Write the resulting words and indicate the root.

    Insert into the oval according to the meaning of the wordgarden orweight , read the floorread words.

by-ka, under- - silt, on- -il, ras- - a,

over- -it, v- - il, you- - to them, from- .

    Game "Loto of the same root words"

The speech therapist names the roots of words (using small cards). Children cover words with these roots with chips. Until someone covers all 6 words. The winner reads his words, naming the root. Recording words. Make sentences with the words on the card. When performing this exercise, the student’s active and passive vocabulary is enriched.

Small cards:

mountains-, friend-, gray-, garden-, water-, earth-, late-, fishing-, running-, quality-, whistling-, talking-, winter-, clean-, forest-, birch-, snow- , light-, light-, thunder-, yellow-, guard-, frost-, green-, motley-, white-, cold-, black-, near-, color-, fly-, fish-, cargo-, rides -, kuk-, elm-, tale-, bottom-, let-, arrow-.

Card 1




Card 6





Card 9

turn black



    Game "Gorka".

Each student has a sign:

Fill in the missing letters in the empty cells to form related words. The beginning, which is common to all species, is indicated; only the end must be found. Students fill in the blanks on their charts. The winner is the one who completed his task correctly and quickly.

Sample material:

sleigh, sled, sled, sled;

winter, winter, winter, spend the winter;

mountain, hill, hill, mountainous;

fish, fisherman, fish, fishing.

    Distinguishing between related words and words with homonymous roots.

Children are offered cards with words that need to be divided into two columns according to their meaning. These exercises improve reading skills and fill gaps in the development of vocabulary.

    Determine which root is missing in the words.

Write words with the same root in two columns. Select the root.

Read it.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.

Read it. Find words with the same root and highlight the root. Insert letters.

It was a warm fucking rain. little gr... ebniks came to the forest. ...we saw a big white gr... under the tree... . And there was another gr... side growing nearby.


Read it. Write down the words with the same root. Select the root.

Here's the l...snoe lake. On his b...r...g...the l...sink. He protects the forest.



Read it. Write down the words with the same root. Select the root.

Here's the l...snoe lake. On his b...r...g...the l...sink. He protects the forest.



Read it. Write down the words with the same root. Select the root.

Here's the l...snoe lake. On his b...r...g...the l...sink. He protects the forest.



Read it. Write down the words with the same root. Select the root.

Here's the l...snoe lake. On his b...r...g...the l...sink. He protects the forest.



Read it. Write down the words with the same root. Select the root.

Here's the l...snoe lake. On his b...r...g...the l...sink. He protects the forest.



Read it. Write down the words with the same root. Select the root.

Here's the l...snoe lake. On his b...r...g...the l...sink. He protects the forest.



Identify the root in each group of words. Insert letters.

Salt, s...lyony, s...lonka, s...pour.

Groom, horse, k...nyushnya, k...nyok, horse.

Carpenter, table, dining room, table.

Identify the root in each group of words. Insert letters.

Salt, s...lyony, s...lonka, s...pour.

Groom, horse, k...nyushnya, k...nyok, horse.

Carpenter, table, dining room, table.

Identify the root in each group of words. Insert letters.

Salt, s...lyony, s...lonka, s...pour.

Groom, horse, k...nyushnya, k...nyok, horse.

Carpenter, table, dining room, table.

Identify the root in each group of words. Insert letters.

Salt, s...lyony, s...lonka, s...pour.

Groom, horse, k...nyushnya, k...nyok, horse.

Carpenter, table, dining room, table.

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

Read it. Insert letters.

Find words with the same root.

Select their root.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years

And I have never heard of a fish g...v...dragging.

He let go of the fish...

And he said a kind word to her...

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