Secret secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Hidden camera in the Cheops pyramid

“In ancient times, Egypt had electricity! In 1937, during excavations near Baghdad, the German archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig discovered

Clay jugs with copper cylinders inside. These cylinders were fixed to the bottom of clay vessels with a layer of resin. Koenig did not attach any importance to this, but after the war, excavations in Iraq resumed. And near the ancient Sumerian city of Seoevkia, scientists again discovered glazed clay vessels resembling flower vases.

These were galvanic cells. Scientists filled these vases with lemon juice and discovered a potential difference of half a volt between the iron rod and the copper cylinder. Electric current has started! These vases turned out to be electric batteries. They were discovered in Iraq in the early 1980s. Then images of similar vases-batteries were found on the walls of Egyptian houses. In the same years, Reinhard Habeck, in the Egyptian temple of Hathor in Dendera, five hundred kilometers south of the Giza plateau and 50 kilometers north of Thebes, discovered wall images of pear-shaped objects with wavy lines in the form of snakes inside. Cable and hoses came from them. And they were strengthened on racks. It has been proven that pear-shaped objects with wavy lines inside are lamps of electric lamps, and the stands are high-voltage insulators.

They were found under the oldest pyramid - Saqqara and under the pyramid of Djoser.

Egyptologists do not have a consensus on the purpose of these columns (pillars). Peter Krasa and Ron Hubard edited a book on ancient electricity, The Light of the Pharaohs, and view columns as simple insulators. Then samples were found with copper wires hanging on them.

Apparently this underground chamber in the foundations of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera was a mini-power plant, and the secret science of electricity was depicted here, which was taught only to initiates.
There are no traces of soot from torches on the walls and ceilings of the temples and pyramids of Egypt - they were illuminated by electricity. This idea was confirmed by the Mahatma and E. Blavatsky.

The headdresses of the pharaohs were also accumulators of electrical or electromagnetic energy. On the front of their tall hats was an image of a cobra, a symbol of danger and strength. Maybe she electrocuted enemies and subjects who did not want to submit to the will of the pharaoh? D. Myers believes that the Valdark hat, which the pharaohs of Egypt received from the alien representatives of Nibiru and Mars, itself concentrated spiritual energy. But these hats were probably also equipped with electric batteries.

Recently, in the Valley of the Kings, scientists found a golden disk, or coin, one and a half kilometers from the pyramid of Tutankhamun, which depicts a face very similar to the Martian Sphinx of Cydonia, photographed by the American Viking 1 spacecraft in 1976. The inscription engraved on the disk also puzzled archaeologists. The letters are completely different from Egyptian hieroglyphs. Copies of this inscription have been sent to authoritative specialists in different countries, but the answer has not yet been found.”

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)
The Great Pyramid, the last remaining wonder of the ancient list of the Seven Wonders of the World, is a fantastic masterpiece of engineering not only because of its gigantic size. It weighs 6.5 million tons and contains more building material than was used to build all the cathedrals, churches and chapels in England! Its uniqueness also lies in the exceptional accuracy of the orientation of the edges according to the cardinal points. The error is negligible - 0.015 percent! Today, achieving such precision would require laser theodolites, 10-meter resolution topographic maps and an army of engineers, astronomers and stonemasons.

By the way, the word Pyramid does not define a three-dimensional triangle, and its root is not even Egyptian. The word Pyramid is made up of the Greek word "pyra" meaning fire, light (or visible) and the Greek word "midos" meaning measures (another meaning is middle (inside)). The fact is that until 1301, when, after a strong earthquake, the Arabs began to use the loose cladding for the construction and restoration of palaces and mosques of destroyed Cairo, the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops - in ancient Greek transcription / 2590-2568 BC /. ), which had an original height of 146.6 meters (now 138 meters) was lined with slabs of polished limestone. Part of the cladding (22 upper rows) is still preserved on the pyramid of Khafre. They were so shiny that they could be seen hundreds of kilometers away.

The base of the Pyramid, resting on a granite surface with a deviation from the horizontal of no more than two cm, is an almost perfect square (maximum deviation 3 minutes 33 seconds) with sides of about 230 meters (northern 230.1, western and eastern 230.2, southern 230.3). And the entire structure, which today consists of 203 rows of masonry, was erected without cranes, wheels or powerful stone-cutting tools. Why did ancient architects achieve such high precision if this precision could not even be noticed by the naked eye?

One of the answers to these questions may lie in the desire of ancient architects to encrypt certain fundamental numerical values ​​in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. And this requires high dimensional accuracy. As a result, for example, the ratio of the length of the base of a pyramid to its height, divided in half, gives the famous number “pi” (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) accurate to the sixth digit! This number is also mentioned in the ancient Egyptian Rhinda papyrus (kept in the British Museum in London). Perhaps it is deliberately encrypted in the dimensions of the Pyramid of Cheops, and with a more accurate meaning than the great Archimedes, who lived 2000 years later, knew!
This idea inspired enthusiasts to search for other fundamental relationships in the Cheops Pyramid.
Astronomical calendar
Egyptologist Graham Hancock and his colleague Robert Boval, who deny the generally accepted idea of ​​the Great Pyramid as the tomb of Cheops, because no dead bodies were found in any of the pyramids, despite the empty sarcophagi. (I’ll especially tell you about the Menkauru pyramid. When British Colonel Howard Vance entered the burial chamber of this pyramid in 1837, he discovered a basalt sarcophagus, a wooden coffin lid in the form of a human figure and bones. The sarcophagus sank along with the ship transporting it to England, and the dating of the coffin lid and bones attributed them to the era of early Christianity.) When in the 9th century AD. e. The expedition entered the Cheops pyramid and, with great difficulty, explored the royal crypt; the large stone sarcophagus, as it turned out, was empty, but there were no signs of the previous devastation. The truth, say Hancock and Boval, lies in astronomical data.

At a distance of approximately 160 meters from the Pyramid of Cheops, the Pyramid of Chefren rises, the height of which is 136.6 meters, and the length of the sides is 210.5 meters. However, the pyramid of Khafre visually appears higher than the pyramid of Cheops - the effect is achieved due to the fact that its base is at a higher level. The Pyramid of Mikerin, which is even smaller, is located 200 meters from the Pyramid of Khafre. Its height is 62 meters, and the length of the sides is 108 meters. The three pyramids are part of a complex that also consists of a sphinx, several temples, small pyramids, and tombs of priests and officials.

But let's return to astronomy. Due to the so-called procession (swaying of the earth's axis under the gravitational influence of the Sun and Moon), the constellations change their position in the sky with a period of 25,920 years. Using a computer, it was possible to reconstruct the starry sky above the Great Pyramid in 2500 BC. It turned out that in those days one of the southern corridors of the Pyramid was precisely directed towards the star Sirius, which the Egyptians identified with the Goddess Isis. Another southern corridor pointed to the lower of the three stars that make up Orion's Belt, a constellation believed to be the home of the God Osiris, who brought civilization to the Nile Valley.

These coincidences, according to Hancock and Bovel, are not accidental. Moreover, the third largest pyramid (Menkaura) is out of the straight line connecting the first (Cheops) and second (Chephren) pyramids. Looking at Orion's Belt, Robert Boval noticed a completely similar arrangement of three stars! Thus, the scientist concludes, apparently the three largest pyramids in Giza symbolize the Orion Belt on earth! However, the angle of inclination of the Belt now does not coincide exactly with the axis of the location of the three pyramids. The use of a computer that calculated the exact coincidence of Orion's Belt and the three largest Egyptian pyramids showed that this moment dates back to 10642 - 10546 BC. e., that is, half the period of precession to the present day, 25920 years, like the ancients, or 25729 years according to modern data, BC. According to Boval and Hancock, although all three pyramids were completed around 2500 BC, the plan for the Giza complex was drawn up 8,000 years earlier! It was passed down from generation to generation until the time when it was possible to combine internal corridors with the direction to the desired stars!

In their book, Guardians of Creation, Boval and Hancock emphasize that, in their opinion, the creators of the Giza pyramid complex and the famous Sphinx had in mind to build some kind of chronological "beacons" that would encourage many future generations to search for the true meaning of their project. The choice of the position of monuments using the “language of the stars” should be understandable to any culture familiar with astronomy. The pyramid complex at Giza certainly contains rooms containing the most important messages of the ancient architects, addressed to the future. Boval and Hancock are convinced that humanity is on the verge of Great Discoveries in the pyramids.

Another opinion is expressed in his article by Evgeniy Menshov. Claiming that the Pyramids remind us of the planets of the solar system and the catastrophe that occurred on September 22, 10532 BC.
Where are the Great Messages kept?
Everyone has heard about the treasures of the pyramids and their robbers. The way to the Great Pyramid of Cheops, in 820, was found by the Arab Ale Manune. (Caliph Al-Maamun) He began to dismantle the center of the Northern Wall, where, according to legend, there was an entrance.

To do this, he poured vinegar on the stones, heated them with fires, and then used battering rams. Hearing the sound of stones rolling to the left of their tunnel, the treasure hunters dug to the source of the sound, which led them to a passage leading down (at an angle of 26.30). At the lower end of the inclined passage was what came to be called a bottomless pit (P), or a large underground chamber located at 180m. below the top of the pyramid. The falling stones that the Arabs heard rolled into it. If not for this accident, the entrance would never have been found.

Currently, the main entrance to the Pyramid is the entrance made by the Arabs. The real entrance is higher up, seventeen meters above the ground and seven meters east of the main north-south axis. Having a cross-section of 1m x 1.22m, it is sandwiched by floor blocks 2.6m thick and 3.6m wide and a floor slab 0.76m thick and 10m long.

From the inclined tunnel (D), at the same angle, there is an ascending tunnel (A), connected to the Grand Gallery (G), which is 46.6 meters long, ending in an entrance to a room of polished granite 5.2 x 10.4 meters and 5.8 meters height known as the Royal Crypt(K). It is covered with five 70-ton slabs supporting the top of the pyramid, is located at a height of 42.7 meters above the ground, and inside it stands an empty granite box without decorations.

The stone plug placed at the entrance to the ascending tunnel is made of rare red granite, identical to the granite of Mount Horeb, where, according to legend, Moses received the 10 commandments. To bypass it, the Arabs cut out softer limestone around it.

However, there was another secret passage. A horizontal passage branches off from the ascending tunnel, leading to a completely empty room called the Queen's Chamber (Q), and next to it is a Rough Shaft (W) connecting the Great Gallery with the descending tunnel, approximately 60 meters from the stone plug.

Oddly enough, the downward corridor was well known in ancient times. The Greco-Roman geographer Strabo left a clear description of the large underground chamber (P) into which this corridor enters (180 meters below the top of the pyramid). In this chamber, underground inscriptions were discovered - autographs from the time of the Roman occupation, indicating regular visits in those years. However, thanks to a secret door leading to the shaft (W) in the descending tunnel, this passage was forgotten.

There are several hypotheses about the astrological and temporal significance of corridors, but I will not dwell on them. It seems to me incorrect to connect time and distance in the pyramid. But I will provide a diagram and a link from it.

Another surprising fact is that the ventilation ducts in the main chambers maintain a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. For some reason, the builders left untouched the last 13 cm of the block at the entrance to the two ventilation shafts in the queen's chamber (Q) and only in 1872, Wayneman Dixon, by analogy with the king's chamber, discovered them by tapping and made his way to a channel high 20 and 23 cm wide, extending 2 meters into the wall, and then at an angle further.

It was into this canal that in March 1993, a German engineer and specialist in the field of robotics, Rudolf Gantenbrink, hired by the Egyptian Antiquities Organization to improve ventilation, launched a small-sized crawler robot, controlled from a distance and equipped with powerful lights and television cameras. This robot "Upuat" (in ancient Egyptian "Discoverer") cost 250 thousand US dollars and showed on March 22 that 60 meters from the beginning of the steep rise of the mine (39.5 0) the walls and floor suddenly became smooth and the robot crawled into a passage made of polished limestone, usually used for cladding ritual premises and after 5 meters it ran into a solid limestone “door”! Gantenbrink was amazed to see on the “door” two copper handles, lowered down, which, in his opinion, indicated the “sliding” principle of opening and closing the door. In addition, the stone blocks stood vertically at the “door” (instead of their usual horizontal arrangement in other places). That is, they performed an unloading function. Judging by the wide gap and chip on the corner of the “door”, someone has already opened it! A weak draft blew strange black dust out of the crack. In general, everything spoke of the presence of an unknown room behind the “door”!

Earlier, using the latest microgravimeter device, French and Japanese scientists discovered THREE unknown rooms inside the Pyramid! One of them is 30 meters long, 5 meters wide and 3 meters high. Having drilled holes, scientists “looked” there with a television probe and found sand in the voids, but not the kind that is found in abundance around the Pyramid, but found only six kilometers to the southwest! In addition, as it turned out, before being placed in the Pyramid, it was carefully sifted. According to some experts, sand of precisely this composition prevents the passage of electromagnetic waves, which at one time they tried to “shine through” this structure.

The television probe discovered some foreign bodies in one of the large voids. The resolution of the television camera was not enough to identify these “bodies.” The director of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities, Ahmed Kadri, commented: “There is something else in the Pyramid that we do not know about yet. No one has penetrated this part of the structure before. There is some kind of structure there!”

In 1954, archaeologists discovered two walled niches at the foot of the Pyramid. When one of them was opened, the aroma of cedar planks came from the hole. There lay disassembled the original Pharaoh's boat, 43.6 meters long! It took 16 years to extract and assemble hundreds of perfectly preserved fragments of the boat. Now the boat stands in its original form in a glass pavilion next to the Pyramid (Solar Barke (Solar Boat) Museum).

A narrow hole was drilled in the second niche and a light guide connected to a television camera was inserted into it. This work began with all precautions in October 1987. When the television camera was turned on, a clear silhouette appeared on the screen: a boat! The second boat was a huge structure made of sagging boards, fastened with copper staples. There is no hurry to remove it - it is too difficult to preserve this amazing find in the air...
Physical Impact of the Pyramids
The French scientist Jacques Bergier, who studied the influence of various spatial forms on biological substances, built a cardboard model of the Pyramid and placed ox blood there. After some time, it divided into two substances - light and dark. Other scientists have verified that perishable foods are preserved for a long time in the Pyramid model. A pendulum suspended above the top of the model swings to the side or rotates slowly around the top. Plants also behave strangely. At first they gravitate towards the east, then describe a semicircle, moving from south to west. Czech inventor Karel Drbal adapted a similar model for self-sharpening razor blades in 1959, and received a patent for this unusual invention. According to Drbal, he shaved with the same blade, placing it in the model overnight, more than two thousand times! The pyramidal shape is believed to focus cosmic energy...
Pyramid lens
American engineer Raymond D. Manners, in an article published in Faith magazine in November 1996, reports that in its original form the Pyramid was distinguished by two features: sparkling surfaces and... concave sides in the middle part!

The ancient builders covered the Pyramid with a layer of polished limestone 2.5 meters thick! There were 144,000 20-ton casing stones. They were so brilliant that they could be seen hundreds of kilometers away. In the morning and at noon, sunlight reflected from this vast mirror surface was visible from the moon.

Local residents have looked at the Pyramid and its polished stones with fear for centuries. But when an earthquake in the 13th century loosened some of the shell stones, the Arabs began using the cladding to build and restore Cairo's palaces and mosques, including the Sultan Hassan Mosque.

Surprisingly, the facing stones were joined at intervals of 0.5 mm and have perfect right angles with deviation of straight lines within 0.25 mm. Modern technology does not allow placing such blocks with greater accuracy. Even more surprising is that this gap was intended for the glue that sealed and held the stones together. The white cement that held the casing stones together and made them waterproof is still intact and stronger than the blocks it was attached to.

As for the concavity of the edges, which, by the way, is completely invisible from the ground and, according to some opinions, reflects the radius of the Earth, the first to suspect it were French scientists who accompanied Napoleon’s army on the Egyptian campaign. Later, in the 1880s, this fact was confirmed by the famous Great Pyramid explorer Flinders Petrie. Then they forgot about it for a hundred years. And only in our days, aerial photography by British Army officer P. Groves has undoubtedly shown that the concavity of the edges, although completely insignificant - only one meter, actually occurs...

It is interesting to note that later pyramids were built with completely flat sides! Apparently, the chief builder of the Great Pyramid hid the meaning and purpose of the concavities from his followers. According to Raymond Manners, peculiar concave “mirrors” on the edges with a total area of ​​about 15 hectares served to focus the sun's rays on the day of the summer solstice. On this day, when the Sun stood only 6.5 degrees from the zenith, a fantastic action took place: thanks to the polished edges, the Great Pyramid sparkled like a diamond! At the focus of the concave “mirrors” the temperature rose to a thousand degrees! The crowds of people gathered began to hear crackling sounds coming from these points, gradually intensifying to a thunderous deafening sound!

Amidst the sparkling light and roar, waves of hot air erupted upward from the central vortex above the top of the Pyramid. The illusion of a pillar of fire rising from the Pyramid was created. This was truly the road along which God Ra himself descended to people!
The riddle of the Sphinx haunts people no less than the pyramids. When I read that the Sphinx was completely buried several times, it seemed amazing to me. However, a trip to Cairo dispelled all doubts. The Sphinx stands in a hole (the origin of which I cannot judge) at the foot of a hill with pyramids, and if it is filled up, only part of the head will be visible. However, it should be taken into account that the Giza Plateau is a rocky wasteland, and not a desert with dunes of sand, as many might have thought. (the most complete association will be given to you by a stone lime quarry or a large construction site) so, in my opinion, it will take more than one decade, if not centuries, to bring it in. But let’s return to the object itself

Recently, Japanese scientists (S. Yoshimura) using echolocators showed that the processed stone of the Sphinx sculpture is MUCH ANCIENT than the blocks of the pyramids. I would like to emphasize that THE MATERIAL OF THE SCULPTURE IS ANCIENT. Another fact: hydrological studies revealed traces of erosion from a powerful flow of water at the base of the statue’s pedestal (including ON THE TREATED SURFACE). British geophysicists estimate the age of erosion at 10-12 thousand years (!). The above confirms a hypothesis that is very popular these days: the Giza complex was built TWICE..

Currently, the entire base of the sphinx and its paws have been restored, so I could not see any traces of erosion. However, I have the opinion that the Egyptians not only restore many archaeological monuments, but also rebuild them; there are even tower cranes in Luxor.

Taking into account the above, we can imagine the sequence of events as follows. About 12.5 thousand years ago, unknown architects erected a complex of pyramids, encoding in its plan the connection of the three planets of the solar system, and in the orientation of the lion statue - the date. when it took place. A little later, water gushed out from somewhere with monstrous force. Its flow destroyed the pyramids, but the Sphinx. hollowed out of a monolithic rock and possibly covered with sand, it survived. 8,000 years later, during the reign of the pharaohs of the fourth dynasty, the remaining buildings were restored. It is possible, however, that the Sphinx also underwent restoration: we admit that initially it simply depicted a lion, and a human head - specifically, the head of Pharaoh Khafre (opposite whose Pyramid it stands) - was attached to it under Pharaoh Khafre.

French archaeologists noticed: the dating of the Egyptian flood coincides with the date of the death of the legendary Atlantis according to Plato.

Tokyo scientists also produced a second sensation: electronic equipment showed a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the stone statue leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre. It starts at a depth of two meters and goes down obliquely. It turned out to be impossible to trace it further, but Professor Yoshimura promised to create a new device specifically for studying this underground passage.
P.S. Measures of Ancient Egypt
Having delved into the history of the emergence of units of measurement and standards, it is not difficult to find out that the Egyptians had three units of length: a cubit (466 mm), equal to seven palms (66.5 mm), which, in turn, was equal to four fingers (16.6 mm ). Large distances were measured in tens and hundreds of cubits or palms. It is easy to see that the side of the base of the Cheops pyramid is exactly 500 cubits.

It is tempting, of course, to see some “astral” meaning in the height of the Cheops pyramid. But isn’t it easier to assume that the pyramids were built exactly as the customer required? Pharaoh or, say, a council of priests. If he orders: “one hundred cubits in height,” they will build it that way. How could Pharaoh give orders? Most likely, he set the height in round numbers - of course, in Egyptian measures... To check the assumption made, let's measure the pyramids not in meters, but in cubits (lx) and palms (ld). And what happens? Of the three pyramids of Giza, the smallest, Mikerin, has a height of one thousand ld (66 m). At the Sneferu pyramid - 200 lux. Finally, at the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) - 300 lux 100 ld (146.6 m): the son outdid his father by almost one and a half times. Other measurements of the Cheops pyramid are also curious: the side of the base is 500 lx (233 m), the apothem of the side face is 400 lx (187 m), the length of the main gallery is 100 lx (46.2 m), the length of the upper passage is 500 lx (33 m), etc. d. Famous Pyramids equal to stars
The question “how old are the Egyptian pyramids?” It seems to have been decided a long time ago: about 4500 years. However, the way to solve this question, based on the analysis of ancient records, is not very accurate. As a result, estimates of the age of the pyramids may be overestimated or underestimated by approximately 100 years. From one point of view, compared to their age, this is not much; from another point of view, man is an imperfect being and eternally strives for the ideal. So Egyptologists finally could not stand the uncertainty and began to develop methods for more accurate dating. One of them, developed by British Egyptologist Kate Spence from Cambridge, is based on astronomy.

The fact is that there are many mysteries and questions associated with the Egyptian pyramids. One of them is: how did the ancient Egyptians manage to align their creations so precisely? After all, two of the four sides of each pyramid are directed quite accurately from north to south! Kate Spence believes that the stars helped the ancient builders in this. More precisely, two stars: Mizar and Kohab, in the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Due to the displacement of the Earth's own axis in space (with a period of 26,000 years), these two stars point to different directions in different centuries. By calculating when they pointed north, you can very accurately determine the time of construction of the pyramids.

Moreover, with the help of the “two stars” theory, those errors in the alignment of the pyramids that the Egyptians nevertheless made are perfectly explained (in fact, Spence developed her theory to explain these errors). After all, the pyramids were not built at the same time; during this time the stars managed to shift a little and the direction “to the north” also shifted somewhat. Today's "north" star - Polaris - in those years did not point north at all and could not serve as a guide for the Egyptians.

Using her method, Kate Spence calculated the construction time of the Great Pyramid of Giza (one of the Seven Wonders of the World). She believes that this happened in 2478 BC, plus or minus five years. Thus, according to the “astronomical” theory, the Great Pyramid is 4478 years old - 75 years more than previously thought.

It is unknown whether the ancient architects actually determined the direction of north by two stars, but there is no argument against the fact that they could have done so. We know only one thing for sure: the pyramids were aligned to the north because the Egyptians believed that a dead pharaoh became a star in the northern sky. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that when building pyramids for the dead pharaohs, they looked towards their new home.

Spence's method is important for two other reasons. Firstly, it does not contradict the prevailing ideas about the age of the pyramids: 75 years is well within the dating error according to written sources. Secondly, it serves as an additional argument against the view that the pyramids and the Sphinx were built several thousand years earlier than hitherto believed. Having obtained such well-converging results using two different methods, we can firmly assume that the pyramids were built in the middle of the third millennium BC.
How the pyramids were built
Italian Egyptologist Osvaldo Falestiedi offered a clue to the method of building the Egyptian pyramids. Falestiedi's hypothesis is based on the testimony of Herodotus, who mentioned in the 5th century BC about “wooden machines for building the tombs of Egyptian rulers.” The remains of one of these machines, Falestiedi believes, were found in the 19th century during excavations of the temple of Queen Hatsepshut. A passionate Italian managed to restore the ancient device, and it worked!

The machine designed by Falestiedi resembles a cradle. Inside the wooden frame there is a stone block tied with ropes, which is swung using special wedges. With the help of such swinging, the inventor is convinced, the ancient Egyptians lifted multi-ton stones. Falestiedi's discovery was tested by Japanese and American engineers and archaeologists. I: independent examination; confirmed that Ita Lanza was right. Now Falestiedi, together with engineers from the Turin Polytechnic Institute, is going to create a working model of a device that can lift stones weighing up to forty tons.

News edited olqa.weles - 9-02-2012, 12:06

Ancient Egypt has been exciting the minds of scientists and ordinary people since the Great Sphinx was first cleared of sand. And although archaeologists have already made many discoveries related to Egypt, the land of the pharaohs still keeps many secrets under its sands. And sometimes it happens that new discoveries give rise to even more mysteries and answered questions.

1. The Lost Labyrinth of Egypt

2,500 years ago in Egypt there was a huge labyrinth, which, according to the Egyptian chroniclers, “exceeded even the pyramids.” It was a huge building, two floors high, containing 3,000 different rooms, connected by a winding labyrinth of passages so complex that no one could find the exit without a guide. Below was an underground level that served as a tomb for the kings, and above was a massive roof made from a single giant stone.

Countless ancient authors described the labyrinth, claiming to have seen it with their own eyes, but 2,500 years later, scientists have no idea where it went. The closest thing that has been found is a massive 300-meter rock plateau, which some believe was the base of the labyrinth. If this is so, then history needs to be rewritten.

In 2008, a team of geolocation specialists checked the plateau and discovered that underneath there was an underground labyrinth, as described by one of the ancient writers. At this point, however, no one has even begun excavating what may be Egypt's greatest archaeological wonder.

2. Unknown Queen of Egypt

In 2015, archaeologists stumbled upon the tomb of a woman who was buried among the great pyramids of Egypt's Old Kingdom. In her tomb there were inscriptions that called her "the wife of the pharaoh" and "the mother of the pharaoh." 4,500 years ago she was one of the most powerful women on the planet. But no one knows who it is. Historians have dubbed her "Khentakawess III", based on the assumption that she was the daughter of Pharaoh Neferirkare Kakai and Queen Khentkawess II, as well as the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre and the mother of Pharaoh Menkauhor. But this is just a guess. Whoever she was, she was once an incredibly powerful woman, but today everyone has forgotten about her.

3. Israeli Sphinx

In 2013, in Tel Hazor, Israel, archaeologists discovered something they never expected to find so far from Egypt: a 4,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx. To be more precise, they found the statue's paws resting on the pedestal. The rest is believed to have been deliberately destroyed thousands of years ago.

Before anyone destroyed this sphinx, it was approximately 1 meter tall and weighed half a ton. Nobody knows what an Egyptian statue is doing in Israel. The only clue they were able to find was an inscription on the pedestal that read “Pharaoh Mykerinus” (the pharaoh who ruled Egypt around 2500 BC). It is very unlikely that Tel Hazor was conquered by the Egyptians. During the reign of Mikerin (or Maenkaur), Tel Hazor was a trading center in Canaan, directly between Egypt and Babylon. It was vital to the economic well-being of the two major powers in the area. Scientists suggest it could have been a gift.

4. The mysterious death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Pharaoh Tutankhamun was only 19 years old when he died, and no one knows exactly what happened to him. His death is a mystery. Scientists believe that Tutankhamun had a whole bunch of illnesses, and it is impossible to say specifically why he died. He had malaria and was born with so many genetic disorders that historians are convinced his parents must have been brother and sister. He had a crooked leg and genetic defects that some believe may have made his death no more than a matter of time.

The mummy also had a fractured skull, so archaeologists for a long time believed that the pharaoh was killed by a blow to the head. But today there is a version that his head was simply damaged during embalming of the body. Tutankhamun injured his knee shortly before his death, leading to the theory that he died in a chariot accident. But this is also just a theory. In any case, his body was so deformed that the young pharaoh, apparently, could not even stand without assistance.

5. Hidden camera in the Cheops pyramid

The largest pyramid was built 4,500 years ago for Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops). It is a huge structure, almost 150 meters high, built from more than 2.3 million stone blocks. Until recently, everyone believed that there were three chambers inside it. If someone feels that there is too much free space left inside, then he is not alone. That's why a team of researchers checked the pyramid in November 2017 to see if scientists had missed anything.

Above the Great Gallery of the pyramid they found signs that there may be a large hidden chamber (about the size of the largest chamber found in the entire pyramid). It is strange that the Egyptians deliberately built a hidden chamber, making it completely inaccessible. There are no corridors or other paths to it. The only way to place something inside was to do it during the construction of the pyramid and seal it. No one has ever seen what is inside the hidden chamber. But whatever it was, Pharaoh Khufu apparently didn't want it to ever see the light of day again.

6. A mummy wrapped in a foreign book

In 1848, a man bought an ancient Egyptian mummy from a shopkeeper in Alexandria. For years he displayed it as an ordinary artifact, not realizing how strange the artifact he had found was. It was only after removing some of the bandages from the mummy several decades later that scientists discovered something very unusual. The mummy was wrapped in the pages of a book, but the book was not written in Egyptian. It took years of research to understand what kind of language it was.

Today, scientists know that the book was written in the Etruscan language, which was used by an ancient civilization that once lived in what is now Italy. This is a language that almost no one knows anything about today. The text in which the mummy was wrapped is the longest Etruscan text ever found by researchers. But no one knows what it says. Scientists have been able to understand a few words that appear to be dates and names of gods, but we can only speculate why the dead body was wrapped in pages. Moreover, it is unknown why the Egyptian mummy was wrapped in an Etruscan book.

7. Light of Dandara

On the wall of the temple at Dandara in Egypt there is a huge relief showing a very strange image. It shows (according to the usual interpretation) a snake in a large ball of fire flying from a large lotus flower, which is supported by a pillar with human hands. It's a strange picture, but not just because the counter has arms. It just looks a lot like a Crookes tube, a type of early light bulb invented in the 19th century. In fact, it looks so much like a light bulb that some people think it might be a diagram showing how to create one.

Although this theory is similar to those usually told by pseudo-historians on Youtube, it has some pretty convincing arguments. The room in which the Light of Dandara is depicted is the only room in the entire temple that did not have the usual oil lamps. Archaeologists found carbon deposits, which indicate Egyptian use of lamps, in all parts of the building except this room. Therefore, if there was no similar early version of the light bulb in a given room, how could anything be seen in it at all?

8. Destroyed Pyramid

The Pyramid of Djedefre was to be the tallest pyramid in Egypt. Although Djedefre did not have the resources to create the largest pyramid, he used a little trick. He built a pyramid on a hill. But for some reason, although all the other pyramids in Egypt stood for thousands of years, the Djedefre pyramid was the only one that was completely destroyed. All that was left of it was the foundation.

Nobody knows what happened to the pyramid, there are only theories. Some believe that Djedefra simply died before the pyramid was completed, leaving it in ruins. Others believe that the Romans dismantled it into stone 2,000 years ago, destroying the historical monument. Or maybe the people of Egypt hated Djedefre so much that he destroyed the entire pyramid.

9. The Disappearance of Queen Nefertiti

Queen Nefertiti is legendary because she is one of the few women who ruled Egypt. She was the Great Wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, and also, probably, the mother of Pharaoh Tutankhamun and, as scientists believe, she ruled Egypt single-handedly for some time. But at the same time, Nefertiti’s resting place is unknown.

The search for her grave continued for years. Until 2018, archaeologists were almost certain that they had found her burial in a secret chamber hidden in the tomb of King Tutankhamun. However, in May they carefully examined the wall and found that there was nothing there. Curiously, there is no mention of her death in Egyptian history. After the twelfth year of the reign of her husband Akhenaten, all mention of her simply disappeared from historical documents. Some believe that this happened because Nefertiti became a pharaoh and took on a different name, but not everyone agrees with this theory. Some believe that the answer is more prosaic. According to Dr. Joyce Tidzely, Nefertiti was never a pharaoh. One way or another, her fate remains a mystery.

10. Lost Punt

Ancient Egyptian writings are full of references to a country called Punt. It was an ancient African kingdom full of gold, ivory and exotic animals that captured the imagination of the Egyptians. And it must have been extremely powerful. The Egyptians dubbed this place the “Land of the Gods.”

But there is no doubt that Punt really existed. There are numerous references to this in ancient scriptures. In the ancient Egyptian temple there is even a painting of Queen Punta, but scientists were unable to find any traces of the existence of this state. The only information that hints at the existence of Punt is the artifacts that the Egyptians owned. Scientists, desperate to find out where this kingdom was located, studied the mummified remains of two baboons that the Egyptians brought from Punt and determined that the baboons most likely originated from around modern-day Eritrea or eastern Ethiopia. This at least gives a starting point as to where to look for Punt, but in reality it is a huge area for archaeological exploration.

And recently in . An amazing discovery.

The famous ancient Greek historian Herodotus was one of the first people to indirectly shed light on the question of the appearance of the ancient Egyptians. More than 100 years before the conquest of Egypt by the commander Alexander the Great, Herodotus wrote that the inhabitants of Colchis (a historical region located along the eastern shores of the Black Sea, occupying the Colchis Lowland and nearby areas) had Egyptian roots. Their skin was dark and their hair was thick and curly. In addition, representatives of both ethnic groups practiced circumcision and made cloth in a similar way.

Herodotus's laconic description sparked endless debate. The most controversial words were melanchroes (“dark or black skin”) and andoulotriches (“curly or curly locks”). Some scholars argue that the word melanchroes meant any person whose skin was darker than that of the Greeks. In addition, Herodotus wrote that the appearance of the inhabitants of Colchis “cannot prove anything, because representatives of other nations also had similar features.” What did he mean? Perhaps it was the fact that the inhabitants of this region were not very different in appearance from other Asians?

In the 19th century, pro-slavery advocates began to argue that the ancestors of modern Egyptians were so advanced only because they were of Caucasian origin. They suggested that the rulers and priests in ancient Egypt had white skin, and their slaves were dark-skinned. At the same time, Afrocentric historians assured everyone of the African origin of ancient Egyptian civilization. In their opinion, the ancient Egyptians were representatives of the Negroid race. The truth is most likely somewhere in the middle.

This is interesting: In 1881, the mummy of Ramesses II (an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled around the 13th century BC) was discovered. Almost 100 years passed before French researchers decided to study it in detail. The results of the tests showed that the pharaoh had red hair. Is it worth reminding that dark-skinned Africans do not have this hair color? It is believed that Ramesses II had Libyan roots. If so, then he was light-skinned.

Modern depictions of one of the most famous ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Tutankhamun, are causing serious controversy among scholars.

This is interesting: Tutankhamun became the ruler of Egypt at the age of 9. This happened around 1330 BC.

Many Afrocentric scholars believe that the portrayal of Pharaoh Tutankhamun as white-skinned is racist and inaccurate. But passions grew even more intense when modern Egyptian scientists deciphered the genetic code of Tutankhamun.

Despite the fact that the researchers who analyzed Tutankhamun's DNA did not provide any information regarding his race, representatives of various neo-Nazi organizations began to claim that Tutankhamun had light skin. Moreover, according to them, the pharaoh was of Scandinavian origin.

At the same time, the Egyptian government was recently accused of hiding information that Tutankhamun was in fact a Jew. And who to believe?


The people of Ancient Egypt called their state Kmt (pronounced "Kemet"), which means "black". But why did the Egyptians use such a name? Some scholars believe that the expression "land of black people" was meant. Others claim that it was related to the “black land”.

Modern linguists are inclined to the second option. According to them, the annual floods of the Nile turned the dry desert area into a blooming oasis, rich in fertile black soil. The black soils contrasted with the sand-covered lands that the Egyptians called dsrt (translated as “red earth”).

Egyptologists believe that Cleopatra had Greco-Macedonian roots. But it is not known for certain who Cleopatra’s mother was and where she was from.

Historians claim that for political reasons, the great ancient Egyptian queen ordered the death of her half-sister (who probably had the same father as Cleopatra, but a different mother) Arsinoe IV.

It is known that Arsinoe was half African. Consequently, Cleopatra's mother, like the queen herself, could also be of African origin. In the nineties of the last century, archaeologists announced that they had found the tomb of Arsinoe IV. Unfortunately, DNA analysis of the skeleton found in it turned out to be useless.

The classics prefer not to discuss Cleopatra’s race at all. They believe that we should appreciate only her great deeds, without paying attention to such insignificant things as skin color or origin.

The ancient Egyptian temples that have survived to this day contain statues, papyri, numerous wall paintings and other artifacts that allow us to get a more or less complete picture of how their creators saw themselves.

The ancient Egyptians depicted their contemporaries with skin of different colors - from light brown to red, yellow or black. Moreover, men's skin was usually darker than women's. This difference was most likely due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex worked most of the time on the street. Unfortunately, the works of art created by representatives of the ancient Egyptian civilization were not particularly realistic. It is quite possible that the skin color of the people depicted in the drawings had a symbolic character.

For example, the image of people with red faces or hair meant that they were in the power of the god Set, the lord of the desert. Some researchers suggest that the Egyptians, when creating their works, may have deliberately depicted themselves with reddish or copper skin in order to distinguish themselves from the inhabitants of Sudan, the Nubians, who have black skin in the drawings.

The Great Sphinx statue in Giza was built approximately 2.5 thousand years BC. Many Egyptologists believe that the face of the Sphinx belongs to Pharaoh Khafre, but there is no absolute certainty about this.

In 1780, the historian François Volney, after visiting Giza, wrote that the Sphinx “has facial features characteristic of the Negroid race.” In other words, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were dark-skinned. But modern scholars dispute this assumption, arguing that it is almost impossible to solve the riddle of ethnicity from the face of the statue. The fact is that over several millennia, rain, wind, heat and other weather phenomena greatly spoiled the appearance of the Sphinx.

This did not stop forensic expert Frank Domingo from taking measurements of the Sphinx’s face in the early nineties of the last century and, based on the data obtained, concluding that it definitely does not belong to Pharaoh Khafre. According to Domingo, the statue most likely depicts a person belonging to the Negroid race.

At the end of the 19th century, the British scientist William Matthew Flinders Petrie became seriously interested in ancient Egyptian artifacts.

This is interesting: Petrie made a significant contribution to Egyptology, because he was the first to discover the prehistoric culture that preceded Ancient Egypt.

But many of the other ideas William put forward were quite controversial. For example, he argued that the civilization of early Egypt resulted from the invasion of a “New Race” that managed to conquer a “decadent prehistoric civilization.” The scientist argued that Egyptian artifacts from the prehistoric period have nothing in common with their later counterparts. That is, the “New Race” probably destroyed or expelled the entire population of prehistoric Egypt to other territories. Petrie suggested that members of the "New Race" might have been of Libyan or Persian origin.

In 2002, Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson presented to the public the results of a study of rock art discovered in the so-called Eastern Desert (the Sahara region stretching from the Red Sea to the Nile Valley). Cave paintings dating back to around 4000 BC show a typical Nile River valley with boats, fishermen, crocodiles, hippos, etc. Similar images are also found in later paintings dating back to the dynastic period of Egyptian history. These similarities led Wilkinson to suggest that the ancient Egyptians came from the Eastern Desert.

The scientist is sure that their ancestors were semi-nomadic pastoralists who moved between the banks of rivers and the arid territories of the Eastern Desert. It covered the lands of modern Egypt, eastern Sudan and Ethiopia.

This is interesting: A study of almost a thousand ancient Egyptian skeletons conducted in 2006 showed that their teeth were the same regardless of the age of the remains. Representatives of modern peoples of the North African region have the same jaw structure. The teeth of Europeans and inhabitants of the Middle East are radically different from those studied.

The study team's author, Joel Irish, suggested that the ancient Egyptians were of mixed ancestry (they had Nilotic, Levantine, Libyan and other roots). According to Irish, the mixing of peoples occurred long before the dynastic period - the “Golden Age” of Ancient Egypt.

As you can see, even reputable scientists armed with modern equipment cannot come to a consensus on what the ancient Egyptians looked like. But is this mystery really that important? Maybe we should just be proud of the legacy left by the ancient Egyptian civilization and not ask unnecessary questions?

Many years ago, namely 70 years have passed since Edgar Cayce predicted that one day a room would be found in Egypt that would be called the Hall of Evidence or the Hall of Records, and it would be associated with the Sphinx. It is this room that will tell us about the existence of a Highly Developed Civilization on Earth millions of years ago, and the passage to the Hall of Evidence will come from the room located under the right paw of the Sphinx.

Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre. It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely. They also found a large cavity behind the northwestern wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid, extending underneath the monument.

They used modern "non-destructive testing" techniques based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment. But before they could conduct further research, Egyptian authorities intervened and stopped the project. Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber. Likewise, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobecki. And it also led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx.

Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University. But his work was suddenly stopped in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. Moreover, the Egyptian government no longer allowed new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx. And this despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, which local authorities had previously been interested in.

Also in 1993, the film “The Secret of the Sphinx” was released, in which the emphasis was placed on the fact that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis date back to at least the 11th millennium BC. Partial funding for The Secret of the Sphinx was provided by the Edgar Cayce Foundation and its affiliate Association for Research and Enlightenment, ECF/ARE, and their supporters. It was this documentary that first reported on Thomas Dobecki's seismic survey around the Sphinx and his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the rock beneath its front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction. Also in 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from the Old Kingdom with underground tunnels that were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx. But the emphasis was still placed not on the Hall of Testimonies under the Sphinx, but on another discovery that distracted the public from the Hall of Testimonies. This discovery was information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. With great problems, but he managed to remove the opening of this door. This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch. And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive in time the necessary permission to film the opening of the door from the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslmann.

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities not to attempt to continue studying the Great Pyramid.

And in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television, which was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx. And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “not even Indiana Jones dreamed of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx! No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."
I can assume that this film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” Volume 2, Chapter 11, which was published in 2003. This is the passage in his book:

“In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: something has now been discovered that surpasses anything ever found in Egypt. A stone stele (a flat stone slab with inscriptions) emerged from the ground between the Sphinx's paws. The inscriptions on it spoke of the Hall of Testimonies and the room under the Sphinx. The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele so that no one could read the hieroglyphs engraved on it.

Then they began to dig the ground between the Sphinx's paws and discovered the room that the Japanese discovered in 1989. It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities followed a tunnel from this room into a circular room from which three more tunnels led to the Great Pyramid. In one of them, two amazing phenomena were discovered.

First, the officials saw a light field, a veil of light blocking the entrance. When we tried to go through this field, nothing happened. Even a bullet couldn't penetrate it.

Additionally, if anyone attempted to physically approach the light field within approximately 9 m (30 ft), the person would become ill and begin to vomit. If he tried to forcefully move forward, he felt that he was dying. No one, as far as I know, could touch the mysterious field. When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth, something completely unthinkable was discovered behind the light field. An underground twelve-story building—can you imagine, twelve floors going deep into the earth! The Egyptians realized that they could not cope with these problems on their own. The Egyptian government asked for foreign assistance.

It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who could turn off the light field and enter the tunnel. He will have two assistants. One of these people is a good friend of mine, so I closely followed the course of events, receiving information first hand. My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which had to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this unique tunnel.

By the way, it was Paramount that made the film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and therefore she had very good connections in Egypt. The researchers planned to enter, or at least attempt to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which it agreed to. However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, the Egyptians decided that they wanted more money and asked for one and a half million "under the counter", which infuriated the film company. Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. It was quiet for about three months.

Then I accidentally learned that another group of three people had entered the tunnel. They turned off the light field using the sounds of their voices and the holy names of God. The leader of the group, who is widely known and does not want his name mentioned, went to Australia and showed a video film of the penetration of a tunnel and a twelve-story building, and the latter turned out to be more than just a building. This structure extended underground for many miles and was actually the outskirts of the city. I have three good friends in Australia who have seen this film.

Then another person appeared, Larry Hunter, who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt. Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, except that it was more detailed. The city covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 by 8 miles) and extends twelve floors deep into the earth, the perimeter of the city is outlined by unique Egyptian temples.

The following information echoes the work of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, Message of the Sphinx. Graham and Robert guessed that the three pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt. According to researchers, all the major stars of the Orion constellation can be found in the temple locations in Egypt, but they have never been able to conclusively prove this theory. Mr. Hunter did this, and I have seen for myself that his proof is correct.

Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples at every single location corresponding to every major star in the Orion constellation. He used the Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate these locations on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft) and physically visited each location where the temple would mark a star. This is how this hypothesis was tested.

Another thing is surprising: in every place there was a temple, and each temple was made of a unique material, not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid. It's called a coin in stone. It's limestone that looks like it has coins mixed into it. It is unique and found only in temples located within the six and a half by eight mile area of ​​the underground city.

This is the hypothesis in brief, the correctness of which is disputed by official Egyptian authorities. The underground city that Thoth spoke about really exists, and it can accommodate 10 thousand people. According to Mr. Hunter, the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of unique material, and the location of the temples themselves correspond to the location of the stars in the constellation Orion.

Based on what I've seen, I think it's true, although Egyptian officials consider the city a fantasy. I take an objective point of view. In the end, the truth will definitely become known. If this is true, then when the underground city is uncovered, this archaeological find will lead to the growth of human consciousness."

I can add to what Drunvalo Melchizedek said above only that this underground city is one of the cities of Shambhala. Information from Melchizedek's book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” was known to everyone who was interested in Egypt more deeply than simple curiosity. Because some printed publications, at one time, wrote articles about this, but nothing more. As for the Sphinx and the Hall of Evidence below it, a local archaeological team has still been working there for many years under the leadership of Zaha Hawass.

His group works secretly, almost never going to the surface unnecessarily. And if someone has to go to the surface, it is done at night, when there are no tourists near the Pyramids and near the Sphinx. No one is against local archaeologists secretly or openly conducting their research on the territory of their country. It's their right. This is their country. These are their Pyramids and their Sphinx. But there is one important and very significant “BUT”, which gave me the right to intervene in the local affairs of Egypt.

But quite recently, this group of archaeologists, including their leader Zahi Hawass, made a Great Discovery, which the Egyptian Authorities decided to hide from the Humanity of the Earth. This discovery was a secret chamber where the only item belonging to Thoth is kept - his Rod of Energy, which is mentioned by him himself in his Tablets: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlante” - “Emerald Tablet I: The Story of Thoth Atlante”:

“We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the land beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis. Then I raised my staff and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them.”

There is a mention of this same Rod in Elizabeth Heich’s book “Initiation”, chapter 32. “Instructions of Ptahhotep”:
“Your father's rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it. Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are able to perceive them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states.

Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred. The initiate always uses the wand to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve him only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them.” And now I will tell you about the Storage Chamber of the Rod of Thoth and about the Rod of Energy itself: The Storage Chamber of the Rod itself is located behind the Hall of Evidence, just opposite the very passage and entrance to the Hall itself, the Light Barrier from which was removed in 1997.

The door to the Chamber was opened by pressing on the stone and pushing it deep into the wall. On this stone was engraved the Rod of Thoth Energy with rays. On the left stone, from the key stone, the goddess Maat was depicted. And on the stone to the right of it, Maat is also depicted, but with a Rod. After activating the key stone, part of the wall of the Hall of Evidence went inward, and the Door slid aside, ending up behind the wall of the Hall of Evidence. This revealed a large doorway, which opened access to the Chamber of the Rod. The Chamber of the Rod is large and square in shape.

In the center of the Chamber there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. At the top of the pyramid in its center is the Rod of Thoth Energy itself. The Rod of Life has the appearance of a tall staff. It is approximately 1.5 meters high and 3 cm in diameter in the center. The rod narrows towards the bottom and widens towards the top. It is all strewn with precious stones, from which symbols are laid out. The top of the Rod is crowned with a crystal. It is the Energy Crystal on top of the Rod of Life that emits the Radiance of Life, illuminating everything around with its light. And this light, like the Light of Energy, spreads into the open doorway, illuminating the area directly in front of the Chamber in the Testimony Hall itself.

The reaction of some people to this energy from the Rod of Life is the same as it was before to that Light Force Field that blocked the passage to the Hall of Evidence: People felt sick - they felt nauseous, and if a person stayed a little longer, he felt sick. The same reaction occurs to an overdose of drugs, and in this case, to an overdose of the human Soul with energies coming from the Rod of Life. Therefore, the further a person is from the Camera, the better he is, and the closer he gets to the Camera of the Rod, the worse he becomes.

This is the reaction of the human Soul to the energies of the Rod of Life. But not all people have the same reaction to the energies from the Rod of Life. There were also people who were able to approach the Chamber of the Rod and even enter it without consequences for their health. True, they were able to move forward only to a certain point, and then they felt bad and quickly left. I can assume that only the Heir of Thoth will be able to pick up the Rod of Life.

One of the people of the Earth, on whose Soul the Rod was encoded to merge their Energies as their Life Force. The union of the Life Forces, as the energies of the Rod of Life and the Heir of Thoth, will occur at the moment of their physical contact. And then we will be able to see the energy of the Soul of the one whom He chose to become the new owner for his Rod of Energy, for the Rod always radiates the energy that a person spent into it. This force has the same type of vibration as human energy, therefore it is safe for humans, but within reason.

But while the Chamber of the Rod and the Hall of Testimony itself will be closed to tourists, the Heir of Thoth will not be able to take his Heritage - the Rod of Life in his hands, and the Second Coming will not take place, although Time and Timing are approaching their climax, for the Change of Ages and the Judgment The day was appointed by the Gods for December 21, 2012. And the Egyptian authorities, on the eve of this important event for the Humanity of the Earth, are hiding the fact of this Greatest Discovery in the History of our planet from the public, postponing the Second Coming indefinitely. And now, at this point in time, we have two options for further developments:

1. Or wait until the Egyptian authorities wake up to their conscience and they make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back then in 1997. Namely: the removal of the Light Force Field from the passage to the Hall of Evidence and the Hall of Evidence itself. And what they filmed now, when the Chamber of the Rod was Opened in Thoth’s own House.

2. Or ask the Egyptian Authorities to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Testimonies and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and try to pick up the Rod of Life and become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.

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