Inflated motivation. Hang out with positive people

How to increase motivation? To answer this question, we propose using seven effective methods. Take action, but the result will take a long time to arrive!

We all want to optimize our time and do what we enjoy. Every day we strive to get closer to achieving our goals and living happy, successful lives. However, simply waiting for inspiration to start moving forward is not enough. You must act and not assume that everything will happen by itself. Only one action can bring, even small ones, and give you new experience. The only question is how to force yourself to act and how to find motivation?

1. Want to increase your motivation? Then learn to simplify!

Be creative when planning your life. Give up those activities that you don't like and take up too much time and energy. It is very difficult to find motivation when your mind is overwhelmed with a lot of thoughts about the tasks you need to complete. Therefore, simplify. One way to simplify is to start combining different activities. Think about which ones you can boil down to one action. This will give you more time and a feeling of satisfaction, which in turn increases motivation.

2. Set achievable goals

Remember that we should always set ourselves specific goals that can be achieved within a very realistic period of time. This is good for helping the brain focus only on those things that are achievable. When we make visible progress towards our goals, we become much happier and ultimately become more motivated to move forward.

3. Develop new habits

Sometimes the smallest changes in life produce the biggest results. When you start going to the gym, recording videos, or practicing singing, the key to doing these is consistency and repetition. If you can't seem to finish a project, just start doing small things every day, even if it only takes five minutes. Remember that small actions can lead to significant results.

4. Work with your subconscious

The human brain is a fantastic problem-solving tool. If you have questions you're looking for answers to, take a few minutes before bed to rethink everything. Imagine what the solution could be. Visualize your goals and ways to achieve them. After sleep, write down everything that comes to mind and start taking action.

5. Focus on your surroundings.

The people you spend time with influence and change your life in one way or another. Surround yourself with those who support and motivate you. We can always choose who we spend the day with and what we spend our time on. You can always decide for yourself: to stay with a person who sucks energy out of you and puts moral pressure on your personality, or to stay with a person who inspires you and is happy about your successes.

6. Visualize your ideal future

If you lack motivation, try focusing on a goal that leads to what you want to achieve in the future. A great way to increase motivation is to think more about your ideal future. Where would you like to be in 5 years? What is your main goal? What needs to happen for you to be very happy with your achievements?

7. Don't be afraid to take action

Learn to resist. We all have a lot on our plate, and sometimes it's easy to feel overwhelmed with work. However, you can always start small and work your way up to something bigger. Gradually, step by step. The main thing is not to sit idly by.

Every person goes through difficult times when you don’t want to do anything, especially work. At this point, many people are wondering how to increase motivation. We suggest that you understand the term “self-motivation” from the very beginning.

Self-motivation (personal motivation)- a situation in which a person encourages himself to take certain actions. It performs an important function in achieving what you want. Surely every person knows that without motivation or incentive it will be difficult to do boring work. If motivation does not prevail, then sooner or later laziness will take its place in the sun, which will encourage you to come up with new excuses that close all doors in your face.

To achieve what you want in the shortest possible time, you need to overcome laziness and increase your own motivation in all possible ways. Motivating yourself means starting an imaginary “engine” that can help you achieve your desired goal. How does this engine start?

Here are a few ways to start your personal engine:

The visualization method helps you constantly remind yourself of what you want. For example: you have long dreamed of a new apartment in which you can live separately from your parents. But due to financial difficulties, this seemed impossible to you. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to work long and monotonously, which does not always create a good mood for further work.

What should be done? Constantly remind yourself of how you will furnish your new apartment, celebrate housewarming with friends, how cozy it will be, and most importantly, how yours. When you think about this, what you want will gradually become feasible due to the fact that you have the desire to work. As a result, you will still be able to save up for the long-awaited apartment, and your visualization will turn into unforgettable moments.

Praise yourself. Provided that the planned work is completed on time, you will be able to relax, do your favorite things or have fun. If you can earn more than usual, then treat yourself to nice gifts, and if laziness takes over, imagine how you will buy this gift.

For many, an effective way is to attend various trainings for motivation or read books on this topic. The story of someone else's success pleases the soul and increases self-motivation. It can be a great boost to read similar stories from people who have had the same goals as you. For example: you want to lose weight, but your desires to eat something tasty occupy your thoughts, and you put everything off until later. Pull yourself together, read stories from other people's experiences about effective weight loss, look at photos of the results. Some had worse weight problems, but were able to find the strength to achieve the coveted number on the scales. These stories will inspire you and push you to take small steps that will turn into stunning success. Be inspired and everything will definitely work out!

Never compare yourself to others! The best example for you is yourself. This method greatly improves prospects and self-esteem. Doing the opposite will make the situation worse, causing you to become disappointed in yourself.

Don’t pay attention to how many more steps you have to take towards your desired goal, pay attention to the steps you’ve already taken. Think about whether you are ready to give up everything one step before your dream comes true. Believe in yourself!

Get the past out of your head, including your mistakes. Constantly thinking about past disappointments creates a barrier to future success! Wake up thinking about a new day, new achievements. This method will help you to distract yourself from the mistakes you have made and wrong actions. Don't miss your chance to get it right!

Get a successful and positive company. If you want to learn to play the guitar, the most effective way is to spend time with a couple of good guitarists. Such a company will be able to support you and point out your mistakes in the game. You shouldn’t shy away from criticism; it’s better to take note of this and try to correct the mistake. It’s another matter if it’s a bunch of people who will oppress you as a person and criticize your hobby. Then, of course, you will not be able to achieve success, but on the contrary, you will withdraw into yourself.

As Richard Branson said: “To hell with everything. Take it and do it." The most effective advice would be to forget about problems and enjoy life, which has a very positive effect on mood, which improves motivation. Realize that no one will do everything for you. You build your own life, calling it destiny. If you want to achieve the best, start acting right now! Get your butt off the couch, don’t let laziness take over you, start acting step by step, because everything big starts with small things. Get inspired! We wish you good luck in achieving your goals.

What are the basic principles and approaches to increasing the motivation of employees in an organization? What methods are used to increase motivation? What are the mistakes when developing a motivation system?

Being a leader at the highest level is not easy. The production commander, who only gives out orders and fines, does not keep highly qualified specialists. How can you ensure that your subordinates receive moral satisfaction from their work and do not look towards competing companies?

We will consider motivation problems and their solutions in our new article. With you is the business magazine “HeatherBeaver” and regular author of publications Anna Medvedeva.

At the end of the article you will find an overview of mistakes that are made when developing and implementing motivation systems. Read and prevent management failures in your organization.

1. Why is employee motivation necessary?

A new employee in a team is usually full of ideas and enthusiasm. This distinguishes him from the bulk of workers, who are no longer so zealous in fulfilling their official duties. But after some time, the newcomer merges with the general mass of employees and also becomes more passive.

This state of affairs is typical for most enterprises. This makes management think that employees need some kind of incentive to encourage them to be active, positive and self-development. Therefore, institutions interested in increasing income and productivity are introducing a motivation system.

What it is?

This is the internal need of workers to perform their job duties efficiently and effectively, as well as the creation of conditions for them that cause this need.

The correct motivation system, that is, one that produces results, involves a combination of two types - motivation collective And personal.

It’s great when a team becomes a team of like-minded people who work together towards a common goal, and everyone is aware of this very goal. But no global goals inspire as much as personal ones.

And if management manages to delve into the system of needs of its subordinates and harmoniously link personal motivation with collective motivation, then we can say that a positive result is guaranteed.

Inspire your employees- one of the main missions of a good leader. After all, if he becomes a leader not only by position, but also due to his personal qualities, the team will follow him and conquer any labor peaks. A flexible approach to business always wins.

Many will ask the question: what to do with outright slackers? Who are not motivated by any benefits and whose only goal is to receive a salary for being present at the workplace?

Competent managers simply get rid of them. Yes, it’s tough, but the main danger of parasites is not that they receive a salary for nothing. And not even that their work has to be done overtime by other employees.

The main danger of idlers - this is demotivation of the entire team. One such element can “infect” apathy and nullify the motivation of the entire team.

Here we will briefly talk about each.

Method 1. Financial incentives

There are two types of financial incentives. The table will clearly demonstrate their essence to you.

Types of material incentives for employees:

Needless to say, material reward is the most tangible and powerful type of motivation.

Method 2. Non-material incentives

How to increase motivation using non-material rewards?

There are also different ways to do this:

  • changing the work schedule to be beneficial for employees;
  • corporate events;
  • recognition ceremonies;
  • change in employee status;
  • change of workplace, etc.

The main goal of non-material incentives is to increase interest and job satisfaction using intellectual and moral incentives. And also add positivity to your workdays.

Method 3. Application of sanctions

This is the so-called negative motivation. That is, a system of punishments.

Forms of negative motivation:

  • fines;
  • deprivation of status;
  • public condemnation;
  • in special cases - criminal liability, etc.

Such methods of motivating employees can be effective, but only in certain cases. And they must be applied immediately after unwanted actions are carried out.

The most reasonable option is two-way motivation , that is, a combination of punishments and rewards. Moreover, rewards should act as a primary factor, and punishments as a secondary factor.

The employee motivation system is diverse and largely depends on the specifics of the enterprise.

We have chosen universal tools and principles that will be useful to any leader and will come in handy in any team.

Tip 1. Ask employees about their performance

This does not mean total control over the activities of each employee. Of course, there is some degree of control here, but the main goal is different. This technique is necessary primarily for the internal composure of employees.

Not everyone will count at the end of the working day, for example, the number of calls made and how many of them were successful. If the manager begins to be interested in this, the employee’s level of self-information will increase, as will internal motivation after a visual analysis of his own achievements.

Information from the article “” will complement this topic.

This is necessary to track the degree of interest of your employees in the results of their work. The majority of managers have a vague idea of ​​the level of motivation in their team or do not have it at all. This gap is filled by ordinary communication with the team.

At pre-planned meetings, discuss not only work issues and plans for the future. Try to delve into what is important to employees now, what motivates everyone, and what hinders progress.

During detailed conversations, employees are convinced that management is interested in the lives of their subordinates, and the manager receives important information about the motivation of his employees.

Tip 3. Formulate instructions to employees as clearly as possible

The same applies to the reward system. The more specific the request is formulated, the more specific the results will be.

Every employee needs to know:

  • what he does;
  • why is he doing this;
  • within what period of time he must do this;
  • what will he get for it?

Largely thanks to specifics, the employee motivation system becomes successful.

The staff themselves will help you with this. Many of them develop interesting and useful thoughts during their working life, which are sometimes useful to put into practice. The main thing is to be able to listen and find a rational grain even in the most unusual and, at first glance, unpromising ideas.

To create a bank of ideas, keep a separate notebook or file (whichever is more convenient for you) and record all your employees’ ideas in it. Do this, and you will see that most of your colleagues have an extraordinary mind and imagination, and many have a sense of humor.

Any employee who is committed to career growth also strives to learn. A person who finds himself in his place acquires new skills in his professional field with interest and pleasure. Therefore, motivation by knowledge is a very powerful lever for self-improvement.

Let's add a small nuance. Provide the opportunity to acquire new knowledge that will be useful to employees in your production. Otherwise, you can prepare a specialist for someone else.

Tip 6. Provide employees with unscheduled rest

There are many variations of this type of encouragement. For certain achievements, employees receive additional rest in the form of time off or, for example, the opportunity to come to work later on certain days or leave a little earlier.


The office supply company introduced a record of goods sold during the week. A sales report is made every Friday evening.

Based on the results of the report, the most active sales manager is calculated. As a bonus for success, he receives the right to go to work on the coming Monday not in the morning, but in the afternoon.

This type of employee motivation is very important, for example, for young professionals.

We have already talked about monetary rewards above. Here it is worth mentioning separately about the calculation of annual bonuses. Such bonuses are very important for every employee, and this is natural. After all, a long reporting period is closing, and the rewards for it are the highest.


If the set goals were achieved by 90% or more, the bonus is awarded in the amount of 100%.

80% of goals achieved - 50% bonus.

Less than 70% - no bonus is awarded.

4. Help in increasing employee motivation - review of the TOP 3 service companies

Now let's turn to some companies whose field of activity is related to training in the field of business management, as well as the provision of services for the development of motivation systems.

Professionals always know better how to do it and teach it to others.

1) MAS Project

The unique management system developed by this company will help improve the work process for both management and staff.

If you run a business, you will learn:

  • increase the productivity of each employee;
  • synchronize company goals and employee goals;
  • manage projects and tasks;
  • regulate areas of responsibility;
  • control staff employment;
  • Conduct quality planning sessions and meetings.

Thanks to the MAS Project system, employees will learn:

  • track the fulfillment of goals and earned bonuses;
  • manage your tasks;
  • manage your employment;
  • realize your role in the common cause;
  • understand your own areas of responsibility;
  • view all information in one resource.

You can confidently trust MAS Project. A system created while solving real business problems is the most reliable and viable.

2) Business Relations

This company is the first in Russia to begin providing training in the field of relationships. It began its activities in 1996, and in 2007 opened a corporate direction.

During their professional career, the company's specialists have become experts in the field of working with relationships. “It is the attitude to work and to life that determines the result” is the main postulate on which the entire learning process is built here.

Among others, the company offers corporate training “Business Context”, after which many organizations have already made a breakthrough in business development. The training consists of 70% practice, which allows it to dramatically increase the level of staff involvement in the work process.

3) Moscow Business School

Human resource management courses offered by the Moscow Business School will be useful not only to business managers, but also to everyone whose activities are directly related to hiring, training, motivating and improving the skills of employees.

After completing this training, you will easily:

  • understand legal and financial management issues;
  • develop employee motivation and reward systems;
  • evaluate and hire employees;
  • engage in training and development of personnel.

Business trainers and teachers of Moscow Business School are also engaged in other areas, which allows them to develop original teaching methods based on personal experience. After completing the training, you will also receive tips for further development.

5. What are the mistakes when increasing employee motivation - 5 main mistakes

Any enterprise motivation program is imperfect and often makes mistakes - this is inevitable.

We have selected the most common ones. After all, if not all, then many problems can be avoided if you know their causes.

Error 1. Punishment with rubles

This is the most ineffective employee motivation in an organization. I would even say that deprivation of bonuses and fines have the opposite effect.

As a rule, such measures are taken to stop systematic violations, and not to improve labor standards. On the one hand, this is logical. On the other hand, this approach is extremely undesirable, since it embitters people and kills any desire to perform their duties efficiently. And even more so - to develop.

Mistake 2. Lack of a feedback system

Any motivation system requires adjustments during implementation. But any change made at the suggestion of employees, that is, direct participants in the process, will be much more effective and rational.

Feedback helps to correct errors as accurately as possible. It also establishes trusting relationships between managers and the team. Each employee feels not only his importance in production, but also the weight of his voice for management.

Without feedback, it is impossible for an employee to objectively evaluate the results of his work. What are its advantages and weaknesses? In what direction should we develop? What knowledge and skills are missing to make the result of work more effective?

It will not be surprising if such an employee sooner or later submits a resignation letter, even if he copes with his responsibilities and receives a decent salary.

Mistake 3: Paying too much attention to individual employees

Selecting favorites in a team invariably suggests the lack of professionalism of the manager and his bias in resolving management issues. It’s even worse when such actions directly indicate personal relationships that have nothing to do with the work process.

A competent motivation system will tell you how to identify an employee worthy of encouragement. And this will be visible not only to management, but also to other team members.

Mistake 4. Reluctance to train employees

Saving on training is always questionable. It is impossible to increase the level of labor without increasing the level of qualifications. And the second, in turn, is impossible without special training.

The opportunity to learn additional skills and develop is a strong argument in favor of the company. Even qualified specialists are guided by this factor when choosing a place of work.

Any rational motivation system provides for employee training. And every experienced manager knows that spending on improving the skills of employees always pays off.

Internal collective training is highly effective. Its result is doubly justified: employees acquire personal efficiency skills, and the manager improves his managerial qualities.

Mistake 5. Opacity of the remuneration system

This approach is the exact opposite of motivation. It will definitely leave employees feeling deceived. It is important for each person not only to receive bonuses, but also to be aware of how they are awarded.

What if, after seeing the principles of bonus distribution, employees are inspired to achieve higher achievements? Have you thought about this?

From the expert in the video, you will learn about other common mistakes that managers make when implementing a motivation system.

6. Conclusion

Let's summarize.

Motivation of employees is an internal motivation for labor feats. And in order for this impulse to arise and not be lost over time, it is necessary to create certain conditions and constantly maintain them.

Motivating staff in an organization - an example of preparing a staff motivation system in 5 steps + tips for managing staff motivation in an organization

Motivation and self-motivation are vital for those who want to succeed in life and succeed in what they love. But not everyone knows how to increase motivation. It is very important not to lose heart in any situation when it seems that you have no more strength and you don’t want anything. In such a situation, the only way to move on is to motivate yourself to take further action. Many people give up even before they fail. To avoid making such a mistake, you need to learn a few rules about managing motivation. They will help you stay afloat in the most difficult situations.

  1. A clear purpose and a compelling reason. In order to have the strength to move somewhere, you need to have a clear goal. If there is no purpose and reason for action, then you will not have the desire to act. Moreover, you must really want to achieve the goal. She should be inspiring and very attractive. Once you find such a goal, you can make every effort to achieve it and overcome any difficulties.
  2. A cherished dream. A dream is not the same as a goal. A correctly chosen goal and reason encourages active action, and a dream, first of all, provides inspiration. It should be very large and far enough to keep you moving no matter the circumstances. A dream should encourage you to get out of your comfort zone, take risks, and use all your resources and capabilities. Don't be afraid to have a dream that seems unrealistic to you.
  3. Thirst for action. Choose goals that awaken in you not only desire, but also a thirst for action. When you feel like you are tired and confused on the path to your dreams and goals, stop for a minute and think about them, about what you are trying for. By turning to thoughts of a goal, you will receive a dose of inspiration and again feel the thirst for action.
  4. Look forward, not to the sides. The formation of motivation directly depends on your character and lifestyle. To motivate themselves, many people compare themselves and their lives to others. Don't make this mistake. Everyone goes their own way, everyone has their own goal and their own dream, do not allow yourself to be led astray by the influence of other people. You cannot compare a musician and a boxer, a pilot and a painter, because their lives are completely different. They all understand success in their own way and go to it in different ways. Comparing yourself to others can mistakenly lower your self-esteem. Compare your present self with your past self. This is the only way you will know if you have become a better person. And only such a comparison can truly motivate and inspire.
  5. One step rule. Many people do not know how to increase motivation to study or work when great difficulties arise along the way. Indeed, it can be very difficult to overcome them and there is a temptation to stop. But there is one secret that will help you cope with your problems. When you have no strength to move on, take at least one more step forward. Even if it seems that the goal is unattainable, there is always the opportunity to do at least something more. And then you will see that you can take another step, albeit a small one. And this is how you can achieve your goal when it seemed impossible.
  6. The past is in the past. To manage motivation, it is important to let go of the past. Forget about past problems and failures and move forward. Let the new day and new opportunities motivate you, and let the burden of the past not hinder you. Think about what awaits you ahead, and what happened in the past will remain there.
  7. Reward for effort. Parents are often interested in how to increase educational motivation, and company management is interested in increasing staff motivation. There is a very simple rule that applies in any situation - reward for effort. Praise and encouragement after completing a task motivates you to continue to work and study well. If you want to motivate yourself, then don’t forget to reward yourself with something pleasant. Examples of motivation could be: praise yourself, allow yourself to rest, treat yourself with a gift or entertainment.

Do you want to lose weight so you can fit into your favorite outfit, feel healthy, or look great (or maybe all of the above)? Are you looking for extra income to fulfill your dream of going on vacation or buying a new car? Or maybe you just want to declutter your overflowing closet?

Determine why you want to achieve this goal and visualize the end result. Do you want to be in good shape to enjoy increased stamina and strength, or to feel the satisfaction of being admired by others? Will you feel excited when traveling to new places? Will you feel satisfied that you can easily find the item you need in your closet and close the door without any effort? Motivation should be at the forefront of your mind.

Use visualization as a goal-setting method. How will you feel when you achieve your goal? Confident? Excited? Close your eyes and try to imagine your “destination.” Feel it with your whole body. Repeat this exercise at least twice a day.

Write down your goal. This usually leads to better results than simply thinking about the goal. When you put your goals on paper and look at your notes every day, you will remain focused on the desired outcome, especially if achieving those goals will take a long time. No matter what you strive for, there will be many challenges along the way. Write down your goal and keep it in sight. This will make you move towards achieving your cherished dreams.

Break the path to your goal into small steps. Make your entire project more realistic by adding systematicity. Think carefully and write down all the little things that you think will help you move forward.

  • If your ultimate goal is to lose 10 kilograms, you shouldn't expect much success along the way. Enjoy your fitness routine and diet - it's more effective than just dreaming of a slim waist.
  • If you want to earn several hundred thousand rubles for an unforgettable vacation, think about how much you can realistically earn per week. Can you save the appropriate amount each week? Should you find an additional part-time job? Write down all your ideas.
  • Organizing a storage system in a closet can be divided into several stages. Take a look at your closet and decide which shelf to start with. Decide on your priorities and get to work.
  • Create an action plan. Look at your list of goals and objectives. Try to understand what you need to achieve every day to get closer to your goal.

    • What type of training should you choose?
      • Power training?
      • Cardiovascular training?
    • Where can I find extra money?
      • Overtime work?
      • Second job?
      • Saving your current income?
    • How much time will you allocate to organizing your closet?
      • 15 minutes a day?
      • 30 minutes a day?
      • Longer?
    • Where do you start?
      • Floor?
      • Shelves?
      • Hanger?
  • Review your plan daily, adjusting it as needed

    Create a positive atmosphere around you, because every difficult journey has its own setbacks. Surround yourself with people who will always support you. Stay focused on your goal. As Edmund Hillary said, “In almost any endeavor there will be times when you will have to overcome significant difficulties, and if you are able to cope with them, you will experience great satisfaction.” Accept failures and stay focused. The path to the goal is as important as achieving it.

  • Laugh at your failures and celebrate your success. Take time to review what you have already accomplished. When a small stage has been completed, give yourself a small gift.

    • Get a massage.
    • Enjoy a delicious meal alone or with friends.
    • Take a bubble bath.
    • Buy new gloves.
    • Do yoga or something that relaxes you.
    • Enjoy a good book.

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