Women's dead bodies. Beautiful and dead: 13 deaths of famous beauties

At the beginning of the month, a local historian was arrested in Nizhny Novgorod, in whose apartment more than a dozen mummified corpses of girls aged 15 to 25 were found.

(Total 9 photos)

1. A small three-room apartment with skeletons from which the detainee made life-size dolls was discovered by investigators shortly after the holidays.

2. As representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Nizhny Novgorod reported, at night a man made his way to the cemetery and dug out corpses from the ground. After that, he put the remains in bags and dragged them to his home. The historian was traced after the police began investigating numerous cases of desecration of graves at two local cemeteries - Sormovsky and Sortirovochny.

3. As the police said, the historian developed his own technology for mummifying bodies, which he used to store the remains dug up in the cemetery. He dressed the mummified women in bright outfits and headdresses and seated them around the apartment like dolls.

4. Anatoly Moskvin invested musical mechanisms, plush hearts and fragments of tombstones into the skeletal bodies of girls.

5. Investigators believe that the purpose of stealing the remains was for collecting.

6. At the moment, we know about 29 mummified corpses of young girls, whom Anatoly Moskvin dug out of their graves and turned into elegant dolls. The bodies were dug up between a year and 15 years ago. In addition, two boxes of bones were taken from the scientist’s home, the age and identity of which remains to be determined by experts.

7. It is known that at one time the man completed his postgraduate studies at one of the leading universities with a degree in Celticology, and once taught. Until his arrest, Anatoly Moskvin worked as a local historian, gave lectures and conducted excursions in the Nizhny Novgorod library of the Leninsky district.

8. Previously, Moskvin became the hero of articles by Nizhny Novgorod journalist Tatyana Kokina-Slavina. She wrote that Moskvin specializes in the study of cemeteries (local historian and necropolisist). He managed to visit more than 750 cemeteries and began preparing a corresponding guidebook for publication. Kokina-Slavina noted that Moskvin is also a polyglot - he knows 13 languages.

9. Moskvin was charged under the article of the Criminal Code “Desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places.” In the near future, various examinations will be carried out, including forensic psychiatric examinations.

Episodes of crime series often feature characters filming gory scenes at crime scenes or working in morgues. Everyone knows how this happens in the movies, but in reality there are quite a lot of people who are forced to deal with death every day due to their duty.

WARNING: Many of the photos were taken in the morgue and contain some very graphic scenes. It is not recommended for the impressionable to watch!!!

It took several months for the institute's leadership to finally give in. Budenz spent the entire next year among the corpses and those who work with them. As a result, two collections of images appeared: the first is dedicated to forensic experts who search for evidence at crime scenes, the second is about what happens to bodies after death: funeral homes, morgues, crematoria, etc. Of course, this is not the only photo collection dedicated to death. However, Budenz's work is distinguished by an atmosphere of calm and peaceful attitude towards this issue, without unnecessary drama. The photographer's goal is not to shock, but to try to reconcile the viewer with the idea of ​​death.

Episodes of crime series often feature characters filming gory scenes at crime scenes or working in morgues. Everyone knows how this happens in the movies, but in reality there are quite a lot of people who are forced to deal with death every day due to their duty.

German photographer Patrick Budenz decided to dedicate a separate project to these people and went to the Berlin Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminology, where he had to work hard to get full access to all laboratories and the right to photograph the work of all the specialists he was interested in. It took several months for the institute's leadership to finally give in. Budenz spent the entire next year among the corpses and those who work with them. As a result, two collections of images appeared: the first is dedicated to forensic experts who search for evidence at crime scenes, the second is about what happens to bodies after death: funeral homes, morgues, crematoria, etc.

Of course, this is not the only photo collection dedicated to death. However, Budenz's work is distinguished by an atmosphere of calm and peaceful attitude towards this issue, without unnecessary drama. The photographer's goal is not to shock, but to try to reconcile the viewer with the idea of ​​death.

Prisoners of the Gardelegen concentration camp, killed by guards shortly before the liberation of the camp.

The bodies of prisoners who died on the train on the way to the Dachau concentration camp.

A pile of corpses of prisoners in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

A pile of corpses of prisoners in the crematorium of the Dachau concentration camp. The bodies were discovered by soldiers of the US 7th Army.

By order of the Americans, captured German soldiers removed all the corpses of prisoners from the Lambach concentration camp in Austria. They were buried in the forest near the camp

An American soldier stands near the body of a Belgian boy killed by the Germans in Stavelot. The bodies of other executed civilians can be seen in the background.

From the testimony of the Belgian literature teacher Van der Essen at the Nuremberg trials:

“As for the first fact, that is, crimes committed by entire military formations, in order not to abuse the attention of the Tribunal, I will simply give a very typical example. This is an event that took place in Stavelot, where approximately 140 people, of whom there were 36 women and 22 children, the eldest of whom was 14 years old and the youngest 4 years old, were brutally murdered by German units belonging to the SS Panzer divisions.

These were the Hohenstaufen division and the SS guard division Adolf Hitler."

The corpse of a prisoner of the Leipzig-Thekla concentration camp on barbed wire. Leipzig-Thekla was a branch or "subcamp" of Buchenwald.

A French prisoner of the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp on the floor of a barracks among his dead comrades. The photo was taken immediately after the liberation of the camp by the Allies. Camp Mittelbau – Dora was a sub-camp of the infamous Buchenwald. It was a labor camp; its prisoners worked, among other things, at the Mittelwerk plant, where V-2 rockets were produced.

Filming location: surroundings of Nordhausen, Germany.

Punishers shoot Jewish women and children near the village of Mizoch, Rivne region. Those who still show signs of life are finished off in cold blood. Before execution, victims were ordered to remove all clothing.

The family of a Soviet collective farmer, killed on the day of the retreat of German troops.

A German boy walks along a dirt road, on the side of which lie the corpses of hundreds of prisoners who died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.

Two Ukrainian SS members, known as "Askaris", look at the bodies of murdered women and children during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Bagerovo anti-tank ditch near Kerch. Local residents mourn the people killed by the Germans - civilians: women, children, old people.

A fragment from the “Act of the Extraordinary State Commission on the atrocities of the Germans in the city of Kerch”, presented at the Nuremberg trials under the title “Document USSR-63”: “...The Nazis chose an anti-tank ditch near the village of Bagerovo as the site of mass execution, where they were transported by car for three days entire families of people doomed to death. Upon the arrival of the Red Army in Kerch, in January 1942, when examining the Bagerovo ditch, it was discovered that for a kilometer in length, 4 meters wide, 2 meters deep, it was filled with the corpses of women, children, old people and teenagers. There were frozen pools of blood near the ditch. There were also children's hats, toys, ribbons, torn buttons, gloves, bottles with nipples, boots, galoshes along with stumps of arms and legs and other parts of the body. It was all splattered with blood and brains. Fascist scoundrels shot the defenseless population with explosive bullets..."

In total, about 7 thousand corpses were found in the Bagerovo ditch.

A Soviet child next to his murdered mother. Concentration camp for civilians "Ozarichi". Belarus, town of Ozarichi, Domanovichi district, Polesie region.

Execution of a Jewish family in Ivangorod (Ukraine)

A German woman from the local population walks past the exhumed corpses of 800 Slavic workers killed by the SS. Such events were carried out by the Allies so that the German population knew about the crimes of their Nazi leaders.
Neighborhoods of the German city of Namering.

One of 150 victims from among the prisoners who died in the Gardelegen concentration camp. The man tried to escape, but died from fire and smoke.

Before the arrival of Soviet troops, the Nazi shot his family and committed suicide on the streets of Vienna.

Evgeniy Khaldei: “I went to the park near the parliament building to film the passing columns of soldiers. And I saw this picture. On the bench sat a woman, killed with two shots - in the head and neck, next to her were a dead teenager of about fifteen and a girl. A little further away lay the corpse of the father of the family. He had a gold NSDAP badge on his lapel, and a revolver lay nearby. (...) A watchman from the parliament building ran up:

It was he who did it, not the Russian soldiers. Came at 6 am. I saw him and his family from the basement window. Not a soul on the street. He moved the benches together, ordered the woman to sit down, and ordered the children to do the same. I didn't understand what he was going to do. And then he shot the mother and son. The girl resisted, then he laid her on a bench and also shot her. He stepped aside, looked at the result and shot himself.”

Nazis shoot civilians in Kaunas

Dead people are cool. Don't repeat their mistakes...

1. Lisa “Left eye” Lopez. She was one of the three members of the American group TLC, which became known far beyond the United States thanks to the hits Waterfalls and No scrubs. Lisa took the nickname “left eye” because she was once told that she had beautiful eyes, especially her left one. At concerts, she put a condom on the left lens of her glasses, thus promoting safe sex. Lisa died in a car accident in Honduras in 2002. At this time, she was preparing for the release of her second solo album and the fourth album of the TLC group.

2. Jean Harlow. She was called nothing less than the “Blonde Bombshell.” She was the embodiment of Marilyn Monroe before there was Marilyn Monroe herself. Harlow has played many film roles, such as Howard Hughes' Hell's Angels, as well as several films with Clark Gable. Jean Harlow literally hypnotized viewers with her incredible sex appeal. The actress died at the age of 26 from kidney failure. It is believed that the health of the star, who was married three times, was undermined by a severe flu that she suffered in the year of her death. Interestingly, Marilyn Monroe was going to play Harlow shortly before her death.

3. Anna Nicole Smith. “Woke up famous” after the publication of her photographs in Playboy magazine, as well as after her marriage to 89-year-old billionaire James Howard Marshall, who, by the way, died after a year of marriage. On February 8, 2007, Anna Nicole was found unconscious in a Florida hotel. She died on the way to the hospital. The preliminary version is a drug overdose. 11 types of narcotic substances were later found in her body.

4. Princess Diana. She was the first wife of Prince Charles, who would later take the throne of the United Kingdom. Diana was known all over the world for her charitable and peacekeeping activities (in particular, she was an activist in the movement to stop the production of anti-personnel mines and the fight against AIDS). In Great Britain, Diana has always been considered the most popular member of the royal family, she was called the Queen of Hearts. Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris. Together with Diana in the car were her friend Dodi al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul, who died on the spot. The princess died two hours later in hospital. The only surviving passenger, bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones, was seriously injured and has no memory of the events.

5. Dorothy Stratten. She was one of the most famous models of Playboy magazine. She became "Girl of the Month" in August 1979 and "Girl of the Year" in 1980. Dorothy was shot by her husband Paul Snyder, with whom she was divorced at that time and the model lived with her friend, director Peter Bogdanovich. Stratten and Snyder met to discuss the financial side of the divorce; the girl was later found shot in the head in her husband's bedroom. Snyder killed Dorothy and then committed suicide.

6. Selena Quintanilla-Perez. Selena was called the “Mexican Madonna”, she was the main singer on the Latin American scene. Selena became famous at a fairly young age and during her short but colorful life she managed to release about a dozen albums. Selena was killed by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldivar. In addition to her work at the fan club, Saldivar was the manager of Selena's stores in Texas, but she was fired for theft. In March 1995, Selena and Saldivar met at a hotel in Corpus Christi, Texas, to settle final financial matters. When the meeting ended and Selena was about to leave the hotel, Yolanda Saldivar shot her in the back. The singer was able to get to the reception, but later died in the hospital.


7. Edie Sedgwick. American actress, socialite and muse of Andy Warhol. Sedgwick became famous for starring in Warhol's underground films and participating in his Factory project. Sedgwick struggled with drug addiction for most of her adult life. By 1971, she was no longer using drugs, but her doctor prescribed barbiturates to stop her physical pain. On the night of November 15, 1971, Sedgwick took the prescribed amount of medication and went to bed; in the morning, Edie never woke up.

8. Chrissy Taylor. Got a pass to the modeling business thanks to her sister, supermodel Nicky Taylor. At the age of 11, she began participating in filming with her sister and soon her career took off. Chrissie was discovered dead in her parents’ apartment by her sister. As it later turned out, the cause of the model’s death was an asthma attack complicated by a sudden cardiac arrhythmia. For her age, this is a very rare and suspicious occurrence.

9. Considered one of the first supermodels. forerunner of 1980s supermodels Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford. Due to her striking resemblance to Karangi, the latter was often called Baby Gia. Gia's condition began to deteriorate in the early 80s, after he became heavily addicted to heroin. By December 1984, Gia had hit rock bottom. After pressure from her family, Gia was enrolled in a recovery program at Eagleville Hospital in Montgomery. She declared herself poor and lived on benefits. In 1986, she ended up in the hospital with signs of pneumonia. However, after examination it turned out that the model had HIV. - one of the first known women in the United States whose cause of death was openly identified as the immunodeficiency virus.

10. Jayne Mansfield was a blonde sex symbol of the 50s. She appeared on the pages of Playboy magazine more than once and stopped at nothing to achieve fame. Jane died in 1967 as a result of a car accident. The actress traveled with her boyfriend Sam Brody and three of her four children. The car in which the movie star was traveling collided with a tractor-trailer; only children survived the accident.

11. Aaliyah. American actress, singer and model. In an interview with an American publication, Aaliyah spoke about the origin of her name. “Aaliyah is an Arabic name with great power,” she said. As an actress, Aaliyah starred in the films “Romeo Must Die” and “Queen of the Damned.” The singer died on August 25, 2001, as a result of a plane crash on which she was returning from Abaco Island, where she was filming her new video. None of the eight people on board survived.

12. Sharon Tate, a Golden Globe nominee and the wife of director Roman Polanski, was a universal favorite due to her kindness and cheerful disposition. The actress, who was eight months pregnant, and her four friends were killed by members of the Charles Manson gang. Despite the fact that Tate begged for the life of her unborn child, the killers stabbed Sharon 16 times.

13. Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe was a true Hollywood icon and remains so today. With her beauty and incredible sexuality, she was able to charm President Kennedy, playwrights and athletes. No one was able to resist her charms. Marilyn Monroe died on the night of August 5, 1962 in Brentwood at the age of 36 from a lethal dose of sleeping pills. There are five versions of the cause of her death:

  • a murder committed by intelligence agencies on the orders of the Kennedy brothers to avoid publicity of their sexual relations;
  • murder committed by the mafia;
  • drug overdose;
  • suicide;
  • the tragic mistake of actress Ralph Greenson's psychoanalyst, who prescribed the patient to take chloral hydrate shortly after she took Nembutal.

Author: A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit an ordinary morgue. It would seem, what’s wrong with this? Well, the morgue, well, we’ll all be there. The point is that without being a mortuary employee or his comrade, “outsiders” have no special opportunity to inspect, much less photograph, all the premises. Relatives of the deceased visit only the farewell hall and a couple of other rooms ready to receive them, medical students visit the auditorium and sometimes the sectional room.
In the review below the cut, I suggest you familiarize yourself with how the true last journey occurs - the journey of the body from the moment of death to the moment the coffin with the body is handed over to relatives for further burial/sending to the crematorium. The review is illustrated, but is as ethical as possible. There is only one corpse in the photographs, and that one with a bag on his head.

It all starts with the fact that a person dies.
This can happen at home, or outside the home, or even in the hospital.
Death can be discovered immediately - by those around or close to you, or maybe after a different amount of time, which affects the form in which the corpse is delivered to the morgue.

In case of “suspicion of death,” an ambulance is called, with which the police also arrive. The doctor pronounces death and the body is taken to the morgue.
If the death occurred in a hospital, the police do not seem to be needed.

1. And so, they bring him here...

2. A door with a sign “reception of bodies”, a forgotten gurney, and then immediately - coffins

5. The morgue consists of two floors and a basement. The first refrigeration chamber is turned off due to lack of need for it (the second one, in the basement, is enough)

6. Then there is a table on which the body is washed if necessary. Please note - the table is granite. According to the orderly, such tables (Russian, stone) are much more convenient than more modern iron (imported) ones - they do not rattle and are easier to clean. These are the tables that are used in the morgue, which appeared on the Internet some time ago with the label “Prison Morgue” (although in fact this is one of the Moscow morgues at the time of the influx of clients) - the remains of the photos can be found on Google.

7. Then the measurement takes place (height is measured to determine the size of the coffin: the coffin must be 20 cm longer than the body) and registration. Here the emergency doctor hands over the body and the necessary documents to the orderly on duty. At this moment, the person finally ceases to be a person, and instead of his full name, he is assigned a number, which is written on a tag and tied to his wrist (a more common option is to his toe).

8. The orderlies who work here in daily shifts and regularly touch all sorts of things are required to wash their hands frequently and wash themselves completely. For this purpose, the morgue is full of sinks, showers and changing rooms.

11. By the way, the morgue also has the Internet and Wi-Fi (in a hospital where patients are alive, this benefit is not provided)

12. The registry is needed more by relatives - after all, this is where the services provided by the morgue are processed, a death certificate is issued, etc.

13. A person can die suddenly or after a long illness. Having been observed by various doctors and having appropriate entries in their medical histories (medical records at the place of treatment), citizens, after being delivered to the morgue, are sent to the dressing room, where orderlies bring them into proper shape using simple cosmetics

16. The range of morgue services also includes the sale of coffins and accessories, organization of farewells, funeral services and the provision of funeral transport.

18. Coffins, wreaths, etc. are displayed in the sales hall

21. And also in the corridor of the first floor

23. And for some reason in the toilet

24. The coffin on the right is Muslim

25. The cat on the “roof” of the Muslim coffin is not included in the set. By the way, there are four cats here - a cat and three cats. They are kept to control the absence of rodents, which tend to eat bodies.

26. In addition to length (from 160 to 210), coffins differ in width. For obese citizens there is a standard coffin called a “deck”

For those who are completely non-standard, the option of making a coffin to order is possible.

27. If a person’s death was not so predictable, his body is sent for an autopsy. The autopsy takes place in rooms called “sectional rooms.” The sectional ones look like this (the explosive metal tables are right here)

30. Opening tools

31. Another sectional, with its own tools

34. Hard lining-pillow under the head - numerous marks from the tool

35. During the autopsy, the necessary samples, tests, samples are taken from the corpse

36. These samples are sent for research to laboratories located on the second floor

39. The duty officer's place is on the second floor

40. Forensic experts have not been here for a long time, all that is left of them is an empty room

41. But there are many laboratories

43. We look into several of them - a lot of equipment, understandable and not completely

46. ​​Next laboratory

49. Just a jungle

50. And one more lab

53. This unit is alive. It beeps and moves regularly, the lid rises, the drum with cans makes some movements

54. The archive is filled in real time

55. On the second floor there is also an archive, in a more familiar form

57. And this is what thin colored sections of organs look like, which are examined to determine the causes of death

59. Research Answers

60. There is also an auditorium where students come

62. Although there are only two floors and a basement, there is an elevator, because it is inconvenient to move up the stairs with a wheelchair. The elevator connects the first floor and the basement, and the second floor houses its engine room.

65. There is also a ventilation room

67. Rest room for orderlies

68. And the canteen where morgue workers have lunch

69. The morgue also has a roof - in good weather you can hang out on it, set off fireworks, etc., but in winter there is knee-deep snow on it

70. Basement of the morgue. First of all, in the basement there is another sectional and the main refrigerator

72. A bag is put on the head of a corpse so that the face does not dry out

73. Three cats live in the basement (two in the frame, the third ran away ahead of time)

74. There is an unused hyperbaric chamber-on-wheels, where nurses go out to smoke

75. And old medical records of long-dead and buried citizens

76. Underground tunnels connecting all hospital buildings converge to the basement of the morgue

78. After all the procedures for autopsy, make-up, dressing, etc., traditionally on the third day the body in a coffin is given to relatives - from this veranda, where artificial flowers covered with snow stand forlornly

79. Well, what can I say in conclusion? Based on the results of my communication with the orderly working there, working there is not scary at all, interesting in places, but mostly mundane. And let's cross our fingers that you and your loved ones will not soon find yourself in this or a similar establishment

Thank you for attention! I hope it was interesting and not too disgusting.

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