24th Special Forces Brigade. General Kanchukov: does Russia need special forces? Unit in the Russian Armed Forces

24 OBRSpN GRU GSh MO (Military Unit: 55433)- 24th separate special purpose brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This article provides background information for the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

  • 55433 (brigade control)
  • 44996 - brigade management (formerly).
  • 44998 - 281st ooSpN
  • ? - 297th ooSpN
  • 87341 - 641st ooSpN

The 24 Special Operations Command includes 2 deployed detachments (281, military unit 44996 and 297, military unit 44998) and 2 cadre detachments.


  • brigade management
  • 281st ooSpN
  • 297th ooSpN
  • 641st ooSpN
  • oSpN (frame)
  • oSpN (frame)
  • ORSpM
  • training company, formerly a school for junior specialists.

Training is carried out in the following specialties: reconnaissance officer, senior reconnaissance officer, reconnaissance radio miner, radiotelegraph operator of low-power communications equipment, driver.

1st battalion: 1st, 2nd, 3rd company and 1st communications company. Sf. in 1977, 2nd bn: 4, 5, 6 and 2 rubles. Deployed in 1980. 3rd battalion: 7, 8, 9 and 3 r/s. 4th bn: oSRS. 5th bldg: educational.

The 2nd battalion was located outside the brigade’s territory, and it had its own military unit number and its own Special Forces number. (Perhaps this is the 281st ooSpN - approx. E.)

1978 - village Yasnaya (Tin-4), Chita region. (ZabVO) --> ? - Mirnaya station, Olovyaninsky district, Chita region. (military unit 44996) --> 1988, September - village of Kyakhta (district of Ulan-Ude, Buryatia), ZabVO --> 2002 - village of Sosnovy Bor, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, SibVO -- >

2009 - Irkutsk, military town of the former Irkutsk Higher Aviation Engineering School.

24 brSpn from 1979 to 1987 was located in Olovyaninsky district, village. Khara-Birka, 23 site.

Until 1979, for some time it was located at the Bada station in the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district of the Chita region. Then she was relocated to Kyakhta.


The 24th Special Forces Brigade was formed on November 1, 1977 on the basis of the 18th separate Special Forces company in the village of Yasnaya (Olovyanny-4), Chita region (ZabVO). In 1984, on the basis of the 24th Special Forces Brigade, the 281st separate special forces detachment was formed; the detachment was not sent to Afghanistan. The detachment was formed according to a special “Afghan” staff, according to which the detachment had 538 personnel (18 officers and 32 warrant officers).


1977-82 - Colonel Ivanov Eduard Mikhailovich 1982-86 - Colonel Kolb Grigory Ananyevich 1986-90 - Colonel Kuzmin Vladimir Ivanovich 1990-92 - Colonel Boyko Alexander Mikhailovich 1992-94 - Colonel Rogov Vladimir Ilyich 1994-97 - Colonel Lipiev Petr Semenovich 1997- 99 - Colonel Platonov Andrey Alekseevich 1999-01 - Colonel Zhukov Alexander Ivanovich 2001-2005 - Colonel Zakharov 2005-present - Colonel Borovskoy Yuri Nikolaevich


Hero of the Soviet Union - Onishchuk O.P. (posthumously) Order of the Red Banner of Battle - 8 Order of the Red Star - 73 Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" - 17 Order of "Courage" - 21 Order of Military Merit - 2 Medal “For Military Merit” - 75 Medal “For Courage” - 51 Medal “For Merit to the Fatherland” II class. - 37

Hero of Russia: 1. Lieutenant Anatoly Korobenkov, 2002.

Losses in battles:

1. Art. Lt. Onishchuk O. P. 2. Mr. Sulima I. Yu.

1. ml. s. Shishmarev Alexander Alexandrovich. Military unit 44998. 2. Georgiy Petrovich Melentyev village 3. Alexander Nikolaevich Zagorodniy pr. Military unit 44996. See the circumstances of the death here.


The 281st Special Forces took part in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya in 1994-1996.

A reconnaissance group from the brigade was assigned to the 324th Motorized Rifle Regiment in February - mid-April 1995.

Fights in Gikalovskoye (February 1995) and near Chechen-Aul (March 1995).

From the records of the reconnaissance and combat activities of the special forces brigade of the Siberian Military District in the North Caucasus: Based on the directive of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, military unit No. ... allocated a combined detachment to carry out reconnaissance and combat missions from January 17 to May 7, 1995. Losses: 2 people killed - foreman G.P. Melentyev, junior sergeant V.I. Shishmarev. There were no losses in equipment. Up to 50 militants from illegal armed groups were killed, including 3 snipers, and 3 armored vehicles were destroyed.

The brigade formed a combined detachment to carry out reconnaissance and combat missions from September 5 to December 26, 2000. Losses: 5 people killed - captain Alipin S.Yu., lieutenant Butt S.S., sergeant Petrov A.N., junior sergeant Dzgoev M.Yu., junior sergeant Nikonov A.S. There were no losses in equipment.

On the basis of a special special forces detachment, the brigade's military personnel carried out tasks from June 8 to September 18, 2002.

Losses: 3 people killed - lieutenants Savelyev A.V., Porunov A.A., private Gorokhov D.V., 15 people were wounded. There are no technical losses. 49 militants from illegal armed groups were killed.

The brigade allocated a combined detachment to carry out reconnaissance and combat missions from June 10 to September 21, 2001. There are no losses.

The brigade's military personnel carried out reconnaissance and combat missions from December 11, 2002 to March 24, 2003, from June 17 to November 24, 2003, from April 7 to October 24, 2004... In November 2006, it was six months since one of the Transbaikal special forces detachments. Officers, warrant officers, soldiers and sergeants were awarded: Gold Star of the Hero of Russia - 1, senior lieutenant Korobenkov A.S., Order of Courage - 25, medal "For Courage" - 65, Suvorov medal - 36, Zhukov medal - 24, medal "For military valor" I Art. - 5, medal “For Military Valor” II class. - 151, the Order of Military Merit - 4, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class. - 9, medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II class. - 45.

There is an opinion, expressed by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and especially by the Chief of the General Staff Makarov, that those who do not agree with the reform of the army, bringing it to a new look, who express their own opinion, different from the leaders of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, have no place in the army. It’s good that they haven’t yet been accused of aiding a potential enemy or of causing the collapse of the army and the country. But there are circumstances where it is impossible to turn a blind eye to what is happening and remain silent.

The reason for writing this material was the information that the 24th separate special forces brigade received an order to change its location. From Irkutsk, where she relocated on her own (700 km) at the beginning of 2009 from Ulan-Ude, she was ordered to move to Novosibirsk. We are ordered not to take families with us...

If it's a political decision, then how is it consistent with the fact that now from Ulan-Ude to Novosibirsk (this is more than 1500 km in a straight line) there will not only be not a single combat unit, but not even a single military personnel? After all, our military registration and enlistment offices are now represented entirely by civilians.

If it's a military decision, then how is it consistent with the fact that 25% of the country’s territory, Lake Baikal, which is strategic for fresh water reserves, remains completely without military cover? How are the requirements for army mobility and for the creation of operational strategic commands (OSC) coordinated under these conditions, when the distance from the operational borders of the Central Military District, which runs along the border of Lake Baikal, to the nearest military unit is more than 2000 km?

Does the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, V.V. Putin, know about this decision?

What is special forces? This is a general name. Special forces are specially created, specially trained and equipped formations of the country's Armed Forces, designed to solve specific problems in the interests of achieving military, political, economic and psychological goals in both peace and war.

The famous “GRU special forces” were intended to conduct sabotage operations on the territory of other countries or behind enemy lines, conduct special reconnaissance, conduct counter-sabotage, counter-terrorism and counter-guerrilla operations, as well as organize partisan movements behind enemy lines. Why was it? Because GRU special forces no longer exist: the GRU directorate, previously responsible for special forces, no longer controls them. This is the result of the current army reform.

The finest hour of Soviet special forces - Afghanistan. By this time, the special forces consisted of 14 separate brigades of district subordination, two separate training regiments, separate detachments and about 30 separate companies. During the outbreak of the armed conflict, the 15th and 22nd guards separate special forces brigades were subsequently formed from separate battalions, operating in Afghanistan . From 75% to 80% of the 40th Army's combat operations were carried out either by GRU special forces or with its active participation, while special forces made up only about 1% of the total number of army personnel.

During the first and second Chechen campaigns, GRU special forces carried out from 70% to 90% of all tasks facing the group of troops. For heroism and courage shown during the counter-terrorism operation, 29 special forces servicemen were awarded the title Hero of Russia. In 2002 alone, more than two thousand special forces soldiers were awarded military orders and medals.

In 2003, the 10th Special Special Forces Brigade, which was stationed in Crimea during Soviet times, was additionally deployed to full strength in the Krasnodar Territory. And already during the armed conflict to force Georgia to peace, private 107th detachment of this brigade R.M. Abdullin, who died on 08.08.08 as part of a peacekeeping battalion, was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).

Thus, before the transition of the army to a “new look” began, the GRU special forces included 9 deployed special-purpose brigades, in which 30 Heroes of Russia and 5 Heroes of the Soviet Union served and were forever included in the lists of personnel. This speaks not only of the courage and courage of special forces soldiers, love and devotion to the Motherland, but also of their indispensability during armed conflicts and wars, of high professional training and combat stability.

GRU special forces brigades were deployed in all six military districts: one each in the Leningrad, Moscow and Far Eastern Military Districts, and in the North Caucasus, Volga-Ural and Siberian military districts - two each, having in operational formation from one to two brigades in the strategic direction, which made it possible to use special forces formations without additional time and money ...

Thanks to the allocation of financial resources within the framework of the federal target program “Transition to Contract” in 2005-2007, district commanders equipped the 2nd, 10th, 16th and 22nd separate special forces brigades. The 12th separate brigade had an excellent location. Only the 14th and 24th separate brigades were not allocated funds. The 67th Special Brigade, due to an almost complete lack of funding, was in the most deplorable state for decades, with the exception of major repairs of the barracks, carried out by decision of the district commander, Army General Vladimir Anatolyevich Boldyrev.

For the entire period from 2003 to 2010 (excluding the move of the 24th separate brigade from Ulan-Ude to Irkutsk and the allocation of funds for the renovation of one dormitory for 100 places), both brigades received funds for their development and combat training on a residual basis. The total funding for the improvement, infrastructure development, development of the field base and testing grounds amounted to about 3 million rubles during this period. Is it a lot or a little? This is zero.

We got out of this situation only due to the intensity of combat training. One detachment was constantly on combat missions for 6 months, and the second was training in a field camp at that time. Thus, the officers were separated from their families for a year at a time, but the soldiers could engage in combat training, which significantly helped in carrying out combat missions and reduced losses.

I don't know the reasons why with the beginning of the Serdyukov-Makarov military reform, the reduction of special forces brigades began- the most combat-ready and combat-ready formations of the Russian Army, with up to 80% of officers with combat experience of the first and second Chechen campaigns:

- “reformers” liquidated the 12th separate special forces brigade (Asbest), which included five Heroes of Russia during two Chechen campaigns, with an excellent training base, stationed in a comfortable military town;

- behind it came the turn of the 67th separate brigade (Berdsk), stationed in the very heart of Russia, near the city of Novosibirsk, which included six Heroes of Russia.

The “moment of truth” came for the 67th separate brigade in 2007, when the last detachment of Russian special forces from Chechnya was withdrawn. Then it was decided to turn to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Siberian Federal District, Army General Anatoly Vasilyevich Kvashnin, for assistance in allocating funding for the development of the brigade. Appeals were prepared addressed to the Minister of Defense and the President of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Novosibirsk Municipal Operations Department and the administration of the plenipotentiary representative did a huge amount of work during the week related to preliminary calculations of financing. At the request of the plenipotentiary representative, the leaders of the Novosibirsk construction complex found the opportunity to build new barracks for personnel and official housing for officers (70% of officers needed official housing). The leadership of the city of Berdsk allocated plots of land for the construction of residential buildings for officers. KEU carried out calculations and linked the plan for the arrangement of a military camp on the existing vast territory, which made it possible to fully equip the brigade in the shortest possible time.

This was reported to the new Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov, Deputy Minister of Defense N. Pankov and the district command. But instead of expanding construction work and setting up a unique combat brigade, a decision was made to disband it. Thus, the combat brigade, whose officers and soldiers had extensive combat experience, was not needed. About half of its officers retired from military service, and the rest went to serve in various units, up to the logistics support battalion of the 41st Army formed on the former territory of the brigade.

So ingloriously, due to the whim or incompetence of the leadership, one of the most combat-ready special forces brigades of the Russian Armed Forces was destroyed.
In fact, with the liquidation of these two GRU special forces brigades, a massive reduction in the officer corps of the Russian Army began.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then. Thousands of units and formations were disbanded, more than 160 thousand officers and warrant officers were fired. And now, after four years of “reform”, the wind has returned to normal: the “reformers” have taken up the “special forces” again. Specifically - for the 24th separate brigade.

By opening the Internet, anyone can read that the 24th separate special forces brigade was previously located in Ulan-Ude (Sosnovy Bor) and had an excellent training base that made it possible to fully engage in combat training, attracting formations and units from the Urals to Russky Island nearby Vladivostok.

The brigade was located next to an airfield that could accommodate all types of aircraft, allowing it to be a truly mobile unit. Almost 100% of the officers were provided with official housing, receiving excellent bosses and respected friends in the leaders of the Republic of Buryatia and the city of Ulan-Ude, who spared no expense on prizes for the best special forces officers. The territory of the military base, its infrastructure, communications, made it possible to equip the brigade according to the most modern world standards without significant additional costs.

But the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, without any explanation of the reasons, decided to redeploy the brigade to Irkutsk - to the funds of the aviation military engineering school that had been disbanded the day before. At the same time, the relocation was ordered to be carried out without allocating additional funds for this.

Army General N. Pankov, visiting the school before its disbandment, cited as one of the reasons for the disbandment that the cadets could not live in such conditions. It turned out that the special forces could live in these conditions.

The brigade carried out the order and redeployed on its own. This was the first example of such a relocation and over such a distance in the history of the Armed Forces of modern Russia. The personnel arrived at the still partially functioning school, where the material base, from the scientific library to the aviation equipment located on the territory of the training airfield, still existed and functioned. Within the framework of this article, I will not dwell in detail on all the “pros” and “cons” of such a solution. I will only say that there were many “cons”, but they were gradually eliminated. In particular, there was a complete absence of a special army training base, which the officers and personnel had equipped in full during these three years, practically at their own expense.

There was no training ground, which did not allow full combat training at the initial stage, especially shooting exercises. But this problem, with its characteristic persistence and ingenuity, was completely solved by the special forces, having equipped an excellent training ground at their own expense. In essence, the officers were snatching crumbs from their allowance, while the Ministry of Defense was throwing away billions.

And, probably, the most important thing: the personnel were taken away from full combat training to carry out activities related to ensuring the life of the formation, which naturally affected its combat readiness. But, despite the fact that the unit did not even have warehouses for special equipment and other property, the brigade sought the opportunity to engage in combat training, and its representatives occupied leading positions in army-wide events. Thus, the brigade groups involved in the Vostok-2010 exercises successfully completed the assigned tasks, destroying all objects of the mock enemy.

Thus, despite the objective and subjective difficulties that faced the 24th separate special forces brigade after redeployment to Irkutsk, its command and personnel were able to preserve the military camp without any funding, equip it and develop it in the interests of special forces training, as well as maintain combat readiness units and units, to improve the life and well-being of military personnel and families, despite the fact that instead of the previously available more than 250 apartments in Ulan-Ude, the brigade was allocated only 20 apartments in Irkutsk.

And now the 24th again received an order to redeploy, this time to Novosibirsk, almost to the place where the 67th separate special forces brigade was disbanded three years ago.

What awaits the 24th Brigade in Novosibirsk?

First. Moving the brigade to a new location again will take it out of the normal course of combat training for at least a year, that is, for this period the combat readiness of the brigade will be simply conditional.

Second. The military town in which they plan to deploy a special forces brigade was previously occupied by a combined arms division, and then by a motorized rifle brigade. This is a huge territory, 50% consisting of military vehicle parks. The protection of this vast territory will divert more than half of the personnel from combat training. The town is located almost in the center of a city of a million people, surrounded on all sides by residential areas, and special forces will not be able to organize combat training on its territory.

Third. The military camp does not have the infrastructure that special forces need and the territory on which this infrastructure can be built. And the location of the airfield on the opposite bank of the Ob River, several tens of kilometers away, calls into question the mobile capabilities of the brigade.

Fourth. The Shilovo training ground, where the motorized rifle brigade withdrawn from the city will train, does not allow the special forces brigade to train at the same time, turning it into an ordinary light infantry brigade. The allocation of an additional training ground for special forces on the territory of the Novosibirsk region, in my opinion, is problematic.

Fifth. Over the three years they have been in Irkutsk, most family members of the brigade’s military personnel have already found work; their children are studying in schools and universities. The relocation of the brigade does not provide for the search for work by the Ministry of Defense and the settling of families in a new place. And this is a decline in the standard of living of military personnel.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but the question arises:

Why was one special forces combat brigade disbanded, and after just two and a half years, another special forces brigade was redeployed practically in its place, and in a way that actually makes the brigade incapable of combat for a long time?
What's the strategy here? There is no political, military-strategic or economic feasibility in the redeployment of the 24th separate special forces brigade to the center of Novosibirsk.


The future of Russian special forces depends directly on the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Only he can make a decision and prohibit further collapse by setting specific tasks for the development of special forces, taking into account the most advanced international experience in the development of special forces forces and means, in the interests of Russian security.

What is the most important thing, in my opinion, that should be reflected in the decision of the President of Russia?

First. Creation of Russian Special Forces, with the approval of a special status for these troops.

Second. The creation of a special Command of the Russian Special Forces, and the reassignment to it of all the special forces and means available in the Armed Forces. Subordination of the Russian Special Forces Command directly to the President of Russia as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Third. Creation of a separate budget for Russian special forces and the allocation of separate funding for all budget items, securing opportunities for the development, ordering, and acquisition of the necessary weapons, equipment and equipment.

Fourth. Creation of new types of formations and units from other types and branches of troops and their reassignment to the Special Forces Command.

Fifth. Transferring to the command of the Special Forces Command the entire necessary set of forces and means to ensure the full range of combat missions.

Sixth. Creation of a special training center for Russian special forces, with the possibility of practicing on its territory the entire range of special events and equipping it with the most advanced equipment. There are two suitable places to create such an educational complex, the first is Molkino, Krasnodar Territory, the second is Ulan-Ude (Sosnovy Bor).

Seventh. Transfer to the direct subordination of the Special Forces Command of the Novosibirsk Combined Arms School to ensure the training of all categories of officers, warrant officers, reconnaissance and special forces sergeants under special training programs.

Eighth. Restoration of reconnaissance and special operations departments at the Combined Arms VUNTs and at the Academy of the General Staff to organize comprehensive training for both commanders, commanders and intelligence leaders at all levels, and civil servants.

This approach will demonstrate that the Russian Armed Forces are truly beginning to change their appearance, moving from assurances to practical actions, to truly become fully combat-ready, professional, compact, mobile, technically well-equipped and trained troops.

This is a rather incomplete list of priority tasks related to the preservation of one of the leading structures of the modern army, which is capable of initially deciding the course of an armed conflict in our favor without the use of strategic nuclear deterrence and other measures. But this is an obvious need.

The location of the 24th separate GRU special forces brigade, or military unit 55433, is the city of Novosibirsk. The unit was relocated to this locality in 2012, having previously been disbanded. At the moment, personnel are almost completely transferred to a contract basis.


The unit was created on the basis of the 18th separate special forces company in November 1977, in the village. Mirny near Chita. After some time, the brigade was transferred to a military camp of the Strategic Missile Forces not far from the 23rd site (Kharabyrka village, Chita region). After 10 years, in 1987, the unit was transferred to the city of Kyakhta in the Republic of Buryatia, and then became subordinate to the army corps of Ulan-Ude.
In 2001, the brigade changed its location to the village of Sosnovy Bor in the Republic of Buryatia. After the military reform of 2009, it was transferred to Irkutsk and then disbanded. In 2012, the unit was re-created and transferred to Novosibirsk. The garrison, which housed administrative and training units, was previously occupied by a motorized rifle formation.

Battle banner of the 24th separate special forces brigade

Eyewitness impressions

The garrison occupied by military unit 55433 is relatively small. It is located next to residential microdistricts of Novosibirsk. The infrastructure required for the military camp took three years to develop. However, there is not enough space on the unit’s territory for full-fledged training of special forces soldiers. There is no specially equipped range for shooting and jumping. Soldiers have to train at the local airfield or at the Shilovo training ground together with motorized riflemen.
Currently, the unit is staffed with contract servicemen. Soldiers live in standard barracks, and officers live in small-family dormitories. The brigade servicemen themselves note that housing is provided only to family officers, because There is one dormitory building on the brigade’s territory. The remaining residential buildings are under construction; many rent apartments in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk.

Formation of soldiers of the unit

Despite the fact that there is a sports complex, a bathhouse and a medical unit on the territory, there is no basic infrastructure to meet the needs of the fighters. The Chipok tea shop is not working, and the ATM is located behind the checkpoint.
The educational building is under renovation, and the dining room began operating relatively recently. Before this, soldiers ate in tents in the open air, but civilian staff did the cooking. Now officers and soldiers eat in the canteen; dishes are offered on a buffet basis (two options of the first and second for lunch).
Cleaning of the surrounding area is carried out by civilian outsourcing. On Saturday, soldiers of military unit 55433 are involved in a park and maintenance day (until 14.00). As part of the park and maintenance day, a bathhouse is also held.

Military Intelligence Day in the unit

Special forces soldiers take the oath on Saturdays at 10.00 am. Relatives are usually informed of the date of the oath by telephone. After the event, dismissal is allowed on the security of the passport of one of the parents. Married military personnel may be granted an overnight leave. The official day off in the unit is Sunday. On this day, soldiers can be taken on leave from 9.00 to 20.00. The application must be written by relatives on the back of a photocopy of the passport; the soldier himself writes a report addressed to the unit commander.
It is prohibited to use mobile phones during the young fighter’s course (lasts about a month before the oath). During the rest of the service period, the soldiers have their phones, but they can only be used in the evenings. During the checks, mobile phones are surrendered - incoming and outgoing calls, phone gallery and social media accounts are reviewed.
You can visit soldiers on weekends, from 9.00 to 19.00. Relatives of conscripts can see them any day, from 14.30, on Sunday they are released for the whole day.

Training class in the brigade

Conscripts mainly practice combat skills or are sent on daily duty to protect facilities and the perimeter of the garrison of military unit 55433.
Both contract military personnel and conscripted officers and soldiers purchase equipment, uniforms and household supplies on their own. In the Oktyabrsky district, where the part is located, there are supermarkets and hardware stores. It is best to purchase military supplies at one of the military stores in Novosibirsk:

  • "Arsenal" on the street. Krylova, 3;
  • "Goods for the military" on the street. Lenina, 73;
  • "SibVoentorg" on the street. Gogolya, 34 in the Okruzhny shopping center.

View of the parade ground of the 24th Special Forces Brigade

Military personnel receive their allowances on a VTB-24 card. Contract workers are paid extra money in addition to their basic salary for business trips, jumping and passing standards. Rehabilitation leave after business trips is not allowed, since all military personnel of this brigade receive an allowance for constant combat readiness in the amount of 50% of their salary.
You can get a contract in the GRU special forces after completing compulsory military service or if you have a higher education in a military specialty. You also need to undergo a medical examination, a psychological test and pass PHYS standards.
There is a medical unit on the territory of the military town, and special forces can also be sent to the 333rd district hospital.

On November 1, the 24th separate special-purpose brigade (military unit 55433) celebrates its annual holiday - the day of the 24th Special Purpose Brigade of the GRU.

In honor of the unit’s holiday, Voentorg Voenpro presents a large overview of the brigade’s history and service today. Also You can order ones issued specifically for those who served in the 24th separate GRU special forces brigade.

History of the formation of the brigade

The 24th GRU special forces brigade was formed from the 18th separate company in November back in 1977. The first place of deployment was the village of Mirny, Olovyanninsky district, Chita region. Soon, by order of the commander-in-chief, the personnel were transferred to a specially prepared military camp near the village of Kharabyrka.

The special forces spent exactly ten years here, after which another transfer followed to the city of Kyakhta, Republic of Buryatia. But very soon the 24th OBRSPN was reassigned to the army corps in Ulan-Ude, and in 2001 there followed a relocation to Sosnovy Bor.

In 2009, military reform broke out, which affected many military units. And the 24th separate special purpose brigade was again transferred, this time to Irkutsk. A little later, the military unit was disbanded and abandoned.

Only in 2012 was the 24th OBRSPN GRU General Staff of the Moscow Region restored in Novosibirsk. The staff was formed from conscripts and contract soldiers, but in 2015 it was decided to completely transfer the brigade to a contract form of service. At the same time, the officers, after joining the unit, are provided with housing if necessary.

Combat path of military unit 55433

The number of personnel, weapons, and often the location of permanent deployment of special forces are strictly classified. Therefore, many facts about the biography of the brigades become known only many years later. It is known for certain that on the basis of military unit 55433 of the 24th OBRSPPN in 1984, the 281st separate special forces detachment was created, which fully corresponded to the “Afghan” staff established at that time.

Its strength was 538 soldiers, including 18 officers and 32 warrant officers. Officially, the detachment was not sent to the Afghan war, but in the book of memory of the brigade there are also losses in the DRA in the amount of two people.

In the First Chechen War, soldiers of the 24th GRU brigade took part in operations as part of combined groups. In particular, special forces escorted motorized rifle columns and provided their security. In 1995, we had to fight twice near Gilakovsky and Chechen-Aul. In total, during the campaign the brigade lost two comrades killed and destroyed more than 50 militants.

The Second Chechen War also could not have happened without military unit 55433. The task of the special forces included reconnaissance and strike operations in order to ensure the unhindered advance of the main federal forces. During the campaign, eight people were killed and fifteen were injured. At the same time, 49 representatives of illegal armed groups were eliminated. It is noteworthy that during both Chechen wars, the special forces did not lose a single unit of equipment.

A striking episode of the excellent training of the personnel of the 24th separate special forces brigade from Novosibirsk is the operation on July 27-28, 2002 at the Groztkhoi border post. It was this place that was chosen as the breakthrough point by the detachment of Ruslan Gelayev, one of the most famous field commanders of Ichkeria. The border detachment was ambushed and, despite courageous resistance, could not independently repel the attack of superior enemy forces.

The commander called artillery fire on himself, but a special forces detachment led by Anatoly Korobenkov came to the rescue in time. Thanks to skillful actions and coordination, the battle was won, and the militants were driven back with heavy losses.

Over the course of their history, fighters of the 24th GRU OBRSPN received many awards. Since the creation of the brigade, the special forces have been awarded 131 orders, 163 combat medals, and two people were awarded the stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

How does the 24th Special Forces Brigade live in Novosibirsk these days?

Many people dream of serving in special forces, but for this you need not only to have a strong body, but also to have an unbending will of spirit, to be an excellent student in all areas of life, to have psychological stability and high moral qualities. It is enough to watch the training video of the 24th OBRSPN to understand that here you will have to give your all to achieve success.

More than 4 years have passed since the redeployment of soldiers to Novosibirsk, but the infrastructure of the military camp is still far from ideal. There aren’t even enough training grounds, so personnel have to be transported to the neighboring motorized rifle training grounds so that the fighters can train. Only family officers are provided with dormitories, since there are not enough places for everyone, and the houses are still under construction. So we can say that the conditions of service are as close as possible to combat ones.

The personnel is entirely staffed by contract soldiers, so the preparation of food and keeping the areas clean is handled by civilian personnel. The course for a young fighter lasts about a month and during this time you cannot use mobile gadgets. On other days, you can call your family in the evenings, but you must comply with a non-disclosure agreement on military secrets, so specialists review all calls, photo galleries and social network accounts.

Special forces officers take the oath on Saturdays from 10 a.m. Relatives can be present at this event, and after the official ceremony you can go to the leave room on the security of the passport of someone close to you. The official holiday is Sunday. The fighters purchase all the equipment themselves at their own expense, so they will need to find a military store with good prices.

Salaries are paid on VTB-24 bank cards, whose ATM is located not far from the unit, but outside the checkpoint territory. All contract soldiers are paid extra for business trips, jumps and passing established standards. Also, for constant combat readiness, all special forces soldiers receive a 50% bonus to their salary.

To enlist in the 24th GRU special forces brigade from Novosibirsk, you need to complete military service or obtain a higher education in a military specialty. A medical examination, a test of psychological stability, passing physical fitness standards and a background check of the candidate will also be required. Military unit 55433 is located at the address: Novosibirsk, Boris Bogatkov Street, military town No. 17, index 630017. The unit commander since 2005 is Colonel Yuri Nikolaevich Borovskoy.

The 24th OBRSPN day is traditionally celebrated on November 1st. This date serves to gather veterans and reminisce about past exploits and fallen comrades. The unit often hosts demonstration performances where guests are shown the skills of fighters. Festive events are local in nature, so only the soldiers who served here and their relatives take part in the celebrations. Particularly distinguished soldiers are awarded certificates and gifts from the command.

24th Special Forces Brigade in culture

In Russia, films are often made about brave special forces who perform the most difficult tasks. But heroes in films are often collective images, and the production itself rarely corresponds to reality. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to books written by living participants in military events. On September 13, 2012, a book about the 24th Special Forces Brigade was published in a circulation of one thousand copies. Its authors were veterans of a unit that was based in the Trans-Baikal Military District for almost 15 years. There is not a single fictional fact on the pages, but only memories.

And just recently - on October 11, 2016, the book “Ordinary Special Forces. From the life of the 24th GRU special forces brigade." Here, without embellishment and tinsel, the life of special forces soldiers is shown not only during combat missions, but also in civilian life. The novel is written in an artistic style, so it will be quite easy to perceive. But on the pages the author presented only true facts and revealed the biographies of the legendary special forces. You can buy the book in hardcover at any online store.

If you served in the 24th ObrSpN GRU, you can leave your review of the service on our website, find colleagues, find out news from the brigade and the fate of the guys with whom you shared all the difficulties and joys of serving in special forces.


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N. v.

Dislocation 1977-1978 - n.p. Clear
1978-1987 - n.p. Khara-Byrka
1987-2002 - Kyakhta
2002-2009 - n.p. Sosnovy Bor, Republic of Buryatia
2009-2012 - Irkutsk
2012 - present  V. - Novosibirsk

Forming part

By October 1, 1961, in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces No. OSH / 2/347491 dated August 26, 1961, a 806th separate special forces company(or military unit 64656) of 117 people with direct subordination to the district headquarters.

On November 1, 1977, according to the directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, the 24th separate special-purpose brigade (or military unit 55433) was created on the basis of the 806th company as part of the Trans-Baikal Military District. The settlement was chosen as the location. Yasnaya, Olovyaninsky district, Chita region.

Some sources indicate the basis for the creation of the 24th brigade 18th separate special forces company, which may not be a true statement because 18th company continued to exist as part of the 36th combined arms army of the ZabVO until the end of the 1980s.

Formation and development of the brigade

On May 25, 1978, the 24th brigade was redeployed to the military camp of the disbanded military unit of the Strategic Missile Forces, 6 km from the village. Khara-Birka and 50 km from the village. Peaceful in the same area.

Like all special forces brigades created in the early 60s (with the exception of the 3rd brigade), 24th Brigade was a framed formation, in which, according to peacetime states, the personnel was 300-350 people. According to the plans of the military command during the introduction of martial law, due to the mobilization of reserve military personnel and holding 30-day training camps, 24th Brigade developed into a full-fledged combat-ready formation with a personnel of 1,700 people.

In the mid-1970s, the staffing of individual special forces brigades was deployed to 60-80% of the wartime staff.

According to the peacetime staff, the 24th Brigade consisted of the following units:

  • The brigade's directorate and its subdivisions: special radio communications detachment; economic support company.
  • 261st separate special forces detachment;
  • 281st separate special forces detachment;
  • 282nd separate special forces detachment (cadre);
  • 297th separate special forces detachment (cadre);
  • 641st separate special forces detachment (cadre).

According to some reports, in 1984 there was a deployment 281st separate special forces detachment into a combined detachment (battalion of 6 companies) according to the staff of similar formations created simultaneously in the 5th, 8th, 9th, 16th and 22nd separate special forces brigades intended for deployment to Afghanistan. At the same time, the deployed 281st detachment, unlike other detachments, was not sent to Afghanistan.

On September 10, 1987, the 24th brigade was redeployed further south to the village. Kyakhta, Kyakhta district bordering Mongolia.

When the brigade was redeployed to Kyakhta, the 282nd detachment (military unit 20662) was transferred to the subordination of the 14th brigade of the Far Eastern Military District and redeployed to the village. Matveevka, Khabarovsk Territory.

Brigade composition for 1989

Composition of the 24th separate special forces brigade at the end of the 80s (all units and units of the brigade were stationed near the village of Kyakhta):

  • Management of the brigade (military unit 55433) and its units:
  • special radio communications unit;
  • mining company;
  • commandant's platoon.
  • 261st separate special forces detachment (cadre);
  • 641st separate special forces detachment (cadre);

Unit in the Russian Armed Forces

Brigade redeployments

In 2002, the 24th brigade was redeployed to the village. village of Sosnovy Bor near Ulan-Ude.

In May 2009, the military leadership announced the relocation of the 24th brigade to Irkutsk to the base of the disbanded Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering Institute. The redeployment ended by December 1 of the same year.

In December 2008, the military leadership announced information about the upcoming reform of GRU special intelligence units and formations. According to the reform plan, the 12th and 67th separate special-purpose brigades were to be disbanded, and the 3rd separate guards special-purpose brigade was to be reduced.

All planned reforms by the military leadership were associated with the policy of reforming the Armed Forces, launched by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A.E. Serdyukov.

In connection with the abolition of the previous military districts in 2010 in the direction of their consolidation, the newly formed Eastern Military District included 2 separate special-purpose brigades (14th and 24th) that previously belonged to the Western Military District and the Far Eastern Military District. At the same time, within the Central Military District there was only one of these formations (the 3rd Regional Regiment, which was subject to reduction), since in 2009 the 67th and 12th separate special purpose brigades (which previously belonged to the Siberian Military District and the PurVO, respectively) were disbanded. .

For this reason, the military leadership raised the issue of redeploying the 24th Brigade to the Central Military District.

In July 2012, it became known about the upcoming fifth redeployment of the 24th brigade in the entire history of this formation. According to the plans of the military leadership, the brigade was supposed to occupy the military camp of the previously disbanded 85th Motorized Rifle Leningrad-Pavlovsk Red Banner Division.

The brigade's redeployment ended in October 2012

In 2013 24th brigade The honorary name of the 165th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade was transferred. After the presentation of the Battle Banner and the transfer of awards, the formation became known as the 24th Separate Guards Brandenburg Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Special Purpose Brigade.

Brigade composition for 2010

As of 2010, the composition of the 24th separate special forces brigade included in the Central Military District was as follows (all units and units were stationed in Irkutsk):

  • Management of the brigade (military unit 55433) and units under management;
  • special radio communications unit;
  • special mining company;
  • logistics company;
  • commandant's platoon.
  • 281st separate special forces detachment (military unit 44996);
  • 297th separate special forces detachment (military unit 44998);
  • 641st separate special forces detachment;
  • separate special forces detachment (cadre);
  • separate special forces detachment (cadre).

Participation of the 24th Special Forces Brigade in combat operations

First Chechen War

At the beginning of January 1995, on the basis of the 24th brigade, a combined detachment was created to conduct combat operations in Chechnya. The basis for the creation of the detachment was 281st Special Forces Detachment. During the fighting, the 281st detachment lost 3 people killed.

According to some reports, reconnaissance groups of the 281st detachment were attached to the 324th motorized rifle regiment of the 34th motorized rifle division.

The detachment took part in battles in the village. Gikalovsky and n.p. Chechen-Aul, Grozny district.

Second Chechen War

Unlike the First Chechen War, the 24th brigade was involved in combat missions in the North Caucasus much later than other formations, combined detachments from which were sent to the region from August 1999 to January 2000.

In August 2000, a group of military personnel was sent from the 24th brigade to Chechnya, which became part of the combined 691st separate special forces detachment deployed in August 1999 in the 67th separate special forces brigade. Subsequently, servicemen of the 24th brigade also went on three-month business trips to the 691st detachment.

In total, during the Second Chechen War, the 24th Brigade sent a combined detachment to Chechnya 6 times as a periodic replacement of personnel (rotation).

Business trips of military personnel of the 24th brigade to Chechnya took place in the following periods (personnel losses are indicated):

  1. from September 5 to December 26, 2000 - 5 people killed;
  2. from June 8 to September 18, 2002 - 3 people killed;
  3. from June 10 to September 21, 2001 - there were no losses;
  4. from December 11, 2002 to March 24, 2003 - there were no losses;
  5. from June 17 to November 24, 2003 - there were no losses;
  6. from April 7 to October 24, 2004 - there were no losses.

In total, the 24th separate special forces brigade lost 5 people killed in the second Chechen war. According to other sources, the brigade's losses amounted to 8 people.

Participation in the anti-terrorism campaign in Syria

On March 22, 2017, servicemen of the 24th separate special forces brigade returned to Novosibirsk from Syria. More than 300 soldiers from the special forces detachment were involved in carrying out special tasks on the territory of the republic. They returned home without losses.

Awards of military personnel of the unit

The following orders and medals were awarded for participation in hostilities in Chechnya:

  • Gold Star of the Hero of Russia - 1 serviceman;

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