Absolute self-confidence read. The main secrets of absolute self-confidence

Anthony Robert

The main secrets of absolute self-confidence


I wrote this book to help you live a more fruitful life by sharing with you insights gained through personal experience and many years of interaction with many people.

You've no doubt been told that living a happier, more productive life requires one thing: the right mindset. Those who advise you to develop willpower are right, but they have not progressed very far towards your goal. We all know from childhood that the simple desire to succeed and live more fruitfully is often not enough. Of course, we experience joyful excitement when we are told: “All you have to do is make a firm decision to change your life, and then you will achieve what you want.” Unfortunately, the next day or week later, most of us forget about our good intentions and fall back into old negative habits. Our strong determination to start a good life from the first day of the coming new year often disappears by mid-January.

Resolving to prosper and lead a more productive, creative life is not enough because it does not address the core of the problem, which is faulty perception. Once we correctly assess the state of affairs and interpret our environment in its true light, we can change ourselves.

I have met people of different professions and social status, and I can assure you that the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of their actions, their successes or failures were in no way related to their level of intelligence or determination to succeed. Those who fail simply look at the reality around them incorrectly and therefore begin to believe that it itself is wrong - their family, profession and life in general. As a result, they begin to lose touch with reality.

Man is the only living creature that talks to himself. Throughout the day, you constantly talk to yourself and collect information about the surrounding reality. You act exactly like a programmer entering information into a computer, with one exception: you are both the programmer and the computer at the same time. Your five senses carry out programming, and if you look at things incorrectly, you lose touch with reality and begin to see the world only as you want to see it.

A successful and happy life depends on the correct feedback between the surrounding reality and your consciousness.

We perceive a situation and then program our minds according to what we perceive to be reality. This determines our way of thinking and our behavior, which in turn determines our perception of the next situation. Therefore, we perceive, think and behave.

I draw knowledge from many sources in order to help myself and others perceive, think and behave correctly. This book contains fifty ideas, presented in the form of observations and examples from history, designed to the best of my ability to give you a clear and simple picture of the situations in which you, I, and millions like us find ourselves in everyday life. I hope these ideas encourage you to perceive, think and behave in new ways that will allow you to live your best life!

Dr. Robert Anthony

GOLD IN YOUR BASEMENT What would you say if someone told you that there was a box full of gold coins in the basement of your house? You can express your amazement in different ways, but in any case you will not do one thing: do not let such a message pass your ears. You will probably go downstairs, bring back a box of gold coins and find a use for them. However, have you ever thought that most of us have a box of gold in the basement of our minds all our lives, but never use it? Deep below the surface level of thinking lies that wonderful part of our mind called the “subconscious”. Everything is deposited in the subconscious, but nothing ever comes out. This is a memory warehouse, a huge hidden repository of knowledge. To achieve success, we must use it better. We tend to live like beggars, sitting at an empty table in an unlit room and not knowing about the box of gold in our basement.

Our subconscious can be put to work in everyday life. It can be made to work productively for us. You can be much more effective at doing the work of a skilled secretary in your conscious mind, reminding yourself of certain things that need to be done at certain times, if you learn to catch information that the conscious part of your mind misses. Like a computer, every fact and every impression received by your conscious mind is always stored below the surface level of thinking, in the subconscious. How can we learn to develop and use this wonderful power? How to take possession of the hidden kingdom of the subconscious? This, of course, cannot be done in haste. The hidden powers of the subconscious must be developed through a process of slow and systematic concentration and directed by our will and imagination.

Decide what you want from your subconscious and give it one task at a time. If you want to solve a specific problem, spend about five minutes in the morning and evening in quiet reflection that the solution is formed at the level of your subconscious. Then suddenly - click! - the solution will be ready. And this will be the right decision, since the subconscious at its source is open to the wisdom of the Universal Mind. If you want to be healthy, concentrate on thoughts of health; Don’t bother yourself with thoughts about illness and weakness. If you want to succeed, then don't think of yourself as a failure. If you want to be happy, then don't dwell on your worries and disappointments. What constantly occupies your conscious part will penetrate your subconscious and gradually become part of your experience, so it is necessary to think about the positive and constructive. Always remember that the subconscious at its source is open to the wisdom of the Universal Mind. Trust this wisdom and you will make fewer mistakes, become healthier and happier. You will live a more fruitful life.


Did you have grandiose plans, great dreams in your youth - to write books or paintings, start your own business or engage in other creative activities? Most of us probably have. And if we are completely honest with ourselves, most of us cherish these dreams to this day, but justify our inaction by saying that we have to fulfill other obligations. "I'd be happy to write a novel, but I have to do my job." "I would be happy to paint a picture, but my eyesight is poor." We come up with completely empty excuses to justify ourselves.

Think for a moment about Julius Caesar. Did you know that Caesar wrote his commentaries at night in a tent when the entire Roman army was asleep, and the next morning he led his soldiers into battle? Did you know that Handel wrote his best music after doctors told him that he was terminally ill; that Beethoven wrote music even after

If you take a closer look at those around you, you can hardly ignore the fact that among them there are very few happy people who have managed to realize themselves and find the meaning of life. Many are unable to cope with the problems and daily difficulties of life. The vast majority, having come to terms with the mediocrity of existence, have long been simply going with the flow.

Accepting mediocrity has become a way of life. The feeling of their own inadequacy makes people blame society, others, circumstances for their failures and disappointments and look for various reasons for them. And this is so human! The conviction that life is controlled by other people and depends on external circumstances is firmly entrenched in their minds. They refuse to accept logical arguments that prove otherwise.

William James, the eminent philosopher and psychologist, once remarked: “The greatest achievement of our time is the fact that by changing the internal aspects of thinking, we can change the external aspects of life.” In this laconic statement lies the great truth - we not victims A co-authors books of our own lives and the world around us. Or, as another wisdom says: “We are not what we think about ourselves, we are what we think!”

Sheep Thinking

We have learned too dearly that the opposite of courage is not cowardice, but conformity. We spend precious years of our lives trying to fit in with the crowd, but realize too late that we will never succeed.

What makes us blindly follow each other like sheep? Our desire to be like others. It's time to get rid of the sheep mentality and stop beating ourselves up and realize that we are different from our family and friends. Much suffering can be avoided if we do not allow the majority to control our lives. After all, the conviction that it is subordinate to other people or society means voluntary internal slavery, making us prisoners of our own free will.

Our thoughts are a kind of copies that reflect all elements of the subconscious; these copies are embodied in positive or negative concepts and ideas. Life is an exact reflection of the workings of the mind. We are literally we attract into your life everything good or bad, happy or sad, successful or unsuccessful. This applies to all areas - work, marriage, health and personal life.

Think about what was said! The world around us is just an external reflection of the internal work of thought. By understanding why you become who you are, you can find the answer to the question of how to become who you want to be.

A force for change

Shakespeare wrote: “We know what we are, but we know not what we may become.” Does this apply to you? Are you obsessed with your limitations, failures, mistakes? Do you rarely stop to think about what you can become? The problem lies in this: from early childhood, you are programmed with false ideas, values ​​and beliefs that prevent you from seeing your true abilities and realizing your uniqueness.

In fact, through your role as a co-creator of your own life, you are endowed with the power to change any aspect of your life. All great teachers came to the same conclusion: no one but you can solve your problems. As the Great Teacher said: “God’s Kingdom is within you.” It is not somewhere in distant lands or in the heavens. The Buddha came to a similar conclusion when he said: “Shine for yourself without relying on anything, and do not look for support in anything except in yourself.” The healing power lies within us. Health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind are possible, you just have to break the shackles of negative thinking.

Until you realize your true worth, you will not be able to gain complete self-confidence. You can free yourself from self-imposed limitations only to the extent that you can recognize your uniqueness.

Yes I said erected with one's own hands! Neither parents, nor family, nor boss, nor society are involved in this. We limit ourselves by allowing others to control our lives.

Until you let go of guilt and stop belittling yourself for imaginary shortcomings, you will not be able to break out of the ranks of those who are engaged in an endless and futile struggle for complete self-confidence and personal freedom. To become a truly free, compassionate, loving and considerate person, you need to learn to understand and love yourself. From childhood you were told: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” but until you learn value yourself there will be no benefit to you or your neighbor!

Satisfy your needs first

To become a self-confident person, you must first satisfy your own needs. At first glance, this statement may seem selfish, but let's repeat it again - only by realizing ourselves to the fullest can we benefit family, friends, colleagues, society, etc.

Many people use the philosophy of serving people as a reason to abdicate responsibility for their own lives. They make the excuse that the husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, church, family or the whole world comes first. This is nothing more than self-deception. A clear example of this behavior can be considered a person who throws himself headlong into a worthy project, although in fact he is simply not able to face his own problems and begin to resolve them.

You can't change the world but you can change yourself. Humanity will change for the better only when everyone takes control of their lives and takes responsibility for it. It's time to put your own needs first. This is the only way to become truly free. Physical slavery is undoubtedly a crime. However, internal and mental slavery is much more terrible, for the punishment for it, as Descartes so well wrote, is “a life full of quiet despair.”

Take your seats! time to hit the road!

You will soon embark on an exciting journey that will help you in the future. You will learn how to throw off the shackles that prevent you from moving forward.

If you feel stuck, inadequate, and unable to face life with confidence and enthusiasm, this book is for you. If you are outraged by mediocrity, you are dissatisfied with past results and do not want to float limply with the flow of life, in the following pages you will learn about an alternative to a gray, hopeless life. If you are ready to open your heart to new ideas, values ​​and beliefs, you will learn how you can reorganize your thought process and awaken your new self.

Once you master these principles, your life will be filled with happiness, love, freedom, money and confidence. After all, there is nothing more stimulating and inspiring than releasing your own limitless potential and living a rich creative life. No matter who you are, what you do or what situation you are in, you are able to gain complete self-confidence. And it's much easier to do than you think!

21 days can change a lot

Let's go behind the scenes for a moment and take a sneak peek at a simple yet highly effective training method. It's called the 21 DAY HABIT.

It has been found that it takes 21 days to get rid of an old destructive habit and form a new positive habit. You will need approximately the same amount of time to fully understand the material presented in this book. I don't want to mislead you. You may understand it immediately, but intellectual understanding alone is not enough to stimulate the necessary changes. True inspiration comes from awareness.

How to achieve absolute self-confidence? Those who advise you to develop willpower are right, but they have not progressed very far towards your goal. Resolving to prosper and lead a more productive, creative life is not enough because it does not address the core of the problem, which is faulty perception. Once we correctly assess the state of affairs and interpret our environment in its true light, we can change ourselves. Only by changing yourself can you gain one hundred percent self-confidence!

Anthony Robert


Unhappy Majority

If you take a closer look at those around you, you can hardly ignore the fact that among them there are very few happy people who have managed to realize themselves and find the meaning of life. Many are unable to cope with the problems and daily difficulties of life. The vast majority, having come to terms with the mediocrity of existence, have long been simply going with the flow.

Accepting mediocrity has become a way of life. The feeling of their own inadequacy makes people blame society, others, circumstances for their failures and disappointments and look for various reasons for them. And this is so human! The conviction that life is controlled by other people and depends on external circumstances is firmly entrenched in their minds. They refuse to accept logical arguments that prove otherwise.

William James, the eminent philosopher and psychologist, once remarked: “The greatest achievement of our time is the fact that by changing the inner aspects of our thinking we can change the outer aspects of our lives.” In this laconic statement lies the great truth - we not victims A co-authors books of our own lives and the world around us. Or, as another wisdom says: “We are not what we think about ourselves, we are what we think!”

Sheep Thinking

We have learned too dearly that the opposite of courage is not cowardice, but conformity. We spend precious years of our lives trying to fit in with the crowd, but realize too late that we will never succeed.

What makes us blindly follow each other like sheep? Our desire to be like others. It's time to get rid of the sheep mentality and stop beating ourselves up and realize that we are different from our family and friends. Much suffering can be avoided if we do not allow the majority to control our lives. After all, the conviction that it is subordinate to other people or society means voluntary internal slavery, making us prisoners of our own free will.

Our thoughts are a kind of copies that reflect all elements of the subconscious; these copies are embodied in positive or negative concepts and ideas. Life is an exact reflection of the workings of the mind. We are literally we attract into your life everything good or bad, happy or sad, successful or unsuccessful. This applies to all areas - work, marriage, health and personal life.

Think about what was said! The world around us is just an external reflection of the internal work of thought. By understanding why you become who you are, you can find the answer to the question of how to become who you want to be.

A force for change

Shakespeare wrote: “We know what we are, but we know not what we may become.” Does this apply to you? Are you obsessed with your limitations, failures, mistakes? Do you rarely stop to think about what you can become? The problem lies in this: from early childhood, you are programmed with false ideas, values ​​and beliefs that prevent you from seeing your true abilities and realizing your uniqueness.

In fact, through your role as a co-creator of your own life, you are endowed with the power to change any aspect of your life. All great teachers came to the same conclusion: no one but you can solve your problems. As the Great Teacher said: “God’s Kingdom is within you.” It is not somewhere in distant lands or in the heavens. The Buddha came to a similar conclusion when he said: “Shine for yourself without relying on anything, and do not look for support in anything except in yourself.” The healing power lies within us. Health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind are possible, you just have to break the shackles of negative thinking.

Until you realize your true worth, you will not be able to gain complete self-confidence. You can free yourself from self-imposed limitations only to the extent that you can recognize your uniqueness.

Yes I said erected with one's own hands! Neither parents, nor family, nor boss, nor society are involved in this. We limit ourselves by allowing others to control our lives.

Until you let go of guilt and stop belittling yourself for imaginary shortcomings, you will not be able to break out of the ranks of those who are engaged in an endless and futile struggle for complete self-confidence and personal freedom. To become a truly free, compassionate, loving and considerate person, you need to learn to understand and love yourself. From childhood you were told: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” but until you learn value yourself there will be no benefit to you or your neighbor!

Satisfy your needs first

To become a self-confident person, you must first satisfy your own needs. At first glance, this statement may seem selfish, but let's repeat it again - only by realizing ourselves to the fullest can we benefit family, friends, colleagues, society, etc.

Many people use the philosophy of serving people as a reason to abdicate responsibility for their own lives. They make the excuse that the husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, church, family or the whole world comes first. This is nothing more than self-deception. A clear example of this behavior can be considered a person who throws himself headlong into a worthy project, although in fact he is simply not able to face his own problems and begin to resolve them.

You can't change the world but you can change yourself. Humanity will change for the better only when everyone takes control of their lives and takes responsibility for it. It's time to put your own needs first. This is the only way to become truly free. Physical slavery is undoubtedly a crime. However, internal and mental slavery is much more terrible, for the punishment for it, as Descartes so well wrote, is “a life full of quiet despair.”

Take your seats! time to hit the road!

You will soon embark on an exciting journey that will help you in the future. You will learn how to throw off the shackles that prevent you from moving forward.

If you feel stuck, inadequate, and unable to face life with confidence and enthusiasm, this book is for you. If you are outraged by mediocrity, you are dissatisfied with past results and do not want to float limply with the flow of life, in the following pages you will learn about an alternative to a gray, hopeless life. If you are ready to open your heart to new ideas, values ​​and beliefs, you will learn how you can reorganize your thought process and awaken your new self.

Once you master these principles, your life will be filled with happiness, love, freedom, money and confidence. After all, there is nothing more stimulating and inspiring than releasing your own limitless potential and living a rich creative life. No matter who you are, what you do or what situation you are in, you are able to gain complete self-confidence. And it's much easier to do than you think!

Unhappy Majority

If you take a closer look at those around you, you can hardly ignore the fact that among them there are very few happy people who have managed to realize themselves and find the meaning of life. Many are unable to cope with the problems and daily difficulties of life. The vast majority, having come to terms with the mediocrity of existence, have long been simply going with the flow.

Accepting mediocrity has become a way of life. The feeling of their own inadequacy makes people blame society, others, circumstances for their failures and disappointments and look for various reasons for them. And this is so human! The conviction that life is controlled by other people and depends on external circumstances is firmly entrenched in their minds. They refuse to accept logical arguments that prove otherwise.

William James, the eminent philosopher and psychologist, once remarked: “The greatest achievement of our time is the fact that by changing the internal aspects of thinking, we can change the external aspects of life.” In this laconic statement lies the great truth - we not victims A co-authors books of our own lives and the world around us. Or, as another wisdom says: “We are not what we think about ourselves, we are what we think!”

Sheep Thinking

We have learned too dearly that the opposite of courage is not cowardice, but conformity. We spend precious years of our lives trying to fit in with the crowd, but realize too late that we will never succeed.

What makes us blindly follow each other like sheep? Our desire to be like others. It's time to get rid of the sheep mentality and stop beating ourselves up and realize that we are different from our family and friends. Much suffering can be avoided if we do not allow the majority to control our lives. After all, the conviction that it is subordinate to other people or society means voluntary internal slavery, making us prisoners of our own free will.

Our thoughts are a kind of copies that reflect all elements of the subconscious; these copies are embodied in positive or negative concepts and ideas. Life is an exact reflection of the workings of the mind. We are literally we attract into your life everything good or bad, happy or sad, successful or unsuccessful. This applies to all areas - work, marriage, health and personal life.

Think about what was said! The world around us is just an external reflection of the internal work of thought. By understanding why you become who you are, you can find the answer to the question of how to become who you want to be.

A force for change

Shakespeare wrote: “We know what we are, but we know not what we may become.” Does this apply to you? Are you obsessed with your limitations, failures, mistakes? Do you rarely stop to think about what you can become? The problem lies in this: from early childhood, you are programmed with false ideas, values ​​and beliefs that prevent you from seeing your true abilities and realizing your uniqueness.

All great teachers came to the same conclusion: no one but you can solve your problems. As the Great Teacher said: “God’s Kingdom is within you.” It is not somewhere in distant lands or in the heavens. The Buddha came to a similar conclusion when he said: “Shine for yourself without relying on anything, and do not look for support in anything except in yourself.” The healing power lies within us. Health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind are possible, you just have to break the shackles of negative thinking.

Until you realize your true worth, you will not be able to gain complete self-confidence. You can free yourself from self-imposed limitations only to the extent that you can recognize your uniqueness.

Yes I said erected with one's own hands! Neither parents, nor family, nor boss, nor society are involved in this. We limit ourselves by allowing others to control our lives.

Until you let go of guilt and stop belittling yourself for imaginary shortcomings, you will not be able to break out of the ranks of those who are engaged in an endless and futile struggle for complete self-confidence and personal freedom. To become a truly free, compassionate, loving and considerate person, you need to learn to understand and love yourself. From childhood you were told: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” but until you learn value yourself there will be no benefit to you or your neighbor!

Satisfy your needs first

To become a self-confident person, you must first satisfy your own needs. At first glance, this statement may seem selfish, but let's repeat it again - only by realizing ourselves to the fullest can we benefit family, friends, colleagues, society, etc.

Many people use the philosophy of serving people as a reason to abdicate responsibility for their own lives. They make the excuse that the husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, church, family or the whole world comes first. This is nothing more than self-deception. A clear example of this behavior can be considered a person who throws himself headlong into a worthy project, although in fact he is simply not able to face his own problems and begin to resolve them.

You can't change the world but you can change yourself. Humanity will change for the better only when everyone takes control of their lives and takes responsibility for it. It's time to put your own needs first. This is the only way to become truly free. Physical slavery is undoubtedly a crime. However, internal and mental slavery is much more terrible, for the punishment for it, as Descartes so well wrote, is “a life full of quiet despair.”

Take your seats! time to hit the road!

You will soon embark on an exciting journey that will help you in the future. You will learn how to throw off the shackles that prevent you from moving forward.

If you feel stuck, inadequate, and unable to face life with confidence and enthusiasm, this book is for you. If you are outraged by mediocrity, you are dissatisfied with past results and do not want to float limply with the flow of life, in the following pages you will learn about an alternative to a gray, hopeless life. If you are ready to open your heart to new ideas, values ​​and beliefs, you will learn how you can reorganize your thought process and awaken your new self.

Once you master these principles, your life will be filled with happiness, love, freedom, money and confidence. After all, there is nothing more stimulating and inspiring than releasing your own limitless potential and living a rich creative life. No matter who you are, what you do or what situation you are in, you are able to gain complete self-confidence. And it's much easier to do than you think!

21 days can change a lot

Let's go behind the scenes for a moment and take a sneak peek at a simple yet highly effective training method. It's called the 21 DAY HABIT.

It has been found that it takes 21 days to get rid of an old destructive habit and form a new positive habit. You will need approximately the same amount of time to fully understand the material presented in this book. I don't want to mislead you. You may understand it immediately, but intellectual understanding alone is not enough to stimulate the necessary changes. True inspiration comes from awareness.

You must go from simple understanding to awareness. To realize something, it is necessary to make it part of thinking, feeling, acting and reacting. Everything will take time. Therefore, do not think that after reading the book once, you will understand everything. This will not happen until the learned information becomes a new habit.

Leave everything for a while and focus entirely on the book. The time spent changing old negative habits into new, constructive and positive ones is only a small investment compared to the freedom you will gain.

If sometimes I speak harshly, it is only in order to overcome your stubborn resistance and force you to hear and accept the truth. When this happens, you will be filled with a sublime feeling, an inner voice will tell you: “Yes, now you know what the real truth is.”

To get the best results, read the entire book first and become familiar with all of the material. Then re-read and work through the chapters that matter most to you. Allow the principles described to penetrate your consciousness as deeply as possible, but most importantly, put them into practice immediately.

So, if you're ready, let's get started!

Secret #1 Get out of hypnosis

Every person is hypnotized to one degree or another, either by ideas he has learned from other people or by ideas he has convinced himself are true. These ideas have the same effect on his behavior as the thoughts inspired by the hypnotist to his subject.

Over the years, I have hypnotized hundreds of people, demonstrating the power of imagination and suggestion. For greater clarity, let me explain what happens to a person under hypnosis.

I tell a normal healthy woman put into a state of hypnosis that she will not be able to pick up a pencil from the table. And she really doesn't perform such a simple action. Note that this is not to say that she is not trying to do this. She strains and tries, but, much to the surprise of the audience, she still fails to lift the pencil. On the one hand, she tries to perform an action through conscious and physical effort. But on the other hand, the suggestion "you can't lift the pencil" makes her mind believe that it is real impossible. In this case, we are dealing with physical force, which is neutralized by mental force. This is an example of a struggle between willpower and imagination. In it imagination is always the winner!

Many people are confident that they can change their lives with just an effort of will. This is wrong. Negative thoughts generated by imagination cause them to defeat themselves. Regardless of the effort expended, they do not achieve results. They perceive a false belief as a proven fact. All their abilities, good intentions and willpower are completely useless against a powerful false belief accepted as truth.

Likewise, I can prove that under hypnosis a person's possibilities are limitless, since so is the power of his imagination. To outside observers, I seem to be a kind of magician, because I force a person to do something that in a normal state he would not be able or would not want to do. The truth is this: the force that motivates him to do this is hidden within him. Without realizing it, my subject is hypnotizing myself, convincing that he can or cannot perform certain actions. No person can be hypnotized against his will, since he himself participates in process. The hypnotist is only a guide who helps speed up the transition to a state of hypnosis.

I have given the example of hypnosis as an illustration of a psychological principle that can be of invaluable benefit to you. The same principle is clearly manifested in the modern sphere of education, where the student, by and large, learns independently, the teacher only guides him. A more impressive example is the art of healing, where the patient heals his own body under the guidance of an experienced healer.

Worth a man believe into the truth of something (regardless of whether it is actually so), as he begins act accordingly, subconsciously collecting facts to support his conviction, even if they are false. No one will be able to convince him otherwise until he himself, due to personal experience or theoretical knowledge, decides to change. From this we can conclude: if someone takes information that is not true for granted, all his subsequent actions and reactions will be based on a false belief.

This idea does not claim to be original. Since the beginning of time, people have been in a kind of hypnotic sleep, which they themselves were not aware of. Only great mentors and philosophers knew about him. They understood that humanity was limiting itself through erroneous facts, and they tried to channel its potential into great achievements far beyond anything we could ever dream of.

That's why it's like that It is important not to be confident that the Truth about yourself has been revealed to you. In other words, you should not unequivocally assert that your current ideas about the Truth are the Truth. On the contrary, from this moment you must move forward, realizing that you have been hypnotized by false beliefs, concepts and values ​​that have prevented you from achieving your potential.

You and I are the result primarily of what you have been instilled and taught.

Most ordinary people don't even come close to unlocking their limitless potential because they live with the false belief that the truth is true for them. known. They believe their parents, teachers, religion, books, without even trying to prove the veracity of what they are suggesting.

Millions of us mindlessly follow the passionate speeches of so-called “smart people” without bothering to make sure that the principles professed by these “experts” correspond to real life. We limit ourselves further by blindly clinging to these values ​​and beliefs even after we outgrow them. Luckily, someone or something motivates us go beyond your current level of awareness. This means discovering and developing absolute self-confidence.

Your first task is awakening from the hypnotic sleep that is now preventing you from becoming who you want to be. Check out the following statement:

The degree of awakening is directly dependent on the amount of truth about yourself that you are able to accept.

Now re-read this phrase again! This is a factor that determines your ability to change your life. In the words of the Great Teacher, “know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.”

Many of the concepts presented in this book will come into sharp conflict with what you currently believe to be Truth. Some may even seem strange or counterintuitive and shake your belief system. The choice is yours: either find out if they are true or resist them. This brings us back to what we said earlier: your life changes in direct proportion to the amount of truth about yourself that you can accept.

If you are sincere about making changes and increasing your self-confidence, you must open your mind. I do not expect, nor do I want, you to take for granted what is written in this book based solely on my word of truth. If you do just that, then what you read will be of little use. Try all the principles on your own experience. The inner conviction and confidence that comes when you prove it the truth of what was previously simply considered the Truth will become the foundation on which you will later build your confidence.

To build a new "structural" building on the site of an old one, you first have to destroy the original structure and level it to the ground. You can do this by shaking the “foundation” of erroneous facts that prevent you from leading a full, vibrant and rich life. This is primarily what will be discussed in this book.

How beliefs limit freedom

What are beliefs? They represent conscious and unconscious information that we accept as true. Unfortunately, beliefs often limit freedom and deprive us of access to genuine knowledge. The filter of false ideas filters out the Truth, and we see only what we want, rejecting everything else.

The truth will never be revealed to the so-called “stubborn believer.” You probably know such people. They always operate with “facts”, do not want to admit what goes beyond their ideas, and view it as a threat. They label everything new, unusual and bright as “bad” or at least “unacceptable.” Still, old, traditional and overwhelming is good. They refuse to understand that Truth, no matter how painful it may be, is good, and a lie, no matter how much we like it, is always evil.

To protect their beliefs, these people build strong walls around themselves. And regardless of their size, they are called upon to cut off from the “builder” the Truth that he is not able to accept.

The “stubborn believer” does not think about changing his way of thinking, which makes him ignorant. He recognizes only what is inside the walls he has built, and this does not allow him to study the boundless Truth beyond them. Such people do not realize that Truth is always greater than any structure built to limit it.

Conviction and truth are not synonymous and should not be confused. In contrast to conviction, truth is not limiting. She calls for new knowledge. Every person should strive to comprehend the Truth as deeply as possible. The “stubborn believer” thinks he knows all the answers. A person who believes in the Truth knows that something unknown always remains - and therefore constantly strives for enlightenment.

We are limited by erroneous facts

If we want to radically change our lives, we must first find out the cause of the problems that haunt us. It inevitably lies in erroneous facts.

False facts are things we believe to be true, but which in reality are not. They are usually based on wishful thinking. This distorts reality and leads to self-deception. We want to see everything the way we want I want and not as it really is, looking at the world through the prism of beliefs and turning a blind eye to real.

We are able to change the world only to the extent that we are able to change ourselves. You can change yourself only by realizing the erroneous facts. Most problems arise from expectations that never materialize. Disappointments are a consequence of a mistaken idealized idea of ​​how we think we will be. must be the world and who we are, again in our opinion, should or must be. This phenomenon is known as resistance to reality.

Emerson said: “We are what we think about all day long.” Everything that is happening to you now intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually is the result of what is happening in your consciousness.

You accept or reject EVERYTHING intellectual and physical based on your present level of awareness.

The real level of awareness is determined by education, environment, family life, childhood experiences, successes, failures and religious beliefs.

You will soon see: much of what you until now considered to be true is actually true. Not is. This refers to the beliefs that form the solid foundation of your reality. As you read the material in this book, you will find yourself accepting or rejecting information based on your current level of awareness. And, unfortunately, he may be wrong or distorted.

Nobody likes to change their current level of awareness

We usually find it difficult to change our existing level of awareness for the following reasons.

Everything that we draw in our minds is based on our idea of ​​Truth. We don't consider how distorted or twisted it is. Our mind controls all actions and reactions.

It is much easier to come up with excuses, or, as we used to call them, “logical justifications”, why it is not necessary or even possible for us to change.

We choose only those experiences that will support our current values. At the same time, we ignore or even decisively reject those that do not correspond to existing beliefs.

We have programmed in the subconscious and central nervous system incorrect reactions to life situations. This forces us to perceive what is happening exactly this way and not otherwise. In other words, we react according to how we have made ourselves feel and act. We created it ourselves such a system, and only we are able to change its basic laws.

The mind tells us that there are things that should be changed, but at the same time it seems to us that our situation is different from the situations of other people. This forces us to avoid many things and, if necessary, to decisively reject any idea that threatens our beliefs. Take an alcoholic for example. From his point of view, continuing to drink is rational and logical. A drug addict, a gambler, a person who cannot limit his food intake - they all feel the same way about their own addictions, coming up with convincing explanations for their actions, based on current level of awareness, no matter how false it may be.

The biggest stumbling block to changing consciousness is the refusal to accept that erroneous facts distort our perceptions. This is why it is so important to question our views from time to time and check whether we are being guided by false positions.

You've no doubt been told that living a happier, more productive life requires one thing: the right mindset. Those who advise you to develop willpower are right, but they have not progressed very far towards your goal. Resolving to prosper and lead a more productive, creative life is not enough because it does not address the core of the problem, which is faulty perception. Once we correctly assess the state of affairs and interpret our environment in its true light, we can change ourselves.

I wrote this book to help you live a more fruitful life by sharing with you insights gained through personal experience and many years of interaction with many people.

You've no doubt been told that living a happier, more productive life requires one thing: the right mindset. Those who advise you to develop willpower are right, but they have not progressed very far towards your goal. We all know from childhood that the simple desire to succeed and live more fruitfully is often not enough. Of course, we experience joyful excitement when we are told: “All you have to do is make a firm decision to change your life, and then you will achieve what you want.” Unfortunately, the next day or week later, most of us forget about our good intentions and fall back into old negative habits. Our strong determination to start a good life from the first day of the coming new year often disappears by mid-January.

Resolving to prosper and lead a more productive, creative life is not enough because it does not address the core of the problem, which is faulty perception. Once we correctly assess the state of affairs and interpret our environment in its true light, we can change ourselves.

I have met people of different professions and social status, and I can assure you that the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of their actions, their successes or failures were in no way related to their level of intelligence or determination to succeed. Those who fail simply look at the reality around them incorrectly and therefore begin to believe that it itself is wrong - their family, profession and life in general. As a result, they begin to lose touch with reality.

Man is the only living creature that talks to himself. Throughout the day, you constantly talk to yourself and collect information about the surrounding reality. You act exactly like a programmer entering information into a computer, with one exception: you are both the programmer and the computer at the same time. Your five senses carry out programming, and if you look at things incorrectly, you lose touch with reality and begin to see the world only as you want to see it.

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