Aphorisms, quotes and sayings about goals and dreams. Aphorisms about the purpose in life The best quotes about the purpose in life

Everything in this world has some purpose. And a person must have it, therefore, it will be useful to read quotes about the goal. To live your life more productively and get a lot done without being distracted by trifles and fuss, read quotes about goals more often, they will focus you on the right things.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, stumble and fall; often the greatest rewards come from the things that scare us the most. Maybe you will achieve everything you want, and maybe even more than you imagined. Who knows where life will take you, the path is long, and in the end the journey itself is the goal.
One Tree Hill

I don't know what I want, but I will achieve it.
Frederick Beigbeder. Ideal

Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do something. Even me. Understood? If you have a dream, take care of it. People who can’t do something will insist that you can’t do it either. Set a goal - achieve it! And period.
Gabriel Muccino

You can achieve something, fight for what you believe in. Your dreams are your legitimate goals.
Jared Leto

This collection contains some really good quotes about goals.

Knowing the path and walking it are not the same thing.
The Matrix

A painless lesson is meaningless. He who has not lost anything will not be able to achieve anything.
Fullmetal Alchemist

I don't want to become some kind of star, I will become a legend.
Freddie Mercury

The purpose of the quote (any one included in the collection) is to explain to everyone how important it is to set goals and go towards them. Yes, it is not always possible to achieve them, but the path itself already gives a lot.

If you really want something, you don't have to stop for something or anyone until you get it.
Gossip Girl

If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Writer's Diary

It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal.
George Bernard Shaw

When it seems to you that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.

There is no wealth in the world more priceless than a strong mind with a right purpose.
Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

It is better to move forward without a clearly formulated goal than to stand still without a goal, and certainly much better than to move backward without a goal.
Andrzej Sapkowski. Baptism by fire

For me there are two possibilities: either achieve the full implementation of my plans, or fail. If I succeed, I will become one of the greatest in history; if I fail, I will be condemned, rejected and damned.
Adolf Gitler

The best motivation in life is the wise sayings of great and famous people - leaders, scientists, successful entrepreneurs. Their quotes about achieving a goal in a person’s life will become your motto and will help you not to lose faith in your own strengths and make your dream come true.

If you want to achieve significant heights in life, you cannot hope and expect that plans will come true on their own. The path to success must begin with defining a plan of action and, of course, motivation. At a minimum, it is necessary to answer the question: what is the greatest goal of your life? Statistically, people who move forward according to a plan are more likely to achieve success. Remember that the whole world lies at your feet, it is important to correctly define your goal and strive to achieve it every day.

Quotes about achieving goals from famous personalities

  1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a famous American singer and translator, said that it is much easier to immediately do something correctly and well than to later make excuses and explain why it was done poorly.
  2. The French writer La Rochefoucauld wisely noted that a person is inclined to justify himself, therefore he passes off his lack of will in achieving a goal as powerlessness.
  3. The famous figure skater Irina Rodnina said that it is impossible to achieve success in life and become successful if you constantly return to the past. You need to not only close the door there, but also throw away the key.
  4. The brilliant writers Ilf and Petrov came up with the phrase that numerous goals in life are a path to nowhere.

Psychologist's opinion: every person has a choice - to waste time trying to overcome all the obstacles and difficulties or to clearly see the dream in front of him and concentrate on its implementation and achievement. Every day it is necessary to take real steps aimed at implementing the plan. Trying to cope with all the difficulties is work for the present and is not productive. It turns out to be effective only for the future.

A few more phrases about the importance of determining the final result for which all the main efforts are made. They determine

  • a successful person knows what he strives for, and a loser knows what he doesn’t want;
  • It is better not to set a goal for yourself than to set one, but not make any effort to achieve it;
  • the main goal in a person’s life should be socially significant and useful, attract and captivate;
  • It’s not enough to say to yourself – this is the goal, you need to think about it carefully;
  • Having a right and worthy goal is much more important than having opportunities;
  • bold, well-thought-out dreams come true 110%; upon reaching a goal, a person always receives a pleasant bonus from life in the form of 10% to his result.

Effective motivation

Competent, effective motivation for success is also aimed at controlling one’s own emotions and feelings:

  1. the biggest mistake is wasting effort and time on experiencing a mistake, while determining that this is your goal in life;
  2. you should not rejoice at random success, because random success will not lead to the desired victory;
  3. dreams will be achieved by those who show not compliance, but perseverance and fortitude;
  4. When making a decision and moving forward, never betray your dream and do not be distracted by obstacles, otherwise you will become a victim of circumstances;
  5. the most important condition for success is faith in yourself, only faith in your own strengths will allow you to achieve your goal;
  6. use your power openly and as honestly as possible, only in this way will your efforts be effective and beneficial.

Of course, the right choice of allies plays an important role in achieving your dreams. It is necessary to surround yourself with like-minded people who will support, help with advice, and share experiences. It is impossible to become successful alone.

  • you should not have free time, otherwise you will never achieve the desired result;
  • never plan anything under severe emotional stress;
  • do not set a goal when you are angry, such a person is stupid because he wants to cross the ocean in a strong storm;
  • If you want to reach heights, you need to be able to restrain your desires and limit yourself; if you want a lot, you won’t be able to realize your dream.
  • set several goals for the year and determine their priority;
  • divide your goals into areas. For example: financial, health, relationships.

And remember that any goal and dream must be specified - deadlines, final result, necessary resources, start of action, duration of each stage.

Useful video about achieving success.

Hello, dear readers!

Well, she came to us. We hope that you have had a good rest over the summer and are ready to begin work or study with renewed vigor. That is why today we want to remind you of your goals. After all, your activities can become many times more productive if you set specific goals for yourself.

We have already described how to do this in the post ““. And so that you are convinced of the need to set goals, we suggest you read quotes about purpose:

If you have a great goal in front of you, but your capabilities are limited, act anyway; for only through action can your capabilities increase. Sri Aurobindo

Find a goal, resources will be found. Mahatma Gandhi

Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation. I. Goethe

Every day of my work aimed at achieving a goal is... The main thing is the process, not the end result. Dean Koontz

Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their way like the stars - calmly, slowly, but continuously striving towards their intended goal. I. Goethe

The slowest man, unless he loses sight of his goal, walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly. G. Lessing

The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end. Aldous Huxley

Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it if you are willing to work hard. Oprah Winfrey

Goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you review them every day, they are not goals. These are wishes. Robert Kiyosaki

How few people have their own goals. And how many people make other people’s goals their targets. Stas Yankovsky

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The nature of the means must be the same as the nature of the goal, only then can the means lead to the goal. Bad means are only suitable for bad ends. N. Chernyshevsky

The goal in life is life itself. I. Goethe

The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants. Peter Kapitsa

Don't be afraid of the future. Look at him, do not be deceived about him, but do not be afraid. Yesterday I climbed onto the captain's bridge and saw waves as huge as mountains and the bow of a ship that was confidently cutting them. And I asked myself why the ship overcomes the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized that the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want. Winston Churchill

You need to set yourself tasks that are higher than your strengths, firstly, because you never know them anyway, and secondly, because strength appears as you complete an unattainable task. B. Pasternak

Each person individually and everyone together has, one might say, a certain goal, in pursuit of which they choose one thing and avoid another.

Not only advisable, but also necessary.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Set yourself only achievable goals.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

The result justifies the action.

He who is everywhere is nowhere.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

There are people who live without any purpose, who pass through the world like blades of grass in a river: they do not walk, they are carried along.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Let our highest goal be one thing: to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

It is bad if the authorities test their strength through insults; it is bad if respect is acquired by horror; With love you will achieve what you want much sooner than with fear.
Pliny the Younger

The easier a goal is to achieve, the weaker the desire for it.
Pliny the Younger

Something pure does not become worse if bad people take care of it; in general, it is the lot of the good.
Pliny the Younger

If the goal is legal, the means are also legal.
Unknown author

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
Unknown author

The teacher said: “Seeing good in front of me, I run forward as if I’m afraid to fall behind. Seeing evil in front of me, I run away as if I had stepped into boiling water.” I have heard such words and seen such people. “I live in solitude in order to achieve my goal, and I follow what is necessary in order to prevent my truth.” I have heard these words, but I have never met such a person.
Confucius (Kun Tzu)

The purpose of every good action is to love what is worthy of love, to hate what is worthy of hatred, to enjoy what is worthy of pleasure, and to enjoy what is beneficial. What is bad is to use what you should enjoy, enjoy what you should use, hate what you love and love what you hate.
Lorenzo Pisano

A mind that has no definite purpose is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere.
Michel de Montaigne

If you want to achieve the goal of your aspiration, ask more politely about the road you have lost your way.
William Shakespeare

It is not those people who do not achieve their goal who are deprived of insight, but those who pass by it.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Some people strive so passionately and persistently for the object of their desires that, fearing losing it, they do everything in their power to really miss it.
Jean de La Bruyère

When we strive for something, this something appears to us in an exclusively positive light; but now the goal has been achieved, and now only the negative aspects of our enterprise are striking.
Jonathan Swift

A good goal can impart value only to those means that are sufficient and actually lead to the goal.
David Hume

Sometimes a blow misses its target, but intention cannot miss.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Reason shows us the goal, and passions lead us away from it.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant.
Denis Diderot

To be just one step away from the goal or not to get closer to it at all is, in essence, the same thing.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

To achieve your goal, efficiency is needed no less than knowledge.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

Do not deviate from your goal for a single day - this is a means to prolong time, and, moreover, a very sure means, although it is not easy to use.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

I respect people who know exactly what they want. Most of the troubles around the world come from people not being clear enough about their goals. When they begin to erect a building, they spend too little effort on the foundation for the tower to stand.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their own way
like the stars, calmly, not rushing, but constantly striving towards the intended goal.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Anyone who wants to achieve a lot must set high standards.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

A truly serious desire for any goal is half the success in achieving it.
Wilhelm Humboldt

Only one-third is achieved through abuse, everything is achieved through love and concessions.
Jean Paul

No amount of results or achievements can correct the wrong direction.
Lev Tolstoy

The goal can only be achieved when the means itself are already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal.
Ferdinand Lassalle

There is no main thing - everything is important for victory! (Zmear)

Obstacles on the way to the goal, testing our desire to achieve what we want! ()

Let's hit alcoholism with drunkenness! (Vova)

What is the goal, such are the morals. (Valery Krasovsky)

We are on the right track, but in a traffic jam. ()

Sometimes the goal does not justify the money spent on ammunition. ()

The goal does not always justify the money spent on ammunition. ()

Sometimes the goal does not justify the money spent on ammunition. ()

The point is not what you achieved, but what you gave up. (Gennady Malkin)

Difficulties generate in a person the abilities necessary to overcome them. (Wendell Phillips)

People must be valued according to the goals they set for themselves. (Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay)

The most reliable compass on the path of life is the goal. (Boris Krutier)

While some are digging to the roots, others manage to reach the fruits. (T.Ber)

Life is a series of efforts. We see the goal, but we don't always see the road. (Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky)

He who hobbles along a straight road will outpace a runner who has lost his way. (Francis Bacon)

There are only two steps to go: one forward, one back. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

A person has three ways to act wisely: the first, the most noble, is reflection, the second, the easiest, is imitation, the third, the most bitter, is experience. (Confucius (Kun Tzu))

Every thing in the world is sweeter for us to pursue than to have. (William Shakespeare)

A pseudonym dreams of a big name. Otherwise, he would not have become a pseudonym. (Victor Konyakhin)

It may be that the whole goal on earth, to which humanity strives, lies solely in the continuity of the process of achievement, in other words, life itself. (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

If you tripped and fell, this does not mean that you are going the wrong way. (Words by Vantala)

Once we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts. (Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens))

Nothing ruins a target like a hit. (Attributed to N. Fomenko)

Purposefulness is based on the art of neglecting the non-essential and secondary. (Mikhail Draispitz)

When you want to climb up, rely on your own legs. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Don't judge a person by what views he holds, but judge by what he achieves with them. (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

We are all the same. Of the thousands of ways leading to the goal, we always instinctively choose the worst. (Alberto Moravia (Pinkerle))

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