Analysis of Fet’s poem “Life flashed by without an obvious trace.”

“Life flashed by without a clear trace...” Afanasy Fet

Life flashed by without a clear trace.
My soul was torn - who will tell me where?
For what pre-selected purpose?
But all the dreams, all the riot of the first days
With their joy - everything is quieter, everything is clearer
The latter is approached as a housewarming party.

So, I complete my dissolute escape,
Prickly snow flies from the naked fields,
Driven by an early, violent snowstorm,
And, stopping in the wilderness of the forest,
Gathers in silver silence
A deep and cold bed.

Analysis of Fet’s poem “Life flashed by without a clear trace...”

Fet realized the close connection between poetry and philosophy back in student years, finding examples of it in the works of our favorite authors - Goethe and Schiller. A little later, Afanasy Afanasievich really wanted to study the works of Kant, but time did not allow - a significant part of his life was taken up military service. The poet was able to pay due attention to philosophy only starting in the 1860s. At the same time, he was primarily interested not in the works of Kant, but in the work of another great German philosopher - Arthur Schopenhauer. Fet even translated some of his books into Russian. Greatest influence the pessimistic ideas of the Frankfurt thinker influenced late lyrics Afanasy Afanasievich. In recent years, the poet often called suffering the main content of life, and saw salvation only in art, which can lead a person into the world pure beauty and joy. Fet considered morality to be a lower concept. In his opinion, she should not touch highest poetry. In addition, Afanasy Afanasievich freed the artist from the requirements of morality, proclaiming man a creative servant exclusively of beauty.

Partially Fet's worldview recent years reflected in the poem “Life flashed by without an obvious trace...”, written in 1884. The main idea of ​​the work is stated in the very first line. The lyrical hero affirms the meaninglessness of his own existence. It is interesting that it is not a young man who appears before the readers, because young people are often characterized by disappointment in life, but a man who is soon preparing to enter the last door. The hero has seen enough, felt enough. Just to answer the most important philosophical question he never succeeded: what is the meaning of life? His soul was torn to an unknown destination, not knowing the route, not having a pre-established goal. It is strange that as a possible meaning of life lyrical hero does not offer love, yet intimate poetry occupied one of the main places in Fet’s work. It’s worth at least remembering a line from the poem “Old Letters”: “...As if there is anything in the world outside of love!”

In the second stanza of the work “Life flashed by without an obvious trace...” a description of nature appears. To illustrate the idea expressed in the first quatrain, Fet resorts to a vivid comparison. The prickly snow flying from the naked fields and settling into a deep and cold bed in the wilderness is compared with dreams, with the “violence of the first days” approaching the last housewarming.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

Life flashed by without a clear trace.
My soul was torn - who will tell me where?
For what pre-selected purpose?
But all the dreams, all the riot of the first days
With their joy - everything is quieter, everything is clearer
The latter is approached as a housewarming party.

So, I complete my dissolute escape,
Prickly snow flies from the naked fields,
Driven by an early, violent snowstorm,
And, stopping in the wilderness of the forest,
Gathers in silver silence
A deep and cold bed.

Afanasy Fet

Fet realized the close connection between poetry and philosophy back in his student years, finding examples of it in the works of his favorite authors - Goethe and Schiller. A little later, Afanasy Afanasyevich really wanted to study the works of Kant, but time did not allow - military service took up a significant part of his life. The poet was able to pay due attention to philosophy only starting in the 1860s. At the same time, he was primarily interested not in the works of Kant, but in the work of another great German philosopher - Arthur Schopenhauer. Fet even translated some of his books into Russian. The pessimistic ideas of the Frankfurt thinker had the greatest influence on the late poetry of Afanasy Afanasyevich. In recent years, the poet often called suffering the main content of life, and saw salvation only in art, which can take a person into a world of pure beauty and joy. Fet considered morality to be a lower concept. In his opinion, higher poetry should not touch it. In addition, Afanasy Afanasyevich freed the artist from the demands of morality, proclaiming man a creative servant exclusively of beauty.

Part of Fet’s worldview in recent years was reflected in the poem “Life flashed by without an obvious trace...”, written in 1884. The main idea of ​​the work is stated in the very first line. The lyrical hero affirms the meaninglessness of his own existence. It is interesting that it is not a young man who appears before the readers, because young people are often characterized by disappointment in life, but a man who is soon preparing to enter the last door. The hero has seen enough, felt enough. But he never managed to answer the most important philosophical question: what is the meaning of life? His soul was torn to an unknown destination, not knowing the route, not having a pre-established goal. It is strange that the lyrical hero does not offer love as a possible meaning of life; nevertheless, intimate poetry occupied one of the main places in Fet’s work. It’s worth at least remembering a line from the poem “Old Letters”: “...As if there is anything in the world outside of love!”

In the second stanza of the work “Life flashed by without an obvious trace...” a description of nature appears. To illustrate the idea expressed in the first quatrain, Fet resorts to a vivid comparison. The prickly snow flying from the naked fields and settling into a deep and cold bed in the wilderness is compared with dreams, with the “violence of the first days” approaching the last housewarming.

Fet realized the close connection between poetry and philosophy back in his student years, finding examples of it in the works of his favorite authors - Goethe and Schiller. A little later, Afanasy Afanasievich really wanted to study the works of Kant, but time did not allow - military service took up a significant part of his life. The poet was able to pay due attention to philosophy only starting in the 1860s. At the same time, he was primarily interested not in the works of Kant, but in the work of another great German philosopher - Arthur Schopenhauer. Fet even translated some of his books into Russian.

The pessimistic ideas of the Frankfurt thinker had the greatest influence on the late poetry of Afanasy Afanasievich. In recent years, the poet often called suffering the main content of life, and saw salvation only in art, which can take a person into a world of pure beauty and joy. Fet considered morality to be a lower concept. In his opinion, higher poetry should not touch it. In addition, Afanasy Afanasievich freed the artist from the demands of morality, proclaiming man a creative servant exclusively of beauty.

Part of Fet’s worldview in recent years was reflected in the poem “Life flashed by without an obvious trace...”, written in 1884. The main idea of ​​the work is stated in the very first line. The lyrical hero affirms the meaninglessness of his own existence. It is interesting that it is not a young man who appears before the readers, because young people are often characterized by disappointment in life, but a man who is soon preparing to enter the last door.

The hero has seen enough, felt enough. But he never managed to answer the most important philosophical question: what is the meaning of life? His soul was torn to an unknown destination, not knowing the route, not having a pre-established goal. It is strange that the lyrical hero does not offer love as a possible meaning of life; nevertheless, intimate poetry occupied one of the main places in Fet’s work. It’s worth at least remembering a line from the poem “Old Letters”: “...As if there is anything in the world outside of love!”

In the second stanza of the work “Life flashed by without an obvious trace...” a description of nature appears. To illustrate the idea expressed in the first quatrain, Fet resorts to a vivid comparison. The prickly snow flying from the naked fields and settling into a deep and cold bed in the wilderness is compared with dreams, with the “violence of the first days” approaching the last housewarming.

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