Tyutchev's last love year of writing. “Last Love” F. Tyutchev. “Last Love” Fyodor Tyutchev

Every Russian person is familiar with the work of the great poet XIX century - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Many of this author's poems are studied in school curriculum. Thanks to his fantastic talent, readers can learn all the innermost thoughts of this wonderful master of the Russian word, skillfully selecting melodic rhymes that create a unique motif with the deepest meaning.

The life of the famous Russian poet was not as simple as it seems at first glance. Not many readers know that Tyutchev spent almost twenty years of his life away from his homeland. He worked in Germany, where he formed as a great poet modernity. Despite the fact that most of his poems are dedicated to his homeland, the author created them far from Russia. He skillfully conveyed the picturesque colors of Russian nature, especially focusing on the change of seasons, comparing each season with the cycle of human life.

The poet's early work

He waits for the last consolation and loudly addresses his son; He will give him peace in order to ask: But, France, he cannot promise anyone. But they robbed him of his kingdom and glory. Expired at the zenith, its successor; The Emperor walks and listens, But no one will come to him.

He stands and he sighs and he looks. Returns to earth until morning; Then the tears from his eyes go unnoticed. In silence, he turns to the ocean. And, as if in a dream, He silently reaches his ship and pushes it into the stream. In Two Giants, his image of Napoleon is completely different from what we saw in the first two works. Here he calls Napoleon a giant and one to fear. But he is no match for the Russian giant who defeated Napoleon with a mere shake of the head.

The lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev do not leave any reader indifferent. Many poetic works dedicated to the theme of love, about which the famous Russian poet knew a lot. He knew how to love without reserve, dissolving in feelings to the very depths.

Despite his romantic nature, the poet did not perceive the word “treason”; he simply did not consider it regrettable to love several women at the same time. Interesting fact O personal life Tyutchev - he lived in two families, and to each beloved he gave all his tender feelings and frankness.

The most unpredictable events took place in his life; each meeting left certain thoughts in the poet’s memory, which he skillfully conveyed in his brilliant work. The verse “I met you, and all the past...”, known to many readers, was written after a meeting with a woman who later became his lover.

Analysis of Fyodor Tyutchev’s poem “Last Love”

But the Russian giant, undaunted, smiled the fatal smile of war, shook his head, and then he boasted that Fell had conquered forever. No effort is made to portray the Russians as wanting peace; every giant strives to fight, seeking the glory that will come with victory. Naturally, in true nationalist spirit, Napoleon goes to St. Helena as a direct result of the victory of the Russian giant, and not through Waterloo. This poem, like Borodino, in best case scenario is a Russian patriotic letter.

Tyutchev's first love

In 1822, Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev entered the service of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. By this time young poet Already graduated from Moscow University. As part of his work, he was sent to Munich as a Russian official-diplomat to carry out a state mission. It was here that young Tyutchev met his first love.

His chosen one was the illegitimate daughter of the Prussian king, Amalia von Lerchenfeld. Young and enough beautiful girl was conquered by the worthy feelings of nineteen-year-old Fyodor, so she immediately gave herself up to mad love. The poet proposed to her, but Amalia’s relatives were categorically against this relationship, so Tyutchev faced a regrettable refusal. According to the beauty’s parents, Fedor was not rich enough.

At Borodino, it is the turn of the Russian soldiers to be betrayed, this time by those who insisted that they retreat in the face of Napoleon's invasion. As they stand and fight at Borodino, Lermontov shows that they are invincible. But in the end they retreat, leaving Moscow to the French. Lermontov, of course, knows the reason for the retreat, but instead of questioning the decision of the Tsar or Kutusov, he declares that God's will must be lost in Moscow. This was, of course, a much safer statement, given the ubiquity of censorship.

Thus, its final stanza glorifies the Russian soldier and explains the humiliation of losing Moscow. Yes, these were people who lived among us. Too few of them survived the battle. Soldiers marked by fate for defeat; It was the will of Almighty God that Moscow should perish!

Soon, the young diplomat had to leave the country for a while, and at that time Amalia’s wedding took place with Baron Krunder, who was a colleague of Fyodor Ivanovich. Returning to Munich, he learned about this event. This news greatly upset Tyutchev, but even his frank intention to assign a duel to his opponent could not change the current situation. Beloved Amalia remained Baroness Kründer, the wife of another man...

He was in Turin and Munich, where he met German poets, including Friedrich von Schelling and Heinrich Heine. Generally conservative and very patriotic, he wrote powerful defense Russia and suspicious criticism of what he saw as threats in the West. Russia during Tyutchev's life was engaged in numerous wars, and this fact had an impact great influence to his poetry. Wars lead to nationalism and distrust of foreigners, and those views that can be found are reflected in Tyutchev's poetry.

Like Byron and other romantic poets, Tyutchev also had a heated love affair that produced both his poetry and his reputation. Tyutchev's writing on Napoleon contains classical romantic elements of Nature and heroism. In Napoleon, Tyutchev portrays Napoleon as the familiar combination of genius and tyrant who has gone too far. Napoleonic invasion of Holy Rus', according to him in my own words, was to determine the fate of Russia. Tyutchev agrees, but this fate was not what the man for whom eagles soared in his head and vipers in his chest envisioned.

Throughout his life, the poet and his first lover maintained friendly relations. He dedicated several poems to this woman. The most touching lyrical work is “I remember the golden time.”

Tyutchev's first wife

The failed relationship with Amalia von Lerchenfeld made the young diplomat suffer, but not for long. Soon, Tyutchev met Countess Eleanor Peterson, who became the first wife of Fyodor Ivanovich.

She fell in love with the young poet passionately and madly, conveying to her lover all her most frank and pure intentions. Eleanor surrounded her husband with incredible care and sincere warmth. The poet felt good with her, she became a reliable support and a wonderful life partner. The young wife solved all everyday and even financial problems on her own. The Tyutchevs' house was always warm and cozy, even when serious financial difficulties arose in the family budget. Eleanor was a devoted wife and hospitable hostess. The poet was happy, however, this marriage was soon destroyed by an unforeseen circumstance.

Two forces that miraculously merged: Eagles soared in his head, Vipers writhed in his chest. He flew boldly like an eagle. Gave, inspired wings. And with cunning the snake planned his bold assault. But the sanctifying power, beyond his understanding, did not illuminate his soul, did not descend upon him. Earth, not God He swam, he swam, proud, disdaining the waves, But the rock led under the water. Destroyed his leaky boat.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Last Love”

These contradictory metaphors, eagles and vipers once again show the duality of the images of Napoleon given by poets from all nations. As we saw earlier with Lermontov, Napoleon's defeat in Russia leads directly to his exile. In another of Lermontov's repulsions, Napoleon's spirit returns to France, with last line a poem alluding to the will of Napoleon, and his desire to relax on the banks of the Seine.

Eleanor and her children were returning from a trip to her husband. During this journey by water, a shipwreck occurred. She managed to escape, but due to severe hypothermia, the health of Tyutchev’s wife deteriorated significantly, which soon led to the woman’s death. Eleanor Peterson was barely 37 years old at that time...

The loss of his beloved wife seriously affected the poet’s condition. Tyutchev experienced this terrible event very painfully. Later, he will write several touching poems dedicated to this beautiful woman.

Many historians have suggested that Napoleon was blind to reality when he moved against Russia; Russian poets often reflected this belief, and Tyutchev does this in his poem "The Neman". It must have been a magnificent spectacle, and Tyutchev describes it, but with the ominous warning that Napoleon was blind to what awaited him. By the end of the poem, Napoleon crosses the Niemen again, this time with ten percent of his army.

Background to the writing of "Last Love"

Images of nature are characteristic of romantic poets, and in Napoleon's Tomb Tyutchev shows nature in full force. Here the image of Napoleon is again positive, as his memory fills the minds of people. However, as before, there is sadness when Napoleon's spirit is alone again, again without the friends or fame that so enlivened his life. In this last stanza Tyutchev repeats the sympathy for Napoleon expressed by Lermontov in The Phantom Ship.

Mistress and new wife of Tyutchev

Despite his sincere love for his wife Eleanor, even during her lifetime, Tyutchev became interested in another woman, who became the poet’s secret lover. She was Ernestina Dernberg, a young woman in whom Fyodor Ivanovich saw kindred spirit. He dedicated it to her beautiful poem“I love your eyes, my friend...”

No matter how much the great Russian poet tried to hide his affair, Eleanor found out about her husband’s betrayal and even tried to commit suicide. Fortunately, this terrible event did not happen, although it did not save the life of the legal wife, who was experiencing the unpleasant betrayal of her loved one.

Men's minds are filled with his fair hue, While his shadow is alone on this wild shore. The alien takes the roar of the waves and rejoices in the crying seabirds. Although the works of Russian romantic poets are somewhat famous outside their country and language, the same cannot be said for Georgian ones. Lying on the edge of Europe and Asia, this small country for a long time has been the subject of invasion and conquest, most recently by both Tsarist and Communist Russia. Like others in Europe, Georgians saw Napoleon as a possible force for their independence.

His wife’s attempt to commit suicide changed Tyutchev’s plans for the future. He decisively broke off relations with Ernestina in order to save his marriage with Eleanor. But two years after the death of his beloved wife, Fyodor Tyutchev still proposed ex-lover, who, without hesitation, agreed to marry the poet.

Their life was ordinary - children, home, work. During this period, Tyutchev became somewhat absent-minded; he began to devote little time to work and family. And in 1850, Tyutchev’s new wife noticed characteristic changes in her husband’s condition. A few more months passed, Fyodor Ivanovich rented a separate apartment and moved away from Ernestina...

Unlike some of his poetic contemporaries, Baratashvili did not have much money and had to work in the provinces to earn a meager living. He died of malaria at the age of twenty-eight. Before this, however, he had written some of Georgia's best poetry, often in a lyrical style that was reminiscent of Byron. Many of his poems reflect historical destiny his country as well as his own hard life. His subterranean poem "Merani", which is the Georgian equivalent of the winged horse Pegasus, is a reflection of his belief that people and countries can transcend their destiny.

And only after a while, Tyutchev’s second wife found out the real reason these changes and the sudden departure of her husband. She became the poet’s new lover - Elena Denisyeva, a student of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens.

The first meeting of Fyodor Ivanovich and Elena Deniseva took place in July 1850. At this time, the talented poet was already 47 years old, and the young darling was only 24 years old. They met by chance; the girl was friends with Tyutchev’s older daughters. The acquaintance of the future lovers took place in the poet’s house, when a graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens came to visit her friends. The already mature author liked Elena from the first minute; this meeting radically changed the lives of both Tyutchev and Deniseva.

Napoleon looked at France and said, "What is the result of my reign?" And seeing how His glory shone, the Light lowered it. "That's enough," he said. My dream has come true: the world is puzzled by my name. France - prospered thanks to my glory, and enemies were crushed for the wonderful glory and history.

But my soul cannot rest in my body! But what if Fate brings me back to me, and crowns my fame with another person? Despite the power and wit of others influence. Death itself reveals its radiance: smoldering fire and roaring waves. reveals his flame, fiery soul and deep heart! Russia, Georgia and France had difficult relationships during the Napoleonic era. This complexity is reflected in the poems of Russian and Georgian romantic poets. The Romantics could not simply condemn Napoleon as an enemy or hold him up as a hero.

For the sake of mutual love with already famous poet, the girl had to give up her position in society. She sacrificed everything she had, but did not reject Fyodor Ivanovich’s love, even when all of Elena’s relatives and friends spoke out categorically against this “unreasonable” but truly passionate love relationship.

Their romance developed during the period of Tyutchev’s still legal relationship with his wife Ernestina. Society condemned the poet's mistress and did not want to see her in the circles of noble people. The girl suffered greatly, Fyodor Ivanovich himself was sad, but it was already impossible to change fate...

Analysis of the poem “Autumn Evening”

His life, image and relations with countries were much more complex, even contradictory. Their poetry reflects the complex and changing image of Napoleon; an image that remains in motion even today. Alexey Lyubimov, Yana Ivanilova, Valentin Silvestrov. . Pushkin to music! However, composer Valentin Silvestrov, who has an extraordinary talent for reinterpreting poems known since early childhood, took on this task again. Silvestrov on his cycle “Stüfen”: The listener has the impression of leafing through a book or visiting various rooms of the house, like a “House of Song”.

Their relationship lasted 14 years, during this period Elena Denisyeva gave birth to Tyutchev three illegitimate children. The love triangle existed until the death of the great poet’s chosen one. Ernestina was aware of this relationship; she even allowed her rival to register the children in her husband’s last name.

There were a lot of tears and suffering in the novel between Tyutchev and Denisyeva. The couple often argued and tried to break off the relationship, but the feelings between the lovers were much stronger: he could not give up Elena, and she, despite all the difficulties arising in her life because of someone else’s man, was never able to break off relations with Tyutchev.

Thunderstorm - the embodiment of change

Silvestrov based his Stufen on the famous poem by Pushkin and on various other masterpieces of Russian poetry. All the doors in this “House of Song” are open and we hear voices different poets, uniting in beautiful harmony: Pushkin, Tyutchev, Mandelstam, Blok and Sologub. Stufen is not Silvestrov’s first attempt to sound in these voices. This particular opus sparked a fierce controversy that continues to this day. It is advisable that the entire cycle be performed as one song. It was at this moment that Silvestrov took a step that was as decisive as it was paradoxical.

Passionate and mutual love the poet wonderfully expressed in his work. He dedicated many poems to this woman. The most striking lyrical works written in honor of the young chosen one were published in the famous poetry collection « Denisievo cycle».

Analysis of the poem “Last Love”

Poem " Last love"was written in early 1850. During this period, the poet’s fateful acquaintance with the young Elena Deniseva happened. At that moment, already mature Tyutchev, could not even imagine what strong feelings he will have to experience in the arms of a new lover.

Fyodor Ivanovich was immensely happy, this relationship inspired his soul and gave him hope for a bright future with the woman he loved. Of course, in the future, the fate of this couple will be completely bleak... But all the saddest things will happen later, but for now, the poet in love devotes his excellent lyrical works to the new relationship. You can feel what Tyutchev felt during this period of his life by reading the poem “Last Love.”

In fact, the move was so drastic that it tempted some of his colleagues to accuse him of betraying the avant-garde movement. Silvestrov is a child of a neo-romantic or new-traditional age, and the development of his talent coincided with this musical genre. A radical turn in direction allowed lyrical nature Silvestrov to fully blossom. Of all the possible styles he chose the "weak" or "metaphorical style" when he came to designate it. This is a style that, at first glance, has no remarkable features.

Oh, how in our declining years
We love more tenderly and more superstitiously...
Shine, shine, farewell light
Last love, dawn of evening!
Half the sky was covered in shadow,
Only there, in the west, does the radiance wander, -
Slow down, slow down, evening day,
Last, last, charm.
Let the blood in your veins run low,
But there is no shortage of tenderness in the heart...
O you, last love!
You are both bliss and hopelessness.

He preferred the typical avant-garde mode of direct expression of the symbol: a "modern" language, as opposed to the "obsolete", almost anonymous language of the past. However, this simple stylization was replaced by a mode of expression shaped by individuality and sophistication.

Mandelstam: Once again the skald reads the unknown son. Which he will sing as if it belongs to him. This impressive vocal avalanche also influenced his instrumental compositions from this period. This is why, in my opinion, music is still synonymous with singing - even when it cannot be sung as such. There is no philosophy, no worldview, only the world sings its praises as a musical testimony to life itself.

Fyodor Ivanovich quickly tried to figure out own feelings and sensations, and he purposefully conveyed these emotions in this lyrical work. Only in mature age he understood a very important truth - in his declining years, love acquires more frank and tender feelings, giving strength and the desire to live, create, love...

Analysis of the poem “Last Love” by F.I. Tyutchev

Stufen includes a number of lyrical or even personal speeches, which, according to Silvestrov, lie at the very core of the concept of "song". It is noteworthy that all of Silvestrov’s songs are dedicated to someone. The first song that was inspired by A. Blok, even has this name: “Dedication”. This is a very recent song dedicated to his recently departed wife, Larisa Bondarenko, after her untimely death. What common denominator in these eleven lyrical “degrees”? First of all, the careful choice of poetry should be mentioned.

Tyutchev even managed to discover new qualities of character in himself, which, despite such great life experience, have been invisible all this time. The author compares his last and greatest love for dear Elena with the evening dawn. She illuminates life path with its faded radiance, giving a new meaning to life’s existence.

Tyutchev's last love radically changed the worldview and meaning of the great poet's life. He began to see only beauty in the world around him. All these changes surprised the author himself. The poet was happy, but at the same time he often thought about the transience of time. Tyutchev understood the hopelessness of the situation and tried to solve all the difficulties that arose along the way, but time was inexorable.

Their romance novel lasted until the death of Elena Deniseva. Her tragic departure left an unhealed wound in the soul of the oppressed poet. He's up to last days remembered this beautiful woman who gave him boundless happiness and crazy love. Despite all the vicissitudes of fate, Tyutchev thanked fate for such a priceless gift, because he was truly lucky to become the main character of a magnificent and passionate romance with a young beauty, Elena Denisyeva.

Poem by F.I. Tyutchev's "Last Love" is one of the most outstanding works in terms of purity and sublimity of romantic feeling. It was written in 1852-1854 by an already middle-aged poet and accurately reflects the author’s concept of love - a noble and selfless feeling. The last love is not as passionate and frantic as in youth. It is based on simple human tenderness, kindness, attention, and caring attitude of people towards each other. At the same time, this is not just friendship, but an experience that is not devoid of romantic overtones. The last love is doomed to a quick end, so F.I. Tyutchev writes about hopelessness in the final stanza. But at the same time, this hopelessness is also associated with bliss. This oxymoronic combination, combined into a single melodic image using sound doubling (“bliss and hopelessness”), gives the final chord of the poem a mood of light sadness. The genre of “Last Love” is elegy (song of sad content). The sublime intonation of the work is given by the particle “O”, as if framing the text of the poem (“Oh, how in our declining years We love more tenderly and more superstitiously...”, “Oh you, last love! You are both bliss and hopelessness.” The musicality is also given to the work numerous repetitions (“Shine, shine, farewell light…”, “Hold on, linger, evening day, Last on, on, charm”). Rhythmic interruptions also add a unique artistic effect. They create a confidential intonation, which, in turn, enhances the confessional. the character of the entire work. Central motive The poem becomes a motif of light, represented by the following examples: “farewell light”, “evening dawn”, “radiance”). In the second stanza, the opposition “shadow” - “radiance” is conjugated in the oxymoronic phrase “evening day”. At the problematic and thematic level, this play of light and shadow seems to be in tune with the struggle between life and death. And in this struggle, the last love gives the lyrical hero the strength to resist finitude, to prolong the path of life despite old age and infirmity, to the fact that “the blood in the veins is becoming scarce.” Lyrical hero hides his feelings. He is superstitious and takes care of him, because he understands that he will never be able to love again. Love is fragile and tragic, like life itself. It happens that love between people passes by itself. It is often destroyed by quarrels and insults, but at least the person himself is to blame for them. However there is one thing force majeure, which cannot be prevented - eternal separation, the death of one of the lovers. Thus, love is always both happiness and tragedy. Biographically, the poem is connected with the poet’s love for E.A. Denisieva and is included in the so-called Denisieva cycle. L.N. Tolstoy, who highly valued F.I. Tyutchev as a poet, marked “Last Love” with the letters “T.Ch.” (Tyutchev. Feeling). It is noteworthy that both in theme and in mood the poem “Last Love” echoes the work of N.A. Vyazemsky “January 14 in Vienna”: “My evening star, My last love! On my evening day of joy, shed a ray of joy again!”

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