Statements from graduates about their student years. Cool phrases about students

An unforgettable “golden” time - studying at a university: cool statuses about students will tell you which cheat sheet the teacher will not notice and how to celebrate the upcoming holiday. Funny sayings They will talk about how not to oversleep the classes or survive the session. Statuses about students - an amazing section folk art, which is updated daily. Snarky jokes and sparkling sayings immediately become stereotyped. For medical students, finding a suitable status will be easiest: just watch the next episode of a popular series. You can find funny statuses about students for students of other specialties on thematic websites. Change your statuses at least every day, showing your friends and acquaintances your mood and hobbies. Such statuses about students as “I am not for anyone, exams!” or “All notes are urgently needed” - a clear sign the fact that your friend is tightly “hooked” on studying.

If you sit for forty minutes, staring blankly at a blank page in Word, it means you are writing a thesis.

I'll get up early in the morning and drink a cup of mercury. And I’m going to die in this institute!

The holiday is coming to us, the holiday is coming to us! It brings joy to students who are awake, the fear of expulsion is always real! :)

As long as there are dumplings and mayonnaise in this universe, Russian students are invincible.

Previously, when I was at school, I was lazy and did everything on the last day. Now I'm studying at university and have become even lazier - I do everything on the last night...

Pray, teacher, for the day of judgment will come, and may your kingdom perish, and may you be rewarded for our torment... Gospel from a Student, verse five...

1st year student - at least they wouldn’t kick him out! At 2 - now they probably won’t kick you out. At 3 - now they definitely won’t kick you out! For 4 - just let them try! At 5 - yes, I’ll kick out whoever you want!

Tired students are sleeping, books are sleeping. Evil teachers are waiting for the kids with a test. The harmful lecturer goes to bed so that he can dream about us at night. Close your eyes - Za-bi-wai!

A student walks, sways, sighs as he goes. The session ends and I go on a binge...

Student! If your conscience asks you to study, answer it that it’s not the end of the semester yet, and calmly go drink!)

Sitting behind bars in a damp dorm... Raised in captivity... A young student...

This is how you study, study, and then from conflict management you find out that you are a neurotic with suicidal tendencies, experiencing an existential crisis...

I woke up, made the bed, shaved, washed, had breakfast, got ready for school, and then thought: “What the hell am I doing?”, undressed and went to bed. It's good to be a student.

- I'm a student. I work part-time at night, but I can’t sleep during lectures. What should I do? - Count the sheep that go to lectures with you.

Professor: "Are you afraid of my questions?" Student: “No, I’m afraid of my answers.”

At the exam in criminal law. - Can you tell me what deception is? - This will happen, professor, if you fail me. - Explain how. - According to the criminal code, deception is committed by someone who, taking advantage of the ignorance of another person, causes damage to that other person.

A student can instantly calculate only three things: 1. how much money he has left; 2. how much is left until the end of the pair; 3. how many days until the scholarship.

We drink in different doses. We fall asleep in different positions. We remember different moments. This is all called “students”!

The student does not understand at first, but then gets used to it.

Smart student + smart teacher = automatic exam
Stupid student + smart teacher = sleepless session
Smart student + stupid teacher = Chivas Regal Black Label
Stupid student + stupid teacher = military registration and enlistment office

A completely uneducated person can only rob a boxcar, while a university graduate can steal railway. (Theodore Roosevelt)

The university develops all abilities, including stupidity. (A. Chekhov)

He who knows how, does it. Those who don't know how to teach teach. Those who do not know how to teach become deans. (T. Martin)

An educated person can worry all night about something a fool could never dream of.

A lecture is a process by which the professor's notes are converted into student notes without going through anyone's brain. (R.C. Rathbun)

No one has ever died from knowledge, but it’s not worth the risk! Student emblem “Hammer and Sickle” - mow and hammer!

As Lenin said, “Study, study and study is better than work, work and work”...

Yesterday at a lecture, a stoned professor showed electromagnetic waves. Half the students saw them...

Each parent always has its pros and cons, just like any other power source.

The student does not know in two cases: either he has not passed it yet, or he has already passed it.

History exam: Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live. (Underline as necessary

Passed the exam - hand over the dishes!

An experienced teacher prepares university students for expulsion.

What is the difference between a professor and a student? - A professor is a student who has passed all exams.

If a student's tail is cut off, he will grow a new one by the next session.

Students are people who swim on the surface of science and dive into its depths twice a year.

Memo to the student: “Before the exam, it is necessary to refresh the material in your memory and refresh the teacher’s imagination.”

It's normal for students to look at their watches. It's not normal when they start putting them to their ear.

The student’s distinctive memory ability: he didn’t know, but he remembered.

Once drilled into students' heads, the ideas look hackneyed.

Why should a student lose hope before the professor loses his cool?

What you didn’t understand in the lecture, you will understand in the exam!

The days are counting before the exams, the stipend after the exams, and the students in the spring.

A student has 2 states: Eating and sleeping. But there is also a third thing - a session: when you don’t eat or sleep.

A student will do anything to pass the exam, even take the Exam.

If the medical institute graduates doctors, then who does the pedagogical institute graduate?!

There lived three pigs: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Zav. Kaf

Students remember, anything you say on the exam can be used against you!

Fine! - said the professor and ruined the student’s diploma.

Remember: the professor is not as scary as he reads.

The desk is the source of knowledge, the notes are their grave.

From session to session, students live happily.

Study, study and study again, because you still won’t find a job.

Everyone lives in a world of their own mental capabilities

No one has ever died from science, but it’s not worth the risk.

No one has ever died from science, but no one has been born.

Learning is light, and ignorance is pleasant twilight.

Ignorance is darkness, learning is light, and you have to pay for light.

For scientists there is light, and for unscientists there is darkness.

Do not snore during the lecture, because by snoring you will wake up your neighbor!

Cleanliness is pure mass over pure volume.

Stylish clothes and shoes, fashionable hairstyle! Everything is free! Contact the military registration and enlistment office.

Nothing brings people together like public transport.

“Image is nothing, thirst is everything!” - Brother Ivanushka said and stamped his hoof.

A stingy person pays twice, a stupid person pays three times, a sucker always pays.

Excuse me, but have you ever acted in cartoons?

If you really want it, you can get it in the face.

The mind gave us steel hook hands.

Throw it, otherwise you'll drop it.

Check the grade assigned for the work you submitted without leaving the lecturer. If you don’t like the assessment, demand its replacement with a better one or the right to rewrite the work. And remember: the student is always right!

Give the student a point of support - and he will fall asleep!

Lecturer mute button! Press with your forehead and hold until the end of the pair!

Student, don’t be angry with the lecturer, because a dog is a man’s friend.

Our will cannot be broken, we drank, we drink and we will drink.

It’s hard to drink without going dry, but that’s our fate.

Gentlemen, take off your hat, time was brutally wasted here.

The inscription on the gravestone: “Crushed by the granite of science.”

An inscription on a desk in one of the Phystech classrooms: Prut (lecturer), tell your father to protect himself in future!

The inscription above the mirror: others are no better!

Inscription in one of the auditoriums of the Phystech: A genius sleeps in each of us, and every day it grows stronger

The inscription on the desk: “Your inscription could be here!”

Probably the most fun and active times in a person’s life are the student years, the years of accomplishments, falling in love, impulses and disappointments. Every day brings something new, unusual, fresh in perception. And it doesn’t matter, even if you are no longer a student at all, the main thing inside is not to lose the thread that binds you into one fraternity. Congratulations to all students: past, present and future, and I wish you to spend this day in such a way that there is something to remember for the whole year, or better yet, for the rest of your life!

There is a special crazy thing in life and interesting time, the time of studenthood, when brilliant prospects open up and new acquaintances are exciting. Let each of you take a spoonful of the delight of a free exam and the fun of student parties. Happy Student's Day, dear conquerors of science!

Student's Day is a great holiday when everyone can feel their “studenthood” to the fullest! I wish you the memories of student years were always bright and colorful, studying was easy, friendship from student days was the most faithful and strong, and the first student love was the purest and most beautiful

Happy Student's Day! Let the sessions pass, everything will be in order in your record books and the transition from course to course will be painless! But this is not only the main thing in student life! Let today's recklessness, courage and youth be with you for the rest of your life, as well as the friends with whom you celebrate your professional holiday!

I wish that science proceeds without “strain”, exams pass in one breath, friends appreciate you, teachers respect you, so that your student years are remembered as the best in life. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors, easy study, sincere love, real happiness and good, good health to withstand all this.

Wake up! Stop snoozing! Don't miss the only day of the year when you are in charge, not the teacher. Drop your textbooks at far corner and relax! What are you saying? Were they lying there? Well, brother, then even more so, have a blast today! And tomorrow shake off the dust of science from your heavy tomes and bon voyage! Happy Student's Day to you!

May all student dreams come true on this day! All sessions and military conscription will be cancelled, the record book will be filled with excellent grades, and classes will be reduced by 3 times and free attendance will be introduced! May we all become excellent specialists and find good job! And also - we will never forget this day when we celebrate our holiday - Student's Day!

Today is student's day! This holiday was celebrated by many generations who comprehended science. Let the triumph of youth run rampant on this day, unrestraining feelings and freedom. Remember that all sessions always give up and when they turn out to be a sweet memory. The madness of youth, plans and the wildest hopes is the most wonderful period of life, so feel free to celebrate. Hooray!

Happy holiday, Happy Student's Day! You deserve this holiday! Enjoy it to the fullest, because student youth is so fleeting. But while you enjoy, don’t forget: tomorrow you’ll go back into battle for new knowledge. And in this battle you must become the winner! I wish you strength, vigor, eternal youth in the heart and sound mind in the head. Happy Student's Day!

How often we laugh at jokes about students: often poor and hungry, sometimes drunk and truant, but always resourceful, smart and cheerful. I wish you to resourcefully answer the most tricky questions from teachers, skip classes wisely and celebrate today's holiday cheerfully.

Hello student, happy holiday! Has the clearing already been covered? After all, on Student’s Day there will definitely be a reason for gatherings. If you passed the test, good, you need to wash it. If not, it’s bad, you can drink out of grief. The main thing is not to withdraw into yourself, but to enjoy this best day of the year with friends and girlfriends. Happy Student's Day, student! And get your record book ready! I'll come and check it out!

Well, student, happy holiday! Please accept congratulations and wishes for easy studies and carefree youth. May everything be given to you easily, with pleasure, may it make you happy every day, and not just Student’s Day! May all the days in your life be sunny, filled with joy and success. I wish you true friends, mutual love and health!

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