Architect: where to apply and what to take. Profession architect


To become an architect, you need to study and enroll in an educational institution. What do you need to take to become an architect? What subjects and exams? Let's find out!

In the digital era, the work of an architect not only has not lost its relevance, but on the contrary, it has become even stronger, but now it requires a large amount of technical knowledge.

Although at its core the profession remains the same - the specialist’s task is to create beautiful, unique and safe projects that are to be brought to life.

What do you need to take to become an architect after grades 9 and 11?

The answer to this question depends on where to go and what specialization to choose. Today, architectural skills can be acquired in both higher and secondary vocational educational institutions. That is, you can enroll as an architect at a university or college/technical school after 9th or 11th grade.

In addition, the profession of an architect has several areas of training; you can study not only in different universities and colleges, but also in different specializations.

This means that what you need to take to become an architect depends on where you plan to go and what to study.

For example, an applicant’s choice may be to work as a restoration architect or dream of becoming a chief architect. These career paths are possible with higher professional education. But you can also focus on landscape design, which means you can go to college or technical school.

Exams for an architect upon admission to a college

For the vast majority, the answer to the question of how to become an architect is clear: you need to study only at a higher educational institution. This is true; only people with a university diploma have the best chance of getting admission to serious projects and a career.

Unlike past centuries, where an idea from drawings could be realized through trial and error, a modern architect works in close conjunction with a professional team of contractors, designers, and builders. Deadlines are always limited, mistakes are unacceptable, and miscalculations are too expensive.

Therefore, the architect must own software that facilitates his work and allows him to transfer the data embodied in the project for their implementation to the entire team involved in construction. The BIM standard and principles of building information modeling, AutoCAD, ARCHICAD and Revit are today mandatory companions for every specialist in the field of architecture and construction.

Therefore, it will not be possible to master a profession at a high level in a college. But still, college or technical school is an excellent opportunity to connect your life with architecture both after 11th and 9th grade, albeit in less significant roles.

For example, you can become a technician, designer, or get a job in a private company as an architect-designer. After college, doing this is more than possible.

What do you need to take to become an architect after 9th grade when entering an architectural technical school or college?

The applicant needs to focus on drawing and drafting - these are the exams that will be the entrance test in the vast majority of colleges.

But that is not all. Since the direction “Architecture” is included in the list of specialties with one of the most difficult entrance competitions, you need to show the maximum marks in the certificate. There will definitely be a certificate competition. That is, you need to take the architect exam not only for drawing and drawing, but also for a competition certificate with the maximum number of excellent marks.

Where to study as an architect after 9th grade?

If we talk about the capital’s colleges and technical schools, then applicants can choose one of several colleges in Moscow, where you can study in the specialty “Architecture” after the 9th grade.

For example, you can apply to become an architect at:

  • College of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering
  • International College of Arts and Communications

If you successfully pass the architect exams and enter college after 9th grade, the duration of study will be 4 years, and after 11th grade it will be about 34 months.

The average cost of training is high - up to 200,000 rubles per year, so it is worth preparing for the entrance examinations properly, perhaps you will be lucky and you will be able to enroll on a budget.

How to apply to be an architect at a university?

Higher education opens unlimited access to work in architecture. You can become an architectural restorer, a landscape architect, or you can work as a designer or, for example, an interior designer. What to focus on and what direction to choose is up to you.

With a university diploma there are no obstacles. But entering a higher educational institution will not be easy: there is high competition for budget places, and the cost of studying under a contract is very high.

What subjects do you need to take to become an architect if you go to university? It all depends on the university and specialization.

If we talk about the specialty of interior and landscape architect, then you need to be ready for a creative competition and passing the Unified State Examination exams in Russian, literature, and history.

If you apply to become an architect-restorer, then the subjects that you need to be ready to take in addition to the creative competition are: mathematics, Russian language, computer science, history.

In both cases, admission to a higher educational institution is possible only if you have at least 11 years of education.

What creative exams do you need to take to become an architect when entering a university?

The creative exams to become an architect will include drawing and drawing. Creative tests are not necessarily found, but they exist in the best universities in the country.

Universities where you can enroll as an architect after 11th grade

In Russia there are a lot of first-class universities where you can master a variety of areas in the field of architecture and design, so it is not at all necessary to come to study in the capital, you can even do the opposite - you can leave the capital to study, for example, at the Novosibirsk NGASU SIBSTRIN or the Yekaterinburg Ural State Academy of Architecture. Architects in our country are excellent at teaching in the regions.

But if we talk about Moscow, here are some of the universities where you can go to study:

  • MIIGAiK is one of the best universities in the country in the field of training specialists in geodesy, cartography and, of course, architecture
  • MARCHI is a well-known university in Russia and outside the country where you can study to become an architect in the field of restoration, landscape, restoration and architectural design
  • Institute of Art of Restoration - an educational institution that trains architects in the field of restoration
  • MGSU is a specialized university of architecture and civil engineering, where there are many specializations and areas of training.

Becoming a state-funded student by passing the entrance exams for an architect at the above-mentioned universities is a great success. The competition for the place is huge. If you enroll on a contract, the cost of study can reach 500,000 rubles per year.

From the first stages of the development of human civilization, the profession of an architect was considered very prestigious and highly paid: in Ancient Egypt, for example, only members of royal dynasties could study architecture. At the same time, architecture has always been and today remains one of the most responsible activities.

Unfortunately, many young people do not understand this and go to study at universities to become architects in the hope of earning big money, which is why the competitions for this specialty are rather large - from 5 to 12 people. But then students often become disappointed: it is difficult to complete the training program, they have no talent for design, and they lack the managerial spirit, without which an architect cannot make it in the modern world.

That is why you should first try your strengths and capabilities, evaluate your desire to engage in architecture not theoretically, but more specifically. The best option for this is to enroll in an architecture college. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to overcome serious competition: in this area of ​​secondary vocational education there are from 3 to 5 people per place, depending on the college’s rating.

The best architectural colleges in the European part of Russia

There are few specialized architectural colleges in the Russian Federation; most often, training is conducted by specialized departments of construction technical schools.

Top 10 architectural colleges and technical schools

  • Moscow College of Architecture and Construction No. 7.
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering, Moscow.
  • St. Petersburg College of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • College of Architecture and Construction Management No. 17, Moscow.
  • Moscow College of Urban Planning and Service No. 38.
  • Krasnodar Architecture and Construction College.
  • Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship.
  • St. Petersburg College of Construction Industry and Urban Economy.
  • Moscow Construction College No. 30;
  • Bashkir College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Ufa.

How to enter an architecture college

To enroll, you must successfully pass not only general education subjects (Russian language and mathematics), but also highly specialized drawing and extracurricular drawing. If drawing is in the school curriculum and the entrance test is based on the 8th grade curriculum, then in order to pass the drawing exam, you need to purposefully engage in fine arts from the age of 11-12. During the selection process, the average score of the certificate will also be taken into account.

Important! The drawing exam is the most important when entering architectural specialties. It lasts up to 6 hours and consists of two parts: a drawing of a plaster head and a composition task. An applicant who has an understanding of composition, color, and a sense of harmony is more likely to be accepted into college than someone who writes good and literate essays and knows excellent mathematics.

What you have to learn

In addition to general education disciplines, standard for all colleges, in the architectural college you will have to study:

  • introduction to the specialty;
  • drawing;
  • descriptive geometry;
  • drawing and painting;
  • architectural design and graphics;
  • design;
  • building codes;
  • computer design programs such as AutoCad, 3D-max and ArchiCAD.

Choosing the profession of an architect is a very important step. But, if you are confident in your abilities, go to architecture college, master the basics of this creative profession - perhaps your name will be on a par with such architectural geniuses as Vitruvius, Le Corbusier or Zaha Hadid.

The lucky owner of a talent for drawing sharpens his pencils and enrolls in preparatory courses at the Faculty of Architecture. In the summer, applicants will take exams, and the luckiest ones will be enrolled in the first year...

What to advise and what to warn about, and is it possible to become an architect without education? We asked graduates and teachers of the Faculty of Architecture of the Kyiv University of Civil Engineering and Architecture about this.

How to become an architect

Once you have entered, you no longer have “tomorrow”, there is only “today” and “yesterday”, - graduates of the Faculty of Architecture say. - There is no time, but you need to do a lot, otherwise you will regret it later. An architect must theoretically understand absolutely everything in order to create most fully and well. Believe me, every thing you missed, you will regret on your first day of work

It is not that simple. Few applicants understand what exactly they will have to do. I can draw a little and can become an architect myself, they say. But an architect is a serious profession; they are both humanists and engineers at the same time. How many different calculations have to be made, how many “uninteresting” objects need to be known - there will be strength of materials, and designs... And everyone thinks that they will draw their incredible ideas, they say teachers of KNUSiA.

Upon admission to a higher education institution to become an architect The following subjects must be taken:

  1. Literature;
  2. Story;
  3. Drawing, drawing and composition.

Don't forget to find time to sleep, no matter how hard it is. If possible, get enough sleep at the expense of the first class in sociology, for example, otherwise there will be a bloody nose and loss of consciousness.

Be sure to go to couples. It's better than sitting at home in vain. And if you are skipping, then hang out in the foreign library of the university and read architectural magazines. Yes, and in general! Go to the library!

Is it possible to become an architect without knowing how to draw? In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the architect is not required to be able to paint pictures, however, it is important to be able to draw and understand the composition because this is very important when designing.

read books. If anyone thinks that they can learn only through a little practice in pairs, then they are very mistaken. Just read not “The 1000 Best Cottages of 2012”, but, for example, “Masters of Architecture about Architecture”. Of course, sometimes you can and should disagree with what is written, but you will find out how they reasoned then, and you will understand why.

The main thing is to do something about your studies every day., at least for a few hours. Then suddenly it turns out that everything has been done.

Try to do everything on time, then during the session you won’t want to shoot yourself.

Envy, greatly envy each other. But not in a black way. Any success of another student should encourage you to do well too. Raise your bar, strive to do even better than yesterday.

Handwork develops taste and vision, which will then help you present your work beautifully on the computer

Never Don’t take the “criticism” of senile people to heart, it often ruins good ideas!

Main, show interest in the subject! Then all the “evil and callous” teachers will immediately become soft and kind, because they need a little respect. Over the years of work, they are tired of squeezing out a pitiful minimum from ungrateful, stupid lazy people. Just go to classes more or less regularly and work. Show your interest and then the entire department will immediately become interested in working with you.

By the way, no one has ever been kicked out or expelled for a constructive argument with teachers! Only then they don’t want to advise you if you asked a question that was inconvenient for the “architectural professor.”

Teach thoroughly history, structures, geometry, physics and all exact sciences indirectly or directly related to architecture. And only then declare that you did something cool! So work like sick people!

On the one hand, the worst thing is to do dull nonsense, but it’s even more scary to make dull nonsense while declaring that these are “new approaches.”

Learn to think.

The most important subject in the first year this is archpro, archpro and again archpro. After the archpro - a sketch.

It is best to settle near the institute, otherwise you will have to travel with a tablet and layouts in public transport. And this is hell.

The best drink is tea. They are treated to it by classmates in the dorm. You can drink it in liters, unlike coffee.

Do not forget that future employment is influenced not by grades, but by skills. That's what's important! No one will need your grades at work.

And watch your posture!

The modern educational system offers future students a wide variety of professions. Today, every person can become anyone and choose a specialty according to their taste and financial capabilities. Architect is considered one of the brightest and most promising professions in our time. Therefore, if you are a talented artist and have a good knowledge base as an engineer, you can safely enter one of the Ukrainian universities and receive a diploma of a highly qualified specialist in the field of creating a wide variety of original architectural objects.

But, before you enroll, you should know what subjects you need to pass to become an architect?

Let's start with the fact that this profession requires specialists to have certain knowledge about building design standards, innovative technologies, and modern building materials. The architect must also have enormous creative potential, study various normative literature and create truly unique original structures that will fully meet the needs and wishes of the customer.

Nowadays, the demand for specialists in this field is quite high. Thanks to them, many new buildings and multi-storey residential buildings have appeared in Ukraine in recent years.

For example, let’s take new buildings in Irpen, which are offered by the Comfort Life company. Here everyone can buy a one-room apartment in Irpin on the most favorable terms. You will have a unique opportunity to move into your own home, which you have dreamed of for so long. And the managers of this organization will help speed up this process.

As it turned out, becoming a student at a prestigious Ukrainian architectural university is not so easy. The fact is that the competition for those institutes that train future architects is very large, and every applicant must know what subjects need to be passed to become an architect. Here everything will depend on the specific specialty. Today, the most popular are “General Design” and “Architecture”. The first specialty includes an in-depth study of aesthetic and cultural aspects, and the second is closer to the construction itself. If you decide to become a landscape and interior architect, prepare to take the exam in:

  • Ukrainian literature;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • history of Ukraine.

It also includes a creative exam in drawing, drawing and composition.

To obtain the profession of a general architect (restorer, reconstructor), you need to pass:

  • mathematics;
  • Ukrainian literature;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • creative exam (drawing, sketching, composition).

After graduating from high school, you will be able to obtain the profession of an assistant architect. This position is not highly paid, but what do you want immediately after graduating from higher education? But if you turn out to be a highly qualified specialist and prove yourself well, you can become a project manager in the future. Everything depends on you.

Ukrainian architectural universities

There are not many universities in Ukraine that train excellent architects. As a rule, entrance exams to these universities include the results of the external examination and additional competitions that are conducted directly by the higher education institution. You already know what subjects you need to pass to become an architect, now we offer a list of existing architectural universities in Ukraine for 2016.

The end of school is marked for all schoolchildren with a cheerful summer vacation, and for graduates and their parents a headache: where to go and where to find use for their abilities. The list on the labor market is constantly updated. There are specialties that have long since sunk into oblivion, and there are innovative professions whose names alone are difficult for older people to pronounce. But at the same time, there are professions that are extremely popular, both in the old days and now. Architecture is such a popular traditional field of study. What subjects do I need to take to become an architect? Let's figure it out.

Back in ancient times, when humanity had just learned to build, architects were in demand and popular. These were people respected in society. Then the question of where to study and what subjects were needed for this did not arise for an architect.

Architectural skill was simply passed down from father to son. There were no corresponding educational institutions yet. But exceptionally literate and savvy people became architects. This is evidenced by centuries-old buildings that have survived to this day. And one can only envy the skill of the ancient masters.

In the modern world, architectural skills are studied in many educational institutions. And interest in this profession does not fade, because construction and design will exist as long as human civilization exists on our planet. A modern specialist must have not only certain skills and abilities, but also creative thinking and a creative approach to work.

To become an architect, you must graduate from a university. People usually enter the architectural institute after 11th grade. This profession requires endurance, perseverance, and the ability to carry out all kinds of calculations and create projects. But at the same time, you can’t do this without a flight of imagination and the ability to see and create beauty.

Types of architecture

The profession of an architect is constantly improving and becoming more diverse.

There are such types of specialties:

  1. Architect-restorer. The scope of activity of such a specialist includes not only the development of projects for all kinds of structures, but also the restoration of already destroyed architectural monuments. After all, many such monuments, under the influence of time and natural, and sometimes human factors, are destroyed over time. The task of the restorer is to restore them with high quality and at the same time bring them as close as possible to the original. Of course, this is not an easy task. To do such work efficiently, you need knowledge from various fields. That is why they study the architectural craft for 5 years.
  2. Landscape architect. Such a person designs gardens and parks. This requires deep knowledge not only of architecture, but also in the field of vegetation and agronomy.
  3. Architect-designer. Such a specialist must be able not only to build to last, but also to create masterpieces of monumental art, original and beautiful design. Of course, in addition to the skills of an architect, he must have creative inclinations. After all, it is the beautiful appearance of the building from the outside and the interior inside that depend on this specialist. The profession is especially in demand, because in addition to direct construction projects, the specialist is engaged in the design of interiors of private houses and apartments.
  4. Main architector. This specialist must clearly understand all the intricacies of his craft. Know all problem areas and eliminate them in a timely manner. In addition, a person must have pronounced leadership qualities, because organizing work correctly and distributing responsibilities is also his job.

Landscape architect

What subjects to take

Now we will find out how to apply to become an architect and what subjects you need to take for this.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that after 9th grade you can also enter an architecture college. There are construction colleges that have architectural majors. Of course, passing exams to become an architect at a technical school or college is much easier than going to college. The main requirement for admission to such educational institutions is high-quality drawing. Moreover, such a drawing must be three-dimensional and in several versions:

  • three-dimensional geometric figure (the applicant’s choice: cube, or ball, or pyramid, etc.);
  • three-dimensional pattern of the ornament.

After college, you can start looking for a job, or you can not stop there and continue your studies at the institute. After all, when hiring, any employer will give preference to an applicant with a higher education.

To enter the architectural faculty of a university or institute, you only need a complete education (11 grades), confirmed by a certificate.

There are now quite a lot of relevant institutions. The Faculty of Design and Architecture is very popular. This specialization combines both the profession of an engineer and the profession of an artist. At this faculty, the field of architecture gives a person a complete understanding of the construction business, but the design section includes a complete study of art and the acquisition of skills to think artistically and imagine a picture.

What you need to take to this faculty:

  • Russian language and literature;
  • story;
  • creative task (what exactly this task will be is determined individually by each university).

To become a restoration architect:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • or computer science (at the applicant’s choice);
  • still the same creative competition.

Entrance exams for the Faculty of Architecture, regardless of where and in what educational institution they take place, have a lot in common. All institutes, universities and academies will require your Unified State Examination results in the above subjects. And of course, the creative competition will have to be taken directly at the educational institution.

Studying at such institutes is quite interesting. A relatively new practice in some universities has become the tradition of training aspiring specialists directly in construction companies (which have a contract with educational institutions). This practice is quite interesting and has shown itself to be very promising. The student can create his own projects and learn from the experience of professionals.

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