August conference of teaching and management staff of educational organizations.

On August 23, 2018, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Institute "Higher School of Education", Doctor of Psychological Sciences Elena Yuryevna Pryazhnikova took part in the August conference of pedagogical and managerial workers of educational organizations of the Balashikha City District of the Moscow Region. The topic of this conference was devoted to the current problem of professional self-determination of students and prospects mentoring in career guidance. The city district of Balashikha and, in particular, MBOU Secondary School No. 10 in Zheleznodorozhny are active partners of MPGU in the implementation of programs to enhance the professional and personal self-determination of youth. E.Yu. Pryazhnikova also touched upon the topic “Science begins at school,” where, together with the round table participants, practical steps were outlined for organizing joint scientific and practical activities of schools and higher education institutions.

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25 / 08 / 2018

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One of the events of the Moscow International Forum “City of Education” was a discussion on the topic “Media literacy in the digital era - why is it important?”, organized by the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education and the UNESCO Chair of Media and Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

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21 / 06 / 2019

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11 / 06 / 2019

A series of large-scale events held within the framework of the international media forum “Pedagogical education in a digital society: challenges, problems, prospects”, as well as in connection with the 220th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, ended at MPGU.

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09 / 06 / 2019

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06 / 06 / 2019

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05 / 06 / 2019

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04 / 06 / 2019

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03 / 06 / 2019

The tournament on media and information literacy “#KnowMIG”, which is held by the UNESCO Chair in Media and Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens at Moscow State Pedagogical University with the support of the Association of Media Education Specialists, is covering more and more educational organizations in the regions of Russia and is reaching a new – international level.

03 / 06 / 2019

On May 28, 2019, the III All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Cognitive Science and Culture” was held at the Institute “Higher School of Education” of Moscow Pedagogical State University. 104 people took part in the conference...

03 / 06 / 2019

May 29 – June 1, 2019 Gileva Evgenia Sergeevna, senior teacher of the department of foreign languages ​​at the primary school of the Institute of Childhood, took part in the international scientific and practical conference “The problem of improving the professional competencies of teaching staff...

03 / 06 / 2019

A new monograph by MPGU professor V.Zh. Tsvetkova.

02 / 06 / 2019

On May 22 at 10.00 an extended meeting of the drawing department of the art and graphic faculty of the Institute of Fine Arts of Moscow State Pedagogical University took place. We listened to the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of drawing, Anna Pavlovna Karetnikova, who reported on the progress of the work...

01 / 06 / 2019

At the end of May 2019, a new monograph by MPGU professor V.E. was published. Voronin, dedicated to the childhood, adolescence and youth of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich.

01 / 06 / 2019

On May 30-31, 2019, an International Conference was held at the Lublin Catholic University of the Republic of Poland, bringing together representatives of the humanities from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the study of Slavic philology in...

30 / 05 / 2019

On May 22, 2019, the Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Physics Textbook: Prospects for Development and Use” was held at the Institute of Physics, Technology and Information Systems, organized jointly by the Center for Educational Book Publishing and Information and Educational Environment of the Institute...

29 / 05 / 2019

On May 29, the V International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE-2019) began its work in Kazan. Over the course of three days, over 600 Russian and foreign scientists from more than 200 universities around the world will share their teaching practices...

On the eve of the new school year, the annual August meeting of education workers was held at the Regional Leisure Center of the Makaryevsky Municipal District of the Kostroma Region. The head of the education department T.V. made a report on “Development of a unified educational space: current trends and their implementation in the territory of the Makarievsky municipal district.” Sokolova. Tatyana Vladimirovna comprehensively analyzed the results of the past academic year, identified strategic areas of work and set goals for the new academic year.

The meeting was attended by: the head of the Makaryevsky municipal district A. A. Komarov, the deputy head of the administration of the Makaryevsky municipal region L. V. Khazova, the chairman of the Kostroma regional organization of trade unions of education and science workers E. L. Raikina, heads of educational organizations, teachers and methodologists. In the plenary part of the meeting, welcoming speeches were made by the head of the Makaryevsky municipal district A. Komarov and on behalf of the trade union of teaching workers of the Kostroma region E. Raikina.

N.V. Anisimova, director of the municipal government educational institution Yurovskaya Secondary School and S.A. Petrushina, senior teacher of the municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Rosinka" in Makariev were awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Certificates of honor were awarded to the best institutions preparing for the start of the new academic year, participants in regional methodological competitions, and winners of the regional sports competition.

As part of the discussion platform at the forum, the head of the MKDOU kindergarten “Rosinka”, A.V. Makarieva, gave a report: “Early identification of abilities and development of children in preschool educational institutions.” Zubkova.

Speech by Deputy Director of MCOU Yurovskaya Secondary School E.V. Gritsenko was devoted to an effective system for identifying and developing outstanding abilities of students.

Deputy Director of MKOU Gorchukhinskaya Secondary School I.A. Makarushina highlighted the topic of creating a modern health-saving educational environment.

R.E. Mashkova, deputy director of the MKOU Makaryevskaya Secondary School, touched upon the problem of involving parents in the state and public management of education as one of the most important components of a constructive dialogue between family and school.

At the end of the conference, those present noted that the schools of the Makaryevsky municipal district support the current course of education in the Russian Federation and will invariably contribute to its development, for the sake of quality education for the entire future generation of citizens of the Russian Federation.

On August 29, 2018, the August conference of teaching staff was held at the Neftyanik Palace of Culture. More than

200 representatives of teaching staff of general education organizations, kindergartens and additional education institutions, their leaders, specialists from the Education Department. The Head of the Municipal Municipality "Kambarsky District" was present at the conference as guests of honor. Alexander Vasilievich Poddubsky, Deputy Heads of the Kambarsky District Administration, Heads of Rural Settlements.

The August conference of educators in the Kambarsky district is a traditional educational event in the professional teaching community, designed to update the development trends and achievements of the district education system, determine priorities and tasks for the next academic year.

The subject of discussion at the August conference was the creation of a modern educational environment; results, problems, prospects for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard; modernization of technologies and content of general education, taking into account the concepts of teaching academic subjects and the gradual transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of general education; education of students with disabilities, children with disabilities; improving the human resources potential of the district education system; introduction of a system of personalized financing of additional education for children.

A report on the topic “Modern education: results, reality, prospects” was made by Islamov Rim Dulfakovich, Head of the Department of Public Education of the Kambarsky District Administration. The report summed up the results of the past academic year and identified tasks for the new academic year.

The following speakers took part in the debate:

- Erofeeva N. Yu., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, “Trends in Modern Education”;

- Khalimova A.R., deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Sholinskaya Secondary School”, “Flipped Learning: Technology of the 21st Century”;

- Sharafutdinova G.A., teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Lesovichok”, Kambarka, “Integration of educational areas using Lego constructors in preschool educational institutions.”

At the end of the year, the best workers in the education industry were awarded at the conference.

During the conference, educational sessions were held with scientists, specialists in the system of additional professional education, and the higher education system. The invited speakers of the conference were: Erofeeva N.Yu., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Basic Department of Process Management in Education of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ud State University", Komarova O.V., senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, AOU DPO UR “Institute for Educational Development”, Sovina L.P., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Education, AOU DPO UR "Institute for Educational Development", Kardakova E.A., Shaikhutdinova E.A., specialists from MAU IMC “Alternative”, Izhevsk, Byakova R.R., Deputy Director - Head of the Republican Model Center, Nikitin A.G., senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the AOU DPO UR “Institute for Educational Development”.

Congratulations to all teaching staff of the Kambarsky district

Happy start of the new school year!

Success, health and job satisfaction!!!

DERBENT, August 26 – RIA “Dagestan”. The traditional August conference of teaching staff took place in the assembly hall of the Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity, at which the results of the past academic year and development prospects for the 2018-2019 academic year were discussed.

As the press service of the city administration reported to RIA Dagestan, such annual meetings before the start of each academic year have become a convenient platform for assessing and analyzing the path traveled, the effectiveness of the implementation of modern pedagogical approaches and methods for constructing the educational process.

The widest range of participants gathered to participate in the annual pedagogical council: teachers, kindergarten teachers, additional education teachers, heads of educational institutions in Derbent.

The following people came to greet the teachers and take part in the conference: Acting Head of the Derbent City District Enrik Muslimov, Chairman of the Assembly of Deputies of the Derbent City District Mavsum Ragimov, Acting Head of the Derbent District Municipal District Fuad Shikhiev, Deputy Heads of Administration Jalalutdin Alirzaev, head of the city education department Vadim Kuliev, managers and employees of structural divisions of the city administration.

The solemnity of the event, heralding the beginning of the school year, was already felt in the foyer of the Children's Youth and Youth Theater, where an exhibition of the best achievements of educational institutions and students of Derbent was located, and thematic stands told about the work of student production teams, clubs and sections.

Schoolchildren and teachers demonstrated to the guests their creative and scientific-practical projects and developments, which became winners of city, republican and all-Russian competitions.

For example, a student from secondary school No. 15 Sofia Osmanova presented an environmental project “Collecting and recycling plastic,” and students from the “President” gymnasium presented a research project “Learning to play.”

Secondary school No. 20 student Magomed Khalikov spoke about the “Golden egg” business project and shared his dream of starting a business in the production of domestic eggs. Teachers and students of the same school presented the research work “Stepping into Immortality” and showed a wonderful booklet about unknown Derbent residents - participants in the Great Patriotic War. Students from secondary school No. 11 spoke about their experience in search work and development of tourist routes “DARBAND TRAVEL”.

The master class from secondary school No. 14 student Kilim Begov, who showed how to apply hand painting on fabric using reserve compounds, aroused great interest among exhibition visitors. School No. 12 student Esmir Murtaibova, in turn, demonstrated what interesting products and crafts can be made from simple shells.

Next, the plenary session of the conference took place, which began with a colorful greeting from its participants by students of the “President” gymnasium, the winner of the Republican competition for young talents “Mr. and Miss KIDS 2018” Shikhsaid Ramazanov and the vocal studio of Children’s Youth and Youth Theater “Happy Childhood”.

The acting head of Derbent, Enrik Muslimov, addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech, who, having congratulated the teaching staff of the city on the upcoming academic year, emphasized the enormous creative potential of Derbent teachers.

“Derbent has a good level and quality of education,” he noted. “This is confirmed by both the results of the Unified State Exam and the number of declared medalists who confirmed a high level of knowledge during the final exams. The success of the students is the success of their teachers, and I say thank you to all the teachers who made this success possible. But, speaking about successes, we should not keep silent about the problems of education; unfortunately, they exist, and we need to talk about them honestly, openly, and together look for ways to solve them.”

Enrik Muslimov outlined the place and role of the education system in the living conditions of ancient Derbent.

“Education is a priority for the city administration. The future is in the hands of the school teacher, and the best teachers should and will be encouraged,” the head of the city emphasized.

The main report, having analyzed in detail the work of each structure of the department, was made by the head of the education department, Vadim Kuliev. He

Summed up the results of the 2017-2018 academic year, taking into account the decisions of the August pedagogical conference of last year; identified the tasks, areas of activity and vectors of innovative development of the municipal education system for the new academic year in the format of state educational policy, materials and resolution of the republican August conference of this year, innovative experience and problems of the municipal education system.

After a keynote report on the state of affairs in the city education system and the prospects for its development, V. Kuliev answered questions from the acting head of the city regarding violations during the Unified State Examination, rewarding the best teachers, school class sizes, the development of sports in the city, and tracking the future fate of medal-winning graduates and etc.

Further, giving the floor to the acting head of the municipal district “Derbent district” Fuad Shikhiev, Enrik Muslimov emphasized that the city of Derbent and the Derbent district will carry out coordinated work, work together not only in education, but also in other areas.

Fuad Shikhiev noted the big changes that have occurred recently in all areas, including the education system. The requirements for the quality of education and teaching methods have changed. More tasks, complex and interesting, are being set for teaching staff. The success of training, in his opinion, is determined by two criteria: the socialization of the individual and the results of the Unified Energy System. Judging by the exhibition of the best projects of school students displayed in the foyer, socialization is one hundred percent. As for the Unified State Exam, here too the results of Derbent schools are impressive.

The Chairman of the Assembly of Deputies of the Derbent Urban District, Mavsum Ragimov, congratulated those present on the beginning of the new academic year. Impressed by the results of the city’s educational institutions in the 2017-2018 academic year, he called on teachers to “keep it up.” Addressing young teachers, the chairman of the city Assembly called on them to “catch up and surpass their more experienced colleagues, and those who have extensive work experience to pass on their experience and knowledge to the young.” He also noted that at one of the last sessions a decision was made to increase spending on food for children in preschool institutions by saving money throughout the budget year.

Warm words of greeting to the conference participants were also expressed by: the director of the Derbent Vocational Pedagogical College Sharafutdin Seyidov, the deputy chairman of the Public Chamber of the Derbent urban district Seyran Ragimov, the military commissar in the cities of Derbent, Dagestan Lights and the Derbent region Adil Kuliev.

Reports on the successes achieved and professional experience were made by: deputy director of gymnasium No. 3 Naida Mirzoeva, primary school teacher of secondary school No. 15 Sevinch Nametullaeva, teacher of the pedagogical college Sevil Samedova.

As part of the August conference, the results of the ranking of educational institutions in the city of Derbent were summed up. First place was awarded to secondary school No. 15 (director L. Latifov), she was awarded a first degree Diploma. Second place was shared by secondary school No. 19 (director S. Dunaeva) and secondary school No. 11 (director Z. Ilkanaev), they were awarded with Diplomas of the second degree. Gymnasium No. 3 received a third degree diploma.

Among preschool education institutions, the Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 30 (headed by Ch. Mamedova) was recognized as the best; it was awarded a first degree Diploma. Second place was taken by pro-gymnasium No. 15 (director R. Alimuradova), third place by pro-gymnasium No. 18 (director R. Radzhabova).

Among primary education institutions, the “President” pro-gymnasium, headed by Indira Shirinova, was awarded the first degree diploma.

As part of the August pedagogical conference, the best teachers of the city were traditionally honored. They were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan, Gratitude from the Acting Head of the Republic of Dagestan, the badge “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Dagestan”, and were awarded the title “Honorary Worker of the Education Sphere of the Russian Federation”. The award ceremony was conducted by the acting head of the city, Enrik Muslimov. He also presented the insignia “For Services to the City of Derbent” to the director of secondary school No. 15, Letif Letifov.

The results of the August conference were summed up by the acting head of the city of Derbent, Enrik Muslimov.

“It is difficult to discuss all problems in one meeting. The problems of preschool education remained outside the scope of attention: compliance with the electronic queue (parents should know exactly when their child will enter kindergarten), providing kindergartens with quality products (people should know what their children eat), etc. In this direction, the policy will be different, responsibility will primarily fall on the heads of preschool institutions,” he added.

As for the Unified State Exam, as the acting head of the city stated, appropriate penalties should be applied to those who committed violations. All

Children should be in equal conditions and receive well-deserved assessments of their knowledge.

“The development of the education system is a priority in the management activities of the administration. I have always had great respect for teachers and raised my children in the same spirit. I believe that the teacher is always right, that there are no bad teachers. I am grateful to all of you for your titanic work and wish you good, obedient and inquisitive students in the new school year. So that they are grateful to you and, having achieved success in life, remember you, their teachers, those to whom they largely owe their success,” the mayor concluded.

On August 30, on the eve of the new school year, the annual August pedagogical conference was held at the Anopinskaya Secondary School, the topic of which concerned the results of the educational system of the Gus-Khrustalny district in the 2017-2018 academic year and tasks for the coming year.

The conference was attended by heads and representatives of local government bodies of the district, heads of municipal educational institutions, deputy directors for educational and educational work, representatives of the parent community and prevention system authorities.

The participants of the event were met by volunteers of the Crystal Phoenix detachment, who held the event “In the World of Dialogue”. Guests and teachers were invited to leave their wishes and parting words for the future generation on a symbolic image of a dove. “The dove is a symbol of peace, which means happy eyes and smiles of people, calmness and warmth,” the guys explained. There were a lot of people who wanted to take part, and no one was left unattended. “This action is like a dialogue between a teacher and a student. In our opinion, he turned out to be sensitive, caring, and kind,” commented the organizer of the action A.M. Gruzdeva.

Before the start of the plenary session, the attention of educators was focused on master classes and thematic sections. This year, the issues discussed were: improving the quality of general education, updating its content, introducing and using modern educational technologies; management of the quality of education of preschool children, as a necessary condition for the implementation of federal state educational standards; implementation of the Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation on the territory of the Gus-Khrustalny district.

The official part of the plenary session was opened by the General Director of Gusevsky Valve Plant “Gusar” LLC, deputy of the Legislative Assembly A.A. Berezkin. In his address, Alexander Alexandrovich thanked the teachers for their caring, wisdom, highest professionalism and dedication in working with children.

The baton of greeting was accepted by the head of the Gus-Khrustalny district administration A.V. Kabenkin, who emphasized that the traditional August conference has essentially become a dialogue platform for summing up the results of the past year, discussing a wide range of current topics and joint decision-making on key issues in the development of the education system in the region. Having outlined a number of tasks facing a modern school, Alexey Viktorovich noted: “The district administration pays great attention to improving the material and technical base of educational institutions and in the future we are working on new large-scale projects. Therefore, you and I have many tasks ahead, and we will work together on them. I am confident that through joint efforts we will achieve our goals!” Thanking all the teachers for their loyalty to the profession and their willingness to keep up with the times, leading their students, Alexey Viktorovich presented certificates to those who had made a significant contribution to the development of the education system of the district and region.

The main event of the conference was the report of the head of the education department O.A. Fedorova. Summarizing the results of the work in the 2017-2018 academic year, Oksana Aleksandrovna identified pressing, unresolved issues and identified long-term plans.

Also at the meeting, the director of the MBUDO “Center for Additional Education of Children” of the Gus-Khrustalny district, E.V., made a report “Additional education of children: challenges and prospects”. Salnikova, and the chairman of the regional organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation N.V. Katkova, who voiced the topic “The role of the trade union in improving the status of a teacher.”

As a result of the conference, priority directions for the development of the education system for the coming year were identified, aimed at improving the quality of education, creative development and moral education of children for their successful socialization in life.

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