Australian winter became one of the biggest for medisappointments in Australia. My first Australian winter.For some strange reason, from Russia it seemed to me thatAustralia is a land of eternal summer , where there is never snow. Blue sky, bright warm sun, azure ocean, palm trees and bright parrots around - this was the picture before my eyes.

I was very busy preparing for the examIELTS , collecting documents and information about finding housing and work, soclimate issue somehow passed me by. I quickly looked at the average temperature in the Australian winter in Sydney - 18-20 degrees Celsius. So this is great! In fact, our St. Petersburg summer!

We arrived in Australia in May, with one small suitcase and, alas, almost no warm clothes with us. Let me remind you that Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, which means that when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in Australia. The first two weeks were warm, but by the time we finally rented a house, it suddenly got colder and started to rain!

And we rented a large studio a couple of minutes from the beach with a huge floor-to-ceiling window. The window was single, the walls were thin, and the gaps between the window and the wall were amazing. And what a wind blew from the ocean! It also turned out thatSydney has no central heating ! No, basically. There is also no centralized hot water supply. There are special individual boilers for heating water. On the one hand, this is a plus. There is no such thing as a preventive shutdown of hot water for three weeks (hi, Peter!). On the other hand, a big minus. We had enough hot water for 5-7 minutes, then we had to wait for the boiler to heat up a new portion of hot water with electricity! Horror! But the bath has become the warmest place in our apartment.

If it was +12 degrees outside, then it was about the same in our studio! First of all, we went to buy a fan heater, warm clothes andugg boots . By the way, I finally understood the true purpose of the Australian analogue of Russian felt boots. Australians wearugg boots at home in Australian winter time ! And some aesthetes even wear them on the street! I will never forget the couple I saw in the first month of my arrival in Sydney. Dubak. Strong wind. +10 degrees. Two girls are walking side by side. One is wearing UGG boots almost to the knee, the other... in flip flops on bare feet!

Australian ugg boots for every taste, color and design

In general, this is a whole separate topic, howAustralians dress in winter . This winter turned out to be especially cold. Just recently at night the temperature dropped to zero degrees. You walk in the morning, shivering from the cold, seriously thinking about a hat, coat and winter boots, and a schoolboy in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt meets you. And then the Chinese woman walks in a warm down jacket to her toes. But the mostthe squeak of Australian winter fashion - this means putting on a jacket, a warm knitted hat, wrapping a scarf around your neck, and on your feet... flip-flops or even bare feet!

Warm ones are also at a premium among Australians.plush indoor onesies Onecie , Their design usually depicts some animals or cartoon characters. Popular with both children and adults. They say that they are very warm, perfect for walking in unheated rooms. I haven’t tried this one yet, but maybe over time I’ll get myself a plush cat costume. Again, an interesting point. Often children and young people wear suchhome overalls on the street . At first I was surprised, but now it’s a common thing for me.

In fact during the daytime when the sun is warm and there is no piercing cold wind, it’s verywarm . But as soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon, a sharp cold sets in. And there is no escape from him at home! Getting into a cold bed is a whole ordeal, but a special challenge( challenge – difficult task, problem) is to get out of a warm crib in the morning! This year, however, was an exception. We moved to a house where, hurray, there is gas and we purchased a powerfulJapanese gas heater Rinnai . It is much cheaper and more efficient than using an electric oil heater. I even gave up my usual Ugg boots at home and got myself these fun house slippers.

The Australian winter, of course, has its own pros. You can admire the beautiful yellow leaves on the trees. And if you're lucky, then snow in the Blue Mountains, which are a couple of hours drive from Sydney. Moreover, in the Australian winter peak flowering of beautiful camellias, which grow everywhere here. And it’s not only camellias that bloom in winter. It seems that Australian nature is not at all afraid of night frosts.

Australian winter great to meet in warm cozy cafes and drink hot tea or coffee and talk about different things, mainly about lofty matters. Australian winter It's great to fall into Australian hibernation, crawl under a blanket with a good book and a cup of fragrant tea with linden honey(Yes, I know, Where find in Sydney real linden honey!). Or go somewhere to warmer climes, for example in the European summer.

And also Ain the Australian winter great to cook all kinds Russian cuisine, which in hot weather would be completely out of demand. In general, we are having a cozy time now.

PS All photos that you see within the project"My Australia 365" , belong to the author . Their usage in other sources it is possible only after receivingwritten permission .

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