When is the best time to go to Australia?

, you can successfully vacation in Australia all year round. But they still don’t come here for this reason. Deciding,when is the best time to go to Australia, decide on your goals. You definitely won’t be able to inspect everything in one go. This means that you need to focus on one or another region of the mainland.

The climatic zones of the country are very different. In the northern part of the country, the climate is subequatorial, hot, and there are constant monsoons. As for the central part of Australia, it has a desert tropical climate. A subtropical climate has firmly established itself in the southwestern part of the continent. It rains quite often there in winter. In the east of the country, the climate is marine tropical, where the maximum amount of precipitation occurs in the summer.

It is believed that time when is the best time holiday in Australia, occurs in April, May, September and October. At this time, it is not so cloudy in the south, and there is no rain in the north. Decidingwhen to fly to Australia, keep in mind that summer here falls in our winter months, and winter, accordingly, in our summer months.

High season for swimming in Australia falls from May to mid-October in the north. At this time there is a dry season, the nights are cool and the days are very hot. Summer in the south is pleasant. Rains occur here throughout the year, evenly, the sea is cool, and it is better to focus on December and January. March can very loosely be called the timeLow season in Australia, but even then, not everywhere. In any case, it rains in the north at this time. But in Tasmania it is cool.

Holidays in Australia in winter

Weather in Australia in winterhot. The hot summer begins in December. True, the weather is slightly different in different regions of the country. January in Australia is characterized by fairly hot weather. True, temperature conditions in the southern and northern parts of the country are somewhat different. Read more in the sections dedicated to the months. It's hottest in Darwin, but in Tasmania it’s cool, around +20°C. Winter is a good time for a sea holiday , and not the best time for excursions, especially in the central regions of Australia.

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Holidays in Australia in spring

It is at the beginning of spring that the rainy season begins in Sydney, but in Melbourne There is not enough rain in March. Weather in Australia in springwarm, and we should not forget that at this time it is natural autumn there. This means that by the end of May, winter is coming, and not the summer heat. The closer to the end of spring, the cooler it gets. This is a good time to visit central Australia, deserts and various nature reserves.

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Holidays in Australia in summer

Ideal time to relaxAustralian ski resorts. With the opportunity to travel to the tropical regions of the Australian north. It's warm here, as usual.Weather in Australia in summer can reach very low levels. It is downright cold on the southern shores, and there is occasional rain, but there is practically nothing to do in Tasmania at this time. Maybe explore nature, but it’s better to postpone this until the fall. If you want to swim, go to Darwin . It might be a nice contrast to enjoy a few days of ski holidays in the snow. Thredbo or Perisher Blue , and from there go to the tropics of the far north of the continent.

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