Weather in Australia

Weather in Australia by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation - useful information from “Travel The World”.

As you know, Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, and also in its hottest part. However, given the huge area occupied by this continent, there are certain differences in weather conditions in different parts of it. In addition, we should not forget that when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, summer reigns here. What is the weather like in Australia in different months of the year?

Weather in Australia in winter


December is the beginning of a sultry and hot summer. In the north of the country, which is located closer to the equator, during the day the thermometer reaches +35 C, at night it rarely drops below +26 C. The weather in the south is cooler - during the day +23 C...+25 C, and at night about +20 C. The weather on the island of Tasmania is pleasantly cool - here it’s about +20 C.

In January

January is the height of the Australian summer. For this reason, the weather is hot throughout the country, especially in its northern part (the cities of Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome). The air warms up to +35 C, sea water can be warmer. There is still some precipitation falling.

The weather in the southern part of the country, and this is where Sydney is located, is characterized by air temperatures in the region of +25 C...+28 C during the daytime, and low precipitation.

In February

Summer doesn't let up in February either. In the north of the country it is hot, up to +35 C, but at the same time quite rainy. Precipitation in this part of the country can fall for 9-12 days and reach 260 mm per month.

In the south of Australia in February the weather is more pleasant - in Sydney and Canberra the air warms up to +26 C, and at night it does not cool below +18 C. Combined with a low level of precipitation, this creates a rather pleasant background for relaxation.

Photo: Lenny K Photography/

In March

In March, autumn comes to the largest island-continent in the world. In the north of the country, rain becomes a frequent visitor. The air temperature is +30 C...+32 C during the daytime.

In the southern part of the country and in Melbourne, during the day +20 C...+24 C, sea water is warmed up to +22 C. At the same time, the frequency of precipitation is increasing.

The island of Tasmania welcomes its guests with cool and often cloudy weather. The air here warms up to +18 C...+20 C, it rains infrequently.

In April

Mid-autumn in Australia marks a smooth transition from the wet to the dry season. The weather is warm throughout the country. In Sydney, as in the southern part of the country, during the day +20 C...+22 C, in the north +24 C, and in Tasmania - about +16 C.

In May

The weather in May brings significant variety. If in the north of the country +30 C...+32 C, then in its southern part and Melbourne +15 C...+17 C. The central part of the mainland is +22 C...+24 C, in the west +20 C...+22 C, which makes May is a very favorable month to visit this part of the country.

In June

If in the northern hemisphere June is the beginning of summer, then in the northern hemisphere, where Australia is located, it marks the start of winter. What is local winter?

In the south, the air warms up to +12 C...+16 C, but at night it often cools down to 0 C. In the north it is much warmer - here during the day +24 C...+30 C, and at night it is much warmer. In this part of the country, sea water is heated to +24 C. Home to many unique animals, Tasmania welcomes you with cool weather - the air rarely warms up above +10 C.

In July

Midwinter is a period of warm weather in the north and cool weather in the south. In the first case, the air temperature is +25 C...+30 C (however, the heat is not oppressive), and in the second - from +10 to + 18 C. In Tasmania, the air warms up to +6 C...+10 C.

In August

The last month of winter on the green continent is characterized by good weather throughout its entire territory. In the south of the country the air warms up to +17 C...+19 C, and in the north of the country it even becomes hot (up to +32 C). It is also getting warmer in Tasmania - during the day up to +13 C, at night from +4 C. The level of precipitation does not exceed 50 mm.

Weather in Australia in autumn

In September

Spring has come... A characteristic feature of this time of year is the abundance of sunny days, especially in the northern part of the country. During the day, the thermometer here often reaches +33 C, and at night it does not drop below +24 C – a very comfortable time for walking. In the south of Australia it is not so warm yet, but in the daytime it is already +16 C...+18 C, and in Sydney it is 20 C. On the island of Tasmania it is not yet so warm - in the daytime it is no higher than +15 C.

In October

The height of the Australian spring brings comfort to the south of the continent. In Melbourne it is already stable at +18 C during the day, and the water warms up to +14 C. In the north of the country it is very warm - +26 C...+28 C during the day and about +20 at night. Tasmania is getting a few degrees warmer compared to September.

In November

November in Australia is the peak tourist season. Of course, this is facilitated by the warm, and in some places hot weather that has prevailed throughout the country. In the north (Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome) during the day the air warms up to +32 C...+34 C, and the sea water is +30 C - a great time for a beach holiday. In the south of the continent it is a little cooler - during the day +21 C...+23 C. The island of Tasmania welcomes guests with 20 degrees of warmth and low precipitation.

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