Lesson “Pets” for a nursery group


Continue introducing children to domestic animals and their babies.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
Form stable ideas about shape, color, quantity, size, geometric shapes.
Practice onomatopoeia, modeling, gluing, drawing with fingers and pencils.
Continue to learn how to build from building material according to a model, cut paper with scissors.
Develop thinking, visual and auditory concentration, fine motor skills, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm.
Teach children to perform collective construction and play with it.


Pet toys, a chest, a wonderful bag, musical hammers.
Colored silhouette pictures of pets and their dark shadows.
Background picture “On the farm”, geometric shapes.
Strips of green paper, scissors.
Construction material: bars and arches.
A blank picture for drawing (sky, meadow, oval-lake), blue and green pencils, glue, silhouette pictures of pets.
Cereals, spoons, soap dishes.
Multi-colored clothespins, colored silhouette pictures of kids' heads with different-colored bells on their necks.
A background picture with cells of different sizes, color silhouette pictures of rabbits of the corresponding size.
White plasticine, blank picture “lamb”.
Background sheet, glue, applique details: sun, bone, booth door; finger paints, wet wipes.
A background picture depicting booths of different colors, triangular roofs for booths, cut out of cardboard, in corresponding colors.
Educational game "Find Mom."
Audio recording: “Carousel”, “Who is grazing in the meadow?”

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment “Wonderful chest”

“Here is a wonderful chest,
He's a friend to you guys.
I really want to know
How you love to play!

Didactic exercise “Find the shadow”

Name what pets are in front of you? Provide shade for everyone.

Construction "On the Farm"

Place the geometric shapes in the appropriate places in the picture. Where did you put the circle? Oval? Square? Triangle? Rectangle?

Didactic game “Who lives on the farm?

Children put their hand into a wonderful bag and take turns taking out pet toys and calling them.


The cow has horns
And hooves on the legs.
She chews grass
Gives milk to children.

A cow's baby is called a "calf". The calf says: "Moo-oo." Say it like the calf says.

Cutting with scissors “Grass for a cow”

Children cut a strip of green paper with scissors.

Visual activity “In the meadow”

Draw grass with a green pencil, draw water in the lake with a blue pencil, stick figures of domestic animals in the meadow.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “There are cats grazing in the meadow...”

Children beat out the rhythm with musical hammers.


The dirty piggy
There is a bristle on the back,
There is a spot on the face,
There is a thin hook tail at the back.

A pig's child is called a piglet. The pig says: “oink-oink.” Say it like the pig says.

Construction of a “Fence for Piglets”

Take the blocks and build a fence around the piglets. Like this. (Teacher demonstration).

Exercise “Fill the feeder for piglets”

Children fill colorful soap dishes with cereal with a spoon.


The horse has a long mane
The disposition is cheerful and playful.
She'll eat the hay now
Yes, and he will take us for a ride.

A horse's child is called a foal. The foal says: “i-go-go.” Say it like a foal says.

Didactic game “What can a horse do?”

Do you know how to clearly say the word “yes”? Tell. Now say the word “no.” You did well, which means you can play an interesting game with me.
I will ask you what the horse can do, and you think and answer: if the horse can do it, say “yes.” And if the horse doesn't know how to do it, say no.

Can the horse gallop fast?
Can a horse fly in the sky?
Can a horse chew grass?
Can a horse clatter its hooves?
Does your horse know how to play with toys?
The horse can neigh loudly: yoke?

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Children move in a circle at a pace that matches the music and words of the song.


Jumping goat,
Naughty, butting
Like on the sly
Eating cabbage from the garden.

A goat's child is called a kid. He says: “Me-e-e.” Say it like the little goat says.

Game with clothespins “Colorful horns”

What color is the baby goat’s bell? Make his horns from clothespins the same color. (Then you can invite the children to swap pictures.)


Won't hurt a fly
Long-eared rabbit.
Always in a cage for him
There are carrots and water.

A rabbit's baby is called a baby rabbit.

Didactic game “Place the rabbits”

There are rabbits in front of you. Show the biggest rabbit, the smallest, two identical rabbits. Rabbits live in cage-like houses. Place the rabbits in appropriately sized cages.


Lamb's fur
Soft, in curls.
The lamb will be shorn and
Knit warm socks.

A sheep's child is called a lamb. The lamb says, “ba-e-e.” Say it like the lamb says.

Modeling “Curls of a lamb”

Children tear off pieces of white plasticine and stick them to the image of a lamb.


The dog gnaws the bones
It bites evil people too -
To prevent a thief from getting in,
Guards both the house and the yard.

A dog's baby is called a puppy. The puppy says: “woof-woof.” Say it like a puppy says.

Didactic game “Dog Booths”

Choose matching roof and door colors for your dog houses.

Visual activity “Puppy”

Children glue a sun and a bone onto the background sheet. Then they use a foam rubber stamp to draw brown fur on the dog and add flowers with their fingers.

Didactic game “Find Mom”

Now take the cards with the babies and find their mothers.

Construction of the "Farm"

The collective building “Farm” is being constructed and played out.

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