Unstressed vowels at the end of adjectives are exceptions. Unstressed vowels in noun endings

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  • Get an answer to the question: “How to check for an unstressed vowel in the endings of adjectives?”
  • Develop attention, horizons, observation, spelling vigilance, and the ability to classify.
  • Cultivate interest in the Russian language and speech culture.

Equipment: Russian language textbooks for grade 4 according to the “School 2100” program (2004), vocabulary cards, multimedia application.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment using demonstration cards with vocabulary words:

Say the word - adjective:

We are in a wonderful mood!

Interesting assignments await you!

Always be attentive in class!

And the whole lesson will come out: wonderful!

2. Let's start work with a minute of penmanship. Slide No. 2

Write letter combinations with a middle connection: oh oh oh oh her; bottom connection aya yaya

Write down the proposal. Guess the riddle:

Co. n b hundred l no, tail l nyanyoy. (Needle and thread)

How do you understand the meaning of the word linen? (Made from linen). Slide No. 3

Flax is a herbaceous plant, the fibers of which are spun into threads and then woven into linen.

Underline the consonants whose softness is indicated by a soft sign.

Phonetic analysis of the word "linen".

The task is completed in notebooks. Selective assessment.

Examination: slide number 4

3. Vocabulary work.

I have selected words that I propose to distribute into groups according to spelling patterns. Slide No. 5

Festive, artificial, orange, metallic, staircase, neat, tomato, sad, purple, costume.

Examination: slide number 6

Indicate group selection. What words could fall into 2 groups (neat, metallic, artificial).

What part of speech do these words belong to?

What endings do adjectives have? Give examples. Slide No. 7

4. Updating knowledge.

a) Observation of stressed and unstressed endings. Slide No. 8

Put emphasis on words. What did you notice? (There are endings with and without stress).

Is it possible to make mistakes in writing the endings of adjectives?

In which cases? Why?

b) Conclusion: vowels at the endings of adjective names can be stressed or unstressed, the spelling of unstressed vowels at the endings of adjective names is an orthogram.

c) What is a spelling pattern? (Writing according to the rule)

In what part of the word did we find the spelling? (At the end)

d) I want to hear your guesses: what is the topic of the lesson? (Hypotheses);

what is the purpose of the lesson?

(The purpose of our lesson is to answer the question: how to check the unstressed vowel at the end of adjectives).

e) Conclusion: in question words the ending is always stressed; with their help you can check the spelling of unstressed vowel endings of adjectives.

But there is a discrepancy: after soft consonants, other letters are written. They need to be remembered.

f) Why can the endings of adjectives be checked using question words? (they always have a stressed ending).

What word does the question come from? (from noun)

5. Physical warm-up.

6. Primary consolidation.

Work from the textbook (p. 116, exercise 200)

7. Slide No. 9

Let's apply our new knowledge in the task that Miss Adjective has prepared for you.

Copy the sentences, determine the endings that need to be completed and underline the adjectives.

Let's have a competition between the rows.

The work of representatives of each row is evaluated.

1st row. I love the modest... branchy... rowan tree.

Disassemble the word according to its composition branchy

2nd row. I love its little mottled... delicate leaves.

Disassemble the word according to its composition leaves. Determine the grammatical basis of the sentence.

3rd row. They rustle even in a light breeze.

Disassemble the word according to its composition breeze. Determine the grammatical basis of the sentence. Examination: slide number 10

8. Speech development. Let's select antonyms for the adjectives in the first column. Slide No. 11

Explain the choice of vowels in the endings of adjectives, indicate the studied spellings in words.

9. Summing up. Slide No. 12

How to check the spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives? What was the most difficult thing in the lesson? And the most interesting?

10. Homework: perform exercise No. 201 on page 116.

Fattakhova Svetlana Viktorovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2"
Locality: Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan
Name of material: Russian language lesson
Subject:"Letters of unstressed vowels at the endings of adjectives."
Publication date: 19.09.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Russian language lesson

Topic: Letters of unstressed vowels at the endings of adjectives.

Objectives: - introduce the rule for checking unstressed vowels in endings


Learn to write words with unstressed vowels at the end of names

adjectives, check, graphically indicate spelling;

Develop speech, memory, thinking, spelling vigilance;

Foster accuracy, independence, and a sense of camaraderie.

Equipment: EOR, posters, cards, projector.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition. Lesson topic message.

1. Game “Distribute the words into groups” (Students divide the words on the board

by parts of speech.)

What other groups of words can be distinguished? (Groups of cognate words.)


Listen to the poem. What part of the speech will be discussed in the lesson?

I define objects

They are very noticeable to me.

I decorate your speech.

You need to know me, take care of me!

What part of speech could tell about itself like that? (Adjective.)

What is an adjective?

What part of speech are adjectives associated with?

How do adjectives change?

Why do adjectives decorate our speech? Prove it with an example.

(Curly birch, white-trunked, Russian, weeping willow, mighty oak)

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

We live in a world of words; there are so many secrets and secrets in the words of the Russian language.

So today in lesson we will learn about the spelling of letters of unstressed vowels in

endings of adjectives, let’s reveal another secret of the language.

III. Calligraphy. Vocabulary work.

1.Work in a notebook.

Aya, -y, -y, -y, -oe, -oh, -ee, -y, -ye

Look at the blackboard. What do these connection chains tell you?

(Endings of adjectives.)

What adjectives can have such endings? (f.b., m.b., middle b.

and plural.)

Write down the connections in your notebook.

Read the words. What part of speech words did you read? What is their secret? (This is

vocabulary words.) Choose the desired letter, write the words correctly.

A(k,kk)urate, (o,a)range, ex(e,i)material,

pra(zn,zn)ichny, with(i,e)rib(yan,yann)y, v(a,o)magnical, f(e,o)ly.

IV. Introduction to the topic. Research work.

Work in groups. Each group receives a piece of paper with the task: insert

letter, explain your choice.

sound here is white toothy pr. grandfather at red. th

b. R. ha everywhere move p. road worker in syn. X

h. ma pesh. move h. squeak about good m

Were you able to complete the task completely?

What words were you in doubt about the spelling of? Why? (Unstressed vowel)

Where is the missing vowel?

At the end of what part of speech?

What problem will we solve today in class?

(Which letter should be written at the end of adjectives if they



V. Observation. Derivation of the rule.

1. Comparison of stressed and unstressed endings of adjectives.

(ESM is used for analysis.)

What can you say about the spelling of stressed and unstressed endings?

(They are spelled the same.)

In which endings can you make a mistake? (In unstressed endings.

This is a dangerous place.)

2.Reading rules No. 1 us. 86.

3. Ex. 326. Performed orally.

Read it. Compare the endings of words - questions and adjectives.

(Reading in a chain.)

What did you notice? (Children's answers.)

question which one?(-oho-, -him-) What determines the writing of letters O And e? (From

hard and soft root base.)

What endings do adjectives have, if we put

question what?(-м-, -м-) What determines the writing of letters s And And?

What needs to be done to correctly write unstressed

adjective ending? Try to formulate a rule.

4. Reading rules No. 2 on page 87.

VI. Consolidation of new knowledge.

1.Ex. 327. Performed in a notebook.

a) Independent reading of the text.

How the word was formed table? And the word capital?

Is it possible to say table, throne, capital considered related? Why?

b) Name the adjectives in the text. Let's write down combinations of words adj.+

noun, let us graphically designate the spelling unstressed vowel in endings



2. Work on cards according to options. Examination.

Complete the endings of the adjectives.

3. EOR “Postcard for Mom”

And now you need to work creatively. Sign a postcard for

your mother. (Examination.)

VII. Lesson summary. Reflection “Ladder of Success”.

What spelling did you learn about in class?

How to check unstressed endings of adjectives?

VIII. Homework. P. 102 ex. 7. Learn the rule.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Unstressed vowels in case endings

§ 67. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in endings is established by checking the forms of words with the same ending (of the same type of declension), in which the vowel being checked is under stress, for example:

o?zero, knee?but, over?field, towel (window?, chisel?, face?, gun),

cha?shi, ko?ni (tables?, tree stumps);

book, about the book (hand?, about the hand?);

chair, lake, stone (table?, window?, stump);

home, field, hundred, glue (table, window, knife, edge);

about the teacher, about the guard, about the dress, in the field (about the horse?, about the knife?, about the linen?, in the window?);

but?chi, horses, joy (indirect cases singular h.; Wed love?, wilderness?);

readers, joys (teacher, horse);

servants, songs, o?knam (cities, teachers, seas);

red, blue, red (young, big and mine, myself?);

si?nim (big?m);

eleven (five?, twenty?);

ninety (one hundred?);

nine?one hundred(indirect cases; cf. hundred?).

Note. Letter And written at the end of TV forms. p.m. including nouns and adjectives and TV. n. numerals - in endings ?ami (?yami), ? (?by them): tables, sisters, nights; big, strong; three hundred etc. The final vowel of these endings, always unstressed, can be verified by comparison with the stressed ending tv. n. plural ?mi in forms children?, people? and in form options doors?, daughters?, horses?(cf. doors, daughters, horses).

§ 68. In the form named after p.un. h. husband of the gender of adjectives (as well as all other words inflected as adjectives) the ending is written without stress ?th(after soft paired consonants and sibilants - ?th), although the stressed ending is ?Ouch.

Wed, for example: angry, young, big, But full, vigorous, blue, strong, good, fresh; Wed options such as portable And figurative, delusional And delusional; Wed big And bigger, sea And Primorskiy, river And dawn.

§ 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not tested by stressed position.

The final vowel of im endings is always unstressed. n. adjectives for women sort of ?and I (?yaya): red, big, blue; environment, kind ?oe (?her): red, big, blue; pl. numbers ?s (?ie): red, big, blue.

Nouns on ?anine (?Janin), as well as words master, boyar, gypsy in them p.m. h. have an unstressed ending ?e: peasants, townspeople, citizens, Romans, Armenians, boyars, bar(along with the option bars), gypsies(but cf. form gypsies in Pushkin).

In them. and wine endings for numerals are written: ?And in the word two hundred; ?A in words three hundred and four hundred; ?O (?e) in collective numbers, for example: four, six, two, three. At the end of TV n. of the numeral three the letter is written e: three.

§ 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in the writing of unstressed endings.

Nouns with an augmentative suffix ?searching- husband. or medium genders end in them. p.un. hours on ?e, eg: house, wolf, cat, writing, veslishche. Feminine nouns genders with the same suffix end in im. p.un. hours on ?A, eg: cows, hands, dirt. Words on ?search husband. kind in them p.m. h. end in ?and: wolfs, houses, eyes.

Note. Words of Wednesdays, kind on ?search- both with magnifying and other meanings - have in them. p.m. h. ending ?a: letters, shoulders. Wed. conflagration, hatchet(masculine) - magnifying to fire, ax- them. p.m. h. conflagrations, axes; But conflagration(Wednesday, gender) ‘the place where there was a fire’, ax handle(Wednesday, gender) ‘axe handle’ - conflagrations, axes. For words with an augmentative suffix ?searching- having only plural forms. h., in them. p. - the same ending as in im. n. of the producing word, for example: money - money, gate - gate.

Nouns with suffix ?ishk- end in them. p.un. hours on ?A or ?O: in the words of the husband. kind of animate and in the words of women. kind - ending ?A, in the words of the husband. kind of inanimate and in words of environments, kind - ending ?O. Wed, for example: brother, boy, little man, kitty, service, little thought and little house, little town, little factory, little coat, little dress, little boy. Nouns with a caressing (unstressed) suffix have the same endings ?ushk- (?yushk-): Wed., e.g. uncle, father-in-law, neighbor, nightingale, widow, nanny, little girl And bread, child, polelyushko, goryushko.

In words of environment, gender with a suffix ?yshk- in them p.un. h. - ending ?O, eg: feather, neck; in the word wives sort of pancake- ending ?A.

In nouns with suffix ?l- in them p.un. h. - ending ?A or ?O: common nouns or husband. gender - names of persons ending in ?A, inanimate nouns of the environment, gender - on ?O. Wed, for example: sang, started, crammed, smashed, bounced, cheated, pestered And blower, sharpener, measure, wandered, scarecrow.

Note. In proper names like Gavrila, Danila, Kirila, Mikhaila, Samoila the ending is written ?A. But cf. traditional spelling Mikhailo Lomonosov, as well as obsolete spellings like Gavrilo, Danilo, preserved in some texts of writers of the 19th century.

§ 71. Case forms of nouns na?ii, ?ie, ?iya.

1. Nouns with a non-monosyllabic stem (male). and Wednesdays, kind of on ?th And ?ie in sentence n. and women sort of on ?and I in date and sentence p.un. h. have an unstressed position, in deviation from the general rule, ending ?And, but not ?e, eg: genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri, separation - in separation, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance; army - to the army, about the army; line - along the line, on the line; station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria - in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Maria - to Maria, about Maria.

If there are options for ?ie And ?ie, ?ia And ?ya the indicated case forms have different endings - ?e: cf., e.g., variant pairs like about skill - about skill, in bloom - in bloom, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Maria - to Marya.

Note. In artistic, especially poetic, speech it is allowed to write sentence forms. n. nouns, gender ?ye(usually with the preposition V) with ending ?And, eg: You walked alone in silence with a great thought(P.); There is feat in battle, / There is feat in struggle. / The highest feat is in patience, / In love and prayer(Hom.); And the snow competed in zeal / With twilight death(B. Past.); "Enchanted"(title of the poem by I. Severyanin); Birds scream in the sky, / The heart beats in the hypochondrium(V. Valley). The end of the sentence is stressed. P. ?And marked only for one word per ?ye: oblivion - in oblivion?.

2. Few nouns on ?ii, ?ii with a monosyllabic base have the ending in the indicated cases in an unstressed position as a general rule ?e. List of such words: serpent - about the serpent, cue - about ki?e(option: about which ones?), Cue(legendary founder of Kyiv) - about Kie, Chiy(plant) - about whom, “Viy” - in “Bue”, Pius - about Pius, under Pope Pius; hria(rhetoric term) - according to hria, about hria; Biya(river) - along Biya, on Biya; Iya, Liya, Viya(female names) - to Ie, about Leah, about Vie; Gia(male name) - to Gia, oh Gia.

Note to paragraphs. 1 and 2. Few nouns have ?ie, ?ie, with an accent on the ending, the indicated case forms end in And on either e , eg: judge? - to the judge?, about the judge?, lithium? - in lithium?, litany? - in litany?, being? - about being?, life? - about life?, in life?, But: edge - on the edge?, about the edge?, Ziya?, Aliya?, Zulfiya?(personal names) - about Ziya?, about Aliya?, to Zulfiya?, Kyzyl-Kiya?(city) - in Kyzyl-Kiya?.

§ 72. Stable combinations of prepositions in, on, by with nouns on ?ie in sentence p., close in their role in a sentence to prepositions, end (according to the rule of § 71, paragraph 1) with ?ii. Written: in a relationship someone, something in anticipation something, in anticipation something, accompanied someone, something according with something in agreement with someone or something, compared or in comparison with someone or something. (‘compared’; but: doesn't compare); based something, for something; after the lapse of something The adverb is also written subsequently.

They must be distinguished from stable combinations of prepositions V (in) And on with nouns on ?ie in wine items that have become prepositions or close to prepositions; such combinations end in ?ie. Written: Finally something (And Finally‘at the end, finishing’), in conclusion something, in violation something, in contrast from someone or something in continuation something, during something, to avoid something, in change something, in pursuance something and (together) due to something, like something

Combinations close to prepositions differ in spelling in the absence of someone (‘in the absence’) and in the presence someone

Similar stable combinations with the letter e at the end (including the form of a v. p.) should be distinguished (in meaning) from free combinations with a sentence. Wed., e.g.: in continuation, But: notice an error in the continuation of the story; Finally, But: find a contradiction in the commission’s conclusion; in the absence of, But: see a crime in the absence of a student at a lecture.

§ 73. Russian (and modeled after Russian) surnames ?in (?yn) and on ?ov (?ev) are on TV. p.un. h. ending ?ym(like adjectives), e.g.: Prishvin - Prishvin, Lisitsyn - Lisitsyn, Orlov - Orlov, Turgenev - Turgenev, Gazzaev - Gazzaev. Wed. under emphasis: Borodin - from Borodino.

Note. In foreign surnames ?in And ?ov on TV p.un. h. the ending is written ?ohm(like masculine nouns), for example: Darwin - Darwin, (Charlie) Chaplin - Chaplin, Gershwin - Gershwin, Virchow - Virchow.

Names of cities on ?ov (?ev) And ?in are on TV n. ending ?ohm, eg: the city of Lviv - the city of Lvov, Saratov - Saratov, Kanev - Kanev, Mogilev - Mogilev, Kamyshin - Kamyshin. Wed. under emphasis: Tulchino - near Tulchino. Thus, surnames and city names have different TV endings. P.: Pushkin(surname) - Pushkin And Pushkin(city) - Pushkin; Alexandrov(surname) - Alexandrov And Alexandrov(city) - Alexandrov.

In the names of settlements and territories on ?ovo (?evo) And ?foreign (?no) in TV forms. p. is also written ?ohm, eg: Kryukovo - near Kryukov, Odintsovo - Odintsovo, Golitsino - Golitsyn, the village of Maryino - the village of Maryin, Kosovo - Kosovo. Wed. under emphasis: Borodino? - near Borodino, Strogino? - Strogino?m.

From the book 100 great writers author Ivanov Gennady Viktorovich

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, i.e. in an unstressed syllable the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: try on (m?rit) a suit - reconcile (peace) neighbors; flutters

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels The spelling of unstressed vowels, which cannot be verified by stress, is determined by the spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, twine, can, bodyaga, briolin, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, vestibule, ham,

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Guide author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

VI. Vowels after sibilants and c in suffixes and endings § 35. Vowels o and e after sibilants 1. After sibilants, o is written under stress, in accordance with the pronunciation: a) at the endings of nouns, for example: dugout, turn (turn), listage, displacement, footage,

From the author's book

§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, i.e. in an unstressed syllable the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: forests (les), fox (li?sy), try on (me ?rit) suit - reconcile (peace)

From the author's book

§ 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels The spelling of unstressed vowels that cannot be verified by stress is determined by a spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, twine, can, bodyaga, briolin, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, vestibule, ham,

From the author's book

§ 3. Alternating vowels Alternating a and o1. At the root gar- - gor- under stress it is written a, without stress - o; tan?r, ug?r - tanned, angry.Exceptions: you?burn, and?tan, burnt (special and dialect words).2. At the root zar- - zor- the vowel in is written under stress

From the author's book

VI. VOWELS AFTER SISSINGS AND C IN SUFFIXES AND ENDINGS § 34. Vowels o and e after sibilants 1. After sibilants, o is written under stress, in accordance with the pronunciation: a) at the endings of nouns, for example: dugout, turn (turn), leafage, displacement, footage,

From the author's book

§ 35. Vowels after c 1. After c in endings and suffixes under stress it is written o, without stress e. For example: end?m - finger, merchant?v - merchants, coat? - dress, beret? vyy - chintz, ringed - ringed.2. After ц in endings and suffixes it is written ы (in

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in roots § 34. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by checking words and forms with the same root in which the vowel being tested is under stress, for example: water? (cf. waters,

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in prefixes § 38. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in prefixes (except for the prefix raz-/ros-, see § 40) is established by checking words and forms with the same prefix , in which the vowel being tested

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in suffixes § 42. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in suffixes is established by checking words and forms with the same suffix, in which the vowel being checked is under stress. Examples

From the author's book

Unstressed fluent vowels in the roots and suffixes of nouns and adjectives Introductory remarks. The correct spelling of a letter in place of an unstressed vowel is in some cases determined by the fluency of this vowel. The fluent vowel appears in many names

From the author's book

Unstressed connecting vowels § 65. When combining the stems of two or more words into one compound word, as well as when forming complex words with components of an international nature, a connecting vowel is used, expressed in writing with the letters o and

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in verb forms Vowels in verb endings § 74. The writing of unstressed vowels in verb endings follows the general rule (see § 33): unstressed endings are checked by the corresponding stress. Application of this rule requires skill

From the author's book

Unstressed particles not and neither § 77. There are two particles different in meaning and use - not and nor. Wed. cases when they are stressed: He doesn't? was at school today. Whoever he is? was, you need to talk to him. But in most cases the particles are neither unimpacted nor in

  1. Noun endings. The choice of e/i in the endings of nouns of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular is difficult.

Remember: edge to edge, oblivion to oblivion.
Please note: in the prepositional case of words ending in -i, - ie, -iy, the letter i preceding the ending “calls” for the ending -i, the preceding letters e or ь - ending -e: o
energy, constellation, happiness, but about livery, gallery, solitude, fun, happiness.
Pay attention to the spelling of the endings of nouns with the suffixes -ish-, -ushk-/-yushk-, -yshk-/-ishk-, -l-: -ish-e - in noun. masculine and neuter: city - city-isch-e, crucian carp - crucian carp-isch-e; swamp - swamp-looking, suburb - suburb-looking;
-isch-a - noun. feminine: leg - knife-isch-a, head - head-search-a;
-ushk-o (-yushk-o),
-ishk-o (-ishk-o) - for inanimate beings. masculine and neuter gender: bread - bread-ushk-o, house - house-ishk-o, grief - goryushk-o, wing - wing-yshk-o;
-ushk-a (-yushk-a),
-ishk-a (-ishk-a) - for all other nouns (animate noun m. r.; animate and inanimate noun. zh. r.): brother - brother-ushk-a, uncle - uncle- yushk-a, student - student-ishk-a; girl - devch-ushk-a, will - vol-yushk-a, trifle - trifle-ishk-a;
-l-a - for common nouns: imagine-l-a, fill-l-a, bison-l-a, chudi-l-a;
-l-o - in neuter nouns with the meaning of an instrument of action: load-l-o, cover-l-o, shine-l-o, sharpen-l-o, chisel-o, urine-l-o.
  1. Verb endings. In unstressed personal endings of verbs, the spelling of e/i depends on the conjugation of the verb:
  1. conjugation - in the endings the letter e: shave - shave, shave, shave, shave; fight - fight, fight, fight, fight.
  2. conjugation - in the endings the letter and: offend - offend, offend, offend, offend; pray - pray, pray, pray, pray.
1) for the conjugation of “erroneous” verbs (verbs of the first conjugation; see their list in § 4 p. 5):
sow - sow, sow, sow, sow, sow; winnow - blow, blow, blow, blow, blow; repent - repent, repent, repent, repent, repent; grow moldy - moldy, moldy, moldy, moldy, moldy;
lay, lay - lay, lay, lay, lay, lay;
  1. intransitive verbs with the prefix obes-/obez- are verbs of the 1st conjugation, transitive verbs of the 2nd conjugation: weaken (trans.) - you will become weak, you will become weak, we will be weakened, you will be weakened, you will be weakened; weaken (nepereh.) - weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken.

1. View (video)-(slide 2)

An excerpt from the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” - Piglet and I go to visit.

They come to Owl, on the house there is a sign “SAVA” (slide 3)

What did you notice?

What do you need to know to write correctly?

Today in class we will continue our work on studying the secrets of the Russian language.

2.-You already understand that in the lesson we willwork in groups.

Will be working with route sheetsand during the lesson fill out:

3.- Write down the number, great job

Please check your notes against the one on the board.


Let's start with penmanship

a e and o i

Read the letters. What groups can they be divided into?

oh oh oh ya ya her

What else can you say?

4. Repetition

What do we already know about the adjective?

(slide 2 - appears on click)

Do you think we already know everything about this part of speech?

5. Research(in groups)

What letters did you insert? Why?

What words were you unsure about the spelling of? Why?

Where is the missing vowel?

Why "dangerous place"?

Do you think the known verification methods will work for us?

What learning task do we set for ourselves today in class?



7. Independent work

8. Check (slide)


(slide – full text)

9. Drawing up an algorithm

Group work

Create an algorithm for working with this spelling

Or: (slide)

This rule can be formulated in a humorous way:: “If you don’t want to be left out, check the ending with a question.”

10.- What else did you learn from the text?

A flower of spring coming towards us through the snow,

A simple flower, but how much it carries

Goodness and joy and happiness to man!


Find adjectives, explain the spelling of endings

11. Congratulations for your mother

Check yourself, fill in the endings, continue your wishes...

12. Check

13.-This is where our lesson ends.

Let's return to our questions and answer them:

What topic were you working on?

How to check unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives?

14.D/z: make a congratulation on Defender of the Fatherland Day for dad or grandfather (use as many adjectives as possible)

Know the rule on p.89

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