Biological cycles. The influence of the biological cycle on women's performance

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Biological cycles are determined by the vital activity of organisms in the in a broad sense: nutrition, food connections, reproduction, growth, movement, release of metabolites, death, decomposition, mineralization. Of course, abiogenic cycles developed much earlier than biological ones; they include the entire complex of geological, geochemical, hydrological and atmospheric processes.  

The biological cycle is short and intense: U, in the form of CO2, is assimilated from the troposphere by plants and from the biosphere returns to the geosphere again - with U plants.  

Biological cycles and the nature of the impact of heliophysical factors can change under the influence social phenomena, during illness, during severe emotional stress. So, in labor efficiency and safety modern man heliophysical factors play a significant role and biological rhythms.  

Endogenous biological cycles with an annual periodicity are called circannual (circanian). Like circadian ones, they are based on a free time counting system according to the principle biological clock. IN natural conditions this system is under control external factors-synchronizers, including in non-tropical animals main role belongs to the photoperiod.  

The biological cycle of biochemical carbonization apparently includes the entire complex of basic polymeric substances of plant residues. After burial of the peat bog, development organic matter, obeying the requirements of thermodynamics, follows the path of further reducing the reserve free energy. The negligible speed determines the thermodynamically equilibrium nature of its structural and chemical transformations, which is the main difference natural process carbonization from artificial carbonization. Previously, we covered in sufficient detail the issues of thermodynamics and kinetics of the natural process of coalification.  

Apparently, the entire complex of basic polymeric substances of plant residues is included in the biological cycle of biochemical carbonization. After the burial of the peat bog, the development of organic matter, obeying the requirements of the thermodynamics of spontaneous processes, follows the path of further reducing the supply of free energy.  

In biological cycles, the starting materials are nutrients involved in the nutritional processes of organisms: carbon dioxide, rainwater, minerals soil.  

Performance curve during the working day.  

Having studied the features of the biological cycles of its employees, the features of their integration into the labor process, the enterprise can develop rational work and rest regimes, taking into account the wishes and personal characteristics workers.  

When calculating biological cycles, count total number days of life from the date of birth. The remainders obtained as a result of division determine the position of each of the cycles on the first day of the month.  

Synchronization of the biological cycles of plants and their pollinators is characteristic. In species whose pollinators are active at night, flowers open in the evening and close in the morning; They are characterized by the white color of the corollas and a strong odor. In turn, pollinators adjust life cycle to the rhythms of pollinated plants. Thus, the yucca moth Tegeticula maculata not only pollinates yucca flowers, but also lays eggs in the ovary. This is the basis for the relationship between the reproductive cycles of both species: the moth ensures cross-pollination, and its larvae, by eating part of the seeds, regulate their number. At the end of the season, females lay eggs not in flowers, but in ripening fruits: fruits are often not formed from late flowers (S.  

Changes in biological cycles are one way or another accompanied by disturbances in the ecological balance with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, control over such violations seems extremely important task in a complex of measures for the protection and rational use environment. Quality control, assessment and forecast system environment, including observations of human impact on it, is called monitoring. The tasks of monitoring include collecting information about the state of the environment and the levels of its pollution in space and time according to a specific program.  

Volcanoes, participating in biological cycles, return to the biosphere large number vital important connections nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus and sulfur, washed out and deposited in ocean sediments in a state inaccessible to living organisms.  

IN previous chapters the biological cycles with which all human activity must be consistent were identified, methods were developed for calculating the degree of human impact on the environment, and the importance of chemical transformations was shown as a means of significantly mitigating the consequences of such impacts. In many existing systems environmental protection uses the possibility of separating substances (materials), in particular, separating wastewater that is harmless to the environment from substances that pose a danger to it. The separation of substances is often quite challenging task, and forced separation requires special equipment.  

Changes functional state body, sports performance and physical qualities depend on the specific biological cycle female body, the so-called ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC). During puberty of the body, the tonic section of the sexual center located in the hypothalamus (subtubercular part diencephalon), stimulates an increase in the secretion of gonadotropic hormone by the pituitary gland. Under the influence of this hormone, the ovaries begin to release abundant female sex hormones - estrogens. In order feedback estrogens act on the sexual center of the hypothalamus, but not on its tonic section, but on the cyclic section, which monthly causes the development of one egg and its ovulation. With age, this mechanism changes significantly. Already at the age of 25, the sensitivity of the cyclic part of the reproductive center to the action of estrogens begins to decrease. By the age of 45-55 years, estrogens can no longer trigger the ovulation mechanism and reproductive function stops.

The sexual center of the hypothalamus itself is under the control of the overlying parts of the brain and, together with them, reacts to all external influences. Significant physical and mental stress during sports activities through this chain: cortex cerebral hemispheres- hypothalamus - pituitary gland - gonads can significantly change the course of the female body's CMC.

The duration of CMC ranges from 21 to 36 days, on average (in 60% of women) - 28 days. The entire cycle can be divided into 5 phases: 1st phase - menstrual (1-3 days, sometimes up to 7 days); Phase II - postmenstrual (4-12 days); Phase III - ovulatory (13-14 days); IV phase - postovulatory (15-25 days); The phase is premenstrual (26-28 days).

Phase I is associated with rejection of the uterine lining and menstrual bleeding. During this period, there is a sharp drop in the level of metabolism, including protein metabolism. In the cerebral cortex, as a result of dominant interoceptive influences from the female reproductive system, attention processes are disrupted. Reduced sensitivity of visual, tactile and other sensory systems. Increased irritability and emotional instability. The influence of the vagus nerve increases, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of breathing and heartbeat, and dilation of blood vessels. Due to blood loss (usually 150 - 200 ml) and water retention in the body, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets decreases.

In phase II, the follicle develops in the ovary until it matures and ruptures (this phase is also called follicular or preovulatory). During this period, the content of the female sex hormone estrogen in the blood increases, and the development of the uterine mucosa occurs. Fluctuations in body weight during the CMC reach 2 kg, the minimum body weight is in this phase.

In phase III, the egg leaves the follicle (ovulation) and enters the fallopian tubes and then into the uterus.

In phase IV, the remnants of the follicle form the corpus luteum, which becomes a new gland internal secretion and begins to secrete the hormone progesterone (for this reason, this phase is also called the progesterone phase). The secretory processes of the uterine mucosa are activated.

In phase V (if fertilization of the egg has not occurred), the corpus luteum degenerates 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. The concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the blood decreases, reducing the functionality of the body.

The aquarium cycle is the process by which toxic waste is destroyed in the aquarium. This cycle requires that the water filtration system contains beneficial bacteria feeding on this waste. By introducing fish into an aquarium without establishing a biological cycle, you risk ruining the health of your fish or losing them altogether. Thus, a biological cycle must be established in every aquarium to keep the fish healthy.


Part 1

Setting up a cycle with fish in an aquarium

    Introduce several fish into the aquarium that can live in an environment with increased level toxins. In this case, you will have to buy certain fish. Once the beneficial bacteria are present in your aquarium, you can introduce other fish into it. Here are the fish that can live in an unfavorable environment:

    • Cardinal
    • Danio rerio
    • Cherry puntius
    • Pseudotropheus zebra
    • Gourami
    • Star pristella
    • Karpozubik
    • Gudgeon
    • Guppy
    • Note: If in doubt, seek assistance from a qualified pet store associate.
  1. Don't overfeed your fish. Give them food once every two days, regardless of the diet of a particular fish. Also, do not give too much food at a time so that the food does not remain in the aquarium after the fish are full.

    • An overfed fish produces more waste, which can lead to increased levels of toxins in the aquarium before beneficial bacteria are present in the aquarium.
    • Leftover food will rot, which will of course increase the level of toxins in the aquarium.
  2. Change the water regularly. Change 10-25% of the aquarium water every few days to prevent the level of toxins in the aquarium from increasing. If you have a saltwater aquarium, be sure to add the appropriate amount of sea salt when changing the water.

    • Do not use chlorinated water as it will destroy the beneficial bacteria in the aquarium.
    • Be prepared to change the water more often if you notice a deterioration in your fish's condition (see Troubleshooting section). However, do not overdo it with the frequency of water changes, so as not to injure the fish with frequent changes. chemical composition or water temperature.
  3. Monitor toxin levels with a water testing kit (available at pet stores). When you introduce fish into an aquarium, levels of toxins such as ammonia and nitrites quickly increase due to fish waste. As the colony of beneficial bacteria grows, these levels will gradually decrease (virtually to zero); in this case, you can introduce other fish into the aquarium. Test your water for toxin levels once a day or every few days.

    Once the toxin levels have dropped to zero, introduce other fish into the aquarium. Establishing a biological cycle in an aquarium takes six to eight weeks. It is recommended to introduce new fish into the aquarium gradually (one or two fish at a time) so that the bacteria can be maintained stably. low level toxins in the aquarium.

    • After introducing new fish into your aquarium, wait at least a week and then test the water. If ammonia and nitrite levels are low, you can add more fish to the tank.

    Part 2

    Setting up a cycle without fish in an aquarium
    1. To begin, set up an aquarium and set up a filtration system (see the previous section), but do not introduce fish into the aquarium until the process of installing the biological cycle is completed. Instead of fish, you will have to add some waste to the aquarium to monitor the level of toxins in the water.

      To start, throw some fish food into the aquarium. After a few days, the food will begin to rot and release toxins (including ammonia).

      Test the water for ammonia over the course of several days using a water testing kit (available at pet stores). Its level should be at least three ppm. If there is not enough ammonia in the water, add more fish food to the aquarium.

      Try to keep your ammonia level at three ppm. Check the ammonia level in the water daily. As the number of beneficial bacteria in the aquarium increases, ammonia levels will drop. If ammonia levels drop below three ppm, increase them by throwing fish food into the aquarium.

      After a week, test the water for nitrite levels using a water testing kit (available at pet stores). The bacteria consume ammonia and produce nitrites, which are less toxic than ammonia but still harmful to fish.

      • Once you detect nitrites, consider that the establishment of the biological cycle has begun. At this point, continue to maintain the ammonia level in the water.
    2. Expect a sudden drop in nitrite levels and a rise in nitrate levels. As the number of beneficial bacteria increases, nitrite levels will rise; after all, beneficial bacteria convert the nitrites into nitrates, which are not harmful to the fish. When this happens, consider that the establishment of the biological cycle is close to completion.

      • You may notice this by a sudden drop in nitrite levels, or a sudden spike in nitrate levels, or both.
    3. Once ammonia and nitrine levels have dropped to zero and nitrate levels have stabilized, introduce other fish into the aquarium. Establishing a biological cycle in an aquarium takes six to eight weeks.

      • It is recommended to introduce new fish into the aquarium gradually (one or two fish every one or two weeks) so that the bacteria can maintain a consistently low level of toxins in the aquarium.

    Part 3

    Accelerating the establishment of a biological process
    1. Since it takes six to eight weeks for an aquarium to establish a biological cycle, aquarium owners are looking for ways to shorten this process. One way to do this is to transfer bacteria from the old aquarium to the new one. Bacteria can be found in the aquarium filter system - simply install the filter from the old aquarium to the new one.

      • Try using a filter from an old aquarium of similar size and containing approximately the same number of fish. If the new aquarium is completely different from the old one in terms of size and number of fish, the level of toxins may be higher than what the bacteria from the old aquarium can handle.
    2. Place gravel from the old aquarium into the new one to transfer beneficial bacteria from the old aquarium to the new one. Simply place a few spoons of substrate from the old aquarium on the gravel in the new aquarium.

      Plant live plants in the aquarium. They speed up the establishment of the biological cycle in the aquarium (especially if you transplant plants from an old aquarium). Living plants not only contain beneficial bacteria, but also absorb ammonia, thereby reducing its level in the water.

Throughout the entire childbearing period of a woman (puberty at 12-13 years old until the end of reproductive function at 45-55 years old), the functions of her body are subject to periodic monthly fluctuations, specific only to the female body.


Changes in the functional state of the body, sports performance and physical qualities depend on the specific biological cycle of the female body, the so-called ovarian-menstrual cycle. During puberty, the tonic section of the sexual center, located in the hypothalamus (sub-tubercular part of the diencephalon), stimulates the growth of the pituitary gland's secretion of gonadotropic hormone. Under the influence of this hormone, the ovaries begin to release abundant female sex hormones - estrogens. By way of feedback, estrogens act on the sexual center of the hypothalamus, but not on its tonic section, but on the cyclic section, which monthly causes the development of one egg and its ovulation. With age, this mechanism changes significantly. Already at the age of 25, the sensitivity of the cyclic part of the reproductive center to the action of estrogens begins to decrease. By the age of 45-55 years, estrogens can no longer trigger the ovulation mechanism and reproductive function stops.

The sexual center of the hypothalamus itself is under the control of the overlying parts of the brain and, together with them, reacts to all external influences. Significant physical and mental stress during sports activities through this chain: cerebral cortex - hypothalamus - pituitary gland - gonads can significantly change the course of the female body.

The duration of CMC ranges from 21 to 36 days, on average (in 60% of women) - 28 days.

The entire cycle can be divided into 5 phases:

Phase I - menstrual (1-3 days, sometimes up to 7 days);

Phase II - postmenstrual (4-12 days);

Phase III - ovulatory (13-14 days);

IV phase - postovulatory (15-25 days);

Phase V - premenstrual (26-28 days).

Phase I is associated with rejection of the uterine lining and menstrual bleeding. During this period, there is a sharp drop in the level of metabolism, including protein metabolism. In the cerebral cortex, as a result of dominant interoceptive influences from the female reproductive system, attention processes are disrupted. The sensitivity of the visual, tactile and other sensory systems decreases. Irritability and emotional instability increase. The influence of the vagus nerve increases, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of breathing and heartbeat, and dilation of blood vessels. Due to blood loss (usually 150 - 200 ml) and water retention in the body, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets decreases.

In phase II, the development of the ovarian follicle occurs until its maturation and rupture (this phase is also called follicular or preovulatory). During this period, the content of the female sex hormone estrogen in the blood increases, and the development of the uterine mucosa occurs. Fluctuations in body weight throughout the CMC reach 2 kg, the minimum body weight is in this phase.

In phase III, the egg leaves the follicle (ovulation) and enters the fallopian tubes and then into the uterus.

In phase IV, the remnants of the follicle form the corpus luteum, which becomes a new endocrine gland and begins to secrete the hormone progesterone (for this reason, this phase is also called the progesterone phase). The secretory processes of the uterine mucosa are activated.

In phase V (if fertilization of the egg has not occurred), the corpus luteum degenerates 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. The concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the blood decreases, reducing the functionality of the body.

Related information:

  1. A. Animal and Vegetable Kingdom page 7. In an intimate gaze, men are usually more frank than women, but if at the same time the man closed his eyelids

Biological rhythms represent periodically repeating changes in intensity and character biological processes and phenomena. They are inherent in all living organisms in one form or another and are observed at all levels of organization: from intracellular processes to biosphere ones. Biological rhythms are hereditarily fixed and are a consequence natural selection and adaptation of organisms. There are rhythms:

  • intraday,
  • daily allowance,
  • seasonal,
  • annual,
  • perennial.

Biological rhythms are divided into:

  • exogenous,
  • endogenous.

Exogenous (external) rhythms arise as a reaction to periodic changes environment (change of day and night, seasons, solar activity). Endogenous (internal) rhythms are generated by the body itself. The processes of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, the work of enzymes, cell division, heartbeat, breathing, etc. have rhythm. External influences can shift the phases of these rhythms and change their amplitude.

Biological rhythms are periodically repeating changes in the intensity and nature of biological processes and phenomena. For example, rhythmicity in cell division, DNA and RNA synthesis, hormone secretion, daily movement of leaves and petals towards the Sun, autumn leaves fall, seasonal lignification of wintering shoots, seasonal migrations birds and mammals, etc.

Biological rhythms are fluctuations in shift and intensity physiological reactions, which are based on metabolic changes biological systems, caused by the influence of external and internal factors.

Daily biological rhythms are expressed in regular fluctuations in physiological phenomena and behavior of animals during the day. They are based on automatic mechanisms that are corrected by the influence of external factors - daily fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, etc. Daily biorhythms are clearly expressed in animals, time active work and rest at different types changes differently. Diurnal animals obtain food during the day, for nocturnal animals (owls, bats) - the period of wakefulness begins with darkness.

Seasonal biorhythms are based on the same metabolic changes that are regulated in animals by hormones. The state and behavior of organisms within a population or biocenosis change in different seasons:

  • accumulation (consumption) of reserve substances occurs,
  • change of integument (molting),
  • reproduction, migration of animals, hibernation and other seasonal phenomena begin (end).

Being largely automated, these phenomena are corrected external influences(weather conditions, food supplies, etc.).

Perennial biological rhythms are determined cyclical fluctuations climate and other living conditions (due to changes in solar activity and other cosmic or planetary factors); such biological rhythms occur in populations and biocenoses and are expressed in fluctuations in reproduction and numbers individual species in the resettlement of a population to new places or the extinction of part of it. These phenomena are the summarized result of cyclical changes in populations and biocenoses and fluctuations in the conditions of their existence, mainly climate.

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