It is a great happiness when you are understood.

Class hour. “Happiness is when you are understood” - classroom script for the class teacher.

Believe me - happiness is only there

Where they love us, where they believe us.

M. Yu. Lermontov

1. Information.

A slide with A. Lincoln’s statement about happiness is displayed on the screen:

“Most people are only as happy as they decide to be.”

Teacher: Pay attention to Abraham Lincoln's statement. What do you think Lincoln meant by these words? Today we will talk to you about what “happiness” is and what a person needs to be truly happy.

What is happiness?

Here is the definition of “happiness” given in one of the dictionaries:

Happiness is an emotional state (emotion) in which a person experiences internal satisfaction with the conditions of his existence, completeness and meaningfulness of life and the fulfillment of his purpose.

Psychologists believe that “Happiness” is a purely personal category! It depends on the inner world of a person. You can just eat a chocolate bar and experience “Happiness”.

Some people experience a surge of “Happiness” from playing sports, others from visiting theaters. People become happy from communicating with loved ones and friends. We must remember that the hormones of “Happiness” are caused by physical activity and love, and not by anger and despondency. Happiness is continuous creativity!

Just a drop of happiness

in what is

I have a job

and in that

that I'm not afraid at all

I am tomorrow.

The second straw is

that there is a wife, kids, a house.

And that bright moon

hung over the pond.

And the third straw is,

that there is a cherished dream.

And the fact is that I have a conscience

pure in front of people.

Video “What is happiness?”

1 .(the chorus of the song “Bird of Happiness” in Spanish by N. Gnatyuk sounds)

Let's all go through the pages of this amazing “Book of Happiness” together.

Student: Many people think that “Happiness” is just a bird of good luck. Did you know that the category “Happiness” has always been the object of research by sociologists in many countries.
So in the 80s of the last century, a population survey was conducted in 140 countries, as a result of which Denmark is the country with the happiest population! The level of happy people there has reached 92%, while in our country it is only 53%. In most cases, people living abroad, when asked “How are you?” They answer “Everything is okay!” What is the answer usually heard in our country? (students' answers) Yes, you are right! We often hear answers like “So-so” or “It could have been worse.”

Teacher: How would you write about happiness in one sentence?

(students' reasoning)

Even after interviewing a thousand people. Trying to figure out what happiness is, you can hear a thousand different answers. By interviewing a million people in search of a recipe for happiness, you can get a multi-volume collection of essays on a given topic. Everything is very simple, everyone has their own understanding of this state and their own way. Our class has one too.

(students come up one by one and attach their palm to the tree of life).

Let's analyze the color scheme of our palms.

Happiness is multifaceted, it is multi-colored, and for most of us, happiness is not a material concept at all. This is exactly what it was like for the little prince from the philosophical fairy tale of Antoine Saint-Exupéry. The little prince traveled around the planets, trying even in the most bitter moments not to lose faith in the triumph of good: you cannot let everyday affairs obscure the fate of the world from you, make you forget about the small and big concerns of your neighbors in the universe; let everything that happens in the world worry you... Moral lesson , which the little prince teaches is very instructive: we understand that if you let go of each of the threads that the little prince was holding on to while wandering around the universe, you can miss a piece of happiness. (aphorisms about happiness are listed, which are located on the board in asterisks).

3. I am a position and a socially significant norm.

Teacher: Now I will read situations from life to you, and you will try to analyze them.

Situation No. 1

Jar of Life

Students had already filled the auditorium and were waiting for the lecture to begin. The teacher appeared and put a large glass jar on the table, which surprised many:

Today I would like to talk to you about life, what can you say about this jar?

Well, it’s empty, someone said.

“Exactly right,” the teacher confirmed, then he took a bag of large stones from under the table and began to put them in a jar until they filled it to the very top. “Now what can you say about this jar?”

Well, now the jar is full! - one of the students said again.

The teacher took out another bag of peas and began to pour it into the jar. Peas began to fill the space between the stones:

And now?

Now the jar is full!!! - the students began to echo. Then the teacher took out a bag of sand and began to pour it into the jar; after some time there was no free space left in the jar.

But now the jar is full! - he said. - Now I will explain to you what happened. The jar is our life, the stones are the most important things in our life, this is our family, these are our children, our loved ones, everything that is of great importance to us; peas are those things that are not so significant for us, it could be an expensive suit or car, etc.; and sand is all the smallest and most insignificant things in our lives, all those small problems that accompany us throughout our entire lives; So, if I first poured sand into the jar, then it would no longer be possible to place either peas or stones in it, so never allow various kinds of little things to fill your life, closing your eyes to more important things. I'm done, the lecture is over.

Teacher: Have you ever encountered similar situations? How do you feel about what is happening in this story?

(discussion in groups 1.5-2 min.)

-(children pour a drop of their happiness into the cup of happiness)

And my happiness is that we are all together now, that you are so good, such adults, always ready to help and support each other. This makes your soul feel so calm for you that you will not get lost in this complex world, but will try with a sense of optimism to find solutions to the obstacles that stand in your way.

There was a question, we were looking for an answer

And they collected it drop by drop,

It's different for everyone

It turned out like in a movie

Here we have a tit in our hands,

And in everyone’s dreams there is a firebird.

We want to catch her

And we fly forward after her

Even though it's so fleeting,

But, still, happiness is eternal!

What's in the cup - our happiness

Fourth page
Psychologists believe that “Happiness” is a purely personal category! It depends on the inner world of a person. You can just eat a chocolate bar and experience “Happiness”.
Some people experience a surge of “Happiness” from playing sports, others from visiting theaters. People become happy from communicating with loved ones and friends. We must remember that the hormones of “Happiness”
Caused by physical activity and love, not anger and despondency. Happiness is continuous creativity!
How do they talk about “Happiness” in literature?
V.G. Korolenko wrote: “Man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight!”
And in “The Brothers Karamazov” there is another phrase: “Seek your happiness in grief,” the elder says to Alyosha.
Often in Russian classics the idea is expressed that only fools and scoundrels can be happy and contented, at a time when life is hard for the common people. How do you understand these statements? (students' reflections)

Teacher: Let’s summarize, I suggest you complete a creative task: each group needs to determine “Components of Human Happiness” within 5 minutes. But you will not just write down your thoughts, but arrange them in the form of a flower, as in the famous fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​(on the children’s tables there are markers and sheets of A3 paper; at the end of the work, each group presents the results of their work)

5. Reflection.

I will ask you to stand in a circle, now we will play the game “Ball of Happiness”. Each participant throws a ball to someone and says some wish on the topic of the class hour. The participant who received the ball wraps the thread around his hand and throws it to the next one, etc.

Teacher: Thank you all for your work, please take your seats.

6.Free choice.

Teacher: Today we looked at one difficult concept - the concept of happiness, with which a person tries to keep up in life. But not everyone succeeds. Once again I would like to wish that happiness follows you in your life, but for this you must be kind, honest, hardworking people. And then happiness will not let you down. Watch the following presentation carefully.

(an episode from the film “We’ll Live Until Monday” is shown, where the teacher reads poetry from a note from a student who burned essays on the topic “Happiness.” The episode ends with the words: “...a broken cage, a heap of ashes.... And the cranes are in the clouds again!”

The teacher sums up the class hour.
I would like to wish you that the bird of happiness will always be with you, in your
hearts. So that you are happy that the sun is shining and it’s a new day
is coming! Let your motto in life be: “If you want to be happy, be it!”

"Family Hearth"

Parenting magazine

"Happiness is when you are understood"

Communication and relationships with people are one of the foundations of human life. According to S. L. Rubinstein, a person’s heart is all woven from his relationships with other people; The main content of a person’s mental, inner life is connected with it. It is these relationships that give rise to the most powerful experiences and actions. The attitude towards another person is the center of the spiritual and moral development of the individual and largely determines the moral value of a person.

Relationships with other people begin and develop in childhood. And this experience of the first relationship is the foundation for the further development of the child’s personality and determines the characteristics of a person’s self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

The topic of the origin and formation of interpersonal relationships is extremely relevant due to the cruelty and increased aggressiveness observed recently among young people, which have their origins in early preschool childhood.

For a child, adults are models in everything. Children learn verbal communication by watching, listening and imitating their elders. Younger students, unlike older ones, have more concrete thinking. He assimilates well what is presented visually; he wants to learn everything from his own experience. He is especially attracted to those actions that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. Children are constantly learning what they observe and understand much more than they can say. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish bad from good, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them. Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love and calm, when adults listen to them carefully, communicate with them, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read. Parents should devote more time to their children, since in early childhood the influence of the family on speech and cognitive development (cognitive, i.e. cognitive skills that the child masters in preschool age, subsequently determine his ability to read, write, count, and also to abstract and logical thinking) and the child’s involvement in the life of society are decisive. It is during these years that the foundations of self-confidence and successful communication outside the home are laid, which contributes to the child’s further advancement at school and in the company of peers. The process of personality development is the stage of development of the relationship between a child and an adult. Teachers, parents, grandparents, older sisters and brothers should better understand the child and try to meet his important needs. If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he develops a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can last a lifetime. In the process of developing a child’s communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation of the child’s personal qualities, his feelings, and emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings into their relationships with others.

At preschool age, the child is only groping for ways to relate to others, he develops a stable personal style and develops an idea of ​​himself.

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for the child. The family has a huge influence on what the child will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to the experience of childhood, to life in this family: “what my father and mother taught me.”

Each person should be able to listen to another person, perceive and strive to understand him. How a person feels about another and can influence him without offending or causing aggression depends on his future success in interpersonal communication. Very few among us can and do know how to truly listen to other people well, to be receptive to the nuances in their behavior. But the ability to listen and understand oneself is also of great importance, that is, to be aware of one’s feelings and actions at various moments of communication with other people. And people need to learn all this. Skills do not come to a person by themselves; they are acquired at the cost of effort spent on learning.

“Happiness is when you are understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned. “Learn to love and understand people, and you will always have friends by your side.”

Happiness is when you are understood

Both adults and children, people of any profession and different social levels ask this question. I immediately remember the wonderful Soviet film “We’ll Live Until Monday” and the student’s simple, sincere answer: “Happiness is when you are understood.”

But in Soviet times it was impossible to think like that, which is why the honest essay of a teenage girl, who shared the real feminine truth that happiness is a good family and four children, was ridiculed and rejected by the teacher.

A Soviet person could be happy only when he works for the good of society, is an exemplary citizen and a responsible comrade.

Nowadays there is widespread freedom of speech, and therefore everyone can express their opinion on the understanding of happiness. Of course, each person imagines the ideal world in his own way, but there are still points that unite most people.

For example,

happiness is when parents live long and don’t get sick,

happiness is when you don’t have to think about whether you have enough money for food,

happiness is when children grow up to be good and beautiful people.

Little children will say that

happiness is when mom smiles

when there are a lot of sweets under the tree, and your favorite toys sit and stand on the shelf.

Young ladies will begin to dream of a beautiful knight, a white horse, a castle or at least a hut.

Young men will think that happiness is admission to a prestigious university, the attention of girls and a car when they come of age.

Elderly people will sigh about youth and health, mothers will think first of all about the happiness of their children, lonely people about the warmth of human communication, ambitious young professionals about instant career growth.

People suffering from some kind of illness will draw a happy world in which there are no wheelchairs, Braille and Elizarov devices.

Vain young talents will present a crowd of fans, flowers and applause.

Creative people dream of a wonderful Muse, constant inspiration and recognition.

For many, happiness is material wealth: comfortable housing, a prestigious car, luxury clothes, status accessories, and so on. But, as practice shows, this happiness is impossible to achieve, because you want more and more material wealth.

And if today even a Khrushchev apartment is a transcendental dream, then tomorrow you will want a two-level apartment and no less.

What is happiness?

These are beautiful smiling people around, the love of those you love, absence of illness, favorite job, family comfort, recognition of colleagues.

Happiness is good weather and a great mood.

Happiness is Santa Claus, children's laughter and the wind in your hair.

People themselves are capable of creating happiness, enjoying every moment of their lives and making others happy.

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“Happiness is when you are understood!” - a sacramental phrase from a sensational film became a formulation defining happiness for many years. Understanding - it seems that this is the main thing in life, but each person puts his own meaning into it.

Men want not to be bothered, to be listened to, to indulge their whims and hobbies, and generally not to interfere in their lives. Women dream that they understand their need for love, tenderness, that they empathize and appreciate them, understanding how difficult it can be to spin day after day, and at the same time remain tender and feminine.

How simple it all seems. On both sides there is a desire for understanding; problems can be formulated in each specific case. So what's stopping you?

The hero of one of the films acquired the ability to read women's thoughts. Oh, I suffered, poor fellow! Do you want your husband, your beloved, to read your thoughts? I – no, absolutely! Otherwise, he will read such things there that he will not only understand, he will stop believing in everything in the world, he will become so confused.

Well, to tell the truth, you are reproaching your husband for bringing you another saucepan instead of a mink coat for your birthday. What do you think about this? “How could he, he doesn’t take me for a woman at all, he’s indifferent to me, he doesn’t feel my desires, he doesn’t think about me at all. I’ve been suffering all my life, I create peace and comfort for him, but he doesn’t use his brain, he mocks me! I’ll put this pan on his head now, I’ll give him a “celebration”!” - this is not a complete list of what instantly flashes through your head.

Now imagine that he, the husband, hears all this. It is unlikely that he will understand what he has done wrong, and about “wasted youth” and “best years” the record is old and hackneyed, and no one has responded to it for a long time! Maybe he was in agony choosing this pan, thinking that it would please you, since you recently admired the beautiful dishes shown on TV. And it’s not enough what considerations in a man’s head forced him to give such a gift - you don’t hear them.

And if they heard it, then it’s possible that the following would happen: “I’m so tired, I don’t want to go home!” Every word is a reproach, I have forgotten how to smile, even the corners of my mouth, downwards. Why did I get married at all - to pull the burden or for joy in the house? And all the time just give, give, money, money. Women at work advised me to buy this pan, they said that it does not burn! I wanted what was best, but she...!”

Happiness is when you are understood... correctly. Mutual understanding is when everyone takes their own step towards each other, and does not throw out all their grievances at once, as soon as a reason appears, and even without it.

I would like understanding, of course I would! For wishes to come true, for attention and care. It’s not just us, everyone dreams of the same thing. And you can’t take everything all the time; you just have to give. Maybe there is no need to count in the children's rhyme, who should take the first step? You understand that you cannot clap your hands with one hand. Otherwise, while you are counting, life passes, in quarrels and discord!

Marina Romanovich
“Happiness is when you are understood”

Communication and relationships with people are one of the foundations of human life. According to S. L. Rubinstein, a person’s heart is all woven from his relationships with other people; The main content of a person’s mental, inner life is connected with it. It is these relationships that give rise to the most powerful experiences and actions.

The attitude towards another person is the center of the spiritual and moral development of the individual and largely determines the moral value of a person.

Relationships with other people begin and develop in childhood. And this experience of the first relationship is the foundation for the further development of the child’s personality and determines the characteristics of a person’s self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

The topic of the origin and formation of interpersonal relationships is extremely relevant. Due to the cruelty and increased aggressiveness observed recently among young people, which have their origins in early and preschool childhood.

For a child, adults are models in everything. Children learn verbal communication by watching, listening and imitating their elders. Younger students, unlike older ones, have more concrete thinking. He assimilates well what is presented visually; he wants to learn everything from his own experience. He is especially attracted to those actions that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. Children are constantly learning what they observe and understand much more than they can say. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish bad from good, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them. Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love, calm, When adults listen carefully to them, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they read. Parents should devote more time to their children, since in early childhood the influence of the family on speech and cognitive development (cognitive, i.e. cognitive skills that the child masters in preschool age, subsequently determine his ability to read, write, count, and also to abstract and logical thinking) and the child’s involvement in the life of society are decisive. It is during these years that the foundations of self-confidence and successful communication outside the home are laid, which contributes to the child’s further advancement at school and in the company of peers. The process of personality development is the stage in the development of relationships between a child and an adult. Teachers, parents, grandparents, older sisters and brothers must do better understand child and try to satisfy his important needs. If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he develops a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can last a lifetime. In the process of developing a child’s communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation of the child’s personal qualities, his feelings, and emotions. When people are happy and are at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to relationships with others.

At preschool age, the child is only groping for ways to relate to others, he develops a stable personal style and develops an idea of ​​himself.

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge influence on what the child will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to experience from childhood, to life in family: “what my father and mother taught me”

Each person should be able to listen to another person, perceive and strive to understand him. How a person feels about another and can influence him without offending or causing aggression depends on his future success in interpersonal communication. Very few of us can and do know how to truly listen to other people well and be receptive to the nuances in their behavior. But the ability to listen and understand yourself, that is, to be aware of your feelings and actions at various moments of communication with other people. And children need to learn all this. Skill does not come to a person by itself; it is acquired at the cost of effort spent on learning.

« Happiness is when you are understood» , and this understanding does not come naturally, it needs to be learned. "Learn to love and understand people, and friends will always be by your side"

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