The goals of falsifying history. Distortion of the activities of key figures

The artifacts on which the evidence of existing historiography is based are falsified copies of “disappeared” ancient manuscripts from ancient libraries that burned down at the same time. These copies were created in the 15th century and later, and even in modern times, using modern computer programs.

Fig. 1 Examples of copies of “ancient” artifacts of the 15th century from the Vatican Library website, confirming the existing historical paradigm.

Today, the founders of Russian history are the great “Russian historians” Gottlieb Bayer, Gerard Miller, August Schlözer, who “blessed” us with the “Norman theory” of the origin of the Rus. Through this “theory” the idea of ​​savagery, primitiveness of the Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia, which has been hammered in for centuries, dominates all spheres of culture and science.

It is known that many artifacts found by archaeologists do not fit into the official concept of history, since the interpretation is always given from the position of those in power. A huge number of “cultures” have emerged, named after the location of the artifacts, which are squeezed into the Procrustean bed of the existing historical paradigm. According to official history, Russia has only a 1150-year history, everything was borrowed from the “enlightened” West and the Russian people are completely “incapable” of self-government.

Most authors writing about the falsification of history provide one or two arguments in their works, on the basis of which they draw a conclusion and give their vision of this historical event. At the same time, different authors sometimes have completely opposite opinions on the same historical event. But an event that happened in human society cannot be interpreted and interpreted as one wants.

Any historical event is the result of the interaction of many root causes. It requires a multifaceted and comprehensive consideration of these reasons taken together. This approach to research allows you to see the relationship in existing historical artifacts and gain an understanding of the processes of the past under study, their influence and connection with the present.

Rice. 2. Map of 1717 Muscovy, the Russian Empire during the time of Peter I, is highlighted in color.

The falsification of history began with the seizure of the throne of Moscow Tartary by the Romanov dynasty (see map Fig. 2), who were proteges of certain forces in Western Europe. Further, this process actively continued during the reign of Peter the Great.

The map of 1717 shows Muscovy during the time of Peter I. The Romanov possessions were not the Russian Empire whose history is presented to us by “Russian” historians. In the east, the border of the Empire of Peter I runs along the western spurs of the Ural Mountains and nothing more! His “great empire” was the territory of Muscovy or Moscow Tartaria. This suggests that relatively recently it was a province of the Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartaria), the separation of which occurred during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy, who seized absolute power in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

Before Dmitry Donskoy, absolute monarchical power did not exist in this principality-province of the Slavic-Aryan Empire, and the position of Grand Duke was not hereditary. The Grand Duke was appointed from among the most worthy people of the princely family.

This map shows two cities of Novgorod, Novogrod- Novgorod on Ladoga and Novogorod - Novgorod on the Volga and another region within the Golden Ring, a group of cities, which on the map is called NOVOGROD with a capital letter. This confirms the assumption of A.T. Fomenko that in Rus' the metropolis of the Golden Ring was called Mister Veliky Novgorod, and not a small city on Ladoga. Even the capital Moscow is not highlighted on the map in the same way as Mister Veliky Novgorod is highlighted - a group of cities that form the commercial and cultural center of Muscovy. This map is just one of many proofs of the falsification of Russian history.

Then, at the end of the 18th century, the troops of the new Romanov dynasty, supported by the entire Western world, won the civil war with the old Horde Russian dynasty of Great Tartary, this happened in 1772-1775. This fact in history is falsified and presented as the suppression of the uprising under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. And only after this victory was modern “history” fabricated in its final form.

The main goal of the falsifiers was to hide the real role of the Russian Vedic civilization, which dates back hundreds of thousands of years in its past, and which was the mother of all the other “great” civilizations of the ancient world!

For many centuries, falsifiers have been slowly but surely replacing the Vedic worldview with their own pseudo-version, which destroys the integrity of the people’s perception, deliberately creating a conflict between the genetic memory of the people and their consciousness.

Having thus created a conflict between the pseudo-worldview they imposed and the genetic memory of the people, they managed to break the last stronghold - Great Tartary in the Summer of 7283 from SMZH (1775 AD), moreover, by the hands of those Rus, whom they also endowed pseudo worldview! Even in this case, they were able to achieve victory only through the hands of their own opponents, some of whom they turned into “Ivans who do not remember their kinship”!

Historians hid the fact of the absorption of the Vedic Russian Empire by Moscow Tartaria after the latter’s victory in the fratricidal civil war of 1772-1775. There is no exact data on the number of deaths in this war, especially from the Vedic Russian Empire.

After the victory of the new Romanov dynasty over the old Horde dynasty, the punitive troops of Catherine II thoroughly destroyed its population, especially the Cossack settlements. A.S. Pushkin, in his novel “The Captain's Daughter,” tried to lift the veil over this, but the second volume of this book never saw the light of day; apparently, he did not dare to reveal to people the whole truth about what he managed to learn during his trips to Siberia.

Having removed from history information about the largest state in the world, the Vedic Russian Empire, the falsifiers began to glorify other civilizations, countries and peoples. As a result of the falsification of history, the “great” ancient civilizations of China and India, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, the ancient Roman Empire appeared, and the Rus and Slavs were “allowed” to appear on the “historical arena” only in the 9th century.

It is necessary to point out the exaggerated role of the personality of many historical characters in history and their influence on the processes occurring in society.

Yes, there is a role for personality in history, and a brutal personality can either slow down or speed up this historical process. But without understanding the process and fundamental change in the foundation this process cannot be changed. Since processes take place over time and often last much longer than the life of a particular historical figure.

In order for the process to become crystal clear from ancient times to the present, it is necessary to consider everything in its entirety, including genetics, physiology and human psychology, the development of society, psychology and geopsychology of the social economy.

Any historical event is the result of a complex interaction of all these root causes taken together, and this event is inevitable result one or another process. There is only one truth, and does not lie somewhere in the middle, as is commonly claimed in modern society when searching for an answer to a question.

  • World and our domestic history is completely falsified!

  • Falsifying history is one of the ways to form an erroneous worldview.

  • Traditional history is a pseudoscience based on the art of lying and manipulating people's consciousness.

History has become the most important tool of politics. From the end of the 18th century to the present day a system of myths has been created, which replaced the real story.

The scale of the falsification of the past of Russia and civilization shocking with its volume.

The existing falsified history is established in the minds of people total falsification in scientific and fiction literature, architecture and art.

The falsification of history continues in our time with the use of modern scientific achievements, for example, with the help of modern computer technology.

At the end of the 20th century, thanks to the development of microelectronics, computer technology and other industries, the World Wide Web - the Internet - was created and so-called information computer technologies appeared. New technical capabilities have emerged for creating information databases in the field of culture, computer technologies have come to libraries and museums.

Now in many countries and in Russia, the process of digitizing artifacts and documents (scanning, photographing) is widely underway - converting images or text into digital data for storage and use. All major museums and libraries in the world have their own websites on the Internet.

Forgers use this process to correct their old “evidence” in the form of primitive “copies of the 15th century” and create new “antique” engravings, texts, drawings, “copies” of disappeared ones, using various graphic editors of photographs of museum and library exhibits (artifacts). old books. And in this “cause” the Vatican Library is the leader and coordinator of action.

For this purpose, in the ongoing information war, sites such as “freecopedia” are specially created, paid and “ideological” trolls are used on forums and social networks, and the production of “revealing” videos has been put on stream.

But the coin has two sides, and lovers of other people’s things—alienphiles—have not yet invented a way to control the entire Internet. Knowledge and understanding of technology and falsification methods allow modern researchers to build a logically consistent system of processes and events that have been occurring on our planet for many millennia.

Our task is to recreate (reconstruct) the “dark” pages of the past, using old and emerging new archaeological and other scientific facts and data, for example, such as the new scientific discipline of DNA genealogy.

Leonid Mikhailov

There is every reason to believe that the falsification of history began during the earliest civilizations. As soon as humanity began to preserve information about its past in one way or another, there were immediately those who found it beneficial to distort it. The reasons for this are very different, but fundamentally it is the desire to use the examples of past years to prove to contemporaries the truth of the ideological and religious teachings that existed at that time.

Basic techniques of historical falsification

Falsification of history is the same fraud, but on an especially large scale, since entire generations of people often become its victims, and the damage caused by it has to be repaired over a long time. Historical falsifiers, like other professional swindlers, have a rich arsenal of techniques. Passing off their own conjectures as information supposedly taken from real-life documents, they, as a rule, either do not indicate the source at all, or refer to one invented by them. Often, deliberate fakes published before are cited as evidence.

But such primitive techniques are typical for amateurs. True masters, for whom falsification of history has become a subject of art, are engaged in falsification of primary sources. They are the ones who made “sensational archaeological discoveries”, the discovery of previously “unknown” and “unpublished” chronicle materials, diaries and memoirs.

Their activities, which are reflected in the Criminal Code, certainly include elements of creativity. The impunity of these false historians is based on the fact that their exposure requires serious scientific examination, which in most cases is not carried out, and sometimes is also falsified.

Ancient Egypt fakes

It is not difficult to see how long a tradition the falsification of history is based on. Examples from ancient times can be confirmation of this. Vivid evidence is provided by the monuments that have survived to this day. In them, the acts of the pharaohs are usually depicted in a clearly exaggerated form.

For example, the ancient author claims that Ramses II, participating in the Battle of Kadesh, personally destroyed an entire horde of enemies, thereby ensuring victory for his army. In fact, other sources of that era indicate very modest results achieved that day by the Egyptians on the battlefield, and the dubious merits of the pharaoh.

Falsification of the imperial decree

Another obvious historical forgery that is worth mentioning is the so-called Donation of Constantine. According to this “document,” the Roman ruler in the 4th century, who made Christianity the official religion of the state, transferred the rights of secular power to the head of the church. And subsequently they proved that its production dates back to the 8th-9th centuries, that is, the document was born at least four hundred years after the death of Constantine himself. For a long period it formed the basis of papal claims to supreme power.

Fabrication of materials against disgraced boyars

The falsification of Russian history, carried out for political reasons, is clearly demonstrated with the help of one document dating back to the reign of Ivan the Terrible. By his order, the famous “Facial Vault” was compiled, which includes a description of the path traversed by the state from ancient times to the present moment. This multi-volume tome ended with the reign of Ivan himself.

The last volume says that the boyars who fell into disgrace with the tsar were mercilessly accused of numerous crimes. Since the rebellion of the sovereign's entourage, which allegedly occurred in 1533, is not mentioned in any of the documents of that era, there is reason to believe that it is a fiction.

Historical fakes of the Stalinist period

The large-scale falsification of Russian history continued during Stalin's times. Along with the physical reprisal of millions of people, including party leaders, military leaders, as well as representatives of science and art, their names were removed from books, textbooks, encyclopedias and other literature. At the same time, Stalin’s role in the events of 1917 was extolled. The thesis about his leading role in organizing the entire revolutionary movement was steadily introduced into the minds of the broad masses. This was truly a great falsification of history, which left its mark on the development of the country in the coming decades.

One of the main documents that formed a false idea among Soviet citizens about the history of the USSR was “A Short Course in the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)”, published under the editorship of Stalin. Among the myths included here, which have not lost their force to this day, stands out the absolutely false information about the victories of the “young Red Army” on February 23, 1918 near Pskov and Narva. Despite the most convincing evidence of its unreliability, this legend is still alive.

Other myths from the history of the CPSU (b)

From this “course” the names of all figures who played a significant role during the revolution and the Civil War were deliberately excluded. Their merits were attributed personally to the “leader of the peoples” or to persons from his inner circle, as well as to those who died before the start of mass repressions. The true role of these people was, as a rule, very insignificant.

The drafters of this dubious document presented exclusively the Bolshevik Party as the only revolutionary force, while denying the role of other political structures of that time. All any prominent figures who were not among the Bolshevik leaders were declared traitors and counter-revolutionaries.

This was a direct falsification of history. The examples given above are far from a complete list of deliberate ideological fabrications. Things got to the point where the history of Russia from past centuries was being rewritten. This affected primarily the periods of the reigns of Peter I and Ivan the Terrible.

Lies are a weapon of Hitler's ideology

Falsification of world history became part of the propaganda arsenal of Nazi Germany. Here it has acquired truly comprehensive proportions. One of its theorists was Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg. In his book “The Myth of the 20th Century,” he argued that the blame for Germany’s defeat in the First World War lies entirely with the betrayal of the Social Democrats, who stabbed their victorious army in the back.

According to him, only this prevented them, who had sufficient reserves, from crushing the enemy. In fact, all the materials of those years indicate that by the end of the war Germany had completely exhausted its potential and was in a critical situation. America's accession to the Entente inevitably doomed it to defeat.

During Hitler's reign, the falsification of history reached absurd forms. For example, on his orders, a group of theologians began interpreting the texts of Holy Scripture in order to change the generally accepted understanding of the role of the Jews in biblical history. These, if I may say so, theologians agreed to the point that they began to seriously assert that Jesus Christ was not a Jew at all, but arrived in Bethlehem from the Caucasus.

Blasphemous lies about war

An extremely regrettable fact is the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, it also took place during the period when the past of our country was completely controlled by the Ideological Department and in post-communist times, which placed the entire burden of freedom on the shoulders of the people and their ideologists, the ability to use which was destroyed over many years

In the context of new historical realities, people emerged who equated freedom and permissiveness, especially when it came to achieving certain immediate goals. One of the main methods of political PR of those years was the indiscriminate denunciation of the past, going so far as to completely deny its positive aspects. It is no coincidence that even those components of our history that were previously considered sacred were subjected to fierce attacks by figures of modern times. We are talking, first of all, about such a shameful phenomenon as the falsification of war history.

Reasons for resorting to lies

If during the years of the ideological monopoly of the CPSU history was distorted in order to elevate the role of the party in victory over the enemy and to portray the readiness of millions of people to die for leader Stalin, then in the post-perestroika period there was a tendency to deny the mass heroism of the people in the fight against the fascists and to belittle the significance of the Great Victory. These phenomena represent two sides of the same coin.

In both cases, deliberate lies are placed in the service of specific political interests. If in past years the communists adopted it to maintain the authority of their regime, today those who are trying to make political capital are trying to take advantage of it. Both are equally unscrupulous in their means.

Historical falsifications today

The harmful tendency to reshape history, noted in documents that have come down to us from ancient times, has successfully migrated to the enlightened 21st century. Despite all the opposition to the falsification of history, attempts to deny such dark pages of the past as the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide and the Holodomor in Ukraine do not stop. The creators of the so-called alternative theories, not being able to deny these events in general, try to raise doubts about their reliability by refuting insignificant historical evidence.

The relationship of art to historical authenticity

The fight against counterfeiters is everyone's business

Among the most effective ways to counter attempts to falsify the history of our homeland, one should first of all mention the commission created under the President of the Russian Federation, whose tasks include combating this disastrous phenomenon. Public organizations created locally are also of no small importance in this direction. Only through joint efforts can we put a barrier to this evil.

There are many blank spots in the history of our country. The lack of a sufficient number of reliable sources gives rise to not only speculation, but also outright falsification. Some of them turned out to be very tenacious.

Older than usual

According to the official version, statehood came to Rus' in 862, when the Finno-Ugric and Slavic tribes called for the Varangian Rurik to reign over them. But the problem is that the theory, known to us from school, was taken from The Tale of Bygone Years, and the reliability of the information contained in it is called into question by modern science.
Meanwhile, there are many facts confirming that there was a state in Rus' before the calling of the Varangians. Thus, in Byzantine sources, when describing the life of the Rus, obvious signs of their state structure were reflected: developed writing, hierarchy of the nobility, administrative division of lands. Petty princes, over whom the “kings” stood, are also mentioned.
Data from numerous excavations presented by the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences indicate that where the Central Russian Plain is now located, even before the advent of the new era, life was seething. The famous Russian archaeologist and anthropologist Tatyana Alekseeva found sufficient evidence that on the territory of modern central Russia in the period from the 6th to the 2nd millennium BC. e. there was a flourishing of large proto-cities.


Ukrainian historian Mikhail Grushevsky created one of the most famous falsifications on which modern Ukrainian historiography relies. In his works, he denies the existence of a single Old Russian ethnic group, but speaks of the parallel history of two nationalities: “Ukrainian-Russian” and “Great Russian”. According to Grushevsky’s theory, the Kiev state is a state of “Russian-Ukrainian” nationality, and the Vladimir-Suzdal state is “Great Russian”.
Already during the Civil War, Grushevsky’s scientific views were subject to serious criticism from his colleagues. One of the most prominent critics of his “Ukraine-Rus” concept was the historian and publicist Andrei Storozhenko, who viewed this approach as an attempt to put the political goals of Ukrainian separatism into historical form.
An influential Kiev public figure and publicist, Boris Yuzefovich, having familiarized himself with Grushevsky’s works, called him a “scientist-liar,” hinting that all his writing activities were connected with the desire to take the place of a professor in the department of Russian history at Kyiv University.

"Veles's book"

In 1950, emigrants Yuri Mirolyubov and Alexander Kur in San Francisco published the “Veles Book” for the first time. According to Mirolyubov’s stories, he copied the text of the “Veles Book” from wooden tablets lost during the war, created around the 9th century.
However, very soon the falsity of the printed document was established. Thus, the photographs of the tablets presented by Mirolyubov and Kur were actually made from specially prepared paper.
Philologist Natalya Shalygina says: rich factual material convincingly proves that the “Veles Book” is a complete historical fake both from the point of view of linguistic and philological analysis, and from the point of view of the historical inconsistency of the version of its acquisition.
In particular, it became known that in response to arguments from scientific criticism, the authors of the forgery made changes and additions to the already published material in order to give it greater credibility.

Testament of Peter the Great

This tendentious falsification first appeared in French in 1812. According to the drafters of the document, it was based on a strategic plan of action for the successors of Peter the Great for many centuries with the goal of establishing world domination by Russia; the goal was “to get as close as possible to Constantinople and the Indies.”
Historians have come to the conclusion that the main provisions of the Testament were formulated in October 1797 by a Polish emigrant, General Sokolnitsky, close to Napoleon. The abundance of errors and absurdities in the text suggests that the author of the document was not familiar with the foreign policy of Peter I. It has also been established that the Testament was originally intended not for propaganda purposes, but for internal use.

Unnecessary Alaska

Russia's sale of its overseas territory to the United States is explained simply in history books: maintaining Alaska was becoming more and more expensive, since the costs of providing it far exceeded the income from its economic use. There was another reason for selling Alaska - to improve relations with the United States.
Historian Ivan Mironov says that there are a lot of documents that refute the official version. The story related to the sale of Alaska is very reminiscent of contemporary events in terms of corruption scandals, kickbacks and the wasting of budgetary and public funds by a handful of oligarchs and politicians.
Work on the sale of the American colony began during the reign of Nicholas I. In addition to the sale of Alaska, the government’s plans included the intention to get rid of the Aleutian and Kuril Islands, of course, for money. The main lobbyist for the 1867 deal was Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, the brother of Emperor Alexander II, and his accomplices included a number of influential persons, including the head of the Foreign Ministry, Alexander Gorchakov.

Rasputin's personality

In the memoirs of his contemporaries, Grigory Rasputin often appeared as an odious person. He was accused of a host of sins - drunkenness, debauchery, sectarianism, espionage for Germany, and interference in domestic politics. However, even the special commissions that investigated the Rasputin case did not find anything incriminating.
What’s curious is that Rasputin’s accusers, in particular the archpriest Georgy Shavelsky, admitted in their memoirs that they themselves did not know the elder personally or saw him several times, and all the scandalous stories they described were based solely on a retelling of what they had heard somewhere.
Doctor of Philology Tatyana Mironova says that the analysis of evidence and memories of those days tells of methods of banal and blatant manipulation of public opinion through falsifications and provocations in the media.
Moreover, there were some substitutions, the scientist continues. The outrages attributed to Grigory Rasputin were often the clownery of doubles, organized by scoundrels for selfish purposes. So, according to Mironova, it was the same with the scandalous story that happened in the Moscow restaurant “Yar”. The investigation then showed that Rasputin was not in Moscow at that moment.

Tragedy in Katyn

The massacre of captured Polish army officers, carried out in the spring of 1940, has long been attributed to Germany. After the liberation of Smolensk by Soviet troops, a special commission was created, which, after conducting its own investigation, concluded that Polish citizens were shot in Katyn by German occupation forces.

However, as evidenced by documents published in 1992, the executions of Poles were carried out by decision of the NKVD of the USSR in accordance with the resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of March 5, 1940. According to the published data, a total of 21,857 people were shot; in addition to the military, there were mobilized Polish doctors, engineers, lawyers, and journalists.

Vladimir Putin, in the status of Prime Minister and President of the Russian Federation, has repeatedly voiced the opinion that the Katyn execution was a crime of the Stalinist regime and it was caused, first of all, by Stalin’s revenge for the defeat in the Soviet-Polish War of 1920. In 2011, Russian officials announced their readiness to consider the issue of rehabilitation of victims of the shooting.

"New Chronology"

There are many falsifications in historiography - events, documents, personalities - but one of them clearly stands out. This is the famous theory of mathematician Anatoly Fomenko, according to which the entire previous history is declared false. The researcher believes that traditional history is biased, tendentious and is designed to serve one or another political system.
Official science, of course, calls Fomenko’s views pseudoscientific and, in turn, calls his historical concept falsification. In particular, Fomenko’s statement that the entire history of antiquity was falsified during the Renaissance, in their opinion, is devoid of not only scientific, but also common sense.
According to scientists, even with a strong desire, it is impossible to rewrite such a voluminous layer of history. Moreover, the methodology that Fomenko uses in his “New Chronology” is taken from another science - mathematics - and its use for analyzing history is incorrect. And Fomenko’s obsessive desire to combine all ancient Russian rulers with the names of Mongol khans makes historians smile.
What historians agree with is Fomenko’s statement that his “New Chronology” is a powerful ideological weapon. In addition, many believe that the main goal of a pseudoscientist is commercial success. Historian Sergei Bushuev sees a serious danger in such scientific fiction, since its popularity may soon displace the real history of the country from the consciousness of society and our descendants.

“Falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War

at the present stage"

11B grade student

MAOU Ryazan "Lyceum No. 4"

mentor: Popova L.V.,

history and social studies teacher

The history of every nation has its own dramatic periods and events. In today's Russia we are faced with a very fierce struggle for historical heritage.

The topic of falsification of history is one of the most pressing areas in modern politics. Information warfare and falsification of history in practice represent a single whole, since this distortion is information warfare.

One of the objects of falsification is the history of the Great Patriotic War, which is the pride of our people and continues to unite and unite the country. In their desire to shake this pillar, the efforts of both foreign and domestic counterfeiters are closely intertwined. Today, a real war for the Great Patriotic War is going on, growing in intensity and ferocity.

Purpose of the study: study the unknown aspects of the falsification of the Great Patriotic War, find its main directions, consider this problem from the point of view of the countries of Europe and the CIS that took part in the war.

Research objectives:

1) consider the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War for us, modern Russians, the aspects of their falsification;

2) identify and analyze methods and schemes for falsifying war;

3) find supporters of the fight against falsification and distortion of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Research methods: research of educational, scientific, journalistic literature; analysis of sources, information sources of the global Internet.

Research sources: books, monographs, newspaper and magazine articles and Internet sites on the identified problem.

The main directions of falsification of the Great Patriotic War

Modern directions of falsification of the Great Patriotic War can, with some degree of convention, be divided into three directions.

First- those falsifications that are born abroad.

Second direction falsification is distortion of historical events in the post-Soviet space. It has long been no secret that in every former Soviet Union republic, and now an independent state, there is an active process of rewriting history. The goal is to quarrel with the heirs of our common Victory of 1945, with those who fought with us shoulder to shoulder against fascism.

Finally, our domestic counterfeiters- this is already third direction. It is heterogeneous: among the falsifiers there are people who do not have knowledge about that war; at best, they superficially represent what they talk about on radio and TV, write in the media and on the Internet.

Another, fourth direction- this is when on the pages of our press The issue of human losses is being actively discussed on both sides.

Another serious problem that directly concerns the falsification of war is the problem of historiography of the Great Patriotic War. A huge amount of literature has been published and continues to be published, including about front-line heroes and home front workers. Not all published literature is scientific and objective in nature; in this regard, attempts are made at historiographic analysis.

I. Schemes and methods of falsifying the events of the Great Patriotic War

Throughout the period from 1941 to 1945, falsifiers from different countries find more and more scope for distorting history, but here are some of the most attractive and most common distortions:

1) falsifiers, following Goebbelian propaganda, accuse the USSR of preparing an attack on Germany, of equal responsibility with Germany for the outbreak of World War II, and distort the role of the Soviet Union in World War II;

2) the idea is raised about the identity of the Soviet system and the Nazi one. Communism and Nazism, fascism and Stalinism are one and the same for them, and victory was achieved by the people despite Stalin’s system;

3) there is a belittlement of the role of the Soviet-German front in the defeat of fascist Germany and its allies, in the liberation of Europe from the fascist yoke;

4) belittling the level of Soviet military art and the military leadership talent of Soviet military leaders. The victory was allegedly achieved at the cost of enormous sacrifices and losses. It is argued that the USSR did not win, but lost in the war, because the price of victory was too high;

5) deheroization of Soviet soldiers who accomplished feats, and, conversely, praise of traitors, SS men, collaborators, etc.;

6) the losses of the parties, the deliberate exaggeration by politicians and officials of the victims of the war, not only on the part of the USSR, but also on the part of the fascists.

First The scheme of distorting history can be given the conventional name “third force”. The authors of this scheme claim that in addition to the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition and Hitler’s allies, a certain “third force” took part in the war, which fought against both Hitler and Stalin.

Let's move on to second scheme for distorting the history of the Great Patriotic War. It lies in the fact that they are trying to take away the merit of the Victory from the USSR and transfer it to our allies. Some authors have agreed to the point that the victories of the Red Army are explained only by the fact that its commanders did not spare the soldiers, and the defeats of our allies are justified by the fact that they pitied these soldiers. Thus, they are trying to prove that the USSR won only due to numerical superiority.

The essence third scheme distortion of the history of the Great Patriotic War lies in the assertion that the Soviet people won not thanks to, but in spite of the leadership of the CPSU.

Falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War

in the post-Soviet space

The campaign to rewrite history and revise the results of the Great Patriotic War was especially widespread in the Baltic republics - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Anti-Sovietism and extreme nationalism have taken root here at the state level.

Every year on the day of SS Legionnaires on March 16, solemn processions of the undead Nazis and their young descendants take place in the capitals of these Baltic states.

In Moldova, after the nationalists came to power, slanderers and falsifiers of the Great Patriotic War received complete freedom, declaring that as a result of the war, Moldova is not one of the victorious states, but is a defeated country.

In Ukraine, falsification of the history of the state and the history of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War during the years of President Yushchenko and his entourage in power and in the subsequent period, political organizations that profess neo-fascist ideology began to operate openly and increasingly actively, especially in the western regions of Ukraine. With the help of the media and their cadres, radical nationalists instill it among young people, distort and falsify the history of the war, propagate the cult of violence in society, and incite ethnic hatred.

Falsification of history has long been the “calling card” of the official Ukrainian historiography of the Second World War. This process began back in the 1990s, when representatives of the former Ukrainian Soviet republican historiography began the process of “nationalization” of historical memory, which ultimately led to the formation of the concept of the so-called “Ukrainian-centrism.”

Bandera's ideology, with the direct encouragement of the Ukrainian state, began to penetrate into the southern and eastern regions of the country.

A particularly sharp surge in falsification occurred after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. These processes did not spare Belarus either.

In the period from 1992 to the present, several provocative and distorted magazines and, what is most offensive, textbooks and manuals have been created and released to the public; it seems that there was no courageous struggle of the Belarusian people against the Nazi invaders.

the authors introduced the term “people’s guerrilla war” into scientific circulation instead of the previous term “national partisan struggle,” meaning “the struggle of partisans and traitors to the Motherland among themselves.” They also argue that Belarusians did not particularly welcome Soviet power, but found themselves, as it were, under its oppression. It is also said that many people from Belarus became victims of Soviet terror.

As can be seen from the above examples, in Belarus, under the guise of the ideology of creating a new Belarusian statehood, the history of the Great Patriotic War is being rewritten.

Counterfeiters of modern Russia

One of the most active falsifiers of the history of the Great Patriotic War, Professor Boris Sokolov, who until recently was the head of one of the departments of the Russian State Social University, is incredibly prolific. He is the author of the fiction about the losses of our military personnel.

A prominent place among the falsifiers of the history of the Great Patriotic War is occupied by St. Petersburg professor Kirill Alexandrov, who is inextricably linked with emigrant organizations of the war and post-war times. At the age of 17, in 1989, he joined the People's Labor Union - as soon as membership in it ceased to be a criminal offense. He worked for a long time in the archives of the USA and Germany, and as a result wrote a Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Armed formations of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia in 1944-45.” The work is aimed at the complete rehabilitation of the traitors who took the path of cooperation with the Hitlerite military machine.

But, of course, the first place among the falsifiers of the history of the Great Patriotic War belongs to Vladimir Rezun, hiding under the pseudonym “Viktor Suvorov.” He was once an employee of the Soviet military intelligence - GRU. But already on his first business trip to Switzerland in the mid-seventies, he came to the attention of British intelligence, which, using his personal qualities - greed and cowardice - was able to recruit him and persuade him to betray. Once in Great Britain in 1978, V. Rezun agreed to the use of his name as the author of books and other publications. These were “works” composed in the depths of British intelligence to wage psychological warfare against the USSR. With the beginning of perestroika and the sharp weakening of state immunity, Rezun-Suvorov’s “works” poured into the unprotected book market of Russia. V. Rezun is still listed as a citizen of our country, although his English master guides his hand. In publications on his behalf, the main directions in the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War are clearly visible, which to this day mark the leading edge of the never-ending battle between truth and falsehood.

A distinctive feature of falsifiers is complete ignorance of archival materials, or a strict selection of those that correspond to the achievement of a pre-formulated task. They completely abstract from moral criteria.

Whatever aspect of the history of the Great Patriotic War we take on, the dirty traces of vandal-falsifiers are visible everywhere. One of their favorite topics is the assertion that supplies under Lend-Lease were almost the decisive factor in the victory of the USSR. We have never denied the value and usefulness of military supplies under Lend-Lease, but we need to know the limits in assessing this assistance. Falsifiers of war history love to talk about the low quality of our military equipment, about the poor training of tank crews and pilots.

Falsification of USSR losses.

How many losses actually were there in the Great Patriotic War?

Even in Soviet times, the history of the war was overgrown with a great many falsifications. The first and most important falsification concerned the number of human losses of the Soviet Union and Germany.

Stalin in 1946 introduced the figure of 7 million people as the size of Soviet military losses, and it was understood that it included victims of both the Red Army and civilians. Where this number came from is still unknown. Most likely, Stalin took it out of thin air.

During the time of Khrushchev, a new figure for Soviet losses during the 1941-1945 war was lowered from above: 20 million people.

The new figure of 27 million war dead appeared during the era of perestroika.

The estimate of 26.3 - 26.9 million people seems closest to the truth, with the caveat that its accuracy is still low, plus or minus five million, but there are still no methods to increase the accuracy of estimates of Soviet irretrievable losses in the Great Patriotic War. The total losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War are estimated at 43.3 million people, of which 16.4 - 17.0 million people fell on civilians.

Lessons from the Great Patriotic War

This chapter of my work contains very important conclusions for the current Russian people, namely for young people, about the lessons of the Great Patriotic War, which we, as descendants, must remember and know. There are not many of them, but they are all important to us. The relevance and significance of these lessons are undeniable. Let's look at them.

1. unlimited faith in one’s people, in one’s Fatherland, this is self-reliance, skillful use of one’s own capabilities. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is the most important lesson of the war, for it was precisely this approach that predetermined our Victory.

2. The experience of the war teaches that successes at the front and in the rear were possible thanks to the cohesion of society, the unity of the people and the army. The people believed in the correctness of the policies and practical activities of the country's leadership and supported them. The authority of state power in the eyes of the population was enormous. And this must be especially emphasized, because then, despite various kinds of fabrications, the interests and goals of the people and the leadership in the main, basically coincided. The main thing that united and inspired people was the defense and salvation of the Fatherland. The entire life and activity of the country, of the Soviet people, was subject to the call: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” The goal was clear and obvious. The people rose up for a just Patriotic War.

3. The next lesson is that issues of strengthening the country’s defense and increasing the combat readiness of the Armed Forces should be the focus of attention of the people and the state leadership. Returning to the times of the Great Patriotic War is a good opportunity to recall that in order to repel any possible aggression and reliably ensure the country's security, a sufficiently powerful and combat-ready army and navy are needed. High vigilance is needed against the insidious plans of potential opponents. Complacency and carelessness are unacceptable. It is necessary to improve the military-patriotic education of the population, especially young people.

These, in my opinion, are the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War. Their significance is undeniable for modern Russia. Their knowledge and consideration in practical activities acquires great importance. The experience of war orients us to the search for agreement in the name of common goals, to achieve the unity and cohesion of society, the political and economic stability of the country. This is a true and effective way for the speedy revival of the Russian state, the growth of its economic and military power, and the strengthening of prestige and positions in the international arena.


The main conclusion of my research is the fact that falsification is increasing, and the territory over which it is spreading is also growing. We, modern people, forget about the lessons given to us by the war, about its meaning, about its tragedies, about the victories of people over fascism, and this must under no circumstances be done!

This work allowed me to become more familiar with the problems of historiography, with the directions and content of falsifications. I tried to learn to distinguish reliable historical information from distorted ones, learned and voiced the names of falsifiers known in our time not only in the Russian Federation, but also outside our country. The practical significance of my work is that the information I have obtained can be used at educational events for the new young generation, it is possible to use some information in history lessons... But, unfortunately, it is impossible to research and find out everything. And therefore some very important questions remained unexamined.

Who was the first forger?

Who is comfortable and needs falsification?

Why was falsification not so widespread before the collapse of the USSR?

I would like to know more about all this.

In conclusion, I will express my subjective, but very fundamental opinion on the problem of falsification of the Great Patriotic War and on the problem of the lessons it taught us.

I am convinced that all worthy sons of the victorious peoples in this terrible war must, first of all, respect themselves, their glorious ancestors, and not allow the bright memory of the warriors-liberators from fascism to be desecrated. Today's people need to try their best to prevent the distortion of events, and therefore the humiliation of the peoples themselves.

We, citizens of our country, must preserve our history, no matter how bitter and terrible it may be, remembering that victory in the Great Patriotic War is the property of all countries of the former USSR.

It is also clear that the government must also vigilantly monitor this area and not allow the history of an entire people to be distorted; political squabbles and disputes should fade into the background, to the problem of falsification and distortion of Russian history. This must be a purposeful struggle against evil, a struggle of the entire people led by the authorities, and not just the pockets of patriotism that we see now.

Modern falsifiers, capitalizing on the difficulties of historical knowledge, strive to distort or even completely destroy the historical memory of the people. All of them are driven by either selfish or political motives. Of course, these fakes will not last long, but they are capable of causing irreparable harm to the consciousness of young people, destroying the connection between generations, and sowing enmity and distrust in people’s souls towards their fathers and grandfathers. This cannot be allowed. It's time to stop being shy about telling the truth. Now that that war is being used as an ideological weapon against our country, we are especially interested in revealing the whole truth about that war. Victory in it is a matter of our pride. Let us remember the words of Julius Fucik: “People, be vigilant! Don’t forget either the good or the evil!”

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“It is important to note that the term “falsification” carries an additional semantic load: when speaking about falsification, we most often mean a conscious refusal to strive for a true description of the past. For the falsifier, the main goals are non-scientific: instilling in the reader some ideological or political ideas, promoting a certain attitude towards past events, or generally destroying historical memory, and not at all the search for truth and objectivity.

Methods of falsification include the introduction of new concepts without proper scientific justification. For example, in modern Russian historical literature there is a gradual adoption of the term “Battle of Rzhev” to refer to the battles of 1942 - 1943, which were fought by troops of the Western and Kalinin fronts against the German army group “Center”. Actually, from an artistic point of view, a clash between two platoons can be figuratively called a battle. However, recently, through the efforts of a number of authors, independent significance has been attributed to the battles in the area of ​​the Rzhev salient; attempts have been made to separate the “Battle of Rzhev” from the Moscow and Stalingrad and put it on a par with them. The introduction of the term “Battle of Rzhev” occurs without controversy at the military-theoretical level, where the concepts of “battle”, “battle”, “battle” have a very definite meaning, and it seems to solve exclusively ideological problems: to impose on the public consciousness the image of the “Rzhev meat grinder” "as a symbol of the mediocrity of the Soviet command and its disregard for saving the lives of soldiers, the only battle of the Great Patriotic War in which the Red Army allegedly could not win a decisive victory.

In addition, one of the ways of falsification is manipulation around the historical significance of individual events or personalities. An example is the modern historiographical fate of General Vlasov, who, despite his real role as a puppet of the intelligence services of the Third Reich, through the efforts of a number of publicists and historians, from a third-rate figure today has almost been turned into one of the leading figures in Russian history of the twentieth century. At the same time, it is characteristic that the history of Vlasov and his “army” is presented by falsifiers in line with modern revisionist ideas: considering “Stalinism as the most terrible thing that has happened in the entire Russian history,” Vlasov “decided to use the Germans” in the fight against this yoke.

Finally, in the same series we should consider the ongoing war since the late 1980s. a campaign to “demythologize” history, the purpose of which is to undermine symbols of social memory. An example is an attempt to question the reliability of a number of textbook facts, primarily related to the exploits of N. Gastello, Z. Kosmodemyanskaya, 28 Panfilov heroes, A. Matrosov and others. Thus, during the search for the place of the alleged death of the crew of N. F. Gastello suggested that the well-known feat was accomplished by the crew of another bomber under the command of Captain Maslov, whose grave was discovered at the site of the famous “fire ram.” From the point of view of a historian, this cannot serve as a basis for questioning the canonical version. But this is not the main thing. History exists, as it were, in two dimensions: on the one hand, as a kind of objective knowledge about the past, the acquisition of which is carried out by professional historians, and on the other hand, as the memory of the people, a collective myth in which popular ideals and ideas about the high and low are embodied, beautiful and ugly, heroic and tragic. The existence of such a myth does not in any way contradict what can be called “the truth of history.” From the point of view of national memory, it does not seriously matter whose plane crashed on the highway near Minsk on June 26, 1941. Keeping in our memory the feat of Gastello and his crew, we honor in his person dozens, hundreds of genuine war heroes, whose names we, perhaps unknown. From this point of view, the myth about Gastello’s feat is a truth of a higher level than the truth of a single fact.

Thus, speculating on the difficulties of historical knowledge, modern falsifiers seek to distort or even completely destroy the historical memory of the people. All of them are driven by either selfish or political motives. Of course, all these fakes have a short lifespan and will soon be forgotten. However, they are capable of causing irreparable harm to the consciousness of young people, destroying the connection between generations, and sowing enmity and distrust of their fathers and grandfathers in the souls of people.”

The events of World War II are becoming increasingly distant in time. However, millions of people do not stop thinking about the reasons that gave rise to this war, its results and lessons; Many of these lessons are still relevant today.

The Great Patriotic War is one of the most tragic pages in the history of our country. The Soviet people and their Armed Forces had to experience many difficulties and hardships. But the four-year fierce struggle against the fascist invaders culminated in our complete victory over the Wehrmacht forces. The experience and lessons of this war are of great importance for the current generation.

1. One of the main lessons is that the fight against military danger must be waged while the war has not yet begun. Moreover, it will be carried out by the collective efforts of peace-loving states, peoples, everyone who cherishes peace and freedom.

The Second World War was not fatally inevitable. It could have been prevented if the Western countries had not made fatal political mistakes and strategic miscalculations.

Of course, the direct culprit of the war is German fascism. It is he who bears full responsibility for unleashing it. However, Western countries, with their short-sighted policy of appeasement, their desire to isolate the Soviet Union and direct expansion to the East, created the conditions under which war became a reality.

The Soviet Union, for its part, in the troubled pre-war years, made a lot of efforts to consolidate the forces opposing aggression. However, the proposals put forward by the USSR constantly ran into obstacles from the Western powers and their stubborn unwillingness to cooperate. In addition, Western countries sought to stay away from the military confrontation between Nazi Germany and the USSR.

Only after the aggressor captured almost all of Western Europe did Soviet diplomacy manage to prevent the formation of a single bloc of states hostile to the USSR and avoid a war on two fronts. This was one of the prerequisites for the emergence of the anti-Hitler coalition and, ultimately, the defeat of the aggressor.

2. Another important lesson of the Great Patriotic War is that military cooperation should be carried out not only taking into account the economic capabilities of the country, but also a real assessment of existing military threats. The solution to the question of what kind of war the Armed Forces should be preparing for and what defense tasks they will have to solve depends on this.

When planning military development, it is important to take into account all factors that ensure the country's security: political-diplomatic, economic, ideological, information and defense.

In the pre-war years, many military theoretical developments remained unrealized. But our country is the birthplace of operational military art, and it was in those years that the development of the theory of deep operations was completed. The same can be said about weapons; There were many new developments, but the troops did not have them in the required quantity.

This deficiency is partly manifested at present in the Russian army. So, if seven previously unknown types of weapons were used in the Second World War, twenty-five in the Korean War (1950 - 1953), thirty in four Arab-Israeli military conflicts, then in the Persian Gulf War - about a hundred. Therefore, the need to improve the products of the state’s military-industrial complex is obvious.

3. The following lesson has not lost its relevance - the Armed Forces can count on success if they skillfully master all forms of military operations. It must be admitted that in the pre-war period mistakes were made in the theoretical development of a number of important problems, which negatively affected the practice of combat training of troops. Thus, in the military theory of that period, the main method of action of the Armed Forces in a future war was considered to be a strategic offensive, and the role of defense remained downplayed. As a result, the unfounded desire of the Soviet military command to conduct military operations “primarily by offensive and on foreign territory” was manifested; our troops were trained accordingly.

After the war, in the conditions of global confrontation, there was no other alternative but to prepare for a world war using all available forces and means. Now, with the end of the Cold War, the priority task is to prepare for local wars and armed conflicts, to master the methods of conducting combat operations, taking into account their characteristics based on the experience of Afghanistan, Chechnya, the war in the Persian Gulf, etc., as well as the fight against terrorism.

At the same time, according to some military leaders, it would be a big mistake to exclude the possibility of a large-scale war in Russia, which could break out as a result of the growth of small conflicts and regional war. Taking this into account, it is necessary not to weaken attention to the mobilization, operational and combat training of troops, and to comprehensively train army and navy personnel. Events in various regions of the world confirm that the main emphasis in combat training must be placed on training in combat operations in the context of the use of conventional, long-range, high-precision weapons, but with the continuing threat of the use of nuclear weapons. The latter is becoming the property of an increasing number of states, including countries with extremist political regimes.

4. The most important lesson from the outbreak of war is a thorough analysis of various options for the actions of a potential enemy and flexible planning for the use of forces and means, and most importantly, the adoption of all necessary measures to maintain the Armed Forces at a sufficient degree of combat readiness.

As you know, during the last war, measures to transfer troops to martial law were carried out very late. As a result, our troops found themselves in a state of “relative combat readiness” with a personnel shortage of up to 40 - 60 percent, which did not allow us to complete not only the strategic, but also the operational deployment of groups in the composition envisaged by the mob plan.

Despite the availability of information about the threat of war from Nazi Germany, the Soviet leadership did not take appropriate measures to bring the troops of the western districts into combat readiness.

The strategic deployment of German strike forces was significantly ahead of the deployment of Red Army troops in the border districts. The balance of forces and means, as well as the number of formations in the first echelons of the opposing sides, gave a more than twofold advantage in favor of Germany, which allowed it to deliver the first powerful blow.

5. The lesson of the last war is that the winner is not the side that struck first and achieved decisive successes at the very beginning of hostilities, but the one that has more moral and material forces, which skillfully uses them and is able to turn a potential opportunity victories into reality. Our victory was not historically determined, as has been emphasized in the past. It was won in a stubborn struggle, at the cost of enormous effort of all the forces of the state, its people and army.

Not a single state of the anti-Hitler coalition carried out such a mobilization of human and material resources as the Soviet Union did during the war, no one endured such trials as befell the Soviet people and their Armed Forces.

In the first 8 months of the war alone, about 11 million people were mobilized, of which more than 9 million were sent to staff both newly created and existing combat units. The war consumed so many reserves that in a year and a half, the rifle troops in the active army renewed their composition three times.

Over the four years of the war, 29,575 thousand people were mobilized (minus 2,237.3 thousand people who were re-conscripted), and in total, together with the personnel who were in the Red Army and Navy on June 22, 1941, they entered the army system ( during the war years) 34,476 thousand people, which amounted to 17.5% of the total population of the country.

6. The most difficult trials that befell the peoples of the Soviet Union during the war years allow us to draw another extremely important lesson: when the people and the army are united, the army is invincible. During these harsh years, the country's Armed Forces were connected by thousands of invisible threads with the people, who helped them with both the necessary material means and spiritual forces, maintaining high morale and confidence in victory in the soldiers. This is confirmed by mass heroism, courage, and the unbending will to defeat the enemy.

The heroic traditions of the great historical past of our people have become an example of high patriotism and national self-awareness of our citizens. In the first three days of the war in Moscow alone, more than 70 thousand applications were received from them with a request to be sent to the front. In the summer and autumn of 1941, about 60 divisions and 200 separate militia regiments were created. Their number was about 2 million people. The whole country, in a single patriotic impulse, stood up to defend its independence.

The defense of the Brest Fortress in the first days of the war is a symbol of the perseverance, inflexibility, courage and heroism of the soldiers. Entire formations and units, companies and battalions covered themselves with unfading glory.

Even our opponents recognized the courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Thus, the former Nazi general Blumentritt, who fought against Russia with the rank of lieutenant back in the First World War, said in an interview with the English military historian Hart: “Already the battles of June 1941 showed us what the new Soviet army was like. We lost up to 50% of our personnel in battles. The Fuhrer and most of our command had no idea about this. It caused a lot of trouble." Another German general, Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces, Halder, wrote in his diary on the eighth day of the war: “Information from the front confirms that the Russians are fighting everywhere to the last man...”

Love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies cemented the front and rear, made the country a powerful fortress, and became the most important factor in achieving victory.

During the Second World War, a fierce struggle was waged not only on the battlefields, but also in the spiritual sphere, for the minds and hearts of millions of people around the planet. The ideological struggle was waged on a variety of issues of politics, international relations, the course and outcome of the war, while pursuing fundamentally different goals.

If the fascist leadership openly called its people to enslave other peoples, to world domination, then the Soviet leadership always advocated a just liberation struggle and defense of the Fatherland.

Already during the war, politicians and historians appeared who propagated myths about the “preventive nature” of the war of Nazi Germany against the USSR, about the “accidentality of defeat” of the Nazi troops in major battles on the Soviet-German front, etc.

Victory in the war promoted the Soviet Union to the ranks of the world's leading powers and contributed to the growth of its authority and prestige in the international arena. This was in no way part of the plans of the reactionary international forces; it aroused in them outright anger and hatred, which led to the Cold War and violent ideological attacks against the USSR.

Throughout the entire post-war period, the events of the Great Patriotic War were one of the main areas of intense ideological confrontation between Western ideological centers and the Soviet Union.

The main objects of attack were the most important problems of the war - the history of the pre-war period, the military art of the command of the Red Army, the role and significance of various fronts, Soviet losses in the war, the price of victory, etc.

Falsified concepts and views on these and other problems were disseminated in millions of copies of books and articles, reflected in television and radio programs, and in works of cinema. The purpose of all this is to hide the real reasons that the Second World War was generated by the capitalist system itself; present the Soviet Union, along with Germany, as responsible for starting the war; to belittle the contribution of the USSR and its Armed Forces to the defeat of the fascist bloc and at the same time exalt the role of the Western allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in achieving victory.

Here are some of the techniques used by falsifiers of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

1. Throughout the entire post-war period, including the last decade, some Western historians (F. Fabry, D. Irving) have been disseminating versions that the USSR in 1941 wanted to be the first to start a war against Germany. The myth about Moscow’s readiness to unleash a preventive war against Germany is also present in the books of Russian-speaking historians V. Suvorov (Rezun), B. Sokolov and others. They even refer to the resolution that the then First Deputy Chief of the General Staff N.F. Vatutin allegedly imposed on the plan strategic deployment in the West, adopted in March 1941: “Offensive to begin 12.6.” However, it is known that decisions of this kind are made by the political leadership of the state, and not by the General Staff.

These authors do not provide convincing documents and facts about the Soviet Union’s preparation of an attack on Germany, because they do not exist in reality. As a result, speculative schemes are being written and there is talk about the USSR’s readiness to launch a “pre-emptive strike” and other fabrications in the same spirit.

2. Another technique with which Western falsifiers also try to justify the USSR’s preparations for an “offensive preventive war” against Germany is an arbitrary interpretation of Stalin’s speech to graduates of the military academies of the Red Army on May 5, 1941, which is called “aggressive”, “calling for war” with Germany." This version is actively promoted by a number of Russian historians. falsification manipulation historical war

The peremptory and far-fetched nature of these conclusions is obvious. Facts indicate that in 1941 neither Hitler nor the Wehrmacht command had any reason to think that the USSR could attack Germany. No information was received in Berlin about the aggressive plans of the Soviet Union. On the contrary, German diplomats and German intelligence constantly reported on the USSR’s desire to maintain peace with Germany, to prevent the emergence of serious conflict situations in relations with this country, and on the readiness of our state to make certain economic concessions for this purpose. Until the very last moment, the USSR sent industrial and agricultural goods to Germany.

3. Falsifiers are making a lot of efforts to downplay the losses of the German side and exaggerate the losses of the Red Army in some major battles, thereby trying to downplay the importance of the latter. Thus, the German historian K. G. Friser, citing data from German archives, claims that during the tank battle near Prokhorovka on July 12, 1943, the losses of the German side were reduced to only 5 tanks. Another 38 tanks and 12 assault guns were damaged.

However, according to Russian military archives, it follows that the German side lost from 300 to 400 tanks and assault guns permanently. At the same time, the Soviet 5th Guards TA, which took the main part in the Battle of Prokhorov, suffered heavy losses - about 350 tanks and self-propelled guns. It turned out that the German historian provided data on the losses of only the 2nd SS Panzer Corps, keeping silent about the losses of the 48th and 3rd German Panzer Corps, which also took part in the battle.

Not only individual researchers, but also serious government organizations act in this way. For example, in 1991, the National Committee to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Victory in World War II was created in the United States. Soon this organization published a colorful anniversary booklet in a huge edition, prepared with the participation of historians. It opens with “A Chronicle of the Most Important Events of the Second World War.” And in this very detailed list, not a single one of the major battles is named, not a single one of the operations won or carried out by Soviet troops against the Nazi invaders. It’s as if there were no Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and other battles, after which Hitler’s army suffered irreparable losses and finally lost its strategic initiative.

4. In the post-war years, under the conditions of the Cold War, a huge amount of historical literature was published in the West, which distorted the true events of the Second World War and in every possible way belittled the role of the USSR in the defeat of the fascist aggressors. This falsification technique is still used today, although during the war our Western allies more objectively assessed the leading role of the USSR in the fight against the common enemy.

The Patriotic War was Great both in its scope and in the forces and means involved in the Soviet-German front. The total number of personnel on both sides in the active army alone reached 12 million people.

At the same time, in different periods, from 800 to 900 contingent divisions operated on a front from 3 to 6.2 thousand km, which riveted the vast majority of the armed forces of Germany, its allies and the Soviet Union, thereby exerting a decisive influence on the situation on other fronts of the Second World War .

US President F. Roosevelt noted that “... the Russians kill more enemy soldiers and destroy more of their weapons than all the other 25 states of the United Nations combined.”

From the rostrum of the House of Commons, W. Churchill declared on August 2, 1944 that “it was the Russian army that let the guts out of the German war machine.”

There were many similar assessments in those years. And this is not surprising. It was very difficult not to see the obvious truth: the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union to the Victory, its outstanding role in saving world civilization from the Hitlerite plague seemed indisputable. But soon after the defeat of fascism, the recent allies of the USSR began to speak differently, high assessments of our country’s role in the war were forgotten and judgments of a completely different kind appeared.

With particular persistence in post-war historiography, the idea was pursued that the most important battles of the Second World War did not take place on the Soviet-German front and the outcome of the armed confrontation of the two coalitions was decided not on land, but mainly at sea and in the airspace, where the armed forces of the United States and England carried out intense fighting. The authors of these publications claim that the leading force in the anti-Hitler coalition was the United States, since it had the most powerful armed forces among the capitalist countries.

Similar views on the role of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in achieving victory over fascism can be traced, for example, in the 85-volume “History of the Second World War”, prepared by the historical section of the British Cabinet of Ministers, the 25-volume American “Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Second World War” and many other publications .

Our people appreciate the great contribution to the victory over fascism of the people of the USA, Great Britain, France, China and other countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. But it was on the Soviet-German front that the main battles of the Second World War took place; the main forces of Hitler’s Wehrmacht were concentrated here. Thus, from June 1941 until the opening of the second front on June 6, 1944, 92–95% of the ground forces of Nazi Germany and its satellites fought on the Soviet-German front, and then from 74 to 65%.

The Soviet Armed Forces defeated 507 Nazi divisions and 100 divisions of its allies, almost 3.5 times more than on all other fronts of World War II.

On the Soviet-German front, the enemy suffered three-quarters of its casualties. The damage to the personnel of the fascist armies inflicted by the Red Army was 4 times greater than in the Western European and Mediterranean theaters of military operations combined, and in terms of the number of killed and wounded - 6 times. Here the bulk of the Wehrmacht's military equipment was destroyed: over 70 thousand (more than 75%) aircraft, about 50 thousand (up to 75%) tanks and assault guns, 167 thousand (74%) artillery pieces, more than 2.5 thousand . warships, transports and auxiliary vessels.

The opening of a second front also did not change the importance of the Soviet-German front as the main one in the war. Thus, in June 1944, 181.5 German and 58 German allied divisions acted against the Red Army. The American and British troops were opposed by 81.5 German divisions. So all objective facts indicate that the Soviet Union made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany and its allies.

5. When assessing the results of the Great Patriotic War, Western historians pay especially close attention to the issue of the cost of victory, about our sacrifices during the war. Due to our large losses, the overall significance of the achieved victory is called into question.

It is known that the total losses of the USSR in the war amounted to 26.5 million people, of which 18 million were civilians who died as a result of fascist atrocities in the occupied territory. The total irretrievable losses (killed, missing, captured and not returned from it, died from wounds, illnesses and as a result of accidents) of the Soviet Armed Forces, together with border and internal troops, amounted to 8 million 668 thousand 400 people.

The losses of the fascist bloc amounted to 9.3 million people. (fascist Germany lost 7.4 million people, 1.2 million - its satellites in Europe, 0.7 million - Japan in the Manchurian operation), not counting the losses of auxiliary units from among the foreign formations that fought on the side of the fascists (according to according to some data - up to 500 - 600 thousand people).

In total, the irretrievable losses of the Soviet Armed Forces amounted to 1 - 1.5 million people. exceed the corresponding German losses. But this is due to the fact that there were 4.5 million Soviet prisoners of war in fascist captivity, and only 2 million people returned to the USSR after the war. The rest died as a result of fascist atrocities. Of the 3.8 million German prisoners of war, 450 thousand died in Soviet captivity.

Attempts to present the aggressor's losses as less than they actually were distort the historical truth and indicate the bias of those who seek to deliberately belittle the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

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