Whole fractional or collective. §4

– Cardinal numbers denote the number of objects (five apples, three trees) or an abstract number (one hundred, two) and answer the question how many?

Cardinal numbers are divided into three categories:

1) integer numbers (indicate whole numbers), for example: three kilometers, one hundred books;

2) fractional numbers (they do not denote whole numbers, but a part of a whole or a whole and its part), for example: two-thirds of a garden, one-fifth of a percent;

3) collective numbers (denote a certain number of objects as one whole), for example: three friends, four bunnies, both girlfriends.

200. I. Read V. Dahl’s fairy tale and look at the illustrations on p. 147. Try to solve riddles.

Old Man

An old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name. The old one-year-old waved for the first time - and the first three birds flew away. There was a whiff of cold and frost.

The old man waved a second time - and the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields.

The old one-year-old waved for the third time - it became hot.

The old one-year-old waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in.

But the birds were not ordinary. Each has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each feather also has its own name. One half of the feather is white, the other is black. The bird flaps once and it becomes light-light; if it flaps again, it becomes dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the old man's sleeve?

What are the seven feathers in each wing?

What does it mean that every feather has one half white and the other half black?

II. Write down the words with missing letters. Explain their spelling.

III. Find the numerals and name their morphological features. Determine which category of composition they belong to.

V. Konashevich. Illustrations for the fairy tale “The Old Man of the Year”

201. Copy from a collection of Russian folklore several proverbs and sayings that contain the numeral five. Indicate the constant and unstable morphological features of this numeral. Which part of the sentence is it in each case?

202. Copy the riddles by inserting the missing letters. Indicate cardinal numbers. Guess the riddles.

1. One shepherd of a thousand sheep p..set. 2. Two sisters... running in a row, but they won’t get together. 3. Four brothers wear one sash* and stand under one hat. 4. The little skin has a hundred silver coins on its back. 5. The mother has twenty children, all the children are the same age.


Sash - belt.

203. I. Write down cardinal numbers, distributing them into columns by category.

Thirty, seven, two fifths, six sevenths, two hundred and forty one, eleven, one and a half, both, two, six, fifty seven, nineteen.

II. Come up with and write down with two or three numerals per sentence.

204. With the words in the box and cardinal numbers, make up three phrases, write them down, identify the main and dependent words.

Fractional numbers and 1.5 can be read: one whole and one half; one and a half; one point five. But all these expressions can be replaced with one word - one and a half, which also refers to fractional numerals, like the word one and a half hundred (150).

The word one and a half is combined with masculine and neuter nouns (one and a half hours, one and a half apples, one and a half kilograms). The word one and a half is with feminine nouns (one and a half minutes, one and a half spoons, one and a half tons).

205. Read. Write combinations of words, replacing numbers with numerals. Explain the spelling of numerals.

1.5 years old child; 1.5 tons of cargo; 1.5 hour break; 100.5 kilograms of weight; late for minutes.





206. Write it down by inserting the numeral one and a half in the required form.

1. To... the kilometers of the journey, a field was unexpectedly added. 2. The forest is located... kilometers from the camp. 3. There are about... kilometers left to the goal. 4. Our walk today... is kilometers longer than before.

– There are a small number of collective numerals. These are the numerals two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and both (both).

The first nine collective numerals are combined: a) with nouns denoting males (three kids, five boys) or young animals (seven kids, three piglets); b) with nouns used only in the plural (three days, six scissors).

The numeral oba is used with masculine and neuter nouns and has the letter o in the forms of oblique cases (both boys - both boys).

The numeral oba is used with a feminine noun and has the letter e in all cases (both girls - both girls).

207. Write down phrases by opening brackets and replacing numerals with words.

2 (guys), 5 (Bulgarian), 2 (teacher), 3 (man), 7 (kitten), 6 (calf), 4 (sleigh), 3 (scissors), 4 (day), 4 (soldier), 6 (friend), 4 (student).

208. Compose and write sentences with the collective numerals two, three, four, underline the numerals as members of the sentence.

209. Name in this list the nouns with which the collective numerals two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten are combined. Prove that you completed the task correctly.

Boys, houses, books, 24 hours, girls, women, men, shoes, kids, glasses.

210. Write these numerals in one column. Translate them from Russian into Ukrainian, write the Ukrainian numerals in another column, and compare the spelling.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

211. Form the desired form from the words both, both and write down the resulting phrases.

With (both) friends, with (both) girlfriends, with (both) brothers, with (both) sisters, (both) puppies, (both) mice, (both) crows.

212. I. Write it down, inserting the numerals both, both and agreeing them with the nouns. Fill in the missing punctuation marks in the fifth sentence.

1. There were maps on... the walls. 2. We traveled... countries. 3. The agreement was concluded with... states. 4. ... children, brother and sister, were accepted into the section. 5. Hold on tight, ... mom said with her hands. 6. Dense tree crowns hung from... the sides. 7.... The guys have excellent grades.

II. Parse the second sentence.

213. I. Read the text. Write down words with the meaning of number, quantity. Copy the second and last sentences by writing the numbers in words.

The Collie is a very old breed of dog of Scottish origin. The first mentions of it date back to the 13th century. The collie experienced several surges in popularity and rapid spread: for the first time under Queen Victoria, for the second time on the eve of the Second World War, and for the third time shortly after the war.

Collies are sensitive and even nervous dogs, excellent companions who love children and are loyal to their owners.

The height of an adult varies from 53 to 61 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 20 to 29 kilograms.

(From the book “Dogs”)

II. Look at the illustration and verbally describe the dog depicted on it, using numerals.

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If numerals denote the number of objects as a single whole, then they are called collective numerals. The article describes their features of use with examples and properties. For better assimilation of the material, a table is presented that describes all the options for declensions of collective numerals.

Words that denote the number of objects as one whole represent a small group in Russian: there are only 11 of them. These words are called collective numerals.

In all numerals of this category, the stress falls on the first syllable: two, five, ten.

Examples of collective numerals and the order of their formation can be studied in the following table:

Features of the use of collective numerals

Words in this category tend to be combined only with certain nouns, which can have several meanings. All these features of use are reflected in the following table:

TOP 2 articleswho are reading along with this


Two to ten

Meanings of nouns with which they are usually combined

1. Persons belonging to the male sex: two boys

Noun husband. and Wed kind: both brothers, both creatures

Noun female kind: both sisters

2. Nouns belonging to the general gender: six badasses

3. People, children, guys, persons (meaning “personality”): five guys, four mysterious faces

4. Substantivized adjectives: five workers

5. Cubs of living creatures: five kittens

All collective numbers except words both, both also tend to be combined with personal pronouns, for example: There are eight of them, and there are five of us.

You cannot combine collective numbers with the following categories of words:

  • Nouns that denote female representatives: three schoolgirls, five gymnasts.
  • Inanimate nouns: four tables, two cakes.
  • Nouns that denote the names of adult animals: six wolves, four horses.

Changing collective numerals

Features of the declension of numerals of this lexico-grammatical category can be reflected in the following table:


Features of the change


Two, three

Like plural adjectives. numbers with a base on a soft consonant. Total ratings received: 270.

The Russian language course in the school curriculum provides for the study of all auxiliary and significant parts of speech. To study each of them there is its own section of the language, which is given a certain amount of time. One of the extensive topics is “Numerals”. It contains many sections. This is also the structure of this part of speech, in which there are quantitative, ordinal, integer, fractional and collective numerals. As well as ways of using words denoting numbers in a sentence, their change by gender and declension by case.


The study of the section on begins in third grade and continues throughout the school course. In a textbook on the Russian language, the definition sounds approximately like this: this is an independent part of speech, which is formed by a non-replenishable group of words indicating the quantity and number of objects, as well as their serial number when counting and answering questions Which? and how many? The initial form of the numeral is the nominative case.

Morphological features of the numeral

Like other nouns, the numeral has variable and constant characteristics. The first includes gender, number and case form, and the others include belonging to the category and type in the system of numerals. It is these morphological features that are the basis for recognizing this part of speech as independent.

Number places

According to their meaning, all numerals are divided into two categories:

  1. Quantitative. As a rule, words belonging to this category denote the quantity and number of objects. Among cardinal numbers there are three types: integers ( five, eight, twenty), fractional ( one fifth, three fourths) and collective ( two, both, five). It should be noted that some types of cardinal numbers can be used simultaneously, forming mixed numbers. For example: two whole and three quarters, one whole and one second. Collective and fractional numbers cannot be used together.
  2. Ordinal. Words that belong to this category indicate the serial number of an object or person when counting. For example: fifth, seventh, thirty-third, one hundred and fifty-eighth. As can be seen from the example, such numerals can consist of one word or several.

Structure of numerals by composition

Depending on how many words the numeral name consists of, it can be simple ( one, forty), complex ( sixty, seventy) and composite ( twenty five, two thirds). It should be noted that complex numeral names are those that are built on the basis of simple ones, for example, five and ten - fifty.

Collective numbers and their signs

Collective numerals are a special group of words that indicate a collection of objects or persons. Quite often, schoolchildren confuse simple numbers with collective numbers. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to distinguish between them. For example: two fishermen- simple numeral; two fishermen- collective numeral. This type is formed on the basis of a cardinal number by adding a suffix -o- or -er- and endings -e or -o. For example: two - two, three - three, four - four, five - five, six - six, seven - seven, eight - eight, nine - nine, ten - ten.

Declension of numerals

As already mentioned, one of the inconsistent features of this part of speech is the change in cases. This topic is quite difficult to master, and many people make mistakes when declension of numerals by case, even as adults. And the reason for this is the special forms of declension of some words. Each type of numeral is declined according to certain rules:

  • Declension of collective numerals is done in the same way as in the case of plural adjectives.
  • When changing the case form of a fractional number, the first part is declined as a simple integer, and the second as an ordinal, in the plural.
  • Cardinal numerals have their own characteristics during declension: the number “one” is declined according to the type of the pronoun “this”, and the remaining numbers should be considered with an example. It is also worth noting that when declining, all parts of the number are declined.

Examples of declension of numerals

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Prepositional
Who? What?whom? what?to whom? what?whom? What?by whom? how?about whom? about what?
twotwotwotwo, twotwoabout two
oneonealoneone, oneoneabout one thing
five hundred and twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred and twentyfive hundred twentyabout five hundred twenty
fourtymagpiemagpiefourtymagpieabout forty
thousand fourthousand fourone thousand fourthousand fourthousand fourabout one thousand four
three hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threeabout three hundred three
fourfourfourfour, fourfourabout four

It is also worth noting that cardinal numbers such as little, a lot, can only be used in the nominative and But the words a little, a lot, several And How many when used in, they acquire endings similar to plural adjectives.

Syntactic compatibility of numerals

Another important topic in the section on numerals is the use of this part of speech. Quite often in everyday life you come across collective numerals, and therefore you should know how to pronounce and write them correctly. And in order to avoid mistakes, you should study not only the declension of numerals by case, but also a topic that reveals what the collective numeral can be combined with. A noun is the main syntactic compatibility partner of a numeral. And there are a lot of features that every educated person should know.

Use of cardinal integers and ordinal numbers

If a numeral in a sentence is used in the nominative and accusative cases, then the noun must be in the genitive case. For example: d nine notebooks, twenty roses, five people.

It should also be noted that numerals such as one and a half, four, three And two, are combined only with singular nouns, and all others - in the plural. For example: two notebooks, three roses, four people.

The examples discussed above show syntactic compatibility, which is called control, since the case of the noun depends on the numeral.

Another type of compatibility is agreement, when both one and the other parts of speech are used in the same case. The only exception in this case is the word one, which agrees with the noun in all cases.

When agreeing ordinal numbers with a noun, they behave in the same way as adjectives. For example: eighth week, tenth day, fourth day. When declining such a numeral by case, it should be taken into account that only the ending of the last word changes. For example: one hundred fifty-fifth paragraph.

Use of collective numerals

Collective numbers are combined with nouns only in the genitive case. The exception is the word both, in which the companion should only have For example: seven kittens And both are friends.

The Russian language has a huge number of rules that are incomprehensible not only to foreigners, but also to people born in this country. Most often, schoolchildren and adults raise a lot of questions about the rules for using cardinal and ordinal numbers. However, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Having studied the most important rules for using certain parts of speech, you can quickly understand all the intricacies of this issue.

general information

First of all, it is worth remembering that numerals are independent significant parts of speech in the Russian language. By and large, this is a separate group of words that are formed according to their own rules. Based on this, they are divided by:

  • Grammatical meaning. This means that these parts of speech can denote numbers, quantity, and can also be used in counting. In this case, this group of words includes those that answer questions such as: “How much?” or "Which one?"
  • Characteristics of morphology. In this case, they are divided into cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers, as well as additional ones: simple and composite. In addition, there is a category of inflected words in which the endings change in accordance with the case used, however, there are exceptions.
  • Syntactic role. In this case, the cardinal number acts as a single whole with the noun used. For example: “There were two glasses in the kitchen.” In addition, cardinal numbers can play the role of a definition or be part of a compound predicate. For example: “Their place is in the third row.”

Category by value

These parts of speech are divided into quantitative ordinal and fractional numbers. However, by and large there are only two groups. Fractions are cardinal numbers. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail. The fact is that people often confuse cardinal collective and ordinal numbers. Although they belong to different categories.

Cardinal numbers

Based on the name, it is easy to guess that these parts of speech mean “number” and “quantity”. In turn, they are:

  • Whole. In this case, we are talking about numbers that represent the number of integer values.
  • Fractional. Such numerals represent incomplete numbers.
  • Collective. In this case, a quantitative totality is expressed.

All these categories of numerals differ in their peculiarities of forming parts of speech. For example, integers can create a mixed appearance with fractions. A good example: two second and five ninth.


These parts of speech are words that determine order when counting. For example: second, twelfth, one hundred and first, etc.

In this case, there are no subcategories.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers: examples

If the formation of different types is not clear at first, then it is worth considering their features in more detail. Examples will help you better understand the education system of these categories.

So, in order to understand the spelling of cardinal and ordinal numbers, the easiest way is to consider them in the categories described above:

  • If we are talking about integers, then they are formed according to the example: two, twelve, fifty, etc.
  • When forming fractions, they are used in the form: two fourths, three sixths.
  • If we are talking about a collective category, then the parts of speech will look like: three, five, six.

In addition, ordinal numbers have their own characteristics in word formation. If we are talking about words denoting integers, then the change occurs due to suffixes. This means that one group of parts of speech can be made into another. For example, in order to convert cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers, it is enough to only modify the last part of the word: six - sixth, seven - seventh, thirty - thirtieth.

However, it is worth considering that ordinal numbers such as “first” and “second” are exceptions. So you just have to remember this.

Declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers

As you know, cases are widely used in the Russian language, of which there are six. When declining ordinal numbers, only the last digit changes (if there are several of them). For example:

  • Nominative case: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Genitive: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Dative: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Accusative: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Instrumental: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Prepositional: (about) twenty-fifth, (about) one thousand six hundred and thirteen.

If we are talking about cases, then cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers really differ greatly in formation. In the case of the first category, every word will change. Let's look at the case endings of cardinal numbers:

  • Nominative case: eight, twenty-six.
  • Genitive: eight, twenty-six.
  • Dative: eight, twenty-six.
  • Accusative: eight, twenty-six.
  • Creative: eight, twenty-six.
  • Prepositional: (about) eight, (about) twenty-six.

Important to remember

When considering numeral names (cardinal and ordinal), it is worth paying attention to some exceptions. You just need to remember these exceptions to the rules:

  • If you need to use words such as "one hundred", "forty" and "ninety", they will have the same form in the nominative and genitive cases. In all other cases, "one hundred", "forty" and "ninety" are used. For example, it would be more correct to say: “he walked with a hundred rubles in his pocket,” and not: “he walked with hundreds.”
  • If we are talking about the numeral “one and a half,” then the word can only change depending on the gender. That is, it would be correct to say: one and a half apples (masculine and neuter) and one and a half plums (feminine).

Rules you should know

There are many nuances in grammar. Therefore, it will also be useful to learn the rules about cardinal and ordinal numbers:

  • It would be more correct to say: “until what (hours) is the store open.” In this case, the emphasis is placed on the letter “o”.
  • Today you can often hear “year two thousand”. Actually this is wrong. The same applies to the expression “two thousand and seventeen.” It is only correct to say: “two thousand and seventeen.”
  • The endings of ordinal numbers change in the same way as in the case of ordinary adjectives.

How numerals combine syntactically with nouns

If we are talking about quantitative parts of speech, then in the nominative and genitive cases they are placed only in the form of R. p. That is: seven letters, sixteen cups, thirty people.

It is worth noting that words such as “three”, “one and a half”, “four” and “two” are used only with nouns that must be singular, and all others must be plural. For example: three glasses - five glasses, two pillars - fifteen pillars, four girls - fifty girls.

In all other situations, when connecting a noun and a numeral, everything depends on the case.

The only exception is the numeral "one", since it, regardless, must agree only with the noun.

If we are talking about fractional “one and a half hundred” or “one and a half”, then they agree with the noun in the same way as whole numbers. For example: one and a half apples. The remaining fractional numbers must be used in the genitive case. Nouns can be singular. h. or plural. h. For example: three-fifths of an apple (if we are talking about a specific object) and two-fifths of apples (if we are talking about the total number of certain objects).

Also, do not forget about When using them with nouns, the same rules apply as in the use of quantitative parts of speech. This means that in the nominative and accusative cases they change the form of the noun to R. p. In other cases, standard agreement occurs.

In addition, it is worth considering that when we use the collective numeral “both”, the noun can only have the singular form. h. For example: both dogs, both starlings. In all other cases they are used in the plural. For example: seven students.

Ordinal numbers, as noted earlier, when agreed with nouns, are formed in the same way as words answering the question “which”. For example: first semester, eighth cup, ninth lesson.

Also, many are interested in whether the word “thousand” refers to numerals or is it still a noun. According to modern dictionaries, 1000 can refer to many parts of speech.

This means that the word can be used both as a numeral and as a noun. Therefore, in both cases it will be used correctly. However, everything depends on the word following the “thousand”. For example: “with every thousand rubles.” In this case it takes the form of a noun. But if we say “a thousand people,” then a numeral is implied.

Knowing why cardinal and ordinal numbers are used in one form or another, you can begin to speak more competently. The main thing is to remember the basic rules. Of course, there are some nuances in this issue, but both a high school student and an adult can figure them out.

Topic: Noun

Lesson: Collective cardinal numbers

1. The meaning of collective numbers and their compatibility with nouns.

Collective numbers indicate the amount of something as a whole.

This group includes 10 words: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, both/both.

These numerals combine only with some nouns:

With nouns that name male persons ( two men); numeral both also combined with nouns denoting female persons ( both friends),

With nouns children, guys, people, face (three children/children/persons/people),

With the names of baby animals ( five kittens, seven kids),

With nouns that only have plural forms ( four days, two scissors, three sleds); These nouns are combined mainly with numerals two, three And four,

With nouns naming paired objects ( two shoes), as well as with personal pronouns we you they (The three of you weren't there).

Combination of collective numerals

+ male persons

two men

both +


female persons

both friends

both friends

+ children, guys, people, face

three children, guys, persons, people

+ names of baby animals

five kittens, seven kids

+ nouns that have only plural forms.

four days, two scissors, three sleds

+ nouns denoting paired objects

two shoes

+ places.we, you, they, everyone

The three of you weren't there.

Table 1. Combination of collective numerals

2. Morphological characteristics of collective numerals.

Collective numerals vary by case and do not have categories of gender and number, with the exception of the numeral both, which has the form m.r and cf. R. - both and the form of w.r. - both.

I listened both disk.

Both I found the books interesting.

3. Declension of collective numerals.

Collective numbers are declined like plural adjectives.

Wherein both/both declines in two generic forms.

m.r. and w.r.





about the good ones








about five

about the good ones

Table 2. Declension of collective numerals

When combining collective numerals with inanimate nouns that have only a plural form, and with inanimate nouns denoting paired objects, the collective numeral is used only in the forms I. p. and V. p. In other cases, the corresponding cardinal numeral is used.

three days

two shoes

three days

two shoes

three days

two shoes

three days

two shoes

three days

two shoes

three days

two shoes

about three days

about two shoes

Table 3. Declension of collective numerals with inanimate nouns that have only a plural form, and with inanimate nouns denoting paired objects

When combining collective numerals with nouns, the noun is in the form R. p.

When combined with both+ R. p. units h.. Other collective numerals + R. p. pl. h.:

both boots, three men.

4. Syntactic function of collective numerals.

In a sentence, cardinal numbers form one part of the sentence with the noun they stand with.

However, collective numbers can be used without a noun.

She arrived home two and a half days later (A. Chekhov).

Seven one is not expected.

Sat in the stroller two(A. Chekhov).

Everything before noon three sit down on the river bank (A. Chekhov).


Replace the number "7" with words. Indicate a proverb with a collective numeral.

Task No. 2

Insert numerals both/both in the required form.

1. There were pictures hanging on (...) the walls.

2. Good neighborly relations have been established between (...) states.

3. (...) the children, brother and sister, were sent to rest in a summer camp.

4. While driving, hold onto the handrails (…) with your hands.

1. Moscow State University of Printing ().


1. Russian language. 6th grade: Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.

2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.

3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.

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