That a person is a goal. Personal goals

One of the best pieces of advice that can be given to you is: “look to the future with confidence - in the direction of your dreams” and set the right goals in life.

Most of us live like the wind - moving back and forth, from one day to the next.

But I believe that our life is not just an accident, and that we all have to participate in its “design”. You can call it lifestyle design.

Since the release of the movie "The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, even more people have started writing down a list of their own goals.

Setting goals isn't just about writing a list. This is the starting point towards designing the life we ​​live. Perhaps it's time for you to think about all the big and small things that you would like to accomplish in your life.

Every year, usually in December, people make a list of things they would like to achieve in the next year. However, these are short-term in nature. 100 life goals will set you more ambitious goals. Some of them will be short-term, while others may take your entire life to complete. Some tasks you can start and do right away, others will take more time.

100 Life Goals should be so exciting to you personally that you will have trouble falling asleep at night! If you are not excited about your goals, then you will not strive for them at a high enough level.

I'll give you an example of 100 life goals (both basic and "exotic"), but I highly recommend making your own list. So, be patient...

100 goals of human life

  1. Create a family.
  2. Maintain excellent health.
  3. Learn to speak English (with the help of a native speaker or on your own).
  4. Visit a new country in the world every year. Visit all continents.
  5. Invent and patent a new idea.
  6. Receive an honorary degree.
  7. Make a significant positive contribution to peace.
  8. Go on a trip by ship.
  9. See the earth from space + Get the experience of weightlessness.
  10. Take a parachute jump.
  11. Take part in a marathon.
  12. Create a passive source of income.
  13. Change someone's life forever.
  14. Participate in the Olympics (or World Championships).
  15. Make a pilgrimage to Israel.
  16. Help 10 people achieve their life goal.
  17. Give birth to a child. Raise a child.
  18. Be a vegetarian for a month.
  19. Read the entire Bible.
  20. Have lunch with a famous person.
  21. Speak at a conference (+give a speech in front of more than 100 people).
  22. Write and publish a book.
  23. Write a song.
  24. Launch a website on the Internet.
  25. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
  26. Create your own business.
  27. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  28. Learn to play tennis.
  29. Learn digital photography and learn how to take photographs.
  30. Donate Blood.
  31. Get rid of bad habits (Alcohol, smoking).
  32. Meet an interesting person of the opposite sex.
  33. Own your own 5 hectares of land.
  34. Feed the sharks.
  35. Find a job you love that won't stress you out.
  36. Go scuba diving (diving or perhaps even sailing in a submarine).
  37. Ride a camel or ride an elephant.
  38. Fly in a helicopter or hot air balloon.
  39. Swim with dolphins.
  40. See the 100 best films of all time.
  41. Visit the Oscars.
  42. Lose excess weight.
  43. Take a trip to Disneyland with your family.
  44. Take a ride in a limousine.
  45. Read the 100 best books of all time.
  46. Canoe in the Amazon.
  47. Visit all the games of the season of your favorite football/basketball/hockey/etc. teams.
  48. Visit all the largest cities in the country.
  49. Live without TV for some time.
  50. Seclude yourself and live like a monk for a month.
  51. Memorize the poem “If…” by Rudyard Kipling.
  52. Have your own home.
  53. Live without a car for some time.
  54. Take a flight in a fighter jet.
  55. Learn to milk a cow (don't laugh, it can be a learning experience!).
  56. Become a foster parent.
  57. Take a trip to Australia.
  58. Learn belly dancing.
  59. Found a non-profit organization aimed at helping people.
  60. Learn how to do home renovations (and do them).
  61. Organize a tour of Europe.
  62. Learn rock climbing.
  63. Learn to sew/knit.
  64. Take care of the garden.
  65. Go on a hike in the wild.
  66. Master a martial art (possibly become a black belt).
  67. Play in a local theater.
  68. Star in a film.
  69. Go on a trip to the Galapagos Islands.
  70. Learn archery.
  71. Learn to use a computer confidently (or help your girlfriend or mother with this)
  72. Take singing lessons.
  73. Taste dishes of French, Mexican, Japanese, Indian and other cuisines.
  74. Write a poem about your life.
  75. Learn to ride horses.
  76. Take a gondola ride in Venice.
  77. Learn to operate a boat or boat.
  78. Learn to dance waltz, tap dance, etc.
  79. Post a video on YouTube that gets 1 million views.
  80. Visit the headquarters of Google, Apple, Facebook or others.
  81. Live on an island + Live in a hut.
  82. Get a full body massage.
  83. For a month, drink only water and juice with meals.
  84. Become the owner of a % of the shares of a profitable company.
  85. Have zero personal debt.
  86. Build a tree house for your children.
  87. Invest in gold and/or real estate.
  88. Volunteer at a hospital.
  89. Go on a trip around the world.
  90. Get a dog.
  91. Learn to drive a racing car.
  92. Publish family tree.
  93. Achieve financial freedom: have enough passive income to cover all your expenses.
  94. Witness the birth of your grandchildren.
  95. Visit Fiji/Tahiti, Monaco, South Africa.
  96. Participate in sled dog races in the Arctic.
  97. Learn to surf.
  98. Make a split.
  99. Go skiing with the whole family in Aspen.
  100. Have a professional photo shoot.
  101. Live in another country for one month.
  102. Visit Niagara Falls, the Eiffel Tower, the North Pole, the pyramids in Egypt, the Roman Colosseum, the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, the Sistine Chapel in Italy.
  103. Take a nature survival course.
  104. Own your own private jet.
  105. Be happy in this life.
  106. …. your goals...


The question may arise: why are 100 goals in life so many? Setting so many goals can really test your motivation and talents in many areas and areas of your life. Life is so multifaceted, and goals should demonstrate your discipline and responsible attitude towards it.

You are the one who takes control of your life. And goals are like a GPS in life. They give direction and will help you choose where to go in this life. Your vision of an ideal future can become reality.

When you set 100 life goals and then evaluate your achievements, you will be able to see what you have accomplished and what you are truly capable of. The very process of achieving goals will give you confidence and faith in yourself. Once you have achieved one goal, you will try to achieve other goals, perhaps higher ones.

You will see the great progress you have made when you look back after some time. Goals are the starting point for success. Just start...

And a good start, as you yourself know, is half the success!

Any successful person, when asked “What does it take to become successful and happy?” - will answer that first of all you need to set a Goal, or better yet, many goals that will inspire you and for which you will want to work with joy, if you need to overcome any obstacles and even move mountains. This is ideal!

Setting life Goals is the first and most important step to managing your own Destiny! “If you want to change your life, set new Goals!”

But, despite the fact that almost every book about success says that in the beginning you need to “set a goal,” not always an effective and understandable algorithm for working with a goal is given. And many important questions, such as: “What are the goals?”, “Requirements for the Goals?”, “How to set a Goal in order to achieve it?”, “Algorithm for achieving the goal” and many others. etc.

Let's start with the primary questions - What are the Goals? What kind of goals should you set? What should we not forget?

What are your life goals?
All life goals can be divided into 3 categories: Higher Goals (Personal Development and Service to Society), Basic Goals (Self-realization and Relationships) and Providing Goals (Money, Life, Rest).

If you exclude at least one thing, life will no longer be fully fulfilling, and a person will not be able to be truly happy and successful.

If there are no higher goals, even if a person has a family and work, sooner or later, he will lose satisfaction in his heart, stop growing, and ultimately lose the meaning of life and happiness.

If there are no main goals - consider him to have nothing, he is something like a homeless person, without work - therefore without money, without relationships - accordingly lonely and unhappy (even if a person does not suffer painfully from his loneliness, his heart still sings there will be no happiness if there are no worthy friends and a loved one nearby).

If a person does not have supporting goals or is severely neglected, he usually has a lot of problems: lack of money, everyday issues, etc. If there is no quality rest, he can go under strain, under overload, without much joy in his heart.

For a harmonious and happy life, all goals must be in order!

Life Goals

The highest goals of Man

1. Personality Development- spiritual, energetic and physical development, constant qualitative growth in everything. In essence, personal development involves and is aimed at: 1. Full disclosure of the potential of a person (his soul): all his best qualities, talents and abilities 2. Elimination of everything that oppresses a person, makes him weak and unhappy: negative qualities and emotions (grievances, laziness, pride, low self-esteem, etc.), weaknesses and vices (addictions, bad habits, everything that destroys a person).

Physical and energetic development (sports - running, gym, yoga, martial arts, meditation, etc.) - provides the potential of the Force for a person, and this is his efficiency, performance, energy to achieve his goals.

2. Service: for spiritual people it is Service to God, for purely social people it is Service to Society and the World. Service is a selfless activity aimed primarily at making this world a better place, and society more worthy and pure, as well as helping people. In developed countries this is called charitable and social activities and, unlike the CIS countries, 90% of the population participates in it (in the CIS - 3-5%). This activity involves helping sick children and elderly people, charitable contributions, etc.

But Service in its purest form is the most significant activity that brings the highest benefit to this world: bringing new Knowledge - Teachers, discoveries - Scientists, reforms - Rulers, works of art - Creators, and many others. etc. Service is the highest meaning of life, which determines what worthy things will you leave on this Earth after leaving for another world? Will you be remembered for centuries or forgotten on the second day after the funeral? Will descendants thank and glorify you or curse you? It's up to you!

The antipode of Service is selfishness and self-interest, everything is only for oneself and at the expense of others.

To understand the topic of Service and find your calling, read the article about the Highest Purpose of Man.

3. Work - professional Self-realization, as a rule, takes from 1/3 to 2/3 of the time of a person’s entire life. Ideally, Self-realization should correspond to the Karmic Tasks of a person and his Individuality, as well as the level of the person, but more about this in the requirements for goals (see below).

The correct choice of self-realization in society (choice of profession) determines a person’s usefulness for society and people, his material well-being and social position (connections and opportunities in society) and, of course, the state of happiness, because why do something that does not make you happy?

Good work always presupposes career and professional growth, a state of creativity and pleasure. All this, in turn, affects a person’s personal growth.

4. Relationships- creating a family (love), raising children, friends and a person’s immediate environment. Relationships can give a person wings, an endless state of happiness (if a person knows how to build them, treat people correctly), or they can make a person a deeply unhappy sufferer (if one does not know how to build them, does not know how to resolve conflicts, has a negative attitude towards people, etc.) .

Relationship goals, ideally, this is a happy and strong family (love, trust, devotion), true reliable friends, a decent environment (people who value you, love you, respect you and are always ready to help, etc.). You can say - this is not real! I'll tell you - it's possible if you set a goal and work on yourself! Any goal is achievable, but it requires the fulfillment of certain conditions.

Relationship statistics are terrible! There are more than 50% of divorces in the CIS, betrayals - and even more! More than 80% of people consider themselves lonely, although they live in cities with a population of over a million. This only says one thing: people don’t know how to communicate, build decent and happy relationships, and many don’t even try to do this. They are overcome by laziness, unbelief, pride, their own selfishness and other vices and weaknesses.

Start by setting a Goal, by answering the question - What do you want in your relationship life?

Ensuring Goals

5. Money - should also be highlighted as a separate goal, which requires understanding, calculation and constant development. Money doesn’t determine everything in our lives - it can’t buy happiness (there are many rich and unhappy), it can’t buy true love and friends, it can’t buy health, it can’t buy happy relationships with one’s own children, etc. But for money you can buy a lot that will serve as a kind of support, a foundation for your happiness, relationships, everyday life, recreation and other life goals.

Money also needs to be learned, and many good books, trainings and courses are devoted to this.

In addition, I will say that although money cannot buy happiness in its pure form, without it it collapses very quickly. There is even such an expression - “The boat of love crashed into poverty and everyday life.” Therefore, in the modern world, in no case should we ignore this, although providing, but very important goal!

6. Everyday life should be organized in such a way that life is a joy and does not take up a lot of time and money. It is a person’s task to organize life in order to live as efficiently, comfortably and joyfully as possible.

Sloppiness and irresponsibility in matters of everyday life lead to a vile state of mind and body, ineffectiveness of life and stupid waste of time and money.

Life should be highlighted as a separate goal, this is a condition for the implementation of other goals. For example, if there is a pigsty in the house, there is no place to invite friends, and it is disgusting to be in such a house, especially to live permanently.

7. Rest! Many do not consider rest at all as a separate goal and treat it extremely frivolously. Very often, because of this, people live a boring life according to the primitive “work-home-work” pattern, without the wonderful impressions that the human Soul so requires.

Rest can also include Traditions, which should be worthy, revealing and strengthening a person, and not ones after which you need to recover and get healthier for several days (like after a binge). The best option is participation in Balls, thematic and creative Salons and evenings, etc.

A good vacation is an unforgettable experience, a gain of energy and restoration of soul and body, new acquaintances and communication, travel and knowledge of the best corners of our beautiful planet. In addition, it is self-respect and personal growth.

Rest should be recognized as a separate important goal. There is even a saying: “He who rests well will work well.”

You need to travel at least 2 rubles. per year - that's absolutely true!

Basic life goals of a person! What are the goals?

Life Goals and proper work with them determine about 50% of a person’s success and happiness! Can you imagine?

Do you know that to Harvard That is, according to its graduates - they compiled statistics and it turned out that those 3% of students who wrote down their life goals in detail on paper, after 30 years achieved more than the remaining 97% combined?

How do you like this result?

Do you know what goals, in what areas of life you need to set in order to become a fully happy person?

Basic life goals of a person

Any successful person, when asked - “What does it take to become successful and happy?”- will answer that first of all you need to set a Goal, or better yet, many goals that will inspire you and for which you will want to work with joy, if you need to overcome any obstacles and even move mountains. This is ideal!

Setting life Goals is the first and most important step to managing your own Destiny! “If you want to change your life, set new Goals!”

But, despite the fact that almost every book about success says that in the beginning you need to “set a goal,” not always an effective and understandable algorithm for working with a goal is given. And many important questions, such as: “What kind of goals are there?”, “Requirements for Goals?”, “How to set a Goal in order to achieve it?”, “Algorithm for achieving a goal” and many others. etc.

Let's start with the priority questions - What are the Goals? What kind of goals should you set? What should we not forget?

What are your life goals?

All life goals can be divided into 3 categories: Higher Goals(Personal Development and Service to Society) , Main Goals(Self-realization and Relationships) and Enabled Goals(Money, Life, Rest).

If you exclude at least one thing, life will no longer be fully fulfilling, and a person will not be able to be truly happy and successful.

If there are no higher goals, even if a person has a family and work, sooner or later, he will lose satisfaction in his heart, stop growing, and ultimately lose the meaning of life and happiness.

If there are no main goals - consider him to have nothing, he is something like a homeless person, without work - therefore without money, without relationships - accordingly lonely and unhappy (even if a person does not suffer painfully from his loneliness, his heart still sings there will be no happiness if there are no worthy friends and a loved one nearby).

If a person does not have or are severely neglected providing goals - he, as a rule, there are a lot of problems: lack of money, everyday issues, etc. If there is no quality rest, he can go under strain, under overload, without much joy in his heart.

For a harmonious and happy life, all goals must be in order!

The highest goals of Man

1. Personality Development- spiritual, energetic and physical development, constant qualitative growth in everything. Essentially development personality involves and is aimed at: 1. Full disclosure of a person’s potential (his soul): all his best qualities, talents and abilities 2. Eliminating everything that oppresses a person, makes him weak and unhappy: negative qualities and emotions (resentment, laziness, pride, low self-esteem, etc.), weaknesses and vices (addictions, bad habits, everything that destroys a person).

Physical and energy development (sports - running, gym, yoga, martial arts, meditation, etc.)- provides the potential of the Force for a person, and this is his efficiency, efficiency, energy to achieve his goals.

2. Service: for spiritual people it is Service to God, for purely social people it is Service to Society and the World. Service is a selfless activity aimed primarily at making this world a better place, and society more worthy and pure, as well as helping people. In developed countries this is called charitable and social activities and, unlike the CIS countries, 90% of the population participates in it (in the CIS - 3-5%). This activity involves helping sick children and elderly people, charitable contributions, etc.

But Service in its purest form is the most significant activity that brings the greatest good to this world: bringing new Knowledge - Teachers, discoveries - Scientists, reforms - Rulers, works of art - Creators, and many others. etc. Service is the highest meaning of life, which determines - what will you leave worthy on this Earth after leaving for another world? Will you be remembered for centuries or forgotten on the second day after the funeral? Descendants will thank and glorify you or curse you? It's up to you!

Antipode of Services- this is selfishness and self-interest, everything is only for oneself and at the expense of others.

Main Goals of Life

3. Work - professional Self-realization, as a rule, takes from 1/3 to 2/3 of a person’s entire life. Ideally, Self-realization should correspond to the Karmic Tasks of a person and his Individuality, as well as the level of the person, but more about this in the requirements for goals (see below).

The correct choice of self-realization in society (choice of profession) determines a person’s usefulness for society and people, his material well-being and social position (connections and opportunities in society) and, of course, the state of happiness, because why do something that does not make you happy?

Good work always presupposes career and professional growth, a state of creativity and pleasure. All this, in turn, affects a person’s personal growth.

4. Relationships- creating a family (love), raising children, friends and a person’s immediate environment. Relationships- can give a person wings, an endless state of happiness (if a person knows how to build them, treat people correctly), or they can make a person a deeply unhappy sufferer (if one does not know how to build them, does not know how to resolve conflicts, has a negative attitude towards people, etc.).

Relationship Goals, ideally, this is a happy and strong family (love, trust, devotion), true reliable friends, a decent environment (people who value you, love you, respect you and are always ready to help, etc.). You can say - this is not real! I'll tell you - it's possible if you set a goal and work on yourself! Any goal is achievable, but it requires the fulfillment of certain conditions.

Relationship statistics are terrible! There are more than 50% of divorces in the CIS, betrayals - and even more! More than 80% of people consider themselves lonely, although they live in cities with a population of over a million. This only says one thing: people don’t know how to communicate, build decent and happy relationships, and many don’t even try to do this. They are overcome by laziness, unbelief, pride, their own selfishness and other vices and weaknesses.

Start by setting a Goal, by answering the question - What do you want in your relationship life?

Ensuring Goals

5. Money- should also be highlighted as a separate goal, which requires understanding, calculation and constant development. Money doesn’t determine everything in our lives - it can’t buy happiness (there are many rich and unhappy), it can’t buy true love and friends, it can’t buy health, it can’t buy happy relationships with one’s own children, etc. But for money you can buy a lot that will serve as a kind of support, a foundation for your happiness, relationships, everyday life, recreation and other life goals.

Money also needs to be learned, and many good books, trainings and courses are devoted to this.

In addition, I will say that although money cannot buy happiness in its pure form, without it it collapses very quickly. There is even such an expression - "The boat of love - crashed onpoverty andeveryday life". Therefore, in the modern world, in no case should we ignore this, although providing, but very important goal!

6. Life- should be organized in such a way that life is a joy and it does not take a lot of time and money. It is a person’s task to organize everyday life in order to live as efficiently, comfortably and joyfully as possible.

Sloppiness and irresponsibility in matters of everyday life lead to a vile state of mind and body, ineffectiveness of life and stupid waste of time and money.

Life- must be highlighted as a separate goal, this is a condition for the implementation of other goals. For example, if the house is a pigsty, there is nowhere to invite friends, and it’s disgusting to be in such a house, much less live permanently.

7. Rest! Many do not consider rest at all as a separate goal and treat it extremely frivolously. Very often because of this, people live a boring life according to a primitive scheme "work-home-work", without the wonderful impressions that the human Soul so requires.

Rest can also include Traditions, which should be worthy, revealing and strengthening a person, and not something after which you need to recover and get healthierseveral days (like after a binge). The best option is participation in Balls, thematic and creative Salons and evenings, etc.

Nice holiday- this is an unforgettable experience, a gain of energy and restoration of soul and body, new acquaintances and communication, travel and knowledge of the best corners of our beautiful planet. In addition, it is self-respect and personal growth.

Rest should be recognized as a separate important goal. There is even a saying - “Whoever rests well will work well”.

We will look in more detail at how to organize your vacation throughout the year (weekly at a time) in a separate article, but you need to travel at least 2 times a week. per year - that's absolutely true!

– do you think a lot? Quite the contrary, the more life goals, the more complete life will be. The more events that happen in our lives, the more memories will warm our hearts in old age.

I often imagine myself as a 90-year-old man and delve into my thoughts. What will that gray-haired old man think about his life? Will he not have to suffer, on the edge of his existence, about wasted time?

Previously, this fantasy worried me especially strongly. However, with the help of constant reflection and meditation, I came to the conclusion that if I set it and achieve it, then my life will definitely not be lived in vain.

However, today it dawned on me - she must not be alone, I must have , and even more! Goal alone cannot unlock a person's full potential. Only when he reveals himself in many areas does life satisfaction come. And the more complex these goals are, the more complete and expressive life will be.

This idea was prompted by one of the chapters of the book “A Whole Life”. Overall the book is, of course, mediocre, but it was this section that hooked me. It tells the story of John Goddard, who at the age of fifteen sat down and made a list of 127 life goals that he absolutely must achieve. These were completely different goals: from conquering snowy peaks to learning foreign languages. The most interesting thing is that by the age of fifty he had already achieved 100 of his goals and felt incredibly happy. Surely he knows.

John Goddard was once asked the question: “What inspired you to create such a huge list?”. Smiling slightly, Goddard replied: “Two reasons. First of all, I was raised by adults who constantly told me what I should and should not do in life. Secondly, I didn’t want to realize at the age of fifty that I had actually achieved nothing.”.

Of course, this is a very risky option, because you never know what can catch us in life. Our interests may change, we may get stuck in debt or simply give up on self-development and "take everything from life"(quotes). That is why the importance of establishing a main life goal that would dominate everyone does not disappear.

50 human life goals is the path to achieving happiness and harmony with yourself. After all, we can set goals for our different roles. Set a life goal as a family man, businessman, teacher, blogger, etc. In addition, you can set life goals in terms of spiritual, economic and social development.

What goal will you choose today?

That is, we have enormous potential for action. We know clearly what we need, all that remains is to find solutions. By the way, we will talk about how to do this in the following articles, so don’t forget to subscribe to updates.

By the way, it is not at all necessary that all 50 life goals be important. These may be less significant achievements, which, however, will bring incomparable happiness and will be a kind of support for achieving other 50 vital goals.

Well, for example: I want to enroll my children in a prestigious university (for example, Moscow State University). I also want to grow a huge oak tree in our garden. Of course, oak is not as important a goal as educating my children, but if I achieve my goal, I will be a much more confident person.

By the way, don’t limit yourself. Be a child for a little while. Imagine what you would really like to achieve. Don't think about how difficult it will be physically, mentally and financially. Just remember your dream and imagine it as a goal.

For example, as a child I really wanted to become a pilot. But due to vision problems, the dream remained a dream. So why not set yourself a goal: “Fly a fighter jet.” Yes, I understand that it is very difficult, but then why live if you cannot do what you want?

You don't have to set 50 important life goals. You can put 20, or you can put all 200. The most important thing is that you really want to implement them.

Below I will present a rough list of 50 life goals. I hope it helps you create your own list. After all, learning from examples is much easier.

  1. Buy an apartment in London;
  2. Visit all the capitals of the world;
  3. Feed the homeless;
  4. Create your own boarding school;
  5. Write a poem dedicated to my readers;
  6. Graduate from Harvard;
  7. Write a novel;
  8. Collect all of Blok’s works in your personal library;
  9. Climb Everest;
  10. Travel around the world by ship;
  11. Visit the North and South Pole;
  12. Read all books about Harry Potter in English;
  13. Fly a fighter jet;
  14. Jump with a parachute;
  15. Visit all your friends;
  16. Pull up a hundred times;
  17. Get 100,000 followers on twitter;
  18. Buy Mazda RX-8;
  19. Get 10,000 blog subscribers;
  20. Create your own online game;
  21. Star in the same film with Emma Watson;
  22. Play at the Bolshoi Theater;
  23. Donate a painting to the Tretyakov Gallery;
  24. Pet the tiger;
  25. Live in a Shaolin monastery;
  26. Jump from the highest bungee in the world;
  27. Live in St. Petersburg for six months;
  28. Smash the computer on the floor, walls and whatever is at hand;
  29. Get MS in volleyball;
  30. Do the splits;
  31. Find yourself in a hot spot;
  32. Read “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy;
  33. Dance on the table;
  34. Achieve a stranger's smile without words;
  35. Calm crying children;
  36. Take part in joint childbirth;
  37. Find out the scammer;
  38. Learn Japanese;
  39. Do a backflip;
  40. Kissing an unfamiliar girl;
  41. Wait until 12/21/12;
  42. Take a photo with the President of Russia;
  43. Visit "Eaglet" again;
  44. Open your own online store of goods for webmasters;
  45. Train the parrot to say “Dmitry Starkov Foreva”;
  46. Change your own appearance beyond recognition;
  47. Create a rock band;
  48. Grow your own apple garden;
  49. Organize your own volleyball cup;
  50. Protect the girl from the attack of a bully;

By the way, for your convenience, when compiling 50 life goals of a person, I recommend using the following questions:

  • What do I want to learn?
  • How much free time do I want to have for leisure?
  • What will I do to improve my health?
  • What do I want to become?
  • Where do I want to go?
  • What do I want to have?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What do I want to learn?
  • How much do I want to earn, save and save?

I will be creating such a list myself in the near future. I think this activity will take me quite a lot of time. Well, it's worth it.

In the end, not everyone can come to the brain at once; some come over the years.

Striving for a goal in life in itself is meaningless. It is important what the goal leads to, what values ​​are brought to life. There are goals - dreams that everyone wants, and there is little benefit from achieving them. And even more so, there is no point in putting them on – they don’t motivate.

Look at this list of goals on the MYTH blog:

Such goals give rise to flawed motivation. You can’t set goals like that. You can get crazy when you reach them, or it’s not at all clear why someone needs them in the present tense.

The list of goals is typical, which is offered to blog readers. The authors, trying to give readers examples of long-term goals, give a set of loops. To strive for such goals without having anything behind them is an inquisition of the remnants of a healthy psyche.

Vital Goals

The goals that we set for ourselves should develop us, bring us experience, increased awareness and personal responsibility. And don’t send him to a mental hospital, intensive care unit or a cemetery.

Vital goals are those the pursuit of which will develop us. Expand our capabilities, increase our sense of happiness, improve our psyche and relationships with others.

The world needs a hundred space explorers. If someone truly aspires to be an astronaut, go ahead! Better is a happy, wise, responsible person, and at the same time also our messenger from the Earth. What an astronaut is - unhappy, scared, training and tormenting himself, only because he is not ready to love himself and understand his desires.

I am not against struggle and “achievement”, but struggle especially with oneself should not be meaningless. There's no need for a dummy in a spacesuit taking a selfie with the Earth in the background.

The main vital goal of a person is to be healthy physically and psychologically. There are not so many people who are confident, have positive self-esteem, know their worth and are able to make their desires come true. They are able to set a goal in life, to take on the solution of a vital problem for all humanity. They have the courage and strength to solve it and live happily.

Human development goals

To realize the goal of life, a person needs only average abilities, but not enough average courage. Strength of mind is needed less than courage to resist the circumstances and prejudices of others.

A person is not effective at achieving a goal that does not lead him to something greater than the goal itself. Therefore, it is so important to practice understanding your desires, needs, values, know your strengths and be able to work for pleasure.

Set short-term goals for self-exploration, searching for your untapped talents. Learn to overcome preconceptions about yourself and what you already “know.” Develop self-confidence, form an opinion based on personal experience. Develop courage and ability to work. You will need all this when you are ready to solve an important problem or implement a complex project.

Example: list of 50 goals

Coming up with goals can be difficult if there is little practice and awareness. Therefore, it is useful to look through examples of general development goals and adapt the ones you like.

We offer examples that lead to personal development, to the acquisition of experience, and to the expansion of ideas about oneself and the universe. It is advisable to have something else behind these goals, but they will already develop you if you decide to achieve them. I collected goals that are more environmentally friendly for our little head.

Health, sports

  1. Swim 500 meters. Dive to 8 meters.
  2. Eliminate 2-3 unhealthy foods from your diet.
  3. Run 10 km.
  4. For a whole week, eat only home-cooked food.
  5. Build consistently strong self-esteem. Love and respect yourself.
  6. Strengthen your position in life: I am ok, others are ok.
  7. Learn to play table tennis and tennis.
  8. Rocking chair. Work out for 2–3 months. Get a rank.

Goals in work, in career. Financial goals

  1. Understand the element of your calling: man - man, man - machine, man - symbols.
  2. Increase your income by 2 times.
  3. Live a week without urgent matters (outside of vacation).
  4. Passive income. 100$+ / month
  5. Work for a company. The company's goals help you realize your dreams.
  6. Financial control. Record expenses and income for six months.
  7. Gain experience in hiring and firing employees.

Surroundings, friends

  1. Public speaking. Perform in front of an audience of 30+ people.
  2. Get the hang of getting to know each other.
  3. Be able to listen to your interlocutor.
  4. Organize a board game evening.

Personal relationships, family

  1. Attend a group therapy training session with an experienced psychologist. Make your own opinion.
  2. Loving is life-affirming. Cure neuroticism.
  3. Marry or get married for love.
  4. Take on the role of father or mother. To raise, not raise, a child.
  5. Arrange a “spontaneous” trip.

Rest, brightness of life

  1. Visit another continent.
  2. Swim in two oceans.
  3. Live 2+ months in an unfamiliar country.
  4. Be spontaneous. They are not afraid to look stupid.
  5. King of the hill - climb the pyramid.

Personal development goals, intelligence

  1. Read 12+ popular science works in a year.
  2. Get a driver's license. Drive along the serpentine road.
  3. Learn English. Speaking level is above average.
  4. Learn a second foreign language at a basic level.
  5. Live according to your goal plan for the year achieving 70%+.
  6. Write 10 articles.
  7. Dine at the top restaurant in the city and leave no tip.


  1. Learn to draw. Paint 5 pictures.
  2. Choose a hobby and think about how to earn income from it in the future.
  3. Know how to dance. Do a choreographed dance for 1+ minutes.
  4. Sing a song at karaoke or in the studio.
  5. Learn to play a musical instrument. Play a melody on the flute, keys, guitar, drums.
  6. Handmade creativity. Crafts made from paper, fabric, clay, plasticine, leather.


  1. Develop the ability to overcome conviction. Learn something new that I was so sure of.
  2. The ability to overcome an old habit. Retrain yourself in something.
  3. Formulate your purpose.
  4. Practice meditation. Take a course or seminar.
  5. Bring the life balance wheel to 7–10 points.
  6. Read the New Testament. Form an opinion.
  7. Learn to overcome fears. Overcome 5 fears.
  8. Get an unconventional experience. Astrology, out-of-body experiences, constellations.

A man's life goals

Business is the main goal to which a man devotes his time. Idle, he is incompetent.
Ideally, this is some kind of enterprise with a humanistic idea, aimed at helping and developing other people.

It is vital for masculine nature to explore the world, seize territories (markets), compete with others, promote new goods and services. By realizing his undertaking, a man realizes himself in this world. Business is the second face of a real man.

One of the most important goals in a man’s life is his BUSINESS.

List of examples of goals for a man and a guy for 5–10 years:

  1. Explore business management methods from your own experience.
  2. Set 50 intermediate or medium-term goals and achieve them.
  3. Develop the company to a turnover of $1 million
  4. Create a service that makes life easier for other men.
  5. Become an expert in your specialty.

The most important goals of a woman

A woman is not obliged to earn money for her family. This is a man's concern. A woman can also do business. The main thing is that this does not become her main job. She can do her own thing for the soul, but remain true to her feminine nature.

A woman’s vital goals are in the following areas: relationships, beauty, home comfort, giving love to the world, spiritual practices. Family and caring for children are the most important thing for a woman. This makes her happier.

Examples of girls’ long-term life goals:

  1. Become a spiritual midwife. Popularize “Natural Childbirth”.
  2. Open a psychological assistance center.
  3. Help other women, build harmonious relationships.
  4. Inspire a man to achieve feats in his business.
  5. Become a teacher by vocation.
  6. Be an example for girls - what an older woman can be.
  7. Explore alternative perspectives on the question “What does it mean to be a woman.”

List of women's goals for the year:

  1. Lotus birth of a child.
  2. Creative development: dancing, music, painting.
  3. Create a blog. Debunking myths about child development.
  4. Go on a trip and write an adventure novel.
  5. Learn interior design.
  6. Learn to sew. Create a design for your collection.
  7. Become happy. Clear your emotional blocks.

How to write your 50 goals in life - answer

Keep lists of example goals and ideas. Introduce all sorts of different dreams and goals. Break down your goals into categories: short-term (up to 1 month), medium-term (1 year) and long-term (2-5 years). When you have accumulated 50 or more goals, re-sort them and add the important ones to your list of goals for the year. I keep lists on Evernote and in a notepad.

To determine your goals, we recommend the exercise “50 goals and 50 desires”. First you need to determine the range of your desires and begin to realize them. Then, where you most want to continue working - look for a more global goal. The ideal is to look for a problem, a need of humanity, and satisfy it.

Formulate not just selfish goals in life, but also those aimed at benefiting people. The goal of “Becoming a famous chef” will not bring as much satisfaction as organizing a children's center. The very wording “Become famous” speaks of an unhealthy psyche, of dislike in childhood. If you suddenly want fame, first satisfy your need for love. So save the world after you save yourself. First, cultivate strong egoism, and altruism will appear on its own, there is no need to force it.

The ideal goal of a person’s life is when you give yourself to the universe and get high from it. All you need is the freedom to do what you like. You don't have to get approval, recognition and fame. You don't need to know five languages ​​to earn respect and admiration. You feel good both alone and in a team, doing what you think is right.

Choose your vital goals and go on your way to yourself.

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