What does the inner voice say? Why do we hear an “inner voice” when reading to ourselves? Learn the method of concentration

Almost every person is familiar with their inner voice, but not everyone knows what it really is. inner voice (intuition?), and when you can listen to it and when not.

In various psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic schools (currents), I-states are called differently; usually, in practice, three parts of a person’s “I” are considered: 1) I-stereotypical, controlling, criticizing - Parental “I”; 2) I am rational, logical, real - Adult “I”; 3) I am irrational, fantastic, archetypal - the Child’s “I” (also creative, creative, intuitive).

Everyone can easily realize, and after some training (observation of themselves and others), and identify their inner voices in almost any life situation, including in fictional, not real.

For example, you wake up in the morning to an alarm clock for work, school, university, but you don’t want to get up, and you seem to hear the inner voice of the “Child” - maybe you can’t walk, you can take a walk, you’re tired of everything... if only you could sleep some more... But then the inner voice appears “ Parent" - I'll give you a walk, so quickly get out of bed and go to work... Further included in " self talk“The adult “I”…assesses the situation here and now, tests reality, makes forecasts for the near future, and accepts final decision- “I get up and go to work”...

All this happens quickly, and in reality, literally, you may not hear these inner voices (dialogue) - unless, of course, you have schizophrenia and you have not taken psychotropic drugs, psychedelics - rather, you can feel them, notice them in your behavior and some thoughts.

The same is true in any life, including stressful situation a person has an inner voice of one of the RVD ego states (Parent, Adult, Child). It all depends on which self is more developed (endowed with psychic energy, strength and power) (RVD test).

Is it worth listening to your inner voice, and which one if there are three of them?
Of course, listening to your inner voice is useful, but you must first learn to distinguish subpersonalities within yourself—I-states (I-states). It's quite simple, just watch yourself: your thoughts, feelings and behavior in various life situations.

Yes, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine what ego state you are in at a particular moment in time, especially in a critical, stressful situation. But it doesn’t matter, you can always work through this situation later, in your imagination, vividly and colorfully remembering past situation, and watching it in your head like a video - at this moment you can analyze what kind of inner voice (IVR) told you something and what I-state led you to follow.

And since your reactions in similar situations are almost the same (this is due to the script, the life program recorded in childhood), you can easily listen to the necessary and useful inner voice, adviser and often protector and assistant.

How to distinguish internal voices (IVR)?
Identifying exactly what inner voice is speaking in you now, or who is having a dialogue or argument with whom inside your head is quite simple, you just need to understand and remember how this or that I-state manifests itself - it is easier to observe them in others, projecting them onto yourself.

As you already understood (see above), that the inner voice emanating from the Parental “I” criticizes, condemns, scolds, orders, prohibits, prejudges... His “favorite” words: must, must, cannot, must, do - don’t do , required, whether or not, etc. Sometimes the inner Parent both allows and protects, you can use words...and be careful, etc.

Favorite feelings and emotions internal Parent- this is anger, rage, irritation... sometimes, tenderness and joy... but rarely...

His posture and gestures, along with his facial expressions, are threatening, arrogant, arrogant, dominant, etc.

The Inner Child lives according to the “I WANT” principle, therefore the Parent I-state and the Child I-state are essentially antagonists - they often oppose each other, which can lead to conflict within the individual, and therefore to personal and psychological disorders of a person, up to neuroses and psychoses .

Favorite words childhood self-state- I want, I don’t want, I will, I won’t... speech is usually shortened, often used short phrases and interjections such as Wow!, Cool!, Cool! “Great!...Oh, Ah, etc.

What remains is the Adult, realistic and rational ego-state, with its own inner voice, by the way, this is the “I” in harmonious personality must have the last vote, i.e. making a decision in a given situation.

The adult self is unemotional and emotionless—like a robot. Only dry logic, intelligence and reason are like a living computer. Even gestures and postures, “stony” facial expressions, a calm and even voice... Verified, precise words and phrases without “water”... For example - “what time is it” - “five o’clock”...

This rational “I” literally perceives reality, without childish inventions and parental stereotypes, without ignoring the situation “here and now.” It is the voice of the inner Adult “I” that should give you the last, decisive information; it is in the inner Adult that you need to process the voices of the Parent and the Child, including demands and intuition, and make a decision.

However, common problem is that many people Adult Ego State, which, in essence, is the arbiter between the contradictions of Parent and Child, does not have necessary force and power (energy), so people often find themselves in a psychological dead end and get stuck in psychological games, not knowing which inner voice to listen to. Emotional, psychological, mental suffering, withdrawal, apathy, passivity and depression begin...in other cases,

We have two voices: with one we talk to people, and this is our external voice, the other voice that sounds inside us and this is our internal voice is doing its job - it ceases to belong to you, you even speak within yourself in cliches, in the voices of other people, sometimes these are not even familiar characters, people from films or television.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the tone of your inner voice? If you analyze what you hear over time, then what percentage of time do you hear a critical, disapproving, harsh voice? What percentage of the time do you hear an approving, supportive voice that helps you get things done?

2. Compare the result. Look what you hear most of time in your head? Love and support or denial and ridicule? Translating it into numbers and measuring it as a percentage will help you quickly determine which voice within you you are dealing with.

3. Listen to the sayings within you. Is this voice yours or does it sound like the voice of someone important to you? Listen to the tone and manner of speaking. Who, if not you, could this voice belong to?

4. What do you really want to hear inside yourself? What tone of voice and what content would you like to listen to? Imagine being the inner “voice” of your children – what would you like them to hear from your inner voice?

5. You have already completed an exercise to determine your deepest value. Think about how your inner voice matches your core value? Measure the percentage coincidence of your value with your inner voice? Do you think your inner voice guides you through life in accordance with your deep value or, on the contrary, does it take you away from the things that are important to you? Where is your inner voice leading you? Do you like the route in life you are moving?

Having done this homework, look at the answers you received. Summarize the analysis - to what extent your inner voice still belongs to you. This is very important, since each of us has both internal and external voices with which we tell ourselves stories about who we are. The more often we hear a voice inside ourselves that tells us, for example, that you are not very good wife or mother, the deeper these stories penetrate your subconscious. By paying attention to the never-ending internal conversation, you begin to determine for yourself what you want to listen to and what kind of person you will be. Suggestions from constantly repeated dialogue can either be destructive to you or lead you to your goals and to the life you want to live.

But few women pay attention to the quality of the thoughts running through their heads. Since your inner voice tells you your story all the time, you are rarely even aware that you are being “told” something that then has a huge impact on your entire life. All these stories give you an image of who you are. Simply put, we regularly, day after day, practice self-hypnosis.

Perhaps everyone knows what a person’s inner voice is. Many people think that this is something hidden, true, the voice of the subconscious, which certainly knows what we need and what is best for us. Meanwhile, if a person’s inner voice says something bad, it does not necessarily have to be the ultimate truth. So what should you do when your inner voice speaks—listen to it or not?

Voice in our head

Let's say you decide to ask your boss for a promotion. You are almost ready for a heated argument, but suddenly you hear a voice somewhere in your own head: “Better sit quietly and keep a low profile, otherwise you will be thrown out of work altogether.” Or, let’s say, you came up with the idea of ​​enrolling in a painting course for amateurs. Did you think that such activities could become have a good rest and bring variety to gray life. But your inner voice whispers: “Why do you need this at this age, you’ll only embarrass yourself, you don’t have a drop of talent.” Your enthusiasm immediately bursts like a soap bubble...

Is this a familiar situation? Probably everyone has encountered something similar. They say that when someone hears voices, they should immediately see a psychiatrist. But we will not be talking about such a phenomenon at all. Our inner voice is our inner critic, which acts as an effective brake system. Its task is to extinguish enthusiasm, destroy self-confidence, and strive to pull us down by our feet. At the same time, he is very inventive in coming up with excuses and always finds some reasons for inaction.

If the inner voice says nasty things, and we allow it to control our life, then we will live it colorlessly, we will not try anything new, because we will be paralyzed by fear and doubt. In 99% of cases, it stops us in our tracks, and, as you know, whoever does not move forward moves backward.

Inner voice = intuition?

Overestimate the value internal monologues or dialogues with ourselves, we are prone to because we often mistake them for our real “I”, signals from the subconscious, intuition. For some people, glimpses of intuition really only happen in the form of voices. They say they clearly hear something in their head. How to distinguish this help from the cosmos, the Universe, from the internal brake?

In fact, it is very simple: glimpses of real intuition never criticize, do not engage you in controversy, and do not explain anything. The task of intuition is to protect us, so the “messages” from it will be short and simple: “don’t go there,” “go down another street,” “call home,” and so on. You don't hear in your head that you don't need to go somewhere because you won't cope with something or you'll get lost. Intuition does not say: “Don’t go there because you are in danger.” And the inner critic has only one goal - to weaken us morally and turn us into its victim. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of it or at least learning to control it.

How to stop the war between your ears?

Many people find themselves having more than one voice. And this is not at all a reason to feel crazy or to slip into depression because of internal monologues. This phenomenon needs to be dealt with somehow just because it blocks the realization of dreams.

  1. The first step to victory is to look at yourself from a distance, with the eye of an observer, and also to change your point of view. Believe that you are not a toy, not a pawn in the hands of the cosmos or the world, you are, if not the only, then one of the main reasons for your own actions. When the inner voice once again begins to say bad things, what should you do? Ask yourself where this came from. Tell yourself that it is your inner voice, not yourself, and believe it with all your heart.
  2. Step two is to learn to allow yourself weaknesses, to openly admit that something went wrong or was done incorrectly. This gives a person enormous freedom, because he no longer has to hide his own weaknesses to himself and the world. Every person has light and dark side, angel and devil, hero and villain. The only question is who will win in a particular situation.

When your inner voice begins to whisper that you won’t succeed, that you don’t know how to do anything, energetically stop yourself and say “stop.” Don’t let yourself be drawn into this game of thoughts and mind, distract yourself with something from them.

Why is it difficult for us to hear our inner voice?

This article is not for those who have been hearing voices since childhood, or those who have already achieved in their practices the ability to listen and hear their Higher Self, the voice of the living God. It is also not for those mediums who have stopped balancing their ego and began to listen not to the voice of the spirit, or God, as they once knew how to do, but only to the voice of their own ego.

So, first of all, people have difficulty hearing their inner voice because they expect results. Even when you tell yourself that you are not expecting, you are still expecting. Otherwise, the dialogue would have already taken place, and you would stop distrusting yourself and doubting your abilities.website

It seems to you that if you really, really want to, you will definitely hear some secret information that someone wants to convey through you. But you continue not to hear, and if you do hear, it’s only a monologue with yourself. It happens that sometimes a barely audible voice breaks through your blinders, but you continue to not believe your own ears, and it seems to you that you yourself were making it all up.

You will practice meditation, spiritual practices several times and end there, thinking that you are not capable, like others, of hearing anything. But you differ from those others only in laziness and in the fact that you create tension within yourself by expecting results.

You’re bored of just sitting there, not thinking about anything, and you immediately remember how many things suddenly need to be redone. You are trying hard to relax so that you can hear at least a word that is not from your chattering mind, which has been taken over by your ego.

You don't know how, or don't want to learn to hear?

I remember as a child, when my mother taught me to write letters (and I also had to write beautifully), I almost cried, saying that it was difficult for me and that I could not write the way my mother wanted. To which she replied: “I can’t and I don’t want to - the things are different. If you force yourself to do something that you don’t want to do, but need to do, you will soon laugh at yourself, remembering difficulties. All difficulties are temporary, and not everyone can cope with laziness.”

Secondly, admit to yourself, are you ready for the changes that your spirit, Higher Self, etc. will indicate when you begin to recognize voices? These are the “guys” who will want specific changes from you, both in your thinking and in your entire life. usual life, no longer corresponding evolution of your spirit .

You visit psychics, gurus, astrologers and other seers. And they all point out your mistakes that you don’t want to hear about. What kind of conversations with God can we talk about then? What will you do with what you hear? What if the voice does not praise you for what you have achieved, but on the contrary, points out that you, as a poor student, have been sitting in the same class for many years with your convictions?

Or God will begin to talk to you only when you stop waiting, expecting, resisting, not trusting and being lazy. And you don’t need to deceive yourself that today you agreed to sit in silence with yourself and that you don’t care if someone inside you volunteers to talk.

You've let your ego go for a long time keep you in duality. Therefore, it is difficult for you to admit even to yourself that it is high time to let go of everything that should no longer resonate with the evolution of your soul.

You are deceiving yourself by saying that you are flattering yourself with the fact that life arranges everything in the best possible way. in the best possible way for you. And it’s just the ego that convinces you of this and finds all sorts of excuses so that you continue to do what you’re used to - lying to yourself, just so as not to break away for a second from your usual, comfortable zone, where miracles have long stopped happening.

And getting out of your comfort zone - condition for personality development. After all, if your job is taken away from you today, will you continue to calmly meditate for a day, two, a week, knowing and believing that life will really show you a completely different path, for which you were not ready only because you did not trust either yourself or God? no spirit, no life?

Balance your ego, fill it cosmic light. And when you want to talk with the spirit, the inner God, volunteer for a conversation and get ready to listen the way a child listens to his mother who is reading him a fairy tale.

See how simple everything turns out to be. Well, if it’s difficult in this life, learn in another. Life will never end, neither in 10 years, nor in a hundred.

Level of development of modern Russian psychiatry: naphthyzine for sinusitis. It’s good that lobotomy and electroshock therapy are not used.
The fact is that each specific case is purely individual, and the approach is unified.
The approach should be comprehensive and person-oriented, including the work of not only the pharmaceutical department, but also psychotherapy, genetics, etc.
Treating exclusively with sleeping pills and antipsychotics is, in my opinion, barbaric.
What about the maintenance of those undergoing treatment? In a hospital (clinic) it is worse than in prison. And now I Not O compulsory treatment by court decision.
Do you know what happens to those who refuse to sign consent for treatment? They are still being treated. They are treated forcibly until the poor fellows sign the Agreement.
And it’s good if there are concerned relatives.
Let's return to the conditions of detention. Of course, the more the clinic is funded, the fresher the paint on the walls and the better the food, but tell me, have you heard anything about isolation wards? Patients spend long weeks, months, and some even years in them, looking at the ceiling in the company of the same unfortunate people. The lack of ventilation and the need to relieve oneself in a bucket leave their mark not only on the physical, but also on the psycho-emotional state. Bright lighting around the clock promotes the activation of cancer cells. And a rarely opened door and tightly closed barred windows take away not only the already limited freedom, but also the chance to escape in the event of a fire or other incident.
And in the general wards it’s not much better.
Let us now turn to the consequences of personnel performance.
Medical visits are carried out once a week. Most patients, when taking antipsychotics (especially long-term), begin to feel side effects. To remove them, the doctor, after a round, prescribes some kind of anticholinergic drug, which relieves only part of the side effects. And the side effects are very diverse: from banal tremor to incontinence. The period of adaptation to the “pill after pill” is relatively short. The patient continues to suffer until the next doctor comes, calling the orderly, the nurse, and begging for a miracle pill. But he will never receive any pills, except perhaps an injection of a strong sleeping pill, after which the sufferer will be tied to the bed for several days.
By the way, I was very surprised when I found out that straitjackets are not in use.
The human body is imperfect and can remind itself at the most inopportune moment, for example, toothache or neuralgia, when a person is in psychiatric hospital. And he will be very lucky if help is provided the next day after applying. Don't forget about the weekend public holidays and vacations.
I would like to mention the strict dosage of connection with outside world. Telephone, computer - prohibited, TV (if any) - in a strictly allotted narrow period of time.
In conclusion, I’ll mention a few nice little things:
if you refuse to take medications orally, forcibly intramuscularly;
jewelry is not allowed, with the exception of a cross on a thin thread;
sexual activity is not encouraged;
experimental use of drugs can be carried out “at random”.
It is wrong to force innocent patients, citizens, people to undeserved suffering, but to demand complete healing, recovery and dignity full life Right.
Health and prosperity to you, thoughtful reader!

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