What is studied in punctuation. What does punctuation study in Russian? What is studied in punctuation and what punctuation marks

Punctuation- This:

  1. Punctuation system
  2. A branch of linguistics that studies punctuation marks and the rules for their use in writing
The general education program studies 10 punctuation marks: period ( . ), question mark ( ? ), Exclamation point ( ! ), ellipsis ( ... ), comma ( , ), semicolon ( ; ), colon ( : ), dash ( - ), brackets (round) () , quotes ( " " ). Punctuation marks serve to indicate in a sentence and in the text the boundaries of semantic segments, the meaning of which is especially emphasized by the writer. Punctuation marks provide the writer and reader with an unambiguous understanding of the sentence and text.

Punctuation rule

Punctuation rule- this is an instruction that indicates the conditions for choosing a punctuation mark (i.e., its use or non-use). The conditions for choosing a punctuation mark are the grammatical, semantic and intonation features of sentences and their parts.


The place in the sentence where punctuation is necessary can be found by identifying features (signs). Identification signs of the use of punctuation rules:

  1. morphological: the presence of participles, gerunds, interjections, conjunctions, individual particles;
  2. syntactic: the presence of two or more grammatical stems, addresses, new words, isolated members of a sentence, homogeneous members, foreign speech;
  3. sound: pronunciation with vocative and other types of intonations;
  4. semantic: expression of reason, etc.

Functions of punctuation marks

Punctuation marks serve to separate sentences from each other in the text, to separate and highlight semantic segments in a sentence. They are divided into three groups: separating(in the text), dividing And excretory(in a sentence).

Separating punctuation marks

These include period, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis. They are used:

  1. to separate each word of a sentence from the next one in the text;
  2. to design a separate sentence as complete.
The choice of one of the four separating marks is determined by the meaning and intonation of the sentence.

Punctuation at the end of a sentence


  • A period is put at the end of narrative and incentive sentences if they do not additionally express emotions (feelings).
  • At the end of interrogative sentences there is a question mark.
  • At the end of any sentence according to the purpose of the statement, an exclamation mark is placed if they additionally express a feeling.
  • An ellipsis is placed at the end of a sentence if the writer takes a long pause.

Punctuation marks

These include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Separating punctuation marks serve in a simple sentence to indicate boundaries between homogeneous members (commas and semicolons), in a complex sentence - to separate simple sentences included in its composition.

The choice of dividing punctuation marks is determined by morphological, syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Distinctive punctuation marks

Distinctive punctuation marks serve to indicate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple sentence (addresses, introductory words, phrases, sentences, isolated secondary members), as well as direct speech.
Distinctive punctuation marks are a comma (two commas); dash (two dashes); Exclamation point; double brackets; colon and dash used together; double quotes.

The choice of punctuation marks is determined by syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Cases when punctuation is not used

  • Between the subject and the predicate, which is joined by a conjunction How.
  • Between homogeneous members connected by single unions and, or.
  • Before application, if union How used in the meaning " as».
  • After the participial phrase, if it comes before the defined noun and does not have a causal meaning.
  • Before adverbs formed from gerunds.
  • Between simple sentences in a complex sentence with a conjunction And in the presence of a common member.
  • Between homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a conjunction And.
  • Between agreed upon definitions, if they characterize the subject from different angles.
  • What is studied in punctuation?
  • What punctuation marks complete sentences?
  • In what case can there be both a question mark and an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence?
  • What punctuation marks separate simple sentences from complex ones?
  • When is a comma not used between homogeneous terms?
  • What punctuation marks are used in sentences of address?
  • Talk about punctuation marks in direct speech and in dialogue. Give examples.

10. Make complex sentences from simple sentences enclosed in brackets using appropriate conjunctions and, but, what, so, when. Add commas. In the complex sentences you create, emphasize the basics. Explain the spelling of the highlighted letters.

1. Evening has come. (We stopped for the night. Our boat is And She was heading towards the shore.) 2. The wind died down. (In the garden, the leaves kept falling and falling. The rustling of the grass (not) stopped A talked.) 3. The moon rose. (Everything around lit up. The trunk of the birch tree turned silver yang ym.) 4. There is a raspberry tree at the edge of the forest. (The forester said. We took cans and mugs with us.)

11. Copy, correctly formatting sentences with direct speech. Name the requests. Name the obsolete words in the fourth and fifth sentences.

1. Mighty Oleg bowed his head and thought, what about fortune telling? 2. The prince quietly stepped on the horse’s skull and said sleep, lonely friend! 3. He released the golden fish and told her your kind word, I don’t need your ransom, go into the blue sea, walk there in the open space... 4. Where is the counselor, I asked Savelich. 5. Here, your honor, a voice from above answered me. 6. You didn’t tell me this, Pugachev noticed. 7. What else did Pugachev reveal, flashing his fiery eyes.

(A. Pushkin)

12. Dictation. Underline homogeneous members as parts of the sentence. Orally explain the punctuation between them.

1. Before the eyes of those driving, a wide, endless plain spread out. 2. Grasshoppers, crickets, violinists and mole crickets began to sing their dull, monotonous music in the grass. 3. But a little time passed, the dew and...steamed, and the air froze, and the deceived steppe took on its dull July appearance. 4. The chaise is running, but Yegorushka sees everything the same: the sky, the plain, the hills.

Answer from Vita Milkin[guru]
How to use periods, commas, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, and dashes.
punctuation marks, in a word.

Answer from SPEEDKING[guru]
Punctuation marks and their use.

Answer from Jimmy Raynor[guru]
Punctuation marks

Answer from Pranks25[expert]
punctuation marks...punctuation - a collection of rules for placing punctuation marks

Answer from Alexandra Handramai[newbie]
Punctuation marks (period, dash, comma, ellipsis, hyphen, etc.) + rules for their arrangement in a sentence)))

Answer from Irinka[expert]
seems to be punctuation marks

Answer from Olga Izmestieva[guru]
Like what, punctuation marks, of course! That is, periods, dashes, commas, colons, semicolons, exclamation and question marks. Is that all? And the ellipsis...

Answer from Anastasia Vertikova[expert]
punctuation marks

Answer from Albina Galimullina[guru]
PUNCTUATION is a collection of rules for placing punctuation marks, as well as the system of punctuation marks itself. Principles of Russian punctuation, functions and types of punctuation marks Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence Dashes between members of a sentence Punctuation marks for homogeneous members Punctuation marks for repeated words Punctuation marks for sentences with isolated members of sentences Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of a sentence Punctuation marks for comparative phrases Punctuation marks for introductory words and phrases Punctuation marks for addresses Punctuation marks for interjections, affirmative and negative words Punctuation marks for complex sentences Punctuation marks for direct speech and quotation Combination of punctuation marks, author's use of punctuation marks

Answer from Lyubov Istratova[guru]
Punctuation (Late Latin punctuatio, from Latin punctum - point), a system of punctuation marks in the writing of a language, rules for their use; their arrangement in the text; along with graphics and spelling, it is the main element of written speech. The writing of modern languages, using Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Indian and many other scripts, is based on common principles and approximately the same set of punctuation marks. The theoretical foundations of Russian grammar were developed by V.K. Trediakovsky, M.V. Lomonosov, and grammarians of the 19th and 20th centuries. In understanding the foundations of Russian grammar, logical (F. I. Buslaev, S. I. Abakumov, A. B. Shapiro), syntactic (Y. K. Grot) and intonational (L. V. Shcherba, L. A. Bulakhovsky) stood out , A. M. Peshkovsky) directions. Representatives of the logical school believed that P. helps clarity in the presentation of thoughts and expresses the feelings of the speaker and his attitude towards the listener. According to representatives of the syntactic school, P. indicates a greater or lesser connection between sentences, partly the members of a sentence, and helps to understand written speech. Representatives of the intonation school believed that p. serves to indicate the rhythm and melody of a phrase and reflects primarily not the grammatical, but the declamatory-psychological division of speech, its pauses, melody, tempo

Punctuation(from lat. punctum - point) is a section of the Russian language that studies punctuation, as well as the punctuation system itself. Punctuation in Russian serves in order to convey as accurately as possible in writing what the author wanted to express. Punctuation rules created in order to regulate the intonation structure of speech, as well as syntactic and semantic relationships in the language.

We all remember the greatness and power of our language. This means not only its lexical richness, but also its flexibility. This also applies to punctuation - there are both strict rules and guidelines that depend on the situation, stylistic features and meaning of the text.

Punctuation in Russian speech achieved through punctuation. Punctuation marks- these are graphic symbols necessary to convey the intonation and meaning of a sentence, as well as to place certain accents in speech.

In Russian there are the following punctuation marks:

1) End of sentence marks: period, question mark and exclamation mark;

2) Sentence separation marks: comma, dash, colon and semicolon;

3) Signs highlighting individual parts of a sentence: quotes and parentheses.

I came home late. Why is the light still on in the bedroom? That's right, she was waiting for me! “Back at work again?” - she asked tiredly. The apartment smelled of medicine (she probably drank valerian tincture so as not to worry), so I tried to calm her down and go to bed as soon as possible. All the events of that day flashed before my eyes: a scandal at work; a reprimand from the boss who unfairly blamed me for what happened; walking through the city at night in thought.

Punctuation marks can be repeated and combined. For example, the use of a question mark and an exclamation mark at the same time indicates that we have a rhetorical question(a question that does not require an answer or the answer to which everyone already knows):

Who knew that everything would happen exactly like this?!

How long?!

Can also be combined comma and dash. This combination allows you to connect different values:

A cool wind blew, it became dark in the forest, and a summer village evening was approaching.

This combination of punctuation marks can also be explained by the use of different constructions, for example, using a dash between the subject and the predicate in a sentence:

You, brother, are the dearest person left on earth.

Despite the fact that in the Russian language there are cases when there are no strict rules for the use of certain punctuation marks, even in such cases there are certain recommendations. For example, are there such cases basic punctuation, that is, one that is given preference. For example, the main punctuation mark when using inserted structures is parentheses:

After yesterday's downpour, we all (except Anna, who happened to have a raincoat) fell ill with a cold.

In this case, it is possible to highlight the inserted structure using a dash (a minor punctuation mark in this case):

He sat down thoughtfully on the bench - it was wet after the rain - and thought about what happened today.

All punctuation rules and punctuation rules we will look in more detail in subsequent articles.

In his oral speech, in order to convey the desired meaning, a person actively uses appropriate intonation and pauses. They are distinctive signals between parts of an utterance. Written speech of any language also has similar signals. They are called punctuation marks and are graphic symbols. In Russian linguistics there is a whole section that is devoted to the rules for placing signs in writing. This is what punctuation studies.

Why are commas needed?

The term “punctuation” is derived from the verb “punctuate,” which literally means “to stop and detain.” And it looks like he's doing a good job. For many people, they become a stumbling block in writing. Their incorrect placement or complete disregard, and this also happens, can turn even a well-written text into a useless set of words or phrases. On the other hand, correctly placed signs fill the written text with meaning, facilitate its perception, dividing it into separate fragments and enriching it with emotions.

Why do you need to learn punctuation? when used skillfully, they help the author highlight the idea and give the text the correct sound. They are also compared to musical notes, which give rise to beautiful music when played in the right way. Thus, periods and commas help fulfill the needs of written communication. And this leads to the understanding that it is necessary to study punctuation so that what is written can be accurately interpreted by the addressee.

A little history

According to some sources, the birth of punctuation occurred in Ancient Greece. They mention that the Greeks used some signs for expressive reading - recitation. Nothing more is known about the further fate of these signs. And in the 16th century, punctuation appeared for the first time in European countries, whose origin is associated with the Italian publishers Manutius. They invented punctuation marks that are still used unchanged in many languages ​​to this day.

Russian punctuation, which is studied in our time, acquired its main features as a system of signs by the 18th century. This is directly related to the invention and development of printing. Printing workers had to present the text in such a way that readers could correctly perceive what they read. It is they who must be given credit for the “invention” or, better said, the introduction of punctuation in Russia.

Understanding the importance of punctuation marks, or rather attempts to comprehend them, came with the names of L. Zizania and M. Grek. Old Russian texts were extremely difficult to read; moreover, spaces were not included in those days either. Later M.V. Lomonosov, while developing issues of punctuation, determined that the arrangement of characters in writing is determined by the structure and semantic aspect of speech. In his theory, he determines the number of signs and their purpose, which gave rise to the whole system.

Punctuation - a section of grammar

Modern punctuation (the Latin word punctum - point) is a developed and rather complex system. This is one of the sections of grammar that studies the established rules for placing punctuation marks in writing. This section also examines the signs themselves, as a special part of the graphic system of the language, for dividing written speech. Basic rules of punctuation study that there are some patterns in the use of the same sign in different cases. The rules are normative in nature; they will be equivalent for all types of writing.

The unit of punctuation is represented by a punctogram - a sign that is reproduced in writing, in accordance with accepted rules and regulations. The entire punctuation alphabet consists of ten punctograms. These are the period, comma, colon, dash, semicolon, quotation marks, ellipses, parentheses, exclamation mark and question mark. You may notice that, unlike the traditional alphabet, this one has a free listing order. At the same time, some tend to single out the period and comma as the main punctuation marks.

As has been observed in practice, the signs themselves do not cause much difficulty, but the rules for their placement in the text cause many to stumble. The difficulties that arise indicate that it is necessary to study punctuation in the Russian language.

Formatting text with signs

Not so long ago, the basis of Russian punctuation was influenced by one-sided views, and a particular principle of arranging characters in writing was singled out as opposed to others. But now the highlighted principles form a whole system of using punctuation marks and any grammatical phenomenon can be shown from different sides.

Basic principles of punctuation:

  • Intonation. Here, punctuation marks reflect the intonation of a person’s voice, conveying its shades.
  • Syntactic principle. Punctuation marks are placed according to the structure of the sentence, its structure.
  • Structural-syntactic. Punctuation marks construct a text or sentence.
  • Semantic principle. The design of a text with signs is associated with its semantic division.

Modern punctuation rules take into account the meaning, structure, and intonational division of speech.

Punctuation tasks

All punctograms of the Russian language are divided into two groups and perform the tasks assigned to them. The signs will either separate semantic parts of the text from each other, or highlight certain segments within these parts.

The functions of separating punctuation marks are performed by: period, comma, semicolon, dash, ellipsis, exclamation and question marks. And paired punctograms cope with the role of the highlighting function: commas, dashes, quotation marks, parentheses. They isolate the necessary words, phrases, phrases or even individual sentences.

In addition to the accepted ones that are studied in the Russian language, there are many options for the author’s arrangement of signs that are not related to the rules. The authors use this approach not only to convey the accuracy of their thoughts, but also to give the writing special expressiveness and intonation brightness. Therefore, the functional importance of punctuation marks is difficult to overestimate, especially when it comes to complex and voluminous texts.

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