What's new in the 21st century. Alternative energy sources

The beginning of the 21st century, in the minds of our ancestors, both in the scientific and social sense, was much more developed than in reality: while flying cars are not visible in the sky, the atmosphere is also polluted, and wars do not stop... However, from forecasts for the future - as before, no one refuses, and futurologists, studying current trends, make their own assumptions about what the world will be like in the 22nd century.

Disappearance of natural habitats

The flora and fauna have long suffered from human activity. We cut down forests, build cities, change the directions of rivers, thereby forcing them to change their habitat.

Presumably already in the 22nd century most mammals will not be able to live in natural conditions. The only places where they will be able to live will be in nature reserves, the number of which, for various reasons, will not be so large.

By the way, scientists suggest that by 2100 species such as the western gorilla, Bengal tiger, black rhinoceros, wild ass and banteng will become completely extinct.

Development of the World Ocean

The World Ocean can save earthlings from possible global famine. People will mine not only fish, but also receive useful elements through genetically modified plants. We will also receive from the ocean livestock feed and biofuel.

Settlement of Antarctica

Predictions regarding how climate change will affect Antarctica are controversial. Some researchers believe that it will melt in the next 50 years, while others are confident that Antarctica will not melt for hundreds of years or never.

Futurologists still suggest that in the 22nd century we will be able partially populate this continent. Most likely, it will continue to have the status of an international reserve, although the use of some areas for commercial purposes is also very likely, for example, for the extraction of valuable minerals.

Climate control

Already today, successful experiments are being carried out to create tornadoes or make rain, not to mention the hype around climate weapons in the hands of superpowers (but we don’t believe in conspiracies). There is a high probability that in 100 years humanity will thoroughly study the mechanisms of influence on the weather and use this knowledge for good, for example, to combat global warming.

The main thing is that such technology should not be used for military purposes.

Termination of the existence of the institution of marriage and family

It's hard to imagine, but marriage and family in the modern sense may disappear. Experts believe that in the future, temporary marriage contracts will be used and we will change partners more often. As a result, the number of single mothers will increase, who will certainly have a higher status than now.

Gay sexuality will become commonplace, and same-sex marriage will be allowed in many countries.

Artificial insemination will become popular. Women will be able to choose the gender, appearance and other characteristics of the child.

Telepathy will appear

If we assume that the transmission of thoughts refers to the transmission of electrical signals from the brain over a distance, then this is quite realistic and feasible thanks to the implantation of special chips into the brain.

We may not be able to conduct mental conversations in the near future, but at least in this way we will be able to give commands to a computer and other equipment.

In general, controllers will be implanted into the body to monitor a person's health status. And, of course, it will not do without more serious implants for various purposes.

Affordable organ replacement

Today, 3D printing technology is successfully used to create human organ tissue, so in the next century it is certain that it won't be a big problem to replace your liver or heart. In this case, the organ is ideal for the patient, because will be grown based on his genetic material. Thus, mortality will decrease and life expectancy will increase, and consequently, the world's population will increase significantly.

Interestingly, according to UN forecasts, the population of our planet will reach 11.2 billion by 2100. At the same time, the largest increase will be in African countries.

Single world currency

I don’t really want to imagine what the current economic situation will lead to, but the fact that a single currency will appear in the future is a completely obvious assumption. The base can be modern electronic payment systems that are used all over the world.

Development of the space industry

New energy sources

The energy industry will also change. By the middle of the 21st century, the first thermonuclear power plants are expected to appear, but it is unclear whether they will be able to become the main source of energy on Earth.

There is a high probability that in the 22nd century the main focus will be on shale gas production.

Vehicles on autopilot

In the 22nd century, a gradual transition to , but what all experts are sure of is that Artificial intelligence will be responsible for driving the cars of the future. Modern developments in this area are quite promising - take the same autopilot from.

The control system of each vehicle will be connected to the global network, and thus all movements will be controlled. This will minimize accidents and traffic jams.

A few more predictions:

Under the auspices of UNESCO, February 21 is celebrated as International Mother Language Day. This date was established to promote the idea of ​​linguistic diversity. Every 14 days, one language dies on Earth.


There are now about 6,700 spoken languages ​​recorded in the world. Practice shows that every 14 days one language dies, because its last few speakers pass away. There is a danger that by the end of this century, half of them could disappear forever. What, in principle, does humanity lose with the death of language and what are the reasons for the extinction of languages ​​today?

A similar fate could befall, for example, the Ket language, which is spoken by fewer than two hundred people. This language can be heard in several settlements on the upper Yenisei in Siberia.

Too few people speak this language to consider its death something socially significant. But, like all other languages, the Ket language is a storehouse of uniqueness. His grammar is surprisingly complex and filled with a variety of verb forms. In addition, the speakers of this language themselves, through speech, communicate with their ancestors, with the past and traditions.

The loss of language gives rise to the deepest silence. The director of the Institute for Endangered Languages, Dr. Gregory Anderson, describes the silence this way:

“You communicate in your thoughts with your ancestors, but they did not speak English.
This creates a gap in your story. This is exactly what happens to those whose native language is no longer spoken and they switch to one of the dominant languages. People who speak one of the dominant languages ​​- English, Spanish or Russian - cannot imagine this.”

Gregory Anderson's view very closely reflects the situation with the Ket language, which serves not only as a bridge to their ancestors, but also as a connection with other peoples.

Research has demonstrated that the Ket language is related to American aboriginal languages ​​such as Navajo.

According to scientists, this connection is already of anthropological value, helping to restore the real picture of the prehistoric migration of people across the ice from Asia to America. In this regard, linguists are horrified by the prospect of the disappearance of languages ​​such as Ket.


According to the US National Geographic Society, every two weeks a language disappears on the planet. At this rate, at the end of the 21st century, humanity will be missing almost three and a half thousand languages. The greatest linguistic impact will occur in places where the multilingual environment is traditionally concentrated, for example, New Guinea, the Caucasus or Siberia.

Leading language experts note that the problem is exacerbated by one prevailing circumstance: only 5 percent of existing languages ​​are well documented, and 95 percent are not.

And the overall picture with languages ​​is very, very gloomy. Almost a third of the world's languages ​​have no more than a thousand speakers. Only one hundred people speak Tirah in Afghanistan. There are no more than fifty people who know the Lomavren language in Armenia.

Scientists very often encounter the fact that local knowledge of medicinal plants and ecology was described in little-known languages. With their passing, these languages ​​take with them many scientific secrets and discoveries.

The reasons why languages ​​are being forced out of everyday life have many components. According to Dr. Gregory Anderson, the very phenomenon of language death is rooted in one specific problem.

“Economic activity,” says the scientist, “is carried out in conditions of dominance of the language of the majority or one ethnic group. This group is associated with socio-economic development and wealth accumulation. This is where the conscious accession of the minority to the majority occurs. If the conscious factor does not work, then joining arises as a result of social pressure on the minority.”

In Siberia, linguistic policy led, according to Gregory Anderson, to catastrophic consequences.

In Central Asia, when former Soviet republics such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan gained independence, they strengthened the status of their official languages.

But small languages ​​in this region, including the group of Pamir languages, have very weak support even at the secondary school level compared to at least the program that existed in the USSR.

The 21st century is likely to be a time of fundamental change for Russians. It is quite difficult to make accurate forecasts for such a long period of time, however, many experts are trying to predict what events can be expected from the 21st century.

Growing risk of global warming

The American group NOAA Climate Attribution studied the causes of the heat wave that covered the entire European part of Russia in 2010. In their research, the Americans also “looked into the future.” The climate models used have shown that if the concentration of greenhouse gases steadily increases, then by the end of the 21st century the risk of extreme heat in the Russian Federation will increase tenfold.

With a further increase in the average annual temperature in Russia, the tundra may completely disappear. Russians will be more likely to suffer from malaria, intestinal infections, asthma and respiratory diseases, which will lead to certain changes in the healthcare system.

Due to the melting of permafrost, large areas may simply become uninhabitable. But this process also has favorable sides: winters will become less severe, and the number of fertile lands will increase.

Universal translators everywhere

As a result of the race between DARDA and Google, mini-computers will be created that will “understand” human speech and “speak” various languages. There have long been projects to develop internet-connected contact lenses that would display subtitles, translating unfamiliar text from websites, movies and any virtual environment.

These technologies will significantly speed up bureaucratic procedures in business and government, make travel easier for ordinary Russians, allowing them to easily communicate in an unfamiliar country and make new friends.

Alternative energy sources

With the current consumption of fossil resources, leading countries such as the USA, Russia and China will feel the energy problem by the end of the 21st century. This crisis has long been obvious to scientists, so the emergence of developments related to the transition to alternative energy resources will not be long in coming.

According to Vagit Alekperov, head of LUKoil, Russia has powerful wind potential. With proper incentives from the government, 10% of all energy can be freely sourced from wind. New technologies for industrial enterprises will be developed at the Alternative Energy Center, which is scheduled to launch in 2017.

The implementation of these projects will significantly reduce energy prices and improve the environment. The problems of residents of remote areas and villages, whose connection to central gas networks or electric highways is currently impossible, will also be solved.

Perhaps a new round of colonization?

According to scientist Joel Cohen, by 2050 the number of people living in cities will grow to 6.3 billion. First of all, this will affect developed countries with vast territories. Since there are practically no unoccupied land areas left, there may be a need for further colonization: first towards the World Ocean, and then into space.

There are still enough territories in Russia for internal development, and due to global warming, their number may even increase (due to the areas near the White and Kara Seas, as well as part of Siberia).

Nevertheless, by 2040 the Russian government plans to deploy the first inhabited base on the Moon with the possibility of mining. The project will include three stages: from banal exploration to the construction of an astronomical observatory on the Moon and objects for monitoring the Earth. If this event is successful, new lunar projects will be implemented every 3-4 years.

Increase in crime

Due to the high rate of urbanization, the city will “inflate” like a balloon, although the Columbia Center for International Resolution is already saying that modern megacities are too “chaotic.”

Traditional mechanisms for resolving internal conflicts will lose their effectiveness. Vivid examples are many African cities, where the government either still somehow controls the situation, or has completely lost control over it.

The rise in crime will force Russia to tighten criminal legislation, increase the number of prisons and radically change the structure of law enforcement agencies. Life imprisonment will be the main punishment. If these measures are ineffective, the death penalty may be reintroduced.

Technological boom

The development of technology will affect literally all industries. The American consulting company Global Business Network has compiled a detailed report, which states that robotization will absorb most manual work by the end of the 21st century.

Total automation will greatly change the labor market in the Russian Federation. Experts predict that 60% of Russians will move into the field of information technology and services, while only 10% will remain to work in industry and agriculture.

Less global changes will affect genetic engineering, textiles and the computer industry. Russians will no longer be surprised by huge tomatoes, hybrid animal species or self-cleaning clothes. By the end of the century, mass space travel will also become a reality, since its cost will be equal to a ticket for a trip around the world. This project is already being developed with the joint participation of NASA and the European ESA.

New requirements for medicine

In 2017, Russia plans to legalize biomedical cell products. Thanks to this technology, scientists will be able to restore burnt skin, treat complex cancer diseases and insert artificial cartilage. At the end of the 21st century, doctors plan to completely abandon donor organs, replacing them with cloned analogues.

The development of nanomedicine will lead to the discovery of drugs for AIDS, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. More specialists will be needed to treat obesity and depression, since most professions of the future will be associated with intellectual work with a minimum of physical activity.

Due to environmental deterioration, many experts predict the emergence of new diseases and viruses. They will need to be dealt with quickly to eliminate the risk of a pandemic exceeding the number of victims of the Black Death or the Spanish Flu.

Our society is changing very quickly, and in most cases many people cannot keep up with the changes. Sometimes people get a little discouraged by intense and rapid transformations that change the way we think about ordinary things. Most of these new methods and technologies are supposed to make our lives easier and more efficient, but the results sometimes don't live up to expectations. We offer an overview of 25 changes that will make the 21st century more interesting in human history.

According to data obtained from the Silicon Valley of India, the number of cell phones in use has already exceeded the number of people on the planet.

This statement is not entirely correct. The fact is that DARDA and Google are competing to create ideal translator programs for mobile phones that will allow you to “understand” and “speak” Chinese and Greek without knowing the languages ​​themselves.

23. No privacy

Many women are already hiring private detectives to keep an eye on their men. Obtaining personal information about income, expenses, medical problems, and place of work is becoming increasingly easier thanks to electronic databases. With the development of social media, keeping your secrets is becoming increasingly difficult.

Engineers in China have created a special coating for titanium dioxide fabric with self-cleaning properties against stains and the ability to kill bacteria. Ten years from now, in order to wash a dress with traces of yesterday's party, it will be enough to hang it in the sun. No more washing!

21. I forgive everyone to whom I owe

It is quite possible that some countries will refuse to pay debts incurred as a result of the activities of previous governments. It seems that the banks will not wait for their compensation. Today's and previous governments have saddled future generations with huge debts that they most likely have no intention of repaying.

A British aerospace company recently unveiled to the public a model of a future aircraft that will have large displays instead of windows that transmit images, show films and provide video communications during conferences. This innovation will delight those who love to fly and will aggravate the fear of flying for others.

Already today, the United States is not a world leader in the political, technological and military spheres, and this is no secret. If we compare the geopolitical picture of the world in the 80s, 90s and 2000s, when the United States was a superstate, especially after the collapse of the USSR, we will see that other states are entering the world stage today. Although in the sphere of economy and culture, the United States is still ahead of the countries of Europe and Asia thanks to the film industry and other media.

18. The role of China

According to American economists and analysts, by the 2050s, China's population will be 3.5 times larger than that of the United States, economic indicators will be 2.5 times higher, and per capita GDP will be 70% higher. China will become the engine of economics and culture throughout the world.

17. Increased energy consumption

According to some experts, energy in the future will be 30% more expensive than today. But the worst thing is that energy consumption will have to increase to provide the latest technological advances in society. In the 2040s, tons of oil will be consumed per person per year.

Our sexual freedom will be nothing compared to the ways our descendants will enjoy in 30-40 years. Cybersex, for example, will become the most profitable business, and young people will compete not in the field of the best smartphone, but in who has the coolest “cybersex” option.

World experts say that in 2030 there will be a food crisis in the world, as the world population will reach 9 billion, and humanity will need 50% more food.

Today there are more than 7 billion people living on the planet, over the next ten years the planet's population will increase by another 1 billion, and by 2050 - to 9.6 billion. The population will grow mainly in developing countries, for example in Africa. Nigeria will become the 3rd most populated country after India and China.

13. Unemployment will become a global problem

Today, many developed countries have noticed that the number of unemployed people has been increasing in recent years, and they do not know what to do about it. Technological revolution and transformation are causing people to lose their jobs and make way for smart machines. The problem will get worse every year.

12. Instead of body armor, exoskeletons

By 2040, armed units will be created whose soldiers will look like superheroes. Modern technologies do not stop there.

Within 30 years, NASA and the European Space Agency promise to make space travel a reality for millions of people around the world, as it would cost the same as a round-the-world plane ticket today.

According to the magazine “Popular Mechanics”, when miniaturization reaches its highest development, getting “Superman” vision will be simple - insert special lenses into the eyes, with built-in sensors, sensors, antennas made of polymer materials.

According to sociologists, there is a danger that anti-racism will transform into racist fascism. Representatives of these movements will begin to impose their views, religion and culture on others through violence.

Medical and scientific communities guarantee that in 20-30 years people will remember the 80-90s and be surprised that so many once died from cancer and AIDS. Today it sounds incredible, but humanity has coped with the plague, syphilis, cholera and rabies.

7. No cash

Cash is the king of financial transactions today, but that will all change over the next 10 years. First of all, this will ensure the security of financial transactions in stores, in the activities of governments and banks. Now no one would think of organizing armed bank robberies. Today there are many electronic systems for paying for services and purchasing goods.

For many years, people have harmed the environment, and there will come a day of reckoning for all the evil that humanity has brought to the environment as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Everything will change in the near future, when the increase in global temperature on the planet will reach +2.00C in 2052 and +2.80C in 2080.

5. Donor organs will become a thing of the past.

Thanks to cloning, broad horizons are opening up for scientists who in the future will be able to grow human organs, for example, heart, liver, lungs. Now donor organs will be a thing of the past.

4. Health problems

As a result of our lifestyle, we will be less healthy than we are today. Most jobs in the future will require more mental work than physical movement. We will suffer from obesity and depression.

This sounds fantastic, but by 2080, in technologically developed countries, electronic chips will be implanted into people’s bodies, which will play the role of credit cards, passports, driver’s licenses, personal diaries, etc. This way, people will stop worrying about forgetting to take some important document or losing their credit card while traveling.

2. People will live long

Biologists claim that people born after 2014 will live up to 150 years. This is not a myth. Scientists claim that this will be possible thanks to inventions in the field of biology, namely at the cellular level.

1. The eternal struggle between good and evil

Despite the medical, scientific, technological and biological advances of the future, no one can guarantee that the world will become less cruel, racist, debauched, or that it will become a paradise. Neither moral principles, nor ethics or charity can do anything about social development. And who knows what awaits humanity in the future. Scientists suggest

Remember what happened thirty years ago? Everything seemed to be the same: people lived with families, went to work, traveled, studied... But it was still completely different. Life was much slower, and my interests and dreams were somehow simpler. What about sixty years ago? Oh, it wasn’t like that at all, you say. What about a hundred years ago?

Every year, technology develops faster and faster, and people get used to it in a matter of days. We can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet, mobile phones, tomographs, high-speed trains, and live broadcasts. And all this and much more appeared in just thirty years.

Let's discuss the changes that may occur at 21 century and will change our perception of reality.

1. Information oversaturation. Every year, computers have more and more memory, and processor speeds are growing rapidly. Already today, you can find information about the majority of the Earth’s inhabitants online: social networks, smartphones, video cameras, and bank transactions leave marks on people’s activities. And with the advent of “smart watches”, “smart glasses”, “smart clothes” and other gadgets, information about users is becoming more and more.

In the near future, scientists predict either the collapse of the Internet or the transition to quantum computers, which have phenomenal speed and will be able to absorb existing volumes of information.

2. Growing chimeras and gene therapy. Research is already being conducted in the field of “repair” of aging cells. Scientists also grow organs with the human gene in animals (mainly pigs). There are currently restrictions on the creation of such bodies. But what if they are removed?

People will have an endless supply of cheap organs for transplantation, which will reduce mortality. In the future, it will be possible to monitor potential diseases in infants and transplant organs into them from birth. This will lead to the emergence of a generation whose representatives will live more than a hundred years.

3. 3D printers. This technology appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity and widespread use. Just a couple of years ago, Internet users were shocked by a working Kalashnikov assault rifle, printed on 3 d -printer, and today houses are already being built in China using this technology.

Not long ago, scientists were able to print on biological 3 d human skin printer. In the future it will be possible to print any organs. This could lead to people having access to endless transplants and body modifications and being able to live much longer.

4. Robots. Very soon, robots will appear everywhere and replace people in many professions. However, the creation of artificial intelligence has faced insurmountable difficulties. Therefore, most likely, robots will be used to automate actions and processes, as well as to merge with humans (artificial body parts to improve physical performance).

5. Transition of Internet reality into live reality. The development of computer technology leads to a reduction in the size of components and an increase in their power. It has already become possible to insert processors into all surrounding objects, which makes them “smart”.

Today, augmented reality glasses are being created, where a watch, phone, navigator, and messages are displayed on the lens. In the near future, wearing such glasses will make it possible to correspond, see information about people around you, and change the colors of objects and their shape.

6. Controlling the power of thought. Yes, yes, even today tomographs monitor brain activity and understand the direction of a person’s thoughts. In the future, it will be possible to create objects that can be controlled using thoughts: a person will be able to remotely give commands to make coffee, move furniture, turn on the TV, etc.

7. Space travel. Much to the regret of science fiction writers and dreamers, humanity still has not conquered the stars. It turned out that space flights are very expensive, and their practical use does not pay off. Today, the destiny of astronautics is commercial launches and conducting experiments on the ISS. But by 2030, NATO and Roscosmos promise to launch a man to Mars.

Who knows, maybe at the end of the century families will be choosing between a weekend in Hawaii or on the moon, and ships will defy Earth's gravity using a space elevator (a giant elevator that will deliver cargo directly into geostationary orbit).

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