What do you need to insure your car online at Nadezhda? Step-by-step instruction. What it is

One of the most popular services for car insurance is a policy called CASCO. But its cost is quite high, especially for expensive cars. For those who want to save money, there is a special offer called mini-CASCO.

What it is

An insurance offer called mini-CASCO is a service that allows you to insure your car against various types of damage or other damage. The difference between this policy and a regular CASCO policy is its limited validity.

Many insurance companies sell the following types of mini-CASCO:

  • providing compensation only in case of theft or complete loss of the car;
  • in case of damage to the body or other parts;
  • in the event of an accident due to the fault of the car owner;
  • other cases.

In addition to the above, there are also a very large number of other offers with alternative conditions. Insurance company "ASK" offers its clients mini-CASCO, which protects against accidents with damage up to 120 thousand rubles.

The disadvantage of this proposal is that it takes into account the depreciation of the vehicle. Theft and theft are not included in the insurance.

IC "Kit-Finance", on the contrary, allows you to insure a car against theft, but does not compensate for damage resulting from an accident. The insurance service under consideration has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

A very recently introduced insurance service called mini-CASCO has both its pros and cons. They are a consequence of many different features of this insurance product.

The positive aspects of the service in question include the following points:

  • low cost;
  • ease of acquisition;
  • the ability to select any specific options.

The cost of mini-CASCO in most insurance companies is hardly higher than the price of a regular OSAGO policy. This is a consequence of limited action.

Since in most cases this type of insurance service involves compensation for damage in the event of theft or damage, which can significantly reduce the likelihood, as well as the number and amount of payments under the implemented mini-CASCO policy.

Purchasing a policy of this type is very simple. Many insurance companies sell it in a regular package.

To activate it, just open it and activate it through a special website. Inspection of the car is required only if options such as theft or others that involve compensation of significant amounts are assumed.

The negative aspects of mini-CASCO include, first of all, the impossibility of including some insurance options:

  • natural disasters (fire, flood, lightning strikes, etc.);
  • explosion or spontaneous combustion;
  • causing harm by public or special services (ambulance, police, fire);
  • theft by attackers of any individual car parts.

This kind of incident doesn't happen very often. That is why they are not particularly necessary. But there are some insurance companies that include these risks in mini-CASCO.

Which companies can I apply for?

Today, you can take out a policy of this type in most insurance companies operating in the Russian Federation:

  • "Alliance";
  • "RESO";
  • "Rosgosstrakh";
  • "Liberty"
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • "Agreement".

In each company, the package of options included with mini CASCO is different. Often this is a significant drawback.

Since most drivers try to purchase MTPL and CASCO insurance from the same insurance company. But not all of them have the necessary insurance options.

"Rosgosstrakh" offers its clients mini-CASCO in the format of a service called "Economy". Its main advantage is that the insured driver pays only half the cost of the policy.

If it does not happen within the period specified in the contract, the second half of the cost may not be paid.

If there is a need to pay compensation, you will need to purchase the entire policy. An important feature is that all the risks inherent in a typical CASCO insurance are covered. There are no restrictions on how the car can be stored.

The following requirements are present:

  • the vehicle must not be used as a taxi;
  • Insurance of trucks, buses, and special equipment is not possible.

The Liberty company offers mini-CASCO at a relatively low price - 60-70% of the cost of a standard policy. Moreover, if an insured event occurs, there is no need to pay the remaining amount.

Compensation is provided as a result of the occurrence of:

  • man-made accident, spontaneous combustion;
  • communication breakthrough;
  • natural disaster.

The only things that are not covered are getting into an accident or objects falling onto the roof of the car.

IC "Alliance" offers its clients two programs, which are, in fact, mini-CASCO:

  • "Mini";
  • "First aid kit."

“Auto first aid kit” provides compensation only in the event of a traffic accident. It is impossible to include other risks in this CASCO policy.

There are some requirements for cars insured under this program:

Repairs and compensation payments are provided in the following cases:

  • the insured driver is not at fault;
  • if the client is at fault for the accident, then the compensation payment is made only once;
  • If the car is completely destroyed, only 75% of the cost is paid.

The “Mini” program is rather not CASCO, but an expanded version of OSAGO. The advantages are an increased payout limit ( 750 thousand rubles.), as well as a fast case review process.

The requirements for the car are standard (cost – no more than 1 million rubles., age – less than 9 years). The insured event only covers road accidents.

The RESO company offers three mini-CASCO insurance programs:

  • "Autoglass";
  • "Theft";
  • "Satellite system".

The Auto Glass program implies insurance compensation or referral for repairs in case of damage to any body in a variety of cases: as a result of an accident, damage by a stone, or an object falling from above.

The Theft program allows you to insure a car only against theft (the car is no more than 12 years old).

The Satellite System program allows you to reduce the cost of a CASCO policy by 70% based on the risk of theft (a satellite system is required).

The most advantageous mini-CASCO offers today are made by IC Ingosstrakh and Soglasie. Since the insurance conditions of these companies are quite flexible, and they themselves have a high reliability rating.

Mini CASCO from Ingosstrakh

The most important advantage of the mini-CASCO policy from the Ingosstrakh company is the possibility of using a franchise. Moreover, the car owner himself determines its size.

This customer focus allows us to attract a large number of drivers. Since the cost of a policy of the type in question can be as low as possible.

If an insured event occurs, there are two possible ways to resolve the issue:

  • monetary compensation from the company;
  • carrying out repairs at the expense of the insurance company in a car service accredited by it.

Mini-CASCO from Ingosstrakh called “Reduced Damage” has some limitations:

  • the age of the insured car should not be more than 10 years;
  • the traffic accident must not be the fault of the client;
  • payment is made only if the amount of damage is higher than the value of the car.

Insurance from Soglasie

The Soglasie insurance company offers its clients a mini-CASCO program called “50×50”. It allows you to insure any individual part or vehicle mechanism.

Also, if desired, you can add or remove certain options from the insurance contract:

  • calling the emergency commissioner;
  • evacuation.

The cost of this insurance service is 50% of regular CASCO insurance. What is especially important for those drivers whose cars cost more than 1 million rubles.

How is the cost of the policy calculated?

The cost of a mini-CASCO policy is calculated in each company using its own formula. That is why the price of insurance of this type for the same car can vary significantly.

But the following coefficients are most often used for calculations:

The indicators mean the following:

At their discretion, companies may or may not use any coefficients in the calculation.

The cost of a mini CASCO policy for a 2008 Daewoo Nexia (109 hp):

Mini CASCO allows you to save a significant amount of money. At the same time, the car remains as protected as possible. That is why this service, offered by many companies, is very popular.

Video: CASCO. How to apply for a policy

Your feedback

On the same topic

Discussion: 2 comments left.

    When purchasing an MTPL policy, employees of the Rosgosstrakh company offered to purchase CASCO 50×50 as part of the load. The cost of this service is 50% less than the cost of standard CASCO insurance. The price of my car is more than 1 million rubles, so the offer seemed extremely profitable. A month before the end of the insurance period, an accident occurred with my participation. As a result, the bumper and left fender were damaged. Having collected all the necessary documents, I contacted the insurance company. During the examination, an amount of 95,700 rubles was calculated. There were two options to choose from: monetary compensation or repairs from an official dealer. I chose the second one. I'm currently waiting for the car to be repaired. Overall, I am satisfied with the cooperation. The company works quite quickly, there are no delays of any kind.

    Due to the need for additional insurance services, it was necessary to purchase a mini-CASCO policy (No. 42373601) from the INTACH Insurance company. Literally two months later, a traffic accident occurred that was covered by the insurance contract. As a result of the accident, the car received the following damage: the paintwork was torn off from the door and bumper, the hood was dented, and the windshield and side glass were broken. The traffic police were immediately called. All the necessary papers were drawn up and certificates were received. After submitting a package of documents to the Investigative Committee and examining the car by experts, company employees refused payment. The refusal was motivated by the fact that before the accident there were already defects on the body. I do not agree with this decision, since the company’s actions are illegal, and I will go to court. I am completely dissatisfied with the services of INTACH Insurance.

OSAGO is truly Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance.
In simple terms, when buying a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, You are not insuring your car, but your own money. In an accident, you are the culprit - your insurance company pays money to the victim for you. You are not the culprit in an accident - if there is damage, you contact your insurance company and receive compensation. In this case, your insurance company will take upon itself the settlement of the issue with the culprit.

Therefore it is important!!! Do not make a mistake with the policy and, accordingly, with the company where you purchase compulsory motor insurance.

How to avoid buying “counterfeit” OSAGO

– voluntary insurance of vehicles against any troubles (theft, fire, falling trees, hail, illegal actions of third parties, etc.) that may occur on the road and while parked, 24 hours a day. At the same time absolutely DOESN'T MATTER whether you are guilty or not.

CASCO insurance is purchased by those who do not want to have the extra hassle of restoring their car.

Wide selection of comprehensive insurance programs:

The client himself chooses the CASCO insurance he needs

1. "CASCO" only for the bank.

When buying a vehicle on credit, today a mandatory condition for issuing a car loan in most Russian banks is the availability of a CASCO policy. Since the car is the bank’s collateral, it has the right to require the borrower to take out a CASCO policy as long as the car is pledged. However, as a rule, the bank needs protection of the collateral only from major risks - Theft and Total, when the car cannot be restored.

We offer to protect your car only for these two risks and significantly save on the cost of the policy and satisfy the bank's requirements.

2. Protection only from “Theft”

As a rule, most vehicles today are parked at night at the entrances of houses or in open, seemingly guarded parking lots. In case of car theft, the parking lot security guard will not compensate you for the cost of your car, but the insurance company will.

Insure your car against Night Theft and enjoy sweet dreams.

3. “Boxed CASCO”

  • You can choose the set of risks you need and, accordingly, the cost of insurance.
    You decide for yourself which CASCO insurance with which set of risks and duration of validity you need:
  • Theft, Fire, Falling trees, Hail, Animal action, Total, accident if there is a guilty party, One or more accidents due to your fault, CASCO until the first insured event, CASCO with a limit on the amount of compensation for Damage.

4. Full CASCO

Protection against all risks plus “pleasant” bonuses in the form of “Accident Commissioner, collection of certificates, technical assistance on the road, etc.

How to save on CASCO from Tandem

Application of various forms of franchise

Installment payment

Discounts that insurance companies will not give you

After-sales service agreement:

  • If controversial or even difficult situations arise with the insurance company, this often occurs when compensating for damage, you will receive professional and qualified support and assistance in solving your problem.

  • We are not afraid of the amount of underpayments or refusals; if problems arise, lawyers, in accordance with all clauses of the contract, will help resolve the situation positively for you, often without leading to litigation.
  • In case of emergency situations on the roads, the Commissioner and Tow Truck Services will always come to your aid.

Do you think you are Russian? Were you born in the USSR and think that you are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian? No. This is wrong.

Are you actually Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian? But do you think that you are a Jew?

Game? Wrong word. The correct word is “imprinting”.

The newborn associates himself with those facial features that he observes immediately after birth. This natural mechanism is characteristic of most living creatures with vision.

Newborns in the USSR saw their mother for a minimum of feeding time during the first few days, and most of the time they saw the faces of the maternity hospital staff. By a strange coincidence, they were (and still are) mostly Jewish. The technique is wild in its essence and effectiveness.

Throughout your childhood, you wondered why you lived surrounded by strangers. The rare Jews on your way could do whatever they wanted with you, because you were drawn to them, and pushed others away. Yes, even now they can.

You cannot fix this - imprinting is one-time and for life. It’s difficult to understand; the instinct took shape when you were still very far from being able to formulate it. From that moment, no words or details were preserved. Only facial features remained in the depths of memory. Those traits that you consider to be your own.


System and observer

Let's define a system as an object whose existence is beyond doubt.

An observer of a system is an object that is not part of the system it observes, that is, it determines its existence through factors independent of the system.

The observer, from the point of view of the system, is a source of chaos - both control actions and the consequences of observational measurements that do not have a cause-and-effect relationship with the system.

An internal observer is an object potentially accessible to the system in relation to which inversion of observation and control channels is possible.

An external observer is an object, even potentially unattainable for the system, located beyond the system’s event horizon (spatial and temporal).

Hypothesis No. 1. All-seeing eye

Let's assume that our universe is a system and it has an external observer. Then observational measurements can occur, for example, with the help of “gravitational radiation” penetrating the universe from all sides from the outside. The cross section of the capture of “gravitational radiation” is proportional to the mass of the object, and the projection of the “shadow” from this capture onto another object is perceived as an attractive force. It will be proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them, which determines the density of the “shadow”.

The capture of “gravitational radiation” by an object increases its chaos and is perceived by us as the passage of time. An object opaque to “gravitational radiation”, the capture cross section of which is larger than its geometric size, looks like a black hole inside the universe.

Hypothesis No. 2. Inner Observer

It is possible that our universe is observing itself. For example, using pairs of quantum entangled particles separated in space as standards. Then the space between them is saturated with the probability of the existence of the process that generated these particles, reaching its maximum density at the intersection of the trajectories of these particles. The existence of these particles also means that there is no capture cross section on the trajectories of objects that is large enough to absorb these particles. The remaining assumptions remain the same as for the first hypothesis, except:

Time flow

An outside observation of an object approaching the event horizon of a black hole, if the determining factor of time in the universe is an “external observer,” will slow down exactly twice - the shadow of the black hole will block exactly half of the possible trajectories of “gravitational radiation.” If the determining factor is the “internal observer,” then the shadow will block the entire trajectory of interaction and the flow of time for an object falling into a black hole will completely stop for a view from the outside.

It is also possible that these hypotheses can be combined in one proportion or another.

The company's head office is located in Krasnoyarsk, but its insurance activities extend to other cities in Russia. “Nadezhda” provides motorists with the opportunity not only to obtain car insurance, but also the best option for vehicle protection – a CASCO policy.


Compulsory vehicle insurance is the main opportunity for a car owner to protect himself during proceedings in a traffic accident. OSAGO in Russia is mandatory and controlled by Law No. 40 “On OSAGO”.

At the expense of compulsory motor liability insurance issued by IC Nadezhda, you can compensate for damage caused by:

  • someone else's vehicle;
  • private property (house, store), road sign, fences;
  • health of other road users.

It is the insurer who undertakes to bear the payments under the contract. If you refuse to purchase an MTPL policy, the driver risks losing a large amount of money if he has to compensate for the losses of another car owner in an accidental accident.


This type of car insurance is more extensive than compulsory motor liability insurance and covers expenses not only in case of an accident, but also in the event of theft and many other situations.

Comprehensive car insurance at IC Nadezhda is represented by such main types as AUTO-Global, CASCO-Mayak, CASCO-Tandem.


Provides the highest possible protection for car insurance. The main insurance risks are:

  1. traffic accidents;
  2. fire;
  3. natural phenomena;
  4. illegal actions of third parties;
  5. temporary loss of ability to work, disability or death due to an accident.


Insurance payments are made for the same risks as with the AUTO-Global policy.

IMPORTANT. For the first insured event in case of an accident, payment will be received only if the amount of damage exceeds the cost of half the insurance. In subsequent incidents, losses will be paid in full.

In 2017, Nadezhda Insurance Company presented this type of CASCO insurance as an anti-crisis choice and provided it with a discount of up to 70%. Her the size directly depends on the make of the car and the size of the franchise.


In the event of an accident, it protects against the driver at fault for the accident, who does not even have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. This is done for a period of one year.

Insures against the following risks:

  1. Road accidents with identified participants;
  2. temporary disability, disability or death due to a traffic accident.

Payments are made only up to 150 thousand rubles if the car is damaged as a result of an accident.

Insurance conditions

IC Nadezhda, like any other company, has its own rules and conditions for car insurance.

The following conditions are provided for compulsory motor liability insurance:

  • the minimum insurance period is fifteen days, the maximum is twelve months;
  • there is the possibility of early termination of the contract by the policyholder, while the insurer returns the money for the unused period, withholding 23% of this amount;
  • the insurer has the right to terminate the contract if inaccurately submitted data is discovered, and funds are not refundable;
  • cash payments for car repairs or treatment of an injured citizen by transferring money to the account of a specific institution;
  • parameter coefficients directly affect the price of the insurance policy;
  • the policy can be obtained by individuals, legal entities, as well as private entrepreneurs;
  • the policy is purchased via the Internet or at the agency office;
  • in case of a dispute, the policyholder must write a written claim to the company.

The following conditions are established for CASCO:

REFERENCE. The insurance contract may establish other conditions, including the number of possible claims for payments, without providing papers from the competent authorities confirming a specific incident.

What do you need for registration?

For MTPL and CASCO policies, the list of documents is slightly different.

When applying for compulsory motor liability insurance you will need:

  1. application for concluding a contract;
  2. identification document;
  3. paper confirming the registration of the car;
  4. driver's license of the person authorized to drive this vehicle, or a copy thereof;
  5. diagnostic card, unless it is not required.

When applying for CASCO you will need:

  1. identification card of the owner of the car;
  2. vehicle passport;
  3. vehicle registration certificate;
  4. driver's licenses of all citizens authorized to drive this vehicle;
  5. lease agreement or power of attorney, if necessary;
  6. purchase and sale agreement for warranty vehicles;
  7. loan agreement required for collateral vehicles;
  8. leasing agreement for leasing vehicles;
  9. cash receipt for DiVO insurance.

To apply for CASCO insurance, more additional paperwork is required, but the degree of protection is much higher.

We receive a policy via the Internet

Then follows:

  1. On the Nadezhda website, select the car insurance section and click on the line “MTPL”.
  2. Select the “Calculation and purchase online” section.
  3. In the window that appears, log in by filling out the form provided.
  4. Select the MTPL policy and calculate it.
  5. Add it to your cart and click “Place an order”.
  6. On the automatically opened website of the partner bank, pay for the order.
  7. Next, an electronic pdf version of the OSAGO will be sent to the customer’s email address specified in the application form.
  8. The received document can be printed on a color printer or contacted at the Nadezhda Insurance Company branch to have a blue stamp affixed.

You can pay with Visa and MasterCard without commission.

To purchase CASCO online you need:

IMPORTANT. If the policyholder notices an error in the completed data, you should contact the operator on duty by calling the hotline.

Why is this necessary?

For an MTPL policy, these five reasons are:

  1. Inability to register a vehicle without a policy and legally operate it.
  2. When checking documents, traffic police officers will issue a fine for the absence of a mandatory insurance policy.
  3. Poor quality of roads, leading to 16.1% of road accidents of the total number.
  4. The long winter period contributes to an increase in accidents due to ice.
  5. If you do not have a policy, you will have to pay for damage caused in an accident yourself.

Five reasons to apply for CASCO insurance:

  1. Protection against cars operated without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. According to statistics, every eighth car drives without a compulsory insurance policy.
  2. Cases of vandalism against cars have become more frequent.
  3. The number of vehicle thefts has increased due to the crisis in the country.
  4. Car repairs have risen in price by 30-70% in recent years.
  5. Storing a vehicle in a paid parking lot does not protect it from accidents and theft while driving around the city or outside it.

The optimal solution for any driver would be to purchase a CASCO policy, which protects him from the maximum number of possible disasters that occur on the roads. For those who cannot afford to purchase CASCO insurance, you should not neglect the registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, if only because it is mandatory and its absence is punishable by a fine.

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