What you need to become a chief physician. Job Description of the Chief Physician

Moscow authorities will look for young and ambitious doctors to train them as heads of medical institutions

The city authorities will hold an open competition and, based on its results, will form a personnel reserve of heads of medical institutions and heads of departments for the capital's clinics and hospitals. This decision was made at the next meeting of the Moscow Government.

Three hundred "Spartans"

Today we are taking the initiative to carry out a large-scale, very important for the industry, new personnel project, which is called “Leader. Med”. Taking into account the possibility of this project, we will be able to find promising, talented employees online who, in the near future, will be able to lead and join the ranks of the best managers of our medical organizations,” said Alexey Khripun, head of the Moscow Department of Health.

All Moscow doctors, nurses and managers will be invited to participate in the competition, who, as stated in the resolution, - “share the goals of modernizing the capital’s healthcare and feel the strength and ability to fill leadership positions” and have additional competencies, including education in the field of law and economics. As the head of the health department noted, the authorities intend to attract about 5 thousand people to participate in the competition, which will be held in three stages. At the first stage, applicants will be asked to take a survey and complete a number of tasks online. Then 1,000 best will be selected from the participants, whose work and abilities will be assessed by a commission. It will be created on the basis of the Moscow Government University of Management.

Thus, we expect to form approximately 300 young, ambitious managers who will form a team of like-minded people capable of solving very serious problems,” Alexey Khripun explained the essence of the competition.

Make way for the young and literate

Alexey Khripun noted that the personnel composition of the heads of medical organizations in the capital over the past six years has already “ rejuvenated” for seven years. The average age of the head of a Moscow clinic and hospital has decreased from 54 to 47 years. At the same time, in order for new managers to meet the high standards of Moscow healthcare, they have to constantly learn.

- More than 1 thousand Moscow doctors have already completed internships in one or another foreign clinic, and this is also a part of our training, just like the work of the simulation center at the Botkin Hospital, he explained.

Today, of the 250 chief doctors of medical organizations in the capital, about a quarter have completed training at the Moscow Government University of Management, almost the same number have completed foreign internships, and every fifth chief doctor continues this study today.

Status Exam

In recent years, the capital's government has done a lot to strengthen the human resources potential of Moscow medicine and create conditions for the constant growth of the professional level of doctors working in the city today. Exams for high status will begin in September this year. “Moscow doctor”. Doctors who work with patients suffering from chronic diseases undergo special additional training, and Moscow therapists are offered a retraining course to become a general practitioner.

/ Thursday, August 31, 2017 /

Topics: Medicine

The capital's Department of Health announced an open competition to form a reserve of management personnel.

The new personnel project, called "Leader. Med", will help find talented employees who, after completing training and improving their qualifications, will be able to become chief doctors of Moscow hospitals and clinics, as well as their deputies and heads of structural divisions.

The invitation is made

Various categories of Moscow doctors are invited to participate in the new project.

These are, of course, managers currently working in medical organizations: deputy managers, heads of branches, heads of departments, simply doctors and nurses and other specialists who, first of all, must have a higher education of an economic or legal nature,” explained the head of the Moscow Department of Health, Alexey wheezing.

Open selection

The program for selecting candidates for leadership positions within the framework of the Leader.Med project will help identify specialists with a high level of professional skills, organizational and leadership qualities. The selection of candidates will take place openly, on a competitive basis, in several stages. First - testing, online assignments, assessment of management and organizational competencies, as well as face-to-face meetings with candidates.

It is expected that about five thousand people will take part in the first stage of the competition. At the second stage, in the process of face-to-face interviews, a thousand specialists will be selected from them and then a management reserve of 300 people will be formed from them. This will be a group of young ambitious managers who will form a team of like-minded people capable of solving very serious problems.

Knowledge and experience

The development of human resources is one of the priorities for the modernization of the capital's healthcare. To implement the project, a redistribution of budget funds is provided between the structural bodies of the Moscow government: the Department of Health and the Administration of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Currently, out of 250 chief doctors, about a quarter have been trained at the Moscow Government University of Management. Almost the same number completed foreign internships. Every fifth head physician today continues his studies.
The cadre of organizational leaders has become younger over the past six years, from 54 to 47 years old.

The selection of promising leaders from various levels of the capital's healthcare will help the city make medical care even better and more accessible to Moscow residents.

It is interesting to observe how the basic dialectical laws work in practice. It is enough to be able to draw a number of necessary parallels. Well, keep something in your own memory: Google and Wikipedia are, of course, cool and large-scale, but you need to know what to ask them about.

Eighty-two and a half years ago, the phrase “Personnel decides everything” was heard before graduates of military academies. And not so much as a slogan, but in the context of a change in priorities: they say, if before technology solved everything, now it exists, so the question arose of who will manage and operate all this.

Something similar is happening now in medicine - at least in metropolitan medicine. I have already written, and more than once, about what, to put it in bureaucratic language, the material and technical base has been created here. Starting from hospital buildings to new medical equipment, cars for ambulance services and helicopters for disaster medicine. Now the second question arises: who should steer all this splendor? And most importantly - how?

I remember that during one of my and Oksana’s trips to Switzerland, we talked with the head physician of the Genolier network clinic in Zurich. By the way, he does not have a medical education - he is simply a manager with extensive experience. And he expressed himself very interestingly about himself and the team of doctors and nurses in this very clinic: they say, do you imagine an impresario of a prima ballerina? His worries, his headaches? So, I have two hundred prima ballerinas here.

I agree with him: it is quite difficult to manage a team of doctors. The fact is that each of them is an individual, which not everyone strives to dissolve in the team. And the fact that their work, if we are talking about really good doctors, is not so much a craft as an art. And the guild is on the verge of caste. And almost universal Jacobinism and rejection of anyone’s authority. At the same time, the hospital or clinic must remain open. In quite conflicting conditions. And the head physician, like that same UN peacekeeper: receives his blue helmet from the team, from the patients, and from his superiors. Well, unless the salary somehow compensates for these difficult working conditions.

I think that it was quite the right step on Sobyanin’s part to create a personnel reserve of medical managers in the past year. A kind of job fair. Sooner or later, this decision had to be reached: protectionism and cronyism are not particularly beneficial to the cause. Therefore, in August 2017, the Leader.Med program was launched. Its main goal is to select talented employees who will later be able to occupy positions of managers of medical institutions.

The people - and this is a total of 6033 people - wrote tests, essays on the topic “Why do I feel a pathological inclination towards leadership activities”, made videos about themselves, participated in brainstorming sessions on management topics, were selected and eliminated according to a large list of parameters - and In the end, 300 people were selected for the personnel reserve of the Department of Health. No, they won’t be made chief doctors and heads of departments right away. But they will keep it in mind for the not so distant future. Again, now there is an incentive for the current chief doctors: they say, if something happens...

The personnel reserve for the capital's healthcare was created in 5 areas. Thus, in the category “Chief Physician/Director of a Medical Organization,” the list of reservists included 98 people, in the category “Deputy Chief Physician/Director of a Medical Organization” – 116 people, in the category “Chief Nurse” – 14 people, in the category “Head of Department” / structural unit" - 51 people, in the category "Head of department / deputy head / head of organization (with non-medical education)" - 21 people.

Time will tell how viable and successful such a personnel reserve will be. But, in my opinion, the very fact of its creation is not bad news. Fewer random people in key positions, less personal in the process of appointment to a leadership position - you see, some things will begin to change for the better.


Medical education is always prestigious, but getting into medical universities is not at all easy. Competitions are growing and number 4-5 people per place in all major cities of the country.
There are about 40 medical universities in Russia. And all because to obtain a medical specialty you need a clinical and research base. But you can’t create them in a short time.
The most famous medical universities are the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy (MMA), the Russian State Medical University (RGMU) and the Moscow State Dental Institute (MGSTI).

You can also obtain a medical specialty by graduating from the medical faculties of Moscow State University and RUDN University. Education here is more academic.
MMA has the best research base. The university has a clinical campus. Some of his clinics are over 100 years old. Other universities organize the educational process on the basis of city medical institutions.

The curriculum of medical universities involves studying more than 40 subjects.
The first and second year programs include the study of humanities, Latin, as well as fundamental training in biology, anatomy, physiology, histology, chemistry, etc.
In the third year, an introduction to clinical disciplines begins. It is during this time that students are given the opportunity to work with sick people.
IV course is clinical training. Students learn the basics of clinical knowledge and become familiar with the typical manifestations of diseases.
In the fifth year, the study of basic clinical disciplines continues - diseases of the nervous system, dermatovenereology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, pediatrics, etc.

And finally, in the sixth year, hospital clinical disciplines are studied. Here the main focus is on the patient. It's no secret that the same disease manifests itself differently in different people. For example, one person, having an upper limit of blood pressure of 140, works normally, while another feels unwell.

During their studies, students master in practice all areas of the work of medical staff, from orderly to medical assistant. Physician assistants make diagnoses and suggest treatment plans, but the specialist has the final say. After the fifth year, young people can be sent to military training, and during epidemics they can be assigned to participate in treatment and preventive measures.

The thesis of a future doctor is unusual. The graduate manages patients and compiles patient histories. That is, students actually deal with practice, unlike most other students.

Future Russian doctors study for 6 years. And in order to get the right to practice, you must have a certificate, and for this you need to study for another 1-2 years, completing an internship or residency.

It is interesting to observe how the basic dialectical laws work in practice. It is enough to be able to draw a number of necessary parallels. Well, keep something in your own memory: Google and Wikipedia are, of course, cool and large-scale, but you need to know what to ask them about.

Eighty-two and a half years ago, the phrase “Personnel decides everything” was heard before graduates of military academies. And not so much as a slogan, but in the context of a change in priorities: they say, if before technology solved everything, now it exists, so the question arose of who will manage and operate all this.

Something similar is happening now in medicine - at least in metropolitan medicine. I have already written, and more than once, about what, to put it in bureaucratic language, the material and technical base has been created here. Starting from hospital buildings to new medical equipment, cars for ambulance services and helicopters for disaster medicine. Now the second question arises: who should steer all this splendor? And most importantly - how?

I remember that during one of my and Oksana’s trips to Switzerland, we talked with the head physician of the Genolier network clinic in Zurich. By the way, he does not have a medical education - he is simply a manager with extensive experience. And he expressed himself very interestingly about himself and the team of doctors and nurses in this very clinic: they say, do you imagine an impresario of a prima ballerina? His worries, his headaches? So, I have two hundred prima ballerinas here.

I agree with him: it is quite difficult to manage a team of doctors. The fact is that each of them is an individual, which not everyone strives to dissolve in the team. And the fact that their work, if we are talking about really good doctors, is not so much a craft as an art. And the guild is on the verge of caste. And almost universal Jacobinism and rejection of anyone’s authority. At the same time, the hospital or clinic must remain open. In quite conflicting conditions. And the head physician, like that same UN peacekeeper: receives his blue helmet from the team, from the patients, and from his superiors. Well, unless the salary somehow compensates for these difficult working conditions.

I think that it was quite the right step on Sobyanin’s part to create a personnel reserve of medical managers in the past year. A kind of job fair. Sooner or later, this decision had to be reached: protectionism and cronyism are not particularly beneficial to the cause. Therefore, in August 2017, the Leader.Med program was launched. Its main goal is to select talented employees who will later be able to occupy positions of managers of medical institutions.

The people - and this is a total of 6033 people - wrote tests, essays on the topic “Why do I feel a pathological inclination towards leadership activities”, made videos about themselves, participated in brainstorming sessions on management topics, were selected and eliminated according to a large list of parameters - and In the end, 300 people were selected for the personnel reserve of the Department of Health. No, they won’t be made chief doctors and heads of departments right away. But they will keep it in mind for the not so distant future. Again, now there is an incentive for the current chief doctors: they say, if something happens...

The personnel reserve for the capital's healthcare was created in 5 areas. Thus, in the category “Chief Physician/Director of a Medical Organization,” the list of reservists included 98 people, in the category “Deputy Chief Physician/Director of a Medical Organization” - 116 people, in the category “Chief Nurse” - 14 people, in the category “Head of the Department” / structural unit" - 51 people, in the category "Head of department / deputy head / head of organization (with non-medical education)" - 21 people.

Time will tell how viable and successful such a personnel reserve will be. But, in my opinion, the very fact of its creation is not bad news. Fewer random people in key positions, less personal in the process of appointment to a leadership position - you see, some things will begin to change for the better.

Serov's paramedic bought a diploma with patients' money, fled to Kurgan and became the head physician there
He faces up to six years in prison
Using a fake diploma, Vladislav Fedin got a job at a regional hospital and treated patients
In the Kurgan region, former paramedic of the Serov district hospital Vladislav Fedin will be tried. A year ago, the prosecutor’s office learned that he got a job as a head physician at a regional hospital in the Kurgan region using a fake diploma, the portal 45.ru wrote about this. His former village patients from the Sverdlovsk region told E1.RU how they gave him loans at interest and were sure that they were helping him in personal trouble.

How I praised him: he was good, and smart, and attentive, a wonderful person,” pensioner Galina Kazantseva recalls with a kind word her former village paramedic. - I say, you should be a doctor. So she praised him, jinxed him, and he became a doctor.

Vladislav Fedin worked in the village of Morozkovo. People went to him with the first complaints, in mild cases he acted as a therapist, and could provide first aid: pressure, injections. In case of serious complaints, he wrote out a referral to Serov. As a specialist, he seemed to suit everyone. And then he suddenly started borrowing money from village patients. Pensioners, accustomed to trusting the doctor, willingly lent money. Moreover, the doctor promised to pay interest. The sums for pensioners were considerable. So Galina Kazantseva borrowed 20 thousand for the paramedic. And her neighbor Alla ten thousand, he borrowed another 20 from another. Some grandmothers turned out to be literate - they gave money against a receipt.

Two years ago, Vladislav Evgenievich went on vacation and suddenly disappeared, recalls Galina Konstantinovna. - I called him, he first told me: “I’m at the resort for now,” then he told me that he couldn’t go to work, his wife was sick, he supposedly took her to the doctors. And then I couldn’t reach him anymore. Even then there was talk that his wife was not sick, she just needed to repay the debt, he helped his daughter buy an apartment, she lives in the city. Our paramedic never showed up at work. A man with an ax came to him from the neighboring village of Sotrina and looked for him. He owed him too.

Fedin never came to get his work book. He was fired for absenteeism. Some of the patients sued, presenting all promissory notes. After the court's decision, bailiffs began looking for him.

But the escaped paramedic was found a year later by former colleagues from the Serov hospital by accident on the Internet: on the website of the regional hospital in the village of Polovinskoye, Kurgan region, they came across a photograph of their fired paramedic sitting surrounded by subordinates as the chief physician. It turns out that within a year the paramedic climbed the career ladder fantastically and became the head physician of a district hospital in the Kurgan region.

Moreover, just a year ago he only had a document on secondary education, with which he was not entitled to be appointed chief physician. And Vladislav Evgenievich could not finish medical school in a year. Serov doctors called Kurgan. They began to investigate, and the prosecutor's office intervened.

It turned out that the diploma, as well as the entry in the new work book, were fake. According to his diploma and employment history, Fedin graduated from the Ivanovo Medical Institute and worked as a therapist. At first he was hired as a therapist, and then he became the head physician. A criminal case was opened regarding forgery of a diploma. Fedin was recently charged.

The charge was brought under part three of Article 327 - using a forged document, under part three of Article 159 for fraud using official position. This concerns two cases of treating “dead souls” - that is, fictitious provision of assistance to patients who did not exist, and he received money from insurance companies, - Maria Melnikova, senior assistant prosecutor for interaction with the media, told E1.RU. - In the near future, after the indictment is approved, the case will be sent to court.

Under the first article, the most serious punishment is two years in prison. But most often the maximum is milder: a fine, restriction of freedom, forced labor. But fraud using official position is punishable by up to six years in prison. Now the former paramedic is under recognizance not to leave the place. He never returned the money to the village patients, and the bailiffs have not yet collected his debts.

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