Which means strong in spirit. A man must be strong

Morally strong People They are distinguished by the fact that they know themselves very well. So much so that they do not allow others to change themselves.

In addition, they are the ones who behave rationally and intelligently in the most difficult situations.

Not everyone in our world is ready to take full responsibility for their life. But morally strong people can resist the many incentives that push them to take a step down the wrong path.

Morally strong people: what is their difference?

Perhaps you can already describe yourself this way, or perhaps you just want to become such a person. Today we will help you dispel these doubts and call 7 main qualities of morally strong people.

It doesn’t matter at all what stage of life you are at and what life experience you have.

What really matters is desire to be "the best" and not allow various circumstances and your environment to have a negative impact on yourself.

1. They know how to say “no”

The word "no" has many negative connotations, which is why many of us find it very difficult to refuse someone's request. But the problem is that most of the time, this kind of nobility backfires on us and makes us feel bad for having to act without sincere intention.

Therefore, it is very important to learn to say “no,” no matter how difficult it may seem. After all refusing to do something doesn't make us bad people, each of us has the right not to do what we don’t want.

2. Failure is the path to success

Morally strong people know that In order to learn to walk, you must first learn to fall. And also stumble, crawl, and only then, through incredible efforts, blood and sweat, get up and finally walk!

Therefore, they do not deny their mistakes and failures, they admit them because they know that this will lead them to success.

After all, as they say, you never learn, and strong-willed people do just that. They understand that If they didn’t have these mistakes, they would never know where to “fall” and where you need to improve.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that every failure is a new opportunity.

3. Their happiness depends on themselves

Too many people leave theirs in the wrong hands. When we have a partner, we automatically feel that the other person will make us happy.

But as a result, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to experience happiness alone and transfer this great responsibility to other people.

Strong-willed people know that they should be happy on their own and that their happiness cannot depend on anyone else. Because it never ends well.

4. Don't be afraid of feelings of fear

We human beings are often afraid of things. We are afraid of failures, we are afraid that we will be refused, abandoned, not accepted, rejected, we are afraid that we will be ashamed, etc. Such fears are characteristic of us, and fears will always take place in our lives, because we do not have the courage to resist them.

But if you are a mentally strong person, you know that the only way to conquer your fear is to face it and overcome it. It is useless to ignore him and hide from him. He still won't leave you.

5. They are the epitome of emotional intelligence.

There are not many people who know how to properly direct their emotions. But, as a rule, we cannot define our emotions, and therefore express them.

This does not happen to morally strong people. After all, they know themselves so well that they know how to understand their feelings and know how to express them correctly or, conversely, hide them.

This makes them very sensitive people (capable of empathy), with great potential for observing and understanding the feelings and emotions of other people.

6. Neutralize “toxic” people

Everyone has toxic people around them; they express themselves at the expense of others and feed on the energy of the weakest. But if you are a morally strong person, you know how to neutralize them.

After all, sometimes it is not possible for us to avoid communicating with such “” people, but at the same time we can always protect ourselves from their negative influence. To do this, you need to know yourself well, believe in yourself, be able to say “no” and face your fears: and then you will be a very difficult target for “toxic” people.

7. Change is good

We all quickly get used to something, we have an unreasonable fear of everything new, of change. We want to stay in our “comfort zone”. On the one hand, this is convenient; we do not move forward or backward. On the other hand, such “stability” is tantamount, if not degradation, then to a stop in development and personal growth.

Morally strong people know that change is always for the better. And no matter how afraid we are of everything new, the most difficult thing is to take the first step. Then everything will go by itself.

Well, are you really a morally strong person? Do you want to become one? Then the above qualities can push you to think about this topic, and today you can start changing your life.

If your mind is strong, you will be strong and everything will be much better as a result.

And you will understand that it was not life that was unfair to you and it was not other “bad” people who were to blame for something. Change comes from within us.

Look at life from a different perspective and don't let the little things become the big things.

Everyone knows that a successful person looks good, is neatly dressed, takes care of his health and knows how to have intelligent conversations. In addition, an accomplished careerist has perseverance, strong character and reasonable optimism. It is to such people that the term is applied "a strong-willed man". But how do you manage to maintain this state?

US psychotherapist Amy Morin has identified 13 rules that such people follow. And even if the term “strong in spirit” sounds a little pretentious, nevertheless, it is precisely such people who have a great chance of a better career and happiness. This is especially true for entrepreneurs.

1. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself.

You will never see a strong-willed person regret his sad situation, blame circumstances, or worry about how poorly he was treated. Such a person knows how to take responsibility for his actions and their results, understands and accepts the fact that life is not always fair. He can come out of the test with honor, having learned a lesson and thanking life for it. When the going gets tough, a successful person responds with, “Oh, what can I do,” or simply, “Next!”

2. Don't use your power

Strong-willed people try not to use their power over other people or make their subordinates feel humiliated or bad. Successful people understand that their power lies in their ability to control their actions and emotions.

3.Don't be afraid of change

Strong-willed people embrace change and are willing to take risks. Their greatest “fear” (if there is one) is not the unknown, but the possibility of becoming complacent and stagnant. The time of change gives them energy and sharpens their best qualities.

4. Don't waste energy on things you can't control

Strong-willed people do not complain long and tediously about traffic jams, lost luggage and, especially, about other people. They accept these facts as events beyond their control. In difficult situations, successful people realize that the only thing they have control over is their own reactions and attitude towards the situation.

5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone

Do you know people who try to please everyone? Or, on the contrary, those who go out of their way to harm others and thus strengthen their image of a strong person? Both of these positions are bad. Strong-willed people try to be kind and fair and to please others only where it is appropriate. At the same time, they are not afraid to express an opinion that may upset someone.

6. Don't be afraid of reasonable risks

A strong-willed person is willing to take reasonable risks. But before that, he will carefully weigh all the risks, the magnitude of the gain and calculate the worst-case scenario even before (and if) events begin to unfold.

7. Don't regret the past

It takes special strength to accept the past and move on. Appreciate the things you have learned in the past, but don't waste your mental and spiritual energy on past disappointments and nostalgia. Mentally strong people invest their energy in creating the best possible present.

8. Don't repeat your mistakes

We all know the definition of insanity, right? This is when a person performs the same actions over and over again, hoping to get a different or better result than before. The ability to engage in accurate and productive self-reflection is one of the greatest strengths of apparently successful CEOs and entrepreneurs.

9.Don't be jealous of other people's success

Agree, it takes a special skill to feel sincere joy and admiration for the success of another person. Strong-willed people have this skill. They do not envy or feel unpleasant emotions when others achieve success. Successful people work hard to improve their chances of success and don't rely on clever shortcuts.

10. Don't give up after failure

Every failure is a chance to improve yourself. Even great entrepreneurs readily attest to the fact that their first attempts at business often ended in failure. Strong-willed people are willing to fail if necessary and if it gives them experience and teaches them new things. Every failure brings you closer to your desired goal.

11. Don't be afraid of loneliness

Strong-willed people know how to enjoy solitude. They use it to make sense of their past and present and plan for the future. More importantly, their happiness and mood are not dependent on the behavior of other people. They can be happy both with other people and alone.

12. Don't think the world owes you anything

Stop thinking that the universe/shareholder/employer/spouse is always and at any time obliged to pay you a salary and generally provide you with a comfortable life. Strong-willed people come into this world ready to work and achieve success and rely on their own qualities and skills.

13. Don't expect quick results

Whether it's a workout plan, a healthy eating regimen, or starting a new business, strong-willed people are willing to wait a long time for results. They are intelligent enough to understand that quick results are not possible and that real change takes time. Be patient.

No matter how dangerous and difficult life's trials may be, a person with a strong spirit can cope with them. A strong spirit is tempered over the years. But the efforts spent on this are fully justified by such a valuable and rare human quality. In this article we will talk about what it means to be strong. And our conversation will not be about physical strength, but about strength of spirit and character.

What does a strong person mean?

  1. Not running from fear is the first rule of a strong person. The point is not to stop being afraid completely. This cannot be done, the feeling of fear is common to all people, because we are not robots or machines. The point is that you don’t have to be afraid to look fear in the eye. You need to honestly and directly fix your gaze on what scares you most in life. And then it is possible to overcome fear. He will disappear. And a person, having overcome it, will become even stronger in spirit, as if expanding from within.
  2. Let's look at an example. You are very afraid to part with your loved one. You have tormented yourself so much with these fears that painful scenes are constantly replaying in your head, while you get scared and cry. And this is the moment when you run from what you are very afraid of.

You need to try not to interrupt these visions with hysteria and tears. It is advisable to imagine the separation scene to the end, to the smallest nuances and details. At first, horror will come from everything that is happening, suffering will take on incredible proportions. But after this, suddenly, there will be a feeling that the horror is leaving somewhere, and with it the fear.

Since you have already lived through the separation in your head, you will stop being afraid of it in reality. And you will be prepared for any development of events, and your fortitude will be strengthened.

  1. You can't feel sorry for yourself. It’s not for nothing that we are usually told to be brave and strong. At the moment when a person is faced with a difficult situation, he begins to feel sorry for himself, thereby angering fate and those around him, blaming them for what happened. But this is just a waste of energy on a thankless task that multiplies negative energy. And you need to direct all your inner strength to solve the problem.
  2. You need to live only in the present, and in no case cling to the past. By accepting only what is now, we have the ability to live, no matter what. For example, if suddenly a person is overtaken by an intractable disease, he should not think about how good he would be without it. You need to accept adversity and learn to live and cope with it. This is where fortitude is needed, and it will be supported by the decision to live in the present. This is an interdependent circle, the center of which is a specific person and the decisions he makes.
  3. It is necessary to accumulate good life moments, positive impressions and memories. This will save you in any difficult situation, even when it begins to seem that everything is terrible and it will never get better.
  4. You need to learn to forgive. No matter what happens, no matter what pain and insult you have to endure, the offender must be forgiven. Only by forgiving can you move forward and strengthen your spirit.
  5. Every honest and courageous act increases the strength of spirit and helps to cope with future difficulties. This simple logic needs to be grasped now, thereby starting to help yourself in the future.

How to be a strong woman

A strong woman is a woman who, under any circumstances, can decide a lot in this life. You see, for any reason. It doesn’t matter whether she is alone, whether the man next to her is weak or strong, she can do anything. She will not give up when she fails, she will not panic and “hysteria” at every opportunity. At the same time, a strong woman should have enough wisdom to remain just a woman.

After all, it is difficult to be a strong woman without remaining weak. It is through weakness that a woman is strong. She is strong because she is capable of love and compassion, she knows how to give birth and raise children. Men love such a woman, and most importantly, she loves herself.

A strong woman is not a draft horse, or a tank, or a dictator, or a director, it’s just a woman!

A man must be strong

A strong man must have a strong character, otherwise he will not be able to provide well-being for his family and himself. Only a strong-willed man can make a strong-willed and responsible decision and, in any case, defend his point of view.

A strong man should always strive for something more and be able to analyze life situations. He usually has clear goals in life and achieves them. Only a loving man can be strong. He must love his parents, himself and his family.

Whether you will be strong or weak in the future depends on what you believe, what you think and how you act in the present.

Start each day with a positive statement about yourself: “I am healthy, young, full of strength, my body is a perfect creation of Nature, which contains powerful Healing Forces, day after day bringing me health, vigor, strength, confidence” .

Learn to constantly monitor your thoughts.

Many people notice that there seems to be some kind of unpleasant inner voice living in their head, which is constantly trying to inspire them with something negative: life is hard, you are not good, you are unhealthy, you don’t know how to solve your problems, you will never be able to recover.

You need to learn to notice and turn off this harmful inner voice. As soon as you notice that you are saying negative phrases to yourself, tell yourself to shut up. And then say something positive. For example, an inner voice says: "You won't get better". Silence him, command him to be silent and say to yourself: "I'm already getting better. I'm already healthy!" .

Such constant control over your consciousness ultimately leads to the fact that the whole way of thinking and feeling becomes positive, you find yourself in the happy flow of the river of life, and it carries you only to happiness and health.

How to become a strong-willed person

This is first of all a person who knows how to control his mind. AND this is a person who reacts to everything that happens to him only positively.

When I noticed that negative thoughts also result in negative states in the body, I began to study what leads to negative thoughts and how negative thoughts can be translated into positive ones. I have come to the conclusion that Negative thoughts are caused by fears, worries about the past, self-pity. And I began to think about how I could avoid such negative feelings.

From these reflections and self-experiments, the rules of a strong man were born.

Very often our fears in life turn out to be fictitious.

  • We are afraid of losing our job when there is no real danger of losing it.
  • We are afraid of getting sick when there is no reason to be afraid.
  • We are afraid of troubles, although they might not happen.

From here it was born The first rule of a strong man: don't run from fear .

The fear that you are afraid to look into the eyes can really kill you. Observe your fears. Determine what you are afraid of in life. Look your fears in the eye and understand that you don’t have to give in to them.

What does it mean to look fear openly in the eyes?

This means imagining in reality what could happen if what you fear happens in reality. We need to imagine the worst case scenario of what could happen. Imagine - and experience in your imagination as fully as possible. This will give you unpleasant moments. But at least you will get rid of fear. After all what we have already experienced ceases to frighten us.

When I was sick, I often felt sorry for myself. And each time, self-pity deprived me of strength, did not bring relief, but made me suffer even more. I realized that Self-pity is a waste of strength and energy. But I need strength and energy for something else - for recovery.

This is how it was born The second rule of a strong man: don't waste your energy on self-pity .

Self-pity and resentment towards life exhaust and devastate us, and give absolutely nothing in return. They keep us moving in a vicious circle, returning to the same bitter thoughts for years and not allowing us to break out into light, freedom, hope and optimism.

Many grievances and regrets about the past also cause us to waste energy and distance us from healing. When I learned about my illness, I began to remember the blissful days of my early childhood, when I did not yet know that I was sick, and I felt happy.

I was offended by life and fate and regretted the irretrievably gone childhood until I realized that in this way I was only worsening my condition and bringing my end closer.

I stopped regretting the past and directed all my thoughts to the future, trying to shape it the way I wanted it to be, that is, happy and healthy.

This is how it was born The third rule of a strong man: don't live in the past .

Remember: it's never too late to start over. But in order to begin to change, to start a new life, you need to let go of the past, no matter whether it was good or bad. You cannot live with the burden of past losses and failures.

You cannot live with regret about past happiness. This takes away strength and deprives hope for the future. It’s all already gone - so let it go in peace, don’t try to bring it back, you won’t succeed anyway. Live for today.

Consequences follow from these rules. Here they are.

Don't dwell on negative thoughts.

Create a piggy bank in your memorygood memories and return more often to the good things that happened in your life, but without regrets, but only with joy that it happened, and therefore will remain with you forever. Dream big. Make plans, learn to see the good in the life around you and not focus on the bad.

Learn to forgive

A person who carries a whole mountain of grievances cannot be healthy. Forgiveness is saying goodbye to the bitterness of resentment, to pain, to sad memories, to everything bad and unwanted that happened in your life. Do not hold grudges against offenders and enemies, do not hatch plans for revenge. Remember that the best revenge is neglect. Neglect grievances and offenders, do not carry them within yourself, do not think about them. You will be healthy.

Learn to be happy

Every day for 10 minutes, close your eyes, inspire yourself with positive, constructive thoughts.

Tell yourself: "Every cell of my body is healed, cleansed and reborn. The blood flows easily and freely, it is clean, fresh, healthy. My blood vessels are elastic, young, clean, healthy. The brain functions perfectly. All organs are in excellent condition and work normally, they are healthy, clean, fresh. Every day I become healthier, younger, stronger. Every day I feel better and better.".

If you believe in these words and say them sincerely (and this may not happen right away, but you will definitely succeed), then the result will not keep you waiting. No wonder the Bible says that “in the beginning was the Word.” The word is truly the beginning of all beginnings. What are our words and thoughts - such are we ourselves. There is a law of health: "I feel the way I think about myself".

Learn to do everything you do with pleasure.

When eating and eating food, think not about how healthy it is and how you need it to get enough, but only about the fact that you are doing it for your own pleasure.

When we try to enjoy food, we automatically begin to eat food correctly, that is, chew it properly, slowly, for a long time, without haste. When doing physical exercise, also think only about your own pleasure. Don’t overload yourself, don’t force yourself to train when you can’t do it.

Remember: only what is done with pleasure is useful. Everything else is harmful.

Think more often about what you can do to please yourself.

But beware of false joys. Sometimes a person thinks that by overeating, he thus pleases himself. But this is self-deception. After all, after such “joy”, it usually becomes not at all joyful and very bad for both body and soul.

Remember: true joy is that joy that, even as it passes, leaves behind a pleasant memory and a good, joyful feeling. Stick to such joys and choose for yourself only those pleasures that do not later turn into a bad side - mental and physical torment. And then all life will gradually become joy.

Learn to see people around you who are even worse off than you are now.

Learn to sympathize with them and instill in them faith and optimism. But don't humiliate them with pity. By feeling sorry for a person, you only strengthen him in his plight. It’s better to believe in him, that he will have the strength to get out of his misfortunes and illnesses. Learn to help such people to the best of your ability, but not to the detriment of yourself and your interests. When you help others without hurting yourself, you are also helping yourself.

Learn to act as if everything is fine with you - no matter how things really are with you, what your health really is.

What we think about ourselves is what we become - don't forget that!

But don’t turn your behavior into window dressing, when you want to demonstrate to other people that everything is fine with you. Do this not for others, but for yourself, even alone. When we hold our heads high and tell ourselves that we are doing well, we attract well-being into our lives with our positive thoughts.

Never tell yourself: "I can't" - whatever it concerns:recovery, work, exercise.

Better say: "I don't want to".

By saying “I can’t” we greatly limit our own capabilities. And very often behind these words we hide not our own inability to do this, but only our own reluctance and self-doubt.

If it seems to you that something is beyond your strength, try not to think too much about whether you can do it or not, but rather try to start doing it without thinking. You will be surprised to discover that you can actually do a lot - much more than you thought. Do it, don’t say “I can’t”! And you will see what you can!

By saying “I can’t,” we thus set a limit, a ceiling above which we cannot rise. And human possibilities are practically limitless. Just don't limit yourself. By starting to do “I can - I can’t” without thinking, we become stronger in spirit and body, as we expand our capabilities, master new horizons for ourselves, which makes us believe in ourselves and treat ourselves with respect.

Remember that neither success, nor defeat, nor illness, nor health arise from anywhere, they do not appear on their own. Man is created from what he did, what he thought about in the past. This is what our present is made of. And now, in the present, we are laying the seeds of our future.

Everything that a person thinks, what he believes in, what he does now - all of this will form the future.

Whether you are healthy or not is the result of what you have done in the past. Whether you will be strong or weak in the future depends on what you believe, what you think and how you act in the present.

The Health System is needed in order to change your present in the most favorable direction - change your thoughts, actions, actions, faith. By changing our present in a favorable direction with the help of the Health System, we lay down a healthy and happy future.

Which can be formed through perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Only thanks to the strength of spirit a person has the opportunity to achieve his goals and overcome the most difficult obstacles.

The Divine in Man

Much has been said about what fortitude is. This quality is often compared to willpower, or it is said that these two qualities go hand in hand. Human will is the ability to make decisions and strictly follow them. Fortitude is directly related to will, but it is more of an ideological concept.

The Slavic Magi of antiquity have a prayer. One of the quotes in it is about the strength of the spirit: “My body is a sheath for the blade of my spirit.” In many religious, as well as esoteric treatises, one and the same idea can be traced: the spirit is endowed with the nature of fire, or ether - that is, the place of the universe where the gods live. Regardless of concepts, this part of a person is considered to be given to him from above.

Some psychologists believe that alcoholics and drug addicts do not know what fortitude is. This is why the most expensive treatments are powerless against these addictions. From this follows the well-known principle that addiction cannot be cured - it only passes from one form to another. Therefore, a person can change as a person only by strengthening his spirit. Willpower is just one of the tools on the path to personal change.

Strength of spirit: definitions

The phrase “strength of spirit” has several definitions. Firstly, this is a quality that makes a person more courageous. It consists of several components: perseverance, willpower, perseverance. People who have this quality are metaphorically said to be made of iron. In this regard, we can quote about the strength of spirit of the poet N. Tikhonov: “If we could make nails out of these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world.” The poet said this about sailors who are ready to accept death. However, the development of inner strength is possible for every person; this process does not necessarily occur in the conditions of military service.

There is another definition of fortitude: it is a person’s ability to endure discomfort and unpleasant conditions in order to achieve a future goal. From this point of view, fortitude can be developed when a person knows how to say to himself: “Today I will tolerate discomfort so that tomorrow my desired goal will be achieved.”

What does fortitude give?

Firstly, a strong person is faster able to disarm his inner critic. After all, on the way to any goal you cannot avoid obstacles. And at some point there is a risk of giving up, deciding that there is not enough strength to reach the end. Only those whose spirit is strong will have a chance of defeating this negative inner voice and further moving towards their goal.

This quality also allows you to draw the right conclusions from mistakes made and not get stuck in self-accusation. A strong person will not waste his life energy on unnecessary repentance. Nor will he ignore his mistakes. His strategy is responsibility for the actions taken. Therefore, the strength of spirit allows you to consider every step as an acquisition of new experience.

In addition, this quality allows a person to honestly face his fears. Leaving your “comfort zone” is never easy. However, if a person is strong, he knows that he will be able to cope with stress and move forward no matter what.


One example of fortitude is Pasha Pasynkov from the work of the same name by K. Chukovsky. At the cost of his own life, he decides to take the fire of all enemy anti-aircraft guns on himself. Pasynkov's plane burns and becomes uncontrollable, but he still manages to land on the Neva. So the hero managed to keep intact not only houses and several bridges, but also many human lives. All this is thanks to the willpower of the protagonist.

Also, an example of firmness of spirit can be found in the texts of L. Ovchinnikova. They talk about the children of besieged Leningrad. Many of them were left without parents; before their eyes, houses collapsed and people died of hunger. Children gathered at the first call in the Palace of Pioneers, despite hunger, cold and deprivation. There they practiced knitting, sewing, drawing, dancing and singing. Then they did not yet know about the power that art has. The kids came to perform on a military cruiser. The adults, who had to deal with death every day, were amazed at the strength of the children’s spirit.

V. P. Astafiev: an example of spiritual power

Also, an example of the strength of a person’s spirit can be found in the text of journalist G.K. Sapronov, who is also a member of the Association of Book Publishers of Russia. The author reveals this topic using the example of the biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev. He was able to go through many hardships in life - orphanhood, homelessness, the war years, as well as post-war poverty and devastation. However, he managed to cope with all the troubles and remain himself. At the same time, Astafiev worked tirelessly. Every day he sat down at his desk and completed the stories he created in order to feed his family. Despite all the hardships, he did not give up and continued to work for himself and his family. The author is confident that only a strong-willed person is able to endure all the trials of life, overcome obstacles along the way and at the same time preserve his best personal qualities. One cannot but agree with this position.

The story of the pilot Maresyev

The story of pilot Alexei Maresyev also tells us what fortitude is. His plane crashed behind enemy lines. After that, he crawled to his home for 18 days, as his legs were damaged. After the pilot's limbs were amputated, he began to learn to walk on prosthetics, and then to fly the plane again. Maresyev’s overcoming of all difficulties speaks of his unbending will and courage. This is a true example of perseverance and fortitude that has gone down in history.

The best way to learn about fortitude is from quotes from great people. This is what Lucretius said about this: “The spirit is strong with joy.” One cannot but agree with this statement. After all, it is thanks to internal psychological resources that a person can be strong. Vitality, love and energy reserves allow you to move on, despite any obstacles. Joyful events of the past may be forgotten, but they continue to exist in the unconscious memory, giving strength to overcome obstacles and new achievements. When your soul becomes sad, you have no faith in your own strength, you are overcome by anxiety or fatigue, it is important to remember the words of Lucretius. By reflecting on good events, a person has the opportunity to strengthen his spirit.

Strengthening inner resilience

And here is what the French writer and entomologist J. Fabre said about this: “Happy, thrice happy is the man who is tempered by the adversities of life.” It is believed that by going through life's difficulties, a person becomes stronger. After all, a crisis is a turning point when previous actions turn out to be ineffective, and a person has not yet come up with new ways of behavior.

A mentally strong person is one who knows how to invent these ways of coping with a difficult life situation. Anyone who does not know what fortitude is has every chance of finding it in difficult circumstances. It is the positive experience of meeting difficult situations that strengthens a person. After all, this knowledge will give him confidence in the future. If he was able to deal with problems before, he will know that he is capable of solving these problems.

Circumstances in which a person has a chance to become stronger

Sometimes it happens that a difficult situation in a person’s life does not find a solution for a long time. In this case, the human spirit does not become stronger. One does not lose hope that everything can change for the better. The other simply adapts to new living conditions. In the latter case, the person does not become stronger, his spirit remains weak. After all, avoiding a difficult situation is not a way to overcome life’s obstacles.

For example, a person may quit a job where he is having problems. And at his next workplace a similar situation will await him. Or he cannot build good relationships and strives to find a new husband or wife. In this case, he will also face similar problems. After all, in the previous situation he did not learn a valuable lesson, which means that life will continue to confront him with similar circumstances until he learns to strengthen his spirit and overcome the obstacles facing him.

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