What does it mean to be able to understand people? An option that takes time but does not guarantee results

How often do we from the outside give advice to family and friends that this person cannot be trusted, but this one can. But when it comes to ourselves, situations constantly arise when we find ourselves deceived, betrayed and abandoned. It is at this moment that a desire arises to learn to understand the character of people, to understand what they are really pursuing, and whether it is worth continuing communication at all.

Psychology has long unraveled all the secrets of character and offers methods for understanding personality. This is not only the division of people by temperament, but also the ability to unravel the meaning of gestures and reactions to a particular situation.

Personality temperaments

Still, it is worth starting the study of personality psychology with basic knowledge. These include temperaments. There are 4 of them in total, but do not forget that there are also mixed traits that are not discovered immediately, but during long-term communication.

Phlegmatic person. Distinctive features: regularity, slowness, even lethargy. Such people rarely show emotions, they simply do not know how to do it. Finding themselves in a difficult situation, phlegmatic people begin to analyze it. To others, isolation seems like arrogance and arrogance, but this is not entirely true. Often a typical phlegmatic person turns out to be a sweet, sympathetic person who can become a true friend.

Sanguine. The complete opposite of a phlegmatic person. Sanguine people are open and cheerful people who take on any task and agree to adventures. But the problem lies in the fact that they quickly get bored with everything. The mood can change completely suddenly. In addition, they are very superficial even towards their loved ones.

Choleric. This type is distinguished by sharp, explosive character traits. Cholerics are very temperamental, they act under the control of emotions, which they may greatly regret later. But they are more sincere than sanguine people. If you come to terms with certain character traits, the choleric person will become a faithful friend or companion for life.

Melancholic. Such people are very sensitive, they are easy to offend, but also easy to win. Melancholic people are characterized by a sad mood and uncertainty; they are often withdrawn and avoid communication. Due to their nature, they become attached to one person for life and experience breakups painfully. It is difficult to be friends with melancholic people, but you can always tell him about your experiences, and he will understand and support.

There are many tests to determine temperament, but their result will never be certain. A pure personality type does not occur in nature; usually one of them dominates, and the other complements it.

Getting to know a person can already give us enough information to decide whether to continue communication or not. This is not about external data, which can be attractive or vice versa, but a deeper analysis of the characteristics of the interlocutor. There are several patterns of behavior that can tell you a lot.

Imagine the situation that you are on a blind date or a young man or girl has approached you to get acquainted.

During the conversation, pay attention to the following details:

1) The ability to adapt to the situation. For example, you agreed to meet in a cafe. Test his emotional stability by offering to go to the cinema, because there is a film on there that you have long wanted to see. If a newly made acquaintance begins to argue for the illogicality of such a decision, most likely you have come across a personality type with a lack of adaptation skills, that is, the ability to quickly make decisions and switch from situation to situation. Soon the relationship will become a burden for you, because there will be a great many such antics.

2) The ability to listen. This is a very important point, because attentiveness to the interlocutor is either there or not. And there's nothing you can do about it. Being interested in how you are doing, he will never ask why - this behavior trait speaks of false interest.

3) In a conversation with a person, try to find out as much as possible about his environment. Who does he communicate with, what are his family relationships like? If he shares his stories with interest and talks about having real friends, then feel free to continue your acquaintance. It’s worth thinking about when the interlocutor begins to complain about everyone, that he was abandoned and betrayed. Agree, it rarely happens that everyone turns away from a good and selfless person in an instant.

These rules apply not only to the example given, but also to any similar situation. For example, in the business field, when you are going to hire an employee or plan a collaboration.

If you have become more than acquaintances

When you spend a lot of time together at work or while pursuing a common hobby, you have the opportunity to carefully observe a person and study his character traits. Soon you will learn to draw up a psychological portrait and understand how a friend or colleague treats you.

Observe the following character traits:

  1. Emotional stability. If your friend reacts violently to every situation that happens to him, you will soon feel his emotions on yourself. Many people look for a loved one to pour out their negative emotions on, thereby freeing themselves from them. If you feel depressed and low on energy after meetings, then you shouldn’t continue.
  2. User attitude. We all love when we are praised and given compliments, but often this is not from the heart, although we would like to believe otherwise. If a work colleague or friend, after a short acquaintance, begins to ask you to replace him or to carry out an assignment, then you are being taken advantage of. This is especially noticeable when the requests become significant and come at the expense of your time and personal life.
  3. Pretense. Take a closer look at how a person behaves with you alone and in company. An honest and decent friend will not change his tactics and pretend to be someone else.
  4. The desire to be near you. If an acquaintance strives to spend a lot of time in your circle, asks about your interests, takes your opinion into account, then he sincerely wants to become a friend or something more. If he often has urgent matters, he is constantly busy, then do not waste your precious time.

Each of us knows these seemingly simple rules. But during the period of communication with a person who is attractive, they are forgotten. Therefore, maintain your common sense and evaluate people not by their external qualities, but by their attitude towards you.

Most often, the reason why we want to learn to understand people is the reluctance to remain deceived. Therefore, you should remember a few gestures and habits that will help you understand whether a person is lying or telling the truth.

They communicate with you sincerely if:

  • eyes look into your eyes;
  • the interlocutor has a free posture, arms and legs are relaxed and in a natural position;
  • speech is connected, voice is even;
  • the person answers your questions quickly and without hesitation;
  • smiles sincerely - along with the lips, this emotion is also expressed by the eyes.

You are being deceived if:

  • when talking, the gaze often moves from one side to the other;
  • arms and legs are crossed, movements are sharp. Often the deceiver cannot find a place for himself;
  • the voice changes intonation. If a person is lying, then he unconsciously tries to speak more quietly;
  • the speech may be incoherent, the interlocutor is confused about the facts, takes long pauses;
  • he smiles without raising the corners of his mouth. This facial expression is more like a grin.

The more points tilt you in one direction or another, the more accurate your guesses will be. But still, it is worth taking into account some irritating factors, for example, an unfamiliar environment, noise, or poor health of the interlocutor. Therefore, conclusions should be drawn carefully.

To accurately learn to see through people and guess their intentions, experts in personality psychology advise developing useful skills. They will help not only in relationships with people, but also in any life situation.

What you need to do to be able to understand people:

  1. Develop intuition. Your subconscious knows a lot more than you think. It stores all the impressions, good or bad, received from communicating with people. Therefore, sometimes you seem to feel your inner voice telling you whether to trust a person or not. Learn to hear it, and you will be able to intuitively guess the catch.
  2. Apply knowledge through experience. You can read as much literature as you like, but if you don’t practice, your knowledge will remain useless. At first it will be difficult to remember the subtleties of psychology, but soon it will become a habit.
  3. Learn to analyze. A person can seem like a true friend for a very long time and behave with dignity, but someday the deception will be revealed. This will be indicated by seemingly insignificant details. Therefore, learn to pay attention to the nuances of behavior and habits of the people around you, because a person cannot pretend all the time.

Once you start observing those around you, you will see how much falseness and insincerity there is in them. But don't let this shock you. After all, good people will always be nearby, and you will feel calm and confident with them, without thinking about betrayal and lies.

Video: how to understand people

The need to learn to understand people most often arises after a person has been deceived several times about others. This is especially interesting if you are a presenter at a Kyiv holiday. Those who seem at first glance to be reliable, responsible people can unexpectedly let us down, someone whom we consider kind and caring causes us pain, and someone in whom we did not suspect high spiritual qualities turns out to be a true friend and wonderful person. Since we all depend to one degree or another on the people around us, we don’t want to rely on “maybe” in such an important matter. How can you learn to understand people? This is what we will talk about today.

What you should read to understand people

Since the topic of today’s article is very broad, I would like to give several references to theoretical material that will be useful to you when moving towards your goal. Firstly, be sure to read books on body language, gestures, facial expressions, which say a lot about a person. If you are not afraid of some stereotypical approach, you can also study materials on physiognomy (determining character by facial features) and psychological characteristics based on temperament (remember - choleric, sanguine). It will help you better understand people and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), since in this area it is very important to be able to read the signals given by a person unconsciously and interpret them. If you set a goal, a lot of useful information can be found by studying books and articles on personnel matters (personnel recruitment), because specialists in this field must be able to perfectly understand people during the time that the interview lasts.

Now for practice

No matter how many books you read, it is impossible to learn to understand people without practice. So you will need practical experience. How to get it?

1. Develop and listen to your intuition

Very often, an inner voice tells us (mainly at the level of sensations or feelings) how to treat this or that person. Some people give us goosebumps and a feeling of anxiety; with other people we immediately feel calm and confident; with others we simply feel that “something is wrong.” Intuition tells us something that we have not yet had time to realize, but at the subconscious level we have already perceived and recognized. Do not ignore your inner voice, you will still receive confirmation later that your feelings warned you, but there will probably be some losses.

2. Train awareness and concentration

Suppose you have studied and even memorized the meaning of the various signals that a person gives through body language. In order to apply this knowledge in practice, you need to constantly maintain concentration on the object of your study and not slip into the unconscious. After five minutes of communication, you can easily forget that you were going to observe and analyze something, and to prevent this from happening, develop the ability to focus on your task.

3. Draw conclusions in the appropriate context.

The opinion that a person can only be known in trouble or an extreme situation exists for a reason. In familiar situations, most of us follow certain patterns of behavior, put on “protective” masks for others and can pretend to be something other than who we are. Of course, I will not advise you to drag the person you want to understand into the mountains or create conditions that threaten his life so that he opens up and you see it. But be careful and especially observant in any situation that is non-standard for a person. When he leaves his comfort zone, when there is no way to use a pattern of reaction and behavior, then you will see the very essence of a person. Because he will make a decision in such a situation, following his inner values, and you, being nearby, will understand what these values ​​are and, accordingly, what kind of person is in front of you. The more non-standard this situation is, the easier it is to understand the person.

A Nugget of Wisdom

I think that you can learn to understand people through your own experience, if this experience is not passive, but actively observational. Make your observations, analyze and put your conclusions into a mental treasury - remember that knowledge gained from your own experience is more valuable than any received from the outside. And I would like to end with the words of the sage from the parable about pride and humility: “You can trust those who are easy to communicate with you and always tell you the truth, no matter what it is. These are the people who will be the first to come to your aid.”

Trying to learn to understand people, to determine their character traits according to any typology, sooner or later you come to a dead end. Sometimes we even become the subject of someone’s manipulation. Or the person we are communicating with suddenly says or does something that was not at all expected from him. And now we don’t know what to do; we feel resentment, bewilderment, and anxiety. I wish I could learn some simple rules to find an approach to people and not make mistakes...

- How can I understand whether a person sincerely wishes me well, is interested in communication, and treats me well? Or does he want to use me, deceive me, assert himself at my expense? so as not to become a victim of your own gullibility or ignorance?

As sad as it is, it happens that, considering a person to be friendly and sincere, we are deceived in him. Sometimes we even become the subject of someone’s manipulation. Or the person we are communicating with suddenly says or does something that was not at all expected from him. And now we don’t know what to do; we feel resentment, bewilderment, and anxiety. It’s not clear why he behaves this way, what’s wrong with him?

I wish I could learn some simple rules so as not to make mistakes in them.

Human character

For questions about communicating with people, we turn to psychology. And there are many articles and books designed to understand another person, understand his character and develop behavioral tactics. One way or another, they usually try to divide people according to some criteria. For example, we all know the typology of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. Or by personality type: introvert, extrovert, ambivert. According to the perception of information: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital, etc. And what does this give us? How does it help to learn to understand people?

Trying to learn to understand people, to determine their character traits according to any typology, sooner or later you come to a dead end. There is no complete picture. Something does not fit together, contradicts one another. The same person behaves one way in some situations, and in others - completely differently. Or some properties of the characteristic accurately describe the interlocutor, but others have absolutely nothing to do with him. And I really want to get some practical guidance on communicating and recognizing others.

We are looking for an approach: about the rules of communicating with people systematically

An accurate method of understanding the psyche is “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. It examines the differences in the human psyche according to vectors - sets of innate properties, abilities and desires that determine his thinking, life values ​​and aspirations. There are eight such vectors. A person can be the owner of from one to eight, more often - three or four vectors.

Difficulties in communication

It’s not easy if you become an object on which negative emotions are poured out. A representative of the visual vector can throw a hysteria if he is in a bad mental state, namely, fears: from literal fear for his life to numerous ones. Accusations of lack of attention and indifference, emotional blackmail and manipulation are used. A person in visual fears unconsciously demands: “Love me! I feel bad, I’m afraid - protect me!”

Such a person vitally needs emotional connections with other people. Potentially, the owners of the visual vector are kind, sympathetic, and sensitive. They are able to realize all their sensory resources in art, raising children, and caring for those in need. But when a person with a visual vector is not able to build emotional intimacy, does not reveal his sensuality with others, then he himself becomes a victim of his unspent emotions.

Difficulties in communication

During communication, it is difficult to get rid of the feeling that the interlocutor does not care about you: he looks somewhere through you, or, rather, inside himself, speaks quietly, sometimes understated, as if he has already thought it up for himself, and sees no point in explaining it to you. It is unpleasant to feel like an empty place when communicating with such egocentrics. They may easily not answer at all if the subject of the conversation does not seem worth their attention to them. Or even show hostility and arrogance.

The bottom line is that the owner of the sound vector is of little interest in everyday topics. His mind is focused on uncovering global abstract issues: “What is the meaning of life?”, “Who am I and what is my purpose?”, “Where did we come from and where are we going?”. In the course of his eternal search, these questions are modified and take on a particular form, which is manifested, for example, in the study of exact sciences, inventive research, writing, philosophical or religious research. In the modern world, the main interests of sound engineers are Internet technologies and psychology.

Such a person needs concentration and silence. Therefore, he appears aloof, indifferent and silent. An endless stream of thoughts in search of the meaning of life removes him from petty, everyday conversations. His dislike of noise and loud voices is due to his particularly sensitive hearing. Remember: sometimes he needs to be alone with his ideas.

The rules for communicating with people of this type include limiting conversations “about nothing.” Get to the heart of the issue that needs to be resolved without being distracted by empty talk.

Touchy but fair people

We often come across people like this: they speak and do everything slowly, thoroughly, efficiently, even pedantically, and are very erudite. They like to talk about the past: “Where is the world going? Nowadays..." Also frequent topics of conversation are family, home, making something with your own hands, justice. In general, they give the impression of honest, decent, open people, maybe a little simple-minded, but endearing. All these are qualities characteristic of.

Difficulties in communication

Owners of the anal vector are stubborn debaters, straightforward, ready to cut the truth without caring about the feelings of their opponent. Some may harass you with lectures or criticism. And if they are offended, they are unlikely to forget about it: they will not fail to remind you on occasion or even take revenge.

The owners of this vector gravitate towards justice and equality - everything should be smooth for them. And in relationships it’s like this: good things will be repaid, bad things will not be tolerated. If they themselves treat someone unfairly, they will feel guilty. When they were not treated as they should be, they feel it.

If such a person is offended by you, apologize, apologize - he will forgive, because in this case his internal balance will be restored. During a conversation, you should not rush him or interrupt him - it is useless, otherwise he will start again. If you want to please him, ask for his advice and competent opinion.

The ability to understand a person with an anal vector should not be superficial. It is also necessary to distinguish his condition - this can change everything. Who is in front of you: the best husband and father or a potential sadist? All the subtleties of the anal vector can be learned at the free online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

Secretive people

There must be a lot of people around you who are of a different type: they speak briefly, succinctly, and generally don’t like to be frank about themselves - they would prefer to get information from you. The subject of their conversations is, one way or another, profit, benefit, their ambitions. For them, time is money. They can be very resourceful and adapt to changing conditions. These are representatives.

Difficulties in communication

If the owner of the skin vector is developed psychologically and is not in a stressful state, then he is organized, collected, and gives the impression of a real manager. Otherwise, not having sufficient self-discipline, but without losing the desire to limit others, he may throw in inadequate prohibitions: “No! You can’t!”, and when you encounter resistance, you can even make a row. He is no longer distinguished by composure and precision, but by flickering. The natural desire to save and optimize when the properties of the vector are underdeveloped or unrealized manifests itself in greed and pettiness, the pursuit of discounts and freebies.

If you were a victim of someone's deception or fraud, then the offender was most likely a representative of the skin vector in poor conditions. However, these same people are potentially born legislators and servants of order.

When communicating with owners of this vector, you should not go into details: they value their time. Topics for conversation include career, financial well-being, healthy lifestyle, sports, technical innovations, etc. Learning to understand people of this type will not be such a difficult task if you systematically know what motivates them.

Communication at a new level

The reason we suffer when communicating with people is a lack of understanding of their nature. The behavior of others will cease to be an annoying mystery, you just have to understand their mental properties, aspirations and problems.

By understanding the psyche, you will begin to feel more sympathy for others. And hostility towards others will no longer poison your life. Communication with people will be a joy. You will no longer be negatively affected by the manifestations of your interlocutor:

    excessive emotionality and mood swings,

    indifference and aloofness,





    inadequate demands and others.

Does it seem surprising that you can find an approach to people with any character? Yuri Burlan's training confirms this:

Find out more about the properties and characteristics of human behavior on.

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

« A person’s character is a book in which there are many encrypted and lost pages” Oksana Sergeeva (author of psychological bestsellers).

Character- a set of mental properties that determine a person’s lifestyle, behavior, his attitude towards his responsibilities, towards other people and towards himself. A person’s character most directly affects his personal life, relationships with other people, career and well-being.

At school we are taught mathematics, the Russian language, history, labor, but we are not taught to understand people at all, but in adult life we ​​have to negotiate and come to agreements every day: with our own children and parents, business partners, with loved ones and friends. Do you always succeed in this effectively?

There are many psychological tests with which you can get a more or less objective idea of ​​a person’s character. But how wrote Arkady Petrovich Egides(PhD in Psychology and a specialist in family and sexology) in the book “How to Learn to Understand People”: “...you won’t offer tests to every person before you start communicating with him.”

Our ideas about the world are only part of this world, and not the world itself. Once you think about this situation, you will, for example, understand why the word “table” has different associations for different people. The masseur will immediately introduce - a massage table, your wife - a kitchen table, you - a dining or writing table, a surgeon - an operating room. This means that our different perceptions often become a stumbling block in constructive communication. And in order to better understand your interlocutor, you need to strive to expand the boundaries of your reality.

So, as you already guessed, the ability to understand people is a whole science, and having mastered it, you can quite easily find an individual approach to each person.

And first you need to make it a rule that life is always luck, and any communication is art. The main thing is to set your perspective correctly and always remember: only those who know how to get real pleasure from communicating with people achieve success.

If you have a desire to become successful, attract like-minded people, and also learn to solve issues of any complexity by interacting with people, then this article is for you! In it we have collected advice from the most famous psychology experts. The article is aimed at helping to find an individual approach to people with different characters, moral values ​​and life principles, and therefore making communication pleasant and useful. Original copyright rules will help you learn with pleasure!

Laws of Mastery

Oksana Sergeeva in the book “How to Learn to Understand People” he offers 49 simple rules, using which you can “pick up the key” to a person with the most complex character. She identifies people in whom active emotions predominate, be it joy, anger or malice, and calls them STENIKS. And people who experience emotions such as sadness, despondency, melancholy, that is, emotions that suppress active activity - ASTHENICS. It is very easy to distinguish them. For example, fear puts an asthenic person into a “stupor”, but an asthenic person, on the contrary, mobilizes all his capabilities at this moment. Often, difficulties in communication arise if both types communicate with each other, that is, one of the interlocutors is asthenic, the other is asthenic. Asthenics may seem unemotional people in appearance. You need to get used to the fact that their emotions are expressed in a boring way.

We decided in this article to highlight only some of the most important and useful, in our opinion, rules of the above-mentioned book:

Rule #1. Approaching people without emotion

Such people show their emotions only in extraordinary, stressful situations. They masterfully hide their likes or dislikes.

Non-emotional people express their attitude towards the world differently than emotional people: not through emotions, but through thoughts. The approach to such people can be found quite simply - you need to be able to push them to talk about their impressions. But initially, do not expect emotions in the story; of course, it will contain only reasoned conclusions.

Rule #2. Approaching people with a negative attitude

People of this type are usually embittered by life and filled with negative emotions. They have conflicts with relatives and are often dissatisfied with themselves.

You cannot ignore such a person, but on the contrary, you need to try in every possible way to help him relieve this stress - ask him why he is so upset, but under no circumstances try to “get into his soul.” If a person makes contact with you, it means you have already helped him a little.

Rule #3. Approach to people of mood

Each person has his own emotional background, which is called mood. In life there are people with a positive emotional background and a negative one. Of course, people of the first group are comfortable in communication, but communicating with people who are always in a bad mood is not a pleasant experience. Because any little thing, any detail can easily ruin their good mood. This means that in a conversation you should adhere to the tactic of “getting ahead of your interlocutor.” For example, if you have to tell such a person unpleasant news, it is better not to put it off. If you report something unpleasant for him at the end of the conversation, then this person will have a bad feeling about the entire conversation as a whole.

Rule #4. Approach to people with explosive temperaments

A state of affect is an emotional outburst. Affect in severe forms can have very terrible consequences - in this state people even go to murder. This means be moderately polite and friendly, even if communicating with such a person does not give you any pleasure. Be also careful and diligent, for example, to the instructions of your boss, but also have your own opinion.

Rule #5. Approach to people who absorb other people's energy

People, so-called “energy vampires,” can deprive you of your vital energy completely when communicating with you. Their characteristics: they are overly curious, they want to know everything about you, they try to touch you. In conversation they may appear sweet and even-tempered. The best advice for communicating with them is to avoid all contact.

Rule #6. Approach to manipulative people

Their life is wonderful if they have found a loophole to other people's money, talent, fame. People of this type, as a rule, have an unpresentable appearance: “they are not handsome, but they are not bad-looking either.” They dress discreetly. They are not distinguished by any outstanding quality.

It is common for them to beg for help for the last time, but you do not give in to provocations on their part, be firm and adamant.

Rule #7. Approach to people who cross the boundaries of what is permitted in society

We are talking about people who are capable of transgressing the rules of the highest morality; they are very dangerous to others. For them there are no authorities and principles. It's unpleasant to talk to such people.

It is best to exclude such a person from your circle of acquaintances, since such an acquaintance cannot lead to anything good.

Rule #8. Approach to shy, timid, touchy people

These are those people whom nature has not endowed with a strong-willed, strong character. These are people who are accustomed to their parents doing everything for them since childhood.

You need to behave very carefully with such people: do not succumb to their persuasion and tricks, otherwise you yourself will not notice how you will turn into a “wish granter.”

Rule #9. Approach to people with incredible talent

Genius is something of an anomaly, often bordering on madness. For example, the famous artist Van Gogh created a large number of his works while in a psychiatric hospital.

When communicating with such people, do not forget to evaluate his talent. Geniuses, like children, also need constant recognition and expect praise every time.

Rule #10. Approach to people with an egocentric type of perception of reality

Such people constantly strive to create comfort and convenience for themselves. In communication, selfish leaders. But egoists are actually very vulnerable people: they are so proud that they may not notice the hostility or ridicule of others. Compliments are the best medicine for egoists.

Now we have reached the last point of our article, but swimming in the sea of ​​effective successful communication does not end there. It's just beginning. I hope you have gotten to know yourself better. And that's great! After all, it is the best and most exciting activity on earth.

How to learn to understand yourself? Materials for answering this question are in.

As we get older, we begin to make new friends and communicate with the opposite sex. It happens that we thought a person was kind, honest, sympathetic, but in fact he turned out to be the complete opposite. In order for such situations not to be a surprise, and such people not to meet on your way, you need to be able to understand people. Someone can tell from the first glance at a person what he needs from you, what his intentions are towards you. And some find it difficult to do this. But you can learn, the main thing is desire.

Some simple tips on how to acquire the ability to understand people.

In order to learn to understand other people, you first need to learn to understand yourself.

Look at yourself from the outside in any situation, evaluate your actions. Also read literature, watch online lectures on self-development. If you can understand yourself, you can understand others.

Don't stop at theory, practice.

If you have read literature on self-development, go out into the street and try to understand every person you pass by.

Try to develop your intuition.

The so-called sixth sense sometimes helps us. It conveys to us what our mind has not yet had time to perceive. When we first meet one person, we feel warm and calm, but when we meet someone else, we are overcome with a feeling of fear and anxiety. You need to give meaning to such feelings, because they don’t just arise. Over time, perhaps you will understand that your sixth sense did not deceive you.

Watch how a person acts in different situations.

Everyone knows the words “a friend in need is a friend in need.” These are not just words, they contain a deep meaning. In everyday life, many people put on masks and try to fit in with the society in which they find themselves. To see a person's real face, it is enough to observe him in an extreme situation. There, a person does not have time to put on a mask, he is who he is. The more difficult the situation a person finds himself in, the better he will show his essence, his face.

Learn sign language.

This is a great way to easily understand a person. Pay attention to even the smallest details and movements. Often, such movements will be involuntary. Talk to the person, but do not forget to observe him. Not only listen to what a person says, but also notice how he does it.

Learning to understand people is difficult, but possible. Before you try to understand someone, understand yourself.

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